Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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E $1
f vtsE5S raW !i E
MM!?r35C ffi
Austin, Tex., Sept. 10. The reor-
gnnled Republicans this morning
filed a mandamus suit asking tho sec
rotary of state Ijo compelled to place,
their nominees on tho official bnllotJ
B. H. Green, Hetty's son, heads the
ticket, as candldnto for governor.
You May Use This
Buck's Sanitary, Fuel-saving
Range for Thirty Days
Without Charge
wiiiliVRonucBTiin greatest amount of heat at the
least Cost And will direct the heat where it is most
needed. this is done ry means of a hot rlast 1 .rerox
and a scientific flue construction.
r,i iru imfi nvK nwiMiKfli: hpi.k.vihi) haxoks ixto voi'it
I'iht Duel Willi Sabres.
San Sebastian, Sept. 10. As a re
sult of a violent scene over a trlflo at
tho Hotel Palais, tho Marquis Vina,
King Alfonso's master of horse, and
the Duke of Andra fought a duel
with sabres at dawn Sunday morn;
Ing. Marquis Vina received a cut on
tho head, and tho seconds stopped tho
fight. Previous to tho encounter tho
marquis handed his resignation to
the king.
Tho seconds for tho marquis wore
tho Duko of Tovnr and Captain Cas
tro, and those of the Duko of Andra,
tlio Duko of Gor nnd tho Martinis
Mnrtorelll, all well-known members
of King Alfonso's entourage.
Have Kept the Records Near
ly Perfect-Two Have
Money Due Them and the
Third Has Only Atinor
Errors Charged
kUJtfjn . (yhatmmcm
igpifff i yyjjLLipr
Effort Will Be Madefito Have
Collection Laws
Tho annual meutlng of tho tihorlffH
x)t Oregon will bo held In tliu Marlon
county court homo Thursday and
Friday of tltlH week. Tho Oregon
sheriffs lmvo n regular organization,
unit hold iueottiiK every year. Shor
Iff McClellnu, of Douglng county, la
president, and Sheriff Corrlguu, of
Ynmhlll, Is Hocrutnry. Thuro Is no
piogram mappod out, and auythlug
that will butter (110001111111011 and In
orcno tho olUclency of the sliorlffH
will bo iIIbciiskoiI.
It la undoratood that ShurlfC Itnud,
of Haker county, will start n move
ment to havo tho collection laws al
tered bo that tho Bhurlff will not bo
wnfflcln lax-collector. It In nrgum!
that tho nhurirf luia no lutKluonn to bu
tax collector, oxcopt In delinquent
canon, and that tho Rhorlrf ciuinot bo
In hla oltlco a groat dual of tho time,
and that thu collection of taxes,
handling tho monuy and hooping thu
hooks must of necessity bo turned
over to deputies, nnd that In several
OrPROti rountie that linn rcsultuil
WB E.NDRAVOH to advauco tho
business Interests of our custom-
In overy Icgltlmata way, iB
o dolus, our motlvoa may bo
sowewhat tinctured with selfish"
. fr, upon tho prosperity of
Its patrons klfis tho success of
my IrtMlr,
Pctltcs Are Being Harvested
Now and Italians Arc
Ripening Slowly .
Uarvotlug tho crop of primus bo
khii In ninny ynnls this morning, Tho
Potltu, or '-'touch varloty, aro tho
onos rlponlng, nnd.lt U bollovod that
It will bo a wook boforo tho pick
ing of ltnllan prunes Iiocoiiiob gun
oral. Ab tho Italian priiuos aro tho
Htttmlnrit vailuty, tho gnthorhiK of
thu potltoH doos not cut much llguro
In tho Indusfrlnl world.
No contracts aro liolng mado In
linnum, and thoro aro no ttnloa being
nogotlatod. Tho prices aro Htlffonlng,
and nil salus that havo boon reported
from l-'ustorn mnrkets bIiow nn up
ward toniloncy.
All tho prune growors of this vi
cinity bollovo that a fair prlco will
bo obtatucd.
Nfgh'ctwl CohN.
1'vory part of tho mucous mom
brano, tho noso, throat, ears, head
and luugs, otc, aro subjected to dta-
onso and blight from neglected colds.
Dallnrd'a Horohound Syrup la a
plcnsnut and offoctlvo romedy.
V. Akondrlck, Vnlloy MRU, Tox.,
writes: I lmvo mod Dullard's Horo
hound Syrup for coughs and throat
troubloa; t a n pleasant nnd moat
offoctlvo remedy. Sold by D. J. Fry
Tho Republican county officials of
Marlon county have made fine rec
ords for the nast four years, If the
report of tho experts on three of
them Is any criterion. The experts
havo done a good job, and seem to be
competent men for any such work.
They will be employed to do tho rest
of tho exporting.
County Rooks Exported.
Experts Frank Meredith and W. I.
Staley completed their work of ex
porting tho books of tho Marlon
county clerk, recorder and treasurer
for tho four years ending July 1,
LlOOG, and today filed their result In
a closely type-written document of
about 40 pages, and shows very thor
ough work on tho part of experts.
Every warrant has been checked and
accounted for. In concluding the re
port on tho clerk's books the ex
perts say:
"Wo find that, during the period
of four years the present books have
been opened, a balance of tho entire
ledger has never been taken. Tho
accounts which havo to do with tho
county treasurer have been compared
and balanced occasionally, but in
other accounts numerous errors havo
been allowed to crep In, and this will
always bo tho caso where no check
Is kopt upon tho work, no matter how
careful one Intends to be. Wo would
recommend that a trial balance of
tho ontlro ledger bo taken at onco
each six months, and that It be pre
served In a suitable back for the pur
pose. Such a courso will mako a
saving of considerable time In tho
matter of auditing this part of the
In conclusion tho report shows
$4.05 fees duo tho county, and omit
ted from tho feo book. Tho report
shows that tho law requiring adver
tising of all warrants duo nnd un
paid once a year, tho county officials
fhnvo advertised only those that woro
uimiiwuu, ami mo clerk's books show
about S00 wnrrants paid but not can
celed. They find that 11 errors should
havo been charged nnd credited as
Tollews: Debits, 523.44; credits.
$348.S9. Aa a whole, they find tho
work of tho dork's offlco well done,
nnd tho only ronl criticism tho ex
ports havo to offor is tho neglect In
taking a trial balanco of tho entire
ledgor occasionally, in ordor to test
tho nccuracy of the difforent tax ne-
jcount8, ns well as thoso ombrncod In
., , tl,o accounts of tho rountv treasurer
Snn 1 ranclsco, Sept. 10,-Tho nnd tll0 nmnnor of Umimi'Z '
United 1 Uways this morning ship- 8trnct of wrrant8 .
TJrZ"r I.0" kr .'l-cords aro neatly kept, and the ff.
A Woman's Idea
of 11 porfert remedy for ailments pe
culiar to her sex Is more nearly real
ized in thr Hitters than in any oth
er. Jt deserves this distinction be
cause it has proven absolutely safe
and reliable, belntr backed by a 53
j cur' record of cures
is therefore the medicine needed by
all women who suffer from Cramps,
Hncknclio, Vomiting, Dizziness, Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Costlvoncss or
Letter Written by Alderman
Acheson's Mother Leads
to Identity of
Dead Man
. Through tho remnants of a faded
letter found on his dead body, the
identity of James Thornbuin, an
undo of Alderman Le eAcheson, of
this city, has been made known. Tho
body of Mr. Thornburn, who wns a
prospector, was found on Lost creek,
near Anaconda, Montana, September
4th, and there was nothing on his
Formerly tho Florence ItcopJ
(icr flew Management
The manyfrlends and ..
tho Florence Sanatorium, buy
Samaritan Hospital, will bn w.
to know that tho institution .,
has been temporarily closed, ,
uijuu us uoora tomorrow jundet
able management of Mr. W n 0
an experienced and capable h'osjs
The institution, which hn i,
named tho Willamette SanltarijJ
mo uccu tuuiuutjiuy renovated u
put in nrst-cinss condition, and t!
high standard of excellence hither
maintained will be carefully Z
served. In addition to the u
hospital 'features, including one
tne unest ana oest equipped opertt,
ing rooms in uie state, sneclal m
tarium treatment will be given tJ
earning massage, electric llgj
steam and' Turkish baths. Mr h;
hopes to have this department lj
running order by tho end of thewcrt
Mrs. Scott, a lady of engaging pet.
sonallty, will act as matron, and Mia
Marjorle Rue, a nurso of experience
and ability, assisted by n cortx
trained assistants, will have charge
of the surgery and caro of patlenu.
Salem may well be proud of encb
an institution, which would bs a
credit to a muph larger city.
o . 1
Secoiul-Hjiiul Goods.
Iverness,. Scotland, Sept. 10. The
Banns were pronounced Sunday an-
Santa Dnrbarn, Sept. 10. Tho sec
ond section of No. 10 on tho Southern
Pacific, leaving San Francisco at 5:45
p. m. yesterday, xvas wrecked at Sea
Cliff, 20 miles bplow here, and flvo
miles below Cnrpontcrln, at 10 o'clock
this morning. It Is reported that 30
passengers woro Injured, somo vory
Borlously, but nono woro killed. Dr.
A. W. Taylor, S. P. surgeon, nnd.sox-
oral local surgeons left nt 10:40 on
a special train for the scene. There
aro no particulars.
DclfgnUvs, Take Notice.
Tho State Wator Laws Confer
once, which xvas to bo hold at tho
Auditorium at tho fair grounds
this nftornoon, hnB adjourned to
room No. 5, of tho cnpltol build
ing, south corridor, at 7:30 this
ovonlng. Tho program will bo car
ried out as recently published.
body to Indicate who he was, except nounclng the approaching wedding
a faded letter, most of which was of James Henry Smith, of New York
faded and torn so as not to be read- and Chicago, a bachelor and heir to
able. The letter was old and was $50,000,000 and Mrs. Rhlnelander
mailed at Janesvllle, Wisconsin, last .Stewart, a divorcee from Baltimore.
year. Tho letter was found to be
written by Mrs. A. Acheson, of Ta
coma, tho mother of Leo Acheson, o!
this city. Enough of the letter could
ho read to show that the writer had n
son in business in Salem. The coro
ner nt Anaconda sent tho letter to tho
chief of police of this city, and Mr
Wanted. Young man wanted at
Rogers Paper Co., Liberty and
Court strot. 9-10-3t
Chicago Markets.
Chicneo. Sent. 10. Whp.it S9MO
. . iv, UUU AMI. ' ---.-.-. -- - tf
Cornelius nt onco saw that Leo Ache-!C9' corn 4C 4G, oats 30.
ami was uie person referred to In the
Mr. Acheson nt onco telegraphed
this morning to tho Anaconda au
thorltles and tho Identity of tho ,ion,i
man has been established.
Judging from tho appearance of
the remains, and from tho dntn nt
newspaper in tho pockets of tho
clothes, It is believed that Mr. Thorn
burn died last August or snt,i,.
.. - -!'... wij.
" jviir ago.
S. A. Read, of Cisco, Tex., jrltes.
March 11, 1901 v My wrist wa3
sprained so badly by a fall that It
waB useless; and after using several
remedies that failed to give relief,
used Ballard's Snow Liniment, and
was cured. I earnestly recommend
It to any one suffering from sprains
j Sold by D. J. Fry.
Rosteiti &
298-300 Commercial St.
to Now York, but 700 aro bt 111 hore.
nnd It la oxpoctod that furthor ship
ments will follow, iiu tho company
has no uso for thorn, with a ponceful
sottluinont by nrbitratlou In'slght.
documonts systematically
Patriarchs Militant unit Kov..r..i.-l
Ornml Lotlgo I. O. O. 1
Toronto, Out.. Sopt. 15 to 23. I9nfi
For tho nttovo occasion tho Sou thorn
Pacltlc Company will ecll rouud trip
tickets to Toronto for ?t7.Q5. Srtlo
dntea: Soptomhor S, 9 and 10. Mm.
IU: doing Soptcmhor 25; return
limit Nftvombor 30. 1&8G. Kor .
tjoulrt mk any 8. P. Agent,
WM. M'MURRAY flen. Pa Agt.
J. M. Scott, Asst. (Ion. Pas Ant.
Sittm SUte Bank
L. Jt. PAGE, Prttkfcnt
I.oiuh1 l.nm Scluwil Fund,
Tho sttito land board this tnornlnir
npprox-ed 4C loam to farmor xvlth
rarnilng laqda an security, putttmj at
lutorcit $ec,700 from tho Orfgon
school funtl.
j Absolutely Correct.
Resides finding tho treasurer over
paid 41 conts. tho exports pay County
Tronsuror Richardson a high compli
ment by snylng:
"Wo chocked up nnd verified tho
ronsuror'a accounts from July 1
1902 to July 1, mOG. nnd nn,! n,o
DOTA1I." Tho books show balances
on hnnd ,Tul 1st of JUO.079.44.
Megnuiml Hits Money Coming.
Vladivostok, Siberia. Sept. 10-L Th, "porl" chPck"a tho w t
All tho wnrohoiiBos. ottlces and Eoou'.nly noc?.r,,or J- " Slegmund for
stored on tho plors for tho xolunteor ' ', 1. Z, ' VVj rccord'
- "". mo ico dook, and
tho .result Is thnt "Honost John," ns
fleet woro destroyed by tiro todnx.
his friends call him. has a rtniin' .i
a half coming to him, nnd then tho
reports adds: "Tho records hi.
Cutxm Oporn, Douffo.
Havana, Sept. 10.Rlncon. 1
miles from here. Is I tho hands of boon n tlr kept and !!l , .
the injuwnu .. ..d trains aro stopp 'tho oZ 1 C"ci
nnd plundered at will. Tho ri..o 1... in.- ,VOil ,n n nusiness-
tnntry is moving into Santa Clara o'siogm d mav drawii " thnt
Join tho Insurgents thoro. Govoru-'d SdTl SSJTZJ 1 "" "
ment troops, xvlth machlno kuhs. r.l n.vi . .. " ' r . '
P!.ed an attack upon tho troops and burtnoM the cipor s dd "t PT!6
train thin mnmti,.. ... a.i ' . . u. csl,0rl3 "'d not got to
train this morning t Artlmlst,
Tho Tcxsu Wtmdcr.
Cures nil kldnov. hid.r . .!
rhoumatlo trouble: told bv i dm.
gUt, or two months trti b
mall for $1. Dr. K. V Hall, 29S
Ollro atretsL St. Louii. Mo ,i
for testimonials. goM w .
OrUC BtOMS. iw.lyr. dn,
Starxlng to Death.
DecaUBO her stomach wna bo wt.
ened by usolesa druKKluc thnt .h.
could not cat. Mrs, Mary II. Walters
ot &i. uiair St., Columbus, O., was
literally atarvlng to doath. h
wrltoat "My stomach .u
from useless drug that I coui.i
eat, nnd my uorvea so xroo. t,
I could not sleep; and "not before I
was given up to die was I induced to
try Uloctrlo Dltters: with th won
derful "result that Improvement h.
gatx at one, and a comnleta min fi.
IOWCU." DOSt health tonln nn o.tk
tho work or going over tho shorHf's!
"ookb. 01 wmch thoro are two vears
nnd four years of tho county snp0
intendent. but may do it next spring
- o. . 1
Sure Cure or 1MI. i
Itching 1'llos produce moisture and
causo Itching, this form . -. ..!
nil-1 ,. .. " " 9I
huu, xiiceumg or Protruding pjes
aro cured by Dr. Do-san-ko's PHa
Romedy. stons itching .t ...
Ing. Absorbs tumors. Bn . i. .!
1 , . - m jar, nr
drugslstt, or sent by mall. Treatlso
free. Wrlto mo about your case, Dr
Dosanko, Phlla. Pa,
Ladies New-
Fall Cnafc
Thrcc-qaarter length, new
gray plaid mixture. Waist
lined with good
quality of satin,
price only, q)0
Same stvle co.if. coff.f
neatly trimmed '
ftne quality, &s r-
rtice only. J v j y
The best store in the
state of Oregon, for you.i
e make no exceptions, i'ori
himl ladles who visit Salem mnkc
It au object to purchase their
millinery of us.
Whv Not Vn
We have the best Trlm-I
mers, the latest stvles, the
best quality, the lowest
price in the state.
50c, Guaranteed by J. a pj y,' L1! J-01 .
drug glt. " I t , Is In tho city to attend tho IrrJ.
CiUd's white War plash cots, foil sleeves, torn fact
i ;rspZ8z$ytl bo!,ons $3.50
Rain or shine vou can
carry me. I sun the best
of gloria silk, with nice
handles. Looks like I am
worth $5, but I am in two
assortments, $1.75 and
.ou eaca.
Child's Coat
All wool flannel, foil
sleeves, cape neatly trlm
awa"; colors, Bloe, Red,
Brown. Prfcc, $2.50,
3-.f - . . T! "
r7;'f.twoo,';,Uclla'"eI : 42cavari
Petlftme? "? ' S T-
oi prii ?ay ,2 f"2c a
Olng flannel ot to t ; J
Boys -q-fcB.ypUM. cshrn, slzeS
Men's Cashmere Salfa, $r a valaes,'oBf price, $8.50
S o-r big stock of op to date mercSM(Hje
298.300 Commercial .
aanuu uivrvung.
--i i.v m