Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 08, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    " numn "W)1
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Defective Joe Day Secmi to Havo b
Moms of It.
Salt Lake City, Oct. 8. Alice
JVdniiiB and Harry Morgan, who
were arrested lioro at the request of
tho Portland Ore., and Chicago au
thorities, charged with 'stealing"
19000 from Anton Fritz In Portland,
aro again at liberty, tho extradition
proceedings begun in tho local courts
having boon dropped.
Tho Trlbuno will say that tho
cases against tho colored prisoners
waa dismissed undor a compromise,
by which Morgan gave Johan Fritz,
father of Anton, a check for $4500
on iv Chicago bank and J500 in cash.
Prepared for the Public Schools,
and tho Family Circle.
ItccoiiHtrurting Railroad Rates.
Washington, Oct. 8. Tho inter
states commerce commission today
began a series of sittings for tho
hearing in their ofllco to construct
rules for tho simplification of rate
tariffs, and in conucotlon therewith
Issuing a circular embracing cortaln
requirements. Eight propoBtlons
nro Involved, and they Includo tho
filing of point tariffs by tho Initial
lino, as an Idopondont document; tho
filing with tho commission by partici
pating linos of gonernl authority to
tho Initial lino In thoir behalf of all
tariffs or all Joint tariffs of a special
kind; tho separation of class and
commodity rates In effects that each
commodity can bo easily located;
limiting any tariff to 11 vo supple
ments, and any classification to ton
supplements, tho entiro classifica
tion or tariff to bo ropormllted whore
thoro Is any excess; tho obsorvnnco
of a uniform ordor In tho comple
tion of tariffs; tho propor specifica
tion In tho tariff of tho Initial lino
of all terminal chnrgos, tho absorp
tion of switching or tormlnnl charges
Whoro It affects tho total cost to tho
shipper shall ho stated.
The first landing of American
troops In tho present American occu
pation of Cuba was effected. Sunday.
There Is pcaco In Havana province.
Ily buying up the bonds tho Jap
anceso have secured control of tho
now railroad through South Man
churia, China.
Whether wheat shall advance or
not thb fall Is now said to ro3t with
tho rarmcrn. Free selling would
sond prices down.
Hy establishing a bank In Persia,
In addition to having built a rail
road; Oormany hopes to control tho
trade of that country.
Homer Davenport, a native Bon of
Oregon, has landed 27 Arabian
horses In Now York, that ho secured
on his recont trip through Syria.
Tho first congress of a Democratic
character to draft a constitution Is
In session In Finland, hitherto a de
pendency of Russia.
Regulations governing tho manu
facture and salo of denaturlzed alco
hol havo beon Issued by tho government.
tin iiihuiii i n m ii 1 1!
Articles of Incorporation J
Oranted Enterprises Backed
J by Oregon OaplUI.
HH M II II M I I 1 1 1 1 II I I'M
Important Mupi-niiu Court Cases.
Washington, Oct. ft. Tho torm of
tho Hiipromo court beginning today
has a docket that contains some Very
Important cases. Thoro aro ovor 400
cases all told, and among tho most
Important ones aro tho following;
The contompl proceeding against
certain citizens of Chattanooga,
Toun., In connection with thu lynch
ing of a negro prisoner in whoso case
tho court had taken Jurisdiction;
tho Kansas-Colorado suit Involving
Jurisdiction ovor tho watoi' for Irrl
gallon of tho Arkansas rlvor; 'Harce-
lon against linker, involving tho
QiioHtlon as to whether tho Philip-
plno commission has power to sus
pend tho writ of habeas corpus In
tho Philippine.!; Moyor, Haywood
and Pottlbouor ofllrurs of tho West
ern Federation of Miners against
Nichols, Involving the question of
tliolr rights of roleaao from prison In
Idaho, whoro they aro Incarcerated
on tho charge of complicity In tho
murdof last year of o.-Govornor
Stoiiuonhorg; Htonry against Btrnim
lmn, u rovouuu ease luvolvlng tho
question as to whether tho Isle of
Pines In Cuban or American territory
and Wilson attains! the), HerretHry-of
treasury, to enjoin tfio payment of
money on account of tho purchase
of tho Panama canal.
Tho Raocollth Company, of Port
land, filed Incorporation papors In
the ofllco of tho secretary of stato
this morning; incorporators, Edwin
O. Fanning, Daniel C. Shaw and C.
N. McArthur;' capital stock, JCO.OOO
Tho linker Valloy Land Company,
of Ilakor City; Incorporators, J. K.
Uomlg, Davis Wilcox nnd N. U. Car
penter; capital stock, $10,000.
Dig Hill Coal Mining Compnny, of
Portland; Incorporators, 0 II. Bas
tlan, F. O. Weeks and J. W. Cald-
woll; capital stock, $200,000.
Dovo One lluiulircl Feet.
Peoria, 111.. Out. 8'. Tho Wood
men of America had a novel feature
at their carnival1 today. A divu had
boon const mated ma foet .high, and
Prof. Stnhl, tho high diver, dove to
tho wntur from tho dlMy height.
Tho event passed off nil right ami
safe, but It caused a decided thrill
among tho jip'oetators, .
' u f . .i .
Has a PrtfHiirlilp,
U urges F. Ford, well-known
hero in University circles as a foot
ball player and track athlete, will bo
professor of history In tho Montana
Wcliyuu University. Ho will be
gin hU duties November 1st.
WJ5 KNDHM'OK to Advance tbo
1ukIrm lutrets ot our custom
era In ewy legitimate wny. , la
o doing, our motive way be
somewhat tinctured with wlJUh
mm, far, upon the prcMfxrlty of
tn patrons 1iIhk the a'uccew of
Very busk,
Salem State Bank
State News
Portland 1, Los Angoles 3, was tho
score at I.os Angeles Sunday,
Mt. Tabor wants a park In Its
The Schiller bnseball team, ot
Portland, won from the Truukumk
ers Sunday by a score of G to 1.
Ouo of tho hlggcBt sales of spring
lambs made this season In Umatilla
county was that ot -000 huad at $3
per head.
Tho Columbia football team, of
The Dalles, defeated the Portland
Unukor Hill eleven Sunday by a
score of fi to ti.
United Htatos engineers are at
work throughout Westoru Multno
mah ami Clackamas counties, mak
ing a geographical survey of the
Tlieto Is great activity In mining
circles at I.a firniulo. The copper
mine which has lntoly been discov
ered nonr there Is proving n greater
ll ml than was at first thought.
Tho Whtto Salmon fruit fnlrTias
Just ended, and was a success In ev
ery way. This is tho first fair ovor
hold at that place, and the resldonts
are Jubilant over tho outcome 'of It.
William Jackson, steward nnd
night watchman at St. Mary's Hos
pital, at Astoria, fell dowu tho ole
vator well of that building, from tho
fourth floor, Friday evening, and was
Instantly killed.
North Hoiul Is to have u kinder
Krten school, which Is tho gift o(
Captain nnd Mrs. A. M. Simpson, Not
only will they found the school, but
will mntutntn It.
..Sum Satusun, a resident of Hood
River, has Just beon mado suddenly
rich by n tliul In tho Cyrus Noble
mine In Alaska, ot which ho Is a
third, owner. He and his two part
ners have taken out over $250,000
sluco last January. Ho U now visit
ing In Hood Hlyor.
Robert Hutchinson, the C-year-old
son ot J, F. Hutchinson, ot Tho
Dalles, died Sunday under peculiar
circumstances. Iast Wednesday the
child developed what was thought
to be a case ot toothache, and Urn
usual remedies wore applied, but
Sunday he became suddenly III, and
died from lockjaw.
Worner Breyman Is In Portland to
Isatloro Greenbaum spent yester
day In Portland. ,
Jacob Vogt wont to Portland this
morning on business.
Mls3 Flora Allport has gone to
Eugene to visit friends.
Attorney Bigger spent Sunday In
Portland with his family. ,
C. E. Ramp has returned from an
over-Sunday visit lu Portland
Ivan Martin, of The Journal staff,
spent Sunday In Portland.
Gerald Crawford, of Portland, Is
visiting relatives In this city.
Mls3 Nclllo Peterson Is spending a
few duys with friends in Portland.
Frank Rlneman left Saturday for
Donver, Colorado, where ho will re
side. Professor Graham camo tip from
Portland last oyenlng to nrrange for
a musical studio In this city.
Mrs. J. W. Cook has returned to
Portland, after a visit with friends
J.- A. McNees, after a visit of a
fow with friends In Portland, re
turned homo last evening.
Miss Florence Llston returned yes
terday from a visit with her sister,
Miss Frances, In Portland.
W. E. Burke, of Portland, Is In
tho city today. Mr. Burko formerly
HVcd in this city.
Miss Gertrude Bashor, of Port
land, spont Sunday In Salem with her
Carlo Abrams was registered at
tho Hotel Donnerly, In Tacoma, Sun
day. R. G. Hunter, local representative
of tho International Correspondence
school, spent-Sunday in Portland.
.Miss Knchael Dove wont to Port
land Saturday evening to visit her
slstor, Miss Mabel, for a fow days.
W. E. Wann, the Insurnnco man,
camo up last evening from a business
trip In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bozorth, who
havo boon spending soveral days
here, returned homo this morning.
Miss Anna Parmentor, who has
beoii visiting relatives horo, rcturnod
to Portland today.
C. P. Bishop returned to Portland
tpday after an over-Sunday visit
Dr. E. A. Plorco and Mrs, Pierce,
of Portland, wero horo yesterday vis
iting friends.
MIbs Nola Coad, of Dallas, has re
turned homo after sevoral days'
visit with ftlond3 hero.
Mlsi Nunda Glesy was an over
Sunday visitor at hor homo at Au
rora. !
Haphael Bonhom nnd wlfo,. of
Portland aro the guest of relatives
horo. ' , i
Will Ilalght, ono of tho employes
on tho Wlllauiotto Traction company,
Will the Oregonlan please give tho
UnQualMod Success of jm
ham's Vegetable rw-i?"l
Case of Mra. TTnnnl. rTi?011!
. - -.W U. ff 0ti
made an over-Sunday visit In Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stetter, of Al
bany, Bpent Sunday with friends In
Mr. and .Mrs. Hamlin Smith and public tho names of the Marat, Dan
son have gone to Eastern Oregon to ton and Robespierre of he Oregon
. . .,. . ..iuinoi rovnintlnn and also tell tne
:r:z:..r "" - ..i- ...i,wfe
'"" " :. . . ..--.. ...in r11 Intn the- Iiaaket7 7T .7. tj--uio
W. H. Chatten, wno was nere yes- nejiu m - - -
terday hunting the Chlnn pheasants, Also please tell us whether Mrsj
returned to Portland this morning Puter-Watson Is to play the part of
with a string pleasing to any nlmrod. ( Charlotte Cordray?
President J. H. Coleman went to.
Oregon City has just ueen grant
ed nearly as many letter carriers as
Salem has. As Salem has a federal
building It would seem that over
half tho people should not be requlr-
Portland this morning on business
matters connected with the Universi
ty. Dr. Parvln has sold his homo here
and will reside In Portland but will
continue to teach
tho conquerlne of wnm..
emy. Tumor.
Tho growth of a tumor U so
until it is far advanced.
W. H. Prunk, who has been clerk-'
his music class ed to pack their own mall.
t a
Senator Hedges did right.
Ing In the Perry drug store, has gone ,
to Portland to take a course In phar- j
Mrs. II. Doty, who has been the
guest of Mrs. A. H. Smith, returned
to her home In COntralla this morn
t ili
0 . Flii
Mr. Fannie D.Fo
So-called "wanderlnir twin..
come from its early stagej 1
uiuscuuu uj. uuugcr may oe BiMjs
fest by profuse monthly periodii.
panled by unifsual pain, foal
Why does a minstrel troupe or ft
racing play always havo a full
house? There will be a perfect
Jam of Salem society people go to
see "Checkers" simply because there
is a horse-race in it. We would not
Fred Ewlne arrived this morning rather see a fellow make loe to a
to accept a position M tho Wallace pretty girl by an old well with a
fruit farm during tho apple picking moss-covered bucket any day.
Rev. J. Carrlgus, who has been at-' A Salem corporation had Its asess-
tondlng tho eldership of tho -Church ed valuation raised from $25,000 to .abdomen through the grolnand
r n ..hi.ni,i r. viv rirnvo in iinnnn. Tho manaeer uemurreu. iiyounavemysMsnousnuin. w
' . I firft nrilf-lttlnTlca nt tnfln.. .iij1
WnRlitnctnn nonntv. savlnc It was more tnan ic was -;-v " : """V1tuoun
" -' " Diaumucui. aecurfl r nnit aaIt.i
Pnt O'nniiiv. who fnr manv vears worth. Tho assessor had a buyer fetnM, ,' vrr.,Kio n .v
. . : .:. . . . ... ,.,. . r. rr".:ip ;r"" "'potmh
lias beon connecteu witn tne nugnes ami onereu 10 tet uiu u. uucun. iu. wj uuu uegm jis use.
grocery, left this morning for a visit that amount If he would take It.
at Coour d'Aleno, Idaho. His offer was accepted and when no
Rev. A. B. Smith, of Portland, re- returned with the check the man
turned homo today, but wlll return ager had thought better of It and
In a day or. so. He is the new pas- the assessment stood at $150,000.
tor of tho Church of God, In North
Salem. Mrs. Smith accomnanled him. Hearst has many friends In Ore-
H. V. Dee, a well-known creamery gon, but he needs them in Now
man, returned to Portland this morn- York.
Ing. He was in attendance at the
fair recently held at White Salmon, I The Albany Democrat has a de
near Hood River, and reports the partment: Saturday Night Thoughts,
fruit exhibit as especially fine. I It Is not usual for an editor to havo
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Parmenter any tnougnts lert by Saturday nignt.
loft this morning for nn extended
Now that Undo Sam has once
Lvnn, Mud
If you will J
trip. They will go to New Orleans,
Cuba and Mexico, and return by way, moro taken possession of Cuba ho
of Los Angoles and the coast. They should keep It permanently. Its
expect to bo away two months. jthe only way by which tho peace and
Mrs. William Wallace Graham, of tranquility of the island can bo main
Portland, Is nt tho Cottnge, accom-(tn,netl for anv lonBth of t,me- Hav"
panled by his cousins, Misses Mnud,lnB exlsted ln an atmosphere ot tur
and Edith Hollenbrand, of Nestucca.!111011 for n8es nnst 1arrelling Is a
Mrs. Wnllaco was formerly Miss
Lottlo Hellonbrand. I
Miss Mary Stlnson, of Salem, sis
tor of L. R. Stlnson, grand keeper of
records nnd senl of tho Knights of
PythlaB, passed through hero yester
day on her way to Freowater, to visit
with a slstor living there. While In
this city Miss Stlnson wns tho guest
of Mrs. J. W. Moloney. East Ore
second naturo to the Cuban, and It
win tnke a long siege of education to
qualify him to self government.
Ynqulna Bay News. Cuba has caused
trouble enough to bo taken in hand
and made a habitable country for
white men.
Bwi tb si Ilia Kmd Yon Hate Always BoiiH
The Texas Wonder.
Cures all kidney, bladder and
; rheumatic troublo; sold by all drug
gists, or two months' treatment by
mall for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926
Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Send
for testimonials. Sold by Stone's
drug stores. dw-lyr.
Mrs. Pinkham. of L
. 1
give you nor advice If you will
hor about yourself. Sha U th. a..
tor-In-law of Lydia E. Hnkhum .
for' twenty-five years has beeaidrJ
sick women ireo oi cuarge.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" I tako the Ubortv to conmhil.t..
tho success I have had with yourwoni
uiuuiuuiu. f.!guien monins ago bt p
I submitted to a thorough examination
nhvslclan and was told that I hA
and would have to undergo an operation.
" Scon after I read one of ronradrerti
ments and decided to cri Lvdi E n,
ham's Vegetablo Compound a W&L Afl
taking flvo bottles aa directed tt tamml
eiy irone. i nave neon eiaminid h
physician nnd be fays I have notiftii
tumor now. It has auo brought nj;
around onco more, and I am e
woll." Fannie D. Fox, 7 Chestnut f
urouioru, ra.
Building Bridges.
Jns Martin camo In Saturday
his Job of superintending the c
slruction of some concreto plen
Marlon county on tho road t
Woodburn to Mt. Angel. It is ti
a permanent structure, at a p'
where county has built sew
bridges that proved to be tenia
Sure Cure for Piles,
Itching Piles produce moisture i
cause Itching, this form, as well
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding P:
aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'i
Remedy. Stops Itching and bin
Ing. Absorbs tumors. 50c a Ju,
druggists, or sent by mall. Trea!
free. Write me about your case, a
Bosanko, Phlla. Pa.
Cures ChllU mhiI Fever.
G. W Wirt, Nacojiloclaoi, Texas,
says; "His daughter has chills and
fever for three years; he could not
find anything that would, help her
till ho used Uerblne, HU wife will
r-Tp jJk
can be
had m
five different
Is still a revelation to those
who see it for the first time,
Oar patrons know how to
mate good use of it.
Nothing shows to
better advantage
in sleeping rooms
than well formed,
well finished and well kept
Metal Beds
See our line of Beds and Lace Sets
One of Which Is
Vjfr t
J 77 Liberty Street
House Finishing Co.
(uet keep house without It, and can-
Salem, Otei
E. W. HAZARD, CasJater ,not y too much for It."
. - i'1 ' ' 'f ' ' ' Sola hy D. J. Fry'i drm
dms store.
L, K. PAGE. Pmi&at