Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 13, 1906, Image 1

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a. w, miu s.uv jr. &.
;V0L. XVI.
" NO, 167.
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isther Mitchell Shoots Down Her
Brother in Cold Blood After
Shaking Hands With Him
Irs. Crefficld Is Accessory Before the
fact, She Having Provided the Gun
With Which Deed Was Committed
hind' the loft car, and! he died instant-J But to fur as possible the polico kept
!y. ile crowd away. Chief of Polico Wap-
Brother Loap3 Too, Late. penstein detailed special squads to
As the gun was brought up Fred; dmve back the people.
Mitchell leaped) to seize the weapon,
but ha was too late. Ho grabbed Es
ther's armi just after she firedl, and' the
girl collapsed in his arms. Sho stayed
there until depot policemen hurried up
ami pincedl her under arrest.
Both Esther Mitchell and Mrs. Crof
field, who was arrested at 7 o'clock
last night, while on her way back from
the cemetory, where "Joshua" Crof-
field) is buried, acknowledged in state
Bitter Against Frank Hurt.
Perry ami) Prcd Mitchell woro
brought to the station later, Perry sob
T)ing bitterly, but Frets bearing up un
dvr tho stiwin without manifesting
emotion. Between hi sobs Perry beg
ged tho rolico to relievo Esther of
blame, declaring thnt she was deluded
land irresponsible. But he criedl for
vengeance against Frank Hurt, whom
'ho accused of supplying Esther and
Seattlo, Wash., July 13. Esther her brothor, and she greotod him with
tchell shot and killed hex bnother, ' a. siwilo and -a hearty handshake, sho
rge, tho slayer of Franz Edmund" loitercdl behind to got her opportunity,
ffield, in. tho union, dfepot, at 4:20 A revolver, purchased tho day before
by Mrs. Creflicld, for tho assassination,
afternoon, as George and his
ther, Perry, were on thein way, to
to a .Northern. Pacific tram for
Mitchell was walking behind
two brothers, in company with a
Fid brothor, Fred. Sho had gone to
depot for tho purpose of killing
was carried concealed undsr .a enpe
thrown carelessly over Esther Mitch
ell's -left arm.
Fred Mitchell offered to canry the
cape, and as she Landed it to him, the
sister raised her revolver and fired.
Tho bullet struck young Mitchell bo-
ittle Prices and Quick Selling
is the order for
)iv idioa of doing business is to cell lota of goods. Wo want to mako six
alcb to our cKwrepeititiora' ono. By doing thhlti ww cnni sell our goods cbJenp-
and always hnvo now goods to showi our customera That Is tho rea-
wo hnivo built up such an' enormous bufintesB 1st such a short time.
JSH NEW DRY aOODS offered at prices you never beard of before
the Pacific Coast. Bead en:
BOc Wwsfo Oryetnl Cord Silk, yd. 19c
59c Wash) IaJdia Silks all coIotb
yasd 23c
pa Dm Tnffeftia Silks, nil col
ors, yairtl , 49c
f5c SiMc Finai-liodt Vdvotoons.
yard .., .39c
Ko Siiroi Gray. Panama Dress
Goods yard - 35c
pl.00 Silirwr Gray Panama Drees
Goods, yarti 69c
White) Iineo Dress Goods;,
yaW ...,.. " 18c
H-3a and! lOo Dimities add
Lkwos, jjnartl 5o
Stiaeudbrdl Calico, yRrd).,.;. 4e
iemstatk of Drees Goods hlf price,
pVjc Drcsa GkJama, yd). ...81-3c
5c Biaok Laoo atrhedi Dress.
Goods,, yuml''. 18c
5o "WMte.UBJCO'Btriped Dimi
tios, Trtl ..'.'. 9
5c Moroca Skin&Bft ea colors,
3Tid ...s 30c
l-3c Laco Starioefl Curtain
Stxint, yard) ,.r....,..4Hc
mall price on Stiectiaa bjmJ
11-00 White Bed Spreads 69c
BJefiJciedi 5a.lk Damaf-ki
IJard 25o
c Satin; FinWu TsJUs Daaask
tftf ,....., 35
Towels, 4c; 10c Towels, 6c;
-Vi Towels, 83c; 15 Tow
b, 10.
-Ho Fancy Cfetour, jt...81-3
iU Tw4edl Tmii. -rtl c
tVrt Hsht7 Otak TowA&ao.
Ladles ' 10c Bkusk Stockings, pr 5c
Ladies' 18c Fast Black Stocb-
imgs, pair 10o
Lh.ddes' 25c Whirtio Daco Stock-
icigs, pair ,....lSc
ChfiMrccn's Stockkiigs, 9c, 10c, 15c,
and) 19o pair.
BetJ Darning CoUon, ball lc
Bee Sans Silk; ball 2o
lialddes' $3.50 Trimmed Sailor
ITats $1.95
Ladies' Swell Dres Sois, $4.50,
$fl50 anil $9.90.
Lodfios' 95c Whits Shirtwaists. .49c
Ladies' $1.50 Whdto Sfauftwaferts 05c
Laldacs' $1.50 Wbftb Fk Dross
Skirts ..(. 98c
Ladies' $6.50 Covert Jackets.
Prico $3.45
Sui Jackets, Coats amJ Milii-
n-y all1 at Special Price.
LakMes' 50o 8hoppiBg Bags,
flrico 25o
SrrcU Belta, 10c, 15c, 19c, 25
aaU) up.
No. 40 Fancy' 18c Nock Ribbcew,
yard 10"
18c Fine Embroidwed Nck Col
lars ....'. 9
CMLdrem's 50c Percale Dresses.. 25c
Children's 85c Chambrey Drees-
...49e '
..,43o -,.75e
75c Laco Ourtakis, pair ...
$1,25 Laca Curtaina, pair .
$1.50 Laca Curtains, pair .
Ladies' WfcLts TfeOwatirts,
, 49e 75cas98c
Ladies' Coreet CbYers;
,9c, 10c, 15c asd 23e
3J .; ,.81.3 'Ladies' 75c Girdle CoraeU pair39o
ti Mosquito Bar, yard ,.... 4c
JUUM'ft MoUnwc cwqwof JTtOML
Corner of Coffloier
ciil ifld Court Streets
sano demand for vengeance that
prompted her to refuse to accompany
her father on his return to Illinois.
"I killed George be'eauso ho IkuI
killed nn innocent maw, and because ho
had ruined my reputation by saying
thnt CreflMd) seduced me." Esther
Mitchell declared, but both her state
ment and that of Mrs. Creflicld indi
cates that tho two had conspired to as
Mrs. Croffleld Bought tho Gun.
Mr?. Croftlcfld prompted tho shooting
and sho bought the gun vrith which it
was done. It had been, agreed between
them -that tho first ono seeing George
should slay him.
Gcongo and Porpy Mitchell were to
have gone to Portland! last night. In
fact, George had made-nil arrangoments
to meet certain newspaper men upon
his arrival. At tho last moment, how
ever, L. TL Sandel, who testified in
Gcorgti's behalf at tho trial, asked
George and Pertry to spend tho night
9s his guests at Southeast Seattle,
where a small group of Holy Rollers,
including Prank Hurt and his wife,
reside. They did' so.
Today Frod Mitchell saw his sister
and ho told her that tho departure of
his biothers had been delayed. He
told her that they would leave Seat
tlo at 4:30 o'clock in. 4110 afternoon.
Sho took tho gun. Mrs. Crefllold had
purchased!, and went to tho depot to
meet them.
Esther Takes Brother's Hand.
Perry Mitchell saw his sister stand
ing near a pillac when ho checked his
grips. Sho had been seated near tho
center of tho xoomi watching for tho
three boys, and had arisen wheo ho
passed. Perny greeted her, ad a mo
ment lnton signaled to George, whom
Esther had! not seen, no approached
and without words tho brother and sis
tor shook hands.
Esther offered to accompany tho
brothers to their waiting train, and
tha four stnrtod down tho ailso toward
tho door. George and Perry Mitchell
wero in front, with Fred and Esther
walking a short disiance behind. Fred
was at tho sido of Esther, but about
two feofc distant. She was canning a
capo thrown over her left arm, and be
neath it was concealed1 tho revolver.
Fred offered to carry tho capo as
tho group passed down tho aisle and
reached for it. As he took it front
Esther's arm sho whipped tho revolver
into har night hand, raised) the gun and
fired. George dropped, killed instant-
- Muf jfeross GolUpsos After Crime.
Esther fell back as Fred Mitchell
reached for hen revolver and sat down
into his lap with, her arms. about his
neck. Fred! had' wrested 'the gun from,
her, but too lato to prevent the k'Jl"
ing. .
By a curious coincidence Officer
Hart, tho man who arrested Mitchell
when ho killed Creffleld, was tho de
pot policemen who took Esther into
custody; for slaying her brother Kurt
turned her over to Officer Mason. To
Mafon the girl aaid, answering a ques
j'l am George Mitchell 'a sister, and
I khot him."
'Why did you do it" asked Mason.
"I will stake my. statement later
ox$" said tho girl calmly. She did
not show any eaotloa.
Miss Mitchillwaa hurried to the po
lice1 station while the body of George
Mitchell lay a the depot moor, await
ing the coroner. , Aboat the titno Es
ther had reached the station George's
body was carried! frost the station to
ward the aaorgws. Hundreds ef curl-
on spectators, attracted by the sheet
ing, thronged the depst, sunreusvded
the jail asd f&sgat fer adwltUsee at
the morgue where Mitchell'. body lay,
ments takon before Chief Wappon-ir. Creflieldl with money, nnd, Mrs.
stein that they had con.pi-ed to kill Wrefllcld, whom ho declared must have
George. Had) it been' necessary Esther ,jnspi ed the girl.
Mitchell was prepared to follow tiorjl "Don't blamo Esther," he said,
brother to' Portland. It was this iu-!f 'Slio was not responsible It's Mr.
-, A - -
ICrcffleJdt. Esther hn ben prevailed
ypon to do this. Sho thought it was
jrlghr When I saw her at tho dopot
jhe enme toward me as though sho
was glad. She greeted George with
out saying nnythlng; but in a mannor
lhnf indicated thnt she was ready to
po reconciled!.
yThcn sho volunteered to walk to
tho door with us, and wo Ptnrtod nhbnd
of her, with Fred and Esther following.
Bho shot George," he ended with n
Fred Mitchell supplemented! the
ptatemen- with an explanation that
f had gone to se Esther that morn-
g to effect a reconciliation. Sho do-
lirod to him ngain thnt sho felt a deep
eminent, toward Oeorgo andl did
t believe tho familv had treated' her
property in. giving family details pub
licity. But sho received tho statement
of George and Perry's intending de
parture wi'h apparent interest.
Perry 'b Account of Killing.
At that time she did not indiicato
nay intention of going to tho depot.
Later Ponry Mitchell dictated this
statement' to the chief of police:
"At tho depot I went to check my
frdp, and when I came bnck I saw
Esther standing behind the pillnr
there, looking around the crowd', seem
ingly looking for us.
"Looked na if nothing was tho mat-
iter. I said: 'Why, Esther.' Sluf
naid: 'I just camo down to seo you
oft".' Just then I motioned for George,
Ho camo up nnd spoke to hor (sho
mado tho reanaik to tho matron that
sho wanted to s?o George), and George
shook handk with her there. Sho said:
'I will walk out to the door with you.
I and George walked on ahead, talking.
Sho dropped back, and Fret!) was at
her side. Fred said' to her: 'Let mo
oanry your coat.' Sho had a coat over
hor arm, and seemingly had a gun in
her hand. And sho said: 'All right,'
and, like a flash, shot him down, be
fore wo had) timo to even thipk."
Says He ShouId.HavexGranted
General Amnesty on the
Birth of Grandson
Berlin, July 13. Tho national eoi
tung, usually .regarded as the Kniser's
mouthpiece, sovcrely attacks him per
sonally fon not granting genernl am
nesty ipon tho occasion of tho birth
of his grandson. It says: "Tho
Kniser cannot interpret, or wilfully
Ignores public sentiment.
Polygamy Owned Short Line
Bossed by Apostle Eccles
Against the People
'. London, July. 13. -Bryan eaids "I
nm much interested in Hnldnucs'
speech yesterday. I boliovo his scheme
will mean n general reduction of all
armies. I ami much opposed) to any In-
croaso :n tho nrmament of AimrJcA or
any other country. What is needed is
tho application of intelligent principles
in tho organization of an efficient
Bryan Talks Peace.
London, July 13. Bryan and Hal
dwnw dined together today, and dis
cussed plans for disarmament by all
tho nations.
Salt Lake, July 13. Tho Oregon
Short Lino legal forco loaves hero to
attend n, coaforonco and council, of the
Harlrman lines in Chicago Mondtiy, to
ontlino a plan to resist the amendments
to tho interstate connnorco law.
Seattle, July 13. Careful watch is
being kept today ovtp Esther Mitchell,
who yesterday afternoon shot and
killed her brother, George, and Mrs,
Crefllold, who, it is believed, waa tho
instigator of tho crime, as it is feurolj
Motor Boat Gruisci Starts,
New York, July 13. A largo flcnk
of motor loa'ts of every description! is
gathering off tho Manhattan) Bay Yacht
Club, Pout Washington, L. I., to tako
jwiiit im tli long ocean- crulso of tho
American Power Boat Afwclation,
which will sWt froiiv Port Washington
tomorrow afternoon, Tho skippers of
tho ouft nro today tho guest of tho
Mimhuhsol Bay Yacht Club. Tomorrow
tlo run will -bo to tho Norwnlk Yaeht
Club. On Sunday tho boats will reach
Thinvblo IslamUs. Oni Monday, Now
London Conn. On Tuesday, Newport.
On Thuwduiy, Block Island, and mx2
Friday, Slioltor Islanxa Tho cruiso
will officially end at Shelter Island, at I
sunsoti on July 1, at tho lowering of
tho committee flag.
Bums and Schrock to Fight.
Ter'io Ilmtto, Ind, Jury 13. Tommy
Burns, who claims to bo tho heavy
Nveighit champion "of -fcho world, and
n tons-round mill boforo tho Wabash
At.hlotio Club of this city tonight. Tho '
mooning will bo at eutcln wolgluts and
tho mort nro to recolvo CO pir comti of
fcho pjioss iccoiptp. Both men, nro said
to bo in fino cojMlltioni and an interest
ing battlo is expected.
Washing Some Dirty Linen.
Cldcflgo, July 13.E P. Riploy,,
prcsldont of tho Sfintn Fo, tefttldod in
Bupport of his daughter, Alioo M. Ellis,
today in her suit for divorco from Jo
romo A. Ellis, a clubman, nnd head of
a railway supply house. Riploy testi
fied ho bollovodl tho charges that Ellis,
had lived with Paulino Robson," intro
ducing her as his wife.
Blown Up With Dynamite.
Chicago, July 13. Frank Pappalloj
Louis Puppallo and B, Frank, Italian
laborers, woro killed and three others
badly injured this morning by sni ox-
plosion of dynamito nndor tho shanty
they will commit suicide. Tho polico n which thoy lived nt a stone quarry,
are still looking fo" Frank Hurt, broth- Tho dynamito shed was 800 feet from
or of Mrs. Creflloid. Hurt is believed "tho slcoping quarters. It is supposod
to have had much to do with the plot tua M feeling iK-twocn foreigners led
to -t-i Muuv
Po-tland, Or., July 13. Mrs, Burgess
Starr, sister of Esther and George
Mitchell, who left her -babies and bus
bandP to follow Creffleld, after Crof
field's release from -prison, whero he
serveid1 a term of two years on accoust
of his' intimacy with her, is rejoicing
-oVer the crime. She says: "I am glad
Esther did it", it is only a just rotribu-tioa."-
he believes Creffleld will rle froBS
tho gravti, open tho prison, and) set
up a kingdom of Holy Itollerism- on
to tho uso of dynamite.
The heavy door of tho dynamito shed
was found pried open, apparently with
a crowbar. F"snk'g body was discov
erod hanging by the clothing in a
tree nbovo tho hed.
Seattle, July 13. It developed to
day that the police matron knew Mrs,
Creffield) and Eotbec Mitchell carried
revolvers, but did not take the precau
tion to notify the police. Further mur
ders in connection with the case Is
now feared.
Ceatracts Awarddl
Washington, July 33. Secretary of
tbe Navy Bonaparte today awarded
half the armor plate contract for the
fcattleehlp South Carolina and MJchi
sab to the Mid vale Steel Cespaay,
asd gave oaa-iosrtb to each of tha so
ealled treet companies; the Caraegie
asd BetMeieso.
Riggs No Doubt Killed Ifcr.
Minneapolis, Minn., July 13. Tlo
safety dcmoflt in tho vault belonging
to RIggs was drilled ojen this morn
ing. Two thousand dollar in bills,
Miss Ellison's wntob, a deed to lands
in Wanking on state and other cnrren-J
cy making a total in cash of $3000,
was found.
Rioters, Aro Cowards.
St. Piitersbmg, July 13, Working
men and their sympathizu-s this morn
ing mnrchod toward tho winter palace,
carrying red flags nnd singing revolu
tionary songs. Tlioy cofucd to obey
tho ordors to disperso. Th poHc4
charged, and two workmen wero killod
and many hunt. Tho ronwiindor scat
tered, Uu
Dreyfus Alright.
Paris, July 13, Tho chambor passed
ho Dnej-ftiH reinstnttimont by a vote
of 437 to-12. Plcqunrts mot with tppo
don from tho socialist dtoputy, strik
ing a nationalist In tho heat of debate,
Tho govwrnmi-nt was finally sus
tained by a majority of over 200.
Drew lOieslr Toad BtabWsw.
PariB, July 13. Paul Cnssngnao, Jr.,
and Liutonnnt Andro, son of Gonoral
Andro, fought with swowle .this morn
ing. Andre was wounded. Andre as
pumed, ftho responsibility, in dofonsa
of hi father's attack in. his momoirs'
upon Cassflgsac's father,
' " n ' i i mi
Barbara Get gfruaky.
Op Aw, Utah, Jioiy ID, Seventy bar-
bors.Jn this clti refuw. to obey the or
ders' of tho state board to appear for
examination as to their ability. The
board threatens to doe up tho shops,
ami compel over man in this clt5" to
shave himself,
Must Show Up.
Boston, July 13 District Attornoy
Morgan has announced his intention of
investigating railroad,, gas and electrla
companies In reference- to their -attt-tudo
toward tho itatutes,
' y ...
Trooje Good Me-Hcioi
Cody, Wyo. .July 13. Trpubla
among tbe laborers Is settled, A, com
pany of state troops, inarched Into tha
camp of a hundred belligerent work
men, ana the rloteTs surrendered.
No SXore Bull Beef.
Stockholm, Sweden, July 18. The
quartermaster of tbe Karlskrona regi
ment has ordered that American, corned
beef be eliminated from their supply.
It' Is etipposod other regiments will fol
low the same plan immediately,
" i o i
' Girl Killed AjZmiril.
BevasfopoJ, Rura, July 13. It Is
oredita,bly stated that Chouknins' na
sain was a g4rl dlBgulsed a'S a sailor.
Thero baVd been no arrests.
Baptists Meet In Oseaha.
Omaha, Neb., July 13. Delegate' to
the Baptist young People's Society
conmeBCeu1 today At 6:30 this worn
ing p,rayor metlaajs in Cerentle hall,
llangd "Nigger."
Nowporfc News, Vs., July 13. An
drew Davenport, a aro, was hanged T
today for the swrder f William sr - g g lUflv
Thomas, He acaicd his guUt to U jfm J 0 LOOKkI
, to 356 Libciiy street, where
No pus wene tiub iismm. fie wM meet M ofcTnd new
Clsvelaad, 01,, Jaly 33. It is sa- plienU fT any &im,
ht BoekefeHer will set re- ciM Of DrXCtHtilMCmiM
tsra 4hJ musaep to Ms io hers. tknlfrC., "