- .,-? JVERNMENT WEATHER- FORECAST. klOWERS TONIGHT; THURSDAY, RAIN, COOOLER. AILY CAPITAL JOTTR.1VAT, y ;s ia 3 i t )L. XVI. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 11)00. NO. 2 lit. LL CHICAGO GOES BASEBALL MAD "'i OWN OF GOLDFIELD, NEVADA. IN FLAMES RIDE USED A BOTTLE riped a Charivari Fiend and Made Him Quit SOUTHERN NEIGHBORS ARE SORE Are Afraid of Roosevelt and Boycott American Goods Spokane, wash., Oct. 10. "Mrs. Now Orleans, Oct. 10. Circulars earl C. Schmidt, who became a mailed from San Jose, Costa, Rica, irkie Sunday, single-handed put te'declare: "Roosevelt said In recent ght a crowd out for a charivari at sPeecnes aLtin American coun- frorllpnl T.nfcn Wnahlncfnn hlftlnR "lBD u, uuuuu lu U"tt'llur, UGCUUBU ..... ..V .MWHIUQIUII, .t.Wt, I wiey ure i-iiuiu nuu uecuuso mcy are small." The circular adds that 117 boycott stations have been estab lished In South America to prevent the sale of goods the manufacturers of which are for Roosevelt prin ciples. Who Is responsible for this propaganda has not been learned. TRIED TO SMUGGLE CHINESE Yacht Loaded with Them Captured in Providence River HIDES BEHIND A MASK ALMOST SEVENTY CENTS Attorney Scores Rockefeller t and the Robber Gang f with Him he leader of the rowdies over the lead with a bottle and laying him dw. He was so thoroughly knocked Stit that his companions were com pelled to carry him away. Carl Schmidt and Miss Maude M. middle were married Sunday, the eremony being performed In the ledlcnl Lake Congregational church, t the close of the Sunday evening ervlces. It was witnessed by the ongregation, and the ceremony In very way was appropriate. They began housekeeping In a cottage, Ind this domicile was selected ns a Kilning mark for the village cut-ups. On the- first visit the charivari irty was received hospitably by the Irlde, but It seemed so easy that pst night the gang came back for pore, and was refused. The door ras closed and one of the bunch, the fader, started to force a window. It las then that Mrs. Schmidt swung Bie bottle and knocked .the Insolent allow Into Insensibility. STANDARD WINS AS USUAL Providence, R. I., Oct. 10. After Findlay, O., Oct. 10. Upon the eluding the immigration officials for opening of the court tho Standard over a fortnight, with a cargo of Oil case was called this morning, and Chinese immigrants, tho yacht Frolic the Jury excused while the attorneys was seized in Providence river today' argued upon the ndmissablllty of tho nud confiscated, in tho name of tho ' answers of the questions put to John federal government. Seventeen Chi- , D- Rockefeller in tho contempt pro namen and thro members of tho ceedings. Tho prosecution held that crew were arrested. Tho commnndor Rockefeller's statement was pertl nnd others were not present. The I neyl to the present Issue, to show yacht camo up tho harbor undetected i n,s connection with "tho Standard A watchman In a coal yard stumbled over two Chlnnmen nnd stnrted to arrest them, when a voice from tho Frolic told him to let them alone. The watchman- reported tho occur rence nnd tho seizure followed. Washington, Oct. 10. Tho pro posed attack by tho government against the Standard has been de ferred Indefinitely, the President "be- I Having that to start the suit now would bo regarded as cheap politics to influence the elections, besides tho I preparation of the evidence Is lncom I pleto. fflCAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Beautiful New, Fresh Goods Now On Sale In Every Department Throughout the Entire Establishment Prices Away Down to Induce Quick Selling The enormous volume of business wo aro doing now would do credit to some of the big stores in Chicago or New York. Remem ber, we are the leaders of low prices on first class merchandise. Do your trading. The Store That Saves You Money When you get our prices you will see bow we save you money. Here is a list of beautiful goods to select frem: Snow in the East. Cincinnati, Oct. 10. Snow fell to day over a large part of Ohio, Ken tucky nnd West Vlrglnin. Findlay, O., Oct. 10. Tho Rock efeller answers In question were tnken in 1SDS. The defense fought tho Admission of tho depositions In court, but admitted them ns evidence to show that tho trust existed at tho time the depositions were made. Judge Parker nsked Kline, the attor ney for the defense. If tho acts of tho President would not show tho Silver Goes Steadily Upward On Account of Govern ment Buying Washington, October 10. Tho dt rector of tho mint this afternoon pur chased GOO, 000 ounces of silver for delivery In equal lotB at San Frnn- clsco, Now Orleans nhd Denver, at G9.ll cents an ounce. CUBS BEAT SOX GOLD FIELD BURNS WM. WALLACE GRAHAM, Violinist STUDIO AT BALDWIN RESIDENT!?, Mil COURT STREET, J MONDAYS ONLY. ARRANGEMENTS FOR LESSONS CAN RE 9 MADE 1JY PJIONE OR IN PERSON AT STUDIO. ENSAMBLE ALSO GIVEN. ffflllllllll !!!! tlirHHflM CANNOT EXEMPT ITSELF. Railroad Held Liable for Injuries to Traveler Using n Pass. Chicago, Oct. 10. Tho printed no tice on tho bnck of passes that tho holder ncrees" to hold tho rallrnnil company Issuing It exempt from all n,,ned by tho Standard claims for damages in the case of in- Jury ddes not confer the expected immunity, according to a. decision rendered mby tho appellato court to day. Tho decision was given In a suit brought by George B. Purvis, an employo of tho Pennsylvania rail road, who was given Judgment of $3000 ior Injuries suffered In an ac-l cldent, whllo traveling from Chicago to Erie, Pa. methods of tho company and Kllno said, "No." Findlay, 0 Oct. 10. One of Rockefeller's bitterest enemies, Ida M. Butts, daugliter of tho lato Geo. M. Rice, was present at tho trial. Rice, an Independent refiner, was Ills daugh ter has devoted her llfo to fighting the trust. She took up tho battle whero her father left it at his death. She will be a witness for tho proso cutlon. She will present incriminat ing documents gathered by her fath er and herself. Goldficld, , Nov., Oct. 10. Flro broke out In tho St. Francis hotol at 1 o'clock nnd threatons tho ontlro city. Tho flames sprang from ni npparcnt explosion of n tank of gnso lino in tho rear. A high wind Is sweeping tho flnmos directly from tho south end of tho clt' toward tho main section. It crossed tho main street twice, unchecked. Tho entlro population is fighting tho flames. Goldfleld, Oct. 10. At 3 p. m. tho flro was extinguished by the liberal uso of dynamite. Flndlny, 0., Oct. 10. During tho argument tills morning Pholps, for the stnto, said: "Tho corporation hns no face except a falso fnco used as a mantle to cover tho Individuals In It. and when tho president BpenkB from behind tho mnsk ho speaks ns tho corporation Itself." Tho Intro-, ductton of documentary ovldonco wns continued this afternoon, nnd, the stnto will uso no witnesses beforo tomorrow, Great Game Played in Cold and Bitter Wind This Afternoon Chicago. Oct. 10. it In n bright day for, tho second championship ball game. rTho nlr Is invlgorntingly crisp, nnd tho sky cloudless. Tho "Sox" nro tho favorites In tho hot ting. Clouds bognn to gnlhor as tho tlmo for tho gnmo approached.- It is vory cold, but aeronauts couldn't boo' tho streets lending to tho grounds, bo cauBo they woro so covered with poo plo en routo to tho frny. Tho weath er Is bettor than yestorday, nnd tho Intorcst In tho gamo la greater. Tho tempornturo dropped rapidly as tho hour for play approached, and tho wind roso to half a ualo. Tho players sat upon two plnnks In tho open Held, exposed to tho wholo fury of tho biting wind. Prolmbly tvgnmo wbb novor boforo played under hucIi frightful conditions, Tho Sox root- erB todny outnumber tho Cubs' sup portora thrco to one. Thq biittorlos nre: Sox Whlto nnd Sullivan: Cubs, Ruolbach nnd Kllng. First Inning Cubs 0, Sox 0. Second Cubs 3, Sox 0. Third Cubs 1, Sox 0. Fourth CubB 0, Sox 0. ' Fifth Cuba 0, Sox 1. Sixth CubB 1, Sox 0. Seventh Cubs 0, Sox 0. Eighth Cubs 2, Sox 0. Ninth Cubs 0, 8ox 0. Final BCore-CuliH 7, Sox 1. A Svv Commander, Washington, Oct. 10. Captain Hamilton Ward, of Buffalo, was oloct cd commandor'-Jnchluf of tho Span ish Wnr VctoranH todny. Oklahoma Ctly gotB tho next convention. FINE SILKS NEW DRESS GOODS Ladies' LONG COATS Miss' LONG COATS CHILDREN'S COATS LADIES' SUITS aides' Dress SKIRTS PETTICOATS, 76c up LADIES' FINE SHOES CHILDREN'S SHOES GIRL'S SHOES SILK PETTICOATS biLK WAISTS ttXE iHLLINHRY AXCY FEATHERS OSTRICH FEATHERS CHILDREN'S HATS CHILDREN'S CAPS VE FURS BOY8' SHOES MEN'S SHOES LaJdes' Underwear Children's Uaderwear Mea's UNDERDEAR Boys' UNDERWEAR LADIES' HOSIERY CklWrea's HOSIERY MEN'S CLOTHING I BOYS' CLOTHING OUTING FLANNELS Knit WOOL SHAWLS SILK UMBRELLAS Money for Her Curves. Chicago, Oct. 10. Chicago's pret tiest and most shapely modol, Miss Annie McNally, was Tuesday awarded 110,000 against tho city for Injuries sustained last April by tripping over a defective sidewalk plank. MIbh McNnlly's mishap caused her weight to fall from a plump 150 pounds to a meagro 120. She was compensat or therefor at tho rato of 1333.33 1-3 per pound. I Three weeks ago Miss McNally was removed to Whltmoro Lake, Mich., in tho hope of aiding her val- lant strugglo for recovery, but tho doctors havo given up all hope for recovery that will again enable her to resume her former vocation. It was her willowy form and creative mind which gave to tho costumer the "Bldent front" style waist .figure which Is affected by many prominent society leaders. $125.00 Diamond Ring GIVEN AWAY JANUARY 1, 1907, BY DR. B. E. WRIGHT II IIHH M , Iii order to gain new pntroiiH nnd introduce my pnlnlcNst way of tilling, crowning ami extracting teeth, I nm making this liberal offer. With every dollar spent for dentistry ut my ofllco you get coupon, ttonio ono of which will draw the prize. 'WHAT TEN PEOPLE SAY. I HAVE HUNDREDS MORE LIKE THESE. T CORSETS LADIES' BELTS DOMESTICS TABLE LINENS BLANKETS COMFORTS SHOPPING BAGS RH1BONS KID GLOVES DRESS TRIMMINGS STANDARD Patterns NOTIONS SALBH'g FASTEST GROWING STORK. mCbVOY BROS. . cm mi CMrtStfJits Federal Judge Dangerously III. Dixon, III., Oct, 10. Federal Judge Bethea, Is critically ill at his home here and a surgical operation may be necessary. P. C. Newberry GRADUATE CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE, PUPIL OF RUDOLPH GAN'2, TWO YEARS WITH WIL. LAMRTTK UNIVERSITY, nAS OPENED MUSIC STUDIO, ROOOMS 9 AND 1 IN I. O, O. F. TKMPLK. HOURS 9 TO S. BUSINESS HOURS 1 TO 8. i Dt. J. f. COOK MOVED TO Se LIBERTY STREET, WHERE IDS WILL MEET ALL OLD AND NEW PATDXNT8. FOR ANY DISEASE CALL OX DR. COOK. ooxsuiAvmox June 9, 1900. Dr. Wright made a full lower plate to replace the one I had made by another den tUt, and' It Is a perfect fit. MRS. W. FENNEL, 803 Liberty St., Salem. June 13, 1906. I .had Dr Wright remove a bridge which was put la, my mouth by another dentist and Insert one by hit painless method. He also ex tracted a tooth for me, and I must say the work waa painless and looks perfectly natural. MRS. E. E. WIRSINO. , June 25, 1906. If Dr. Wright can't please you with a set of teeth, no dentist can. I had h partial lower plate made some years 'ago, and which waa worthies I went to Dr. Wright and be Blade ase one which does the work like natural teeth, fc MR8. KYLE, 1648 Mission. If you want painless dentistry, go to Dr. B. E. Wright. He put on a crown for mo absolutely without pain. C. D. SLAUGHTER,, Scotts Mills, Or. June 9, 1906.A year ago Dr. Wright put two bridges in for me by his painless method, and they have given excellent satisfaction. So much so that he has today put ob a gold crown, which was done without pain. If you wish satis factory work go to Dr. Wright MRS. O. F. YOUNG, R. F. D. No. 1, Salem. Jane 8, 1900. Dr. Wright put la two bridges for me and several gold fillings without pain. They are highly satisfactory, and I um sow having him Insert two more bridges. Candidly, If you vaut high-class, palaless dentistry, my advlee is to go to him, MRS. PETER ZILINSKY, Brooks, Or. Juno 15, 100(1. Dr. Wright put In s gold) crown and a tltiwertooil bridge for mo wltliout causing mo any pain whatever, and I will odd that tie work is entirely satisfactory. MARTIN OLSBN, July 2G, 1906. Nearly a year ago I had Dr. Wrght make me an upper set or teeth,, and can say they are a perfect fit. MRS. R. OMLEY, Yew Park, Salem, Or. June flA J9Q0, I bad three teth filled by Da Wrfgbt's paiakM method, and) I experieae bo pala- whatever, MIS BDLLU BUTLER, Biibtfalty, Or. Juno 80, 1906,Dr, Wright tuts Just extracted a tooth tor ate without say psla. Mm WM, BUTTE, Betas, Or, Dr. B. E, Wright, Thii Painless Dentist Stoasieff 214, Csrt Mr.. Xswrs: 8 a. a, te S y. nu; 7 te 8 y. m. SvMiays: 18 a. m. to 12 as. visW (sWw JPssws "i -. 'I 1 i M ! I 4 t'l f