Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 04, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Destructive Fire at Milan, Italy, Con-
Aumn! .Many Works.
Milan, Italy, Aug. i. Fire which
broke out here yesterday morning In
the international exposition did ex
tensive damage. The sections devot-
wi n lii rtn..ifalti art nt Ttalv nnrt
Ten Year Old Boy TaCkled and Hungary were destroyed, as also was
the exhibitions of Italian and Hun
garian architecture. The damage Is
Held Bank Robber
Port au France, Martinique, Aug.
estimated at $800,000.
The Ore was discovered at
Cleveland, Aug. I. The Banka
jinua, uie ug uuuiiins msiiiuuuu ui - --
Cleveland, I ociock in tno morning in mo Hun
garian section and spread rapiuiy to
tho Italian residents or
was cnteicd at noon today by an un
known man, who took $200 In bill
from tho teller's counter and rapidly
left the building. The president and
two craplpyes gnro chase.
Little Sebastian Llotla, a 10-yenr-
old boy, who wax playing near the
bank, heard his father lire a revolver
nt tho fugitive, and surmised that a
robbery had taken place, and tackled
tho fleeing man around the legs nf-
ter the manner of a football player,
and held him until the crowd gath
ered. Tho monoy was recovered, the rob
ber arrested and locked up.
The people nro making a hero of
llttlo Sebastian.
the art sections, situated In an ad-
Jolnlnc nark. Fo. a time the British,
Swiss, Japnnese and Netherlands sec
tions were threatened, but by ener-
John II. Long Stirs Up the Descend-
nnt9 of the .Mayflower
Plymouth, Mass., Aug. 4. John
D. Long, former secretary of the
navy, stirred up a lot of excitement
lir(i. nt thn tprrnntpnnrv nf thn First . r. ..., oortVinitnlroa no
..., . . -j, ruui siiuub cuiwiuh",w vw
church of Plymouth, by his address etirred in the island Thursday night.
It is feared tnat nnotner erujuiuu ui
fmint Pelee is Imminent, but as yet
the volcano shows no signs of break
ing out. The residents of the city
nre much frightened, and are pre
narlne to flee If the quakes continue
Earthquakes similar to mese pre-
ceeded the great eruption that de
stroyed St. Pierre.
on the Pilgrim Fathers
"The saints In Plymouth colony
can be counted on the fingers," he
said. "Some of the very select were
false to their trust and used their
posltons to feather their own nests
falser to the trust than any presi
dent of a modern Insurance com
pany. Within the first decade social
gotlc work the llromen succeeded Jn vices infe3ted the community; drunk-
uvn, uiiitciiug, Biuiiuer illlU liceu-
tloiisnoss and even crimes against
nature were common. All this took
place In a community of very limited
numbers. No New England vlllace
the early Plymouth colony.
ArcldeurnTiy Shot.
Stockton, Cal., Aug. 4. Aswald
Hess shot himself In tho head this
morning at Angel's Iron Works and
died Instantly. Ho had Intended
starting on a hunting trip and was
probably examining his pistol, when
It was accidentally discharged.
saving them. The Jewelry and flue
arts sections also were threatened
but a large force of carbineers car
ried tho pictures, many of thorn of
a 1 - mi 4 tilrt.1rwH irnllia frr llm ffol-
lery of flno arts into the corrlors of ot today need fear comparison with
,(., i,..,i ,i,.. . ,nnn A I the earl V PI vmrili I h rnlnnv "
OCUUU1I9 UVJU1I14 WIV .11 V &U.IV. rf b
noon the Arc was under control.
Somo of the cstlmatos place the
loss as high as $12,400,000, which
possibly is excosslvc. The origin of
tho fire Is nttribued to an electric
short current. Tho authorities re
ject tho theory that the conflagration
was of Incendiary origin.
- o-
Montana Strike Over.
Duttc, Mont., Aug. 4. Tho strike
In tho meltcr nt Great Falls, Involv
Ibr the miners at Ilutte, has been
declared off, and all tho mon have
returned to work. Tho caso of the
flvo men who caused tho strike will
bo Investigated.
The Cliorti"
"Stand in
Girl Will Go on the
lltiHltiindN Drfcnse.
KKKlcijtoii Futility Reunion.
Pcnn Xm, X. Y., Aug. 4. -Tho
annual reunion of tho Egglcston
famljy It being hold today at Electric
park on tho went sldo of Kuuka lake.
Tho nttendanco Is larger than In
any previous year.
Now York, Aug. I. It Is reported
that Wllllnm Hand has !nn ininirpil
to nppoar In court In the defense of 'cot
Gas Plant at Eugene.
Eugene, Aug. -1. Actual construc
tion of the gas plant being edected
here by the Willamette Valley Com-
pnny began this morning. Henry
Schremsor, an expert sent out by the
company furnishing the tank, will
have charge of the erection of the
big 44,000 foot tank which is to hold
tho gas. The concrete foundation I
was finished a couple of weeks aco.
and Is In readiness for the holder.
Tho outside tnnk. which will hold
the wator, will be 4 1 feet in diameter
and the inverted tank for ens jo
Harry Thaw. Whon asked about this
Hartrldgo only said: "Thaw will be
ably defended when tho caso is
It Is lclleod that Evelyn has de
cided to go on tho witness stand In
tho dofenso of her husband.
Hue for Might of Way.
The Oregon Electric Railway Com
Pny against Horace and Almnandn
Hempstead Is tAo title of a suit filed
In tho Marlon county circuit court
Tho Oregon Kloctrlc Railway Is n cor
poration organized to build n rail
way lino between Portland Rose-
uurg, which litis buno unablo to
llnrlmilmiH Preparing for Holy War
Against Franco.
Tangier, Aug. 4. Tho Bcml-lnde-pendent
vnssals have perfected an
organization, nud nro clamoring for
n holy war against tho French. Thoy
urgo Prince Abdul Halld, tho viceroy
of Algiers, to proclnlm htmsolf sul
Harked by 1 1 111.
Minneapolis, Aug. 4. Tho Jour
nal says tho throe-cornorod wnr
among the Hnrrlman, Hill's and Mil
waukee rnllwnv Intm-neta in t.n
agrti ewlth tho defendants uiion n XorthwoRt l rmmi.in,. .,., ....,
a Just compensation for a right It dovoloped yesterday that Jamus J
of way through tho defendant's lands! Hill Is behind tho Dakota Midland
Ju Highland addition In this cltv. Tho rnllwnr. whirh u ni,n,, ,. i..j .i.
defendants were offered 500, which .Milwaukee's territory botweon Slour
im-y roiuiieu, Tlio plaintiff prays
for Judgmont against defendants
for asscvauiont of tho damages sus
tained by tho defendants, upon pay
ment of which assessment the plain
tIJf U to linvu tho right of way.
Fer Iafaati and Children.
Ti KW Ym Have Always Bought
vT s
Money to Loan
Over Ladd & Uunh's Hk, Salem, Or
Salem- Independence
Lnunch Coloma
Leave Sflleai at 3:00 p m.
Arrlva-Bt Iudpndue .83i p m.
Ia'avu Inilfpondonca ...,S,j p, B,,
Arrive at Salem 3;jj j ,M
llumwRwi and lltht tolBtit tw
iwrt.il prowmiy a Rt te. mm
Boat lJKt to taartur ur Su4wW
tMtm talllHt lurs.
' U, a h MmV at rl.
tWt iwl W Mf t, M)Uf f4t
.,. ,.v.nv ,vBl ui, iitm IWH)U
io wiy. wBwivanU;to
tOfV vf MAtBtk p4G Ad k4
, g'tP dlWOBftt tt S? JSI- tBtff
b tUno cg,i for tl Ukie f
JsJy and AtguiU
Barr's Jewelry
Uty, Iowa, and Plorro, S. D. Tho
now road Is to run through part of
tho groat corn bolt of Iowa. In com
petition With tho MllwiinVnn II....
Ing fnllcd to got control of tho Mil
waukee In 1901. Mr. Hill has now
started to parallol tho system whorev
or posxlblo In retaliation for the Mil
waukuo's construction of an oxtenslon
to the Pacific coast.
J. P. Morgan and his InUrostB are
allied with Hill, and tho Harrlman
Interosts ar bullied to Im In nin.A
aiuanco with tho Milwaukee.
o .
Kiiglnwr K!llr.
Llvoruiore. Cl.. Aug. 4.Join
Olbb. the nclnN- of ajraetion m.
Klue, was InstaHtly klllwl this morn
lug. Ta euElu ran off th trecks
with three cars of ore, th whwls
pawing ovr th wiKlnr Th flra
luaa Junipi tnl escaped unhurt.
Hotel Arrivals
iho gas machinery construction
company has sent W. J. Huddle to
have charge of the erection of the
machinery for the manufacture of
the gas. Tho foundation for this
machinery has also had several
weeks In which to season.
About twenty men will- be em
ployed, mostly from Eugene. It
wui oe necessary to send awav for
a few machinists and boiler makers,
but the bulk of the work will be
done by Eugene workmen.
Hills of lumber required for tht
scaffolding were made out yesterday
and sent to tho mills.
Manager Charles Welch vestPr.lnv
uuurnoon stated he would let the
contract today for the grading of
tho new woll which the company is
to dig on the north side of tho rivnr
opposite tho pumping station.
This woll will bo 40xi on taat i
dimensions, nnd dug down through
to Bolld gravol. The walls nil nrmm.i
will be of solid concrete, and the
wholo woll will be covered over.
Construction will be pushed as fast
as possible.
Sulftwuter 15111 Again Sues for a
Seattle, Aus. 4. Tired of being
sued for divorce and pursued by
sheriffs attempting to collect ali
mony, W. B. Gates, better known as
Swift Water Bill," one of the most
eccentric characters the Klondike
gave the world, brought suit in the
superior court to obtain a divorce
from Kitty Bardon, his fourth living
Gates charges his most recent wife
with adultery and the woman who is
lying on the sick bed in a local hos
pital has petitioned the court to im
mediately award her $3,000 for at
torney's fees and alimony.
Gates married the woman, whom
he is now suing for divorce, In Sac
ramento, California, less than two
years ago. He took her with him to
Alaska and she was with him dur
ing the last season when he took ?1,
000,000 out of his claims.
Gates' matrimonial troubles have
occupied the King county courts for
nearly two years.
Let Us Repair Yot Vhej
We gtiaantee satisfaction
We have pleased others.
We can please you.-
We are gaining new customers everv d. i...
ao rln hnnfcr rpliahfp wnrk. Due Mr, -t
lib uv ..v.. vw.. p.. w ww w- m. tiui niuin te .. . I
.... .. .- .t c i:.-t c. .,. ,. "H ,a "P-W
I aaie anu uur nut ui unyue ouppues is complete.
Brine in your wheel and let us clean anri ..t
order; it will run eaiser and last you longer and hai J
a oetcer appearance.
If you need a new wheel come to us. Wp ha,,-.
hper ivhopl marlp anrl !r will rncl um ln i.
,,.,.. ,,..,... . .w ..... ,. tm C03 Uian m,
other makes.
Best Work at Honest Prices
Ohl Salem Cliauraiupm Opens.
Petersburg, III., Aug. 4. Tho'an
nual Chautauqua of tho Old Salem
assembly oponod here today with n
large attondanco nnd a highly Inter
esting program. According to the
program Mayor Edward F. Dunno of
Chicago will deliver an address on
"Municipal Ownership of Public
Utilities" noxt Saturdnv. whn u-'n
Ham Randolph Honrst will speak on
onucni Independence" on August
1 1.
Mexican Troops Fliilit Two Iinvs
With Indians anil Disnerso
Hand of Savages.
Tucson, Ariz., Aug. 4. A dispatch
to the Dally Mall from Guaymas
says: Lieutenant Colonel Jose Co
rona aixl 200 men have just returned
to Las Guaymas, the headquarters of
the Twentieth battnlion, Mexican
Xatlonal Guard, with 30 Yaqul oris-
oners, captured nfter a battle with
Indians In the Xovillos mountains,
wnicn lasted two days, nnd in which
more than 20 Yaquls were slain,
nnd six Mexican soldier met death,
among them a sergeant named
Boblos, a member of a nrnminon.
Sonora family.
The Yaquls have beon raiding
ranches and the roving bands hn.i
unltod Into a force numbering 100.
lhey had fortified a camp in the
mountains, where the .Mexicans ad
vanced against them. The rosult of
uie nrst day's fight was doubtful.
A Colle.'tion of Important Para
graphs for Your Consideration
Melons, cheap as the cheapest, at
Rngan's, Court street.
A crew is busy at work at the de
pot surfacing the Southern Pacific
tracks. About 40 men are employed
and tho tracks will be put in flrst
class condition.
The Silver Bell Circle, "Women of
Woodcraft, nre planning a picnic, to
be held on the lawn of the Miller
home in South Salem, which will
take place In the near future.
The popularity of "The Maples" Is
growing. During tho past week sev
en camps have Joined the summer
village within tho grounds. A fine
musical program will be given tomor
row evening, which will no doubt
bring out a large crowd.
Norwich Union Fire
ance Society.
Frank Meredith, Resident Apul
Office with Wm. Brown & Co., J
12 9 Commercial Street.
For Sale Cheap Several sood fa
also city aodi suburban property;!
Houses for rent. Capital XnioJ
iXlUK. T
For Sale. At a sacrifice, furnitnl
of an eight-room house. Hmil
for rent. Apply at 094 XorthCol
merclnl street. Phone 1086.
R. O. Cummins Successor toiwl
Cummins, express, deliver) i
transfer line. Prompt service j
our motto. Furniture and p!n
moving a specialty. Stand at IS
South Commercial street. Phoi
175. Residence phone 968. S-H
K. L. Carat. SpoVaaa.
M. 0tUMM, San PruBacu.
j. CUi. 8m Fraavttco.
F. n. KJftaU. Amtw.
w- f- Wat. PoitlMMt.
& MacBrld. rXtrtUbd.
J- ";. PwvtuM.
W. a. Jobuo, jrWua4.
frank ciMt.
C. B. Rhodi OtilM.
u I. U4. mou.
K wart. fMv rrawstoeo
W. ara. Un r"rncu0.
T. Nrw, PurtUo4.
Kr. Waatwortli, pnaad,
Mm K. Iwuti, a
M. UwtaK S l"rataa
J. l Rsfc. Lot Aj8W.
N. H. MarUu, Otuuge (inv
VW 0. IarU. AlUaa.
0. 11. Tr4ar, MlMoult. mhl
J" WtKlkM. Coo Ray.
John Ilaykc, Portland.
W. Q. Hr, Now Xot
J. Chapman, Roiebur.
VIII Watch Kfniuin Mtinoeitv.
Xaw York, Aug. 4. GeBoral Wll
Haw P. Duvall, commanding; g.rai
of tba deimitmout of the gulf. mM
today f0r Germany, to wltnw aHtl
report to th war dpartmnt In
Washington upon th ahuoal ma
Huuvroa of tho OarmaB armv. Whicn
will taka plc In Soptamintr.' Gaa
oral I)UVii will rmU abrod for
wrly two mouths h.i .! .,
Wward trom Aatwerp o &,W.
Uavmi d Gnral Iterr, wtih whom
will to aawwiM. win U .
8Wrd ia giut ( isw,vror w.
farther back
whither they wore nuranmi novt ,inJ
by Colonel Corona and two mm.
Xear Chiquelote, Saturday, the
Indians were comnlotoiv rm,.i
scattering In gront dlsordnr ,. ia,.'
Ing many dead and wounded behind.
As a result of the grass flro in
South Salem last evening, ninny oth
er residents are getting ready to cut
tneir grass, nnd thus avoid destrnv-
, ing property by fire. In nil the streets
and during the night the Indians ' 1)ropert' b' flre- In nil the streets
withdrew to Chlquelete. a nolnt I V"6 ls an abuiidnco of grass, so
In the inniinfnlno
Fifty Cents, on Dollar.
Hamburg. Aug. 4At an extra
ordinary niMtlng of the stockholders
of tho Haiiiburs-Dremnn Pir t...
anoo Conuwny It was announced that
the oompanj's loes, as the result of
the San Francisco disaster, are $4 -365.00O.
that reserves on hand
amounts to $2,000,000, and. there
fore. It would b M-e.. ..- -
" -" ,i iur lilt
stockholder, to pa 50 por cent on
tho onpital.
Ileum, Atrtv. n.,. i.
o JftMrlo. au. 4 it - .
tm... .... ' '' r
vr iwm4 tvlay to hold tho atxt
P-ABKvrtcaa totfnm at BvWaa
Ajrfa. in nolo
7rflf I
IT W '
CMAl.ii ..
-''iili--vfcaii .. ...
" -'. na tno result it 1.1..
ry puff of our TASI1MO C Q
Suiss (.l,.,n,te Xniloi.,,T.vers.i-
Mxeo City. Aug. .,.The ,,.
bors of the Swiss m.hv i .w.. ... .
- the tu aaah;s
YVS!? l,ai"uet tha TlvoM
dal KliaM thU evaln.
Additional Realty Transfers
Tht . iwiowitti real cuiu trawf.n
lle4 te4ay:
U.. Ftany. et al.. to 0. H.
V. ! arwa, I I r I
a n .. l.0
' - r a
dry that even n cigar stub would Ig
nite It, and many vnluablo residents
put In danger. Besides, tho grass
looks bad. and It would odd a gen
eral look of prosperity to the adjoin
ing property, If it were cut, as well
as beautify the city.
The fire alarm was sounded at 9
o'clock last evening, nnd tho depart
ment and sevoral hundred r-m
eni post haste to South Salem,
whore the crest' of tho hill i.vn,i
South Mill creek was enveloped in a
mass of lurid flames. It was soon as
cortalned that Frank M. Brown was
burning a lot of dry grass between
his lot and Leslie street. The wind
changed and tho flre soon got beyond
.- luiKroi, and for a few minutes
several houses were supposed to bo
In danger. It only required a few
minutes to extinguish the flre
Wanted. 23 for yours; SVIdJ
badge; America's craze sayiid
very neat and attractive: made i
gold and Gorman silver; can tl
worn on coat lnnels or scarf m
send for freo sample and agent!
outfit; fast seller nt resorts iJ
baseball games. Defiance Co., fl
West Broadway. X. Y. 8-4-lt'
mm ii i ni 1 1 ii minm
Brief Telegraphic
Dispatches From all
fans or ine worm
HI Ml I I I I HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 HH
Tho Duke of Rutland, the ol
duko In tlin nrltlnh neernce. died
London today.
Crown PrinpeRR Alberta, of B
glum, gave birth to a daughter
Wirm,N K,,,m All Over tho Valley
I iv in Attendance.
Tha Oroaor. linn n... . .
1?.,? i!MI,, a ""taB n't tho"
- . iaUf Hiteruoou to 'discuss
matt.ni 0 ,Ltor., . ,.
On of tho questions to come up for
TTu.,n t.n lyiIcfnn9.
Edgar F. Averlll, city editor of tt
Pendleton attorney, and G .E. Hunt
er, the sheepman, returned to -city
yestorday after a three-ufwb
camping trip In tho mountlns. WbD
In tho mountains they saw one be
whlnh thou wom minlilp to S?CUr
" H.M.. b... UVIU ..--
snvnrnl ifanr. nOil.li thpv did not B
la iiannnoa nt Mia lnw. nnd Ott'
i,i r !.. Miir horsf'
ato up their stock of provisions, the
necessitating a trip to L. Grande t'
roplonlsh tho snmo. Pendleton-"
KuutMoeratian is m,o, ,.i. .
- Vi llllUlf Iinirl Ttm UUtlL MtM ni!JHnSL ll,'l
Picking. Word comas th c . sectlnn nrw iminr. mnrkcfrd Is mos5-!
... Um yw, . ..w.. uv..UC3 M. ...
ii i. i. .... una '
Ilaletl Moss
About tho queerest rri"l
-ct of tt-
"'" ra" "ty ,5
Th.oluaw , TS -The
Colowa win . ' ,es
Manlaa ... q.-.. . " ' tha
-enlng. ThU ii TS ITl '!!
mat will carry :
" frowera at Wnniii... . it to i,i,i , vav. ai
fered 85 ., ::.r " " "" ol' '' ' " "" l"" "!"."" wn tt'
- -- Huwuruu, wuue thai0" u 'ou ot u copnui, -.
Vhlt fCsTdTOrtliiMl . .- , 'arrant Q,.Kt ..,! as 10 W'
tnt. t ." ""' ur "" ' "" ' ... t
- . ".wtupars win also dla- nn a bright green, i u""7 .
- HWLiiiii miniiiiH. . r-ii n rvn v. a ,t a. i n t iiu "
'"IS"' " r,o
flae large Unph
rr sr ....
--o .
OurXuw Photo Postals
Aro becoming popular, and the
Po ois roasonabli.. r-n ..
tha. . m. " "" ttU see
...-. in lU0 ,ex R. ,
stroeL "'"
Tluvshlntr Ctow n...i r..
co .,- ...i. hfl
against, nnd f ho is not giowInS
or blind. It might be ell to
tnA n.nf.M .1H L .nlA nfr tUD "
v uiuaa uvea QUI cuwv " .
nf .1 ,J .., o S0in9e
has Insinuated.
"" ! I I W"
Dr. White Has ItctumeA
And is again ready to can;
patioau Jh bUaew omce -
Breyman block. You will 6g j
many no doubt n u" , n8' and
,m: r:;. ""Larc.l,rca "Waned hama
nfa twwm-w . i. . .. .nail irWH
.a.i.uKion-8 market.
i . nre, tttiu ii fou uw" - n
. uu win do well to see niw-