'- h "WTOy DAILY CAPITAL-JOURNAL ar norDK BR08 raWWhwii nd Proprietor. BUBBOttlPTIOK BATES. By MalL Dally Journal, ono month.. 35e Dally Journal, threo' months ..,.41.00 JJally Journal, ouo yoar .W Weekly Journal, ouo year 1.00 By Onrricr. Dally Journal, por minth G0e CAUSE OF CAR SHORTAGE Many people hnvc wondered to see a long string of cars loaded with lumber standing on (ho sido track!) nt this place and being added to from lay to day ami novcr diminished. Tho cars dpposlto tho Trlbuno ofllco Iinvo been In otlo placo for nlniont two weeks. Tbo cnuio of tho fuiluro to movo this ranut of building nmtc'lnl to its dnstl nation, Ban Fraiicbco, is revealed In tho following dispatch from that city.' "UnlH further notico tho Southern Pacific will refuse lumber shipments jfAr Baa IVaneUco and Oakland because of tho congestion of trulllo nt tho Bay City, where It I said 500O cni nre piled up awaiting unloading. Contdg- iuc8 urn unnblo to provide places for the- storage of tho contents of those cars and tho rnllroad Is fore ml to stop the receipt of cum fur the south. The congoitluu In California has hclpo'l In tho creation of n cur shortage In this statu that ha canned complaint among shipper of nil classs, -pnrtlculnrlv thoso intonated in Urn lumber lni.il nets. Largo uumbers of loaded can tvh o sent to Han Francisco, and nt they wer hold, with Iholr loads, the iiupply hi'io wan cut short," No doflnlto tlmo for tho raising of the liloekuiiu r, lumber shipments to California is announced. ' JJaeball. It took six lively innings for the Hunker to defeat thn Mo.vliauts lit an exciting gum ii of baseball played on the Vnlvmlty grounds yesterday nf ternoou, Thn Dual scoru was 5 to 4, nnd tho oontllot vraa one of the liercost in tho niinula of the Capital Uity Ama- Utir League. Ferbes: pltelied for tho Hiiukiiu, mil Perkins was behind the bat. Tho Mer chant were rrpreseuted bv V. llolinuii nil catcher ami T. Iloluiau delivered the sphere. The llunkAu worwl two runs in tho ilrst luulng, mice In the eeuud, unee In Hm third and nno in the sixth The MorisbanU brought in tli.dr tlle thui hreo lu lh Ilrst inning and one In tho third, and tumi tu tl ewojls vppd. A goodly emwd gathered to wltuen tho battle, and (he (wture plays of the gaiua wuro hesrUl) received. The root , at timw, beeaum frautte, aud nil pmejit enjoyed the e.ae.t tuniien.lv Scrofula Makw Its pmnc known hy nuay sups, skndular tumors, kiftcbfts in th iwck, cuUnous wwptions, ii fUuMi ylite, sore cars, eaten uvA wasting diwMes. Hood'sStrsaparilla Yotmg Man Tim wax to aire ajtoad IN Tim WOlUJ) 13 TO BAVK A part or youn raooja VOU OA.N DO KOTUTNO THAT WILL UJ1LV MOWB TO WIK Ttfll cojo-rouNlm and Rsurfior or n VOUK Biltt'LOYSR, AND YOU j will n vliKor rou A usr. if Nijaa orroKtuKiTr hiun iv 1X)MKJ ALONO. vtnj iNvrru you tx ore a W PAY tNTlMUr ON hWoi Vt OP ONU UOLLAJl OR MOSr. Svfct Depjtrtmt Cft4 NakojU Bfc j "'"'"'" iii JUDGE RAISES WHAT Decision About Bruin Causes a Commotion Among Ofice Holders Judgo Frnzer's decision ycstorrlay, declaring tho appointment of Patrick Hrliln as captain of police illegal in tho ouster proceedings brought agamsi me ollicoi' by Oscar F, Isakson, has thrown tho diiTorent city departments Into a condition bordering on panic. At least half of tho employes of the city aro affected, rsot a department has escaped, and nmong the worried ones aro many mon uoiuiug respunsiuiu positions, and if they aro ousted It will bo a difficult mntter to fill their posi tions. Tho firo department, watev de partment, streot cleaning and sprink ling department,- city engineering do- payment, will all loso a largo number of men if tho mayor starts out to wield thei big snlckersnco which the court's ruling put in his hands. "For n mayor who likes justice an.! who Is fond of a joko, this decision of Judgo Frnzer's Is ono of tho greatest opportunities that has ovu" como to a innyty of Portland," said a city official who Is n clone- friend of Mayor Lane, this morning. "Judgo I'razer has taken Cnptain llruln from tho mayor, but hns placed it sha.-p, two eiiged In Mis iinnas to wield us ho pleusos. No doubt he will do It, nnd .tho remit will bo that n large number of 'tho employes of the city will soon find themselves without positions." Mayor Lane wns reticent when naked if ho intended1 milking a wholesale at tack on (Iih omployfls of the city nf fectod bj tho ruling of tho court. Ho only milled and remarked: "Just wait nud see. I have not yet secured n li't of names of the employes nffieted." The list Is now being prepared by Secretary 0. L, MePhorson, of tho mtinirtpnl civil service commission. Tho Irregularities not only Ineludu tho ex amiuatlons held under Mayor Lane's administration but over since tho com mission was organized uihUt tho new charter by tho Cleorgo 11. William' administration. Tho first examination hold wern illegal becauto no notices whatever weru published. The appli cants wore simply notified nnd nppcared at the rooms of the commission. At his tlnio Tlmd W. Potter wns clerk of tho oomiuUslon, which was composed of A. A. Courtney, J, W. Plain and P. L. Willis. 11. L.-Mtowell followed Potior in swotnry, nnd July I, 100-1. 0. L McPhoraon beenme secretary, and hat since hold the positions. When Mayor Iano took otllce in duly of last yenr W, L. Hrwvterwas appointod to sue eeod .Mr. Courtlier. Twenty Year Battlo. "I wns 'a Josor fn a twenty-year bat tla with cliroulo piles and malignant sorei, until I tMod Uucklin's Arnica Salvo; whleh turned the tide, by cur ing uotU, (III not a traco remains," writes A. X. Wruce, of lirmville, Ya. Iliit for old Ulcers, Cuts. Hums and Wounds. 23c at J. C. P-iny'a uVug store. STATE NEWS Mf Jiid Mm i o. Ilovniuin. of NWlbuiM. will eoMn-at,. their 084 wtV dlHg UlvlMM.y ,-xt ThtUhUy. Th MoBiuuutk NotbisI SIm'1 MU ' o oknug iu lis fuenhv far tho wig ytr, the old fMHltr'all bolir 'eUlusd. C4t lusmlur h. U V1W, f Asfc Ud, him eras))) biw eM at tne AikUnd att ThvdV sjft-ula, a4 1im XrtU U U Ml. of oAts I'm. lid ai Uai Biaea Sum.i.v h kJ Ikv 4ttUctia of UUjf I4 U(t Vleiiiy. A Hard Lot of trU to entd Wth. spring frw lorrdd Uvw si Uv...i V " Is. tittUs tt w,vn tku to theJr PJP ; -,Mlo with Dr. Ktns'. y,w WfO VflMl th lsi. ..I ... ffwtlt cur fc Constipation. Ther tm Sb at J. a !,. L .. " r 1 Bojh 3tola. krtrT Oliver rMelvtd .. .v.. . "7" f V " "Vw t.it tu .via fatly Pa txm f tbe nan ...,. TAT. HUXiZ wurw w. . , KTT.T.Tin BV A TALL. Mrs WanJ.n Leo, of Aumsvlllo, roll From Chair With ratal Results. Mrs. Etta Leo, wife of L. Warren Leo, of Aumsvlllo, died at her home yesterdny mortiing. Mrs. Lee, while it work canning fruit Monday, got on a high chair to rcacih a tall shelf, fell to the floor and sustained internal injur ies. At the time sho did not realize that sho was seriously injured and asked her husband not to summon a physician. She grew rapidly wprso yes terday morning, and died of heart fail ure. Ms-. Lee wns 31 yeais old, and was tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Talent, of Mcdford. She is survived by her husband and a 2-year-old child. i o A Milo of Good Road. Active work on tho "government ob ject lesson road," near tho fair grounds, is expected to begin tomorrow. Today a crew Is busy laying rails for tho track reaching to tne ounKcrs, irom which tho wagons will be loaded that will haul tho rock to be placed on the road bed. It has been difficult for the local street car company to obtain ralh nnd thn lnvlnff of tho track on ,tho road has been delayed on that account. The experts in chnrgo of tho work, howev er, assert that they can put down about 1C0 yards of crushed rock per day, which will probnbly tax tho crusher to its full capacity. "IN A BAD WAY." Many a Salem Reatlfcr Will Fcol Cfrato. ful for This Information. When your back gives out; Uccomes lame, weak or aching; When Hfinnry. troubles act in, Your kidnoys aro "in a bad way," Doan's Kidney Pilla can euro you. Here is locul evidence to prove it. W. C Johnson, gardeuor, of 1021 Mill street, Salem, Oregon, says: "I had tho grip a year ago this September aud I beliwo It left mo with kidnoy complaint, nt any rate, I suffered with pains in tho small of my back nnd nch log at nights. In tho morning when I noso I folt lamo nnd soro nnd tire'd very easily nnd otUen folt languid. Occasionally thero wcro attacks of hoadachos and dirzy spells and often thuru were specks bofore my oyos. Tho kidney secretions wcro infrequent and contained a tcdimont. Tho rolicf I obtained from Dr. Doan's Kidnoy Pills was very gntit. I folt better nftor taking tho first box, and I now feol In better health than for n long time. Every kidnoy sufferer should uso Dr. Doan's Kidnoy Pills." For sale by all doalore. Price CO cents. Fostor-MUburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, sole ngents for tho United States. IJemembor tho name Doan's and take no other. Campraoeting at Woodbutti. Tho Free Methodists will begin hold ing n campmoetlng nt Woodburu tomor row. Some of tho prominent tpunke: of the denomination will bo present nud nddrim tho various meetings. He v. H V, Ilaslam and family left this morn ing. A goodly number of Froo Motho dlst from this city will go to ntnalu throughout the entire session. Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheu matla trouble: sold by all drueclsts. r two months treatmont by mail for $1. ut k, w. Hall, 2020 Oltvo street, 8t. liouls, Mo. 8nd for testimonials. Soli by Stone N drug stores. dw-lyr n ,. Hangings Not on Friday, Tho item published iu gome paper giving tho Imprestlon that the first UnBglMg Iu Oregon on a day other than Friday took place recently, was uot a faet. Hoo.1 and Haker wo-o hung In this city uotir tho cornor of Mill -nail tlkiuvk vtreti, Mnv 17. isrt.v n-hu. dto fH o Wodnesi'.uv. "' o Slucu tho DLsclosures, (IJauttan Pit.) "Had Skvlofk llvi In liM. thi)ts would Lave bea difforoKt ' !sy Mlow o" "lisUad of a iwuh.i nt iu.i. wmIiI have ie.slstsJ an ,.., of 'wakfast food." WHEN HUNDREDS OF WOMEN Voluntarily Jorw Hoatetter', stem i Bltttw thero a be n ,MS03 for doubting in ability 0 cu'o them. Wo tncreforo nrg eVrry wmia wko ne((Il 8tregthanij and tdi. .....-. io trr fc wie HOSTEHERS STOMACH RITtcdo JJw" omwh na: kaxm. oauooK, yJLl if am - UlllllllMH-HH-W-rrT Fiftwn Cents Offered for Hops. Independence, Or,, July 25. Hops 15 cents. That is tho con- itact p'Ice for nops in "i""" ence. some are rui.u"..6 . -tract at that figure. The market is brighter than for tho past vonr. - - ..r.tiinrf 1 1 fnn- IM-W-H-M-H-HH I I S W-H- OAULKINS FILES SUIT. Actor Wants Damages From Man Who Beat Him Moa(lay. Charles Caulkins, tho pugilistic thes plan, who was engaged in a scrap Mon day with William Dawnc, of Yamhill county, has filed a complaint in the court of Justice of tho Peaco Webster, asking for damages to the amount of $2-15. This is segregated as follews: Personal damage, $1-13; montal an guish, $100. I.-. i,n nrinted. Dawno accused r...ii.! nt inoiiHinrr his wlffl in this V.UUJIWIU3 Ul ..m.-) city Saturday, and proceeded to thrash . 11 .!.- n fin n in him on 3ignt. Alter paiug u u .. s k. Tn.nt n fltilt f f All tho rccoruer-s couri, winuu .u...--that it was a case of mistaken identiy, and that it was some othtT man who had acted indecently. However, on the testimony of waiters in a State street restaurant and others, it is said that Dawno has ngain changed his mind, and will contest tho suit. Constable Johnson hns served notico of tho action on Dawnc, but no answer has been mnde. War Maps of tho United States. Washington, D. - C, July 25. The geological survey has a confidential arrangement with the war department by which tho topographical shoots mado by the surveyors of tho geolog ical survey aro furnished to tho general staff of the nrmy. Theso sheets go into tho details of tho country over which the surveyors travel every year, and show tho location and places of supply of water and forage, tho situa tion of blncktmltli shops, bridges, the places to ford streams and tho condi tion of the roads. This information is of groat value In connection with tho accumulation of material destined to be of voluo in times of troublo, or on other occasions whon tho nrmy must go into a now section of tho coun try. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home MarkaL" Poultry At atelnero Mnrlet Eggs IVr dozen, ISc. Vryz- 121jo. Hens 10jllc. Ducks Sj9c. Poultry, Eggs, Etc Egg For dozen, lO'o. Butter ltetall Country, 20c, cream ery, 25c. Hena lOKsOllc. Frys-lSc. Gooee C7o Duckg Su(g9c. Fruita, Vegetables, Etc Xow Potatoes 70c cwt. Onions 2c Tropical Fruits. Bananas 5c por pound. Oranges $5.00. Lemons $5.00 lb 6.00. Liro stock Market. Steers 33c. Cowa-2!ic. Shoep 3c. i Dressed Vial 5c. " - Stock Hogj-Cc. Fat Hogs Oltc ' Orala and Food. Baled Clover $7. Cheat $7.00. Timothy $9$10. ; Oat 2c. Bran $19.50. Short $21.00. Balem Flourlna M11L Wheat 63e. Flour-$3.C0. Fortland Market. Whoat-Club, 71c; valley, 71c; b!u stem, 73c. Oats Cholco whlto. 31.0lb$32. Mlllstuff Bran $17. in wWTblth,v' $1112-50' Miu, Potatoes-4050c Poultry Avfeo oM boa,, m 13o; jutxetl chickens. 11-ai. -roosters. Vje: ohick-ens U(tvl5ti tur- 8bec geoso, osH Pouaj, 8V. iluek,, 1213e; pigeons, $I.001 90 iuahs, $1."52. i.wf lVrk Drsd. 6Uar Bf-Drea, 4H5. M;uttonDred. 7. Hops-Org09, 1905 llan0 Wool Valley, -oar. trT'u SWe; tor. MM. ; 1, We Have And all tennis supplies Base Ball Goods Croquet Sets Punching Bags Boxing Gloves and Sporting Specialties Thc Rambler & Nationa THE TWO Come in and let us show them to you. Wc jcany Jhe fa mous G. & J. tires and have a plies. Our bicycle repair shop is shop in the upper Willamette you the best service. RATES. Newport, Yaqulna Bay, Breltenbush Hot Springs From All S. P. and 0. & E. Points. On and after Juno 1, 1900. the South- orn Pacific, in connection with tho Cor. vallia & Eastern railroad from points on thor lines to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit nt vory low rates, good for re turn until October 10, 190G. Threo'-day tickets to Newport and Yaquina, good going 8aturday.and re turning Mondays nro also on sale from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West Side points, enabling people to visit Mii .v: 1 1 i , . their families and spend Sunday nt fi, seaside. Season tickets from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates, with stop-ovor privileges at Mill rtitv or any point east, enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Breltenbush Hot Springs in the Cascado mountains, which can be reached in ono day Season tickets will be good for re turn from all points until October 10th Three-day tickets will be good going Saturday and returning Moneys oly. Tickets from Portland and yiciu- . " e eod for retura via' the Et or West Side at option of pas- cinity will ba good going via tho Lab-anoa-Spnngfield branch if desired. Baggage on Newport tickets checked Vough to Newport; on Yaquina ticS ts to Yaoulna nnK- o...j. Si t0r. tfc. c E.Tni Sam ,:30a-m''lcaToCorvaili8at E.S'BfP'iIaInS C0Dnect wlth th O. & at Albany and Oorvallts for Y- quina and Newport. Train, on tho O. 7-30 "'?' wIU leavo "7 at IlVHnS tonrbti to th. Hot KIMBALL X,'"'."' - .lively aiJ ,M , aw c" upLAU -tfmt& H -Ji I THE the Racki Guns Ammunition Hatched Knives and RshingTackle The most se lect line in IK city THAT WIN complete stock of bicycle suo the larcest and best pnnlnn valley therefor we can give LiCJ ri i Springs to roach thcro tho sams dij. Trains from and to CorvalHs-conisrf with all East Side trains on the 8. P.i Full information as to rats, tkt'l tables, etc.: can bo obtained on afar cation to J. C. Mayo. Gen. Pms, At' 0 & E. E. E., Albany; A L. Craig, Q.: if. A., 8. P. Co., Portland, or to uj a. if. or u. & e. neent. Eat8 from Salem to Newport 5j to Yaquina, $4.50; throe-day rate frw Salem to Newport, $3.00. o Ryan's Town Hall, R. R. Ryan hns his new towa kill meetinc housa on North Commercis! strect nearly Toady "for public use. P . .. will have lights, water and all moiui conveniences, and will be dedicated ! proper form as a kind of public forai Local orators will bo giyen an opporn' nlty to try its acoustic qualities at u early da v. A Pleasant Way to Travel Tli- t i.. n. i -...!. tllO ttnVdlnr ifyyrr in fl C.AI1 rl. Pit railway botwee4,.tho Papifio coast i' tno hast, and wq boliovo that WW vice and accommodations civen mei this statement. Front Denvor, Colon do Springs and Denver thero ore ts thikuigh trains daily to Kansas City and St. Louis; carrying Pullman' W" OSt Stnmllinl. nlnnfrtnllnfifml tttvH cars, chair, cars and up-to-date dW( ears. Tho same excellent seivica nniT.ntoj1 frnm IT.nn. Pllu nnd ! Louis to Memphis, Littlo Rock and Ht I Springs. If you aro going Ea't South, write for particulars and informntinn W. C. McBRIDE, Oen. Af- 134 Third St., Portland, , Mon Wanted. Sawmill and lumber Yard lab $2.25 per day. Woodsmen, 2 $3.00. SUaiW mA.X. 1..I. fft B Kelly Lumber Co.. Tintmnm. Or. 6-i ' - 'f -wt CULTIVATOR - and 'Benles. Tot ' Tbtel. It Has do -aa Mji & WEBB -, '! oa Liberty- atTeet, f5?i,.pr. StatJ" xohlr-20c ---v. , v. v, saieaii 'vs. fn 512.50 ad lo, rej ff V