Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 21, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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ehave just yvhat you need. Any reason why you
mild not eet your supplies of us? Plenty of r.,cLe
hy you snouia. we nave
fuy our gooas in large quantities, we are therefore en-
bled to give you me very
rown Corn, eanteiopes, tresn I omatoes, Watermelons
ieanu juiuy ukhuco, reaui numus, just tnc articles
at Will memts yuur iiicui ueuuuus,
Roth &
-to-date Goceis
tfO State St,
Phone 3b
Commercial Club Busy.
he Greater Salem' Coinmot'cial Club
in the city liall last evening anil
lided to send two dolegates to" tho
iiflnal Irrigation Congress, which
tts In Boise, Ida., September 3 to 8,
Dusive. Thoso appointed to repro-
it the commercial organization are
ktk Davoy and Judge John II. Scott.
President Derby was also empowered
(appoint A'0 delegates to attend the
jeting of the Oregon State Develop-'
nt Leaguo, to bo hold in Forest
love the first week in September.
t communication was read from Tom i
jchardson, of tilio Portland Commcr-
il Club, calling attention of tho local f
b to tho meeting of tho Stato Dovcl-
Iment League which is ,to bo hold j
ire during tho stato fair, and asking j
e co-operation of tho club for tho
(cccss of that gathering. Tho idea
enthusiastically rccoivodl and a
immitteo appointed to make tho nee-
jury -arrangements for that gather-J
which promises 'to be! of special
fenefit to Salem. Tho committee con-1
Ists of President Frank Dcifby, I. A. .
fanning. George F. Bodgers, Col. E.
tofer, Judge J. II. Scott,' II. D. Thiel-
n and F. A. Turner.
The proposition of oiling tho streets
me up fori discussion, and, after
iews had been expressed on tho sub-
ct a committeo was chosen to invest!-
re tie cost and feasibility of oiling
l streets of tho city and to brine tho
wits of the Investigation before tho
;'7 council for further action. The
Sominittee consists of Judgo Scott, I. A.
anning and George F. Bodgers.
A verbal report from Sccretary-Tur-
er showed that thero is about $200 in
e treasury. A canvas? of tho mem
s is mado for tho collection of back
?, and a neat sum will bo forthcom-
g from that source
Tlie following resolutions, offerod by
'1. 1. Hofer. were passed unanimous-
'Resolved by tho Greater Salem
Commercial Club that this organization
ppreciatt's tho importauco of tho meet
fi of tho Stato Development League,
be held at Salem during the stato
o Kind. You Havo Always Bought, anil whlcli lias beca
in uso for over 30 years, lias ljorno tlio slgriiatnro of
All Counterfeits', Imitations and"Just-as-good"ar but
Experiments that triflo witb and endanger the licami of
infimts and Children Experience against Expori ..ant.
Castorte is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops ind Soething: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its ago Is its guarantee It destroys Worms
ml allays Fevcrishness. It cures DIarrhooa and Wind
Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural oleop,
Tho Children's Panacea-tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have
In Use For Over 30 Years.
two large grocery stores, and
oest prices. Presh home
G a
75 Commercial St.
Phone 43
fair week, and tho special committee
of this club appointed at this meeting
is hereby Instructed to communicate
with tho officers of tho State Develop
ment League, and assuro thorn of tho
most cordial co-operation of this organ
ization in making tho coming session
of tho stato development leagud tho
most successful in its history. A cor
dial invitation is horoby extended to
all commercial clubs in tho stato U
unite with us on tho above occasion.
Thay will find n hospitnblo reception
awaiting them by tho officials of the
stato fair and the people of the1 Capital
Socretary Turner stated that ho had
from tlnio to timo received lists of
names from tho Seattle Commercial
Club containing tho names of prospec-
tivo immigrants to tho Willamctto val-
loy, andi to Salem in particular. Theco
lists are gone over carefully and litera-
tu:io is seut to tho parties making in
qulrics, and will eventually prove of
benefit. Mr. Turner also stated tllat he
recently got a list of names of persons
wflio wish lileraturo concerning tho
Klamnth country. Ho forwarded these
names to tho Klamath Falls board of
tradq. and has received a letter from
'that organization thanking him for) tho
kindness extundied. Thus itho work of
tho Development League goes on
throughout tho state.
Moil Wanted.
Sawmill and lumber yard laborers
$2.25 per day. Woodsmen, $2.25 to
$3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth-
Kolly Lumboi Co., Eueono, Or. 5-22-tf
0 -
Stealing a Crocodilo.
Solomon Kraus tried to steal a croc
odilo from a circus which was per
forming at Budapest.
There wero soveral of tho reptiles in
a cage,, into which Kraus broko at
night, and ho selected ono four and a
half feet long.
Tho crocodilo resented removal and
fattonedl his teeth in Knans' ann niu'
held him uutil his cries attracted the
attention of tho s'ail', when ho was
aud Las been mado under bis per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no 'one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
Always Bought
TaT, iltWtaMWt.
When tho 12 men composing tho jury
in tho case of tho Portland & Seattle
Railway Company vs. Chnrles E.Ladd,
ot al., of Portland, heard tho Inst of tho
evidonco submittal yostorday at Stev
enson, Washington, in tho Castle Rock
condemnation suit, thoy adjourned to
tho jury room and returned a vordict
in favor of tho Ladd interests for
$3000, instead of from $100,000 to
$500,000, as tho defendants alleged the
damago would be. Not being willing to
give up without a further struggle, the
defeated capitalists gavo notico of a
motion for a new trial.
Thq owners set up in tho hearing just
closed that thoy intendod to razo the
mighty landmark. It was to bo reduced
by means, of giant powder and otheir
oxplosivea and loaded into barges and
sold to th'o highest biddor. Tho Port
land & Soattlo desired a right of way
for its lluo botween tho rock and the
rivor, but if this weco allowed, tho do-
fondnnts assorted, it would forover pre
clude any possibility of quarrying be
ing done, for tho rock could not be
blaatod, owing to tho closo proximity
of tho railroad; nor could any part be
trarraportud from tho quarry across tho
right of way to barges.
Witnesses for tho railroad company
testified thnt tho construction of tho
road and) future operations would dam
age tho property but slightly and not
detract from its valuo as a commercial
or scenic object. While a motion for a
rehearing of tho case may bo allowed,
it la a concensus of opinion that the
verdict will bo similar, though ttjio
amount of damages may be reduced.
Previous to tho condemnation suit
tho stato of Washington petitioned the
Skamania county superior court for a
permanent injunction restraining the
Ladds from destroying tho rock, it bo
ing shown that tho pinnnclo was more
valuablo for its historic and scenic val
uo than for commercial purposes. The
injunction was not issued for somo Tea
son, and tho owners proceedod with
tho vork of drilling holes in tho face
of tho rock.
Tho fact that tho material to be
quarriod is said by export quarrymen
to bo tho same class of rock that can be
found at many points on tho Columbia
caused the improsslon to prevail that
tho Ladid interests morely inaugurated
operations thero and circulated tho
story that tho landmark was to be
raztfd fo'r tho purpose of obtaining a
bid for its preservation. Local socie
ties, including tho Woman's Club and
other organizations, besides othors In
tho Northwest, adoptod resolutions pro
testing against tho proposed vandalism,
and thoso responsible for the scheme
wero characterized in no complimen
tary terms.
Victor Point Items.
Tho extrumo heat of last week ha?
ripened tho grain vcTy fast. Some of
our neighbors will begin cutting next
Waldo Circle attended the dedication
exercises of the new W. O. W. hull at
Silverton on tho 14th, and were royal
ly cn'ortained by tho good neighbirs
of that place. Tho hall Is n thing of
beauty, and tho Camp and Circle are to
bo congratulated upon having such a
delightful plnco to hold their meetings.
Henry Patten, tho "scrapper of Vic
tor Point," who met his Waterloo so
deservedly nt the hands of Adolph
Ileator, at tho W. O. W. picnic on May
20th, has roturned from Castle Roc!;,
Washington, whero ho went for his
health immediatley after tho incident
roferred to above.
Teddy Small has a badly mashed
foot, caused' by dropping a wagon
tonguo on it. Tho little fellow is uu
ablo to walk.
Mrs. J. A. Hunt has been sufferln?
from neuralgia of tho stomach for sov
eral days past.
Government Doans Called In.
Washington, December 20. 'louay is
the last day of grace for tho return to
the United States treasury department
of tho call loans which tho govortnent
made to various banks throughout tho
country last March to relievo the
stringency of the money market. Tho
whole loan placed) by the treasury de
partment waa $10,000,000, scattered
throughout tho country. When placed
with the banks, for which municipal
and other first-class securities wero ac
cepted at tho time as collateral, it was
with the understanding that tho gov
ernment would recaU the loans about
Julyi 10. To avoid embarrassment i
the banks, however. Secretary onaw
allowed tho banks ten days grace.
Nearlv all the loans are reported to
yearly an ne iouu m .tj-.- . - .
have been returned during the last few
Rubber Colored iPachyderms
Take a Disastrous Swim
in Oregon Waters
In tho Idaho Falls Post thero ap
pears the following detailed story of
tho recent stampede of fivo circus olo
phants at Idtiho Falls, which jumped
into the Snako river and! narrowly, es- J
cupeu urowning.
History was mado about 4 o'clock
Friday afternoon when fivo of tho
big ' elephants belonging to tho
Sell Floto shows woro carried by
the waters of the smikc rivor uuder
the old AudoKou bridge Accord
ing to tho old) timers this is tho first in
stance whero an animal of any kind
not excepting man has been car
ried through tho channel of tho Snako
at .this point and como out alive.
After tho elephants wero through
with their part in tho afternoon por
formnnco of the circus, they wero tak
en out by their kecpo.s and alowed to
wallow and play in tho waters of tl
canal just east of tho show grounds.
Being a well behaved herd and always
und'er control, only ono assistant re
mained in chargo, ho being on tho west
side of the canal. Suddenly the olo
phnn9 climbed up tho cast bank and
started off to rum in a northeasterly
direction, toward the Snako river. Tho
calls of the keeper failed! to stop them
and after making their way to a point
oh the bank whero the lava bed is low,
five of tho six plunged into tho wator,
only the biggest one, "Mamma," re
maining on the shore. Tho fivo hugo
pachyderms were swept Hko straws by
the rushing curront of tho river.
By this timo a largo numbor of cir
cus employes and interested spectators
wero in puisuit, and ona of tho hugo
animals was assisted from tho water at
a point whero the river .turns into tho
st-otch whero tho brldgo is located.
The other four wero carriod through
this narrow channel, which is reputed
to have no bottom, as sounding has
nover irevealed one. Spectators who
wero familiar with tho river and its
history! expected tho circus to loso tho
majority of its herd, but tho pachy
derms wallowed) and .rolled and al
though completely covered with water
they did at .times como nenr enough
to tho surface to stick their trunks out
to got air. They wero carriod quito
a distanco in this manner, but woro
rescued, mostly through their own of
forts, at tho point below tho railroad
bridge whero .tho "dry bed" entors
tho river.
Tho elephant first taken out was
chained to a rock behind tho postofilco,
and as .the others wero brought up tho
herd again broko looso, threo of them
again -plunging into tho river, rind tho
other coming down town.
Of thi? threo that plunged into the
rivor, ono was gotten out at tho plnco
of entering, and two wo'o again tnken
through tho channel, and ono was ro
'covered at tho same point as previous
ly, having each timo boon carried sov-
eral hundred yards. Alice, tho largest
of tho threo nnd .thu ono to swim in
near tho smooth lava rock oppo&ito the
Hour mill, endeavored to get .hold of
somo projection with her trunk, but
failing, nnd nearly oxhaut-tod, pulled
away from it, ind as sho struck the
current turned over two or threo times.
Sho was in tho main channel of .the
stream and it tossed) and rolled her
about as it woul a bubble. Tho boast
was immersed, avo tho top of hor I
head, and occasionally that would dis
appear, but at regular intervals tho
trunk wag shot out of tho wator for
a fresh supply of air and sho continued
to drift and) swim about in battling
tho treachorous current of tho danger
ous Tlver until sho reached tho odgo
of tho rapid on tho right bank of tho
stream opposite the. ice house, where
she managed to secure foothold, and, all
but played out, crawled slowly to the
land, apparently having had more than
enough fresh water bath for this sea-
Suna Cure for Piles,
Itching Piles, produce moisture, and
causo itching; this .form, as well as
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles,
are cured by En. Bo-eaa-ko's Pile Bern
edy. Stops itching and bleeding. Ab
sorbs tumors. 50c a jar at drugglits.
or sent by mail. Treatise free. Write
mo about your case. Dr. Bosanko,
Philadelphia, Pa.
It Costa Nothing to Try. .
Try a sack of The Dalles Diamond
Flour when you want to show how
good a bread maker you are. It never
fails to satisfy. It coats you nothing
to trv It. Moner back if not satufled,
- - -- - .
Wo are sole agent, for it.-Bransoa &
T all a
j Fisher.
For Sola at a Bargain. A span of fine
horses, harness andi wagon. Horses
weigh about 1250 each. Inquire of
C. J. Banwdcn, 15th and D streets,
Salenr, or Boy Sharp on farm 16
miles northeast of Mnclcay. 7rl9-3t
For Sato. A good abock ranch, good
houoo, barn anVl outbuildings, plonty
of good well and! spring water, good
orchard'; eitaiatodi at tho north end
of Howell Pxairie. Addt-.o?B G. L.
Binton, Gerrais, Itoubo 1. 7-H-lm
For Salo. Four lota planted with a
varloty of fruit troos and! borries. A
good house, barn and small hot houso
alao good family driving horse, bug
gy and light hack, all on easy terms.
Call at No. 2000 Stato streot, comor
21st stroot. 0-11-lm
For Salo lie acros, 7 milos oast of
Salem; 40 acres in cultivation; run
ning water; good houso, barn, out
buildings and orchard. Farming im
plements and stock go with promises.
A bargain. Call on or address M.
P. Mortonson, K. F. D. No. 0.
For Eont. Furnished and unfurnished
rooms at 700 North Commercial
stTeot. M. A. Dice, prop. 5-1-tf
For Eont. Tbo first) of Soptombor, two
acres, woll fonced, with 7-room house,
barn and considerable fruit, throo
blocks east of I. O. O. F. cemotory.
Mrs. H. E. Botaford. 7-19-3t
Wanted. A good girl for housework
in small family. Good wngoa to Tight
person. Apply to "W.," caro Jour
nal oilice. 7-19-3t
Wanted Pasture. I havo first class
pasturo for cattlo horse. Torms rea
sonable. Carl Bcatty, Chemawa, Or.
Phono Farm 318. 7-20-3t
Wanted. 150 hop pickora to rogiator;
picking begins about tho 25th of
August; good ynrd; good camping
ground; mall every day; situated ad
joining Eola. Call at Hop Lee
laundry, Commercial stroot. 0-291m
of fnir education to .travel for firm
of $250,000.00 capital. Salary,$1072
per year and oxponscs. Salary paid
weekly and expenses ndvancod; ref
erences required. Address, with
stamp, J. A. Alexander, Salem, Oro
gon. 7-19-3t
Wanted. Waitress and pantry girl at
Wlllametto Hotel. 0-11-tf
Wanted Turkoys, geese, ducks, chick
ens and all farm produce Highest
cash prico paid for aamo. Capital
Commission Company, 207 Commer
cial streot. Telophono 179.
Hotol Scott Nowly furnished, every
thing, clean and first class. Booms
nt roasonnblo prices. In Cottlo
block, Salem. A. Scott, pop. 7-0-tf
Salem Lon Works Foundors, machin
ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers
of all kinds of sawmill machinery.
Hop and fruit drying stoves,
etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem
Iron Works Hop Press, 11-20-lm
Tho Salem Steam Dyoing and Clean
ing Works Is tho placo to get you?
clothes renovated. From a pair of
gloves to tho most elaborate silk
gown. All goods paid te: If in
jured. Phono 1245. 221 Commercial
street. Mrs. C. II. Walker, prop.
Property for Trade. Houso and two
lots in Englewood; small fruit and
bearing trees, one-half block from
car line. Will trado for outside prop
erty, or will soil. H. A. Bawson,
box 338. 0-20.1m
Cider, Champagno Cider Genuine
Champagno and vinegar. Wines from
grapes and wnall fruits. Aloohol
from corrals, vegetable, plants,
fruits and woods, and valuablo re
celpoa. Send $1.00 fori book, which
gives practical instructions how to
malai thorn. Adlret Leo Zabel, P.
O, box 004, Portland Or. 7-10.1m
Wanted Ilopplckere IficgisUir now for
tho HoltrJeh yard, 220 acrod, thrco
weeks' picking flno campfaig ground,
gooi avcoininodaitioini, abundance of
flno watter, would, etc. Will pick by
mcamiro antp pay ruling prices. Ad-,
Urciw T. A. Livkley & Oo., Salem,
O-vogoa 7-5-tf
Saiem Box Factory
PHONE 308.
Dr. B. H. Whito.Qraduato of Kirks
vllle, Mo., undor foundor of osteo
pathy. Room 21 Broymnn bldg.,
Commercial stroot. Phono 87. Resl
denco 500 Stato, cor. Church. Phone
1110. Tlroats acuto and chronic din
oases. Examinations free.
Dr. W. L. Mercer. Graduate of Kirka
ville, Mo., under foundor of osteo
pathy. Booms 25-20 Broyman bldg.,
Commercial St. Phono 019. Best
donco 419 North Summor street.
Phone G14. Treat b acute and chronic
dlsoasos. Examination freo.
Strayed. From tho plaeo of tho un-
dorslgnod, ono mllo west of Stayton,
a cream colorod) ruaro with whito
mano and tail, and sea? on neck. Bo
ward for return or information. H.
F. Tillotson. 7-18-lwk
Found. On tho Fourth of July, a
laity 'a old blcyclo Trilby No. 11.
Owner can hnvo samo by calling at
tho pollco station and paying for
this ad. 7-19-3t
Found. A' small brown maro, weight
botweon 80O and 900 pounds. Branded
on loft shouldor and hip. Inqulro at
this ofllco to receive information and
pay for ad. 7-19-3t
Musical Studio. Frank E. Churchill,
Musical Studio, Assoclato teacher
Westorn Conservatory, Chicago, 111.,
representing Intor-Stato System at
Salem, Oregon. In tho Gray block,
room 3. Studio houns, 0 to 12 and 2
to 5. . 8-19-tf
Dr. E. J. Young. Votorlnary Surproon
..and dontlst, 83 years' oxporlonce.
All work guaranteed. Difficult sur
gical operations a spoclalty. Phono
581. Ofllco at Club Stablos. Phons
7, Salem, Oregon. 3-9-tf
Frank M. Brown. ?Tanufaeturer of
sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of
houso finish and hard wood work.
Front streot, bet. Stato and Court.
Foreetors of America Count Sherwood
Foresters, No. 19. Moots Tuesday in
Hurst hall, Stato stroot. V. S. Elder,
O. K.; A. L. Brown, F. S.
Control Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle
Hall 'in Halman block, corner State
and Liberty stroots. Tuesday nf each
week at 7:30 p. m. J. G. Graham, C.
C; W. I. Staloy, K. of E. and S.
Modom Woodmen of America, Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Mnots
ovory Thursday ovenlng at 8 o'clock
In Holmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V. O
F. A. Tumor, Clork.
Woodmon of World. Moot ovory Frl
duy night at 7:30, In Holman hall.
A. J. Bascy, C. O. P. L. Frazier,
Food Barn Special nttontion to trans
ient teams. Fanners' patronago so
licited. Waiting rooms for ladies.
Wo also carry a full lino of feed.
Locatod nt Club Stablos, cornor Lib
orty and Ffepry streets. Phono Main
7. Prunk & Durby. 12-14-Om
A Snap. For Bale, 400 acres of good
land, twa mllos from railroad sta
tion; 275 in cultivation, 175 acres la
crop; good houso and bam; orchard,
etc. Only $8000, if sold "at 'once.
Swegle &Smlth, 402 Stato strc-jt.
Phono 459.
For water servico apply at office!,
Bills payable monthly In advance.
Make all complaints at the ofilce.
Corner of Seventh and Stark Street,
Portland, Oregon.
The sew and modern hotel of the elty
Caters particularly to residents of Sa
lem sad other Oregos eltles. EnropMa
plan. Freo but. Rate $1.00 per day
and upward. HsdeBMt grUl la thr
West, tad priees as low m. Ir m&M
leas attractive. Dally Capital Joaraa
on file
: J