DAILY CAPI TAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOUEK 11, 1000. t W" YOU NEED AN UMBRELLA WE HAVE THEM FOR SALE JBWjjTjiWiWyCyWlBMB4JBWWiiiB ! We have a large stock of high grade umbrellas and of the very latest patterns, the prices ranging from $1 .00 up, and hundreds to select from. G. W. Johnson & Co. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL J1Y HOFER RROS., I'usIlHlicrg and Proprietors. SUIISCKIITION HATES. 1) Mall. Sally Journal, ono month .... 3Gc Daily Journal, throo innnths ..$1.00 Dally Journal, ono year 4.00 "Weekly Journnl, ono yenr .... 1.00 IJy Carrier. Dally Journal, por month .... 60c RKIHSTHIOTINO THE STATE. Tho coiiHtltntlon rouulrcH Hint ovury ton yearn tho Htnto shall Iio ro Hrt'HtiKocl na to Sonntorlnl nnd Hon rosontntlvo districts. ThlB duty will hnvo to bo iior formod by tho mutt legislature. Lot tho word co out THERE SHALL ItE JVO HUGH A (HMIRYMANUER as tho last oilo , In ordor to mnlco plucott (or utoro Portland politicians thrco counties voro hltchod onto tho tall of tho Alultuomnh Itlto ami representation virtually absorbed by tho Jolnt-ren-rofioututlvo myth. In ordor to wlpo out Domocrntlc votvrt In Uinatllln county It wan. inado ovor Into u Joint district with Re publican counties. It waa ' Joined vth Morrow and Union and ono Democrat senator wiped out. Umptlllu wiih novt Joined with Morrow ami a Dumocrnt roprosoiitn tlvo wiped put. Domuurntlu llnuor wan Joined with Harney ami Mai hour and another Domoarnt wiped out. Domoeratlo Douglas county waa lillrhud onto ltopiihlleuu counties and Doinouratln Senators and HoprwiBnt iitlvo olluliiatod. A district waa nroated of Crook. Grunt, Klamath and Iinko, nearly thro ehmidrod miloa lone and ono hundred inlloa wide, nnd glon n Senator and two roptOBeutntlvos. CountHm naturally Domocratlo are thUH made to turn KupMbllciuui. (Milium, Sherman and Whoulor nre nmdo ono district and given two rop roseiitutlvtm TO SAVE ONE OK THEM HElNd A UI'MOUHAT. Yet In Hpttu of thlu gorryuuuuler, of tho llftoen senator olocted thU year live wore Democrats, ono each from Linn, Jackson, Yamhill, Clack lunns, nnd Umatilla. The congressional gerrymander Is Btlll vomo. To prevent eastern Oro- The time to begin myIiik mon ey Is when you Iwgln to 'cam It, Xo matter how niiiuII jour In come, you ran nave n little of It, TIiIh alone, If regularly done, nill make you Independent, Wo receUe doposliM of one. dol lr or more, mul uty you Interest at tho rate of three, per cvttt com. twwml4l 4iKHil'HHHlIy K ) -.- . K Savtef Department go a having a ghost of u show of oldctlng a Democratic congressman, IT 18 SI.IOE-STHIXGKI) with Mult nomah, Columbia and Clatsop. Of course, theso things aro Justi fied on tho ground of partisanship. Hut what has It availed? IT HAS NOT HAVEI THE STATE from hav ing a Democratic Govornor twlco, nnd tho paoplo hnvo been driven to tako up direct legislation and direct nom ination to ovorcomo corrupt legisla tures. In tho redisricting of tho stnto each county should havo ono ropro sontntivo tp begin with and not over two counties hIiouIU bo in ono sena torial district. Thoro should bo NO DOUIlLK-.IOIXT DISTRICTS created. X-RAYS Smiles A lndy subscriber wants to know If whist Is n harmless amusement. Yes, If you keep still about it. . It Is reported that tho so It) play ers of this city hnvo n cnndldnto for mayor up their sloovo. Tho leglslaluro hns abolished n groat many peoplo's nccesa to water and other llulds, nnd cnu abolish riparian rights. s If the editorial convention adopt ed rosolutlons oNproBslng tho sym pathy of tho association with tho woman surfrago niovomout and pledging their support, thoy most assuredly delegated to themselves a whole lot of authority. Tho major ity of tho press of Oregon aro not In favor of tho movoiuont. Dullns Itomlzur. Hut Frank Duvoy, who was thuro nnd who Is a sulTruulst, says thoy didn't. What did they do? Tho Dally Star Is agitating for a Greater Orogou City. That happened when tho Star first twinkled. m w Trust tho trust to bust tho trust. It will do It, but tho Vumedy may be revolution. s A ono-pinnk walk la wldo unough to go to tho coinetory. Wo don't know whether wo would rather bo Homer Davenport of Jef ferson Myers. Homer can out-llo all of us. In the newspaper business we'd rather be Homer, considering tho way tho people sustain tho fnko newspapers, According to Its present rnto of po litical growth tho United States may hnvo a Mormon President by 1997. Tho employing pi Inters of Salem, whntQver that may bo bo, are to bo organised, pays a Portland dispatch. V Geo. F, Hodgora nnd Jos. it. Whit tle) aro aald to have an eye on tho Balon! Statesman, lloth have a coo titled character nt the hands of WUIU Dunulwuy that lUa them tor tho newspaper business. Tho Heat Doctor, Roy. D. 0, Horton, Sulphur Springs, Tex., writes, July 19, 1905: "I hnvo usod In my family Ballard's Snow Liniment and Horohound Syr up, and. thoy hnvo proved certainly satisfactory, Tho liniment is tho bent wo have ever used for, head ftcbo and pains. The couitht syrup has boon our doctor for the last S year." Sold by D. J, Pry'a drug; store. 0ATO3(tSJt. Sir ssn; a: Sliver Is steadily advancing in price as measured by gold, but It Is the same old sllvor. , Tho Dalles Chronicle thinks .Mich nol Jn3per, of Michigan, bravo be caiiBo he is going to marry an Indian girl with the somewhat suggestive name of Mary KIck-a-Hole-in-the-Sky The Chronicle forgets that tho mon- led aristocrats and harmless dudes of the effete East tie up with chorus glrU. Andrew Carnegie, Imagining him svlf n philanthropist, because he gives nwny a part of the money ho ex lets from tho people. Is much like tho devil classing himself as charlt- ablo because ho permits slriners to warm at his fireside. o State News The Eugene high school band will bo reorganized this year, and will tako part on all public occasions In which their school Is Interested. Mrs. Annlo Hutchinson, tho first school teacher in Klamath Falls 35 years ago, and a pioneer resident of tho place, died there Monday. Tho eighth, ninth and tenth grades of tho Forest Grove public schoolB havo organized a literary so ciety. William Mank, living at Free wator, Oregon, killed a mountain Hon nt his homo last Saturday, Just as It was about to spring upon his child. Wlllard F. Itapp, aged 5G years, bookkeeper for tho Security Savings & Trust Company, of Portland, died TueBdny evonlng on his way homo from tho Oaks. J. W. Wilcox, n prominent farmer and a resident of Greenville, Oregon, for nearly a quarter of a century, died ut that placo Tuesday. Wlnnlfred Perry was arrested and put In tho Pendleton Jail Tuesday, chargod with furnishing saws to tho prisoners who mado tho recent Jail break thoro. Judge Cameron, of Portland, has received n lottor from somo unknown member of tho lied Flag, or Nihilists, threatening to kill him If ho does not freo John Lowandoskl, tho nllogcd Russian bomb thrower. Dr. N. G. IJlnlock, who owns Bin- lock Island. In tho Columbia river, Is planning to ontortnln 20 sportsmen during tho big rnbblt shoot to bo hold thoro October 20th. Tho Red Mon of Southern Oregon, will hold a celebrntion with tho Tak ilinn Tribe, of Grants Pass, Novem ber 17th, which will bo tho biggest ovent for that city this winter. Over 100 now mombors will bo Initiated Into tho lodgo. PILES Cured Quickly nnd Painlessly No Risk, No Dnngcr. A Free Trial Package to Convince Sent by Mull to All Who Write. . o- Indlau War Veterans. An Important mooting of tho Ma rlon county Indian War Vetorans" will bo hold In this city at tho city hall, Saturday, October 13, at 2 p. m. Mattors of particular Intorost to tho inouibors of tho camps will bo dismissed, and a largo atteudnnco Is loquostod, Tho call for tho mooting Is Issued by C A. Wallace, com mnuder of Cnmp No. 1, of this city. Ho also oxtonds uu invitation to tho Polk county camps to attend tho mooting. . A Danger from the Plague. Thoro's gfnvo dnugcr from tho plaguo of Coughs nnd Colds that are so pjovalent unloss you tako Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs nnd Colds. Mrs. Walls of Forest City writes: "It's a God sond to pcoplo living In climates where roughs nnd colds prevail. I flno It quickly ends them. It prevouts pneumonia, cures lagrlppo, gives wonderful relief In asthma nnd hay fovor, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward oft consumption, coughs and colds. 60c and 11.00. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry's drug storo. Trial bottlo freo. Common senso Is Jus't as necessary (even more so) In medicine as in business or tho affairs of everyday life. People aro getting to know more than they used to. Not so long ago, it was the fashion to make all sorts of claims for a medicine, and wind up by asking tho reader to go to a drug store and buy a bottle. Pcoplo won't stand for that kind of thing now. They want proof tan gible proof. They want to try the remedy first, and if they find It to be what it is claimed they will bo glad enough to buy It. That Is why we say to every per son Buffering from piles or any form of rectal diseases, send us your name and wo will gladly send you a free trial package. For we know what tho result will be. After using the trial you will hurry to your nearest druggist and get a 50c box of Pyra mid Plio Cure, now admitted by thousands to bo one of tho most wonderful v reliefs and cures for piles over known. "Please excuse my delay In writ ing to you sooner In regard to what your Pyramid Pile Curo has done for me. I consider It one of tho finest medicines In tho world for plies. I suffered untold misery for four iponths when my wife begged me to send for a 50c box. When It was half gone I knew I was better, and it didn't tako any begging to get me to send for a second box. I think I am about well now, but If I feel any symptoms of a return I will order at once. I ordor It from the Pyramid Drug Co., to bo suro of tho cure. Tell all about this flno remedy for piles. "And if there is anything In this letter you want to use. do so. I re ceived your letter a few days ago. Yours for a romedy liko Pyramid Plio Curo. J. J. M'ELWEE, Honey Grove, Tex., R. R. 9, Box 29. "P. S. I only, used two boxes and don't think I need any more. Piles of soven months' standing." To get n freo trial package send today to the Pyramid Drug Com pany, ,55 Pyramid building, Marshall, Michigan. It will como by return mall, and tho results will both de light nnd astonish you. Wtfite Us Today FOR A Free-Electric Flat Iroi Relatives of the lato Mlnnlo Van Dran, who wns murdered In Portland a year ago,, aro now fighting over her property. o Cures Chills nnd Fever. G. W. Wirt, Nacogdoches, Texas, says: "His daughter has chills and fover for three years; ho could not find anything that would help her till ho used Herblno. His wlfo will not kcop house without It, and can not any too much for It." 50c. Sold by 1). J. Fry's drug store. We will deliver the Flat Iron, free of charge, for thirty daya' trial. ' You are under no obligation to purchase the Iron we want you to learn what It will do in saving labor, tlmo and money, and to give you an opportunity to test this greatest of all household con veniences In a practical way. All equipment delivered with each Iron, which may be attach-1 ed to any electric lamp socket. Fill In the coupon below and mall to us AT ONCE. CUT OUT COUPON Salem, Oregon, "3 Gentlemen: You may deliver to me ono Electric Flat Iron, which I agree to try, and, if unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 3 0 days from date of delivery. If I do not return It at that time you may charge samo to my account at ?4.00. It Is understood that no charge will be mado for tho Iron If I return It within 30 days. t Name r Dept. J. Address PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. Telepone Main 84 Salem, Oregon 1 Tho nbovo cut shows our brlck llned Torrid Zono Purnnco. Guar anteed gas and dust proof. Econom ical and durable; for tlp particulars Inquire at A. L. FRASER 258 State Street. Estimates furnished ou heating. B&nd Phonographs Records Stringed instruments and musical sundries. Don't forget that we have the goods and that they arc for sale at reasonable prices. P. L. SAVAGE .At J. Wenger's Old Stand, 217 Commercial St. Repairing Instruments & Specialty. Oregon City Logging Shoca In High Tops In Low Tops Warranted Jto be Water For Sale By JACOB V06TI The Old Reliable SALEM GUN STORE Phone 40 The Old Reliable SALEM GUN STORE Pfinfie4i0 y WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE HUNTER AND SPORTSMAN HAXI) lMtOVKCTOIlS CMZAXINQ ROUS SUKI.T. lUILTS SUKUi VKSTS HUNTING COATS Ml'NTlXO HATS HIXTIXG IUXTS m:roiii ins WITCH KI.K HUXTIXa HOOTS LKFEVKIt SHOTGUXS PARKKU SHOTGUXS HKSI1XGTOX SHOTGUXS Fu C. SMITH SHOTGUXS STKVpXS SHOTGUXS WIXCIIESTEK SHOTGX8 MARTLIX SHOTGUXS SYRACUSE SHOTGUXS . lTnAOA SHOTGUXS , HAKEIl SHOTGUXS Marble SIliU mid comrdde line of .Marble. Good. Rift, of evcrj standard make. King Sights and LihUh Stelits for RIes and S .. Uhh UreSo Hd Ghh Oil. Vo are always welcome at Salem. Old Reliable Guh Store. gums. 1 ' j