J swpri DAILY OATI TAL JOCR2WL. SALEM. PRECOX. SATCltllAY, AUGUST 25, 1000 :, 1 ! I 4! 1 : WEEKLY NEW YORK LETTER via inner iwisui rieas, rui itics, Poverty, Burglars and Other Things Now York, Aug. 25. The upper west Bide is suffering from an opl-domic- of. fleas that amounts to a positive? peat. The fun of It Is that the "peaky critters" have nttucked the very territory In which our rich est ami most high-toned citizens dwoll, and' hnvo spread themselves with nil magnificence. Along tho Jtivoraldo Drive stretches n long Hue of splendid residences, In which cost ly nnd fine raiments nro the rule and sumptuous dinners a common occur rence, while tho beds nro of down, nnd soft nnd tender to the bodies of tho slumbcrcrs. Hut these beds nro full of fleas, nnd no matter how soft and refreshing the beds lire to the . sleepers, tho flea Is ubiquitous, nnd can blto ns well ns on down as on sackcloth. Tho peoplo on tho cast Ido may bo scratching for a living, but tho peoplo of Hlvorsldo Drive aro scratching for n momont's relief. As for en tchlng the dear lltllo things, that is Impossible, for ns tho saying goes, "when you put your ilngor on him, ho isn't there." It Is soino com fort that our rich peoplo nro mnklng n study of tho habits nnd character istics of tho nimble llttlo creatures, nnd by winter will bo full of knowl edge besides many reinlnlHcencos of tho fleas that hnvo dwelt with thorn with a constancy thut Is nbovo ro' proach, People nre reading up on Egypt, nnd trying to get somo linos upon tio way tho people of that dis tracted country endured tho Insects. Others nro complnlntug to their land lords, but tho landlords have fleas of their own, nnd nil tho bother they want on their own promises nnd persons. Tho color of the pnrnslto Is a reddish brown. In tho subway thoy hnvo mndo themselves much nt homo, notwithstanding it Is thu first subway they ovor saw. They do not seem to trouble thomselvcs nbout the discomforts of tho subwny, but sim ply cling to tho human friends thoy liavo found and become attached to. Thero Is no friend bo truo at tho lien. Ho novor deserts ono, but digs away for softer bits of flesh, and tenderer place's to bite. One innn comes for ward with n common remedy sim ply sprinkle common table salt around tho hnbltut of thu Ilea nnd ho will flee nwuy. Tho trouble Is that most peoplo think the salt mnu Is making fun of them, and thuy don't try It, but It Is Haiti that somo of those Unit hnvo tried it, Ilnd It allien- clous, Tho peddlerB have formed mi orgn nliatlon with certain fixed rules and ordors thut show that they nro an Intelligent sot of people. Thoy nro Mblqultloua, and certainly In this city tho set of business men who can nut! contentment In thu precarious craft theirs is, must bo nit extraordinary cless. Tho police nro n continual tnonnco to thorn, nnd somo days they appear to have no rost for tho solo of their feet, policeman shifting thu m u HADE PROH NATIVE RQ0T5. 0 SAFE AND RELIABLE. That the roots of many native plants, growing wild In our American forests, possess remarkable properties for the cure of human maladies Is well proven. Even tho untutored Indian had learned the curative value of some of the.e ami taiwht the carlr ettlers their uses. The Indian oevr Hlml work so he wanted lit f(iiaw to get woll as soon a poiblo that Mie might do the work and let him hunt. Then-fore, he dug "papoose root" for her, for that na their great remedy for fe male ttrnkiicoM. Dr. Pierre uses the .Hmo root-failed Itluo Cohosh In his "Favorite Prescription." skillfully com bined with other ituetits that make it more effective than any other medicine In curing all the various weaknesses nn I painful derangements peculiar to women. .Many nfllk-ted women hne beensavtj from the operating table and tne Mir- peoii's kliire y v.iv llnely use of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Teniirr-ne-- over the tower nelMc region, with backache, spells of dizziness fiilntness iH'Arlugdowii pains or distress should nnt gn unheedwl. A cmirM of "Fnvorite Pre scription'1 will work marvelous henelit from ono point to another in a mel nncholy procession. Tho convention of tho Now York Peddlers' Benevo lent association passed certain rules, tho first of which prescribes that no woman, excopt she is a widow, shall peddlo with a push-cart. It seems that when somo of the peddlers feel indisposed, they send their wives, and these sometimes outsell their neighbors of the long boards. It is I also prescribed that no poddlor shall shout nut his wares, lost ho spoil tho trade of others. This Is more con sideration for others than we looked for in peddlers, not finding it In other dcalors; but It is n good rule, and is well observed, ns not a sound is hoard from tho peddlers in the streots from morning to night. It i3 a trndo to bo learned. Only one peddler Is allowed to ono corner. tho best cornor being glvon to the ono giving most to tho city. Tho pushcart business Is not affected by tho summor exodus, ns patrons In this lino do not go uwny to tho sum mor resorts. Thu association of ped dlers, though it had only seventy dologntos at tho meeting, 1b a vigor ous army, nnd every member of it menus business nil tho time. This town will bo a sight for suro Immediately after tho Urynn week expires. Tho Democratic club keeps open house for n full week, nnd liquor of nil kinds, monls, lunches, nnd ontortnlumeut of nil kinds wll! bo free ns nlr. Of course, nobody Will bo nblo to rosist such n program aa thut, for it Is n very long time Hlnco mankind litis found Itsolf nblo to rosist a froo blowout. Politicians .n ,..11, .1..... ..!.. . . .1 . ::: 7r;, y"ii' wm bo thus protect "" ""' "' hiiiiwuu 1'iiasua, p,l i . - I out set n iro juucli boforo I 'i Set riR TVtntlt WlM FlWwr.. iuuuuh T.w -wnricys q America STONE'S DEUO STORE in an sucn eiiM-x nn'i generally elrect a permanent cure if jierNted In for a re.i Docs a strictly cash business, owes no Humble length of time. Tho "Favorlto PrfMTipflun'is a harmless agent, bina wholly prepared from native medicinal roots, without a drop of nlcohol In Its make up, whereat all other medicines, put up for sale through druggist-, for woman jiccniiiir ailments, contain large quantities rif splriuintH liquors, which are very harmful, especially to delicate women. "FiiMinte Prescription" con tains ncllhr alcohol nor haimfiil habit forming drug-. All Its Ingredients are printed on each bottle wrapper. x N n powerful Invigorating tonic imnartlhc liealth and itreiigth In partluiilar to the organs distinctly feminine. lor weak and sickly women, who nro "worn-out. or debilitated, especially for women who work in store, iiitiee, or school-room, w ho sit at the tj pew rlter or sewing machine, or bear he,i' houehuld burdens, and for nursing motlir-rs Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will prove a priceless benelit because of Its lie.'iltli romtnrlii" mwl strength-giving power. For contlpntlnn, the true, scientific care Is I)r Pierce's Pleasant Felluu. iMi.a, lianulu&s, yet sure. one, and no ono owes it; carries large stock; shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notion, s toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medical pur poses. Dr. Stono is a regular graduate in medicine and has had many years of experience in tho practice Consulta tions are free. Proscriptions aro free, nnd only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can bo found at his drug store, Salem, Oregon, from C in the morning until 0 nt night. By JUHA W. HENSHAW A BOOK FOK EVERV FLOWER LOVER WHO TRAVELS AMOjJ THE MOUNTAINS thorn, ospecially If It Is nccompnnled with tho vory host of wlnos, brandies, whlsklos and tho llkos, nnd ovory one of thorn will stop up to tho crib nnd bo fed to the point of siiffocntlon. Tho Democratic club Is planning for position, and It hopes to ronch by means of showorlng honors upon tho great traveller, who Is about to re turn from foreign shores, covered with adulation nnd praises from peo ple In all Innds, nnd especially by his own countrymen. It certainly is n very Interesting political campaign thnt sends n cnndldnto around tho clobe, nnd yet keeps him in touch by tho ever ready telegraph with lili homo folk, and causes his lightest word, whether from Egypt, Jnpnn, England, Swodon, Germany, Franco or mid-ocean, to bo hoard with tho unmost respect, nnd taken In for all It's worth by those who propose to bo his followers. And now, tho crown ing honor Is to bo u groat city drunk with gladness nnd nlso with wlno that Ijlvoth Its color to tho cup. Hoth parties aro gathering tholr campaign funds by dollar contrlbu butlons, nnd tho treasurers express thulr delight, but It Is ousy to see thut thoy would feel vory much bet tor If thoy hud a few moro thousand Klfts, checks with good utuuos nt thu bottom and good round llguros Hlled Tho grcntost troublo tho poor peo plo have oxporloncod this sonson is tho rlso in tho prlco of milk thnt has takon plnco this week. The fnrmors cammonced tho rnlso on nccount of tho scarcity of tho milk nnd tho difil culty of keeping tho nrtlclo sweet during tho hot months, lco being senrco and too dear to be used free ly. Tho rise will cost tho consumer n full cent a quart, and Is n real bur den upon poor peoplo who want to uso milk freely, ns It hnB contestant with brend ns tho start of life. Strnngoly enoug.li, the newspapers have not Indulged In their usual howl of extortion and robbery thnt they Invariably uso when nny article of tood is concorned. It is not nt all ns senrco ns lco really is, but a great cry was raised when tho prlco of lco was rnlBed, nnd measures taken to punish tho dealers criminally. It must bo because It Is tho farmers who stnrt this ralso. Well, It Is conceded, that thoro Is n good reason for tho olovatlon in prlco, ns tho con sumption hns for somo time since ex ceeded tho production within what hns boon considered tho nvnilablo territory from which tho city could draw Its supply, which has boon 173 mllos from' tho city. It Is now de sired to Induce fnrmors within four hundred miles of tho city to sond the product of tholr cowh hero, nnd this OREGON STATE BANK Jefferson, Oregon Capital $25,000 Best facilities known to reliable banking offered patrons. Jefferson is a good town, has good stores, good mills, a good bank, and good people. Come and see us. Oregon State Bank J. A. AUPPERLE, President M. J. CAMPBELL, Cashier ILLUSTRATED HI ONE HUNDRED EXQUISITE FULL PAGE J PRODUCTIONS OF ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS TAKES III THE AUTHOR THIS SIMPLE AND POPULAR GUIDE TO THE XAMES A DESCRIPTIONS OF THE FLOWERS THAT BLOOM ABOVE In CLOUDS WILL RE ESPECIALLY AVELCOME TO THOSE Wl(r SUMMER OUTING HAS TAKEN THEM INTO THE HIGHLAND pJ K GIONS OF OUR COUNTRY, WHERE, IN TnE SHELTERED 3fOoJ OF THE I1LEAK MOUNTANSIDE, MAY BE FOUND DELICATE Jri PINE GARLANDS OF RARE BEAUTY. IN IT SO.ME 300 PLANTS ARE DESCRIBED SUFFICIEXTL ftl THEIR IDENTIFICATION AND A.LAHGE PROPORTION OF Til ARE PICTURED FROM PHOTOGRAPHS OF THEIR ORIGLV.hJ GINN & COMPANY, PobUshers Trade Department, 29 Beacon St., Boston eBeZ9KeSSK9aSSK3BSHSeeBBEMaMM9IMMSI8a:3I ! Men Afe Well Dtessed S If They Have Their Clothes Made By S JOHN SHOLUND, S The Opera House MERCHANT TAILOR H Cleaning, Pressine; and Repairing. tBaBC8SH0iieieiaaaBiiaiiMtMMKiciiiitiR8 H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Merchants and Produce Dealers Tho Prune Association wnnta 100 rollnblo girls and women to begin work about September 20th. Com fortnblo work rooms provided with Indies' clonk, toilet nnd wnsh room3 for tho comfort of employes. Reglstor now nt our olllce. Capital City New Steam Laundry! V First class work neatly done and promptly de liveredPrices right. Leave orders with J. N. Shantz, 373 Court Street, or phone 261. Laundry located on Broadway, North Salem. J. N. SHANTZ & CO. In tho bodies of the ehori ti... w" necossltnto expenditure for lm ,, . ,,,, - - ,,, rumpnlgn will bo spiritless unless ,um "onco ,,ln,e ,M0 rol rost of sond thoy Ilnd somo other wny to swell jLpilepsy Fits St Vitus Dance Arc nerve diseases, and unless checked, lead to destruction of both mind mid body. Tlie weak, shattered nerves must have something to fctrengthen and build them back to health. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine k a renwrkablc nerve tonic and stimulant. It strengthens the , nerves, relieve the nervous tram, and Influences refresh ing bodybuilding sleep and rest. Persistent use seldom falls to relieve these afflictions. ulr?uh:!! nil ' W ! n4 tho receipts. Mr. Sherman, of tho Hopubllcnn committee, has gently hinted that thoro is no necessity of limiting tho contribution to the dollar but ho fur nobody him tnkun tho hint, though doubtlons many will, when tho time arrives, thu psychological ijour, of which wo heni occasionally. Campaigns coat money, and there In no reason why sollultnUous Hhoulil not bo made for thouir and thuy will be mndo by both pintles. Speakers cannot go up and down the land, glv lug tholr tliuo for nothing Thuy must bu paid, and their expanses mtut bo paid. This spasm of vlitue to which tho public hns boon treated, wilt cost both' pnrtloa dear, and the nu uiinu you win know will b in mo miiK io market gronter. Tho city Is really growing so fust that cows enough cannot bo got Into tho Holds fast enough to furnish tho milk needed. Subwnys and cows hnvo a hard Job ohead of thorn in trying to keep pueo with Prosldont Itoosovelt's antl-rnce-sulcldo followers. Tho city cannot supply enough car tracks tnl urtng tho Inhabitants to nnd from tholr homos morning and nights, nnd tho cnttlo on n thousand hills nre not enough to pour out the nooded qunl tlty of tho proclous fluid, which is so much Indemnnd among tho rich and tho poor. OLD T1.MKH. o . Uov. W. L. lUloy, LL.D., Cuba, Now ork, writes: "Aftor m. that both purtlus will bo willing out l,n'8 o "cruclntlng pain from scla- ww iuuuinusin, unaor various treat ments, I was Induced to t nnt. Jtist Received Two enrs of Wst Stnr A Star Cedar Shingles. Havo you tried Mnlthoid Roofing or P. & B. Iluilding Paper! Full Guarantee. Woven Wire Fencing of nil kinds Feuco Posts. Gates, Gate Hardware nnd Screen Doors. WAliTEE MOItLEY, 250 Court St., 8alem, Or. 'J J g See ymlml nis rv - - -" u- " ' ' B 21G ncres, 100 in cultivation; baland IIWB K11AI1 11 lii.ir ' , nt tar nur r.niiu ..i.-i.i .? im uw iio v.r iiiuiVoJ. v.: --.I kfiy.Al.rM vrv -, na t' Uit r im uocior u in. nj I rfr.lH "J bo erf Nrrro "w n. I na taken only a Wlft.I bui to el bntw. JK ' rcMmwa H !f- gMwoaU4 ta ta mkKi MS. Try" wl. jur. or mu thnt tho people uro buttiK donrhed of their rights, In that thoy nro not hav ing tho K0pel of political wisdom spread boforo thorn iu In oldon times j no nun residents of Hlvorsldo urivo, who wont Into tho country. hv hit upon a onto device to balk thtf thieves ami burglars who have riotea on that avenue, nnd It Is said to hnvo entirely protected their valu Hbles from dUturbmuv. signs np. lear upon many mansions, reading Thlovos ami burglars take noti Jowelry and slhorwuro U utored with ato ueposit company." One of the first of tho residences to bo thus decorated U that of tho into Joseph Kittle, at tho corner ot Rlvendde Drive and ISJnd street. oi.wwii.. Grant' tumb. Their house has bn twlco plundered within tho last two .. B enow Mnimont; tho first np Plication giving my first relief and the second entire relief. I can giro. It unqualified recommendation. 25C ROc. and 11.00. For salo by D. J. Fry ifnEJt iifira5n Wz Salem Independence Launch Coloma Leave Salem at 3:00 p. m. Arrive at Independence. .5:30 p. rn. Leave Independence S:30 n. in. Arrive nt Salem 9:30 a. m. Passengers nnd light freight trans' ported promptly and at low rates. Boat subject to chnrter on Sundav be- tnwu sailing notirs. A. D. PETTYJOHN & SOX, Trops. You can get a good square meal or a short order that you win rel- lh If you go to tho White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Pr0prs. DO NOT HAVE YOUR HEAD SAWED OFT jobbers nnd carpenters whn .oil inferior lumber at a bii nmflt Get our prices before buying. We can save vou manor GOODALB LUMBER CO. Southern Pacific Time Card, EffecUvo Saturday, Aug. 18. imi-nni Portland Train '" i:au a pross. pnsture. For with place. Stock che: Arrives. m Oregon ex- K Wwyiiw U hM kv vuj aarw8iB.t: MiUt Madkal C JKkhart, lad lr I tu eIOVlitr Ivitnr. rn, i...n.. . . .. na ryj tnt mv i " .u uuv inwi vr lvJiVr??ftSr u!,,,tfr VMt w II nhogoJ that Pwnt ly la the sourco of much Xo. . lioitoa, o. or ,l hundreds of nausea thus pro- atlon. Why not spend & lltti i. uy imuMcitr not one has ben"4 wuciy now buy n uroceri onlnrOil Ttm K... ..,..- ., ... .. . . Ilia? -..,v MV Muifciar tioicriiuy tnmiti"- itiu l aa Infrlnitonient upon their -etd rjlits. The practice w to Krow, sad soon, awit sewoa prhp, rhoau Mala ioe. Meals 9eivti at kU ba Stata St. K.Xo.H-S:23a.ncttaso0r()Te .o. 12 4M9 press. No. 222 H:is fast freight. No. 22C li.R?: frriehr n ".:'"' ,ocai ay "-ariB 12J45 p. m. loward San lrancisco. No. 15-10:36 n. m n, exprofej. ' wrma No. 13 express Vn 11 ,.- " io:3s a. m.. wpross. No. 225li:25 P- m., Oregon .ex- " m., through a. m local ts 1 San 6 6:23 n. rn.. rvtti.... "najjo urove California 5 acres for rent; good house, bad orchnrd. Cheap. $75 a year. Houses r for salo on installmet' Small payment down; easy terms. Houses for rent, salo or trade. 110 acres 5 miles from town, t trade for city property. 24 acres 1 miles from Staytont trade for city property. Stock ranches on coast for sale c: trade. Fire. life, accident and slcknW written In tho best companies arid 1 case of los3 or accident pay W cents on tho dollar. Notary wort 4 all kinds. Satisfaction given. See BakeivUvvrdftce & Baker witiM'twita to Kmritt h Tnaina. ura. I tww aniM , immm, mmaamHmtamm freight. Den, ::. :.,u:l ,ocal v r," n:o a. m R. R. Ry&i 546 State u se FRUIT TRAYS AND BOXES Salem Box Factory Qgb WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPAQ Omox CITY HAUi. 'For water u,tIiii nnnlr it Bills Cftvahlft Binntklv in dv Make all complaints at the office. BRICK Brick htmlthedinht&tjl small cmaatttles. Vtt, s brick made to order. Yj t . w . OIW OiXl v7- Self Risfflg o. O. FI011 ,nitftinr A-n Aivrw. , I SALEHHRICKYAKB -.--- "f 10c it. A. i wnTilN. mw a mik m -