Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 30, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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0tff Orange Sherbett
g, Loganberry Sherbert,.
.. nt i .rdixit
&T0ne tfjat leads them all
- ro. uream jw(
e Stffflmer Girl,
' Mn onoalar than ever
frt i. nnct more like them
Jejast the things to satisfy
Salem's iicaaing mucous.
Confectioners and Bakers.
t.460 S'ato St. Phones 182-13.
Cfeam direct from the dairy
i O0f freezer maiccs periect
jce cream.
Prescriptions Filled,
Glasses Ground to Or
der, Broken Lenses
Chas. H. Hinges
Salems' Leading Opticina
1 23 Commercial St.
Wild Rose Flour
$1 .00 Per Sack
We always pay the
top price for wheat
and sell flour the
Lamb Season
, It is here, and nothing can be more
Pleasing to the appetite than a su
perb "Leg o Lamb," not old aheep;
.but the real spring article. We have
line article In all Its Juclness.
S O. 0X083,
F&ooa 291.
Special sale, silks, faacy .good,
mbroldery. lace. Keats' and ladle'
furnishing goods, yrrapa, coats, pants
ta suits, trunks, mattlssjaaBaVWaa
. We.maM. 'j jr !!
wraprs, waists, white iHutorwear,
d-klaoaa ' - ' .
uamTvI V a. " . .
-frjlV. iiW..'t -
Water Law Conference to be Held in
Salem September 1 0 and 1 1 Will be
Attended by Leading Citizens
of Oregon
It Is difficult to overestimate the
importance of the water law confer
ence thnt will be held at the state
house In Salem September 10 and 11.
The conference was first called by
the Portland Board of Trade, and has
been taken up and endorsed by the
leading water users and Irrigators, of
the state. At the meeting a general
discussion will be held regarding the
laws for the use of water for agri
cultural, mining, domestic, commer
cial and manufacturing purposes. A.
bill will be recommended to the next
legislature for the establishing and
recording of vested water rights and
providing for1 a new administrative
system, which will eliminate from
enterprises depending on the use of
water the doujt of the legal status
of water rights and the expense at
tached to defending those rights.
All persons Interested on the pass
ing of a new water law are invited
and expected to attend this confer
ence. Leading Irrigation experts, prac
tical farmers and horticulturists,
Two Fine Thoroughfares As
sured for State Fair
Mayor Waters, co-operating with
the city authorities and the stnte and
state fair officials, has been able to
secure the cleaning and sprinkling of
the two principal thoroughfares dur
ing state fair week. Commercial and
Twelfth streets from the river to the
Southern Pacific depot, and Liberty
street and the fair ground road from
State street to the fair grounds will
be freed from rocks and rubbish and
sprinkled so ns to bo entirely free
from dust. It Is going to take all
the sprinklers that the city and state
and government have to accomplish
this, and it will take al lthe water
that can be got at conveniently. But
it will be done thoroughly for the
first tlmo in the history of the city.
The state fair will have the largest
attendance In Its history, and the
Capital City will be put up to the
standard of other civilized communi
ties, and it will bo done without
passing a subscription paper among
the business men, a system that al
ways takes the public spirited while
the knocker stands back and lets the
good work go on with his usual gen
erosity. Deserves the Bouquet.
A Salem lady who lives near 19th
and Bellevue streets, deserves the
bouquet as a .flower lover,, as she
grows large quantities of floral beau
ties, and has to carry all the water
used In raising them from the well.
She carries from 50 to 100 buckets
dally, to Irrigate her pets, and asa
result enioys blooming health. ,It
would "be hard to decide which 'ii the
firettler. she or the-big baskets or
flowers, that are the 'result of"" Iter
hard labor. There' Is no 'cltyWater
to be had in that part of Salem.
Renders the bile more fluid, and
thus helps the blood to flow; -pt
affords prompt relief from bllloris
nlta, Indigestion, sick and nervous
headaches, and over-indulgence Jn
foo4 and drlak.
O. L. Cal'dwell. Agt. M. K. aad
T. R. R., qhecoUb, Ind. Ter., write,
April 18, ISM "I waq sick for over
turn tfiuH with ulnrirnmrnt nf the
Hver tad al4f aaal I d given up
all. "hope of "btng cured, when y
rtrJM"r. wfow at U wm Wblue
UjlMMatfcfe.aa soad well."
business and commercial men, state
officials and legislators and mining
men will be present and will give the
meeting the benefit of their views.
The personnel of the conference
will be:
The governor and other state offi
cers; officers of the United States re
clamation service; members of the
present and of the next legislature;
members of the 1904 commission;
leading private citizens of the state;
three delegates from each commer
cial club or similar organization In
the state; three delegates from each
water users' association in the state;
three delegates from each company
working under the Carey act.
People residing in the Willamette
valley are especially interested In
the conference, as It Is generally con
ceded that no portion of the state is
more vftally Interested In irrigation
than this valley.
The meeting is one of the most im
portant conferences that will be held
In the state during the year and a
large attendance Is expected.
Council Will Probably Appro?
riate Money for Arch
of Welcome
A well defined effort is on foot to
have the city council appropriate a
small sum of money to erect an arch
at the corner of State and Commer
cial streets to signalize the welcome
that Salem will extend to the entire
state during the state fair.
In connection with this plan It Is
suggested and the suggestion Is
meeting with hearty approval, that
all the citizens in the business por
tions of the city decornto their houses
and stores as thoy did during tho
Fourth of July festivities.
The approaching state fair will no
doubt be the biggest exposition ever
held in the state, with the exception
of the Lewis and Clark fair last year,
and It will mean a great deal for tho
city of Salem in a hundred different
ways. Thousands of visitors will be
here from all parts of Oregon and
from other states, and tho people of
the city feel like not only giving the
visitors a hearty welcome, but in
making thm feol so by decorating
tho main thoroughfares of the city.
It will not bo a very - expensive
movement on tho part of tho citizens
to put up elaborate decorations, as
a great many peoplo have lots pf flags
and bunting on band that was bought
to use on tho Fourth of July. A few
additional purchases wll place every
body In shape to dress the city in a
gala attlro when tho guests arrive.
Another Hank.
The Bank of Sherwood, Washing
ton county, filed Its incorporation
paperB today In tho secretary of
state's office. The capital stock Is
$25,000, and the Incorporators are:
L S. McConnoll, Arthur W. Hall and
Fred J. Epler.
Galvcstoq'8 Sea Wall
Makes life now as safe In that city
as on tho higher uplands. E. W.
Goodloo. who resides on Dutton St.,
In Waco, Tex., needs no sea wall for
safety. Ho writes: "I have used
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption the past five years, and It
keeps me well and safe. Before that
time I bad a cough which for years
had, beea growing worse. Now It's
gone' Cures Chronic Congas and
prevents Pneumonia. Pleasant to
take. Every bottle guaranteed at
J. C. Perry's drug store. Price 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Imi4u s rw m Wf wm wifj wi
Copyright 190S
I Tha House of Kuppenhelmor
Many Delegates Going to the
Forest Grove Con
vention. Several Salemites havo signified a
willingness to attend tho Forest
Grove Development Convention Sep
tember 7. That beautiful college city
is making great preparations to en
tertain tho Willamette Valley Devel
opment League. Tho city will be
filled with people, music, flowers and
fruits and grains. Mayor Waters will
talk on electric lines in the Willam
ette valley; City Superintendent J.
M. Powers will boost for Salem as
an educational center; Hal D. Patton
will boost for the state fair and try
to persuade tho people of Washing
ton county to come to Salem tho fol
lowing week in n body. Many other
Salem busines men are going to tho
Forest Grove meeting.
On Saturday, September 1st, The
Capital Journal will get out a special
Development Edition In colors, and
will reach all tho towns and cities of
Western Oregon with a large special
edition. This edition will bo devoted
to tho cause of tho State Develop
ment League thnt Is to meet at Sa
lem during state fair week for three
days, and Tho Journal will labor to
swell tho attendance to one thoutmnd
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
By local applications, as thoy cannot
reach the dlsensed portion of tho
ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused
by an inflamed condition of the mu
cuous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube Is Inflamed you havo
a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when It is entirely closed,
deafness Is tho result, and unless the
inflammation can be taken out and
this tube restored to Its normal con
dition, hearing will bo destroyed
forever; nlno cases out of ten are
caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of tho mu
cous surfaces,
We will glvo One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars, fee.
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 7EC
Tako Hall's Family Flits for con
stipation. Game Was a Tie.
Darkness stopped an Interesting
game last evening between the Gro
cers and the Bookkeepers, and at the
end of tho fourth inning the game
was 4 to 4.
A Slystery Solved,
"How to keep oft periodic attacks
of biliousness and tabitual constipa
tion was a aystery that Dr. King's
New Life Pills solved for me,"
writes Jobs N. FlMMRt, of Magno
lia, lad. The eaiypll! that are
guaranteed te give perfeet Mttsfae
tloa to everybody wr aay ref aa44
Oaljr lie at J, O. Faery's drag store,
Advanced Styles
We are receiving daily from
the world's most famous
makers the new styles for
the coming season.
All are here. Come and
get the first selection.
Tho Board of Equalization of
Marlon county, Oregon, will meet at
tho office of tho County Clerk, Aug
ust 27, 190G, and publicly examine
tho assessment roll for the year 190G
and correct nil errors In valuation,
description or qualities of land, lots
or other property. All parties Inter
ested are requested to appear and
examlno their assessment for tho
year 190C, and havo all errors, If
any there bo, corrected by said
Taxpayers aro especially Invited
to inspect their assessment prior to
the said date preparatory to the
meeting of such board.
Assessor Marlon County, Oregon.
August 4, 190C. 8-7-lSt
Labor Day Celebration at tho "Onks"
Portland, Ore., September 3, 1906.
Tho Southern Pacific Co. will soli
tickets for tho nbovo occasion at
one and one-third fnro; salo dates
September 2nd and 3rd, return limit
September 5.
General. Passenger Agont.
Asst. Genernl Passenger Agent
Fair Second Southern Oregon Dis
trict Agricultural Society.
Roscburg, Ore., Sept. 4, 5, C, 7,
and 8, 190C. Southom Pacific Co.
will sell tickets to Roseburg for ono
nnd one-third fnre. Final return
limit of all tlckots Sept. 9, 190G.
For particulars ask agents.
Genernl Passenger Agent.
Asst. General Passenger Agont.
National Irrigation Congress, Boise
City, Idaho, September 3rd
fo 8th, 1000.
Round trip tickets from Salem,
$16.80, Limit, 30 days; stop-over
prlvllego returning. For particulars
ask agents. John M. Scott,
Wm. McMurray, Asst. General
General Pass. Agent Pass Agt.
Hop Pickers Wanted.
At tho Iltlhee Hop Yard, 3 H miles
east of Salem; 9G acres of hops. Ex
cellent camp ground; fine water:
plenty of wood; families with the,
camping outfits will bo taken from
the city to our ranch and back again
freo of charge. Register now at the
office of Louis Lachmund & Co,
Over Wiprut's Cigar 'Store, Salem.
7or. lafimti and Chllirea.
Tin KM Yc. Haft Always flHtkt
Bears the
Signature of
Corntce Work, Heating and Bu'Mns Work of all Kinds;
Estimates Made and Work Guaranteed
Murphy Bfk State St " ,
Salem, Oregon ' Phone 1511
- - i -- i ----- "i :'i .-" . r
"Make 'Salem a Good Home Mark."
Tho Steiner Market.
Eggs Per dozen, 21c.
Hens 10c.
Frys 10 c.
Duck 8(rr9c.
Poultry, Ega, Etc.
Eggs Per dozen, 19c.
Butter Itetall Country, 20c, creaar
err, 25c.
Hens 10c.
Frys 10c.
Gcwe 67c
Ducks SG0c.
Fruits, Vegetables, Etc
Now Potatoes 00c cwt. '
Onions 2c J j', ;
Tropical Fruits.
Bananas 5o par pound!
Oranges $G.OO'(S$0.bo, J
Lemons $53$C. t.
Live Stock .Market,
Eggs Per ddzon.'-eic -N
Steers 3GT3V4C
Cows 2 2 U c.
Shoop 3 M c.
Dressed Veal CCc
- - (
Stock Hogs Cc. j
Fat HogBGCftc 4 ' , ,
Grain' and Fewi I J
Baled Clover J 6.00. "
Cheat 16.00.
Timothy 18.50 $9.G0.
Oats 30c. ' , "
Bran $18.50.
Shorts $19.50.
Bnrley $1S.00.
Wheat, G5c.
Flour $3.00.
Wheat Club, 660670; .valley,
70c; bluo stem, 70c.
Oats Cholco white, $22 Iff $22.50.
Mlllstuff Brnn, $16.
Hay Timothy, $10 $11, Alfalfa,
Vetch $7T7.E0.
Potatoes 70Q80c.
Poultry Avorago old hons, 13c;
mixed chickens, 12 (Q) 13c; young
roosters, 14$?14c; chickens, 14fQ
Gc; turkeys, live, 17322; geese,
llvo, 9Q10c;gecso, dressed, SQ'lOc;
ducks. 12 (i? 15c; pigeonx, $1 C$1.50;
Pork Dressed, 890.
Mutton Dressed, 53Gc.
Hops Oregon, 19,05, 10(t2c:
1900 contracts, 18 20c...,. - .'
Wool Valley, eoare to medium,
2022c; Eastern 'Oregon, l'519c.
Mohair-aS!30c. ?':itt "
Butter Fancy Creamery, 22
25c; storo butter, 15lGc.
Wlialing Fleet Is Free.
Nome, Alaska, Aug, 30. Amiund-
sen, tho Norwegian explorer, has
passed Cape Priuco of .Wales. Ono
of his crew is dead. Nome Is prepar
ing a royal welcome for him. Tho
Ice has released tho wballng fet,
A w...