lilft D T. ktt tc. ,i JAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1000. rpO READERS .OF THE J)IES' HOME JOURNAL: ..-aread the article published by The Ladies' Home Journal roi. attacking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription? Have Ue statement more recently made by Mr. Bok, the Editor of tine that nis cumy-uuy "ua uui puiu a single penny to Dr. Btt H ra ? Alfj i o u . . , w . --..MAf.t t- p m c;prriAmn,i- n n.. ...:i. if tir I-".. unw the truth. The facts are these : I!"" . - -A.-.. !, nrfir1f 111 MjlV Trim nnnnxrnJ T T! l ' -,1 The Ladies' Home Journal publishers for libel. The Shad in April last. Dr. Pierce proved that the attack made by X& . . . - T.....4n1 ntnb nice. TTrt .r.wl lt.L T" n! I . ? todies nme Juuluai "tM " 1"" inui ur, t-ierce s ra-Tw-intioii &?.? not, and never did contain either alcohol or anv 'injurious drugs which The Ladies' Home Journal falsely stated J..:.. Tin's wasf SO COHClUsivelv sllOWll that thp nttnrnovc fnr - - T..itnl miAM si was Am - 4 2 A TM. J 1 .jijj' Home juuiiuu .ii..ku. .1 uuran . hg jury renaerea jw against The Ladies' Home Journal in favor of Dr. Pierce's . .c w m This was n rnmnlpto vindipotinn -if T"t. laV lor sjui-""'. , . 1. ....v..wk.w. v.i "utiui I' -. (f T?..if rfc DfOCr.r,rf inn 1) Tf 11.r1lO.rt1K. r nV.1!..1A,1 4.1.. J. ' i whollv false, aud without any justification. Or. Pierce, however, believed that his company is justly entitled rtrdict tor a raucu miyci auui. imuugH ma unurneys ne nas, hw not) lea to uie uuun iui u ucw uuu ji me cube, ror mis m . T . .1.: o., olmio lioe Tl, T niocl TJ, T. 1 l a and tor una it.u .ww...., . .... uiw "umt juuhwi nut ..'M!i3 sintrle nenny to Dr. R. V. Pierce's concern." Dr. Pierce um ---0 - , , ... ... ,, .. , nply chosen not to coneci me juugineni uiuu me motion tor a :.i h.-m been decided. Ilnthe light of these facts does not this boastful statement that it mt oaid a single penny to Dr. R. V. Pierce's concern " look like I lt.-T . Iia If 4aaaa&l (MAItHnil -k MtlnlAnrl .,. 10 aild COnilUOn U1UU, U uuu uihuhuuiucu iu miaicuu yuu f tlon" stanch alone ns being tho only medicino for woman's epecinl nilments which has any such professional endorse ment of its several ingredients which fact is generally recognized as entitled to much more weight than any amount of lay, or non-profeesional testimonials. rho "Favorite Prescription" stands alone as the only non-secret, medicino for woman's nilments. Its manufact urers are not afraid to publish its in gredients, as they do, broadcast thus courting tho fullest scrutiny. Tho "Fnvorite Prescription" has been on trial in court and came out fully vindicated as containing no harmful or habit-forming drugs. What other medicino for women could stand such a test? No invalid women can afford to accept a secret nostrum of unknown composition for this tried and proven remedy ok known composition. Lead ing physicians often prescribo it becauso they know exactly what it is made of and that tho ingredients of which it is composed nre tho very best known to medical science for tho cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses and delicato ailments. Dr. Plcrco's Favorlto Prescription Is not advertised as a "Cure All " but admirably fulfills a singleness of purposo, being a superior and most positive remedy forono class of diseases only thoso easily recog nized weaknesses, derangements, Irregu larities and painful disorders peculiar t6 women. It Is a powerful, yet gontly act ing, Invigorating, tonic and strengthening nervine. For weak, worn-out, over-work-ell women no matter what has caused tho break-down, whether It bo from too frequont bearing of children or from much worry, ciyro, or over exertion of any kind, "Favorlto Prescription" will bo found most cfllclont In building up tho strength, regulating all tho womanly functions, banishing pain and bringing about a reg ular and healthy, vigorous condition of tho wholo femalo svstom. lAVealbiess.C wq M 'mg (l,a frn Ot tllO UOei SUlt I ...ilnnnfl Mil Y t oil lirQ theaoove jiieiiuijiiuu i.j..u"-." eH. Smith, Yice-i'resmeni 01 uiu . niennnnrv Medical Associa- Uttd under oath that tho ingredi ilDr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescnp ,rere wholly extracted from tho ag nauvo.roois, uoiacn eeaif Pihnsh. Lfldv's Slipper Black ihjndUnicoriNhy means of pure e of proper snqngtn. rie was he Knew, as uvnnysiciun ana medical man,iat tho "ra- on " was a iture for tho liar to vorncnBuch as gVielvic sus. Yetrai'er- lar anubainful perioo. aVd iimes of the womanly on nMtwl that ho knew such w ri because of his professional ex jce and tho many thousands of u whose ills, to his personal (dee, had been cured by this hptioii." (IDtTiencu vi lit. cniuii wus uurruu hrtlin standard Modlcnl Authorities. ixreral schools of practice ondorstnt? xiotts liik'roments in uiu stroneost i l)r, Smith bolus asked to name somo J luthorltlos oa to tho curatlvo voluo Y tboro roots rend from tho otandard knch m tho United States Dlspensa : the American Dispensatery: Onranlc im, ly Oruvir Coo. M. D.i Slatorln cibrFrofcvior Tlnloy KlllnewooU of tho m Mllcal Collepo. Chlcaee: "Now i!l(i"brrruf. Edwin M. Halo. M. I)., of u'o; Ti'Xt-llOiik of Tliorapoutli's. by Dr. .1 A. Hire. Prof. In Univ. of I'cnn'a: gcflceJolinon. M. l) l'nif. In Uulvorxlty VVerk: l'rof. John Kimr, Author ot teutnJller Diseases"; 1'iofossor John wer, a. u.. Author ot a trontio on Itascj of Women": Horatio C. Wood. i.Aulhor of "ThoiaDcutles": Roberts iWi.A. M M. I).. Piof essor of Jlatorla AJflerson .Medical Collctro of 1'hlla. 'ie.;e recognized and standard um praise, in the strongest pos fcras. each and every ingredient i enters into the "Favorite Pre- ii of Dr. Pierce for the cure of ttn'n wcnliar weaknesses and nil- 2je Turtles nml Thelf Shells. sneus shipped from tho, Col- Vrlof . 1. ..n jjW'on tho Lgarto and San Bias me Caribbean sea during tOnths nf Mm Turin Tulir nnrl . - ....; , U.lll, UH.J M..V jjM14! when they approach tho HiH aePosIt eggs, which aro wine sand beaches above high nark at night; holes aro dug ltBU4 feet deep and tho eggs " merein; generally auout lirfrQ ni'A mn1n .tiiMtiit. n imr 2l iw u llltlUU UUlllIb IV ijui- ItM'' nlne wccks- Tllo eggs aro covered with sand and left itched out by tho heat of the sun. Tho turtles aro caught either while on shore or In tho water by means of nets. As a rule, they aro killed immediately aftor being caught, cleaned, and tho shell frame washed with sand; but on the San Bias coast tho Indians do not kill them; but at onco proceed to ro movo tho shell by subjecting tho tur tles to great heat, afterwards throw ing the turtles back Into tho sea.' By tho application of heat tho suc cessive plates of shell como off very easily. Turtles caught in theso waters vary In size from 1 to 4 V feet long. 'lllllIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIulifliinmK31 yimfiMB . UjUjM .1 .lUiiniij Itl i'l'iinr t li ' " '! lF"pTtl, Bill AfietablePrcoaratioarorA3- uimg inctooaandUfiguia- wcStamachs andBowcls of I WjtesTJTfrMHnn rfwerfiil- !)Ci,1nHDnrAnto: nlflu IVmsMorphine norlllaaaL rTARCOXIC. CASTORIA Far Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought FIFTY MILES OF TRACK Southern Pacific Buys A Town at Junction of Four of Its Lines The Southern Pacific plans to con struct a ?500,000 terminal, with ex tensive roundhouses and fifty miles of switching tracks at Rosevllle, where the company bought the heart of tho town and moved. It over to make room for this gigantic entor prlse.r Hushing to Xew Town. People between Sacramento and Rocklln rubbed their eyes when they heard that the Southern Pacific had "bought a town," as they speak of It up there, and at first they were disappointed; for the great Rosevllle terminal will take 2000 workmen away from Rocklln and Sacramento, and that means probably SOOO or 10,000 people, to be located In tho new town. But their second thought was to take advantage of the situa tion and get into Rosovlllo early. Tho rallrbad company will have double tracks from Rosovlllo to Sacramento, a distance of eighteen miles, and freight trains from the east and north for San Francisco will be made up at the now terminal, Saving sometimes 24 hours delay In delivering the freight here. The object of the railroad com pany In buying tho center of the vil lage of Rosevllle for four blocks on either side of tho main line, was to secure' permission to closo crossings. Tho stores and churches were shifted back ono block in each direction and the lnclosure for tho switching yards will extend for a mile and half with out a crossing. Tho town Is divid ed Into two strips with no connection oxcept at the ends of tho big yards, where 'wagons and people may go around. Mile ami a Hnlf of Yawls. The main yard will bo a mile and a half long and about 350 feet wide but at tho eastern extremity It "will bo widened to 706 feet. Rosovlllo will bo tho junction of the northern line to Portland; tho eastern lino to Ogden; tho southern' lino to Los An geles, nnd tho western lino to San Francisco, by way of Carqulnez strait. Most of San Francisco freight will hereafter como from Rosovlllo by way of Stockton saving tho de lays at tho Carqulnez ferries. Tho now roundhouses at Rosovlllo will bo among the largest In Southern Pacific system, accommodating 40 or 50 locomotives. -:- CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT -:- FOB SALE. Hny for Sale. Baled Clover or cheat; ?G per ton, in lots of two tons or over. Thos. F. Walker. Phono Suburban 154. S-21-lni Two Choice Building Lots In East Salem, bought at a bargain; will be sold at cost to person wishing to build. A. F. Hpfer, Journal office. 8-25-tf Five Acre Timber Tract With lots of wood, within a mile of town, of fered at a bargain for a short time. A. F. Hofer, Journal office. 8-25-tf FOR RENT. For Kent. Residence oil North Front Street. Inquire of G. A. Back, of German Bakery. S-30-tf Foirltcut. Small farm near city. In quire ofC. L. McNary. Phono 931. S-2S-ltd ltw For Rent. Furnished and unfur nished rooms at 790 North Com mercial St. M. A. Dice, Prop. 5-1-tf For Rent. Four room cottage near Yew Park school. Apply to C. C. Whltej Fashion Stables. S-31-3t For Rent. Five room cottage near Yew Park school. Apply to C. C. White, Fashion Stables. 9-l-3t LODGES. Foresters of Amorlca Count Sherwood Foresters, No. 19. Meets Tuesday in Uurst hall, Stato streot. U. S. Ridor, O. R.j A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, corner State ami Liberty street. Tuosday of each week at 7:30 p. m. J. G. Gabam, C. C; W. I. Stalcy, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America. Ore gon Cedar Camp No. C240. Moots overy Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. O; P. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World. Meot overy Fri day night at 7:30, in Holman hall. A. J. Basey, C. C. P. L. Frailer, Clerk. SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer of sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houso finish and hard wood work. Front streot, bet. Stato and Court. DRAYMEN, It. O. Cununlns Successor to White Cummins, oxprcsg, dellvory nnd transfer lino. Prompt servlco Is our motto. Furnlturo nnd piano moving a specialty. Stand nt 15G South Commercial street. Phono 175. Rosldonco -phono 9C8. 8-4-tf TOKSOItlAL. INSURANCE. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and pension insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; overy claim paid. Good agents wanted. J. H. C. Montgomery, supremo organtzor, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. y Ryan, secretary, 540 Stnto streot. WANTED FEMALE HELP. LT,VERY AND SALE STABLES. m J IS THE PHONE NUMBER OF THE RED FRONT STABLES. Al. L. HARROD, PROPRIETOR, 271 OHEMEKETA STREET. Evnns' Barber Shop. Tho only first class barber shop on Stato street; everything now and up to date. Finest porcelain boths In tho city. Shaving 15c, halrcuttlng 2 Go, baths 25c. Two flrst-claB3 boot blacks. O. W. Evans, prop. 8-9 FRUIT TRAYS AND BOXES Salem Box 'Factory MASON & SNYDER, PHONE 308- Prune Facers Wanted. Tlllson & Co. want 125 Girls for facing prunes. Work will commence as soon as prunes are ready, or Sep tember 15th. Steady work fur nished. Call and register at their store on High street. 8-6-lm Wanted. Steady employment given for 50 additional women and girls by tho Salem Mutual Cannory. Ap ply at once. 8-25-tf WANTED. Wanted" Chambermaid at Willam ette Hotel.. Steady job. 8-39-tf Oats nnd Hurley Wanted by Tlllson & Co. Seo us before .you soil. Sacks furnished. S-1012w Wanted at Hotel Snlem. A flrst- class wnltress. Permanont posi tion; also extras for tho fair week; also dish washer. Call at onco. 9-l-3t Wanted. To ongago llvo waitresses for Stato Fair week, 1 dlah wash er; steady job; 2 chambermaids, 1 elevator boy. Willamette Hotel. 8-30-tf. woua-swaxEOixa fyA SmJ 'gxJmna Vmfd - ApQfccl Ifemcdv fnrYnltrirt. g Sour Slomach.Diarrhoca, "s .Convulsfons.Fo-crish-ssartdLoss OF SLEEP. facSuwle Signature of EW YORK. HLluTiJlCVm!l CT ropy Of VTCUMTCB. Bears the A, A Signature XU (J Use va For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tt MNTUM MT. We YM TTt. with a maximum weight of 150 pounds, nnd tho average weight of shell obtained from ench Is from C to 7 pounds. Tho commercial value of tortoise shell depends upon the thick ness and size of the plates rather than upon tho brilliancy of tho col ors. The price of shell In this mar ket fluctuates from ?3 to $G gold per pound. As tho best prices aro ob tained In England, the largest amount of tho shell shipped from this part goes to that country. Tho San Bias Indians, however, trndo a largo amount of shell to coasting schooners, which Is partly cnrrled to the States and partly brought to Col on. During tho year 1905 the total amount of tortoise shell shipped from tho entire consular district of Colon to all countries was estimated at 16,000 pounds. Tho total amount shipped from CoTon alone In 1905 was estimated at 800 pounds, valued at ?37,000 gold; of this amount, about 5000 pounds, valued at $22, 000 gold, was shipped to England, and about 2000 pounds, valued at $9000 gold,, to tho United States, and the residue of 1000 pounds, val ued at $45000 gold, went to Ger many. For the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 190C, tortoise shell valued at $11,219 gold, was shipped to tho United States from Colon Consul James C. Kellog of Colon. Her Little Hint. Tho full moon flooded the porch with shafts of steel-blue rays. It was lato but he showed no signs of departing. "It has been said," he remarked dreamily, " that tho moon is dead." "It that any reason," she Inquired with a yawn, "why wo should sit up with tho corpse." Judge. i. o "My neighbor blames mo for everything that happens to his place; ho says my dog does all the mis chief." "I noticed ho was angry at the disappearance of his rubber mat." "Yes, he eTen laid that at my door." H Dlavolo Rosa. Man Wanted. Somewhere near Sa lem. To assist us In showing and selling properties. No experience necssary, if willing to lot us teach you tho real estate business. Sal ary, $00 a month, to honest man, honest man, willing to dovoto pnrt willing to dovoto part of his tlmo to this business. Co-Oporatlvo Laud Co., Andrus Bldg., Minneap olis, Minn. 8-30-4t PLUMBERS. Thco. M. Ilnrr Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 1G4 Commercial street. Phono Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Potzel Plumbing, stoam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox A Murphy, 220 Commorclal street. 'Phono Main 17. A L. Frazor Successor to Burroughs & Frazor, plumber and tinner. Manu facturer of coppcm and galvanized iron cornice, and motal skylights, 105 Stato stroet. 'Phono 1511. VETERINARY SURGEON. Dr. E. J. Young. Votorinary Surgeon ..and dontist, 33 years' oxporionce, All work guarantood. Difficult sur gical operations a specialty. Phona 581. Office at Club Stables. Phono 7, Salem, Oregon. 3-D-tf WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at office. Bills payablo monthly in advance. Mnko all complaints at the office. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. New and Second-IIaml Goods. Bought nnd sold, also ranges, stoves and cooking utensils, dish es, grnnlto and tinware of nil kinds Glvo us a call. O. L. McPook, 170 South Commorclal St. 8-13-ly HOPPICKEHS WANTED. Hop Pickoia Wanted. Old and new pickers registered now for this fall's picking. Parties living in tho city transferred to 'and from yards free of charge. Camp sheds and wood provided. Frank W. Durbln, Bayne building, Salem. 7-21-tf . MISCELLANEOUS. jay iiavo you irieu uio uuw bic-uui laundry? Phono 201, and tho driver will call for your clothes. Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottle black, Salem. A. Scott, pfop. 7-C-tf Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Notice. Tho undersigned hereby glveva public notice that he will not bo responsible for any debts unless ho contracts tho same In person or by written ordor. D. R. Simpson. 8-29-Ct Wanted 150 women and girls dur ing the pear season, to help at tho Salem Mutual Cannory, which will bo reoroned on or about August 2.0th. All who wish to help please roglster at tho offlco of tho can nery. 7-27-eod-tf ULACKSMITIIING. W. 13. Arnold 239 South Commor clal street, does gonoral black smithing, cnrrlago and wagon mak ing In all Its branches. Special at tention given to Interfering horses. Second-hand rigs bought and Bold. All work warranted. 8-9-lm MUSIO STUDIOS. Musical Studio. Frank E. Churchill, Muficnl Studio, Assoclato teacher Westorn Conservatory, Chicago, 111., representing Inter-Stato System at Snlem, Oregon. In the Gray block, room 3. Studio hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. 8-lD-tf OSTEOPATHS. Dr. B. H. Whlto! OrauuateoT fttfka villo, Mo., under founder of oate pathy. Room 21 Broyman bldg., Commercial street. Phono 87. Resi denco 590 Stato, cor. Church, Phone 1110. Tircats ocuto and chronic dii cases. Examinations free. Dr. W. L. Merocr. Graduate of Kirks vlllo, Mo., under founder of osteo pathy. Rooms 25-20 Breyman bldg., Commercial 8t. Phono 019. Real denco 419 North Summr street, Phone 014. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Examination free. LOST. Lost A stick pin set with six pearls and amethyst conter, on circus day, Leavo at 357 North Com mercial street, and recolvo re ward. 8-30-3t. O. C T. CO Steamers Pomona and Altona leave for Portland dally except Sonday at 7.J0 a. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt Rubber Tires OF ALL KINDS, AND OF THE WEST QUALITY. WE HAVE THE FAMOUS GOODRICH TIRES FOR ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES AND CAN SAVE YOU TIME AND GIVE YOU l'ERBIANENT SATISFACTION. PRICKS RIGHT. IRA JORGENSEN High Street OA. Swiitt MTiOt B9 r9 IV iW Wf tMev cZ&&te& CHEAP EXCURSION RATE EAST FOR SUMMER 'SEASON The Southern Paclflo Company will soil spoclal round-trip tickets to oast orn points on Juno 4, 0, 7, 23, 25, July 2 and 3, August 7, 8, 9, Sopt, 8, 10, 1900, to Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Omaha, Sioux City, St. Joe, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Denver, Colorado Springs add Pueblo, Colo. Good going ton dnys and return ing nlnoty days from salo datq; but not boj'ondi Octobor 31, 1000. For par ticulars call oa agents. A. L. Craig, Gonoral Passenger Agent, Portland, t' Gold Dtist Flow Mndo by THE SYDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Orogon. Made for family uso. Ask your grocer for It. Bran and shorts nlwaya on hand. i P. B. Wallace I m a -'r?RTT, I Spbnt wisely Is tho source of tmuch satisfaction. Why not spend a littlo ot It wisely now buying grocorlos of us? Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harritt & Lawrence. Southern Pacific Time Card, Effective Saturday, Aug. 1H. , Toward Portland Train Arrives. No. 1C 5:30 a. m., Oregon ox press. No. 14 8:23 a. m., Cottago Orovo oxpress. No. 12 4:49 p. m., Orogon ex press. No. 22211:18 a. m through fast freight. No, 220 11:55 a. m iocal way freight. Doparts 12;45 p. m, Toward San Francisco. No, ICt-IOjCC p. in,, California . oxpress. No. 13 C:23 p. m Cottago Grove express, No. 11 10:38 a. in., California express. No. 22C 11:25 a. m., local way freight. Doparts at 11:65 a. m, No. 221 3:20 a. in,, through fast freight. SIHT Hi V: JH FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. X Burt, Ci.i two J Scrruwu UanM.iv, tutu Ciuul mJot tulutAft, KJ ,nm14 fxllAOM. 141. rjUWiUMMUlI,lt4Mllr. tkt$ lUm f-fc4 1 im m4m W U- uwrup wicicAt co.. 74. Uiwtih. r. U am KaJAM kv t II mMM aaaB B aBaaaaa Vy W laaaaat i t iY 4 - V i.-.H J .. -a o i'a Jm 1 ' ;il -j. i1 '? '$ M , ,f iff , .; V m CM vl , if