Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Only Five Days
on a guarantee ofeatisfaction. Get our prices.
Milium, (wnullmQ
A Thrilling Expfricnco In Malayan
T took a steady aim at tho Inst
vertebra, at tho nni)o of Ita ncek, ex
pecting tho bullet to HimtBh Its bnck
bono and porhups to rako Into Its
brain, wrltos a. Maxwell in tho Tom
plo Unr, describing an olophant hunt
In tho Malay ponlusiiln. I 11 red and
nil wub still.
Poorfng tinder tho smoko of my
ton boro, I saw Clio anlinal lying mo
tlonless, I waited n few second, and
thon lookod around toward tho two
Malays. Tho weok boforo, Hhootlng
In tho lCuantun vnlloy I had killed
n llnor titBkor olophnnt with a slnglo
biillot In tho brain. This mndo two
consocutlvo olophantB with two con
Hocuttvo hullotH, and tho second of
them wan this famous Dlat olepliuut.
Trying to conceal my emotion, I
ibackonod to tho men to coma up,
wiylng that tho olophnnt wna dead,
II nt "doad" had barely crossed my
II pa when thoro was a rondlng of tho
rattans, and boforo I could mova tho
olophnnt wnH charging straight at
A Bocoud boforo It had boon lying
on tho mound with all four foot
stretched out, and with, I believed,
h bullet In ltn brain. A'n olepliuut
cannot spring to Its foot, and a tamo
unlnuil gouorally taken hoiuo ttmo
to rise. Tho suddenness of this
charge may, therefore, appear ex
aggerated. 1 can only any that was
standing within a few yards of tho
animal and was not aware ol' any
interval of Unto between Its lying
silent on tho ground and Its charging
mo. I saw tho green" rnttnns tear
lug asunder to right and left away
from an oiiormous brown head a
trunk tightly rolled up and a pair of
lingo gloaming tusks. It was tip
high in tho air, and right above mo
Imminent as a wave that curls before
It liroaks. With my second barrel I
llrod Into tho center of the onromous
brown cheat, tho head being so high
and so closo that It was covered by
tho tightly colled trunk, and then
with an empty rltlo I turned ami ran
down tho track tip which wo hud
come. Tho elephant was only a fow
yards behind me. and I ran for life.
Boforo I had gone more than lr
or 30 yards I tripped and fell heavily
to tho ground, my rltlo being Hung
from my band. Death Boomed cer
tain and I could only hope that It
would bo patulous, Hut to my In
ttmso surprise tho olophunt bad not
followed mo, hooking over my
Hhuubler I saw It standing under tho
great dead tree from undoruentb
WW KNDBAVOK to advance the
business interests of our custom
Am In eyry legitimate way, la
o doing, our motlvw my be
Mwewhat tletur4 with flAtth
, tor, upon the proiiVlty ot
1 twtrea kItijCM the suueeM ot
rry baak.
S&ftm State Bank
Until the close of the
Buck Stove
Every little girl should try
for one of the prizes Get
a booklet and have your
answers in by Oct. 15th.
To the older folks we
wish to say that we are
selling stoves and ranges
which I hnd fired both shots. I
picked myself up and, not daring to
wnit to got my rillo, which bad boon
thrown Into a thicket by my fall,
raced down tho path again and hid
hohlnd tho first convenient treo.
From this point of comparative
safety I saw tho olophant still stand
ing1 undor tho dead tree. It was
fumbling dizzily with Its trunk in
tho heavy smoko of tho black pow
der fumbling to find mo. Tho
blood was pouring from tho wound
In Its chost in great throbbing jots,
and tho bright green undergrowth
was drouched with heavy red.
Aftor a fow aoconds tho great
brute began to scream with rngo and
put ti. How It screamed I As tho
numbness caused by tho shock of tho
llrst bullot woro off tho pnln of tho
wound nud of tho second bullet In
Its chest drovo it to frenzied mad
ness. It trampled ovor tho ground,
which wns nlrendy besmeared with
Its blood, and with trunk outstrench
ed and oars thrust forward In ovory
direction for Its assailant.
Aftor a time It may have boon
only a fow minutes, but It scorned
llko hours wenkoned by tho loss of
blood and convinced porhnps of the
futility of Its search; It, moved slow
ly away.
Long aftownrds It was found dead.
Hoard Ulll Law Invalid.
Illttvlllo, Wash., Oct. 10. "It Is
Just as ronsonnblo t6 sond n man to
Jail for neglecting to pay for a pound
of sugar as for falling to pay a
bo'nrd bill," was tho comment made
by Judge V, T. Warren In tho dis
trict court today In declaring tho
"law regulating liability ot lukeopor,
an act for tho protection ot hotels,
boarding houses and lodging houses
and providing penalty for violation
thereof," was unconstitutional and
no conviction cohld bo secured under
tfs provisions.
"This law Is Intended to provide
for Imprisonment for debt," snld
Judge Warren, "which Is In violation
of tho constitution of tho state of
Washington and the constitution ot
tho United States."
A Heal Sensible Negro,
Chicago. Oct. 10. Daniel Francis,
a negro murderer, whoso execution
was sot for Friday of this weok, has
Issued an appeal to bis attorney and
friends to coaso their efforts to hnvo
his Bontonce committed. In bis com
munication Francis says;
"I am u bad man, lam ready,
willing and anxious to bo hanged.
Tho world will bo bettor for getting
rid ot mo. I killed my wlto and
another woman with absolutely uo
provocation. I am only too glad to
tako whnl I ought to got. I hnvo
mndo tho best amends to Clod I know
bow to mako."
Francis was convicted on a chnrgo
ot murdering bis wife and Mrs.
Kinlly ScrogKfl. Ho also shot his
daughter, but only wounded her
Cholera In Uottotthun,
Rotterdam, Holland, 'Oct, 10.
Two fatal cases of cholera have been
discovered In towns near hero. Tbo
government has taken steps to pre
vent an epidemic.
-- i i. O
The Ilt Doctor.
Kov. II. 0. Horton, Sulphur
Spring, Tex., writes, July 19, 1902t
"I have wted la my family Ballard's
Snow I,lnlmt and Horehoviad Syr
up, ami they have Keyed certainly
satisfactory, The llalmwit In the
best we have ever ul for head
ache am! pal as. The fought tyrHp
Will Eventually Cover 2000
Square Miles and May
Change Climate
Washington, Oct. 10. Who is re
sponsible for tho creation of tho Sal
tan Sea In Southern California,
which already covers nn area of 400
squaro miles and threatens to spread
over 2000 square miles, If some
means of diverting the Colorado riv
er cannot bo dovlsed?
This question Is perplexing Mexi
can and American diplomatists, but
for tho tlmo being diplomatic repre
sentations havo been susponded, and
both tho United Stntes and Mexico
are bending every effort to check tho
river, which has been accidentally
turned from Its course through tho
offorts of tho California Develop
ment Company to irrigate land in
Northern Moxico and Southern Cali
fornia. Interesting complications of an ln
tornatlonnl nature' aro threatened
when tho two governments attempt
to settle their dlfforoncos and mako
good tho damago which has boon
brought by dlvortlng tho Colorado
from Its old channel. Tho California
Development Company originally
tapped tho'rlvor bolow Yuma, Ariz.,
and carried water from Arizona
Ico and back Into a great valley in
Ico nnd b alkento a great valley In
Southorn California. In 1904 It was
found that this canal was lnndequato
to supply tho water required for tho
Irrigation project, and a Mexican cor
poration, controlled by tho California
Dovolopment Company was author
ized by Moxico to tako water from
tho Colorado In Moxico. Tho Irriga
tion cnnnl was only ono-fourth of n
mllo from tho river nt tho point In
Mexico whoro a ditch was cut
through the sandy bank of tho rlvor
connecting with tho gront Irrigation
cnnnl. No gatos wcro provided, and
when tho Colorado river was divert
ed from Its chnnnol, It cut away Its
bank and wont raging Into tho low
lands In California far bolow sea
Towns ltclow the Surface.
rtopoated attempts havo been
mndo to turn tho river bnck Into tho
old channel, but without success.
Again and again tho Southern Pa
clllc rnllroad has boon compollcd to
movo Us trac"ks, which ran through
tho Sultou sink, and havo boon
forced onto tho foothills surround
ing tho great basin, which Is being
converted into a sea. Several small
towns aro now bonoath tho wators
which tho Colorado hna poured Into
tho basin, and In many places only
tho tops ot tho telegraph poles Indi
cate whoro tho roadbed formerly
wns. In tho lowest part ot tho sink
tho water Is now 70 feet deop. For
a tlmo tho water from tho Colorado
raised tho sea at tho rate of six
Inches n day, and It has boon estimat
ed that, granting tho failure of en
gineers to chock tho rlvor In 40
years, all the basin located beneath
tho main courso ot tho Colorado will
bo covored with water.
I, Ike Great Twtkes of Canada.
A part of the bn,sln Is In Moxico,
and a failure to control the rlvor
would give this country nnd Moxico
a lako compnrablo to tho great Inkos
separating tho .United States and
Canada. At present tho lako is
greater than any body ot wnter whol
ly within tho United States oxcept
Salt Lake and Lake Michigan. Tho
Mexican company, to which permis
sion va granted to tako wator out
ot the Colorado In Mexico was mere
ly created In Mexico to assist tho
California Development Company in
making a success of nn Irrigation
project, which wns a partial fallnrb
whon wator was taken from tho Col
orado In Arlxonn. Most ot the land
to bo irrigated was In tho I'lilted
Stnt03, and tho Moxlcan government
bad comparatively llttlo to gain
from tho concession granted to tho
irrigation company,
Treaties Call for Open Stream.
International complications havo
followod, growing out ot tho tact
that tho Colorado shall bo main
tained as a navigable stream, which
Is not now tho caso 'becauea It has
been completely diverted from tho
Quit ot California Into tho great sink
Kxpert engineers aro struggling to
control tbo flow ot waters, and tho
Southern Pacific railroad, whoso
property Is suffering greatly, is co
operating with tho Moxlcan and
American government engineers tn
an effort to construct another chan
nel with flood gates, into which tho
A healthy stomach with all kinds of
good foods for it Is then In proper
condition to extract all tho strength
ening and llfo sustaining qualities,
but when it Is wenk, conditions are
reversed and you become weak and
run down.
makes stomachs healthy, without
fall, thus curing I'oor Appetite, Indi
gestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Cos
tlvi'iicss of Female Ills. Try It to
day. All druggists.
Colorado can bo diverted long enough
to repair tho Salton break.
The Mexican government commis
sion is headed by Brigadier-General
Angel Garcia 'Pona and tho Ameri
can govornmonfc by the reclamation
servlco engineers.
A Badly Burned Girl.
or boy, man or woman, is quickly
out of pain if Ducklln's Arnica
Salvo is applied promptly. G. J
Welch, ot Tekonsha, Mich., says: "I
uso It in my family for cuts, sores
and all skin Injuries, and find It per
fect." Quickest pllo euro known.
Best healing salvo made. 25c at J.
C. Perry's drugstore.
Not n Candidate.
E. T. Barnes authorizes Tho Capi
tal Journal to stato that he is not a
candidate for Mayor, and that his
name has been used without his
knowledgo nnd consent, and that
ho will not become a candidate at tho
hands of tho Business Men's League
or any other organization.
Health Is Worth Saving and Some
Salem Pooplo Know How
to Savo It.
Many Salem peoplo tako thoir lives
in their hands by neglecting tho kid-
noys when thoy know these organs need
help. Sick kidneys aro responsible for
a vast amount of suffering and ill
health, but thoro Is no nocd to sudor
nor to rotnain in danger when all dis
eases and aches nnd paias due to weak
kidneys can bo quickly and permanent
ly cured by tho uso of Doan's Kidney
Pills. Hero is tho statement of a Sa
lem citizen who has reclaimod good
health by tho uso of this remedy:
1 Pratt proprietor of tho Hod Front
Livery Stablo, 203 Front St., Salem,
Oregon, says: "Doan's Kidnoy Pills
are a remedy of exceptional merit and
their vnluo deserves to ho known to all
hi need of a romedy for backache or
kulaoy trouble. I had suffered from a
deranged ttnto of tho kidneys and
heavy aching through my hack and
loins, when I went to Dr. Stone's drug
storo for a supply of Doan's Kidney
Pills. I rccolved prompt and effective
relief almost from tho first dose and
in a short timo I was in such good con
dition that I didn't feci any further
necessity to uso them or any such rem
'ody of tho kind."
For salo by all dealers. Price 5fl
coats. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo
Now York, solo agents for the United
Ilemcmbor tho name Doan's and
tako no other.
. Hilly Potts Scrap.
Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 10. Billy
Potts was today matched to fight
Young Fitzgerald Octobor 19th.
Tho Booth-Kolly Compnny, at Co
burg, has Installed a now dynamo,
to uso on a crane In loading heavy
timbers on cars,
A Boon
to the Bilious
Are you compelled to deny your
self many wholesome foods because
you think they make you bilious?
Do you know that your condition
I more to blame than the foods?
otir hver and stomach need at
tention more than the diet. When
you find yourself suffering with a
bilious attack, take
and all annoying symptoms will
soon disappear. They settle the
stomach, regulate the liver and ex
ercise the bowcli. Their good ef
fects arc felt immediately.
Ilcecham's Pills mingle with the
contents of the stomach and make
easy work of digestion. The nour
ishing properties of the food are
then readily assimilated and the
residue carried off without irrtta
tiH the .intestines or clogging the
Beechim Tilts should be taken
whenever there is sick headache,
furred tongue, constipation, sallow
stun or any symptoms that indi
cate an inactive liver,
fett vfyTrWw. IaWa,ajrt.
Ciiemawa Authorities At
tempted to Pull off a
Shotgun Wedding
After being held virtually a pris
oner since the graduation exercises
in July, the authorities of tho Salem
Indian Training school, at Chemawn,
havo released Asa D. Bngnell, a full
blooded young Klamath Indian grad
uate of tho school. He was let go
yesterday- evening, nnd permitted to
return to tho lodges and tepees of
his people.
Tho alleged Imprisonment was an
attempt on the part of the school au
thorities to coerce young Bagnell in
to a marriage with Mabel McKay, an
lS-year-old Indian student, to whose
delinquency Bagnell was accused of
Judge Delos Woodruff, of Curry
county, guardian of tho Bagnell
holrs, made a formal demand for tho
release of Bagnell, and Is said to bo
now on his way to. Salem to enforce
his written request for the boy's
liberty. Carson & Cannon, attorneys
of this city, were employed by the
Indian's relatives, and they threat
ened to secure the boy's release on
habeas corpus proceedings. These
legal steps culminated in the boy be
ing given a ticket home.
However, tho authorities pur
chased tho boy a ticket by way of
Portland and tho Pacific ocean, a
routo that will consume more than a
week, while his guardian is coming
Into Salem by tho direct railroad
route. In this way the Indian and
Judgo Woodruff, his guardian, will
be kept apart for another ten days,
at least.
In tho meantime, the boy made
several unsuccessful attempts to es
cape. At one time he got as far as
Kelso, Washington, where ho was
overtaken by the school authorities
and brought back to tho school.
Tho condition of the McKay girl
was said to havo been discovered In
August, and sho was sent to her
homo at Woodburn, and from that
tlmo Bagnell was kept under surveil
Young Bngnell stoutly maintains
his Innocence, and says that a young
white man connected with tho Insti
tution Is tho causo of tho girl's de
ception, and for that reason Bagnell
hns boon refused a trial before a civ
il tribunal.
Tho authorities of the school havo
somo kind of a written confession
signed by Asa Bagnell. Ho claims
that It was procured under duress,
nnd Is not truo. Bngnell Is 19 years
old, and tho legal Jurisdiction of tho
school ovor him ceased July 30th.
Assistant Superintendent Camp
bell snld this morning that ho ex
pelled Bagnoll from tho School yos
torday, but admitted that ho had no
Jurisdiction ovor him since July, and
that instead of expelling him, ho re
leased him from survolllnnco, and
purchased him a ticket home.
Mr. Campbell also said that ho
tried to make the girl's father tako
legal action In the matter, hut that
ho refused to do so.
It Is rumorcd that tho girl does
not nttrlbuto her betrayal to tho In
dian, but to a young white man.
Mr. Campbell admitted that tho
boy had his diploma, and that ho
bad boon restrained Illegally. On
tho other hand, tho Indian school au
thorities aro tho guardians' of tho
girl, as sho has not yet been gradu
ated or oxpolled. As such, they
could havo recourse to the civil au
thorities and compel tho young In
dian to mnko any legal restitution,
Mr, Campbell says, as far tha
school authorities aro concerned, tho
incident Is closed.
Tho authorities eay thoy still hold
nagnell's confession nnd an Inter
cepted lovo letter from Darnell to
the McKay girl. For what purposo
theso documents aro being kent. as
tho Incident is closed, la not known,
unless it is for- the defense ot some
ono else tho girl may accuse.
Tho porslstono offorts of Asa Bac-
nell to cscapo from tho Indian school
do not comprlso all tho elopements
from that Institution In tho past few
weeks. Another runaway Is Zlnka
Colby, aged 24, who Is said to bo
booked for expulsion when appre
hended, and who la rumored to ha
charged with admitting boy students
into McBrlde hall, tho girl's dormi
tory; Mary-McDanlel, who has been
returned; Albert Auberry. aned 23:
William Booth, nged 21; Paul Der
rick, aged 22. Theso last three were
brought back t othe school last Frl.
day aad aro Alaska Indians. Other
rcat runaways are Frank GartuM-t
Women as Well as Wen An
miserable by Kidney -4
manner ironble.
Kidney trouble preys upon ,
uioLuui oju ....uivooi.n3uinDnio)1 1
6" una
ness soon i
when thekidsS
out of order oH
Kidney tronbL
become sn ,J
that it is not J
moil for a child J
uorn aiaicted
HCaK Klrltlf..- Til
V.11UU uniiBiMiuuuiiBu, ii uieuruieso,
the flesh, or if, when the child r.,-LT
ngc when it should be able to coatroN
pa&sujjc, ji. isjci. uuiitieu vitli bed-,
ting, depend upon it, the cause of the 4
culty is kidney trouble, and b,.
step should be towards the treatoeatj
trouble is due to a diseased contliiuTl
the kidneys and bladder and not ts
iiuuit as must peopiu suppose.
Women as well as men are mad.
nble with kidnev and blndilpr t.Zirl
end both need the same great renl
uie mini unu me iiuuieuiaie tiicctrl
Swamp-Root is soon realized. Itusfl
Dy uroggisis, in nay-
cent ana one-uoilari
size bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
by man tree, also a nom.cftnenml
pampmci leuing an aoout Swampl
lncldditlP inniiv of thetliniicnnil.i.
liionial letters received from ssffw
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & (0
Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and tcectaJ
tuts paper. JJotrt make any misti
but remember the name. SwamtRi
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tht 1
aress, iitngnamton, n. v., oa
The Bnrn Burned.
A fire alarm was turned fa earh
this morning, and tho scene ol tti
flro proved to be a barn on the prop
erty on which Geo. Griswold resldn
on Twelfth street, In Yew Park. Tb
barn was entirely destroyed. Tk'
city flro department responded
promptly, but tho Yew Park fire brig
nde had the conflagration y,t unde
control by the time it arrived, ail
did heroic work-In keeping the flames
from spreading to tho residence
Suit Over Spuds.
Tho suit of C. L. Schllckhelsei
ngninst Fred ,Dose, an nppeal froa
the Justice court of Hubbard, Is oc
cupying tho attention of Judge Bur
nett's court this afternoon. The ci.
Is known as the potato case, acJ
arose' over a contract for future de
livery. H. Overton appears for Doa
and Grant Dlmlck, of Oregon CltJL
and Sam Richardson, of this city, arfl
tho attorneys for the plaintiff.
Victim ot Plutocratic Greed.
(Chicago Tribune.)
Tho hungry mosquito made sex
ernl attempts to'get Into the hou
but found itself barred out by win
"Robbed ot my living by the Wirt
Trust," It hummed, plaintively.
Wearied by its exertions, It flei
back to tho margin of the poti
whence It came.
Somo enemy had sprayed the wr
fnco of tho water with kerosene
making tho neighborhood utterly un
inhabitable. "Defrauded of my ancestral bow
by the Oil Trust!" It moaned. "Whit
Js tho use of keeping up the stwss"
against predatory wealth?"
Then It lay down nnd dled-M-other
victim of plutocratic greed.
An English Joke.
imnnllnt, in Mm British WWklf-
"in Chicago loaves of bread must
bear tho weight and the name of the
baker. Why not his height and girtl
measurements, too. ruuiu.
tr..in.. rv.. ... Assessment.
Tho assessment of the property M
Union county this year amount! 1 W
$6,113,173 as against J5,5!S,
last year. Tho summary wai "-
colved by tho secretary ot state iw
Try a Roll of I
Wo aro tho only author!
agents ot tho Haiolwood butter
hi Salem, and receive the saw
direct from tho creamery.
Guaranteed strictly ttab.
Moir Grocery
4 Stole St. I100
hat boon our (Jotter for the last S
Sold by D. J, Pry' dmc More,
at Ssavill, Cal and Ulufe put,
C "-)
oi riuB couaty, Cal.
.,... . imr-Hffrr
uiAaL r