I IV DAILY CAPIfAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1000. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Y IIOFKH IHIOS., l'usllsliors ami I'roprleton. 8UIWOHI1TION ItATKS. lly Mull. Dally Journal, ono month 35c Dally Journal, threo months ,.1.00 Dully Journal, ono year 4.00 WcoJcly Journal, ono yi'nr .... 1.00 lly Carrier. Dally Jouruul, per month .... 50c I'l'llLIClTY OK AS.SKS8MKNTH. Sovoral states hnvo adopted pub llclty of assessment rolls. ABSKSHMKNT IH A MM AC JUCCOHO. Thn peoplo Iiavo a right to the grentest publicity of puhllc rcconlH. Throw nil tho light posslblo on the tranBnctlotiH of ovory department. Tho peoplo nro educated thorohy and good government Is promoted. WHAT II A KM. CAN COMH KJIOM Pl'IIMOITY? Tho effect, of publishing nssoss montH Ih to cIIbcIobo property and cqunllzo tho hurdeu. would more than pay tho expenses of the office. MICH WIHK A DKPOSITOHY LAW, ! which county and state funds may bo placed at Interest In hanks offering the highest rate of inr,.f with cood security, would ho profitable to tho state. The Income from thla sotirco would more than pay the expenses of the state and county treasuries. It wquld bo a clear sit In to the state and In stead of the people paying out tax money for salaries of these olllclnls, tho Idle funds would make the office solf-supportlng. Tho Oregon legislature should pass both of theso excellent laws. The record of Wyoming Justifies Imitation. KKI3I' AT IT. T1II3 IXKOTION OK A SKNATOK. Tho Hiilom Journal Intimates that II. W. Hcott and T. II. Wilcox may lioromo candidates for United States aonntor before tho next legislature, nnd no ono would be surprlsod If this prediction Is verified. Thn trou blo Is that COMI'MCATIO.NH MAY ItlHI'J over tho olecllon of HoitntorM by tho popular method nud by tho lcglslnturo under tho presottt prl mnry law, Thu constitution of tho United States saj'B thnt tho senators shall bo "chosen by tho leglslnturo of each state." HO.MH HTI'HOY MKMHKIt of n loglsluturq MAY III. IH'HI'J TO UK HOUND hy tho popular voto as recorded at the polls. Ho may hnvo oven refused to glvo tiny pledge In advance of his own elec tion, In cIoho contestH this tuny bo conto n boHoiih matter. Tho United Btutes const Itutloit should bo ninond ed so as to bo In itccotd with the newly devised method. Hiiguno fluurd. With Huniitnr Kulton .STAND. IN(J PAT KOHTIIK, HATIKKUTION OK Till: I'lttM'MW ('HOICK Ilourno cannot fall. Is there n mnn In tho United States of matured years who, after chang ing his location tlmo nud tlmo again, cannot look back and sny of almost any of the places ho has lived, IK I HAD ONI,Y .STAID." Tho opportunities aro not nil In ono place. Thoy aro scattered broad cast over the laid and It Ib tho fel low who goes to work nnd keeps at It, not the ono who goes moving about, that wins. Sometimes a change Is dcslrnblo, but ten mou lose by moving whoro ono gains. In every placo aro a few MH.N -WHO IIAVH DKIVKN TIIKIK STAKKS AND AKIC MAKINO MOXKY, while lots of olhcrH aro getting their board nnd clothes. What Is tho cause of thin run about splrlt7 In iiiohI cases It Is nisuicr, Koit anytiiino mici: STKADY KMI'I.OYMKXT. It Is ensy to start fresh and bright In tho morning, Kvorythlng looks fnlr and promising, but when It como to bear ing the heat of the day continuing from morning till night wo, In a majority of cases aro not there. race toward hell which would reach thero flrat? Col. Hofer's recent outing at Now port was a disappointment to him not a single "peek-a-boo" waist showed up. Toledo Reporter. They "show up" to the kind of people who are looking for them. The Dalles Chrenicle: Any man with a quarter section of Oregon soil with a disposition to deal Justly with his fellows and himself, Is in a posi tion to ask heavy boot for exchang ing positions with tho czar of all tho Russians. Did Not Wrlto It. A story about tho Blue Bucket diggings Is going tho rounds of the state papers, credit being given to J. II. Cradlebaugh as tho author of tho samo. Tho horso editor wishes to say emphatically that ho did not wrlto tho article, and how It becamo credited to him Is ono of those mys teries that only tho printers devil or tho other ono can explain. Tho nrti clo wus written by tho editor of tho Baker City Herald and should be credited to that paper. Tho horso editor always tries to glvo credit for every artlclo clipped from exchanges, but nelthor ho nor tho linotype- man are Infallible. The Best Guaranty of Merit Is Open Publicity. Rvrry bottle of Dr. Place's world faiU wHc.nM leaving the great , aboj ratory at Buffalo, N. , has prtnieu Spoil Its wrapper all the InRrrilenu entering nto its composition, law " ShnTaac. Dr. Pierce's Family Medl cliifM It a elm nil bu Ihcnwclvcx. Ihey cannot bo cl.tsc,l with patent or swrot im-dlclnoH boeAUso thny aro m;lth jr. , 1 h s U why o many untirojudlwd i hMcliins prescribe thorn and recommend them to their patient-. They know what thoy are composed of, and that the liwrcdluntt aro thovj endorsed by the most eminent medical authorities. Tho further fact that neither Dr. Plcrco's Ooldon Medical Discovery, the groat stomach tonic, liver InvlBorator, heart regulator and blood purifier, nor his "Favorite Proscription" for weak, over worked, broken-down, nervous women, conuliH anv alconoi, aio oiiuuus mem to a place a'll by tliemnlvM. Many years ago, Dr. Pierce discovered that chemically pure glycerlno, of proper strength, Is a. hotter solvent and preserv ative of the medicinal principles resid ing In our Indigenous, or naUAU inedl. clnal plants than Is alcohel: and. further mote, thai It possi sses valuable medicinal properties of Its own, being demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic, and a most efficient antlferment. Neither of tho alnivn medicines con tains alcohol, or anv harmful, habit formlug drug, a.s will bo seen from a glance at tlio formula printed on each bottle w rappur. Thoy aro safe to uso and potent to cure. Ut Ulliy 1IIJ (HIJSH Mill"" (iii v.iiiu v.iu Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder put op in glass far s is the baking powder that will give entire satisfaction. It is tOO per cent pare, wholesome and nutritious. Ask your Grocer for it. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem .... Ore. above, non-eoret medicines largoiy, out thu most Intelligent peoplo employ tnem people who would not think of using v tiatont. Kvery ingredient filtering into tho com HTATH iiki'onitoky ni:i:di:d. LAW (Pendleton Kiytt Orogoiilnn.) Thu statu of Wyoming, which has it statu nmiuiilmit uud which hits saved thousand of dollars of statu funds through this law. Is now agl tivtlng for a statu donoeltorv law. wucirohy the state may Ktouro Inter-!M,Q MiBsmiristio grower loses futh DAMAGKS IN KXGLAND. Roeently twenty persons woro kill ed In a train wreck on tho London- Southeastern railway, tin: coitroitATioNs okkkks TO PAY y-M,()()(l KOK KACII PICK SON KII,I,KD. Tho company defendant would not allow a single case to go to a Jury. I.Ives aro moro valuable In Hng taud than In this country It seems. IN OKKCON Till: I.KHAI, IdMIT OX DAMACKK IX CASH OK DICATU IS isnoilii. Tho law of damages In Hnglnnd Is ery dlrforont from tho United States. TI.MK TO SKI.Ii HOPS. The tlmo of jenr has como when thoro Is great temptations to specu late In hops. Till! .MM'IINAIi ADYISIJS OHOU'. HIIS TO HVAAi AT AXY KMU'KK KKOM l.T TO (i CKXTS. When hoiis go nwny down then n.l .nt I. II.. i.. ,. ... v-w wu luiu iiinim iiiiiiih iieui iii coun ty and Mtato trunsurloM. Oregon would do well to mlmttntt) Wyoniltig In both thiwo laws. A KTATi: ACCOfXIWXT IS NHKDHD IX Olllvt.ON by whirl, accounts of ovor publlu olllchil would bo chock hI up and uxpwrted ory month. This would pruvfiit hIioiihK,h. nils Hikes uud Idiwim through whatever wouri-K and the snint to tho state No Appetite Means loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often a pre cursor of prostrating sick nM. This is why it is wrious. The best thing you cn do is to tako tho Xraat alterativo and tonic Hood's Sarsaparilla Which haa cured thousands. PKOPI.K WHO HVUSU AI.li TIIKY KAUN MISs MITII OK TDK UICAI, l'l,KAHl'IUi OK MV. 1N(1. A SNK1 HANK ACCOUNT MAKKS MKirj lllticiliriCU AND lasimt AND noilS AWAY WITH ANXIIMY ixm Tin: IT. Tl lK. IT MAIiKH (IM I'KHI. inhi:pivdj:nt i:vkx in timi ok aovkiwity. VOU CVV HOOS IIAVH A HNr HANK ACCOUNT IK YOU WII.I, KT.IIIT A SAVINtSH AC COINT AND DltroSIT UH(Jl'. Utltr.Y A 1WIU' OK VOUH UUtMNtJS. HVKhv DOLiail HUrOMITKI) WIM, I,KN IN. TiniliST. and signs up w price contracts. When hops are advancing the op tlinlst holds out for prices that fro Miiontly riiliiH hlui and his neigh bom. WH WOl'M) NOT .SUM, HKI.OW KII'THKN XOK HOLD KOIt MOKU TIIAX TWHXTY. If the Blower U In debt hu should sell nt thu first chance m( 15 or ovor. Wiong Niunbei'. The I'rluovlllu Itevlow Is guilty of this: "Thu tolcphono girl and tho bill clork to whom sho had promised her hand woro sitting In front of a fire placo talking about tho happy day to como when they should bo ono. From ono detail to another thoy finally drifted to tho subject of light ning tho tires In tho morning. Ho stated It was tho wlfes placo to got uii and make tho fires nnd let tho hard working husband rest. After this declaration thero was a, silence for about throo quarter f)f a second. Then the telephone girl thrust out hor engagement ring nnd mtirmcrcd sweetly but firmly "Itlng'off, please; you have got tho wrong number." tho ordinary Ki'urv liitrfi position of Dr. I'lcrco's medicines ha9 tho strongest kind of an endowment from leading medical writers of tho several schools of practice. Iso other medicines put up for like purposes hai any Mich jiwfenilniuil endorsement. Dr. I'lerce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Constipation Is tho cause of many disease. Curo the cauo and you euro tho disease. One ''Pellet" Is a gentle laxative and two a mild cathartic. Drug gists soil thorn, and nothing Is "Just as good." Easy to take as candy. boiled medium, dry toast, nnd a pot of hot tea. "It must bo hot," she said. "And waiter," sho called, as ho turned away, "boforo you bring tho eggs I want n Scotch highball." That Is what sho said. Tho car mado a particularly wild lurch Just then, which helped mo to hide my surprise. That was all that saved me. Deafness Cannot He Cured By local applications, as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. Thero Is only ono way to cure deafness, uud thnt is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by tin Inllanicd condition of tho mu ciious lining of tho Kustaclilau Tube. When this tube Is lnllnmod you hnvo a rumbling sound or Imperfect henr Ing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is tho result, nnd unless the liillammatlon can bo taken out and this tube rostored to Its normal con dition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nluo ensea out of ten nro caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but mi Inflamed condition of the mu cous surfaces. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars for any enso of Donfnoss (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for cir culars, fee. I J. CHUNKY ,1 CO., Toledo, Ohio. Hold by Druggists, 7fic. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stlpatlon. On 1 vest oil's Sea Wall Makes llfo now as safo In that city as on tho higher uplands. E. W. Goodloo, who resides on Dutton St., In Waco, Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. Ho writes: "I iiavo used Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption tho past flvo years, and It keops mo well nnd safo. Boforo that tlmo I hnd a cough which for years had been growing worso. Now it's gono." Curos Chronic Coughs and prevents Pneumonia. Tleasant to tako. Every bottlo guaranteed at J. C. Perry's drug storo. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottlo freo. c. 41 f of J ry fJJIilli i mTi&M i Iffhi milPS n WniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHyii)ljTE m DO NOT HAVE YOUR HEAD SAWED OFF By jobbers and carpenters who sell Inferior lumber at a b!g profit. Get our prices before buying. Wo can savo you money. OOODALE LUMBER CO. Use Smiles Hon. Dinger llruinu and wir nro tfujiiy-luti trip iu ISurope. No HOir.nMnacMng nw8pur wliuulil tutor to boy as "kldi." Kvorybody Is happy 0vr the con struction of tho Coo Day road. Saviag Dfpartmtat Capital Natkmat EUafc Hal tun strotfu. streotd. 1 lrogriMlvt. Oiling struts, AN OKDKK THAT SIIOCKHD. Then He Hegrcttnl Time W Had Not Taken Hie Itier He WMied Kor. The waiter hud shown me to tblp. and imfor I had ordeml ho brought n woiimn of about CO nnd placed her eroj from nu, relatoa K wrltor In the Kansas City Star. Th( ctr was swayltiK nud bumping or a now pluuo of track, and tho old Uily soomod perturbed by tho Jarring and tho noise. Her hair was nearly whim, and It was waved over Urn tempos. A little bonnet ,. Pavlug I'Id In placo by broad silk ribbons CUvinlng Whoio, oh whoro, forwst raiigars whwi foroBt tiro brokj gut? wtro nil th that SanUnut Dan: MurahlHdd Tlmw: In fl )rs Coos Day win hnvo u poiiiA. Uou of 10,000 people, Whan tha town of Uraln bdcouvos tht railroad eonur U U iloatlnod to b. It will ehnuKO Its ntuue, . Oil U bvttr than innUliiir. !.. dm't let oil wtup pernunjiit liaprovo- wi ui our uuBiiuwi strww. Ono way to get rich Is to lift nwv MlUu studying how Httlo mi r bi towaru my public liunrovo. mom and Mot ho rodo on a rait by yowr tioitUUor. The netmWicnn PrttUytwUn da. i3ou who iklU th AlUuy Dvmocrat propoumU this ohe: if a ci.., and a dime uovel wr ,..... . - ,v HIV tletl very carefully in a very resulHr uow tumor her right oar. A turn, down collar of white and a long, thin chain holding a pair of glasos wore thtt only rollof from tho black silk frook. Thoro sho sat, tho prim niwit old lady I had over seen away .w n moiiHir sola. Thoro was even a trueo of n puckor to her mouth, Jbt to accontuuto. Most apparently o her way to tho missionary so- uwiys tmirict oonvontlon, I had eontomplnted having a small botlU of nlo with my roast beef, but 1 ordarod milk instead. While l am boltovor In poroiml liberty, I do not iwmu uiy thiKirlM to ImUct IhvuwolVM on others. I ordered milk lustwnl of beor, and tho waltor spilled much of it on mo aud tho tabloa as tho tmln swung nround a Unrp curve. The old lady noticed tho mishap, but her face boro Bni a traco of sllBhtwt Intorost. With hor iu hearing distnucc I would not hw risked laughing at anjthlng. In tho cold, businoss-liko oico of tho claas loader sho orderod I could havo told it would bo boforo she wld a word h ordered two ogtj Struck by Fulling Limb. Ho) Whteler, an 18-year-old son of 10. A. Wheeler of Lornne, lies at his father's home In a comntoso con dition, as n result of n limb of a troo breaking looso nnd falling upon his head and right sldo Wednesdny nftcrnoon. Ho was sawing down the tree when tho limb fell and struck his skull, uniting a groat gash a little to tho right of tho center of tho forehead, back to almost tho baso of the skull It also tore open the shoulder and drovo n tooth of tho saw doop Into tho right arm just below tho elbow . The boy's cries brought help (Illicitly and ho was carried to his fnthor'8 home, whoro Dr. Sohloof uiwauii mi wounds. Ho lloa In a seml-condltlon and only recognizes ins people when they shout nt him. His condition Is very serious, his pulse slukliut to 50 nt times and his heart being very weak. Hemor rhages from the tpe and mouth would Indicate Internal Injuries, from which It is very doubtful If ho recovers. Albanj Domocrat. " A MyMury Sohcil. "How to keep off periodic nttnM,., of blllousnoss and hnbltual constipa tion was a mystery that Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills solved for me " writes John N. Plonsant. of Mngno Hn, Ind. Tho only pills that nro guaranteed to glvo perfect satlsfac tloo to overybody or money rofundod Only 2Gc nt J. C. Terrv's .in,- ,,. ym,t Self Rising B. B. B. Float Ask your grocer for it. You can get a good square meal or a short order thnt you will rol Ish If you go to tho White Mouse Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Phono Main 196. state St. Meals sorved at all hours. THE TOWN CRIER. - ! i - oumni niauo an announojaie max, wouiu pieaso tue public bet tnan wnen wo teu them that u laundry work will be done to perf lion anu me oaiem Bteam Laua can't be compoted with anywhere tho couhtry for the perfection of work on linen, silks or woolens defy competition in this Hne.becaw tuero were any better method would have them at once. Try .... ,.u... "-uuuij, trices rig. SAJiT.M STEAM LAUNDRY, Colonel. J. Olmstoad, Prop. PHONE 25. 130-1GG S. Liberty SUNDAY EXCURSIOli on the Corvallis & Eastern Raj road TO NEWPORT Sunday excursion to Newport return on the Corvallis and Eajte railroad will leavo Albany EVERY SUNDAY AT 7:30 A. M. Arriving in Newport nt noon, returi ing leave Newport at 5:30 p. m., givij 5y hours at the finest resort in ta West. Health, rest and 'pleasure fj the weary worker. Threo-day and season tickets fro! all S. P. points, good going and returj ing on Sunday excursion trains. Fare from Albany, Corvallis or PilB omath $1.50 for tho round trip. Col nection3 at Albany with Eugent loci going southbound overland on returi Rubber Tires OK Salem-lndependcnce Launch Coloma Leave Salem nt 3:00 p. rna nt independence. .5:30 Loavo Independence ...,S:30 Arrlvo nt Salem p:30 Passengers and light freight trans ported promptly and nt low rates. Doat subject to charter on Sunday be twoon sailing hours. A. D. PETTYJOHN & SON, Props. m. p. m. P. m. P. m. Nl.fl II " ' Ico.tiicn. ' , Wo keep our meats, which are aB ways fresh, in tho coolest places Our cutters nro nil experts, there fore we will pieaso you, as we art pleasing others. Orders given prompj attention. E. 0. CROSS.. Phono 201. H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Merchants and Produce Dealers The Prune Association wants 100 roliablo girls and women to begin work about September 20th. Com- n,2.. VTk rooius ovlded with ladles cloak, toilet and wash rooms for tho comfort of employes. Rcgistor now at our office. A Mi KINDS, AND OK Tin? .-.. - nia.1' gi'AMTY. Wi: liAVK TIIKr KA.MOKS noomucii TIUKS WW ' .. ni.MiN tit.' YKIIICMS n CAN SAVK. YOU TIMK AND ciYV YOU l'KUSIAXKXT SATISKACTIOV IMtlClS IlIGHT. hst Received Two car IRA JORGENSEN H'Sh Street BRICK Brk& furnished in large or smaU quantities. pfssed brick made to order. Yw on State Str. L li Penitentiary. u OI MLEM BRICK YARD A. A. BURTON, Prop. Have t bt Star A Star Cedar Shingles. ' u tried MaltUold Roofing or !' & B. Building Paper! iiiu Guarantee. Wov-m Wire Penc,ng of aU kJa(8 lecce Post, Gate,, Gate Hardware u Screen Doors. WALTER MORLEY, W) Court St,, Salem, Or. ISirUinoli,,, w .. 'zr-r ....- ""- ... t.f.l ...... " . c-31 . ' v i rilhr """"U x.4-;,..;.' Ljaig'Mw.,...,.. WtalJHByair - Spent wisely is the source of muclt satisfaction. Why not spend a Hit!' of It wisely now buying groceries oa us? Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harritt & Lawrenc. HOTEL OREGON Corner of Seventh and Stark Stte Portland. Oresron. The new and modern hotel of the eitj Caters particularly to residents of 8 lem and other Oregon cities. Eurep3 plan. Free bus. Rate $1.00 per 3J and upward, HandBomeet grill b tt,j West, and prices as low as In P1"! less attractive. Dally Capital Jocrft1! Oli flio, WRIOHT-DIOKENSON HOXBI" 00- MBSJi1S)ft I Gold Dust Flotff Mad by THE SYDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Or- Mado for family use. AsK J0B4 grocer for It. Bran and shorts always oa hand. P. B. Wallace I AGENT " i !