T1rt. A rERNMENT WEATHER FORECAST. IN TONIGHT; SUNDAY, RAIN, COOLER. AIL Y CAPITA L JOURNAL. L.XVI. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOI1ER IS, 100(1. NO. 21(1. EATH RIDES ON RUNAWAY CAR IFTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT FOR ADMISSION IIG GUN WEDS TROOPS ON THE iperor uuaras Fraulein Krupp Fearing She Will Be Assassinated BORDER Issen, Germany, OOct. 13. Fear- the assassination of Fraulein lupp before her marriage to Lieu- fant Von.Hohlen Monday, the elis or Is guarding the Krupp man- as carefully as his own palace. le bride will present a quarter of a Won dollars to the pension fund the Kruppe works. Essen, Oct. 13. Although the re gions ceremony of the marriage of Irtha Krupp to Von Bohlen Is set Monday, the civil ceremony was Irformed today. The couple are &w really married, the civil cere- bny being legally binding. Mexico Sends 2,000 Soldiers to Overawe the Incipient Revolution . Laredo, Texas, Oct. 13. Two thousand Mexican troops have been sent to the border near Rio Grande City, where- two leaders of the revo lutionists have been arrested by American officials. It Is thought there are many other rebels In the vicinity. A representative of the Mexican government Is present at the trial now In progress. THUGS MUST LEAVE GREAT ? GROUNDS JAMMED San Francisco Organizes Com mittee of Safety to Aid Police .Chicago Turns out Tremen dous Crowd to See To day's Game I LEAPS FROM TRACK The Pope Is Well. Rome, Oct. 13. The pope re ived many visitors today, and the itlcan declares the pope Is in per- ct health. Grouard, apostolic dele- Ito to Athabasca, N. W. T., was Dong the callers. Pcleo Is Quiet. Now York, Oct. 13. The French Ible Company today denies the re- rted eruption of Pelee, and says volcano Is quiet. RAILWAY CLERK STRIKE El Paso, Tex., Oct. 13. Every member of the Brotherhood of Rail way Clerks of the Atlantic system and the Southern Pacific, from El Paso to New Orleans, Is on a strike this morning. The clerks ask 10 per cent Increase in wages, and pay for over time, and recognition of the order. niGAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE eautif til New, Fresh ioods Now On Sale In Every Department Throughout the Entire Establishment Prices Away Down to Induce Quick Selling The enormous volume of business we are doing now would do credit to some of tho big stores In Chicago or New York. Remem- Iber, we are the leaders of low prices on first class merchandise. Do your trading. The Store That Saves You Money When you get our prices you will see how we save you money. Here Is a list of beautiful goods to select frem: San Francisco, Oct. 13. A prelim inary great mass meeting of tho citi zens was held this afternoon to form a committee of public safety. Tho committee on chairman met this morning to select a. chairman, whoso duty it would be to name a commit tee of 100. The plan in general was also Informally discussed, and May or Gallagher's position considered, he having declared that ho would not permit the committee on safety to usurp police powers. There seems to bo a division of sentiment among the leaders of tho mevement: some advocating vigorous measures, which some affect to believo means lynch ing the thugs when caught: while others stand for coalition with the police. It can bo safely predicted, however tho lntter nlan will win. na only a very smnll minority favor a vjgllnnt organization such as ruled and cleaned up tho city in tho dnys of the gold excitement. Tho deter mination of the committee on safety to Investigate the alleged collusion of police with the thugs is unshaken, and It Is claimed that evldonco In proof of this has already been se cured. The protection of resorts fre quented by crooks, is also bolng looked, Into. Offers of financial sup port In tho movement to rid the city of thugs are coming from many parts of tho state, Fresno, Eureka, Sacra mento, San Jose and Santa Cruz al ready having .been heard from. II The series of championship .Banies botWPOn Mio KnMnnnls represented by tho Cubs, and Vho Americans, by the Whlto Socks, has played four games to date, with the following scores First Sox 1, Cubs 0. Second Sox 1, Cubs 7. Third Sox 3, Cubs 0. 1 Fourth Sox 0, Cubs 1. Chicago, Oct. 13. Offers of out side cities for tho seventh gnmo have 'ecji declined. Tho national com mlFsIon at tho close of today's gamo will toss a coin to decido at which park In Chicago the seventh gnmo will be played, If the seventh Is necessary. Chicago, Oct. 13. It is balmy weather with bright sunshine. Tho htt'if holiday caused 'on incrcaso in at tendance and enthusiam in tho gnmo this afternoon. Rooters, carrying all sorts of noise makers fought for an entrance to every car headed for tho arena. The gates were closed at 1:30, af ter 25,000 had Jammed In, and 10, 000 were turned down, who wore fighting to reach tho ticket window. Newspaper men. for whom n special ato was provided, fought for half an hour to get through tho crowd Tho roar from tho rooters drowned all other sounds. Tho board of trado rooters had live bear cubs on the One Killed, Four Badly Man gled and Fifteen Others Injured BRAINED WITH AN AXE Los Angeles, Oct. 13. A Brook lyn avenuo car rnn awny on 'a steep curvo this morning, on account of tho brakes failing to work, Jumped tho track nml ovorturned, killing W. A. Bonnott underneath It. It Injured over n scoro of the GO passengers on board. Tho car was racing mndly along, and when It reached tho curvo it took the first curve, but at tho ro verso It flew tho track and over turned. II. C. Bowdcrs, the motor man, staid at his post, but passongors hanging onto tho enr Jumped. Bar-' rett was killed outright, C. A. Catt-! Ictt, badly bruised and crushed; N, II. Frcltnge, right leg crushed so badly that amputation will bo neces sary; Mary Murray, chest crushed and head bruised producing concus sion of the brnln; Mrs. LIUlo Ilrcnde, crushed, and nt least 1G others hurt, but not so seriously. Insane Farmer Kills Wife and Six Children Then Com mits Suicide Newport, Tonn.. Oct. 13. Ohnl bum Mintooth, aged 57, and ono of tho most prominent fnrmors lit this neighborhood, today murdorcd Ills wlfo and four chlldron, fatally In jured two other children nml com mitted suicldo by cutting his thront. All tho ovldonco shows Mintooth went suddenly Insane Tho mur ders woro committed with an nx, ho training his wlfo nml children. EARTH HAS THE THE ANGELUS, RestawS'Baonery REGULAR DINNER 25c MEALS, LUNCHES. ETC., 10c AXI) UP Fresh Oysters, Refreshments, Homo-Mndo Candles nntl Pastry nhinyfi on hand. Fresh dally. Open from O n. in. to 12 p. m. 170-Commercial St. Phono 38. 1'ISE SILKS NEW DRESS GOODS Ladies' LOXG COATS Mu..' LOXG COATS CHILDREN'S COATS LADIES' SUITS Aides' Dress SKIRTS OUTING FLANNELS PETTICOATS, 75c up IiADlES' FINE SHOES CHILDREN'S SHOES GIRL'S SHOES SILK PETTICOATS sILk WAISTS 1-VE 3IILLINBRY AXCY FEATHERS 5TRICH FEATHERS CHILDREN'S HATS CHILDREN'S CAPS FUR BOYS' SHOES MEN'S SHOES Laldes' Underwear CkSttrea's Underwear Mea'a UNDRRDEAR Boys' UN)DERYKAH LADIES' HOSIERY Children's HOSIERY MEN'S CLOTHIXO BOYS' CLOTHING Knit WOOL SHAWLS SILK UMBRELLAS . BR0UWER MURDER TRIAL J Toms River, N. J Oct. 13. Dr. John .Vurshall, continued his testi mony lu tho Brouwer caso this morn ing, showing the minuto quantities of arsenic found In tho various parts of tho dead woman's body might have been from tho embalming fluid. He said bo found arsenic In tho brain, while arsenic administered in life, some time before death, would not be found In tho brain. ' Toms River, Oct. 13. Tho court adjourned until Monday, Marshall, (who was still on the stand, as a wit ness, was Instructed by the court SHAKES Albuquerque, N. M., Oct. 13. Tho severest earthquake In months wns felt at Cocorro yestorday. It lasted ton minutes. Slight shocks were felt at tho same time hero. JUDGE "TAFFIES1 ROCKEY Knnsas City, Ma., Oct. 13. Judgo Wooford, for 20 yearn criminal Judgo horo, this morning In sentencing u prlsonor for burglary, tmld: "You nro what Ib called tho under dog. I'm for tho under dog all tho tlmo. I consldor Rockofellor an undor dog, hocnuso ovorybody Jumps on him. , I don't know him, but think ho Is tho most nbiiBCd man in tho country." Caused by tho Fog. Tlvoli, N. Y., Oct. 13. Ono man was drowned, ono is missing nml six passengers Injured in a collision this morning botweon tho stenmor Adi rondack and Snratoga, on tho Hud son river, In a fog. grounds as mascots. Jones says If Walsh wins today ho will use Altrock tomorrow nnd Welsh again Monday. He says ho Is hardup for a shortstop, nolther Davis nor Tnnnohlll being in shape. Tho bntterles aro Walsh nnd Sullivan; Ruelbach and Kllng. As the tlmo for play approached tho crowd unable to get In Increased to 15,000. Tannehlll was put In at short and Rhoo nt third. Tho Cubs entered tho field lending two big black bears, which snapped and snarled amusing ly. First Inning Box 1, Cubs 3. Second Sox 0, Cubs 0. Third Sox 1, Cubs 0 . Fourth Sox 4, Cubs 1. Fifth Sox 0, Cuba 0. Sixth Sox 1, CubH 2. Seventh Sox 0, Cubs 0. Eighth Sox 0, Cubs 0, Ninth Sox 0, Cubs 0. Final score Sox 7, Cubs C You'll Never Get One Cheaper IF YOU DKHIRi: A DIAMOND RING, AND MOST HEADEItH LONG FOR ONE, YOU HAD BETTER HIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE THAT DR. II. E. WRIOHT, THE FAMOUS PAINLESS DENTIST, IH GOING TO WIVE ONE AWAY FREE TO ONE OF HIS PATIENTS ON JANUARY 1, 1007. IT 18 WORTH $123 AND CAN HE SEEN IN ISARK'H 1VINDOW ON STATE STREET. CORSETS LADIES' BELTS DOMESTICS TABLE LINENS BLANKETS COMFORTS SHOPPING BAGS RIBBONS KLD GLOVES DRESS TRIMMINGS STANDARD Patterns NOTIONS SALEM'S FASTEST GEO WING STOKE. IfPVflV RDAC Corn of Coaaer WC f U I DltUd. cbl sa Cowt Struts II MSfHUSm iSImS-HMlf HHISJHBIHHttf IS! WM. WALLACE GRAHAM, Violinist STUDIO AT BALDWIN RESIDENCE, 143 COURT STREET, MONDAYS ONLY. ARRANGEMENTS FOR LESSONS CAN BE ! ! MADE BY PHONE OR IN PERSON" AT STUDIO. ENSAMBLE ! ! ALSO GIVEN. I iisisiiismsiiitstisitisisisisisinniaiM not to consult with attorneys for the defense during the recess, F: E. Newberry GRADUATE CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE, PUPIL OF RUDOLPH GANZ, TWO YEARS WITH WIL LAMETTE UNIVERSITY, nAS OPENED MUSIC STUDIO, HOOOMS 0 AND 10 IS I. O. O. F. TEMPLE. HOURS 0 TO S. BUSINESS HOURS 1TOK Millions for Charity. London, Oct. 13. Today tho wid ow of tho late Sam Lewis Hill died, necessitating tho distribution of his estate, which, according to the will oi iiiu icsiuiur, leaves iu,uuu,vuu lo charitable institutions. Dr. J. P. COOK MOVED TO ! LIBERTY STREET, WHERE IDS WILL MEET ALL OLD AND TEW FATHSNTS. FOR ANY DISEASE CALL ON DR. COOK. CONSULTATION FRJHL Princeton Beats the Nary. Annapolis, Md Oct. 13. In the game between the Nary and Prince ton, the final showed Navy 0, Prince ton S. Wfceat Warehouses Barricaded. Portland, Oct. 13. All the wheat wharves are barricaded during the night to prevent their invasion by striking grain handlers. There li no chance in the situation. j Rut this Is not tho only thing Dr. Wright Is giving to tho crowds of pa tients which dally flock to his ofllco, and tho latter Is better than a bushel of diamonds. Ho gives tho best workmanship that is known to mod ern dental science, superior to that dono by other Salem dentists, and eaves his patients about nno-hnlf tho" ordinary cost. Bettor still, ho ssvch them all tho agonies, and montal and physical strain of tho ordinary dental chair, STOP AND CONSIDER The advantages of modern dentistry as practiced by Dr. Wright in Salem SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP LASTS LONGER AND LOOKS BETTER. SAVES HALF THE COST. SAVES ALL THE PAIN NO PHYSICAL DISCOMFORT. GIVES 123 DIAMOND RING FREE ON JANUARY 1. Hundreds of patients testify to tho above- facts and it will pay you to investigate. Dr. B. E. Wright, The Painless Dentist Stemloff Dldg., Salem, Heurs: 8 a. m. to p. .; 7 to 8 p. a. Sun day : Jt a. m. to 12 , Phone 29C Main. it 41 3 r i !.r ! 5 1 1 Ml i fi Ml A