DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, iOOO. ,llMfHMMHIUmHHUHIIIIimHinnH fRAULIEN KRUPP'S BRIDAL OUTFIT llllllMMMIMIMmnillMHHmHMIHHH lii one generation become , up. Precious linen helrlooma were 1 the next. The contrast e-lla...i- wniiRlm's "modern" nnftrinnv nnrl tho llo- j power - i natrinrchlal Fatherland of -.nected grandfather 1b shown. Irftlngb' b' th0 wrath o th0 hon" tradespeople of Essen and Berlin rri,n flnhoaf. linirnaaaea In .nunis. " " - anJ, are blamed for taking tho mony than the store of linen La from the poor man's mouth. I Tho Krupps held to the tn It seems that a rauiem uonmi nn Is old fashioned enough to re made her own clothes. In the a before tho war wun a ranee, oe- re Germany became tue -ureui ople," and that time is not ueyonu , memory or man, every wen ought up German girl did that. ,e was trained to ue tnat uest or ..-A.lnntn ltr Tlnitlanlio il German inuum-w, mo uutov.... nsfrau. A decent amount or scnooi irnlng, a proper dose of religion, thorough knowledge of all pertaln j to the household were Installed to her, and above all a mastery of teart of science of Gorman cooking, r the bride who could not exhibit ithln a reasonable time a well fat ted "mann" as proof of her skill the kitchen felt disgraced. As soon as tho small girl's fingers ould manage the needle tho bolt of ,ien was brought and she set to ork on her bridal outfit. Sheets, iblecloths, napkins) the many gar ents that are none of man's busl- ,es3, were made and stored away In reat quantities during tho long ears of maidenhood against tho day hen the Inevitable ho should turn added, sewn by grnndmothers and great grandmothers when they were girls. When tho wedding day came th.e bride was ready with linen sewn by her own hand that should last for tho whole prospective household so long as she lived. Society, high or low, demanded it, and tho bride groom was less essential to tho cere- en. traditions. It was the old time German thor oughness and thrift that built up the great steel works at Essen and brought In tho millions. Regardless of their fortune, tho children of the family were taught trades and the girls were trained as German maid ens of old were. They wake up now to discover that Germany has pro gressed, that a universal custom has become eccentric and that girls who have millions have no right to make their own underclothes, but must spend their money to encourage trade. New York Sun. ate arrangements for tho entertain ment of the delegates have been , made and they will be tho guests of the local members nt luncheon and dinner. It Is expected that Eminent Sir Adelbert P. Knapp, of Saratoga, will bo elected grand commander. N. Y. Knights Templar Conclave. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 4. The an nual conclave of tho Grand Com mandery of Knights Templar of the state of New York will open hero this afternoon. Tho delegations from all parts of the state began to come in early this morning and all fore noon committees of tho local com mandery were busy receiving tho ar riving delegations and escorting them to their respective headquar ters. Many of the delegates nre ac companied by their ladles. Elabor- BirrBlrW M1,1,1"",,M" VIIIII,lll!ll.ulli..!mi.lLliliUlillil IUlIIKT 'I1,.i 1 1,111 , hi, AYeeetablcPrcparatlonfor As similating UniToodandRegula-linglhcStomachsandDowelsof EromotesT)uXcstIon,Ckerful uessandltest.Contalns neither OprutnjMorphino nor Mineral. kot Narcotic. xttve asoidiySAMUZzrjitnm JmJhn Seitl" AbcStnna JtnutSttd limmunt -BlQirtonaXSU ll'rmJcfif -Ctmfit Sugar . IMifcrpw ten: A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the , Signature XU j For In Use Over Thirty Years iifiHOTfinm 1 exact copr or WAPPEB. UIB9 1 mi I. Ill T- ilflltfllH'P" THE CINTAUH COMPANY, NIWVOMK CITY. $ 1 5,000 In purses for racing events, including a $2000 pace and a $2000 trot, at Oregon State 1906 Fair Ji I Beginning September, 10, and ending September 1 5 $1 0,000 In premiums on live stock, agricultural and manufac tured products." It.wiH be the greatest State fair in the history of Or f Son. It belongs to aM the people of this state; all are interested, and tens of thousands of them wiH be in at tendance ' Mrs. Mnekey Abolishes Rod. Roclyn, L. I., Sept. 4. Ever since hero election as a member of the school board of Rocyln Mrs. Clarence Markay has practically conducted tho school of this town according to her notions. Although she Is tho only woman member of tho board of edu cation, she exercises absolute control over that body, which meekly ap proves everything tho millionairess decrees. Her latest notion is tho abolition of tho rod In tho schools of Roslyn, a measuro which Is tho de light of the unruly portion of the children, who have made life a bur den to teachers as well as principals. Tho schools were opened today and with tho beginning of tho new school year tho rod Is abolished as an in strument of correcting disobedient and unruly children. Although no positive statement In tho matter has been made, It Is expected that Mrs. Mackay will take It upon herself to brlbo refractory children Into good behavior by liberal donations of candy. Those who are well ac quainted with tho conditions In the Roslyn schools expect that many of tho teachers and principals will bo compelled to resign, because they will find It Impossible, owing to Mrs. Mackay's Ill-advised Interference, to maintain discipline among the chil dren. Will Discuss Municipal Mutters. Chester, Pa., Sept. 4. An Import ant convention of delegates repre senting tho municipal governments of cities of tho third class through out tho country opened hero today and will remain In session three days. It promises to be a very Im portant meeting 'and will carefully discuss many vital municipal sub jects. Mayor S. R. Crothers of Ches ter, Is the chairman of the conven tion. Tho local authorities nnd the various mercantile nnd Industrial organizations' have arranged an elab orate program for tho entertainment of tho delegates attending tho con vention. Among the entertainment features of the convention will bo a reed bird supper, a visit to tho nrt gallery of Alfred O. Deshong, auto inobllo rides to Roach's ship- yard, tho Seaboard Btcel casting works, tho Eddystono print works nnd the branch plant of tho Buldwln locomo tive works, tho Belmont iron works at Eddystono, tho old Pusey house In Uplnnd, John Morton's grave, the Penn monument and other Interest ing points.' The delegates will also bo taken on n boat ride to tho League Island navy yard. International Geological Congress. Moxlco City, Sopt.' 4.-rTho tenth International geological congress opened hero today with a largo at tendance and will continue in session two weeks. Many of tho foreign delegates to tho congress arrived some tlmo last month and have been travelling to various Interesting points in this country In tho mean time. Among tho. distinguished geo logists from nil parts of tho world who aro In attendance at tho con gress aro Walter Wahl, Franz Stradal, Victor Hackmann, Carl Hlavat8ch, II. Robs, II. Crednor, A. von Koenen, Conde and Condessa do Mntuschka, Fritz vonKernor, George Grelm, S. Gunthor, Bornard Hobson, A. Dennenberg, W. Hammer, Carl Diener, Mrs. M. DIenor, L. Duparo, O. Selffort, A. Schenck, Charles Bog danowltch, G. Stofanescu, Srlta F. Stefanescu, E. Tltzo, K. Eckort, W. Salomon, G. Merclal, H. Sjogren, Mrs. S. Dall Munro, II. Er'dmann, a. Osann, S. T. Sihoskl, E. O. Hovoy, Victor Uhllg, Alox Wetzstorn, H. F. Cleland, A. J. 'David and many others. There Is more catarrh In this sec tlo not tho country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to bo in curable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local dis ease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to euro with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven ca tarrh to be a constitutional dlseaso and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O., Is the only constitutional euro on tho market. It Is taken inter nally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It -acts dlrctly on tho blood and mucuous surfaces of tho system. They offer oue hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggist. 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. -:- CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT -:- FOB SALE. Hny for Snle. Baled Clover or cheat; ?G per ton, in lots of two tons or over. Tlios. F. Hvalker. Phono Suburban 154. 8-21-lm Two Choice Building Lots In East Salem, bought at a bargain; will be sold nt cost to person wishing to build. A. F. Hofer, Journal office. 8-25-tf Five Acre Timber Tract With lots of wood, within a mllaof town, of fered at a bargain for a short time. A. F. Hofer, Journal office. 8-25-tf TOR BENT. For Rent. Residence on North Front Street. Inquire of G. A. Back, of German Bakery. S-30-tf For Kent. Small farm near city. In quire of C. L. McNary. Phono 931. S-2S-ltd ltw ' For Kent. Furnished and unfur nished rooms nt 790 North Com mercial St. M. A. DIco,' Prop. 5-1-tf For Kent. Five room cottngo near Yew Park school. Apply to C. C. White, Fashion Stables. 9-l-3t WANTEDFEMALE HELP. Prune Fncers Wanted. Tlllson & Co. wnnt 125 girls for facing prunes. Work will commenco as soon as prunes aro ready, or Sep tember 15 th. Steady work fur nished. Call and register at tholr store on High street. S-G-lm Notice All porsons having claims ngalnst tho estnto of P. M. Pohr son, will fllo their claims under sworn statement with R. R. Ryan, at his office, 546 State street, for settlement on or beforo February 22, 1907. 9-3-lwk Wanted. Steady employment glvon for 50 additional women and gtrl3 by tho Salem Mutual Cannory. Ap ply at once. S-25-tf WANTED. Wanted Chambermaid at Willam ette. Hotel.. Steady Job. 8-29-tf Oats nnd Barley Wanted by Tlllson & Co. See us beforo you sell. Sacks furnished. 8-1012W Wanted A rellablo man to go south In charge of a car of stock. Call on or address 11G7 Court street. 9-3-3t Wanted at Hotel Salem. A first class waitress. Permanent posi tion; also extras for tho fair week; nlso dUh washer. Call at onco. 9-l-3t Wanted. To engngo five waitresses for State Fair week, 1 dish wash er; stendy Job; 2 chnmbormnlds, I olevntor boy. Willamette Hotel. 8-30-tf. . Wanted $12 to $21 weekly snlnry nnd expenses pnld to energetic man or woman employing ngont3 for fast selling goods In Oregon territory. Experience unneces sary, permanent. References. Jos. Moore, 123 Plymouth, Chicago, 111. 2-3-3t MISCELLANEOUS. uy Have you trieu tno now sienm laundfy? Phono 2 CI, nnd tho driver will call for your clothes. Pnrtiefl Wishing Carpets Cleaned by tho STEAM elennor will please phono order In tho forenoon. Wes ley Edwards, Prop. 9-l-3t Suit of Clothes Left at tho Salora Steam Dyo Works last May. Own er call and get samo at onco, or they will bo sold for charges. 9-3-3t Ilutto & Wenderotli. Flno winet.. liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle tho celebrated Kellogg nnd Castle whiskies. Coo and refreshing beer constantly on draught. South Com mercial streot. 9-3-lyr Snlem Iron Works. Foundors, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Press. MIhs Elma Wcller Will bo ready to recelvo pupils In piano, beginning Soptember 3d. Tho regular work will begin Soptember 17th. Mu sical kindergarten, which is a pre paratory work for tho piano, made a specialty for chjldrcn. 9-3-lm At Your Stepmother's You can got anything set to rights, from a pair of soiled gloves to tho most elab orate silk gown. A gentleman can got bis hat cleaned or his trousers creased, or his whole suit renovat ed to suit his taste. Buttons sowed on, rips sowed up, suits pressed on short notice, and new goods shrunk for dressmaking. Ladles' and gentlemen's clothes cleaned and dyed to sample and re paired. Blankets cleaned and dyed. Orders by mall receive prompt at tention. Mrs. 0. H. Walker, pro prietor. Phone 1245, 221 Com mercial tret. LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sherwood Foresters, No. 19. Meets Tuesday in Hurst hall, State street. U. S. Rider, 0. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Contra! Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall in Holman block, corner State and Liberty stroots. Tuosday of each week at 7:30 p. m. J. G. Graham, C. C.j W. I. Staler, K. of R, and S. Modern Woodmen of Amorica. Ore gon. Cedar Camp No. 5240. Moots every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. 0 ; F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World. Moot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, in Holman hall. A. J. Basey, C. C. P. L. Frazler, Clork. INSURANCE. SALEM HOP DEALERS. Krebs 11ms. Growers of and deal ers In hops, Salem, Oregon. Phono 121. Office ovor Salem State Bank, 115 Commercial street; X C. C. Donovan Hop morchnnt; rep' resents best firms in1 America. Cor ner Commorclnl and State streets, J Snlem. Phono Main 137. HOPPICKEKS WANTED. iCKcra .wanted, uid and now pickers registered now for this fall's picking. Parties living in tho city transferred to and from yards free of charge. Camp sheds and wood provided. Frank W. Durbln, Bayne building, Salem. 7-21-tf SASH ANDDOOIl PAOTokrEa. "" Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer of sash, doors, mouldiugs. All kinds of houso finish and hard wood work. Front street, bet. Stato and Court. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, nccl dont and pension insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid. Good agents wanted. J. H. C. Montgomery, supromo orgnnizor, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, secretary, 540 Stato streot. LT.VERY AND SALE STABLES. 73 IS THE PHONE NUMBER OP THE RED FRONT STABLES. AI. L. IIAEROD, PROPRIETOR, 271 CHEMEKETA STREET. PLUMBERS. Tlieo. M. llarr Plumbing, hot wntor and steam heating and tinning, 1G4 Commercial streot. Phono Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Potzol Plumbing, stoam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox & Murphy, 220 Commercial streot. 'Phono Main 17. A. L. Frazcr Successor to Burroughs & Frazor, plumbor and tinner. Manu facturer of coppw and galvanized Iron cornlco, ami motal skylights, 105 Sato stroot. ''Phono 1511. VETERINARY SURGEON. Dr. E. J. Young. Veterinary Surgeon ..and dentist, 33 years' experience. All work guaranteed. Difficult sur ' gical operations a specialty. Phond 581. Offico at Club Stables. Phone 7, Salem, Oregon. ' 3-9-tf NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. Now and Sccond-lluml Goods.- Bought nnd sold, also ranges, stoves and cooking utcnBlls, dish es, grnnlto nnd tlnwnro of all kinds Glvo us a call. O. L. McPook, 170 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly HLACKSMITHING. W. E. Arnold 239 South Commer cial street, docs gonornl black smithing, cnrrlngo and wagon mak ing in all Kb branches. Speclnl at tention glvon to Interfering horses. Second-hand rigs bought and sold. All work warranted. 8-9-lm MUSIC STUDIOS. Musical StuUlo. Frank E. Churchill, Muiical Studio, Ansociato teacher Western Conservatory, Chicago, 111., representing Inter-State System at Salem, Oregon. In tho Gray block, room 3. Studio hours, 0 to 12 and 2 to 5. 8-lD-tf OSTEOPATH. Dr. B. IL WhJteT-raduate of Kirks vllle, Mo., under founder of oste patby. Room 21 Breyman bldg., Commercial street. Phono 87, Resi dence 500 State, cor. Church. Pbone 1110. Trreata aeuto and chronic dls eases. Examinations free. Dr, W. L. Mercer, Graduate of KIrka vllle, Mo., under founder of osteo pathy. Rooms 25-20 Breyman bldg., Commercial St. Phone. 919. Resi dence 419 North Summer street. Phone 014. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Examination txt. LOST. Lout A stick pin set with six pearls and amethyst center, on circus day. Leavo at 357 North Com mercial street, and recelvo re ward. 8-30-3t. J .out Pocketbook; black, six inches long, containing about ?15 in coin Return to this office for reward, or phono 993, Salem. 9-3-3t DRAYMEN. It. O. Cummins Successor to Whlto Cummins, express, delivery and transfer lino. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto. Furnlturo .and piano moving a specialty. Stand a 150 South Commercial street. Phono 175. 'Rcsldonco phono 968. 8-4-tf TONSORIAL. BMfstie WfMtaw ITOItSA.. MMIWYMHftAfefc0( k ' Z&PZ Evans' Barber Shop. Tho only flrst class barber shop on Stato street; everything now nnd up to date. Finest porcelain boths In tho city. Shaving 15c, ' hnlrcuttlng 25c, baths 25 c. Two first-class boot blacks. C. W. Evans, prop. 8-9 FRUIT TRAYS AND BOXES Salem Box Factory MASON & SNYDER. PHONE 308- WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANt OFFICE CITY HALL. For water sorvlco apply at office. Bills payablo monthly in advance. Mnko all complaints at tho office. CHEAP EXCURSION RATEEAST FOR SUMMER SEASON Tho Southorn Pacific Company will soil special round-trip tlckots to oastr orn points on Juno 4, 0, 7, 23, 25, July 2 and 3, August 7, 8, 0, Sept, 8,' 10, 1900, to Chicago, St, Louis, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Omaha, Sioux City, St. Joo, Atchison, Lcavonworth, Kansas City, Denver, Colorado Springs atld Puoblo, Colo, Good going ton days and return ing ninety days from snlo dato; but not boj'ond October 31, 1900. For par ticulars call on agents. A. L, Craig, General Pnssongor Agout, Portland, tf gjaatt I Gold Dust Flow I Made by THE SYDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Mado for family use. Ask your fi grocor for it. Bran and shorts U1VVUYD uu uuuu "" ' ' " "" P. B. Wallace AGENT ialiaf llll MM Spont wisely Is tho sourco of much satisfaction. Why not spond a little of It wisely now buying groceries of us7 Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Hirritt & Lawrence. Rubber Tires OF ALL KINDS, AND OF THE BUST QUALITY. WE HAVE THE FAMOUS GOODRICH TIItES FOR ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES AND CAN SAVE YOU TIME AND GIVR YOU PEMLINENT SATISFACTION. PIHCE8 RIGHT. IRA JORGCNSCN High Street i $ id I'M i ! ,,i i if. b m ?. i