DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1000. I l I YOU NEED AN UMBRELLA WE HAVE THEM FOR SALE 6 Wc have a large stock of high grade umbrellas and of the very latest patterns, the prices ranging from $1.00 up, and hundreds to select from. I G. W. Johnson & Co. DAILY CAPITAL JODRHAL BY HOFEIt imos., 1'iisllHlierH nml Proprietors. W& 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By Mall. Dally Journal, ono month .... 3Gc Dally Journal, throo months . .11.00 Dally Journal, ono yoar 4.00 Wookly Journal, ono year .... 1.00 By Cnrrlcr. Dally Journal, ior month .... DOc SENATOR nr:iKii:s PAHS. AND II IH consistent thnn his critics'. If ho Is not, lot thorn show why. Tho people, by nn onormous vote, adopted a hill under tho roforondum to nhollBh pobsos. Prohnbly both Ooor nml Davoy voted for It, but they roast n senator WHO CARRIES THAT DECLARATION INTO EF FECT. Lot us not bo captious, but lot us UPHOLD ANY MAN WHO TAKES A STEP IN Till: ItlOIIT RIREC TION. Too ninny nro walking tho other wny. Lot us uphold public of ficials who nro trying to do right, no matter In what party wo find thorn. o THEY KNOW SO MUCH. Editor Davoy, .of tho Snlotn Stutos riiuu contlnuo'i to hntumer Sonntor Hedges, of CliickiuiuiH county, (or rottirnlng an nnuunl pasH to n rull road company. Ho roprlntH his flrnt criticism of Hodges, heading It "SHLF-ACCUHA-TION," nud lntlmntlug that ho Is after bigger bribes, Dnvey Is Hiistuluod In this vlow by tin editorial endorsement from T. T. Ooor, of tho Pendleton Trlbuno to tho olTect that IICIHHCH IS OK SMALL OALIItlti: It liu cannot tntHt himself not to bo lulluencud by u puss. Aitlilo from Ills duties to his con Htltuontu, nud his platform pioiuIhos, Senator Hedges Is ono of thu law llnu that ropreuouts other largo cor porations, like -tlio Wlllametto Pulp and Paper Mills, tlid Spauldlng Log ging Co., uud others. Wo hnvu polntod out to our friends, Dnvey and Uuur, that Mr. Iodgon could not consistently take favors from a railroad corporation, when his clients have diverse Inter ests IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH THAT COMPANY. For 80IUO ionium they overlooked that point In Mr. Hedges' behalf ami iniwiiu nun an uiiuntti u uuiiuiiltllu and man unlit to be a sunntor. Wo have not u ropy before us of tho platform formulated by tho Re publican Htato committee, hut our rocollectlon la that IT CONTAINED A DECLARATION AHAINKT RAIL ItOAD PASSES.. Wo nro certain tho Demoerutlo state platform hud such u declaration. Davoy wtu elected upon that plat form, and Ueer campaigned for It, ami why should they now roast u man who Hooks to live up to prin ciples which they endorsed before election? Senator Hedges Is more SAFETY NO WORRY' NO TROUBLE ALWAYS AVAILABLE THESE AUK SOME OP THE ADVANTAOICS OF INVESTING MONEY IN A SAVINOS DANK ACCOUNT. IT 1'AVH A LAHGKIl HKTUUN THAN GOVERNMENT BONDS. YOU CAN INVEST AS LITTLE Oil AS MUCH AS VOW PLEASE, AND JXft 8UCII TIME AS YOU WISH. ' 4 .. . Another Portland paper has dis posed of tho otllco of collector of customs, and ndds that "Col Hofor was never In It for a mluuto." Thon why not glvo Col. Hofor u rest? Tho Portland paper roferred to linn helped folBt upon this stnto A .lOlI LOT OF FEDEHAL OFFICIALS FOU THE PAST TEN YEAHS, near ly nil of whom hava boon Indicted or convicted, or removed from ofllco for high crimes and mlsdomennorR. Tho pooplo of Oregon nml tho Eo publlcnn party especially has no causo to thank tho all-wise Portland paper for anything but defeat, de moralization, dlHgrnco and dishonor ut homo nud abroad. In six yenrs past this sumo Port laud papor that so glibly dlsposos of aspirants has been the main causo of DEFEATING THE REPUBLICAN candidate for governor twice, nud lost to tho Republican party about ALL THE OTIIEIt HIGH OFFICERS In Portland. A candidate who has never stolon land, or boodled public funds, or hi any way GOT HIMSELF INTO THE INDKTAIILE CLASS could not ox pect "to bo In It for u mlnuto" with the ubnve strlpo of Republican jour nalism, that lias expended all Its suc cessful energies whooping up oorrup tloutsts. The editor of tho Capital Journal was oiiqo compelled, out of solf-re- Hpeet, to bolt n rank Republican ma chine In Oregon, and after those lenders wore till CONVICTED Oil HAD LEFT THE STATE, ho ro- RUiued his place In tho Ropubllcnn parly. Insistence upon tho appointment of any of tho Orogou political ring that Is undor general condemnation In tho eyes of tho President and his cabinet would Justify tiny decent self respecting Republican lu a similar lino of action. Statue News Tho annual teachers' Institute for Wasco county was held at The Dalles Thursday. A. Hendricks, of Portland, was robbed of $70 Wednesday night by two masked men. Mls3 Myrtle M. Cross, a prominent young woman of Oregon City, died nt that place Wednesday. John Moo and Charles Mackey, both of Woodburn, were arrested at that placo Monday night for stealing chickens from Albert Armes. A patty of 10 Albany people have gone to Redding, Cal., to take up timber claims In tho white pine lands of that part of California. Will Hall, of Durkee, n prominent young rancher of that placo, Is on trial in tho circuit court of Baker county, charged with assisting Lloyd Hlndmnn and Harvey Meldrum with stealing horses. Edward Smldt, of Aurora, was found dead on his plnce a few miles out of Aurora Thursday. A shot through tho head nnd n partially emptied revolver beside him told the talc. Orlef ovor his wife's death was tho cause. Dr. Roy Fuller, who claims to bo a graduate of a St. Louis medical college, and who hn3 been practic ing In Eaglo Valley, Eastern Oregon, tho past year, was arrested Tuesday on tho charge of practicing medicine without a llcenso from the state of Oregon. Tho Lebanon Paper Company was Wednesday enjoined from using tho Snntlam canal for any purposo, other than for motlvo power, at Its big mills nt Lebanon. For soma tlmo past tho company has been floating cordwood down tho cnnal from tho South Snntlam, and tho Wlllametto Volloy Company, who has caused tho ordor to bo made, say that this caus es bark and particles of wood to como down tho canal to Albany, and clogs up tholr machinery. FOOT BALL GOSSIP Willamitte Corvallfs Albany and other Teams in the Alto up . - Savlegs, Dtfuurtawat CaiiNfttkMitBalc J Wwik, Nervous People. Wo have received lottera from till parts ot tho U, S. highly recommend ing Dr. Gunn'a Ulood & Nerve Tonic, until tho faith wo had In tho remedy has boon fully sustained. Wo had confidence from tho very beginning that this inedlcino should make euros, but, lacked that assurance that comes after many successful trials. Now that wo have been up hold In our holler wo want to Im part to others our confidence. Ner vous, taml unsteady people, weak, lloahlt'ss people, pimply, pnlo, or sallow people ar all victims of weak, wn.t cry blood. Make new, rich blood, to bo forced through tho system by tho way of tho. nrterlw, ami ilWoasq cannot remain. This Tonlo, cures disease by Riving you strongt.li to resist It. All druggists sell It for 75c per box, or 3 boxes far $2. The, tablet are taken after each meal, TJioy turn the food you cat hito rich red blood, Persons who take this Tonlo Kiln la good solid flesh front 1 to 3 pouads pr wwlc, ! Turn Your Face Into Dollars Many a Man Has Fulled It Clause His Faco Was n Picture of Calamity It tnkes sunshlno to produco a rose, a porfect roso. And so man, to bo successful, must lmvo sunshlm Inside. Tho llfo which hns It not, which has no health and no happi ness, Is sour, surly, pessimistic, and a failure Tho world already has too ninny vlnegnr faces that brontho Ill-will and strife. Tho world wnnts Joy, comfort, sunshlno and will cling to tho nmn who has it, who rail hit os gladness and triumph whorover ho Is and undor all clrcum RtanccB. Somo people lmvo a gonitis for seeking out tho disagreeable, the crooked, tho bad nnd tho ugly. Theso nro tho dostroyors; they travel In schools, they herd togothor for they lovo their kind, and tho cheortul part of tho world will havo nothing to do with thorn. And why Is It that so mnny peddle disaster knowing at the samo time that If they do, tholr lives will bo ruluod? Somo people ennnot holp It, for pessimism usually comes from bodily disorders, nnd this ennnot al ways bo proventod. Tho Btomnch, for Instnnco, Is tho most common causo of discontent, sour faco, reck lessness, disgust nnd lack of ambi tion. A bad stomach thero is tho secrot of many a failure. Anyono can havo a good stomach, a strong stomach, n stomach that can tako care of anything and everything that Is put Into it, no mntter whether It Is n very bail stomach now or not Thon why not havo It? Stuart's Dyspoposla Tablets do this very thing. Ono Ingredlont of theso lltlo tnblots digests 3000 grnlju of food, and no matter how bad Is your dyspopsla or Indigestion, theso tublets will digest everything In your stomach, thoroughly ntnl completely, and bettor and quicker thnn a hoalthy stomach can do tho same thing. Snarl's Dyspepsia Tab lots will cure quickly loss of nppo ttto, brash, Irritation, burning sen sations, nausea, heartburn, eructa tions, loss ot vim and spirit, bad memory, and dyspepsia and indiges tion in their very worst forms, No other little tablets lu the world can do bo much, You should carry Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets around with you whorover you. go and tako them nftor meals. Thon only ul you realise what It Is to enjoy a meal, and what perfect digestion weans. Your whole body and your mind will feel tho effects; your vim will Increase, you will bo moro satis fied with what tho world does, you will think happier and bo happier and your faco wilt bo ono of su- provo contentment That will bring you success and then more aitcces. Your face will bring you dollars. Try It. It will cost you Just 50c for a. package of tkew we derfttl Stuart's Dyspasia, Tablets, nt any dm Xitt o artk. Football stock at tho University Is going up, and while the enthusi asm is not so pronounced as in former years, It augurs well for a sucessful season. The men each evening havo been put through n light practice, consisting of passing tho ball, tackling the runner, run ning down punts and tho practicing of tho new forward pass. Coach Boyer nnd Captain Rader are direct ing tllo work of the squad and the past two days have seen a noticeable Interest among the players. The rooters, too, havo cheered up to no small extent at the arrival of sev eral warlors from tho North. Reed, who played guard on the Pullman team last season, will provo a tower of strength, as also will Russel, who for two years has starred for Idaho and who last year was considered ono of the crack footballlsts on the const. It is at tho half back posi tion that Russel does spectacular as woll ns conBlstont work. With "Racohorso" Nace and Rador and Russol for a back field you have a trio that has speed and that makes a formidable combination. However, Bomo of those men may bo shifted at other positions. Then "Mustnrd" Colcmnn is to be reckoned with. Last year ho was a llttlo now at the business, but this year tho fans are looking upon him as a player of which tho wenrora of tho cardinal and gold will bo proud. Some would llko to seo him play at quar ter, but In which position ho will bo seon, yot remains undetermined. A sign of encouragement Is that Wlllametto hns several men that are not victims to stngo fright an all mont that has caused many a' well trained team to go down to defeat burled by largo scores, ' and con quered by a much weaker aggrega tion. Thoro is plenty of tho old stock of last year's vlntago Marker, Lounsbury nnd Nelson, nro good clear headed players. Among tho now mon nre: Phil Stovor of Sun nysido; Bellknnp, who played full on tho second tenm; Stelwer; Fisher, McKnlght, and several others nro to bo hoard from. Owens, n clover Multnomah player Is expected to matrlculnlo nnd to Join tho squad militant. Naturally thero is much regret ex pressed nt tho decision of some of last yenr'B players not to play. As n wholo tho season opens hero with prospects of roseato hues. Horo follows tho schedule ns ar ranged: Wlllametto will meet Whitman Colloga of Wnlla Walla, Wash.. Oc- lonor t: university of Oregon at Eugene Novombor 3;' University of Washington nt Sonttlo November 10; Multnomah In Portland November 17; O. A. C. nt Snlom. Novombor 29. Football oiithuslnsts are looking eagerly toward tho plains of Benton county whore Saturday will bo pulled off ono of tho grout contests of tho year, Ono that will show tho strength of tho aggregation at tho Oregon Agricultural college which Is always a fuvorlto among thoso versed In football loro. Tho Albany Athletic club has organized a team thnt will try conclusion with tho husky farmors. Contes, tho well known nthjoto, Is coaching tho Al banians, and whllo his mon will bo considerably lighter than tho Agrlcs lltoy oxpect to win by excellent team work and by Coatos' clover booting of tho pig skin. Tho Corvallls Times thus sixes up tho representatives ot Its homo Institutien: "Tho porsonnol of tho O. A. C. tonm that U to play a gamo of foot ball with an Albany team on collego field nust Saturday has not been an nounced by Coach Norcross. It will not be of entirely green material. Noarly all of tho mon havo had ox- perlonco at tho gamo. Bennett, tho man almost suro to play center, has had but little experience, but ho is a crack wrestler, which makes hint valuable. For right guard Ponder grast aud Smith nro tho candidates. Smith Is a 212-pound freshman from Burns and is playing for the first time. The loft guard is Cherry and left tacklo Finn, both ot last year's team. Right tacklo is Barber, a Baker City hid ot some experience, Lett end Is Shannon, ex-captain of the Forest Clrovo tea,ui, and right end Dobbin, an experienced player from Union. Tho halfbacks ar Darby and Looney, the Utter a JeN froa boy. Tke fullback U Wolfe, frail Uiem STOMACH Hostetter's Stomach Bitter is me uesc .ucuicino iou unn Take. TO RESTORE THE APPETITE TO SWEETEN THE STOMACH TO PREVENT SOUR RISINGS.' TO STIMULATE THE LIVEIl ' TO RELIEVE THE KIDXEYS. These are all danger signals of a more serlon ".",.,. ',.:: :,::.. " ".l"Ke uy ueiaj i""c K--i a uome of Itin I aKMiiiim jjii.v.1. wio i.-ij uuj- ana see for v J sou now muca goou tc win ao you. it u .t 1 oiuu lu.i.vuj iu iMuvuiii uuu cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Cramps, RU. iotisncss, Costlvcness, Headache Heartburn, Insomnia, Female Ills' Colds, Chills' or Mnlnrla Fever and Ague. . ..iiiu ueiiuiiiL- is sum oniy m Dottles like li I LI ilLllJll. tlllll llilfl IJIII IIlIIIIi 11111111 ia 11 ' u,tl me Bed 1 AIR TIGHT HEATING STOd WE HAVE A LARGE SUPPLY OF AIR-TIGHT HEATING STOTQl iv ht.t. ci'ivc ivr I'lT" mr cuitivn mimi, . l nuu ai'iui, .i ..-. .; uiauUU,u Allli.u AX UUE.VTIrt l&M DUCEI) PRICES.' J. N. SHAINTZ & CO. who played the same position last year on tho Hill Military Academy team and is an excellent man. The likely man for quarterback is Gag non from tho Roseburg high school team." uenrcr nml Klo Grande Rniln Denver, Colo., Oct. 12. The ma. ngement hns now definitely decli that when the present narrow gau: stock is worn out on the Denver Rio Grande rond, the standard gac, will be adopted. It i3 also contesl plated to tunnel Marshall Pass jcil Cairo hill and mnko this route i tnrougu one to salt iaKe, ign thus cutting off some thirty nQ of the distance. KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL. Health is Worth Saving and Some Salem Pooplo Know How to Savo It. : ' I A Young Mother nt 70. Mnnv Salem nconlo tako thnir liv, ' "W rao.ther has suddenljr tfr in their hands bv neglecting tho kidw,mado young at 70, Twenty yean c nnv -hnn hv- "nnm ti,OQ ,.. .i Intense suffering from dyspepsia hi help. Sick kidneys are responsible for ' enrely disabled her. until 6 mud a vat amount of sufforinir and 111. . a. wen 8" ueBn lUKlne biwr health, but thoro is no need to suffer I Bitters, which havo completely tl nor to remain in danger when all dis- ed her antI restrea strengtD eases and aches and nains duo to weak activity sue nan in tno primo ot i kiduovs can bo ouicklv nnd nermanent. wr,tea Mrs- w- L- Gllpatrick, of Da u- enroll iiv ! n.n nf Tinnt. T.-i.i.. forth, Me. Greatest restoratii vu. Horn I. ft, cfnfn,nf nt o Go. medicine on tho globe. Sets ston lem citizen who has reclaimed cjod acll IIver. nnd kidneys right, pi: health bv tho uso of this romrxlv flea the blood, and cures malaria, ll v. Prnti nrnnrfotn. nt ti, t?,i vi.t. lousness and weakness. Wonderh . .... J-. ..vw w. tuc Ml XtUUi, Liverv Stniiio "ns p,nnf a Bni nerve tonic. Prico 50c. Guaranti Oregon, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills b' J- c- Perry's drug store, their vnluo deserves to be known to all in need of a romedv for backache or kidney trouble I had suffered from a deranged stato of tho kidneys and heavy aching through my back and 'oins, when 1 went to Dr. Stono's drug' store for a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills I received prompt and effective relief almost from tho first dose and in a short time I was in such good con dition that I didn't feel any further neco lty to nso them or anv such rem edy of the hind." " ' Try a Roll of Hazelwood Butter For sale by nil dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, solo agents for tho United I States. Remember the nntue Doan's and tako no other. Tried to Rob n Bunk-. Richmond, Oct. 12. -Robbers rodo Into town early this morning, sur rounded tho People's bank, nt Jack son, nnd -exploded dynamite under tho vaults, but failing to open them. Dr. J. I. Trlplett opened fire on them nnd kopt up a running fight with tho thiovos, who escaped. We aro tho only authorlied agents of the Hazelwood butter in Salem, and receive tho same direct from the creametf. Guaranteed strictly fresh. The Moir Grocery Company ISO Stnto St. Phone i Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mail for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Ollvo street, St- Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by Stone's drug stores. . dw-lvr "- u TennevaHj Stato Fair. Nnshvllle, Tonn., Oct. 12. The Tennessoo stato fair, which will close tomorrow night, has proved highly successful. Cumberland park, where the fair Is held. Is packed dally, per sons from all corner of the stata taking part in tho amusements. An attractive Item In Professor Herman ueilstedt and his famous band. 'sJL 5? fill CASTOR I A for laftats asd ChiUrM. Tfc m Yh HiYf Alwiys Bgkt 9mn tk tVORAtiurtef Zff3&& A MATTER OP ABSORBING INTEREST Llea behind that ot the "PP1 ThanlraiHvlne. and that is t v .. .-. i tin oer question, nanus the sunnlr Is always uncertain by ordering of hs before cold inaiaii tu ua bs SttrA Of ' va . miia w are r sWly Y kind of lubr yoa OODALK LUJO J-,