V? DAJLT CA?i?AI. JOUZXAi, SAX23. 03SGO, MONDAY. JLT 23, 150. w i "GIVE BOSSY A CHANCE," .: THE MOnO u;ifamoHY Sapv Interesting Meeting Saturday Which Was Addressed by Professor McKay i Dr. Withycombe and Others enu, Itenr a ebaa". are -t eenl atteotiM." was tbe of! tie diiryraeB awerahted is tbe tUj ball gatnraay afterxttoa. "The rseeUsz was ld to r by Jn, Bbepbard, of tie Balers ereWry, asd George W. Week! was chairman of tbe meeting. Tbe firrt tptoker was Professor MeXay of the Jowa State Agriealtnral College at Aase. Tie lowan alia" he w ato- lel at tbe Utaul(i Kio-nth tit SotMgt pJaoti io tbe VViWamette Tal-Jtke aae ear to jw exl ke ii a ley. Ife ixiiero tkat tbe piile ef tbe 04xa4e smWk." Tbe jl?e ar vll bare act a jet realized tbe re4 tbe tUrtisj l a cniiade is be weaderal -IaptaUIitjr ul t elimate Jul of tbe ev. He li cf tbe ouioe 16 tbe daffTjae ia'Juttrr. ti Ui ittek.tfeat a mr tkM te ltd i;ei, ctn raitioic. leva expert! ttjMjmltlemt !, st tbe taring? that tbe worth 6f miUr naaHjr bit bere ia Ortgoo 4irjr pr4tteSi aev4ia; t Vraitttat MeKaj, can Ve pr4cel with 1m ejtpesfe. "Orejeo WmM st li-rt Uitr bst bi4 ff'fif yt bme BMrket, Ataika a4 tbe Orient," laW be. YjHtfj Jj oce of tbe real iti of 4lrr Mteratore n4 faro jonali tbe ititytuxn, bst with it stit twend to kf well Is formed on farai tbe ietelKseat brtedisg of tk. "For asd dairy ra-Uoat. praetteal 4airris I 4o &ot rtoo M. Mortemea, of tbe Hazel wood ed foil blooded itoek, bat rather Creaaerr, iai.I: "Oregon dairymen jood feieetioo of yoor benit," laid be. take better eare of their milk tban "Fee'I yoar cwt all tbejr will tm- any otber dairymen I knew. Oanll vane." Tie looeetifol and intolli- ne Si tbe motto of the up-to-date iceot dairymaa thould give rtieUr dairyman. Keep your milking nteniili atteotioa to bit tenl and eare tot bi aairaali. In breedlag it ii well to ar raoe to to have the eewi freth io tbo fall. Tbit method ba a tendency to nak the ealrei ready to go to gran In tbe wprlng and to make the row gite 25 pr eent more milk. ' pr. Jatnet Wltbyeombe, of the Ore ton Agricultural College aid that It wa encouraging to tboie lntereilnl In dairying t nave ueh men s l'rufoi-jand girls how to milk properly. II is aor JlcKay come aeron the contlnont remark were of n practical nature. to give ui hit liUas and to hoor Mi The latt addreii wni made bv II. vlewi on the dairy outlook In Oregon JK, Lwnilmry, of the Soulhern l'aeifle, "The well lireil farm cow never faf who ozprenod mteh pleaiure nt keoing Io yield htr regular monthly tliHl. mieh goodly ntte'ndnnfc nt thin portie Tbo dairy cow, at I have ald before.' ular lmy time In the life'of the tnrm Jf the wet nurc of prcuperlty in Or er ami dairyman, goa. The lwile wealth of our .lnt- "I wBt.fcf like to raw a eompnri Ii agriculture. Dairying within th ...n," Mid Mr. Unnilwry, "btwtu next few yean will bavn beeome Ort-ltb leiourcen of Marlon ootinty in tkii goa'a greatrt Indmtry. We have ai iUte and Linn eountv In Iowa. Mar yet no conception of the poiMhlllty Ion eownty ha n Uuger arm tban dalr)ng center. When we tblnk of jiiiiaui, ami jerey( wnen we oa lillle farm producing cow profitably, then we begin t apprelato what cm be accoinpllihed here In Oregon where condltlftni for dairying nre almost Ideal," )o predicted the time was not far dUtant when tbo waters af Iho WlUntcUo wouM I msl t Irrigate during July and Augmt, and that tbo Urge farm wld U tub-divided Hpeaking .f Mder for dairy W," .....i TJZTZ L'Z bo taidi "We a not aemt ta JMMn i o alfalfa at,, theje l tbe veteb which gle an excellent feodj corn, too, can be raUnd here to advantage " II spoke af the work at the Arri- cultural (Allege eiperiwent statio.i and explilned how 30 too of groea ted bad bceu ralicl n an acre of what Is termed "poor white land." fltato Dairy and Food ('ommlMlonr lUlley utd a few remark and ex ptaletd how the nitertt In the lalrv Jaduitry wa started in Ortgn through the erlorti of th 8outbm j.'.' "" Oregon gricultuM Mooey to Loaa THOMAH K. FORD, rttU't ' Bk. eUJea,. o fountain" PENS Wo cava a Mn tk of agf. Ula? jyta. We rle4 an order for tbo. to U slipped Notcmbcr In, 1t tbo holidays, but B tMM w, tto factory at then few oath l avly. W8owhvoaUe!oai fk of fMiUU jHfte d wU j a 4iKwJtlt 0f M r off Wf d Attxt. Barr's Jewelry More an r-fj-. He asa-U ? f dr farouag 4 1 ' rMf irWft it no !?.' a prt adrtry. He Tthnteered the am-aa oi hi ofiUe to aay fatrxer. Jattie ThonnM Cf. Hafley sand r-e f ht eknraeterirtie tali s "The Orr a Mdri&e." "YHttm ym 'tmf a ak j try t le-f it Is sm! (s4itia atJ 4 swi a-det it. Yea elota it, til it aa4 k"p it ss4r (letter is ba4 sreatker. "VVbj- st jkor tTmfi bi kft after feeding Mi ben. Wkb the lairr indsitrr fhould llir tbe fattesis? aol raiiiag of ? for Market. Tie nfted a BMtto to be pbeed over tbe door of erery bars A. C. II. alfalfa, corn, bo?. He adrited farnen to read clean, etfeelUy tbe xeparator. Do cot be deeelved by tbe agents of cer tain leparatera who tell you their machine dee not haye to be clean. Hy keeping the dairying uteniiU clean ym have removed a large number of tbe germi t)At otherr ie would pollute tbe milk." He briefly referred to the dairying condition in Denmark where ehooli arc conducted to toach bovi i mire are perhnpi more arlo.l. Linn omiHty has 110,000 mm r.bieli are divided Into 3M7 farms, valuod at lti,000.(MK), with papulation of 0, WO pxude as compared with SW,00 aerei divided iato J730 farms which are vaUed at 10.SS7,MrO, and tbo popHlatloa 30,000 pewjdn ia Marios toaaty. Murioa eounty oxoells U other omi M tbe production of kOf t-1 AU&l aU tiaia at A b.U 1 I .. be tbo Out couaty in tbo Wlllaiaetu Valley in the dairy parwit. I UU.ve that tbo prlaoipal rexwrce or iaduttry of this tauaty la tbe course of a fow year will be dairying, leftuo, as ha Wen tted, the Mmlitloas are IdoaL" A I the close of tbe uddrectoi tbo dalrmaa. present atked oaoMioas oa f -. w-WW9 Minorvnt pttate of the dairy iadaitry www ware aniwored by rofor Mehay and Dr. Wlthyoowbe, One of the points broaght oat was that the HW headed aabbage whleh an be oat green all winter long I an ertoetlvc food. Saya tho Nlttet Ued. llttslmrg. la.. July J Attoraev 8anta. rHofBting He. the MgM oasaman, aamMaeed in tosut tbi alr.e that wba th. Hrt tH wa, "ailed that be had quit Hoae. Uoavit tbe aegr Ued to Mm so tNb that be "NUda't Jdaea a Ut af r.lUaee la set f Us lUiemautt. Th attoraeys tor th defease od, aad .-x-Ulta! ton! ") i Wa.' UAea. Tbo Mw maaagowoct 0( lk ll-UJ lr making evteaMve reaairs to the ktMfWx. S.ms.0 of Ue rai. have N ftiry reaaraltd. etbaro wartUl y so. The roof I, holm; Hinted, and b p6tera are still bu.y roakleg rym in n,e appojattaetts of th hotel. I rofe.wr J. II. Ackeraaa, tat ratendnt bt puldi, B,tr.o0. rtUrsed home, yeitorday ,o Cnllfer el. wkcro bo ha4 been MlmiMg a r of lt tun. t n. .-.,. Dairvmen Held For J.Vomat Mhool M fc-kdey. KaSWiMiti !riira,llii i!fc 'TTWlWiWWy f j't EYANS WAS NOT AFRAID ' . . - ji;-. ,. n A nit iDlOUa-LUiUlIUB MUliuc w uuik City Has No Terrors for Mission Preacher ; w -t.e fc tmfi the ttojI arte, .. w. 1 3a. oiwfcfcr4 - i ' . . .,.... jitr t WK-rBir aoeMae si ; -wrtt 5ui kk door wacxisz hiai : keey away trtm sleaa at ibe pfil of ki Bf. 3te4rr. W aj. h h cr- taiaai the aatthoc oi the wsrxiz. H-. toid that old aaaa, who was as-r.'-: hy foae f the hareoiQtrf ia xith Braa wi wid to hare 5zsrd eaawe l hiat aad cfd that h w th ealprit. Th Tt-r. Mr. Tiraas fM that he a: Sett, thoarht the aotiee to "raeaace" was sire by a rival ia Jove, bat the eaeie of asoher aaaa has canted hiac to ehaage hi aaiad. Mr. Ztsbi vayf he i little diitarbed by the reeeat ;Ut ia the -ehareh of hit ehoiee. bat !y. he if comic? back to Saloaa, a ad will erect a .ImiViia; hee. PRISON GETTING EMPTY Kd Morgan eieaped from the road gaag at Sublimity Saturday while at work with tbe convict gang on the rock eraiher. Morgan was serving a three year term from Josephine county for larceny. II. A. Schmidt escaped from tbe same place at the same time. He ai also a r-hort terra man and had but a few months to serve. Leon Harant escaped from the g3ng at work at the state fair grounds Sat urday. He walked away so quietly that persons who raw him suppoed that ho bad been sent away on an er rand by the guards. During tbe pres ent heaion, seveu prisoners have es caped from the penitentiary road gangs, ami all of them are still nt large. These eeapes nre from a gnng of about GO prisoners. CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Para Tapha for Your Consideration. Kvery oao that bujs furniture at L. Jomc's admit that hi prices ae lower than okewhere. A good Mwond-hand lumber wagon with box bod and sent for sale at a latrgaia. MUehell, Uwia i Staver Company. .lodge J. H. Scott approved today the bond af OttU C. I'ekrson. as euar dian ia tbo an-w of P. M. I'ebrson, an ikouao jtersoa. A matting of the Stat Und lloarJ wa hold this ufUmooa at 2 o'clock. Ntthlag bat routine U4neM was dio iwsod af. A Marriage llceato was lsed today o Wilttant 0. WaUing. aged si, and Una TlndnlL aged 90. lkth .r. ,!, denLs of Salem. Tbo M.-V. Cash Storo will ope for UsssImm toioo'row morning, Julv 24tl. and will lm plouied to have you call na thtm and see what they have that yon might ue. We xpt to give you good ahiei for tnerv cect vou way leave with ws. Oonrteous treat, went asi oarefal altectb.n to oar vant, whetbor It be aco eoat , I,- Aedlarj is oar Intentioa, Yours, trssly, Mn.LS VASS. Y. if. C. A. Corner. It Wj Jrt Awful U MlUod out aae plMnt xt Tn oall oa the fair ywng miw, And Kkoa be rhd , ,4,, thlil like tit? the Ban He pap tl hint at the door, H l M Hj tW mIm; "II hot jo baok Uorc anf nor Ko wect 4owi like ttUt Personals H-r W. Bar- w A.11-T t- tv tft Br?d 1104 r.z V-'l Ii. WB I. KNr ; ' . . - r. J T.v.-Vml ip ami7. ri. Harif 3tT -xi'i i-. jrt K Ik. . K. T. fcfrft TKd P- i 4 W-B 2 - "- ' 4 Mr-. Taylor - ka rca tc th" her Kaavtr a JnTtrn. A. A. Cnutaiaifcaaa, f Po.-Usl. was ix "Jk tixr vtk Stadav. ifcj. Oajrtoa Tooar aad faisy Lar yea to Xewper: for ax. ovtiar. Dare Taatk, of Th Torre ry. ii fpeaciir a few days a: Xekaaia. B. T. W aa-i iaatfly lef: for Pcr' Lud Ibw aao.'aiar to rkit f.-Jtad. Pearl J. HiWer left today for i brief oaure oa Xwpot'f jnaTy beacr Hz. W. E. Harrrove was aaoag the XewporMMNiad panszers this aos 17. Coauable Charles Jofcasoz wect to Statox this awrxiiag os c3c)3l bnsi cr. Mr. C. Con:, of Gervai. is visiting her i?er, Mrs. Frank Girod, in Eas4 Sal. Mr. Lela Geaaan asd two sons left for a camping trip ol tbe bay above Newport. Hot. C. B. Moore? joined the rest o' be Moo-es faailr at tbo Xve creek beaek-s 'oday. Mrs. Cland Ga'eh asd family an Mrs. Oswald Wet an! baby went to Newport today. Miss Marie Mutbs, of th? Chicago Store, has returned f-om a vi'it wi'h Portland friend'. Bw. Ez-a Maurer, presiding elder of the Evangelical church, goc9 to Jeffer son this evening. Postmaster Smith, who licks ftamps for the young ladies at Jefferson, wa in the city today. H. O. Bryant, clerk in Dr. Brewer's drug store, left today for several days' receation at Newport. Miss Ea Olds, of Portland, is the guest of Mis Bessie Schultz on North" Winter street this week. Rev. Wm. Babcock and his violin have gone to Newport. Elder Charles Ptirdy was his chnpe'one. II J. Ot'enkeimer, "cpresenting Lil ientbal Bros., of New York, returned f:m San Francisco this morning ('has. Meyer, of this city, is home from two weeks 'pent a' the St Mar tin's spring', on th Columbia river. Mrs. J. ('. Hurtz and sou. Harold, who have been visiting Salem reluMves in Salem, returned to Portland Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Paul Schmidt, of A1 bnny, are in the city, visiting Mr Schmidt's i-ister, Mr?. Wm. A"m strong. rrx)st Bowen.'of Prntum, is in the dtV eni"l"il)i' linn niV-tiri! TT 1,. 03-aore. jard and tbe yWd will beFr Sale- At ' Ho hoavy. Arehit.wt I). 1). Neer, of Portlun1, whs in tbe city Sunday in connection with statu building improvements at the asylum. Mrs. E. 0. Kienley. of Pasadena, Oa'.., and little child are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Julius Ruef, on the Gnrdtin Bend. Mrs. C W Yannke, Mis Bertha L. Clough and Mi-, &Ba Kagle made up a jrty that left today for Newport for n two-weeks' vacation. Miss Carrie Lee Chamberlain and Mim Jeanttte Scott came up from Poatlatd jeoterday, aud are spea inq the week with Governor ChamboMair Mrs. B. F. Bonham, accompanied bv her father-, John Baker, of the Garden Boad, and her niece. Mis Bichardon, of Eugene, came down to Salem Sun da v. J. D Woleh, of Ionia, Mich., wen through tbe city today, rn xute to Nevport. Mrs. Wrfcb will join blm Hh stopped, off to eec Ed. Kmmett. whn . I 1 , r. . . . i-uijuovcy in a ciom baMware store. George Dorris, who has Wen with tho surveying crew of tao Willamttc Valley Traction Company for some month past, will accept ' a position with tho Southern Pacific August 1st. Drv Chas, Adams, of Tygh vall-v and Miss Adams, af this city, accom panied by Dr. J. W. Meredith, wtat to Newport today. The latter is elate' over a new granddaughter ia the state or vtasnington. James Walton and wife, of Portlsr. ' accompanied by the Misses Fawk. of c,rm, reiurneu last sight from a camping trip to Sileti Bar. Mrs, Wa! ton will vialt at the horrl, of he- M rent on Sunrise hill for awbiJe, the old in.Utute and a parwrge wker the woolen mill are, a gritt mdj ., , sawraill where Judge Bo 8w u and a blacksmith hop cun br T,J PowelU Mr. Herren still ki,M ,. oo noen iarm, 8(r Turnery Ani U whcu in aopea tncre wiU b eloclrU eajrliao to 8ale Mtte day. an WHY Go plodding around tiring yourself out and wast ing time when you can get a. good ever ready wheel that is quicker than street cars, for a less sum than you pa'y forgoes when you walk? You don't ride a wheel, you say? Others have learned readily, why not you? We have only the very best makes, and sell them by the motto "Live and Let Live" The Racycle, Yale and Cornell ae wheels which have been tested and have 'won medals for their strength, durability and beauty. Come in, let us show them to you. " Cj We have a full line of .Jaicyde supplies and will fix your wheel promptly so that it will give you no more trouBle. ' Best Work at FRANK J. J. S. Cooper, a prominent hop grower from Independence, was in the city to day. He stated that the buyea in that neighborhood have offered as high as 13J4 cents per pound for this year's crop, but none care to sell at that price. He is of the opinion that the HKX3 crop will be less than at first an ticipated. Mr. Cooper has two, yards that will probably yield 100,000 pound?. Levi Herren, of Timer, was in the city today. He came to Oregon in 1S45 and to Salem in ISiG. Then there were several p'ominent buildings where the city now stands. There was BORN. HOWE. In Eugene July 21, 1906, to Mr ami Mrs. C. J. Howe, a 9-ponnd son. Mother and child doing well. Norwich Union Fire Insur ance Society. Frank MeraritV Itesldeflt "Agent. Office with Wm. Brown & Co., No. t29 Commercial Street. For Bi'trt. Housekeeping rootne, up stina at 223 Sojth Commercial street. m cost, three prune graders for fresh prunes Walte- MorU-v. 2o0 Court tro n lem. - - - - vavt.a a. 44 7-23-3t Found or Taken Up A small b:kiwn niar.i, weight between S00 and 1)00 pound. Branded on left shoulder and hip. Cnll at oftice, yayfor ad and get particulars. 7-23-3t Frank E. Slater, M. D.-Phvsleian an sungeon. Otlice over Pr'v's druu store. Hours 10:30 a. m. to 4 p. m Otbce phone Main 1237. Reiidcnce, North Crpital street, phone 617. Dis wse of clul'rcn a specialty 7-23-3m' NEW TODAY I - I $15,000 In purses for racing events, including a $2000 pare and a $2000 trot, at jm son 1906 Beginning September, 10, $1 0,000 .dTr' asricu,iurai and n lt:iU be (he greatest Stato T. !"' and tcns " thomairfs of them wW be h Honest Prici MOORE Phone 368 Seven-Yean-Old Farms Tea Acrsl (North American.) John H. "Wiley, 7 years old, of J ington, 111., has received a Km tract from his father, and he lis vating it himself. He eraplojs farmhand to do the plowing, Hi the harrowing was done lj youngster, who also planted it hi! In cultivating th jj'ound he hiS ic.tm ui noises wnnoir, aiffii Young Wiley says that with tbo p coeds from the tract ho intends tthl more land, and solemnly tells 1 father that by -the time be Is 21 j of age he will own a larger farmt! the old gentleman. CASTOR1A. Bmi the A Tha l'Ainmvm Bignatare ft .. .vi, ,f- of i-futJwritatJtjM HUNTING BOOTS When you are outfitting) the mountains remember i carry the famous "Witch line of Hunting Boots, and see then. Ml V.l rrVarf;rfi:TJliVJ r mm m I Mate raif and ending September 15 Fai-:., ..,.,.. nf Of oOMd