DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1000. 'm FOOL WITH A FAD prvant Comes From the East to Tell What He Dont Kflow flf,ar Oraori, of tbo Iniporrinl tersit' at Tokio, after lengthy in. ieations of tho eartliquaKo results i iii. Aniiniv line, rntiinnrl ntiil toW- ;aUUl""B "'" " Ug his observations tor ins report Japaneso government, ino iec- i that Prof csso Omori was to have f .- 1ia unli-innf. nf Mir rnnnnf la on i DU"j. -. .. Ibquako in California will have to poned, as uo nas not yei inves flfd tbo entire field and does not( at liberty to speak on. tho subject until 1i)j lias examined all tbo cornea. Professor Omodi has been oting all his attention to tho ro of tho earthquake and says that j located the zono of greatest Ik. The earthquake was stirongest," ho "in a zone oxtending from Point i to Point Arona. Although there not mauy buildings in this zone, effect on tho lands and the build- that were affected, shows 1his to the center of tho soismic disturb- e. To determine this center is one Ihe most important points in the in- ligations, as no definite causo can assigned or deductions drawn, be- the center of tho shock has been timined. Henetu I hnvo bpen giv- all my timo to this object, and I fck I have succeeded in locating the of greatest shock. Tho buildings this zonu were totally demolished I the shock and great fissures were ised in tho earth. At ono place fcg the coast it was ovidiont that KSSSyW? Tbo Kind You Have Always Bought, nntl which has hcea In uso for over 30 years, has horno tho sijarnatnro of All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" nr hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho hea ... of infants aud Children Experience against Experi . ent. What is CASTORIA Castori.t is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops und Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms aud allays Fevorishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach aud Bowels, gii ing healthy and natural sleep. Tito Children's Panacea- tho Mother's Friend. a. OENU.NE CASTORIA ALWAYS Qi!L&ZMUcAm Tie KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 1W eCNTHUK OOUMNV. TT MUKIIAY TWCCT. NEW VOX CITY. L FRASER Cornice Work, Heating and Building Work of all Kinds; Estimates Made and Work Guaranteed Murphy Blk State St. alem, Oregon Phone 1511 President. theitf had been a great mountain slid and ono of tho hills near tho ocean slid into tho water. Causo of Shocks. "As to the causo of the carthquako which shook California, it is difficult to speak with any certainty. There is no doubt that it was caused by a slip somewhere in th strata of the earth beneath tho zone of disturbance. The movorajnt although groat to us, wag compa-ratively slight in proportion to tho sizo of tho earth, and is probably a Tcsult of the cooling of tho crust of tho earth. Thoro are generally as signed) two major causes for most of tho earthquakes. Ono is tho cooling of tho earth's crust and tho other is tho redistribution of mattor. By that I mean the sand nnd other soil that is carried down tho mountains by the rivdrs tbo movemont of tile sand in tho ocean, and tho soil and rock that is carrlet) along by glaciers. When a portion of tho earth's crust is in a stato of unstnblo equilibrium and any amount of this (redistribution of matter goes on, tho effect is likely to bo an over-balanco and tho strain becomes so great that somewhere down beneath tho surface of tho earth thoro is a slip in tho strata, and conditions become onco moro stable. This phenomenon is called an oarthquakjc, although tho whole etfrtk does not quako. The gen eral name for this form 13 'mountain making force.' Sorrio Secondary Causes. "Thero are secondary causes of earthquakes, which undoubtedly have a gjlrtat effect, as has been shown by cafoful observations. Chief among theso can be mentioned the weight of the tides. All the earthquakes wiCTe carefully tabulated for a number of years In Tokio, and it was found, that tbo greatest number occurred at that timo in tlfo lunar day, when tho tide was highest. Another cause is tho barometric pressure. It was also found that tho earthquakes occured at that timo in tho day wheu thW pressure of the atmosphere was tho greatest. Tho season of tho year has also some I ft and has heen made under his pcr- ftf ?- sonal supervision since its infancy. 'GbCCsuAt Allnwun nr to deceive von in this. Bears the Signature of PLUMBING TINNING AND ROOFING, OHAS, K. SPAULDINO, B. 0. MILES, Sec and Treas. Chas.. K. Spaulding Logging Co. Manufacturers of Son Pine, Ash and Maple Lumber unknown influence over tho earth quakes. Of tho ordinary earthquakes that do not causo any destruction there aro less in tiie summer and moro In the Spring, and of this destructive ones thopo are a greatrtr number in tho sum mcr. Theso observations apply to tho region about Tokio, and it is wlell to bear in mind that each region has its own laws, and tho observations taken nt Tokio would in no way apply to Califolnia. Tho eartfiquak hero was in the spring and'eomj's strongly um'er tho class of destructive earthquakes. "By the series of observations T have roterminud tho direction of the earthquake in this city. The shock proceeded in a general direction of northeast by nst. This can bo easily detemined by the way tho walls fell and the effect on statuary. There woro a number of secondary tremora, which moved in many directions, but the course of tho great shock was In n northeasterly direction." Sign of Safety. In discussing tho smaller earth quakes which have been making them selves felt since- tho big one, Profes sor Omori said' that they were a sign of safety from any inofro big ones. "Tho smafler oses," ho said, "aw tho after-tremors of tho big one, and must bo tKpected. As long as wo havo them tho pressure is relieved gradual ly and thero is no longer a dangor of a great shock. It is when wo do not havo the smnll one's that wo had bet ter look out for the big ones. Every oarthquako of any size is always fol lowed by tho succession of smaller shocks, and in those districts that havo not experikneed an earthquake far some yeats and a big one, is ap proaching, it is often preceded by u series of light shocks, by means of which it is often possible to predict the occurraico of tho larger one. "It i9 safe to say that San Fran cisco -will not be troubled by another earthqunke for .a number of years pos sibly not during tho life of tho pres ent generation. Tho earth has settlod in this locntion and hns slipped into a stato of stable equilibrium, and it will tako years of action on tho part of the mountain-ranking forco to so distribute tho matter that another' ejUit shock will bo necessary to readjust matters. Thero is no certainty in predicting, and it 'Is possible that thero may not be another disturbance in this zone for n much longer period." Goes to Bodoga Head. Professor Omori will lenvo in a. few days for a trip in tho vicinity of Bo dega Head, and will examine all that portion of tho territory carefully. After he has finished ho will tabulate his statistics, which will fill a. number of noto books, and the lecturo ho will deliver beforo ho ikparts for Japan will be based mainly upon his obscrvn tlons in California. Piofessor Omori expressed his sur- prise in tho way San l'lancisco has progressed during the timp ho has been away. Although only absent seventeen days ho said ho would hardly know tho place. It is with a smilo that ho reconntel the attack madf upon him by some of the striking sailors whilo ho wns in Eureka. They were evidently under trie Iintf ession that he wns ono of the Japanese sailors engaged to help break tho strike. Coming up to him in a threatening manner, thoy nsked him a question which he was unable to under stand, but, being nnxious to please, he answenul in tho ntlirmative and receiv ed) a heavy blow on tho side of tho face which knocked him to tho enrth. "It was not serious," said Omori, meditatively fingering a largo swelling 6n his clwk. Professor Omori will lenvo for Japan about August 4th. San Francisco Chronicle. Dnu Turpley nnd IJrltlo Will Not Go to Hea. Portland, Aug. 1. Dan W. Tarn- ley and hla brldo did not charter a tug and and put out to sea In order to have a second marriage per formed, nor is It likely that they will do so, In viow of the fact that such marriages are declared by well- posted lawyers to bo legal. The young couple aro enjoying their honeymoon at the cottage on Gllsan street, anil havo about con cluded that Idaho la tho nearest point where the union of first cousins Is legitimate. "I am glad we don't nave to go io sea." said Mrs. Tarpley, In discussing the matter yesterday, "as we might get drowned, become seasick or some think enually dreadful happen. We won't be in any hurry about It until we find out definitely what to do. Mr. Tamley was not at homo and could not be Interviewed, but It is understood that ho coincides wltn his wife's vIowb in tho matter or waiting until sure of thto way next time. Burit&a i lM WJB '" "" ""'- Ws2 Bad Stomach Makes Bad Blood. You can not mnko swcot butter in a foul, unclean churn. The stomach serves as a churn in which to agitate, work up and disintegrate our food us It Is being digested. If It bo weak, sluggish and foul tho result will bo torpid, sluggish liver and bad. Impure blood. Tho Ingredients of Dr. Piereo's Golden Medical DI-.covcry aro Just such as best servo to correct and euro al such do rangonient. It l made up without a drop of alcohol in Its composition; chem ically pure, trlnlo-rollned glycerine being used Instead of tho commonly employed alcohol. Now this glycorlno is of Itself a valuublo miNilcliio, Instead of a deleteri ous ngent like alcohol, especially In tho euro of weak stomach, dyspepsia and the various forms of Indigestion. Prof. Flnlov Elllngwood, M. D.. of Honnott Modlcal Collego, Chicago, says of It: ""In dyspctxla It sorres an excellent pur txjsn. it Is one of tho best manufact ured products of tho pretent tlino In Its action upon cnfooblod, disordered stomachs; cspoeially If thoro Is ulceration or catarrhal r&stritlstcatarrhal Inflammation of stomach). It la a most eftlclfnt prrparatton. Olycttrlno will rvllovo many cases of pyronis (heartburn) and nxeusslro irastrlc aclilftj-. It is useful In chronic Intestinal drHpepnla. osrxvMally tho flatulent variety, and in certain forms of chronic constipation, stimulating the secre tory and excretory functions of the Intestinal glands." When combined, iniust tho right propor tions, with Golden Seal root, htono root, Black Cherrybark, Queen's root, lliood root and M.uidrako root, or tho extracts of theso, as In 1):. Plorco's Golden Medical Discovery, thero cftn be no doubt of its treat eftlcacy In tho euro of all stomach, liver aud Intestinal disorders nnd derango ments. Theso several ingredients hnvo the strongest endorsement In all such cases of such eminent medical leaders as Prof. It. Bartholow. M. D.. of Jefferson Mod lcal College, Chicago; Prof. Hobart A. Hare, M. D., of Medical Department, University of Pa.; Prof. Laurence Johnson. M. I)., Modlcal Department. Unlvorslty of Now York; Prof. Edwin 61. Ualc. M. D.. Ilahnomann Medical ColleeaChlemro; Prof. John M. Scuddor, M. D. and Prof. John Klnc. M. V . Authors of tho American Dispensatory, and scores of othors among the leading modlcal men of our land. Who can doubt the curative virtues of a medicine tho Ingredients of which have such a profesilonnl endorsement? Constipation cured ty Doctor PtercVa Pleasant Pallets. Ons or two a dose. State News A development league has - been formed at North Powder. S. Pogstnd, of Portland, is build ing a three-story hotel In North Bend. Mrs. Geo. W. Parker, ono of tho pioneer women of Baker county, died at her homo in Baker City Saturday. An Eastern man Is trying to pur chase land at North Bend, to start a distillery to manufacture dena tured alcohol. Tho Turner bnseball team defeat ed tho Jefferson team on tho lntter's ground Sunday by a score of G to 2. Thero was a purse of $100. The North Bend Powder Company has commenced work on Its new electric light plant nt Porter, a fow miles below North Bend. A 450 horso power engine, furnishing a capacity of D000 lights, will bo In stalled. Lee Martin, of Dllley, aged 72 years, met with a serious accident Saturday whilo riding on a wagon In some manner his leg wns forced against the end of n piling, nnd broken In three places. Owing to his age, recovery Is doubtful. 0 " Stop That Cough. When n cough, a tickling or an Irritation In tho throat makes you feel uncomfortablo take Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Don't wait until tho disease has gone beyond control. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, 354 West Cth St., Salt Lake City, Utah, write; "We think Ballard's Horehound Syrup tho best medicine for coughs and colds. Wo havo used It for sev eral years: It always gives lmme- dlto relief, is very pleasant nnd gives perfect satisfaction." 2Cc, COc, ?1. For sale by D. J. Fry, Salem, Or. o lU-llevi's Outlaw Wns Her Husband. Oregon City, July 31. Chief of Police Burns has received a lottor from C. E. Crlder, written for Mrs. Frank Smith, of Chandler, Okla., In which tho author expresses tho bo lief that tho Oregon desperado, who was killed at Now Era, was tho hus band of tho Oklahoma woman. Both Crlder and Mrs. Smith claim that tho description of tho outlaw tallied closely with that of tho Smithtwo man's husband, who has been absent from his homo for some time, and was last heard from In Oregon. Crld er enclosed a stamp picture of thr Oklahoma Smith. Tho resemblance to tho dead outlaw Is not considered sufficiently strong to positively IdontI fy him as the murderer of Pollco Ol flcor George Hanlon, Sheriff J. It. Shaver and Captain O. D. Hender son. Rheumatism. When nnins or irritation exist on any part of tho body, tho applica tion of Ballard's Snow Liniment gives prompt relief. E. W. Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan House, El Ileno, o. T., writes, Juno 6, 1902: " I tako pleasure in recommending Ballard s Snow Liniment to all who aro afflic ted with rheumatism. It is the only remedy I have found that gives im mediate relief." 25c, 50c, and f 1.00. For sale by D, J. Fry, Salem, Or, CLASSIFIED :-: FOB SAXE. For SaVs. A good abock ranch, good houso, bairn aaVl outbuildings, plenty of good well and! spring water, good orchard; situated at tho north end of IIowoll Praixlo. Attdtma G. Ia BInton, Gervais, Routo 1. 7-11-lm For Sale 115 . acros, 7 miles east of Salem; 40 acres in cultivation; run ning water; good house, barn, out buildings and orchard. Farming im plements and1 stock go with promises. A bargain. Call on or address M. P. Mortenson, E. F. D. No. 0. 6-21-dw-tf FOB RENT. For Bent. Furnished and unfurnished rooms at 790 North Commercial street. M. A. Dico, prop. 5-1-tf WANTED. Wanted. A few bright boys to do canvassing for dcslrublo articles. For particulars call at Journal of fice. 7-27-tf WANTED Soveral actlvo young mon nnd women to do canvassing for popular proposition. Call at Journal office. 7-30-3t Wonted. Ono or two building lots at Newport or Nye Creok. Ad dress C. Marsh, 461 South High street, Salem, Oregon. 7-31-3t Wanted Turkeys, goeso, ducks, chick ens and all farm produco. IHghoat cash price paid for same. Capital Commission Company, 207 Commer cial streot. Telephono 170. Wanted. ICO hop pickers to registor; picking begins about the 25th of August; good yard; good camping ground; mail ovory day; situated ad joining Eoln. Call at Hop Lee laundry,. Commercial street. 0-2Dlm Hop Pickers Wanted. Old and now pickers registered now for this fall's picking. Parties living in tho city transferred) to and from yards frco of charge. Camp sheds and wood provided. Frank W. Durbin, Bayno building, Salem. 7-21-tf WANTED MALE HELP. Wanted. A boy to run olovator. Wlllametto Hotel. 7-30-Ct MISCELLANEOUS. Say Havo you tried tho now steam laundry? Phono 2C1, nnd tho driver will call for your clothes. 7-30-tf, Hotol Scott Newly furnishod, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at xoasonablo prices. In Cottlo block, Salem. A. Scott, rfop. 7-0-tf Home Made Ice Cream. Puro stuff, sold at 00c iter gallon, or 25c por quart. Tho best In town. Call at Home Bakery, In Y. M. C. A. build ing. F. Browning, proprietor. 7-28-lm Salem Lron Works Founders, machin ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Press. 11-20-lm Tho Salem Stoam Dyolng and Clean ing Works Is tho placo to get your clothes renovated. From a pair of gloves to tho most elaborate silk gown. All goods paid tor If in jured. Phono 1245. 221 Commercial street. Mrs. C. II. Walker, prop. Cider, Champagno Cider Genuine 1 "lit n m nn ran st n n A llttlAr.1111. tTlniQ Irnill grapi8 and small fruits. Alcohol from cereals, vegetables, plants, fruits and woods, nnd valuable ro colpes. Soud $1.00 tot book, which give practical instructions bow to mako them. Address Leo Zabol, P. O, box 004, Poitlanli, Or, 710.1m Wanted Hopplckers Register now for tho HoltncH yard, 220 acwi, threo weeks' picking, flao camping ground, good accommodation's, abundance of flno wator, wood, etc. Will pick by mcamrrtt any pay ruling prices. Ad klioss T. A, Livrteioy & Co., Salem, Ogon. 7-5-tf FRUIT TRAYS AND BOXES Salem Box Factory MASON tc SNYDER. puone 308- WATER COMPANY. OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at ofrlet Bills payable monthly la advaae Make all complaints at the office. PHYSICIAN AND STJBOEON. Frank E. Slater, M. D. Physician and sutfgoon. Ofllco over Fry's drug store. Hours 10:30 a. m. to 4 p. ro, Ofllco phono Main 1237. Residence, North Capital street, phono 617. Di oascs of children a specialty. 7-23-3m OSTEOPATHS. Dr. B. H. Whito. Graduato of Kirks- ville, Mo., under founder of oste pathy. Room 21 Breyman bldg., Commercial stroot. Phono 87. Resi dence 500 Stato, cor. Church. Phone 1110. Urcata.acuto and chronic dis eases. Examinations frco. Dr. Vf. Ik Meroer. Graduate of Kirko- villo, Mo., under foundor ef: osteo pathy. Rooms 25-20 Broyman bldg., Commercial St. Phono 9j). Rosi donco 410 North Summor street. Phono 014. Treats acute and chronio diseases. Examination frco. MUSIC STUDIOS. Musical Studio. Frank E. Churchill, Musical Studio, Associate teacher Western Conservatory, Chicago, HI., roprosenting Intor-Stato System at Salem, Oregon. In the Gray block, room 3. Studio hours, 0 to 12 and 2 to 5. 8-10-tf VBTERINABY BTJBOEON. Dr, E. J". Young. Veterinary Surgeon ..and dentist, 33 years' oxporience, All work guarantood. Difficult sur gical operations a specialty. Phona 581. Ofllco at Club Stables. Phona 7, Salem, Oregon. 3-0-tf SASH AND DOOB FACTORIES. Frank M. Brown, Manufacturer of sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houso finish and hard wood work. Front street, bet. Stato and Court, LODGES. Foresters of America Count Sherwood Foresters, No. 10; Moots Tuesday in Hurst hall, Stato streot. U. S. Rider, C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Ceutral Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall in Holman block, cornor State and Liberty stroots. Tuosdny of each week at 7:30 p. in. J. G-. Gfohain, C. 0.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and S. Modorn Woodmen of America. Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Moots ovory Thursday ovoning at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. nil!, V. O; F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmon of World. Meot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman ball. A. J. Basoy, C. C. P. L. Frazter, Clerk. LIVERY AND SALE 8TABLE3. 73 IS TID? PHONE NUMBER OF THE RED FRONT STABLES. AI. L. HARROD, PROPRIETOR, 271 CHEMEKETA STREET. REAL ESTATE. A Snap. For salo, 400 acros of good land, two milos from railroad sta tion; 275 in cultivation, 175 acres in crop; good houso and barn; orchard, otc. Only $8000, if sold nt onco. Swegle ASmith, 402 Stato street. Phono 450. LOST. FOUND A packago containing v-w child's clothes. Ownor call at Journal ofllco and pay for this ad. 7-30-3t. PLUMBERS. M J. Petzel Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox & Murphy, 220 Commercial street. 'Phono Main 17. A. L. Frozer Successor to Burroughs & Frazor, plumhor and tlnnar. Manu facturer of coppffft and galvanized iron cornice, and metal skylights, 105 Stato street. 'Phono 1011. CHEAP EXCURSION RATEJAST FOR BUMMER SEASON Tho Southern Pacific Company will sell special round-trip tickets to east era points on Juno 4, 0, 7, 23, 25, Julr 2 and 3, August 7, 8, 0, Sept, 8, 10, 1000, to Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, St, Paul, Omaha, Sioux City, St. Joa, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Denver, Colorado Springs aud Pueblo, Colo. Good going tea days and return ing ninety days from sale date; but not boj-ond October 31, 1000, For p ticulari eall oa agents. A. L. Craig1, General Passenger Ageat, Portland, t' , . .mWOZ-LZZ. wtl Blgufen ef HnKlft4YMKwAIW)fBa3H 11 SAIEM,. QREGON.