Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 06, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    tAB2MS "-
HUM I I ' "-- ' " "
"' "' , ii. rn
Aver's Ha r V gorm3M - u
Acr s inn t 6 .
because Ms a nair-iuuu. -"-,,,
soft ana smouw, &--- ---
- it ami m Minn, aiiu w ..
it. SttonR and Iicalthy hair stays In, P ' A , of ,t 0,le
I ana
8 grea
U1IM01I SUB- ' 'rl,in" " nTu
gninlur limn tlio assessor found It
to 1)0.
John I). Hocikofellur nnd tho tr'1"1
iimkimIm nro llrm bollevur In tho
"nbmmt treatment."
Stolypln l to leave tho UiimIuii
.i.i..t. If that In nil ho "t"'0 h0
should mnko nuotlior grub lioforn he I
goOfl. I
Whoso liunliiMR In It what nnwll
Sago lld with his mrtiioy. What
Uussoll gnvu nwny wuh "iiotlilnu
As an oxitmplo of tlio lionoflt of
oiling roiulH, mo how smooth tlio
puthwny f -'"Ii" Kockcfollor llfo
him boon umdo by tlio pmciws.
Anthony Comstock's latest Is
Itnvo n yoiiiiB wonimi bookkeeper for
H10 Art League arroBtMl bucnimoho
League published 11 Horlofl of ulctun
11 fow of thorn In tho undo. Anthony
ovldontly Ih fond of llngorlo.
llIlnolH followed Oiogon's lend nnd
Saturday hold primaries, nt whloh
tho United HWitoH Honnlnr wiih voted
for JiiHt its In Oregon. Wo mny bo
Blow up In (lilR uck of thu vvoo,,9
but, when It comes to tho homo
Btrolch thoio Ih nothing nhead of iih.
TIioho W11II11 Wullu girls who are
hulpliiR tholr dml httrvost his wheat,
,,r llin kind tllllt 111 UlHH HtlOnilOIIK
hoiiiH, fill n Hhlrt wiilHt.wllh glml-
nesH.udorli 11 ballroom, grace 11
wedding, nnd mnko for some mini a
homo tlint will make him think ho
him located tho (Inrilen of lMon.
Mrs. Leslie Cm tor wiih nuirrlod it
fow dnyii ngo nt rortHiiionth, N. II.
On Hint occasion hIio gnvo hnr ago
nH HO. llor Hon now nunounceH his
engagement to MIkh Norma Mitnro,
dculnrlng tholr ages aro tho same,
an. Now tho uutwtlnn Is woll, come
to think of it--there 1110 Hovurnl
qmiHtloiiH and moiiiu conundrums.
t.iu i.-nriif there
whirl of evonts Including nuioii.uu
nd yacht mow. n rowing rowittn.
parade., exercises by school children,
concert and a number ' ,wM
rotes on a larsto and clnborntc wale.
Tho mioclul event on tho program
for today Ih a 32-mllo mitoinobllo
race, In which n number of the most
prominent socloty pooplo of this city
will tako part. Tho squadron of the
Now York Yacht club, which stnrtcd
from New London this forenoon, Is
expected hero homo time thin after
noon and will Bronlly m1'1 to lhc
liuc.y llfo and activity in tiro hnrbor.
Tho program ror. tomorrow i u'"-
ll... Vnnt
olnborate. It will cmnraco uio n
York Yacht club rnco for tho Afltor
. .. ,1 ,,n lujtti'nmi
culm; a is-oar uian-i - -
picked crewH from American nno
llrltlHh wiirflhlps, a parndo and oxor
cIhoh by MOO school children, Gymk
hana, nn mitoinobllo exhibition nnd
a general Illumination of tho city nnd
harbor nt night.
On WednoHdny tho King's cup race
will bo Balled. Thou there will bo n
rn-and military nnd naval parade
with HOOD men In lino nnd ton bands
of iiiiihIo and In tho evening there
will bo n goigeoim harbor feto. The
piogram for Thursilny IncludeH yacht
raceH by all the yacht cltilm of Nar
ragaiiHett bay, a IhibIiiosh iiioii'h trndo
procoHHlon, and an nutomobllo floral
parade In tho afternoon. At night
thoro will bo a grand cnrnlvnl pn
rndo, with a gonoral maHked cnrnl
vnl. Tho week of foKtlvltles will
cIoho on Friday with tho motor boat
racoH under tho niiHpIcoH of tho Na
tion Motor lloat club or America.
Men Wanted.
Sawmill nnd lumber yard laborer
2.2.ri per day. Woodsmen, $2.25 to
T3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth
Ivolly I.umbot Co., Hupcno, Or. 5-22-tl
joi. MOSPAY' AUnm ' m0L
When pnlua or Irritation exist on
nny part of tho body, tho applica
tion of llallurd'H Hnow l.lnlinont
IjIvch prompt rollof. W. W. Hnlllvan,
Prop. Htilll vnn llouao, Kl Itono, 0.
T., wrltOH, Juno C, 11)02: " I tako
ploiiHtiio In recommending Uiillard'o
Snow Mnlniont to nil who nro iillllu
tod with rhuiinmtlam. It Ib tho only
remedy I luivo found that glvua lin
iimllnto rollof." 2Rc, COe, and $1.00.
l-'or Halo by I). J. Fry, Snbuii, Or.
(,'amlMil U'i'i'K at Neupoit.
Nowpoit, It. I., August li. Now-
porl'u grout cnrimal colebratlou
opuiiH toda and during the n t of
lliounsvllle ltein.
(I. K. Wonlworlh, 11 Chicago mil
lionaire, Ih In llrowniivlllo, looking
after IiIh timber Interest. Ho con-
trolH thoiiHiindH of anroH of tho lltiost I
timber on tho Calipoolu river, and I
ban Inrtfo holding In all three count
Htatu. lie my that Oregon Ih by
far tho most Inviting Hold ror an
Thu Ilollowny Hioh.' orchnrd or
100 aeroH, Joining llrowuHVlllo on tho
HOiilh, h one or tho blggoHt nnd bent
InduitrleH Htm ted In HiIh locality, the
xoll being well adapted ror fruit. It
being proved by tho tree making 11
Hpleudld growth. There U uUo luin-
dredH of aeroH of orchard In thin vi
cinity that will muko tho llueit or
fruit land. Thoy bnvo ton acre In
tho oholuuflt of Hinall frultB, and it
koupH Koverul men nnd teauu buvy
In tho orchard all tho time.
CropH of all klmU look nnd turn
out flue, I'Hpei tally Ih tho hop crop u
bumper, and Is cat limited now oiihI
U nt jonn pound to the mro,
Hal Patton Home From the
Land of the Mid
night Sun
Hal D. l'ntton has arrived at homo
from the land of tho midnight sun.
While (HKiuostorlng In tho region
or polar boars nnd esqulmos, Mr
l'ntton mado a deep nnd special
atiidy or totem pole lore.
Ho did not neglect to tako and ad
mit 0 tho beauty or tho glaclera, tho
grandlor or tho loUy mountains
where tho eternal snows glint and
glisten and glitter In tho eternal sun
light; ho was all tho time uwakc to
the ovor growing commercial import
ance or tho empire to tho north or
iih; he saw with amused Interest the
schools or whales nnd porpoises; tho
picturesque nnd grotesque Iscbergs,
tho Greek chinches, tho big Tread
well gold nilnet, the immense virgin
foresta, tho salmon and halibut fish
eries and the thousand and 0110 other
things that are making Alaska great
but tho thing that specially caught
Hal's eye was tho totom polo.
"The best collection of totem
poloH that I saw in Alaska," said Mr.
l'ntton, "were at tho old deserted
Indian village at Point Tongus. Tho
specimens wero tho host executed,
the colorings wore richer nnd the
poind wore better preserved. There
weio In this old gruvoynrd about 35
different varieties.
"An Tor Hint matter all tho towns
bnvo collections or totem poles, as:
all or them nrO built near somo old
time Indian vlllugo.
"No Indian vllllago Is without Its
totem poles, and tho nntlves presorvo
them nnd guard thorn with as much
zeal iih thoy did hororo whlto man
Mr. l'ntton says that tho totem
poles Hint tho gonoral public Is Tn
mlllar with, such as thoso that were
exhibited at tho I.owls and Clark
ralr and tho one that stands In IMo
Inoor squnro nt Seattlo aro by no
ineaim the best and llnost specimen.
The totem poles at tho fair hiHt
,rt,r?fi.i mcrlCTii PMPl has a strong
nau -)l the Ai itric , . . olhur
mndoncyio iouu X"t iU ended by Ir-
H?."? ....nt "to Imiiart tone and In-
1 nj flin liliATL
HIIU ." '"" "-".I.. .IM,.
imHikI el niuscinui "-
It naturally
fXWtlii til must be greatly strength
iV.V ifv til- superb, general tonic. lut
.':...-... ttwtrnjllnnr.
t Its marvoloui cuna 0 v v da. ad
Ol lIKl Ml"' " "" "
.1... ..IT...M MllU
cer nod NMone root, or ( VH""""' K'.''a
Prof. Win. Piiliw. author of Paluos
SSrnVn n IS. n
j- hln. lip-sin r. ,'-;''""" ',,, u.wo.ili
Lmu-t'.l that dottth win "r a1,1"1"1 ; ,.Lo'
II ,. i I umiuesllonnbly irdi n of In
sudicasfs. anil In moil liftancM cttecW a
C"atone root U aUo recommended by rs.
II1I0 111 KI1Iih?.vikmI, of Chicago, for
I vul r an I her diseases of the heart.
To bitter s.iys: "It Is a lii'iut tonic of
illri'L'tiiud ocniMincn Inlliienee."
"( lol Medical UNcovory," not only
cures srrous heart nffretlom .but Is a
n nt elk- e t general tonic and Inylgor
E s re .Rtl.enlng tho stomach, InvlK
orutlntr tho liver, rcgulatliiK tho bowiJa
Snd "iirliiK catarrhal affections In all
parts of the system.
Dr. Plercfl'i Pollots euro Constipation
. . iin riillni? or drlv-
For Hale. a b --
Ing horse, very cheap; also a 7
room house for rent. Phono 1447
or call at this office. 3-3-3t
IF!;,. Sale. At a sacrifice, furniture
of an eight-room house. Houso
ror rent. Apply nt G94 North Com
mercial street. Phono 10SC.
For Sale. A good stock ranch.-good
house, barn nnd outbuildings,
plenty of good well and spring
...,. rmn.i erchard: situated at
tho north end of Howell
A.i.lrnss G. h. Binton,
Ilouto 1.
Maine Militia in Camp.
Augusta. Me., Aug. C Every
thing is ready at tho camp of the
stato militia to receive tho troops
when they arrive on Wednesday.
The First regiment started from
Harwoods, a station on tho Maine
Central, .1 few miles west of Rich
mond, nt noon today. Although the
distanco to tho Augusta camp
grounds is only 21 miles tho troops
will take two days getting there.
Tonight they will camp at Icaboro,
toroiuorrow night In Gardiner. Tho
troops will remain hero until August
11, when thoy will return home. A
few days later the Second regiment
will tako possession of tho camp.
The camp has been named Camp
Cobb In honor of tho Governor. Tho
camp will bo under tho command of
1101, .ineniH 11. i.uiiiiiiu, wiiiiu me
First regiment occupies It.
For Sale. 11 ! acres, 7 miles east
of Salem; 40 acres In cultivation;
running water; good house, barn,
outbuildings and orchard. Farm
ing implements and stock go with
premises. A bargain. Call on or
address M. P. Mortenson, R. F-.
D. No. G.
For Hoot. Furnished and unfur
nished rooms at 700 North Com
mercial St. M. A. Dice, Prop. C-l-tf
suHgoon. Offico over '
store. Hours 1030 aj ,
Offico phono Main 121:
North Capital .treet, J J
uusua 01 cnnurcn a Bp
Dr. B. H. Wltlto.aradu
villo, Mo., under founfe
patny. Koom 21 Br'
Commorclal street. ph0
donco 590 Stato, qZ-wJ
mo. 'uroat8 acuto nnd
eases. Examinations!. "
Wanted. A few blight boys to do
canvassing for desirablo articles.
For particulars call at Journal of
fice. 7-27-tf
'mny pi ,
slrullaimg mcUxMmuUkyhiU
tkig the Slauuichi ami Uovvb of
Promolc h "Dlcsllon.Clsfci fill
OnnimtMorphtnc iwrHuKral.
Not I Ait cot 1 c.
AtKrfi'd Hcincdv rorConattivi
tlou, Sour Stonvicli.DlarTlwca,
ivrts oik! Loss of Sleki'
TocSiuJc Stjiuiturc of
NKUr vonic.
Tor Infants and Chlldron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tlio
yonr belonged to tho United States
government nnd It tho policy of the
government to stand bohlnd tho In
dlauK in their deslro to prevent tholr
gravoyardH from being dosecratod
and that tho govorniuent will not
take charge of tho collection at totom
polo unions tho fiimlly of Indians
to which ll belonged Iiiih become ex
It will bo remembered that tho
government emtio near getting Into
Motiotiu trouble with the Alaskan In
dians on account of tho Seattlo par
ty that captured the totom polo that
now stiiuds In Pioneer square. Since
then tho government has not permit
ted nny one to remove thoe Indian
heir lonuiK from the graveyards.
Mr. Patton tells with animation
.ibmit tho commercial future of Alas
ka and tells la 11 very Interesting
manner ot tho teully wonderful
tilings n wido awake tourlat may sec
on a brief oxcuraiou to Alaska.
Stop That Coiigti.
When n cough, 1 tickling or nn
lnitatlon in tho throat mnkes you
fool uncomfortable tako Hallard's
Ilorohound Syrup. Don't wait until
tho dlseaso has gono boyond control.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, 35 1
Wont nth St., Salt I.ako City, Utah,
"Wo think Ilallnrd's Horehound
Syrup tho host mcdiclno ror coughs
and colds. We have used it for sev
eral years; it always gives Itnmc
dlto rollof, is very pleasant and gives
j perfect satisfaction." 2Gc, DOc, $1.
For salo by D. J. Fry, Salem, Or.
m (V tvV
1 r ii
txAcr cotvor vhappcb,
L---- ---
For Over
Thirty Years
tvKuiimwNM .! em.
Tennters Will llNcu-s Strike
ChlCHKO, 111., Aug. 6. Tho annunl
ion vent Ion of the International
lliutuetiiood ot Ti'u outers opened
lien tolay with h largo attendance,
repraiutlHK evory stato In the
I'nlon. Th convention promUos to
be ot uuiwiiftl huportauee. Tho to-
eut ul tnitutera mrlke In this city
will he thorouithly illsciissi'd In nil
ita pUkwm nml bearing. It In also
eKetcil that a proposition will be
dlMitaiwl to diaeoittlnue further con-
volition ami oxmduct all matters ot
bualttoaa rlwtIvo to tko bodlos of
uwlona throughout tho country by
r'frtiudiim vote. Many urgunlxu
tlons have aceomplUhed thla sahoine
and It haa many fritmli la thu rtuika
of ta tenuuHvra. Tha alwytlou of
rvnvpHthtnt wouW lean It tn a groat
avuiK ot money.
Walter l.jon'.s Opinion.
TUa mrt. In tho hop markot have
at laat takwi nikt. As hop harvest
advancea It lieaome known Hag
laud rauaU draw oa Ck. many ns uau
al Furthermore it u bevooilng np-
parvut Hie Orogou erj will not he
.i litry aa haa Uvea trtl1ctd. Tho
uiarket arcurdlagly aoara. The 15-
rrtlit Ukiti.1? Lad liik.v ..-..- . . .
!-... . o. nm mil IHWIHI, KHU UUt
I few are leUlng go aay loumr. B. m.
jYuuag purrhaaed 10 bale from
(Ualiih WtlUawu t Weluea4lH.v
,SXlen aud UW has lw.n nff.wl
Wonted. Cows to pasture. I have
good pasture, with cool, running
wnter nnd plenty of shade. Will
keep your cows for their milk,
while you aro gono vacation. S.
A. Sutton, It. F. D. No. 4. 8-3-3t
Wanted Turkeys, geese, ducks, chickens-
and all farm produce. Highest
culi prico paid for same. Capital
Commission Company. 207 Conuner-
w 1
cial street. Telopliono 179.
Wanted. -150 hop pickers to rogistor;
picking begins about tho 2GHi of
August; good yard; good camping
ground; mall every day; situated ad
joining Eola. Call at Hop Lee
laundry, Commercial street. C-291m
Hop Pickers Wantea. Old and now
pickers registered now for this fall's
picking. Parties living In tlio city
transferred; to and from yards frco
of charge. Camp sheds and wood
provided. Frank W. Durbin, Bayno
building, Salem. 7-21-tf
Dr. W. Ii. Mcrcer.--GraU)J
villo, Mo., under fn
pathy.- Rooms 25-20
Commercial St. 'l'hont
.uonco 413 North Sui1
Phono G14. Treats acute
diseases. Examination, I
Musical Studio. Frank I
Musical Studio, Assoc'
Western Conservatory. (
representing Inter Stato
Salem, Oregon. u ttfo
room 3. Studio hog, 9
to C.
Dr. E. J. Young.-Veterin
. .and dontist, 33 years'
All work guaranteed. D
gical operations a epeci
581. Offico at Club Sta
7, Salem, Oregon.
Frank M. Brown. Manuf
sash, doors, mouldings. ,
houso finish and hard
Front street, bet. State'
Wanted. A boy to run olovator.
Willamette Hotel. 7-30-Gt
Fishing Kxcuihlon to tlio Santiain
and Hieltenbnsli Itivors Hound
Trip $'..'.00.
For tho bonotlt of thoso who desire
to spend a Sunday In tho mountains,
fishing in tho famous Santiain and
Hreltonbush rlvors, tlio Southern
Pacific Iiub mado arrangements to
sell tickets, Salem to Detroit at tho
low rate or $2.00 for tho round trip,
which win bo good gblng on train
V I I , n. ...... . . -..
.!. 10, mivtiiK Buiam at u:aa p. ni.
Snttttday, August 11th, aud on spo
clal train on the C. & K. to Uolrolt,
which leavoa Albnny nt 7:30, Imme
diately artor the arrival ot No. 13 ln
Aiunny, ami ror rotum on special
truln leavltiK Detroit early Monday
morning, August 13th, and arriving
In Albany in time to connect with the
Koaeburg local for Salem, which
leaves Albany at 7; 30 a. m.
ThU U a goldon opportunity for
thoae who deslro a day In the nioun
tHlua catching th0 speckled beautlos,
which abound In tho Santlam and
llrolteuhuah rlvera. Stop ovor will
he allowed at any point oast of Mill
City dMihMi. Hemember tho date,
Saturday, August 11, 1900.
Say Havo you tried tho now steam
laundry? Phono 2G1, and tho
driver will call for your clothes.
Hotel Scott Nowly furnishod, every
thing clean nnd first class. Rooms
at rensonablo prices. In Cottle
block, Salem. A. Scott, rpop. 7-0-tf
Home Mado Ico Cream. Puro stuff,
sold at 90c per gallon, or 2Co per
quart. Tho best In town. Call at
Home Ilakery, In Y. M. C. A. build
ing. F. Drowning, proprietor.
"Tlio Avenue" Creams, ices, con
fections. Tlio abovo placo, located
at tho corner of Seventeenth nnd
Asylum avenue, will opon ita doors
Saturday evening, August 4th.
You aro cordially Invited. 8-3-3t
For Infants aud Children.
Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought
'llhout tajier. Kthueji
.oftVred on kmrt Uw options.
1 nt,.. I.vi.l .1..i.k 1
, ,.n.. ! IIM USll tlltlg tO
souiiv an option at 20 cents. .t
'Sid' Kut rprl80.
mm?XlS!Jya tNOUsw
U being ' 4fT"trtluJ1""
iL.u ...I IT1 Wll...Jl-. TsVan. ..l... .
I iy.
I.St I
. m.
Salem lion Woiks. Founders, ma
chinists and blacksmiths, Manu
facturers of all kinds of sawmill
machinery. Hop' and fruit drying
stovos, otc. Manufacturers ot tho
Saltm Iron Works Hop Press.
11-29-1 m
The Salem Steam Dyeing ami Clean
..Ing Woiks, is tho placo to get
your clothes renovated. From a
pair gloves to tho most olaborato
htlk gown. All goods paid for K
injured. Phono 1245. 221 Com
mercial street. Mrs. C. II. Wal
ker, Prop.
Cider, Champagno Cider. Genuine
Champagne and vinegar. Wines
from grapos and small fruits. Al
cohol from coroals, vegetables,
Plants nnd fruits of woods, and
aiuaiuo recipes. Sond $1.00 for
hook, which gives practical In
structions how to mnko them. Ad
dress Loo Zabol. P. O. box G04,
Portland, Or. 7-lG-lm
Wanted Hopplckei Register now
fn li-k TInl...... .
.". ...v ..mini's yam, 220 acres,
wireo weoks' picking, fino enmtv
ing ground, good accommodations,
abundance of fine wator, wood,
"i. v hi pick by measure and pay
uH prices. Address T. Ax
Llvesloy & Co., Salem, Or., 7-5-tt
Foresters of America Cou
Foresters, No. 19. Meets
Hurst hall, Stato street'.
O. It.; A. L. Brown, P. 8
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of
Hall in Holman block, c
and Liberty streets. Tnes
wcok at 7:30 p. m. J. 0.
C; W. I. Staley, K. of 1L
Modern Woodmen of Am
gon Cedar Camp No. i'.
ovory Thursday evening
in Holman hall. W. W,
F. A. Turner, Clerk.
Woodmen of World. Mert
day night at 7:30, In Ii
A. J. Bascy. C. 0. P.
THE RED raolilM,
Snap. For sale, 400 an
land, two miles from :
tien: 275 in cultivation,
omm ffjod honso and b
etc. Only $S000, if
Swegle iSmltli, 402
Fhono 459,
M. J. Potzcl Plum!)"
gas fitting. Surccror
Murphy, 220 Com""
'Phono Main 17.
A T, Frazer StieccHot w
& Frazcr, plumber am lt
:-.. n,.1nn nnd P1-
irr. aiu att. 'VIM
JV UUU -- -
siN,'Ni&T asKS
11. O. Ciiiiuulns ulv
Cummins, express. J
.,nnofnr line. Pr001"
n,. motto. Furnltrt
..,,. 1. .. n snecialty
stii commercial sttj
175. RcBldcnce pWJt
Salem Box
.rAonV 5 " H.
-rrzzrnrfk C
SAUsm "T55tj
iXiV. .;
water w
..: zm
ri. .11 .ninpw"
Bills payable