Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 03, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    .- , w r, "wfc V " vi"r
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PHsltsttera and Proprietors.
Hy Mall.
Dally Journal, ono montli .... 35c
'Dally Journal, three months , .$1.00
Dally Journal, one year 4.00
Weekly Journal, ono year .... 1.00
lly Carrier.
Dally Journal, per month .... 50c
Tho following recpnimondntlons
havo boon inado by tho transporta
tion committee of tho Portland
Chamber of Commerce:
Flrat Establishment of a stato
railroad .commission that shall liavo
power to hear complaints and regu
late the railways,
Scond Enactment of a law pro
viding for reciprocal demurrage, pen
alizing tho railways for dolay In de
livery of cars.
Third Common terminal In Port
land which all roads may uso, re
sulting In bettor dispatch for cars.
aflk 1 iftsA
Your Feet Dry
You can do this by wearing a
pair of the famous
Growing Girls,
Mrs. Mary Davenport Start
ed After Divorce But Got
G. W. JOHNSON & CO. is the only firm handling
them, and they guarantee every pair.
G. W. Johnson & Co.
TXirt.irfiff:iit mt af t ...i. ..
. i & . uk m ". ..'. m -. it nn uriii
VaiihIIi tliiHAlinan -. . .t . a , . A . I
J U II I 1.11 1 UICIIUBU Ul UUUIIIIUIU I,.l .r !.,
n equipment by tho rnllronds which
'' shall keep pneo with tho business to
be handled,
Fifth- Abolition of switching
charges which are doclnrod to bo ox
Tho commlttoo also mndo tho fol
lowing findings:
Tho commlttoo reports that n so
rlotis tihortago exists, causing serious
loss to shippers.
During tho past 00 days tho three
transcontinental systems ontcrlng
Portland have been able to supply
only -10 par cont of tho equipment
that lina boon noedod to handlo tho
freight (radio of the stato,
Tho railroads nro tnxod with try
log to make n good allowing for tho
business handled by Imposing tho
'greatest possible-' bunions on tho
least posalblo equipment.
r onorgles to holding of
fice under Democratic rulo.
How much futuro hnB tho party
undor such policies In Oregon?
Bnlom Man Gets Contract.
J. M. Eakow, a contractor of Sa-
Jlrs. Mary Davenport, of Silver-
ton, fractured all tho known records
In tho affairs of cupId and hymen
when alio eloped with her own hus
band. To make matters all the more
dramatic, Mrs. Davenport was actu
ally on tho way to Salem to attend
tho session of tho circuit court,
where she confidently expected to bo
given a divorce from her husband,
Llewellyn J. Davenport.
Tho Davenports were married six
years ago In this city, and for
a while Hfo was ono grand sweet
song with them. Then M?s. Daven
port says that Mr. Davonport began
to attend country dances, nnd leave
her at homo to mind tho babies. She
didn't like this, nnd filed a suit for
dlvorco through her attorney, Carey
Martin. Mr. Davenport did not want
a separation, and ho employed Rauch
& Sonn and A. O. Condlt to defend
tho suit. Thonatter came up before
Judgo Galloway on motions at differ
Growing girls need care, advice and medicine,
especially on reaching the age of puberty. A
mother's tender care and words of caution will
often accomplish wonders. As for medicine, a
gentle, safe find reliable strengthening tonic is
Wine of Cardui,
It will prevent and relieve pain, regulate the
functions, clear the complexion and strengthen
the constitution.
It is a valuable medicine for growing girls. It
has tided thousands over a critical period, and
saved them from years of suffering. It can never
do harm and is sure to do good.
A relief or cure for all female disorders in girls
and women.
At every druggist's in $1.00 bottles., Try it.
lorn, was awarded Tuesday afternoon ont tlmeSj nnd tho court refused to
.tllO Contract for bulldlnc tho brlflcn'nllnw Mm rinvnnnnrf nnv nllmnnv.
uur such puucics in uregonf : .-... -. .- -..., -,
By all monns, tho collector Bhould across Dutto creek at Scotts Mills, 'and tho final trial was to have been
bo a man of political standing nnd'on tno 1,no hotweon Clnckamas and .held yesterday afternoon In depart-
Ho should liavo Ideas and couvlc
tlons, ns well as whiskers.
Tho Capital Journnl editorially
announces that ltaolf nnd Its frlonds
aro nlrondy selecting candidates for
tho city offices. Tho wholo people,
howovor, will hnvo n volco In this
operation later. Salem Statesman.
If tho nbovo woro truo why did
"Tho 8nlem Journal oponly nd
mils that It wants, tho Portland col
lector of customs to bo un outside
rustlor for tho Republican party, to
head a Republican machine, to light
for Republicans for olllco all along
tho lino, nnd to appoint Republican
subordinates rogardlcss of tho civil
O service policy. Tho Baloni paper hns
real hot Republican hduII unco In
not tho Stntcsmnn QUOTH BUOH
WORDS from tho Capital Journnl nsjt was awarded him forthwith. Work
Marlon counties. Tho bid submitted
was $1200. Ed. Olds, n contractor
of this city, also had In a bid for
tho work, his amount being $144C
G0. County Judgo John Scott, Commis
sioners W. II. Goulot nnd J. C. Need
hnni, of Mnrlon county, and Judgo
(. B, Dlmlck, Commissioners T. h
Klllon and John Lowcllon, of this
county, met in joint session at 1
o'clock this afternoon In tho county
Judgo's prlvnto ofllco and oponod tho
bids. Eskew's was tho lowest, and
on tho vlnduct will bo started at
onco, ns Boon as tho Salem contractor
It puts in its mouth? It could not.
Whonovor tho Cnpltnl Journal at
tacks tho prosont Gosnor machine 'cnn nssomblo his material,
sonio ono hollers, nnd shows whoro citv Star
... I
no ia nit.
Tho Journnl Is not tho official or
gan of tho Oesner machine, and It
has" no ono to favor or protect,
Tho Capital Journnl HAS NO
CANDIDA'!?!) to push for any office.
When it supported tho good work
dono by tho Citizens' administration
THE OANtt always rousted Tho Journal.
, Saved Ills Life.
J. W. Davonport, WIngo, Ky.,
wrltos, Juno 14, 1902: "I wnnt to
toll you I bollovo Bnllnrd's Snow
Liniment saved my llfo. I was un
dor tho troatmont of two doctors,
nnd thoy told mo ono of my lung3
was ontlroly gono, nnd tho other
badly affected. I also had a lump
ment No. 2 of tho circuit court
Mrs. Davenport started to Salem
to attend the trial and to get her
decree. Dut she met her husband at
Woodburn, whero thcro wore somo
tears shed, a fow solemn love vows
ronowed, tho old troth was plighted
ovor again, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Dav
enport took tho northbound train
for Portland, whoro thoy are sup
posed to bo enjoying a now honey
In tho mcantlmo, Mrs. Broslg, tho
mothor of Mrs. Davonport, becamo
nlormed at tho absonco of her daugh
ter and enmo to Salem to look for
her. Sho could find no traco of her
in this city, but nt' Woodburn learned
of tho reconciliation.
Tho Davenports liavo been sepa
rated on several different occasions.
...l.lt.. l ... a
, who. vorimnu journal. 'Tm: flAXO woro 0,,iy dlsploaBOd,
nig nuovq is a mover way or n,ld ,,()Uod Ul0 ,,tvrty.
umuiig an nrguuiom nrounu, wnon . TI,K faN(, AN ,TS 0ROAN
yon cannot moot It. Ivr0 t,qMntiy nt out at clean, decent
It Is very naturnl that tho Port- jiUbIhm ndmlnlHtrntlou at tho hands
land journal, wiilcli Is always a of nny ,mrty or officials,
rustler for tho Democratic party, - . ...
should pot want n collector ap
pointed who would bo n organizing
force, ft potont polltlcul factor for
When It supported good work dono on my sldo. I don't think thnt I
under n Republican ndmlnlstrntlcm could hnvo lived ovbr two months
ldngor. I was Induced by n frlond
to try Jlullard's Snow Llnlmont. Tho
tho Republican party.
It naturally prefers soiuo VOICE
WAX MUMMV In that office.
It Is a notable fnct thnt tho Dem
ocrats elected to office nt Portland,
and in Oregbn do not nppolnt HO
PMbllcnnn. Kyory Domocrntlo olllclul name
'Duoerati for uttleeu hlglj nnd low
working, organlilng, tirolea Indus
trloHB partisan,
Thoro U no civil servleu humbug
practiced by tho Democratic party,
except when thoy CAN WORK RE
' Tho Konuhllcans utway. fool .that
key commit a sin by appolHting k
Mil Hedged RepubllcaH worker to a
tt oltlco,
'" TMe Bllentvolced, KHm-hoed, a
jnM(oM)r)iUHo&tUliUowH stylo
litth Republican plumi.
i Tbt iHovJtably lavw tho party
j r T Moral otNcoa hsvo boon too
taucfc flllVd With ASpnyMATED
Suit Tor Wnges.
John A. Morrison through his nt
tornoy, John Da) no, has commenced
action In department No. 1, of tho
circuit court ngnlnst T. A. Llvesley
nnd John Roberts, doing business
undor tho Ilrm nnmo of T. A. Lives
ley & Company. Tho complaint al
leges that tho plaintiff performed ono
mouth's labor and services during
Boptomhor for tho price of $150 nnd
that ,tho defendants have not paid
tho plaintiff for tho labor dono. Tho
plaintiff demands Judgment for lf0
nnd Intcrc-t.
first application gave mo great ro
llof; two CO cont bottles cured mo
sound nnd woll,
It la a wonderful medicine, and I
rocommond It to suffering humanity.
Sold by D. J, Fry's drug storo.
II. II. Johnson, a survoyor of Oio
gon City, was gorod almost to death
by a bull Sunday afternoon. Had
It not been for his dog nipping tho
nnlmnl's hm togs, and arresting his
attention, Mr. Johnson would have
boon Ulllod.
Educational Conference.
Richmond, Vn., Oct. 3. The great
oducutlonal conforonco which was
called at tho Instance of tho Co-Opor-
atlvo Educational Association, con-
voned heio today. It has brought to
gether tho State Teachers' Associa
tion, tho stnto superintendents nnd
tho 350 scnttorcd local educatlonnl
associations In overy section of the
stato. Each collogo and Institution
of higher learning Is represented,
and a strong Impetus will bo given
to tho cuuso of education In tho stato
which will bo noted throughout tho
ontlro South,
This stato has 2770 mines.
Ji vtry oftm cHlr!.
It it 0WtEt toll ,for
tuJMrcfatt' wh! wltift Ki it
PCMtt CM? CMtttlMttflMMKMt It
MtttV ItMHt tO l4it-f 0Otikt
fttmoYtt vnry Iunmmi ol
croAalou Gti Hpotf's,
For MirtwDBliiti of rwatkAMo
Danger from tho Plague.
There's grnvo dnngor from tho
plsguo of Coughs and Colds that aro
o prevalent, urIom you take Dr.
King's Now Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughi and Colds. Mrs. Walls
of Forest City wrltes: "It'a a God
wml to people living In climates
where coughs and colds prevail. I
Ano It quickly ends them, It prevents
piioumonlft, cures lagrippo, glvw
wondorful relief In astlmia and hSy
fover, and makes "cak lung strong
enough to ward oK eoasumptloM,
roughs and colds, 80s and It. OS.
Ouaranteod by J, C. Perry's dru
store. Trial liottlo freo.
Cnri'M Winter Cough.
J. E. Qovor, 101 N. Main St., Otta
wa, Kan., wrltes: "Every fall It has
boon my wife's trqublo to catch a
sovorp cold, and theroforo to cough
all winter long, Last fall I got her
a bottlo of Horehound Syrup. She
used It and has been ablo to Bleep
soundly all ulght long. Whenever
th cough troubles her, two or thrco
doses stops tho cough, and Bho' Is
ablo to bo up nnd well." 25c, COc
and 11.00.
Sold by D. J. Fry's drug storo.
DWorfO (ifHHtlHL
Josalo Savage was jestciday graut
od a dlvorco from Henry L. fttvas-o
by Judge OaRoway. Tho couple was
HiarrkHl la November, 1S97. Tlfo
plaintiff was awarded tho custody of
ho two minor chlldrett, a boy and V
tlrli aged, roapectkoty 7 4
Dan Kully tho U. of O. sprinter.
submitted, to n surgical onoratlon
Tuesday for tho removal of a varl
coso voln. which had threatened to
hinder his track work.
Do You Relieve in Signs?
A mark, noto, tokon or symptom,
Indicates that by which anything
may bo' known, thnt Is, wo nro fore
warned If evil is to befall us. or wo
liavo tho pleasuro of anticipation U
tho signs botokon a fortunato occur
rence. Accidental occurrences nil
havo their signs, ovory disease has
Its symptoms. Tho point Is to heed
tho formor. nnd counteract tho ef
fect of tho latter. Spoils of sick
headacho follow Indlcostlon nmi
stomach disordors, belching, bllllous
noss and dyspepsia nro signs of sick
ness. Peoplo that bqllovo In theso
signs and know thnt thoy aro true
from oxporlenco, cau get Immedlato
rollof and a spoedy euro by tho use
Qf Dr. Qunn's Improved Liver Pills.
Sold by druggists for 25c per box.
Only ono for a dose.
Stclner's Market.
Dealers in Ash, game and poultry.
Highest cash price paid for eggs.
Prompt delivery. Stato street.
Poultry, Eggs, Etc.-
Eggs Per dozen, 2Gc.
Butter Betail Country, 20c, cream
ery, 2Ce.
Hens 12c.
Frysj lie.
Goose C7c
Ducks 8&9c.
Fruits, Vegetables, Etc
Now potatoes 65 cwt.
Onions 90c cwt.
Tropical Fruits.
Bananas 5jc per pound.
Oranges $5.00?6.00
Lemons ?5?G.
Livo Stock Market.
Steors 3 3 & c. '
Cows 2 2 J4 c.
Sheop 3 c.
Dressed Veal 6&7c.
Fat Hogs G8.
Stock Hogs 5 Q Cc.
Grain and Pood.
Baled Clover $G.00.
Wild (Rose Flour
$1.00 Per Sack
When you meet a
cook or housewife
with a satisfied
look, you can rest
assured that they
Put Up in Glass Jnrs.
Salem, Orecon
Steamers Pomona and
Altona leave for Portland
dally except Sunday at
7.J0 a. m.
Only Flour sold in Salem that is
made from
If you uso Wild Rose, you will not
havo sticky bread.
raffi I ""-nkjcivino I I i I ui Sl
Lies behind that of tho approaching
Thanksgiving, and that Is the lum
ber question. During tho Winter
tho supply Is always uncertain, hut
by ordering of us beforo cold weather
comes you can bo suro of having
your wants filled. Wo aro ready to
supply any kind of lumber you need.
Sure Cure for PlItM,
Itchlug Piles produce moisture and
caum ltckjag, this form, as well as
Blfttd, Bletdtag or Protruding Piles
are cured by Dr. Bo-Ma-ko's Pllo
Kemedy. to iteklag and bled
lag. AbsrlHi taora. So a Jar, at
druggists, or st by ll. Trwtlse
free, Write ma stent yer ease. Dr.
Bewako, Pklte. Pa.
ItUHHt lkrmtlUC
RnlU from chrosk) eetltHUlow,
wkkk m aulckly Hr4 ky Dr, King's
Kew LI(o Pills. Tkw rwo nUl
oIwhous germs fr Ike nyttww
tuid t4) uexr life l vlsHr, tuf
sour stomach, auiw, k4ats)', dtf
iluees Wnd colic, without trrtoliur ar
a - - j. -- -i-i'iTr -.--
latscaptort, .26c,
naif tfirr In a in InrnMa fti I laiemwiori, vsoc uuraaieea ujr .
llllUkoro U to- havo a now saw-will.
A Wty IWtkwI OitU
or key, mH wwesw, Is quickly
et of fI K Backtla's Arnica
aire U apW-4 Kowly. Q. J
Weck, of, TkeMk( Mtok., s)-: i
It In my htmUy tor cU, or
And alt skia iiUurkM, a fkvi U per
teetV Qulekeet. (41e hm know.
Self Rising
B. B. B. Flow.
Ask yoar grocer for it
Shot Gun Shells
wk havi:
A VKRV GOOI. STftPi: rv o....n
1MX1 , " -".-.--I, . ALL THE DIFFER
ZT "" s"ra 0K S,,OT-"" so --
c L hm4 cv, mm, MeMb la Ftry i! "tor-
t keelUqc Mlve asade, I5e at J.
Hun's (Iraater. Q