f f ( (. V i !,5W?Tl'3F5T'y wTTlrfyp Twf JW-Tj-S--M (JW(p '"WW" i'wrwmr!r ' pf?u'ffl!ttmhW '"""'"' "TH""'" owrefar yw1, " "- rrnVMENT WEATHER FORECAST. fn TONIGHT, COOL, LIGHT MOST; SATURDAY, FAIR, WARMER AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1000. NO. 21.". REATEST GAME OF THE SERIES UBS BEAT THE SOX BY SCORE OF J TO 0 -jjR-sp-" "wtqp$ttm - w - ORK'S ROOSTING PLACE l-d Gives All His Left-uver Goods to the Williams Family Washington, April 12. Triplets Ipeared at the home of Jos. F. illlams, and each was given tho liddle name of Roosevelt. . Theo- bre Roosevelt Williams is dead, Lt the sisters are thriving. Elgh- fen children have come to tho Wil ms home in 17 years. Broinvcr Murder Trinl. Toms River, N. J., Oct. 12. Tho tate rested its case today. Dr. Washington testified that Mrs. Brou- tar, in his opinion, died of arsenic jolsonlng. The first witness for Dr. srouwer was Miss Stella McClanna- lan, who said she was the governess or the Brouwer children. She was lever treated by the doctor in any lay to arouse Mrs. Brouwer's jeal- lusy. ane saiu an uieir relations rere proper. AVnnt to Leave Mexico. San Diego, Oct. 12. Four head nen of the Russian colony, located It Guadalupe Valley, Lower Califor nia, are here today for tho purpose If withdrawing tho colony from lexico and coming to California', rhero'aro about 200 in tho colony Ind 30,000 are waiting to come. CAGO PEOPLES BARGAIN' HOUSE Beautiful New, Fresh Goods Now On Sale In Every Department Throughout the Entire Establishment Prices Away Down to Induce Quick Selling The enormous volume of business we aro doing now would do credit to some of the big stores in Chicago or Now York. Remem ber, wo are tho leaders of low prices on first class merchandise. Do your trading. The Store That Saves You Money When you get our prices you will see how wo savo you money. Here is a list of beautiful goods to select frem: FINE SILKS jaides' Dresa NEW DRESS GOODS rETTICOATS, 75c up Ladies' LONG COATS LADIES' FINE SHOES Misses' LONG COATS CHILDREN'S GIRL'S SHOES CHILDREN'S COATS BOYS' SHOES LADIES' SUITS MEN'S SHOES SILK PETTICOATS klLK WAISTS ! Loldes' UHderwear Chlldrtti's PINE MILLINERY Mea'a UNDKRDEAR FANCY FEATHERS Boys' UNDERWEAR OSTRICH FEATHBR& LADIBS' HOSIERY CHILDREN'S HATS CttBdren's CHILDREN'S CAPS MEN'S CLOTHING INEFURS BOYS' CXOTHTXS gAuw'g fastt awownra mors. iMOUNT ! PELEE BUSY West India Volcano Reported to Be in a State of Eruption Ouadeloups, French West Indies, Oct. 12. Mount Pelee is in eruption and ashes were blown to this Island. There Is no sign of eruption of Soufrlere, tho volcano on this island. lt-mnrlinblr Gcciginn Choir. . Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 12. At tho state fair in Piedmont park here today, over 5,000 voices composed a grand chorus that sung a number of well known old songs of tho south. Before the fair closes to morrow night the tw'A chorus w.il sing "Home, Sweet Home." Tho musical portion ot the proceedings was al-ly manured by Prof. A. J. Showalter of Dalton. Among the man;' amusements and novelties nt tho fair were some pyrotechnical dis plays by Paine, one representing a head-on collision between two en gines. Tho fair has been the most successful of its kind held for a number of years. Sugar Is Cheaper. New York, Oct. 12. All grades of refined sugar were reduced ten cents per hundred pounds today. STORE SKIRTS , OUTI NO FLANNELS Knit WOOL SHAWLS SILK UMBRELLAS SHOES CORSETS LADIES' BELTS DOMESTICS TABLE LINENS BLANKETS Underwear COMFORTS SHOPPING BAGS RIBBONS KU GLOVES HOSIERY DRESS TRIMMINGS STANDARD Pattens NOTIONS HORSES WRECKED STAGE Ran Away Down Steep Mo.un- tain Road-Passengers All Crippled Oroville, Cal., Oct. 12. Four horses attached to the Madeline Lakeview stage in Modoc county, ran away with tho stage on a stoop mountain road. At the bottom of a sleep incline they ran into n dry creek, filled with great boulders. Tho stage was demolished and tho pas sengers thrown out. Threo of tho people were badly hurt, one prob ably fatally. Tho injured aro Thos; Fluke, expected to die; C. Henderson McCall, severely Injured, and Miss Fluke, J. Fluke W. H. Dick and Al bert Olsen, badly bruised. Many New Towns for Minnesota. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 12. Be tween Evarts, S. D.. and Butte, Mont., tho St. Paul rallrond has up wards of soventy stations, and it 1b expected that when tho Pacific const extension Is finished a now town will be established about every ten miles, some of which must eventually de velop Into important places of com- 010 10 10 10 1 010 10 10 10 1 010 I0I000 1 010 1 01010 10 10 10 i0!0f WM, WALLACE GRAHAM, Violinist ii J STUDIO AT BALDWIN RESIDENCE, 143 COURT STREET, 1 1 ' ' MONDAYS ONLY. ARRANGEMENTS FOR LESSONS CAN BE j I ; MADE BY PHONE OR IN PERSON AT STUDIO. ENSAMBLE ; ALSO GIVEN. 0101 1010101 01 010101010 t010010l 010 10 1010100 I 01010M mercial activity. The offect will bo ultimately to give tho road tho bonc flt of a great local traffic, which tho railroads have come to understand, pays to foster and build up ns tho most profitable source of Income they can have. DRANK POISONED MILK Findlay, O., Oct. 12. Fourteen children at the county orphan's homo are critically ill from drinking in fected milk. Two are dying, and sev eral may not recover. Officials aro conducting a strict Investigation with tho intention to prosecute to the fullest extent the persons guil ty of supplying tho milk, SKIPPED WITH THE MONEY Now York, Oct. 12. It Is reported Silvelra la accused of sailing away with one to two millions, mostly be longing to Ceballos & Co., and that he is in New York. It Is thought ho will be apprehended quickly if horo. Assignee Rowe. of the Ceballos Arm, refuses to discuss the matter. o Tennessee's Crops Badly Damaged, Memphis, Tenn., Oct 12. Owing to the recent incessant rains, Irre- palrable damage has been caused to all crops in Tennessee, especially In the eastern districts. The commli- sioner of the department of agricul- ture reports that the rain altogether prevented the proper planting of wheat, while the corn crop, an 1m- portant one Ja this state, baa been knocked flat and la rating on the ground. To add to the unfavorable outlook, the cottoa seeds are sprout- ing in the balls. Fran- Hanged a Negro. Chicago, Oct. 12. DaBiel els, the- negro, was kastrsd at 11 -.i.b- fau BAnliie for killing hla if- ..d nora Scrota. wheal he ae- ,'., ,.ji fci wir t tve STANDS BY SAINT CARNEGIE President of St. Andrew's ollege Says "Fonetik" Spelling is "It"- St Andrews. Scotland. Oct. On thoopenlng of St. Andrews Univer sity for the winter season today, Pre: Ident James Donaldson said ho core ially favored phonetic spelling and declared reformed spelling would save millions of wasted hours of la bor' and irritating vexations. He claimed it would advance the spread of the English language more than anything else, because It would ro move tho greatest obstacle to learn ing it. Hill Lets Contracts. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 12. Con tracts have boon let and work will sooh begin on the Pasco cut-off, the new Portland & Seattlo lino from Pasco to Spokane. When completed lt will give the Portland & Seattlo, the joint road of the Great Northern and tho Northern Pacific, n direct and short route from Spokano to Portland. Tho Pasco cut-off will run about 14 utiles east qf tho present lino of the Northern Pacific, paralleling tho latter between Pasco and Spoknne. It will avoid all heavy grades, being built In conformity with tho north bank line, whoso heaviest grado Is three-tenths of 1 per cent. It will provide the Northern Pacific and tho Croat Northern with virtually n double track between Spokane nnd Pasco. SORE AT UNCLE SAMUEL Havana, Oct. 12. Agitation against tho United States has been started actively by tho moderates. J They denounce the provlslonnf gov ernment generally, and charge that .intervention was tho result of tho sugar and tobacco trusts. I Havana, Oct. 12. Tho moderates havo changed the name to National Republicans, and havo called a na tional mass meeting for November 9th. Tho Liberals aro recommend ing candidates for office. Big Reducing Plant for Mexico. Parral, Mex., Oct. 12. Tho 1,000 ton reducing mill, which a 'syndicate operating here are about to erect, will make large quantities of low grade orea in Mexico available. At the present time the hoisting ot every ton of low grado ore means a dead loss. Still it has to be hoisted, as it is Impos'fcle to get out the high grade shipping oro without milling the low grade stuff at the same time Now, with the new plant, all can be made available, . ...- Boycott Lifted, Hong Kong, Oct 12. The boycott oa Aaserlcaa goods baa been recalled and as a result the viceroy released three ringleader of the movement, Ah eaorBaoaa crowd greeted the pris oners ai me prison gates, cxioiums 'their conduct sad tendered them a llHHEbeOB. j ' Cajmea as tw. SfrlagtJeld, HI., Oct. JJ. ker Caaaea Is coalaed to his betel by a severe es4d. A Bayskiaa Is la at- GIVEN GREAT OVATION Chicago Base Ball Fans Grow Wild When Teams Enter the Grounds Chicago, Oct. 12. Fans besieged tho gates at 11 o'clock, 7000 trying to buy tickets as soon as tho gates opened at noon. Tho teams camo in nt 1:30. Tho rooters woro most vo ciferous, nnd more numerous than nt any gnmo of tho series in thotr greeting. Tho air wua balmy. Rhoo was given tho greatest wolcomo of any player. George Davis, who Is out on account of sickness, warmed up with tho Sox, eliciting yollB from tho crowd that Roho bo kept in Davis' plnco. Hnhn, with his brok en noso patched up, plays today. Davis Is at short, Rhoo at third, Tannehill on tho bench, Tho bat teries are Brown nnd Kllng; Altrock nnd Sullivnn. Tho nttoudnnco Is 17,000. y First inning Cubs 0, Sox 0. Second Cubs 0; Sox 0. Third Cubs 0, Sox 0. Fourth Cubs 0, Sox 0. "Fifth Cubs 0, Sox 0. Sixth Cubs 0, Sox '0. Sovonth Cubs 1, Sox 0, Eighth Cubs 0, Sox 0i Ninth Cubs 0, Sox 0. Final score Cubs 1, Sox 0. Jewish Colony for Now York, New York, Oct. 12. Arrange ments archieing mado for tho forma tion of a Jewish colony In Nassau county, this stato, to bo composed of Jows from tho cast side of Man hattan. Tho colonizing schemo wnn started somo years ago among Rou manian Jows, nnd $10,000 wcro paid Into the treasury of tho colonizers, but It waB found that a clear title to somo land selected could not bo se cured nnd tho project fell through. It Is proposed to havo a market placo in tho now colony, nnd work shops and stores of all kinds will bo built. Tho colony will bo com posed of Jews of all nationalities. Educational Movement In TeiiiieM-e. Rnlolgh Springs, Tenn., Oct. 12. A big educational rally took pluco horo today, tho attendance bolng es timated at 8,000, which included local officials of tho city and county. school officials and persons promi nently Identified in education. Tho principal speakers woro Mr. J. S, Myndors of Nashville, stato superin tendent of education, and Profeuior Claxton. Several important oduca tlonal matters woro discussed. Music and a barbecue woro provided for tho occasion. Lieutenant General Retires. Washington, Oct. 12. Generals Corbln and McArthur retiro from the army today on being appointed Llou- tenant Qeuerals. On March tho 19th last, tho House pased a hill abolish Ing the grado of lieutenant general In the army, but agreed to the Qros venor amendment, which waB to the effect that the bill would not become effective before today. This was done to enable the two gonerals mentioned to be promoted before their retirements. p ' Invaded the Docks. Portland, Oct. 12, A mob of 60 armed strikers invaded three of the grain docks this morning, and bul lied aad threatened the non-union men who were at work. No blows were struck. ' F. E. Newberry GRADUATK CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLBOK, PUPIL OF RUDOLPH OANZ. TWO YKAK0 WITH WIL LAMBTTK UXITXfteiTx', HA OPJIXHD MUBfO 8TUDH), HOOOM 0 AXD 10 IS It O. O. V. TtMtlM. kou0tos. v&tntmm nouna POPE - M VWl blLK . Goes to Sleep During Con versations and Will Not Obey Doctors London', Oct. 12. It Is roportod tho pope's condition is very gravo. Plus ln,snld to bo mifforlng from n complication ot diseases, and it In raporto-1 that ho is in n precarious condition. It is understood ho has fainting spells, nnd frequently falls asleep during conversations. Ho ro fuses utterly to obey his physiclnns. Tho .Standard Trial Farce. Findlay, O., Oct 12. Tho stato Is today trying to show tho connection between tho Standard pn Its Bubsi dlary companies, Tho Ohio and Man hattan Oil Compnulcs, tho Buckeye plpo lino and Solar Refining Com pany nro involved, the records ot oaqh bolng presented in nn effort to show Hint ouo man controls all. Tho court rocordB, showing tho transfers of land to tho Stnudard, woro read in court this morning, ns pnrt of tho ovidenco ot tho existence of a trust. Deputy Oil Inspector Sliafor, of this city said tho Standard has n dis tributing station on property bought of F. L. McMnmift. Tho stato la trying to bIiow by Shnfor'H testimony that tho relations of tho Solnr Ro fining Company with tho Standard woro too cIobo to pormlt competition, although tho two aro ostensibly com petitors. Tho stato scored heavily against tho Standard today, nnd established rolntlous between tho sonp oil pur chasing agency and tho Stnndard. It showed thero wan no competition In Findlay between tho Standard nnd Solar roflnorles. J. C. Seops, locni purchasing agent, whoso offlco Is with tho Duckoyo Plpo Llnotestlflud ho received Information of credit bal ances over tho prlvnto linen ot tho Buckoyo Co. Tho stato Is contend ing this ndinlsslon proves tho orig inal trust agreement Ih ntlll In forco. Adjourned until Mondny morning. Prnlmbly n Campaign Lie. Ponnynn, N. Y Oct. 12. Hughes arrived today on bin cnmpalgn in Yates nnd Sonaca counties, whoro big meetings woro hold. Many old men, life-long Domocrnts, greeted Hughoa nt his hotel reception, nssurlng him of their support. HughbH thlnkod ho gained ninny votos by tho Tammany Hurst deal on tho New York ju diciary ticket. o California's Trial Trip. Santa Barbara, Cal., Oct. 12.- Tho board is awaiting ad vices from tho navy department at Washington regarding tho Union Iron Works' request that tho onduranco trial ot the California bo held off Han Fran cisco on account of tho injury to her engines, Members of Hio board ex press tho opinion that the request be granted. IntercMlng Celebration in Texan. Waco, Tex., Oct. 12. The annual "Waco Day" festival took 'Place here today with the usual celebrations and ceremonies. Fadgltt park. wbero the carnival was held, pre sented a pretty sight when proceed ings wore in full swing. Bands, en tertainments, and shows were in abundance, and the attendance from all parts of Texas was very large. Nevada Htsgti Robber. ToHopah, Ney., Oct. 12. -The Round Mountain tar,o robber Is till at large. Two posses are purau- Ing him. The amount stolen, claimed to he about J6000, is not verified, but It la known that at least 1800 are gone, Dr. J. P. COOK MOVRD TO 10 LIBlilMrr 8TKMKT, WHBRH UK WILL MMUT A IX OL AND XKW rATUWW. FOK AXT PlHsUaK CALL OK . COOK. A 1 I McEYOY BROS. &&& h!a. temase. 1 TO . OOJWVLVATKnf fo