Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Nelson Boys Will be Released
from Penitentiary On
Account of Age
Oscar rind Charles Newton, aged
10 nnd 13 year, reipectlvoly, wl!o
wcro sentenced to tho penitentiary
yostefdny nflernoon In Judge IJur
nott'o court will have their senten
ces commuted today 1j Governor
Chamberlain. Tho bdys woro con
victed of breaking Into n Iioubo nt
Turner nnd stealing somo things, and
nt tholr trial In the district court
positively refused to swear to tholr
nges, nnd thus throw nwny their op
portunity of going to tho reform
school. They scorned to have a hor
ror of that Institution, and positive
ly declined to go.
Their enreor for somo tlmo hns
been Investigated and lt has been
found that tho boyB- havo boon toll
ing tho truth about thomsolves.
They nro orphan boys nnd have
boon working for tholr own living for
somo tlmo. Thoy InBt worked nt
Snohomish, Washington, for Hovon
months far 520 n month for tho
two, and enmo to Snlem to pick hops.
Tho boys say they clnlmcd to bo old
or than thoy aro In order that thoy
might get work more easily. Oscar,
tho oldor boy unys Hint It has not
boon easy for tho two of them to
procuro employment nt tho snmo
plnco for wngos that thoy could Biib
Blst on, and since their mothor died
thoy havo ronmlned together. Tho
boyB sny that when thoy reached
Tumor thoy ctfuld get no work, nnd
no ono would glvo thorn anything to
eat. Thoy stole and enmo to grlof.
This morning Superintendent
James, of tho penitentiary, called
the attontlon of tho govornor to tho
ensq, and District Attorney McNury
at onco approved of tho governor's
plan to commute tho sentence. This
will bo done, and tho boys will bo ro
leasod ns soon ns Arrangements enn
bo mndo with tho Hoys' and Girls'
Aid Socloty to tnko chnrgo of them.
The way of the
transgressor is Lard
Hiltl.sli un Cliecsn Haters.
In rognrd to cheoso Imports n llrlt
lsh concern states that but of a total
Import of 130,002 tons of cheoso Into
tho United Kingdom for tho year
ended Juno 30th Inst. 05,884 tons
enmo from Canada, which was over
olght times tho auniitlty locelved
from the noxt largest exporting
country, Holland.
Canadian cheoso Is not only cap
turing tho hulk of Uitgllsh markets,
but is securing higher prlcos. Tho
London unotntloim for choicest Ca
nadian chooHo for tho past year nvor
ngod more than 2 cents n pound
over tho avorago of tho provlous ten
years. This 1 in stretu: contrast to
VB ENDHAVOU to advanco the
buslnosa Intorcstt of our custom
era In ovory legitimate way. In
bo doing, our wotlvos may be
somewhat tinctured with solflsh
Hew, for, upoa the prosperity or
its patrons hinge tho success of
etery bank.
Salem State Bank
L. K. PAGE, Ptmidaxt
E. W. HAZARD, Cashier
The wise housewife specifies Cotto
lene every time in place of lard. Any
one with a particle of respect for his
stomach would prefer a pure vegetable
product to one made from hog fat.
Cottolene is always pure; lard isn't.
Cottolene will make more palatable
food than lard, and food that any
stomach can digest with ease. Lard
is a friend of indigestion.
Cottolene is put up in odor-proof
sealed tin pails; most lard comes in bulk,
and will absorb any old odor which
is near it.
You can prove every word we say
by buying and trying a pail of Cotto
lene. All good grocers sell it; all the
great cooking author
ities of America re
commend it.
COTTOLENE was granted a GRAND PRIZE (highest
possible award) over all other cooking fats at the
recent Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and food cooked
"Home Help" a book of 300 choice recipes, edited
by Mr. Rorer, it yourM for a 2 cent ttamp, if you
addrete The N. K. Fair bank Company, Chicago. ,
A NEW FEATURE The patent air-tight top on this pail it for
the purpose of keeping COTTOLENE clean, fresh and wholesome ;
it alto prevents it from absorbing all ditagreeablo odors of the
grocery, such as fish, oil, etc.
Nature9 s Gift from the Sunny South
tho yenr before, whon tho nvorngo
was 1 conts bolow Mint of tho de
cado. Tho firm looks for still hlghor
values during tho coming senson.
So fnr as can bo estimated tho
production of butter nnd choose In
tho United Kingdom Is llkoly to bo
much smnllor Minn Inst yenr, owing
to tho dry spring 'and hot summer.
Tho milking herds of tho United
Kingdom hnvo stendlly Increased dur
ing tho past three years, and tho
number of milk cows, recently re
ported nt '1,211,917, Is tho highest
flguro ovor ronchod, yot tho Incrcnsed
city demnnd mnkes tho sale of milk
morO prolltnblo thnu tho making of
butter or cheoso. Tho usual receipts
of butter from Cnnndn nro oxpoctcd,
although tho high prices ruling for
rheeso In Inducing Cniindlau factory
manngors to turn their attention
more to that commodity.
From tho United States It Is nl
most cortnln, tho llrm states, that
smaller butter supplies will arrive
Already salos of Now lJnglnnd butter
hnvo boon offeetod for October-March
shipments nt hlghor prices than
ruled Inst season, mid Indications up
poar to point to thoso conditions bo
Inu miitiitnlued for somo tlmo to
cont nrrlval In this city of his broth
er, A. II. Esch, of Calgary, Canada.
Tho two brothors had not seen each
other for 11 years, and tho reunion
was a plcnsunt ono. Mr. Esch Is en
gaged In tho wholcsalo stationery
business Oalgnry, nnd Is much
plonsed with his location. Ho will
rcmnln hero sevornl days.
Left tho Hotel.
Now York, Oct. 12. William E.
MUno, supposed to bo from San Pruu
claco, shot himself dead In Smith &
McNeill's hotol, on Washington
street today. Ho was aged 05, and
had been at tho hotel slnco July 31.
Prepared for the Public Schools
nnd tho Family Circle.
Iliiylng lVele.H I'luloN.
Sim Francisco, Oct. 12. Accord-!
lug to local dealers the sales of pis
tolt since tho beginning or tho pres
ent iclgn of outlawry have boon uu
proccdontod. Citizens, since tho lire,
havo purchased more than 13,000
revolvers to protect thomsolvoa
against murderous bandits who nro
Linking llfo unsafe In tho city, On
lut Tuosday the sales nt ono store
nlono nmounted to 01 00 wenpons.
. ii
(Jovrriiiiu'iit Winn Um Suit.
Portland. Oct. 12. Federal Judge
Wolverton, In tho case of tho United
States against tho Port of Portland,
rendering n decision establishing tho
sovereignty of tho federal govern
mont ovor the rights of states nnd
public corporations to supposed ex
emption from damages roaultlug
from accidents duo to nets of cor
poration employes. Tho government
can now secure damages on proving
violations. v
College on Fire.
Ithnca, N. Y Oct. 12. Slbloy col
logo of Cornell University, wns aflro
this morning, nnd was damaged
$500. Its destruction was prevented
by llremon, aided by tho studonts.
Tuiks null Arabs Fight.
Constantinople, Oct. 12. Turkish
troops had a battlo with robels of
tho Yamon provluco In Arnbla. Tho
Turks lost 100 killed and CO wound
ed. Tho Arabs lost 200 killed.
Chicago Markets.
Chicago, Oct. 12. Whoul 74
7 1 W , corn -11 1 6 V2, onts 33 Vi & 3 1.
Ilmtlict-N Meet After Woven Yours.
Deputy Bhorirf William Esch has
been pleasantly surprised by tho re-
Saved Ills Life.
J. W. nuvciiport, Wlngo, Ivy,
writes, Juno II, 1002: "I want to
toll you I bollovo Ilnllard's Snow
Llnlmont saved my llfo. I wns un
dor tho troatmont of two doctors,
and they told mo ono of my lungs
wns entirely gono, and tho other
badly affected. I also. had a lump
on my side. I don't think that I
could havo llvod ovor two months
longor. I wns Induced by a frlond
to try Dallnrd's Snow Llnlmont. Tho
first application gavo mo great ro
llof; two 60 cont bottles cured m6
sound nnd well.
It Is n wonderful medtclno nnd I
recommond It to suffering humanity.
Sold by D. J, Fry's drug store.
W. L. Douglas, tho $3 shoo man,
Is in Portland, nnd ho made the state
mont that ho might ngaln becomo a
candldnto for governor of Massachu
setts. Many Russian noblomon aro lleo
Ing from Russia and going to free
England. They aro shipping out pic
tures nnd Jewelry worth n king's
ransom, nnd mnny of thorn aro pur
chasing big estates In England.
A cold wave Is sweeping over the
Atluntle const states, and wlntor
camo suddonly In tho mlddlo of In
dian summer.
IJookor Wnshlngton, tho negro
lendor, advises his raco to oxerclso
moderation, and to dlspol any wild
Ideas of migration. Ho urges the
ncgroos to get rid of the loafers, and
says Micro aro good and bad In both
Sonntor Fulton now gives It out
Mint ho has recommended for ap
pointment ns collector of customs of
tho port of Portland, P. S. Malcolm.
Tho appointment Is expected to be
mado public at any time.
"The doctors hnvo finally agreed
upon the cnuso of Jink's Illness."
"Did thoy hold nnothor consulta
tion? -
"No - - a poat-mortom." Hond-llgbt
II. S. McCutcheon, of Portland,
met with qulto an accident nt Day
ton, Oregon, Wednesday. While
changing his clothes he dropped his
rovolvor, which wns discharged, the
bullet passing through his right
ankle, nnd entering the loft log back
of tho knee.
San Francisco is "overrun by
thugs. After all California has de
teriorated. San Francisco, in 1852,
managed things differently, but most
of tho present citizens know nothing
of the history of Corey nnd Casey.
They should read up.
As a sample of the management
of the life Insurance companies of
New York, the case of Thomas
Cleary, who died yesterday, is a fine
one. Cleary was janitor for the
Equitable Life, and was paid ?2C,-
000 a year for his services.
W. G. Steel says he would like "to
make more cranks like himself."
Fjom this ono would Imagine W. G.
ndniires himself, a sentiment that
tho great majority will not endorse,
nor will they wish success to his de
sire to make "others."
What San Francisco needs is a vig
ilance committee that will round tip
every suspicious character, and put
some of them where their legs will
not be long enough to reach the
"Mnko Snlem n Good Home
Stelncr's Market.
Dealers In fish, game and poultry.
Highest cash price paid for eggs.
Prompt delivery. State street.
Poultry, Eggs, Etc.
Eggs Per dozen, 28c.
Butter Retail Country, 25
30c; creamery, 35c.
Hens 10c.
Frys 10c.
Geeee 6"c ,
Ducks 8V9c.
Fruits, Vegetables, Etc
New potatoes 60c cwt.
Onions 80c cwt.
Tropical Fruits.
Bananas 5c per pound.
Oranges $5.00 $6.00
Lemons $5 $6.
Live Stock Mart
Steers 3 3 14 c.
Cows 2 (3) 2 Vic.
Sheep 3c.
Dressed Veal CGC,
Fat Hogs 6c.
Stock Hogs 5c.
Grain and Feed.
Baled Clover $6.00.
Cheat $6.00.
Timothy $8.50 $9.50.
Oats 30 32c.
Bran $18.
Shorts $19.
Barley $18.00.
Wheat, 65 c.
Flour $3.60.
Wheat Club, 6568ciTal0
yooii, uiueaiuui, oac.
Oats Choice white, $23.!
Mlllstuff Bran, $14.50
Hay Timothy, $10 t
Vetch $7 7.50.
Potntoes SO 85c.
Poultry Average old hea,
-iztfjc; mixed cnickens, lJfrjd
jumiB luuaiurs, xa ty lzftq fa.
young roosters, 14 15c:
chickens, 1415c; turkeju
16 21c; turkeys, dressed. uJ
22 c; geese, live, 9l0c; dacb.ll
(ffioc; pigeons, ?l$l,50.
Pork Dressed, 77c.
Beef Dressed, 45.
Mutton Dressed, 7 8c
Hops Oregon, 1005, lflfii
1906 contracts, 15 17c.
wool valley, coarse to at&i
2022c; Eastern Oregon, 15u
Mohair 2830c.
Butter Fancy Creamery, !ij
30c; store butter, 15 17c.
Rocky Will Huj- it.
Copenhagen, Sweden, Oct. 12 J
Two Swedish engineers have InveJ
ed n method for makuiR netrole-J
from tar, It is said Hoctatcler ml
buy tho process.
DIood Poisoning
Results from chronic conutoitkv
which is quickly cured by Dr. Kltf!
Now Llfo Pills. They remore
polsonlous germs from the i
and infuse new llfo and vigor; tc
sour stomach, nausea, headache, 41:
zlness and colic, without griping
discomfort. 25c. Guranteed bj
C. Perry's drugstore.
Tho prico of fuel is going up in
Portland, owing to tho shortage of
Sure Cur for Pile.
Itching Piles produce moisture and
cnuso Itching, this form, as well aa
Blind, Blooding or Protruding Piles
are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile
Remedy. Stops Itching and bleed
ing. Absorbs tumors. 50c a Jar, at
druggists, or sent by mall. Treatise
free. Write me about your case. Dr.
Bosanko, Phtla. Pa.
As announced previously I havo sold my entire stock to Mr. S. A
Manning, who takes possession November 1. Ingreed to i educe stocl
as much ns possible before (lint date. To do this I, of course, hart
cut prices on nearly everything in tho house. AVe liae moed out
good ninny things nlrendy, nnd hero nro n few lines that nre yet wortl
your netice:
Sewing Machines
3 White Rotnries
2 Wheeler & Wilson
2 Queens
2 Vlndox
I Ajax
3 Standard box heads
Besides a number of excellent
jecond-hnnd machines.
You will save from 25 to 30 per
cent on tho purchase price of any
new machlno In tho house. Call
and Investigate at once.
THe Old Reliable ( j) The Old Reliable J
Phone 4J0 KKfE&wJwEfMtfflflEwIJSJSw Phone 4 JO I
MMrbJe fNffhUi u! h rotnpkta line or Marlde Goo4. Klfte of every aUmUrtl ko. King Sights ana Lyman Sights for Ride ud Shot
Wmm. Gmh Gri jmm! Gw Oil. You r alWR)' wvlctmw at Salem's) OW UU04 Gtm Stonr,
3 top buggies
3 bucks
1 farmer's surrey
1 park wagon, with 2 stick stents
and canopy top, a beautiful rig.
1 side-spring runabout
1 stick seat runabout
1 splendid delivery wagon
Thcro Is n savlug of from $10
to $25 each on these rigs. Call
and sntlsfy yourself and get a bar-
2 Benlcla Hancock disc plows
1 Hancock sldehlll disc
1 Syrncuso gang plow
I Syracuse sulky.
Syracuse walking plows
1 potato digger
2 Canton walking cultivators
1 Canton riding cultivator
1 Molina disc harrow
Besides n number of other im
plements of various sorts, all at a
big saving In price for cash.
Farm Wagons
13'i Studebnker, wide tires
l 3-Inch Studebnker, narrow tlre-J
1 3-lnch Studebnker, wide tires
There's n saving In these tbl
will nppeal to the farmer or wooi
hauler who needs a wagoa soon.
Other Lines
Hay carriers
Steel track for carriers
2 fanning mills
2 Potaluma Incubators
1 ladles' Crescent bicycle
1 boy's 24-Inch bicycle
1 cent's Tribune, chalnless
Several second-hand wheels. ll
dies' nnd men's.
Worsted buggy robes; some M
ones very cheap
All of tho abovo goods are price!
onough cheaper to hurry up th
prftspectlvo buyer.
Second-hand Things
One side-spring, lH-luch 'wl
bodied wagon with oa
fitted with buggy toftCiw
Ono 2-horse Fairbanks-Sor "'
ollno engine.
1 Sharpies safety cream
tor, in good shape.
1 Tin T nrol oonnrntor
The above items are niiEWM
. Como nnd look if interest-
CHdsmotote Runabout
In excellent running order 'j
minted, fitted with new earD-!
etter and new chain, at a I
Ail Arrni imtc Krtt m IF
rta-a. rv-vuiiio WVJY1 i-
.. .,.. . . ... . ll.tulS((,,l
juomj naving accounts ana notes now due will please r -i
i .- .. ilrM B"!
or svuu cuccK ni once as per our statements, as wo wil - (
books at once and clean up all claims. Please do not ask or MP
tensions, as we cannot grant (lieu.
F. A. Wiggins, uE&s.
t--t A"-yf1-i;j..l.