Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 03, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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4 X -
in addresa-
Mra. Pink-
i vna ore con-
bgyour private
' to a woman-
Ionian whoso oxpcri
with women's dis
ks covors a gTuub
By years.
rs. i'lnicnam is mo
fhter-in-law of
E. Pinkham,
for many years
since her do-
o.sho has been
sing sick wo-
anv womon
r in suenco ana arus aiong irom
to worse, knowing full well that
ought to havo immediate asslst
, but a natural modesty impels
i to shrink from exposing them-
to tne questions and probable
nations of even their family
sician. It is unnecessary. Without
ey or price yon can consult a wo-
wnoso knowledge irom actual ex
enco Is great.
. Plnkham'8 Stafldlng Invitation.
omen suffcrlnnr from any form of
ale weakness are invited to promptly
mumcato wun Mrs. nnknam, at
n. Mass. Ail letters aro received,
ncd, read and answered by women
iy. A woman can freely talk of her
vnto illness to a woman ; thus has
fen established the eternal confidence
twecn Mrs. Pinkham and the women
America which has never been
oken. Out of the vast volume of
perienco which she has to draw from,
is moro man possiDie urns sno nas
ined the very Knowledge that will
ilp your coso. She asks nothing in
turn except your good-will, and her
vice has relieved thousands. Surely
iy woman, rich or poor, is very foolish
she docs not toko advantage of this
nerous offer of assistance.
If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a
Ule oi L,ydia is. rmicnam'B vegetable
m pound at onco, and write Mrs. Pink
m. Lvnn. Mass.. for special advice.
When a medicine has been successful
restorinsr to health so many women.
u cannot well say, without tryincr it.
flt do not believe it will help mo."
Paying bills promptly is a good
tiflcnto of character.
llgh-prlccd hats for fashionable
men uoes not niways menu it
Jkhlonablo to pay for them.
ffl a m a
. i m.
Good luck Is the brother of com-
n sense.
jBTho right-thing dono at. tho right
e never bred bad luck.
t Is woll to believe in tho fall that
winter is going to bo severe
letter a smnll farm than none;
il better nono and than too large.
'lowers around a homo attest to a
nod and peaceful life within.
low can a boy got bad habltB or
position from a. father who hasn't
t any?
Hie eye of the cow ought to con-
co us that she was not created to
im cruelly treated.
urltlcntlon and salvation follow
liberal uso of whitewash.
K girl who brushes her hands,
th, hair, shoes and clothes Is
91 along townrd being n lady.
ome men wouldn't even toll tho
.'th to their own wife.
Tho Texas Wonder. --urcs
all kidney, bladder fend
fumatlc trouble; sold by all drug-
s, or two months treatment by
III for l. Dr. E. W, Hall, 2Q26
vo street, 8t. Louis, Mo. Send
testimonials. Sold by Stono's
RE stores. dw-lyr.
tho affairs of men, which, taken
the Hood leads on to fortune.
MJe la at the good for you
now, If you will begin aav-
regularly a part of your
and continue doing so, de
nting your savings each week
fconth In our Savings Depart-
' whero they will earn iater-
11 will surely lead oa to for-
. -v ,
Sfcvkw DMattmit
Well, the fall rains have come' and
that will bo an improvement.
Tho Oregon Press Association, in
Its meeting nt Newport, declared for
woman suffrage in a half-hearted
way. Such a victory for the women
Is nil right when thero Is no cam
paign on, but when It gets down to
actualities, we fear thero will bo
many backsliders amonp the craft.
Coos Bay Times. Not a mother's
son of them will peep when tho cam
paign Is on. Out upon such cham
pions of the fair sex.
It's poor cooking nt homo causes
the boys to flock to tho Chinese
noodle joints.
Somo day sewing, cooking and
gardening will bo counted as im
portant In the public schools as the
three "It's."
What's tho matter of Crook coun
ty. Tho prlzo to tho woman having
the InrgeBt family went to one with
only six nt tho Redmond fair. Al
bany Democrat. Tho Democrat man
has probably not had that many.
If tho Republicans do not nomln
ato Roosevelt, Iho people will vote
for Bryan, because ho best repre
sents Roosevelt's policies.
The Spokano lnter-state fair was
run three weeks. A hint In that for
tho Oregon stato fair.
Lane county Is soon to havo co-
mont walks around tho court house.
Tho editor of n western exchange
recently began worrying how he
would get his shirt on over his wings
after reaching paradise. An envious
contemporary sarcastically observed
that his dlfllculty would likely bo In
finding out how ho could get his
lint on over his horns.
Domecrat: What Baker City
needs Is a mayor that will bo pro
gressive and tako tho lead in city ad
vancement; a man with a stiff back
bone and who, when ho knows's ho
Is right, will go ahead regardless of
A Frcoport girl was going to mar
ry a man and then changed her
mind and wedded another when sho
found "tho" rejected ono slept till S
o'clock in tho morning. Evidently
tho girl had no consuming pnsslon
for building Arcs.
Bryan's Commoner Is doing a
great work-molding the policies of
tho Republican party.
a a
Aryan's enemies rojolco that he
exploded prcmnturoly. Ills slncorcst
friends wishing that his presidential
boom had been born later.
Of course, It is of no consequence
to tho postal inspectors who aro in
Salem that this -city has fewer lot
tor carriers forlts slzo than any city
In tho world, say nothing about the
United States.
The absurd and complicated elec
tion laws of this state aro reducing
tho number of porsons tnklng part
year by your. Even for tho coming
city olectlon It will tako a Philadel
phia lawyer to say who can voto and
who cannot That a legal resident
votqr should have to register every
few months Is nbsurd. That any
iinrncigtnrnii vntnr can be run in and
voted on election day Is still moro
absurd.- It simply gives tho profes
sional ward politician control of the
9IOO.Rcwanl, 9100.
Tho readers of this paper will bo
pleased to learn that thero is at
least ono dreaded disease that
science has been able to cure In all
Us stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Curo Is tho only positive
cure now known to tho medical fra-
tornlty. Catarrh being a constitu
tional diseases, requires a constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Curo is taken Internally, acting di
rectly upon tho blood and raucous
surfaces of tho system, thereby de
stroying tho foundation of the dis
ease, and giving tho patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting naturo In doing Its work.
The proprietor havo bo much faith
In ita curative powers that they offer
One Hut-Hired Dollars for aay ease
that It falls to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Addreaa; F. J, Cheney & Co.. To
ledo, O.
Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
Btipatloa. .
Ih EM 1w Im Bgm injt
Tho Dignity and Setorcdnoss of Motherhood.
Think of the greatest man who has ever lived upon this earth, and
then think of him as he lay, an infant, in his mother's arms. Does it
seem possible that he should have grown, become great in the world's
estimate and perhaps had monuments erected to perpetuate his mem
ory, and yet thnt the world should have forgotten even the name of the
woman who bore hiin ? The son's work is the mother's primarily and,
therefore, the recognition of the dignity and tender sacredness of moth
erhood should no longer be delayed. It is high time that this country's
greatest treasures tub women who iiavr contributed largely to
make it what it is should be recognized.
Why should not these good mothers be given the right to vote and
have a voice in our government n. right that is accorded to some of the
most ignorant, most insignificant and vilest of men ?
It has been well said that "for every monument to a great man
there should be a monument to his mother and the mother's monument
should be built first."
But it is not so much tho purpose of
this brief article to advocate the just
rights and privileges due to tho women
oi this country, although it has afforded
the writer great pleasure to pen theforc-
f'oing brief tribute to their worth and
usl deserts, as it is to call attention to
tho fact that when broken down in
health and strength by over-work, tho
too frequent bearing of children, tho
never ending toil, worry and caro of tho,
household, or by whatever may over
tax the strength and delicacy of her
sensitivo system, there is one, tried and
proven, safe remedy upon which sho
mny rely to regain health, strength and
tho power to fully enjoy lifo.
Thnt remedy is Dr. Plerco's Fnvorito
Prescription a remody mado wholly
from- tho roots of native forest plants
which havo been proven to bo most
efficacious, reliable and safe in tho euro
of woman's peculiar weaknesses, period
ical pains, irregularities, wasting nnd
weakening catarrhal, pelvic drains and
kindred nilmcnts. It Is a remedy, tho
makers of which print its formula on
every bottle-wrapper and attest its com
pleteness and correctness under oath; a
remedy devised and adapted to woman's
delicate constitution by an educated
physician an experienced specialist in
woman's diseases; a remedy, every in-
grediontuviiicn iina received tuo writ
ten endnreeioent of tlyf most emlnont
medfcalVritetts of all tlieVevcral schools
of practicevfo
peculiar aiseasi
ch has
it than
more bonafide
any other sold by
i ncclal reauircmct
which contains nDalcohol
make' uo
Delicate.wenk, nervous women should
esnecinllv shun tho use of alcoholic
medicines which, from their stimulat
ing nnd exhtlernting eliccta may seem,
for a timo, to do good, but which, from
tho inevitable effects of tho alcohol in
shrinking up tho red corpuscles of tho
bloqd, are suro to do great and lasting
harm in tho long run. Besides they
beget a craving for stimulants which fs
most deplorable. "Fnvorito Prescrip
tion" is the one remedy for woman's
Ills' which contains no alcohol.
Only Invigorating and nerve strength
ening effects can follow tho uso of this
famous medicine for women. It can
not possibly do harm in any state, or
condition of tho system.
If a woman has bearing down, or
dragging pnlns, low down in tho abdo
men, or pelvis, bnckncho, frequent
that ho lauded must havo boon the
plcturo of our flno legs of prlmo
lamb and mutton.
"Tho haunch was a plcturo for paint
ers to study,
Tho fat was so whito and tho lean
was so ruddy."
Expert Judges of prlmo nnd Juicy
meats aro nlways delighted with the
cholco cuts that we Bend to their or
der from our stock of flnu meats. We
handle 'nothing hut tho best, r
Couldn't make an announcement
that would please tbe public better
than when we tell there tsat their
laundry work Kill be 4eae te perfee
tioa aad tbe Salem Steam LasnJry
can't be competed with anywhere ta
tbe eeuatry or the pereettoa It
work m Haea. sIUm or weele. We
defy eoapetitlaa ia till line, beeaaM if
ibera were aay better metiers we
would bars tbarn at . Try tbe
Salem Steam Iwdry. Frleee rifbt.
OilinaL 7. OtoM, FMf.
r ino curev)
m; a rcmeuywn
cures to its effcd
Its oMrtcroalvone
il MaWtaCBBJ,h4HasJlL.
headaches, dizzy or fainting spells, Is
nervous nnd easily startled, has gnaw
ing feeling in stomach, sees imaginary
floating specks, or spots before her
eyes, has melancholia, or "blues," or n
weakening disagreeable, catarrhal drain
from pelvio organs, she can mnko no
mistake by resorting to tho uso of Dr.
Plerco's Fnvorito Prescription. It will
invigorate and tono up tho whole sys
tem nnd especially tho pelvic organs.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Perecrlption to
a scientific medicine, carefully devised
by an experienced and skillful .physi
cian, nnd adapted to woman's delicate
system. Being mnda of nntivo American
medicinal roots, nnd without nlcohol,
it is perfectly harmless in its effects
in any condition of the female system.
As n powerful Invigorating tonic," Fn
vorito Prescription" imparts lasting
strength to tho wholo system and to the
organs distinctly feminfno in particular.
For over-worked, "worn-ont," run
down," debilitated teachers, milliners,
drcssmnkcrs, seamstresses, " shop-girls,"
house-keepers, nursing mothers, nnd
fecblo women generally, Dr. Picrco's
Fnvorito Prescription fs tho greatest
earthly boon, being uncqunlcd as an
appetizing cordial and rcstorntivp tonic.
As a soothing and strengthening ner
vine, "Favorite Prescription " is un
cqunlcd nnd is invnluablo in nllaying
and subduing nervous excitability, ir
ritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous
Srostrntion, neurnlgin, hysteria, spasms,
t.Vitus's oance, nnd other distressing,
non-oil's symptoms commonly attendant
upon functional and organic disease of
tho womanly organs. It induces re
freshing sleep and relieves mental nnxi
cty and despondency.
No woman suffering from any of tho
above symptoms can afford to accept
any secret nostrum or medicine of mm
known comjxjsition, as a substitute for
a medicine liko Dr. Picrco's Favorite
Proscription, which is op known com
position nnd has a record of over forty
years of cares and sella more largely
to-day than over before. Its makers
withhold no secrets from their patients,
believing open publicity to bo tho very
best guaranty o( merit.
Dr. Pierco invites all suffering women
to consult him by letter free of charge.
All letters of consultation aro held na
Btrictly nrivato and Bncredly confiden
tial nnu all answors aro returned in
plain, sealed envelopes. Address: Dr.
It. V. Pierco, Invalids' Hotel and Sur
gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.
Notl.-o to Land Owners.
Sealed proposals for tho sale of
land to tho Stnto ot Oregon for n
slto for n School fo rFcoblo Minded
and Epileptic Children will bo re
ceived from, ownors by tho Stnto
Board of Public Building Commis
sioners of tho Stato of Oregon, until
1 o'clock p. m., Octobor 22, 1900.
Tho land wanted must bo within ton
miles of tho City of Salem, In n
healthy locality, havo a good wator
supply and good drainage, nnd con
venient to , transportation facilities
It must bo in a body and contain
from 800 to 1000 acres, ono-half of
which should bo undor cultivation.
The soil should bo varlablo, and suit
ed to gardening, dairying and farm
ing. Porsons not owning tho acre
ago wanted may submit bids Jointly
with adjoining owners.
Bids must bo oncloscd In. sealed
cnvolopcs directed to the Board, care
of tho Socrotnry ot Stato, Salem, Ore
gon, and plainly marked "Proposals
for tho Sale of Lands."
Bids must be on blank forms which
will be furnished, together with any
other Information that may bo de
sired, upon application to tho Secre
tary of State.
The Stato of Oregon to have an
option for four months to purchase,
and the right to reject any and all
Secretary of State.
State Treasurer.
Stato Board of Public Building Cojb-
mlseloners. wed-sat
For Railroad Work
Men aad teams wanted by Wil
lamette Construction Company. Ap
ply at office, Ladd & Bush bask build
lag, upetalra. 10-1-tf
Coraer ot 8evetk a 8tark feHteeta,
Fertkad, Ofegea
Tbe aew aa4 medtro betel at tbe ttv
CUt jMriUmterty t reeJdeate of
tern aa4 otkr Otefe eltiee. gareyeaa
b4b. JVee tea. JUU 1.M per fey
aa4 a-f-warA. FeeJeowart grill la 4
Weet, a4 priee u lew m la plain
lew titt, DtUjr CjHl JmhmI
-Don't-'ljuy-your winter supply of flour until you have tried a
sack of
It is tho best flour over sold In Snlom.
Romembor our cereals aro strictly up-to-dnto. Wo havo tho
latest up-to-dnto mill on tho conBt. Try It.
Tho mill that makes Salem famous ns a wheat market,
Manufacturers of
Oregon Pine. Ash and Maple Lumber
Cornice Work, Heating untl Building Work of all Kinds;
Estimates Made and Work Guaranteed
Murphy Blk State St.
Salem, Oregon. Phone 1 51 1
Gold Past Flour
EB COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon.
Mado for family use. Ask your I
i grocor for it. Bran and shorts
always on hand.
P. B. Wallace
H. S. Gile & Co.
Wholesale Grocers and Com
mission Merchants
In tho market nt nil times for
drlod fruit nnd farm produce of all
Wo linvn for tm'n n fow nnnlo liar-
Ing and slicing machines; equipment
for a largo dryor; will mako a low
Spent wisely Is tho sourco of much
satisfaction. Why not spend a llttlo
of It wisely now buying groceries of
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
gacceeee-rt to Harrltt k Lawrence.
White House
Is prepared to accomodate aay
Blzed erowd at any time of the
day or Bight.
Phone Mala 196 State 8t.
Meals served at all hours.
VtcMc fwiilnhed ta km wwll
fat yeiimmit-Miy.
ii i i ii ma mm aiiMiii am n mm I -" aU. - vai m mm mmi i nammm
Prosidont. Sec. and Trcas.
Chas. K. Spaulding
Logging Co.
Dues n strictly cash businoM, owes no
one, anil no ono owes It; earrlos largo
stock; r helves, counters and ouow
enscs aro loaded with drugs, modlolnos,
notion, toilet articles, wines and
liquors of all kinds for medical pur
poses. Dr. Btono is a rogulnr graduate
lu modiclno and has hnd many years of
oxpnrlonco In tho practice. Consulta
tluns aro froo. Prescriptions aro free,
and only regular prlcos for medicine.
Dr. Stono enn bo found at Ida drug
sloro,-Salem, Oregon, irom 0 in the
rnornlpg until 0 at night.
Special discount on all watches tho
roinalndor of this month. Big stock
Big nsflortmoiit of designs. Big
values at 4fttf
landing Jeweler nnd Optician.
IWI Commercial Street.
EKNYfibYAL Fills
ui i14 IMttll
Ifciv if rant fire
tut' muM m Itaat. Iifat. JUwlrt
ktK.tW.feU hr I ,rykM.
Al.ra.CurT'1 tm MnwuUwHtiHU, (
JiH IH3w fll. i "
ld.il. Uif.)f Hf IUAb4. till y
k.HMkf-4, '-ibltl lltll-4WMWt
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