TONIGHT AND FBJD&Y.; l-Wl i-r V.? fAt J " J . J ( t I t t - i , TWO EDITIONS DALLY AT 2.30 m ' nT"'li " "1. ' - .- - M. AND 4:00 P. M. AIL3L CAPITAL .TOTTRN A T , Ad' J k. 2CVL SALEM, OREGON, FEIDAY, JULY 20, 1906. EGULAR SMELLING COMMITTEE ty Officials Go Nose Gather og to Find What is TroUb ! ling Stockton jtocWon, Cni., diuy zu.-ah oiock- k officials went "odor" hunting to- For the past two weeks overy t wind has carried a vilo stench r the city, creating foars of a posti- It is said hundreds of dead ses and cattle, drowned by the flood, putrifjing on tho levees of the Idcil island district. The odor be te unbearable, and tho officials were Uholmcd with complaints, and so uded to trace the odor to its source. By chartered a launch today and left iruise tho floodied district. h i i i 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 n m n i h- )o you believe what others k if so read this: eo 24, 1900 I had a tooth ex ited by Dr. "Wright's painless, math- Iud can say that it didia'.t hurt a icle. B. VAUGHN, Salem, Or.' fane 15, 10OG. Dr. Wnght put in a crown and a throortooth bridge without causing mo' any pain Itew, an)d I will add that tho work itiwly satisfactory. MARTIN OLSEN, Salem, Or. I crowns $5, Plates $5, FU- ngs 50c, Examination free DH B. E. WRIGHT, Painless Dentist fimnhii in hi u ti mV CUT A WIDE NO, 173. SWATH (Four O'clock Edition.) New YocTt, July 20.-A handsome young woman, giving her name ns Miss Elizabeth McBenttly, of this city, ami a man of good appearance, describing himself as Albert King, a bookmaker, ngrtl 31, of this city, were arrested supposedly in connection with the theft of $50,000 worth of jewels from Mts. Hnlsey Co(rwin. Miss Beatty is suppose to tbe tho runaway wife- of a million alro living at Riverside, 'California, and it is stated came to New York two years ago. She has known Mrs. Cor win about six months. King is nllcged to be the husband of May Jonner, a woman well known to tho police, but who deserted king to become tho mis tress of a "big" Cleveland bank buirjglar. The couplo was arraigned on a chnrgo of gjnnd larceny, and held in default of $5000 bail. WISCONSIN MAN ISA SCRAPPER Senator Lafollette Like Grant Proposes Fighting It out on That Line Milwaukee, Wis., July 20. La Fol lette, answering Hemenwny, who eafd tho "Wisconsin man's rate bills were their own -worst enemy, says ho will go to "Washington next session and urge every umendinttnt ho proposed. Ho declares Roosevelt conyatulatcd him, saying his amendments were good. MANY HIGHBALLS WASTED. KILLED THEM BOTH MADE IT HOT FOR SYZRAN Bodies of Girl and Boy, Vic tims of Jealousy Found This Morning Wins Though Dead, (rour O'clock Edition.) Victoria, B. C, July 20. Governor Dunsmuir received a cable from Lon don thib morning to the effect that the privy council had dismissed tho appeal In tho Hopper vs. Dunsmuir case. This romovos the last chanco of Edna" Wal lace Hoppil-' to obtain possession of Alex. Dunsmuir 's share of the fnmily's millions, ... ;ll II 1 81 1 II I IIHI II I II II I ; " Oregon Man Burned. ; ' '. ', Boise, Idaho, July 20. Edw. ', I J Houston, plumber, while intoxi " J cated, accidentally ct fire to his uouso tins. morning at 4 o'ciock. . . . ; When Tescued, both arms and ', ' ' ono leg were burned off. He came ' i front Linn 'county, drcgon. nnniiiiHi nn-Mi-ti tit-. E fllCAGO STOKE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE HIT GOODS N SPECIAL SALE. PEIOES GUARANTEED TO BE THE LOWEST ON THE PAOD7IG 0OA8T. THAT IS WHY WE ABB ALWAYS BUSY. FEESH NEW GOODS NOW ON BALE. from 39c Burning Scotch Whisky Pours Down 'Gutters of Bonnie Dundee. Dundee, Scotland, July 20. Over blazing whisky that filled the streets of this town late Thursday nlgh.t, womtn with children in their arms sprang across tho raging fiery gutters in ef fort to securo safety, Whilo soveral of them wero scorched by the finmts, none were fatally Injured. The fire broke out in the bonded warehouse of James Wifson & Co , manufacturers of Scotch whisky, and one of the largest firms in the country. Tho firo created a panic among the in habitants, and it was hours before the flames were unde control. Besides tho large warehouses, a number of dwelling housos were consumed in the flames, and the loss is climated at $1,-250,000. Kansas City, Mo., July 20. Suppos ed victims of a rejected suitors' ro venge, Berthan, Boutin, nged 21 and Frank Merna, aged' 19, wco found un conscious this morning nnd danger ously wounded, where they hnd been lying all night. The girl had been struck on tho head with a water pipe, dragged 30 fiet and. thrown ov(r the bluff to the railroad tracks, 100 feet below. Her nose, arm and skull were broken, nnd tho youth's skull was f rnctui ed. MADE GALLANT RESCUE Syzran, Russia, July 20. Setting fro to tho town the1 rebels have caused the inhabitants to Hoe, nnd tho whole city is in flame. The government buildings nnd treasury are on fire, and the inhab itants arc seeking refugo in the sur rounding forests. Many of them have already arrived at Samar, in the prov ince of Simbirsk, and they tell harrow Ing tales of incendiarism. Not only have tho rifbcls sought to destroy the town by the torch, but they have robbed and pillaged where they can, and) tho fleeing inhabitants havo been ytrippcM of all thoir posses sion. Szrnn had a population of 35,000, and was one of the commercial towns of rapid growth. TIME TO DOUSE THE GLIM To Plan Future Missionary Work. Silver Bay, N. Y., July 20. Tho sec retaries of tho leading missionary boards of the United Stntes and Can ada, prominent clcrgymon of various mission fields, well known speakers on missionary and devotional themes, an ! a number of expert leaders of mission and Bible study classes are assembled here to attend the conference for lead ers in young people's work, which opened here today under the auspices of tho Young People's Missionary Movement. The purposes of this conference is to enable missionary secretaries in charge of the Young People's work and tho leadiers in Sunday schools nnc Young People's organizations to assist each other by exchanging mutual ex periences nud to plan missionary work for the ensuing year. The conference is also intended as a training school for lenders iu the work of local churches and Sunday schools. The con ference will last 10 days. Seaside, Or., July 20. Lea Colin., daughter of Leon Cohn, of Seventh etreet, Portland, barely esenped death In the Inrgo breakers off tho shore in front of the Mooro Hotel at Siasido at 11 o'clock yesterday morning. "With a number of young girls, men and womch she went in bathing nnd' struck out ahead of the others. She was a quarter of a mile down tho bench "where there was no life line. Present-' ly it was seen that she had lost control and was battling with the huge waves for lie- life. A number of men dashed into tLe -Rater after her, Fome of them in their clothes, and by tho time the young girl had drifted in front of tho Moore hotel Dr. A. A. Morrison, of Trinity church, Portland, who wns on the beach, plunged into the surf and renched her just ahead of Karl Kren Ikt, of the boathouse. Tho two men caught the girl and enried her out in safety. Dr. P. E. Johnson, n gTres of the LET'S LET THEM GO BROKE. If Meat Dealers Can't Livo Without Soiling Diseased Product Lot Tneni Go. (Four Q 'clock Edition.) Chicago, July 20. Tho Xntional Livestock Exchange, in session at theJ stock yards, declares tho enforcement 6f the post mortem inspection law will (Hiin their business. A committee wns nppointed this morning to mnkc rec ommendations for some method to pro tect tine. "I am a Missourian." (Four O'clock Edition.) Washington. July 20. The governor, general of tho Philippines cables: "Macario Sakny P'ancisco Cnrreoen, tho self-styled president, along with1 the vice-president of tho Philippine re public; Leon Villiafuertel, lieutenant' general; Generals Julian Montnlon, Lu cia Devzit nnd Bonito Utinviun'd nnl a number of important subordinates have sur-endered, and) aro now in cus tody nt Maniln. ' Rockefeller Is Coming Back to America, and Lights Should Go Out Paris, July 20. Kuckefcller, accom panied by his physician and family, occupies a private car on tho special steamer train, and will sail thiB even ing on- tho s'camer America. Ho de clined to discuss -tho Standard Oil in quiry. Ambassador audi Mts. McCor mick will sail on tho snino steamor for a short vacntion at home. Holly and Gans to Fight. Seattle, Wash., July 20. Tho 20 "ountl battle between .loo Gans and Dnvo Holly, tho two great colorod pugilists, which is to coino off hero this evening, hns attracted a largo number of sport lovers from nil pnrts of tho country to this city, nnd prom ises to bo one of tho most Important pugilistic evonts ecu horq for n long time. Tho men will fight art 180 pounds at the ring sido. Both fightors aro said) to bo In tho very pink of condition and a lively mill is cxpoctod. Gans is slightly tho favorirfo and is confldont thnt ho will bo ublo to knock out IiIh opponent. Should ho defeat Holly, Gans will go East to fight a mimbor p Eastern, boxers. Ho hopew to bo nblo to arrango a match with Brltt. Canada Will Sottlo. Ottawa, Canada, July 20. It Is re ported a treaty is being negotiated a Washington toward tho settlement of tho Bearing son sealing question on tho Moore, took her in charge at oneo nnd . basis of Canada's relinquishment of began vigorous offor's at resu8citatiuu. I her rights in pelagic scaling, in return It is now thought her lift will bo saved. f VKITE China. Silk, yard. . 2Cc 1 ttiriTE Pongoo Silk, yard, 49e 1 THTE Heavy India- Silkj 49c J'i'H Wool Dtroas Goods in all aa of Uglit fabrics, yard 18c, 35c, 49c. 75a Tainl AR frtaS pHITH Long GlovespniJr $1.25 vwHTH Linserfa Wafatfl.. 49o WHITE Lingorio Waists, 75c WHITB 'Iinirme Waists 9Sc TOato Lingoria Waista, $2.50 Waeh Silks, nil price. R Wish Dross Skirts OSc, $1.49. 1.B5 mud 2.50 ITR Indian Head Dress goods : o iices, JTE India Linens, plain ewh "" swsea, Mulls, Dimities wca at small prices. aiu4tt Underwear, Skirts, 1 wal Oorsot Covers at tle ooons, all prices. IS S frOTn 105 P- Jja Haj Bag, from 49c up. i070" roir 35o up. lr J)0 rwm 70 yd up fc -Jm ilul iHuwai. l Par, on ealo. WHITE Laoo Curtains, pair up. WniTE WJurfim, yard CJ,ic, 7o 8 1-3 nn.1 9c. WHITE damll-los, 8 l-3c, 9c, and ' 10c yard, WHITE Bodwrcvodb from 75o np. WHITE Tnbto Limeno, yard 19c 25c, 35o, urj. WHITE ToweH-ng from 5o yard up. WHITE Towels froan 4o eaci) up. WHITE Trimmed HntH fronr 98o up; WHITE Dra Ltoeoj at all priaea. WHITE Hswidkerchiefa, 4c, 5c, 8c. 10c, 15o and 25c. WHITE Aprons 19c nfcd' 25, WHITE Embroidories, yard 2c, 4c, 5c, 81-3C, 10c, 12VjC, 18c and 25o WHITE noso Supporters 10c 15c and 25c. WHITE Ready Made Dresses ftr chdldredi ttnd Misses, pco, 49o, 75o, 98c, $1-49, $1.75 aad $1.98. WIHTB Jockey Gaps, prfco 19c. WHITE Kid Glovee, pri0 88, WHITB Shl-ta for Men, 45c, 69c sand 9Sc WHITB DrofB Oolla-Ta for Ladiea 5v 10e, 15c ond 25c, WHITE Silk Dre Trimminga, at all priced. SALEM'S GMSATaST GROWING 8TOBE. k Y0Y BMS. . dcoS Scripps aiud McKca Again. New Yorkj July 20. A special meet ing of the directors and1 Publishers' Pess Association yesterday announced that E. W. Scripps nnd M. A. Moltae, had nurchnsed the controlling iutercst J J. R. Shale, president of the Publish ers' Company, announced that ho and T. J. Keenan, secretary, had disposed' of all thoir stock and jointly gave up control, and tendered their resigna tions. McRae, J. Harper, and John Vandercock wefre elected directors of the bonrd, which unanimously elected McRao president, and Vandercock secretary and general manager. It jalao retained Andrew McLean as vice! i president amt treasurer, xne'corauinn- tion comprises the association of 021 papers, including tho clients of the Scripps News Association and Pacific coast organization. a HE RAN AGAINST IT HARD Ashland, Wis., July 20. P. It. Potts swallowed a sufficient quantity of laud anum to kill him this morning. Ho nd- dre'sdd a farewell note to his mother, that death was too slow, and shot him self. The bullet struck a rib nnd glanced, and) the shock caused him to vomit the poison. Ho will live. i Boottjr T. Washington Will Speak. Schenectady, N. Y., July 20. The colored citizens of this city aro cele brating Emancipation Day in a more elaborate manner than ever before, and an interesting program has been ar ranged for the oxercises which will take placu this afternoon and evening. Booker T. Washington the head of (the Tuskegee Institute, is here as the cuest of the colored citizens of this 'citv. and will deliver an address on I "The Outlook for tho Colored Race." Popb Prays at Tomb of ieo XLTL I Rome, July -0. This being the anni versary of the death of Pope Leo XIIT, ,a solemn memorial mass, was celebrated 'at St, Petw's this morning, at which tbe -pojfd and o number of cardinals I officiated. Jfearly 5000 persons, includ ing diplomatic representatives, high dignitaries of the ehureb afid state and a large number of tourisia, -were present. The pope Meaaed the cata falque and said a abort prayer for Money in the Banks. San Jose, July 20. An old vajlse which for the past few yenrs has been stored in the rubbish Toom of the old Cosmopolitan Hotel, on North Market streot, which was wrecked by tho earth quake, was uncovered in n pile, of rub bish in tho rea of the building today by workmen. Tho consents showed the valieo to have been owned by Joseph E. Thomp wn, whoso last address was Campbell Station. Other papers showed tho man traveled extensively. It contained a number of tax receipts from San Diego county. Wearing apparel moth eaten by age, was also among the list of ar ticles in the valise. A number of bank checks -were found, also bank books, thowlng the owner had money deponted in severnl East ern banks and th WtllsTargo bank of San Francisco which reaebed tho sum of nea-ly $500. TLe police started an investigation, but wero unable to learn an) thing concerning the owner. ior '.) per cent ot tno retail price re reived by the ITnited Stntes for the Bribiloff rnoU-ies. Ofliclnlh discredit tho report. o GaribaJ'aans Ccleibrato Anniversary. Messina, July 20. Throughout J.'nlv tho annive sary of tho famous vlstory of Guiseppo Garibaldi over tho Nopo litau troops at Milnzzo, July 20, ISflO, is celebrated1 today. Here tho anniver sary, wns observed ns a holiday. There was a pnrado and many voternn Gari- baldinns took part in it, wearing their historic red shirts in honor of the oc casion. Qocftjo Made Them Quit, Portland, Or., July 20. After a stormy all-night mooting tho stroot car employes this miming voted not to strike. (Mnny people will regret tho fact that they did not hnvo . chanco to ex pross thoir feelings as betweon Goodo and the employes, but now thoy would probably stay with Goodo. Tho aver age citizen hates to sue strength Ho down to wealth). Portland, July 20. A raise in wages by the company was the cause of tho rejection of tho striko proposal by narrow margin. Land Thieves Oct It. (Four O'clock Edition.) Portland, July 20. hi tho land f-nud trial today Frank Kincnrt, a defend ant, turned state's ovid'encc, and act mitted entering into a conspiracy with the other defendants iu locating vic tims on timb4" claims under tho rforn- iso of purchase from a mythical com pnny. T. Shoul'z, one of tho victims, testified that he was Induced by the dofendnnt Hoge to take up claims. Blew Off His Lid. (Four O'clock Edition.) SentMe, July 20. Geo. F. Simonds, of Chicago, in chnrgo of a Raymond Wbitcomb tousist purty, suicided by tho pistol route on the wharf this morning after the d'epar.tuc'o of his party on thd etoarnoT City of Seattle for Alaska. His wife wns among the pnrty. Tho motive is unknown, Adopt a Nbw Ritual.. (Four O'clock Edition.) Denver, Colo., July 20, The now n'itual finally adopted by tho Elks to day is now to be sent to tho subordi nate lodges. The grand lodgo Installed officers at Its final session today. Clay ton Dunks, of Choyenne, won tho Iron cho huing contcs. o What Was Ho Earning (Four O'clock Edition.) Washington, July 20. J. H. Bishop has been appointed soerotnry of tho canal commission at $10,000 a year. Juan Barrios, Ar.turo Uhlro, Joso Pinto and Manual Cnprat havo boon appoint od to represent Guatemala in tho penco conference. Russia In tho Depths. (Four O'clock Edition.) St. Petersburg, July 20. The bourso is on tho verge of a panic. Tho gov ernment, closed six printing establish ments today. Six hundred houses wa-o burned at Alatyn, and 200 nt Kaisk. Work or Walk. Odessa, Russia, July 20. Strlklug workmen havo boen notified that If Uiey hnvo not rolurndd to work by Monday they will bo exiled. When tho Weather Changes. (Four O'Clock Edition.) Washington, July 20. Members of tho ice trust this morning plcndml not guilty, and were given until September 1st to file answers. Frisco Fire Spreads. (Four O'Clock Edition.) London, July 0. It is reported one of the moit prominent banks in Lon don, with American connections, la in tsouble, but has temporarily -weathered tho storm. It is also rumored that a prominent British iutursneo company la financially involved. Cm I Cbicago Market. Chicago, July 20. Wheat, 7S Nine Per Cent Clean. Kanrus City, Mo,, July 20. The World today says of 12 packing housei in this city 11 have leon declared by the United States bureau of animal in dustry to be unsanitary, and they were given until August iBt to clean up. Tf not dpno then not an anima will be alloweu to jmss tho gates for slaughter. Stands for Exgit Hours. Washington, July 20. florapers, in discussing the order of tho President to enforce the eight-hour law on gov- Lsfjieat work, ayi "It is vrhat the federation wanted, and has fought many years to obtain. The President is merely carrying out the promise Albuquerque, N. M., July 20. Earth quakes aro hindering the, movement of trains, nnd Sorrocco Ih yearly depopu Tho rush for timber lands in the John Day country Is now greater tbac oyer bofo'e, Fourteen out of the 75 catcs in tho Washington county court, tiow la ses sion, aro divorco cases. Dr. J. F. CookMe7 to 356 Liberty street, where he wM meet aH old and new patients, for any disease, caMoirDr. Cook. Consufta- LeoXIIL 77, corn 51 1-5, oatt 35',S32-. nraue by him long aeo Uon irt