! STATE DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE EDITION ILYjOAPITAL JOURNAL xn. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1000 NO. 210. REE BIG HARMONIOUS CONVENTIONS Igram of State Development League to be field at the Auditorium of the State Fair Grounds three day session of tho Stato opnient League at Salem dur itate Fair week will bo hold mber 11, 12, and 13, opening ay ' at 1 o'clock. Tho local tlttee In charge of entcrtuln- tnd reception of the delegates rill be present from all over ute, met last night at tho ofllco nnty Judge Scott. Vacancies on rammltteo caused by tho ab- ol Isaac Manning and Geo. F. pi, were nlled by electing H. Albert and R. J. Hendricks. committee is composed of Pres- F. X. Derby and Secretary P. terof tho Greater Salem Com mercial Club, and John II. Scott, H. B. Thlelsen and E. Hofer as tho other members. Sub-committees were appointed to provide badges for the reception committee of fifty Salem boomers, and special badges for tho two or three hundred visiting delegates from the commercial bodies all over tho state. Beautiful Invitations will bo sent out to every club In the state, and excursions will be arranged to show the visitors what Salem Is doing as the center of tho Good Roads movement, and tho electric railroad center of Wester Oregon. It Is Intended to glvo tho visitors a royal good time and show them the city that does things In tho prop er style. Tho Greater Salem Com mercial Club will have chargo of the local arrangements and asks tho hearty co-operation of all who are Interested In the upbuilding of the state. (Continued on Pngo Thrco.) PARDEE FINDS NO LAW 1CAG0 STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE 3 DROP PAREE kwans... San Francisco, Spot. 1. In re sponse to an Inquiry from tho Dally News regarding tho attltudo of tho state authorities toward tho Im ported strike brenkors, Governor Pardee today replied: "I regret I have no power under tho law to pre vent the coming into tho stato of such bodies of armed men. It does not constitute an invasion with in the meaning of tho law. I havo notified tho United Railways that their reported importation of armed men, If not unlawful, is against pub lic policy, and subversive to good order, and in reply have received a denial of tho truth of tho newspaper reports that they aro Importing bodies of armed men into tho state. question of hours, did not material ize, as tho company ignored tho meeting altogether. Tho efforts of Mayor Sehmitz to bring tho parties (to the strife together, has failed so fn nil.1.. mi TV-it. - "" umueiy. me unucu iinuroaus continue the preparations to houso Farley's men, who aro expected some time Sunday. It is freely pie dicted their arrival will bo tho sig nal for an outbreak of violonco. o Josh Hillings' Stylo. Washington, Sept. 1. Tho army and Navy Register, soml-ofllcial, the first journal in this city thnt adopted the reformed spelling, says: "Should it bo adopted throughout tho country, tho purists will havo a spasm." WE ARE NOW teady to Show You wplete Line of New Merchandise in following Departments and at es that no house on the Pacific ast can Beat. It is a Big Volume business we are after, not Big rfits. AFTER MORMON ELDERS Berlin, Sept. 1. The German gov ernment Is aroused by reported pros elyting by Mormons, who aro seeking women to go to Utah to Join tho Mormon communities. Tho govern ment has ordered an official investi gation. Frauleln Maria WInckler has been ordered to go to Utah and report upon conditions. If they aro found as reported, tho work of mis sionaries In this country will bo stopped. FOREST GROVE PROGRAM Greatest Array of Speakers Ever Presen ted at Next Meeting of Willamette Valley Development Convention Refuse to Arbitrate, San Francisco, Sept. 1. Striking carmen this morning voted to reject nil overtures of tho company made through tho mayor ond offering ar bitration, and hold out for their EinB- Prussia. Sept, 1. Thoro was orlclnal demands of $3 a dnv. nml an enrthquake eight hours. Program of tho fifth quarterly convention of the Willamctto Valley Development League, to bo held at Forest Grove, Friday, September 7 There will bo thrco sessions of tho convention, at 9 a. m., 1:30 p. m., and 7:30 p. m., at Marsh hall, tho assembly room of Pacific uni versity. Program 0. A. M. Convention called to order by Hon. E. W. Haines, president Board of Trade, Forest Grove. Address of welcome by M. Peter son, mayor of Forest Grove. "Tho Benefits of Orgnnizntlon as Illustrntcd Through tho Work of tho Willamctto Valley Dovolopmont League," E. Hofer, president. Appointments of Committees. "Fruit Growing as a Factor of De velopment in tho Willamctto Valloy" H. C. Atwoll, Washington county. "Tho Statq Grange and Dovolop ment" A. T. Buxton, Forest Grove, stato lecturor. "Condonsod Milk Industry of For est Grove" Superintendent Callou dcr. (Continued on pngo ten.) Earthquake In Prussia. an earthquake here at G:o this morning, followed by three sllghtor shocks. Played Kkirioo. A truant from tho reform school ran away from thnt institution and was taken In custody at Harrisburg last night, he having rode tho "blind to that town. Tho boy 'I' r DRESS GOODS 5 BILKS f VELVETS ' NEW COATS S' XEW SUITS f SHIRT WAISTS r JACKETS ' " I SILK PETTICOATS JRS 'IIUSDiF.n TTATO 'OSTRicrr PT,Tmn?n" fcAXCV FEATHERS EVS NEW COATS REN'S New n-pn RESS SICTTlTfl &ILK WAISTS aionoxs 'UCES JESS TRIMMINGS f5CL COLLARS . JIT WOOL SHAWLS WARM UNDERWKAB r( --v& UM)ERWEAIt LADIES' HOSIERY CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS LADIES UNION SUITS MEN'S HEAVY UNDERWEAR MEN'S WARM HOSIERY MEN'S CLOTHING LADIES' FINE SHOES MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES NEW WAISTINGS NEW OUTING FLANNELS WOOLEN FLANNELS NEW FLANNELETTES NEW TABLE LINENS NEW DOJUESTICS NEW HLANKETS NEW COMFORTS NEW NOTIONS NEW CORSETS NEW ROSE SUPPORTERS NEW STANDARD PATTERNS NEW GLOVES NEW BELTS NKW nANDKERCRTEFS MEN'S NEW NECKTIES San Francisco, Sept. 1. Twelvo hundred men rising to their foot voiced their approval of tho ultima tum to tho company to accept noth ing but their original demands. Tho published intention of tho company. to accept tho union offer to return . baggage to work for $3, and arbitrato tho was returned to tho school today. I I 9 1 9 1 I I WtlWItH Restaurant, Confec tionery and Bakery. Open from 6 a. m. to 1 0 p. m Regular dinner including ice cream 25c. Angelus ice cream is the best. 181 19 !! I i9i9m94Q9499 99M BIIIBIII1 lllllHtliiM The Angelus, Postoillco Hours for Labor Dny. General Delivery oponB from 7:30 to 9 a. m. City carriers mako morn ing delivery and collection. Rural carriers do not mako any delivery, and there is no money order busi ness transacted, sAumi'n msjuxars aaowixa itoul OY BROS. Comer of CoMer cfcl aid Court Stmts Revolt is Spreading. . Havana, Sept. 1. The rovolt has spread to the- provinco of Puerto Principe. Seventy insurgents aro! marauding. ' THE SPA Try our California Orango Candy, in boxes, Just llko oranges. Cream Caramels, something new and good. Our lino of candy Is comploto. Ice cream in any style. Sherbcrts a specialty. W. T. Stofc, F. G. Myers. Pleased and Dissat isf ied Patients AS EVERY PERSON WITH A WELL BALANCED MINI) JtNOWS IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE EACH AND EVERY PERSON YOU COME IN CONTACT WITH, AND I AM NO ECEPTION TO THE RULE. BUT AVIIENEVER YOU HEAR OF ANY PERSON RHINO DISSATIS FIED WITH ANY WORK DONE IN MY OFFICE, SIMPLY PUT IT DOWN AS THEIR OWN FAULT AND FOR THIS REASON. ..I POSITIVELY DO OVER ANY WORK WHICH PROVES UNSATIS FACTORY WITHOUT ANY COST TO THE PATIENT WHATEVER. THIS IS ONE RULE I POSITIVELY STAND BY. I AM GIVING AWAY ON JAN. J, A 912.1 DIAMOND WHICH IS ON DISPLAY IN BARR'S JEWELRY WINDOW. IF YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE ANY DENTAL WORK I)6.VE LET ME TELL YOU HOW TO HAVE MONEY, AND AT THE SAME TIME HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO OICT THIS VALUABLE PRESENT. 382 STATE STEEET. Refreshments Good Music Enjoy the Launch Ride Sunday to "THE MAPLES" Round Trip 1 5c CONCERT IN THE EVENING nY MAPLES' ORCHESTRA, ILLUS TRATED SONGS, ETC. A FINE PROGRA.M HAS BEEN ARRANGED FOR SUNDAY, WHICH WILL BE THE LAST UNTIL AFTER THE FAIR. THE CONCERTS THEN, IF THE WEATHER, PERMITS, WILL BE RESUMED. Delightful Grounds Safe Boats F. E. Newberry Has opened a musk studio in I. O. O. F. Temple. Your pa- tronage is soacicea. rupas may register at any time. Dr. J. F. CookMJ to 340 Liberty street, where he wiM meet all old and new patients. For any disease, caM on Dr. Cook. Consulta tion free. July U5, 1900. If Dr. Wright can't pleaso you with n sot of teeth, no dentist can. I had a partial lower plato mado some years ago, and which was worth less. I went to Dr. Wrlcht and ho mado mo ono which does tho work '.Iko natural teeth. MRS. KYLE, 1048 Mission. Juno 0, 1000. A year ago Dr. Wright pub two bridges in- for mo by his porn Jo motihod, and hoy havo given ex. ecllent satisfaction. So much so that ho has today put on a cold erwwn. which wna don without pain. If you wish satisfactory work go to Dr. Wright. MRS. a. F. YOUNG, R. F. D. No. 1, Salem. Juno 8, 1000. Dr. Wright ihit la two bridges for mo and several goldl Ail ing, absolutely without pain Thoy aro highly wtisfacto-ty and I nirt now having Mm Insert two rooro bridges. Candidly, if yon want high-claw, pain low denitistiy, my advice la -to go to blm. MTta PETER ZILINBKI, Brooks, Or. Juno 0, 1000. Dr. Wright mado mo a full lower platkrto roplnco tho ono I had mado by another l-iitiBt, and It Is a perfect lit MRS. W. FENNEL, 803 Liberty St Salem, July 4, 190G, If you want painless dentistry, go to Dr. B. E. Wright. Ho put on n crown for mo absolutely without pain. O. D. SLAUGHTER, Bcotts Mills, Oro. Juno 24, 1000. T bad a tooth ox tiroctod by Dr. Wright' painless meth od, and; can say that it dida'A hurt a paitiolo. 1). VAUGHN, Salem, Or. Juno 13, 1000. I hod Dr. Wright re movo a bridge which was put In my mouth by anotlor dentin and insert ono by his potatoes method. Ho ulo oxtmctedi a tooth tor mo, and I must say the work was palnWs and looks perfectly natural, MRS. E. E. WIRfllNO. Gold Crowns $5.00, Plates $5.00 .. Fillings 50c, Examination Free Dr. B. E. Wright, The Painless Dentist MtomMt JUdfc, Ctew sHmt,. Hmi B a, . to 6 . sa.; 7 to 8 p. , waters; 19 . m. 12 . FboM 1M Mala. M ? m mi mi m I 'U