Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 24, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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i , ;
JIY IIOl'KIl imos.,
Piisllshi'rs nml Proprietors.
y Mnll.
nnitv Journal, ono month . . . . 35c
Dally Journal, tlirco months ..$1.00
Dally Journal, ono year 4.00
Weekly Journal, ono year .... 1.00
Jty CnrrliT.
Dally Journal, per month .... 50c
ThoHO unddlo colored Cuban revo
lutionists In Cuba bolting to what tho
prlnlors call, tho "bluck fuco typo."
Dan Fry hn six Ioiib of chlttlm
bark In storage, enough that ho can
( defy any foreign country or even
Uncle 8am himself to tuko It
Lighting a randlo to hunt a bur
glar with Is tho Htylo In tho Maples,
also n good safety valvo for tho bur
Jar, allowing him to blow oft
Wo may bo Webfoot, but anyway
hero In Oregon when a "man 18 dead
and burled ho doesn't try to got Into
tho swim, but anything goes In Kau
nas,. Now thon will Kansas, Texas, Cali
fornia, Utah and ovon Novadn bo
good and quit pointing tho finger of
scorn at uh " IlonvurH" and at tho
Bnmo time uttorlng that wourlsomo
word "Webfoot."
Chlcago'H groat morchant, Mar
shall Flold, left an fntuto In Chicago
vnlucd at twenty-live million dollars.
Ho wuh uHHOHHod for any pnld taxcu,
on Just ono tenth of that sum, Mar
shall Fluid while posing mh a phllnn
thropUt wns JiihI 00 per cent thief,
nn fnr an his deallnga with tho Htato
wore concerned.
If tho Bconory around Tllhuunok,
In nn gooil to look at an tho young
woman crowuod "Queen of tho Carni
val" today, then Indeed will Tilla
mook bucoino fiinimiH ua a roHort for
nil who Iovo the hcntitltul. Borne
tlmea tho homo-editor rogrntu his
gray hairs (and lark of them) anil
wlshos he wan young again. Ho had
that louOBome fueling an he Join thlH
Benator lleVorldgo says all law
lireakei-8 are treated alike, with all
duo deference to tho Utanutd HoosUr
aoniitor tho homo-editor mixes to re
mark that the mmator known ho Is
provarleatlng. The wealthy corpora
tloiiM are lined and lliolr nlllcora are
not puulnhed, while thu poor man la
pout to the pun. Whun ono prualilont
of ii corporation vloluto.1 the law Is
sent to the pen tho public will take
Home Block in the HOimtur'a Btatemout
hut nut othurwlHo
President HuoHovolt has atruel: tho
moBt Btroniioim Job he ever ran
up tiKiiltut. Ho la undertaking to
force "revised spoiling" on tho poo
pie, and linn hit off considerably uioro
than ho ran uinnUoate. '
Tho president will II ml before that
"polling reform In rlpo, ho will have
to cluing hi "programme."
Burt) Cure for rile.
Itchlhg piles proiluco molaturo aud
caiiBo Itching. ThU form, an well an
Hlhiil, IJleodlug, or Protruding Piles
lire cured by Dr. llo-nn-ko'i Pllo
Remedy. Stops Itching oud blood
tug, Abtorbn tiuuora. 60o a jar at
DrngglBtn, or nout by mnll. Treatise
free. Wrlto mo about your cane.
Dr. lloinko, Phlla,, Pa.
Without your lining a flugor,
tho dollar yon wivo. will pay you
it Pnlou (or life.
Bavo o many n mt can now
while you have health, otrouKth,
and prosperity, aud thereby lu
crao tho alto of your pounlou
and (ho comfort of your futuro
Tho tuero fact thnt jour future
1 secure will Hiake life a double
Joy now,
Tureu r coat Interest paid
on dcpoIU of ono dollar or tuoro
Savhifs Dtpar taoat
Oh iii, In Coniiwtliiii Willi Drum
heller, IiiifiiciiBC Block Kiirm.
Kay LcGrow, caBhler of tho First
National bank or Athena, la ono of
tho principal owncru in ono of the
largest stock ranches In tho north
wost, says tho Athena Press.
Tho big cattle ranch la situated In
tho Crab creek country up In Wash
ington. Last year Mr. LeOrow iityl
tho Driimhollers of Walla Walla pur
chased tho lauds nnd luindredB of
head of Herford cnttlo of an English
lord. An Idea of tho magnitude of
this great ranch may bo had when It
Is learned thnt 1C sections of land nro
under fence, In addition to thousands
of acres of outsldo rango which tho
company controls by virtue of water
Several thousand head of cattlo
forago on this cxcollcnt range, for
tho Crab Creek lands aro noted
for succulent grass and plenty of It.
Nearly "all of tho stock ranging thoro
Is owned by tho company, and nenrly
ovory head Is marked with tho whlto
faco pf tho Hereford.
This year In that portion of tho
rango under fonce, 1100 head of llttlo
whlto-fnced Hereford calves sport
and piny on tho hillside, and next
year thoro will bo n greater numbor,
for only barren calves and helfors
nro bolng sold out of tho cow hords.
An Interesting sight it Is to see 1100
calvcH in ono bunch, and inoro Inter
eating still, when you cannot tell
"ono from nnothor," for with their
well known Hereford characteristics,
they all look allko to you.
Ovor 800 head of hoof cattlo havo
lieon sold from tho ranch this season
tho greatest number being purchased
by Walla Walla buyers. East Ore-gonlnu.
Coins of the Cynics.
Tho following paragraphs aro
taken at random from a rather big
storo of acrid wlBdom entitled "Tho
Comploto Cynic's Cnlendar of He
vlsod Wisdom for l'JOC:"
Many aro called, but fow get up.
It tho wolf bo at tho door, open It
nnd cat him.
God gives us our relatives. Thank
God wo can cIioobo our friends.
Look before you Hloop.
Tho wages of gin Ih dobt.
Bomo aro born widows, somo
achieve widowhood, and somo have
wldowH thrust upon them.
Actresses will happen In tho boBt
regulated famlllos.
It's u strong stomach that has no
You may lead an hbs to knowledgo,
but you cannot mnku him think.
People who llvo In glass housos
should pull diAvn tho blinds.
Fools rush In and win whoro nn
gels four to tread.
The numbor of a man's widows
will bo In proportion to tho alzo of
hln ontnto.
Ho that U down need fear no
Lot him that standoth pat tako
hood lent they nail.
A hint on tho bonnot In worth ton
On a plato.
DlnplayH are dangerous.
Charity Is tho Htorllzod milk of
human kindness.
Ono touch or nature make tho
whole world squirm.
Pleasant company always accept
ed. A word to tho wise la always ro
seated. Ho Junta at scoroa who nvor play
ed at bridge.
Womun ohangu their minds a
dozen times a day. That's why they
aro bo oUiaii-iulndoil.
A fellow fulling makos ua won
drous unkind.
A llttlo widow la a dangerous
Friendship la moro to bo valued
than Iovo, for lovo Is a thing a man
can buy aud a woman can got for
A Pleasant Way to Travel.
Tko liova it the usual verdict of
th ttMveler uilng the MW.ourl PaclUc
railway between tb Patslac coaat and
tho Bswt. and wo blltv that th w
viae aud accommodation given merit
Ihli ttateaient, From Denver, Colora
do Spring! and Denver there are two
tuivugl iralua dally to Kaniat City
J St. Loult, carry Ins Pullman 'a lat.
t aiandard electric lighted ileeptng
ear, chair can and up-to-date dblug
cara The tame excellent lervlee !
operated from Kanwu City and ' 9t.
wjuia jo .yempuii, Little Roek and Hot
8prlng. U you are trolntr Kail at
South, write for particular and .,
W. a MeDKIDB, Gen. Agt.
13 Third St., Portland, Or.
When You Want Ha men.
Call on P, E, Shafer. at hla naw
tore, 1S7 Coiamerchl atroot, ner
rerry, Tho flneat alock of ham. i
Ilrenil Lino in the Fnr North.
Tho question of raising wheat In
northern Canada is Just now attract
ing considerable attention. Tho rap
id filling up of tho Canadian north
west with Immigrants from Europe
nnd tho United States promises that
tho population will soon bo pushing
northward toward tho limits of suc
cessful agriculture, although It will
probably bo several generations be
fore any general settlement of tho
country beyond tho borders of Sas
katchewan and Alberta will bo at
tempted. The northern boundary of
these provinces coincides with tho
Suth parallel of latitude. Up to that
border it Is practically certain that
wheat can bo grown successfully on
the wide and fertile prairies that aro
soon to bo opened by tho new rail
ways to settlement.
Uoyond tho 55th parallel wheat
raising Is yet more or less of a prob
lem, though tho outlook Is hopeful.
In small patches wheat has been
grown as far north as Fort Simpson,
on tho Mnckonzlo river, In latltudo
CO degrees and 40 minutes. Hero
wheat weighing sixty-two and one
hnlf pounds to tho bushel has been
raised. Four degrees south of this
place, at Fort Chlpowyan, on Lake
Athabasca, wheat has regularly been
grown for many years, and as long
ago' as 1870 a sample of grain from
thoro took a gold modal at tho cen
tennial exposition In Philadelphia.
At Fort Vermillion, in latltudo 58
degrees, 21 minutes, or almost 10
degrees beyond tho United States
boundary, thoro aro threo small flour
ing mills supplied by local grain.
Ono of theso mills Is owned by tho
Hudson's Hay company, hna been
operated slnco 1902, and has a capac
ity of 35 barrels a day. Its product
Biippllca tho company's trading posts
In tho far north. At Peace River
Landing, a llttlo farther- south, there
aro two other mnall mills.
Thus It la probablo that tho great
plains wntorcd by thoMackenzIo river
nnd its tributary streams and lnkcs
will In tlmo support a considerable
population of wheat-growers. St.
Petersburg, In Ituasla, Is on -tho GOth
parallel of north lntltude, and east
ward of that city nro groat wheat, rye
and barley Acids extending sovoral
degrcoa further north. Wheat Is
grown, though less oxtonslvoly than
ryo and barloy, In Finland, nnd tho
northorn limit of prolltnblo wheat
production ranges from about the
C 2 ml parallel, In western Russia,
across that emplro In a slightly
southern direction, reaching tho Si
berian border at about GO degrees
nnd thence crossing Asiatic Russia
to tho GOth degreo on tho Pacific
coast. Northward of tho lino other
grains aro grown, supporting n mod
erate population. Thoro 1b llttlo rea
son to doubt that tho Amorlcan cli
mate will penult whoat-growlng
within practically tho biune limits ua
those established for this agrlculturo
In tho Intorlor or Russia. Whoat Is
moro widely grown nnd has greater
powors of adaption than any other
grain, Its culture oMondlng from tho
tropics to tho Guth degreo In Nor
way. Tho cllmnto of Intorlor North
America Is, llko that of Interior Rus
slo.ono of tho grent oxtromos, with In
tensely cold winters nnd long, hot
days through tho brief summers.
Nature will probably piovldo whoat
and other grains for tho support of
humanity as far noith as tho Cana
dians will find climatic conditions
ondurnblo, Tncouiu Lodger.
Cures St'lntlra.
Hov. W. L. Riley, LL.D.. Cuba.
Now York, writes: "win,. .
days of excruciating pain from scla-
I- i. ., ... .
" iHumimuani, unuor various treat
ments, I was Induced to try Dal-
mm n oiiow i.inimoatj tho ilrst ap
plication KlVlniT 1HV tlmt rnllnf nn.1
tho second ontlro rollof. I can glvo
It unqunllfiod rocomraendatlon. 26c,
uw, aim i.vu. tor salo by D. J. Fry
Wna n Repeater.
One of George Gray's paok horses
rolled down tho omlmukment us ho
wan taking Editor Brown and imriv
to tho mluos last wook. Tho anluuil
lodged ngulnat an old log ton or
twolvo feet below tho trial, but nftor
tho paok was removed It was found
nocossary to roll tho animal Into tho
river to or 50 feet below In order to
get him to tho trail. Whon in i,A
trail tho horao again mado n misstep
aud again went overboard, aud again
stopped agalnut tho snum il- v
damage resulted. Hmu-naviiin
A Mystery Solved.
"How to keen nff .ri,u ...-.
of biliousness and habitual constlpn
tlou was a mystery that Dr. King's
Now Llfo Pills solved tn . .
writes John N. Pleasant r,t xr...L
Ha, Ind. Tho only mil. . ..
guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfac
tion tO eVOTyiXHly or tnnnov f.,.i...i
W. B. Scott of Seattle Will
Tske Charge of Sani'
tariurn Next Week
W. B- Scott, of Seattle, has leased
the Samaritan Hospital from Dr.
Cartwright, and will take charge
about September 1. Ho will conduct
a first clas hospital. Mr. Scott Is a
graduate of Wlllametto University
and will tako a course of medicine In
tho medical department of tho school
while conducting tho affairs of the
The sanitarium will not be called
tho Samaritan, but tho new name has
not been decided upon, Miss O'Keefo
gave tho Institution tho name "Sam
aritan," but It Is not considered ap
propriate, as tho hospital Is not
a charitable Institution.
Tho hospital building will accom
odate about 20 patients and has one
of tho best operating rooms of any
hospital In tho Northwest.
Deafness Cannot He Cured
Dy local applications, as they cannot
reach tho diseased portion of tho
car. Tnero is oniy ono way 10 cure,
deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused
by an inflamed condition of tho mu-
cuous lining of tho Eustachian Tube.
When this tubo Is Inflamed you havo
a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, nnd when it is entirely closed,
deafness is tho result, and unless the
inflammation can bo taken out and
this tubo restored to Us normal con
dition, hearing will bo destroyed
forever; nlno cases out of ten are
caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but nn Inflamed condition of tho mu
cous surfaces.
Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars
for any caso of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh' Cure. Send for cir
culars, fee.
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Tako Hall's Family Plila for constipation.
M&uy More Like It Iu Salem.
Tho fol1-.w!ng case is but one of
maiv similar occurring daily in Sa
lera" It is an easy matter to verify
its correctness. Surely you cannot ask
for hotter proof than such conclusive
Mrs. S. Collins, of G79 High street,
Salem, Ore., says: "Troubl with my
kidneys and backache have causeu m
much annoyance for several years. Al
though I used a good many remedies
I obtained no positive relief until my
attention was called to Doan's Kidney
Pills, and I procured them at Dr.
Stono's drug store. They soon brought
mo effectivo benefit, eased the bearing
down feeling through the back and
loins, and banished tho aching and oth
or symptoms that had annoyed mef for
so long. I have since learned of oth
ers who think the world of your rolia
bio remedy and I gladly recommend
it to all suffering from backache or
kiilnnv trouble."
For sale by all dealers. Prlco 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for tho United
Romcmbor tho name Doan's and
tako no othor.
A IJrlef Answer.
Many stories havo been told about
tho long telegraphic messages sent
by women, as If tho fomlnlno mind
were Incapable of expressing itself
conclsoly. How fnlso and slanderous
such an Improsslnii Is la well known
by tho following Incident. A gentle
man wont to London on business.
As ho loft ho snld something to his
wife about buying her a now dress.
Just boforo starting homownrd ho
wired to his wife: "Which shall I
bring you n diamond ring or a silk
dross?" Tho reply was concise and
explicit "Hoth." Astorlnn
Tho End of ilie World
Of troubles thnt robbed E. H. Wolfe,
of Hoar Grove, In., of all usefulness!
camo whon ho bogan taking Electric
Illttors. Ho writes! "Tu-n vM
Mdnoy Trouble caused mo great
ii.,B, which i wouw nover havo
survlvod had I not tnkon Electric
Illttors. They nlso cured mo of Gen
oral Debility. " Suro euro for all
Stomach, Liver and Ktdnoy com
plaints, Dlood Diseases, Headache,
Dizziness nnd Weakness or bodily
decline. Price. 50c. Guaranteed by
J. C. Peiry's drug storo.
Good Wheat Yields.
Only a few farmers have begun to
haul wheat in to tho mills In this
city, but those who are hauling re
port splendid yields.
W. M. Coburn, who lives near tho
Pringle school house had ten acres
that avereged 35 bushels to the acre.
The rest of his crop went 2S bushels
to the acre.
William Calder, of Polk county,
made 28 bushels to the aero In his
entire crop.
W. M.McIntire, of South Salem,
averaged 25 bushels to the acre.
In Self Defense.
Major Hamm, editor and manager
of the Constitutionalist, Eminence,
Ky when ho was fiercely attacked,
four years ago by piles bought a box
of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of which
ho says: "It cured mo In ten days,
and no trouble since." Quickest
healer of Burns, Sores, Cuts and
Wounds. 25c at J. .C. 'Perry's drug
Reform School Truants.
Roscoo Wilson, of Sherman county
and Daniel McDowell, of Gilliam
county, unceremoniously left the re
form school nnd are supposed to bo
trying to mnKo tuelr way to Eastern
Oregon over the Barlow trail. Each
of them Is 19 years old.
Renders tho bllo moro fluid, and
thus helps tho blood to flow; It
affords prompt relief from bilious
ness, Indigestion, sick and nervous
headaches, and over-Indulgenco in
food nnd drink.
G. L. Caldwell, Agt. M. K. nnd
T. R. R., Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes,
April 18, 1903: "I wns'slck for over
two years with enlargement of tho
liver and spleen, and I had given up
all hopo of being cured, when my
druggist advised me to use Herblno
It has made mo sound and well."
50c. Foi salo by D. J. Fry.
"Make 8alcm a Good Homa Mi,
Tho Stelner Market
kggs Per dozen, 19C,
Hens 10c.
Frya 10 c.
Ducks 8Vj9c.
Poultry, Eggs, Etc.
Eggs Per dozen, 19c.
Buttpr Retail Country, 20c
ery, 25c.
Hens 10c.
Frys 10 c.
Geese d57c
Ducks 8!9c.
Fruits, Vegetables, Etc.
Now Potatoes GOc cwt.
Onions 2c
Tropical Fruits.
Bananas 5jc per pound.
Oranges $5.00 ?G.OO
Lemons ?5$G.
Llvo Stock Market.
Steers 33c.
Cows 2 Yi 2 .
Sheep 4 c.
Dressed Veal 5Gc.
Stock Hogs 07c.
Fat Hogs-G7c.
Gram and Feed.
Baled Clover ?G.00.
Cheat ?G.00.
Timothy $8.00.
Oats 28c.
Bran $19.50.
Shorts $20.50.
Barley $17.00
Salem Flouring Mill
Wheat, G5c.
Flour $3.00.
Portland Maiket
Wheat Club, G768c;
71c; blue stem, 7071c.
Vetch $7 $7.50.
Onts Choice white, $22 Ql
Mlllstuff Bran, $1G.
Hay Timothy, $1112.50; Ji'j
Votch $7 7.50.
Potatoes 70 75c.
Poultry Average old hem,
mixed chickens, 12 13c; j
roosters, 13 14c; checkens,
15c; turkeys, live, lG22c; f
live, 8Sc; geese, dressed, 8 g
ducks, 11 13c; pigeons, H6!
squabs, $2 $3.
Pork Dressed, SQ9c.
Beef Dressod, 45.
Mutton Dressed, 5 6c,
Hops Oregon, 1905, 14Q
190G contracts, lSQOc.
Wool Vnlloy, conrso to &t
20022c; Eastern Oregon, 15C
Mohair 2830c.
Butter Fancy Creamery,
25c; store butter, 1515tfc.
Hop Picker-, Wanted.
A fow moro pickers wanted. Good
camp ground In orchard, or you can
llvo at homo and drive or ride wheel
out. Price 50 cents per box. Register
nt yard, throe miles on East State
street, or at 230 Commercial street.
Stringed instruments
musical sundries.
Don't forcet that we I
'thecoods and that they
I . . ii. .;
tor sale at reasonaoie p
At J. Wenger's Old SUiA
247 Commercial Bt.
Repairing Instruments a Sp1
All Oregon Will Be at th
F.om Sept. 10 to 15 iacksive at the Stal
Fait Graoads Neat Salem
Erea.es, sSS;' to every ottex way, tt wfll '
Never before was there .i. ,7 b .
A visit ,o the SUmV&255!? ! ta "" "ftt0
. " Wl. show yo wLtolelr " "to?" - -i
who spared .taf00 St" fa J906. Few ,.
iOly SEc at J. C, parry's drug or.