v DAILT OAKUL SOVtXtL, MtUX, OMMOS, TODAY, JUI.Y U IMS- M F DAILY CAPITAL JODRSAL JT HOFEK BKOfl., FaMfefesra sad Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. B7 HaiL Daily Journal, on month 33e Daily Journal, three months ....$1.00 ti.ik. Jmirnal. oc rear -00 UTeekly Journal, one year 1.00 By Carrier. Daily Journal, per month COe 7"A Blood Exoerience count anything with you? Then what do you think of 60 years' experience with Ayer's Sarsaparilla I Sixty years of curing thin blood, weak j.i.!i:i wr -th tou would as vour own aoctor sooui Ifhh Aik him to te you honestly what he thinks it will do for your case. I this. Ask nira to teii )ouiJu..i a9Mt w j.c.xttCo..I Then do precisely as nc says. tt,rornBU'fiiirmficn! Lown,t.. LAND SHARKS' WORK MTDStTMKEE TEBX OF COURT. Tint was a bright' stroke of enter prts of t last legislature to provide a tm of court at Salem in tae mwaie of July. Juror and lawyers swelter and sweat ami Iom tWf disposition, and clients traffcr, over their cases being trlod out Id tbf Wtfrl Uvm. The fwmars and fruit growers must leave their homes at tho buy time of haying and harveV and serve at $2 per day. It would soon m tboagh, when there aro only about two months In tbo year that eno moot perfectly uncomfortable, court could bo held, during tho ten comfatablo month. For juilM go without meals, with out bath, anil even- without eool watnr to drink 15 A HARDSHIP NO AMEB I0AK SHOULD ENDURE. Jtut ehargo tt all up to the legisla ture. Tim judgo are humane and would five jurlem all (he comforts possible. o OIVE TIIE BOYS A CHANCE. There aro those who would not allow boya to rido a bicycle on any path or tridowalk. Thero are othors who would navcr al low boy to gt swimming fr tbo rivrr, and woull arnst EVERY KEO WHO GOT IKTO A CREEK WITHOUT A nrrtew dollar bationo suit OK HUM. Tie deposition to bo fccvoro with tho rising generation, and enforco lawn against them on all kinds of pretexts jbaVm nvirw bid boya and criminal thnu all other proeeex. (llr tho, boy chnnco to ride their wheels. PunUb the eorcher, and the boya who run over Mitno one, Imt give oven the boy n chance to live ami et around town, TUB SqUEAMISHtfESa THAT FKKL8 POLLUTED AT THE SIGHT Or A HUNCH Or BOYS IK THE CREEK OX RIVER IN NATURE'S 0ARXSNT8 cannot Im otcctod egaleot eoutmniMtion in a iked and inconsiderate world. Olve (he boya a ehanaa, (wjw4Hy this W weather. Aaitve ywt; lad cannot 1m altvtlier tNppmW with out drivlag Uitu to sKet view that ari infiintelr worn THIS IS DONE ON THE THEOET THAT HE IS A TRAMP AND A CRIMINAL AND A FIT SUBJECT FOR ARREST ON GENERAL PRINCIPLES. This policy, if arel to, will mekc men commit crimes, and :t fire to not" and baroa and become despera does generally. This paper does not consider it nec essary to advocate rwaning every un employed laboring man who comes tui? to hot work out of town as a tramp and criminal. Not every man who steak a ride in to town on a freight train, or who rides a break beam, is a criminal. THERE ARE GREATER LAW BREAKERS COME TO SALEM IN PALACE CARS, and even sons of prominent Salem citizens bavo traveled on tho brake-beam. Printers, mcobanies and honest la boring men, with monoy in tboir pock ets, play tramp, and beat their way on tbo trains. It U not right to fine laboring men wio drop off hoT to bunt work, who commit no crime, and show a -disposition to get honest employment. It is a crima to order such men from one community to another like hunted criminals, and then protect tho big criminals who rob banks. An officer who indiscriminately or ders "nil the tired tourista to move on' 'U not a good advertisement for a town. Thero N no law for it, and a romiminity that would enact such e law would hardly be civilized. It would seem that a political boss, who lias been resjxmsible for as much rotten mireying as WAS DONE ON SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET WOULD BE A FITTER SUBJECT TO RUN OUT OF THE OITT. Tho laborer is glnd of a chnnco to get employment. Ho hat as much right to comu nrui go, whether ho trav els a la braka-bearn or on a tlo pass, as tho man who pays for a seat on the l'ullnnn and rides on a freo jkiss. Tbo city government Is In very small biHlnos when Its iollce will visit ev ery train to seo that no unemployed nmn nrrlve irWJ tho intention of looking around, without being arrested or orderwl to movo on. X-RAYS The Mitefcell family is being snuiTcd out, moraHy and mentally. This is a red lette- day In Oregon, not a mile of railroad has been built. ' Mh& of the praise given public men by Uwlr aHgel admirers is much like hAsHiag only lip sorvke. 0 It is not Qvcry man who comes into town on a brakobeam is a hobo. Chief Cornelius is pre-eminently correct. and a tourist is a hobo with money. and a tourist is a hobo without money. Wbv not order both to "move on!" Even tho ancient and honorable guiW of pointers hit the brake-beam somotimos instead of counting tics. Thero aro some peoplo in Oregon whoso souls would have a? much room in a gnat's btadder as a bull frog in the Pacific ocean. OS If a person travels on a government pas, is ho any bettor than a hobo? Tho horso editor would liko to have the diffcronco explained. Both beat the railroad company. Creffield startod, under the namo of roligion, to cloak his vile practices, a oult founded in in, conceived in iniqul ty, and rmulting in two deaths, and a job lot of insanitv. Esthol Mitchell, killing hor brother, is an illustration of how far, so-called, roligion may lead its dfupes. Hero is a doctrino that ovorlooks and' forgets the livino commandment "Thou shall not kill." Timber Locators Are Turned Down in the John Day and Harney Countries They will no' quit. Report say that tho timber land thiwea are at it again. This time the almrkri aro confining their activities to tho John Day and Haxney countries. Several bunlred people bavo recently como hi'o Ovgon from the eastern states ami havo gono Into the great region watorcl by the John Day and it tributaries and have taken up tim bor land It is likely their work will have been dono for naught and! fur thermore somo of them may bo in- diCetf for fl.iaud. However, the timber cruisers, who loosri'i'l tbo lands and sold their in formation to tho locators are the per sons who aro in tho greatest dtvnger. Tho locate! s say that tho cruisers have charged them $100 to $200 por lo cation and! haivo then put them on the map at distances from five to ten miles fwn tho spot they are asked to swear thoy havo seen. It is said that governmemt dotec- ,tivc-( who hnvo been on tho ground taking notes, cletim to havo sufficient cvidnvco that many of the locators sold their claims boforo they went into 'the timber. In that locality all locations have been stopped, papors withheld and) fil ing.? declincl. It is understood that an investiga tion will bo made at once and the wholo affair snowm up. The cruisers, it is said, placed many locators in the foiost row?rvo ami of courso those fil ings were promptly thrown out. , It is possible, that somo sensational developments aro in store. The Best Guaranty of Merit Is Open Publicity. Every bottle of Dr. Pierce's world famed medicines leaving the great labo ratory at Buffalo, N. Y., has printed upon its wrapper all the ingredients entering Into its composition. Ibis fact alone places Dr. Pierce's Family Medi cines in a cUiti all by themselves. They cannot be classed with patent or secret medicines becauso they aro neither. This Is why .o many unprejudiced physicians prescribe them and recommend them to their patients. They know what they are compoxl of, and that tho Ingredients are those endorsd by the most eminent medical authorities. The further fact that neither Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the great stomacn ionic, nver iuiuiuiui, . heart regulator and blood purifier, nor his "ravorito rnacripiioii" ior wbuk, uur worlced, broken-down, nervous women, contains nnv alcohol, also entitles them to a place all by themlves. Mi.nv vn-ti-4 nan Dr. Plprco discovered that chemically pure glycerine, of proper strength, Is a better solvent and preserv ative of tho medicinal principles resid ing In our Indigenous, or natU-e, medi cinal plants than isnlcohel: and. further more, that It possesses valuable medicinal properties of Its own, being demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic, and a most etliclont antl ferment. Neither of the above medicine con tains alcohol, or anv harmful, habit forming drug, as will be seen from a glance at the formula printed oil each bottle wrapper. They are safe to uso and potent to cure. Not only do physicians prescribe tho above, non-secret medicines largely, but the most Intelligent peoplo employ them peoplo who would not think of using the ordinary patent, or secrot medicines. livery ingredient entering into tno com position of Dr. Pierce's medicines has the strongest kind of an endorsement from leading medical writers of tho several schools of practice. No other medicines put up for like purposes has any such professional endorsement Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pollots cure con stlpntlon. Constipation Is tho cause of many dNeases. Cure tho cause and you euro the disease. Ono 'Pellet" Is a gentlo laxative, and two a mild cathartic. Drug gists sell them, and nothing Is "just as good." Easy to take a3 candy. If you want a SQUARE MEAL you should go to th White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs, Phono Main 196. . stato Moals served at all hours. The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's Stablea. up-io-aaio jivery and, cab HB. Funoral turnouts u specialty. Talk! no iur piumca uuu excursions. PhoiJ 44. UilAS. w. YANNKE, Pi,,. 5J47 and H4JJ High Street. SUMMER NORMA! Of Willamette University June 27 Aug. 7 J. T. MATTHEWS, Secretary A HEAL TItUST IN JAIL. Tho Journal prides Itself on giving notico that several hundred feet of railroad has been built in tho limits of 8alem. This is not a great starter fa tho million miles of location, but it shows Salem is progressive. "Heboid- what a bla7.e a little fire Tcindleth." If the law had denlt hon estly and justly with Croflleld, ho would havo beon in tho penitentia-y, Mitchell would havo been alive, and Ksthor Mitchell not a murderess and fratricide Esther Mitchell, having killcxl her brother will now probably bo sent to tho insane asylum. All hor actions for If ym want to read about a real, living, conspiring, grasping trust be ing ncttwWy final audi nt to jail for viela'lon of tb nnti-triMt laws, buy n ropy of Ooillw's V,,kly for July 14, and road of tbo wooftti futo of the fn.,i.i-. i... . . WL. k w . .i. i ll0 Iwt t,,ro -voirs sutm'9 she was in-1 Uimi the mt wither ontue on and .,, Vn. -i. i n , . tb n...L. i. -... ,.. , '"n. :ow, who is to blumo for the ,m ,..,., ,r,hT, ,., rumu injiu iiii Hot WoatJhcr rish Story. Ellensburg Capital. It will bo remembered that last year tho Hay brothers did somo boring for artcsinn water on their farm In Johnson canyon. Aft or they hadt gonj down loss than 100 feet thoy gave up tho idea, although! they had struck water which ennvo up to tho sunfaco. Thoy covered theso holes thoy bored ono of 10 inches and another of 6 in ches diameter for tho safoty of stock and havo dono nothing with them since. Lately a reniarkablo discovery hasbeon made. W. T. Sheldon; who has a fanm near by had occasion re cently to lift these covers, and ho was surprised to seo scores of fish rush from tho surface into tho depths. Ho called the at.'entioni of others to the strange condition and many times havo sinco seen thcn. No ono has gono to tho troublo of catching any, but Mr. Sheldon says they look liko trout and ho believes thoy aro. Tho question naturally presents itself, where did rheso fish como from? Mr. Sheldon's theo-ry will doubtless bo acceptod. Ho thinks tho drill holes connect with an underground lako or river. BRICK Brick furnished in large or quantities, .tressed brick made order. Yard on State street, south j Penitentiary. SALEM BEIOK YAED. A. A. BUETON, P Screen Boots I have a good',Boloctioa of stock i of cedar screen doors, including Mb etc. Large stock of all kinds of Poulfcjj Lawn and Field Fencing, Posts, Sh gles, Gates, etc. All at lowest pricw WALTBB KOI 250 Court St, Salens ( For Sale. Millinery stock and fixtures. "Will stfll bolow cost. Eeason. for soiling, failing health. C. M, HILKE. 7-12-3t THE LIVER QUARANTINE rROTEtrraa HOKCBT MKN. Halw's UMtf tt Pulton Imi .ltl.ld tl Uburiajr nm wo mh te Sli to JW for wwrlc tkaU not be treated 6 tmtnfH am) mIiiUmIi, h,Dg as tfcey vwittta no Uw. It fcMrtiw t)i nifte tMtt n4 otlmr poMrw. HtaW4 Uy a favtlmt f t i(y hwa, fe ytkvm a Mttetml rivil ic Ui Mty, Ut U m Mtla.v U Hw f Um fr4t Hrh .f fo. lr, m4 Um mmvmmut t larj; vm Wa f HMSl mhmi fnnx (HM) f tl tmt to M(br. T1H3 lOLIOY or oumr ooRKnuua would SlinK TO HE TltB WOJtT ONR Tk ( MMN'( Mrt .if U SaUm ivltf wt f U Hf w- mm money WHY NOT mak yotfc idle taxa iatwc? If dtfotlUd In our I Savings Dcpaxtmeaf it wJfl cAto ihtet pef cenl ftpt,:al j available wham, yo and It. I(Urt componadcd mhU - amwually, oa ht JlMHt 4y of January and 'Mr- Sr'Diarimet awl jwir driukiivg wtor in Toknio. the vamplrwi hoti a mooting and LABOniNOr"1 W llw of 1m in tlm eit-. Flvu min ooutrolitsl the lev Ihhom U Tlifc ami th.v all eatertxt tho ouw i4ry V. nbb tbi jmiaic In iu d,iy of Rfwt nvL Tlw ior wxmU kive been prohibited from iwlug loo on e Mt f tk tunrbltnnt prlw agrwnl ujw by tho twwt. Mm. UuiHk HiwvlHtMf, TSk wd an lwnt dl'trimt attornaiy, .,tiI fr. l1 BOWWJWJfc, Mai A J wk) -K im m iikmmj iiMIno and wm Up hh iNx-KltiM of the tmtt V MttoH. It WM fHhl tkHt U tAWt kd W- h unlawful eoMiHrae- to rafcw Mm pri ef iM wlthBut ar hi- lrmi (m.. iiHy mM tlw bad hnw a id fttMM m Ue rjrt kW. .w w mr tb SOu-m d-rt sairig trim a mnd fimift. - km.v .r tMnr to ir a Aw f tmo H4. d wvt xr tA, TttV.,10 "-iH-kfcauBK, TJm tmat wim wnL Its mam- mAAM, v,o far w fl jj-. UW f krtiiw dHff U tav w jlrojvc ft. A VtMT m U 7,1,1. Ym,yLamiUkt Wnv ttm a TWdo rt bWml in Wa i.. .4 ,,, ut. X J . - !- " (r muikr of Mitohell or lather Miteholl. the nuthori(it The bors wMtor repent his sugges tion of a (m- ttays ago about congres-) npproprhtiiig threo million dollar for e.XHitilnIg tho siaighter bouses of the country. That is enforce the laws-, KNd tbo president, directors and nian n:urs fomid guilty to tho pon. iitotead of tlntnf. Minn. .1.1 .1... .... i.t . ,- ...v.... , inv jhiasilig COlHeS wviW bo nwMM,, 0f cJtwttlinMs-suMl t wt the poojde a cnt. was wwe i H. S. GiJe & Co. Wholesale Merchants and Dealers in FETJTI? AND PEODUOE. "Wo havo large supplies of berry boxes, both tin top and folding, also orates. Got your supplies here. We buy buttor, eggs, poultry, produce, eta Pay cash. RELIEF FOR LADIES. FRENCH TANSY WAFERS Original and only genuine. Put u;l yellow wrapper with Crown trade mA For salo by leading druggists, Pr!cf per box.' Summer School The first term of the Capital Bun Normal opens on May 1st, to coat! eignt weekB. .TutHion $10. Son School of Primary Methods. JunsJlth, to continue three weeks,! dress J. J. Kraps, or County Supsi tendent E. T. Moores, Salem Or. pMAtMtantM&r iMmMEMfl'flFBEHCHrauii 1 YiHiuiiiViii Jjiinii r 1 IliUVBf AlaB WMlIBl Tlw dUpteh stat ti. Mrs. John I'MWrwoi).! wwi aako,l by a mountain Moil. Hoiftg kiuHjktNl down be iwgun Mg. -m9 IIoh w, ,0 cnarm81 ut bo Htoo.) w-itj, 0(W Jww 0Q hN. brwit. wkila sh ......u.-.. .... kew from Uu duxokev to " There 'll ?nHrr'.,,,,lVerc?,,'M',t'nnrantineofe - -- iv io--. -" " iHjisoiia nnil nttnr.la )., TACJNO IU UUU onT." qilnrried eating has ruine.1 many a man's stomach. The digtion-destroving pro- Tto?UiE?m1, .often "nnoUcea a T first. S.il. .i 'V a S ,ort time unlil th Hm balks, the digestive organs give way. and a most countless ill. ,,! the mar'who endeavor tn mAn... .:.. .. .. .B.v. ."rr""" "UJO al "e " r""- " "a nc.HUl ulul.. m ll --.- W MOU sHva Uh it until KHlRkt, when tb buH.tt.1 j..rfj on 'he (.. Ba ktlt the, lion. If he Wd Iwte comjHOio.1. liko U,e li.,n. to W...n to tk ,4, waM ptvUibh- s4mm ta wbwb. SKlk hUA KMtUaHs" j ywr to mm) I. tv. atu ui ..; . ----- .w ut,m t w4 k 44 , , w "" u poor -i - -- m ' kBH HI hU.tk.U . in iwii:. uu . .: "--"" im "" ' urvvvts. A Piijcaution. A pW Iwb.w ws brought to a Settle i Mko.i tho uwo of tU infant. ;:-1,'tlMfc.rw.pMh,eJ. IWt wWt d tW M stand forT " ' Dkinilor, 'On, if aU torau. out iL. .i I kly abwR tb h&a.c, UU ke. Ihlt if ik feu fiorv .... ... . ' lul--.. . -v-fv-r iw 7Tr' "wrtueu, k germs ami to,iv poisons and affords them JtV V f;,;HV,"nx "'e senom illness, qin faun ies where August Flower is used sluggish liver and constipation areun known, so are alt stomac , ailn.enT, Uons No well-regulated family .hould bewithout this standard remedy? . T-o sue., 25c and 75c All druggi,u. Bold in 8alem by S. 0. Stone, coAi'o fMmMy ' - k rl SPILLS. A Bin, Cuth-i r.mt for Scrnuin llmtniw NjtVni KNOWN TO fAil. S.r.l H.rti 8fJlSk forlLOOr toi. w,ll ni thtmon trll.to b. 1 UNIT?r MCDICAL CO.. BOX T4. UNOMTTIL Fi Sold la Balsm by 8 O. Htont. O. C T. 0 Steamers Pomona and Alfoua 1 for Portland daily excopt Sunday ":10 a, m. M. P. BALDWIN", Ageat wl U mu- i Yo terainlng Factor. h yun uot U,it d.. Croup vloiBt ladamajATlo- nf . ou, wbrane of tk, wind pip vul au.it l ... . "'-i- at- . "" " wm "a in ik nijj,. S'ft-' " of miiJa,. 8tr T.i-i " "T '"V "nU' C . 1 t jappiey s Perfection Baking Powder WheniYankce Doodle Comes to Town Unirctnt ntrtrlUous and fally meets the rcqairements of health. Aefr . - rut gTocer tot it. c M. ,EPPLEY Manafactttrer Salem . . . Oa the Fourth of July he wUlbablv wear his best bib and tucker, and will oWe that every man of refinerae" SSb1? collar on tbt look, immaculate and comfortable Zu , P' WeU Pressed man in f 1 h" h!s laun -ork dono at -v rtjem o-eam Laumlrv ni wrk in early, wo WOuldlike to cele- SALEM STEAM LAITNDBY. Colonel J. Olmstead, Prop. uone so. GOOD ADVICE 136-166 Liberty 8t, U se cab Self'RisW uoy at our pf Ices and save inowf ' your grocerios. Our offerings aPPeai strongly to you, becauw values can bo seea at a glancs. D-f. I o m .... ll "aner. La wrpnr & Kaker si Successors to Harrltt & Lawre- ) Fruit Growers! See us for DRYER TRAYS ORCHARD BOXES J ERRY CRATES and BOXES. Any and k: - - wu.-.v h-u len ' u. B. B. Floti, Asfcyoar gracer for it. Kinas or Doxes vre. Salem Box Facf ori Al ilxacw a- ivmn. M t OMB80. k" '1 r .