Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 12, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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slmilating tofFoodawulcgula-.
nessandEestConfalns neither
OpumjMorphinG nor IfimaaL
Not Nahco'sjic.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jcvcrish
ocss and Loss OF Sleep.
Y&cSimile Signature og
exact copy or wbabseb.
Htrfe-Wing Sang Co.
Chlneso and Japanese Fancy and Dry
looda. Special now line of trammer
jodo. Mado by us. Wrappers, Under-
rear, Waists, Dross Goods, Silks. Very
bw prices. 846 Court street, Salem, Or
orner of Seventh and Stark Streets,
Portland, Oregon.
r Tho mew and modern hotel of the city
iters particularly to resident of Ba
lm and other Oregon cities. European
Ian. Freo bus. Bates $1.00 per day
id upward. Handsomest grill in the
feet, and prices ao low as in plaeta
attractive. Daily Capital Journal
Leops fbio moat cool nnd firm, and! as
ro solVwt nothing but tho choicest
jramt, our cuatomons can always do-
bail upon flatting tho beat.
SStato Street MaMoot. t
E. 0. CROSS.
Phono 291.
Cornice Work, Heating and
Estimates Made and
Murphy Bik
Salem. Oreeon
Tidal Wave
Will remain two er thx seuos t tho Fair Greaads, Oregon, fer.th
rviee of,srj Examfna aaaifBlly Mi breeding; examine him m win
dividHalj4eMil hi raelag eMi before cheesing ft stallion for your
a&XM. 'TaW if 'ye find fault with him the expense yoa have been toto
e U yim WaWerftBy ftU hftfr, einw. Mar t re a dlstaaee wUJ
lw fvnriaU f pa4r frc t charge. Dse t wffl U
give, preret uiMMk, Wt wJU iet yepiWe AM wy ewr
For tie eeraaleue ef ewier el i TIDAL WAVB will be at Id
tutnifAM.. mi s .a t. . .- ci ...).. tia 1at nrlAA of (3Q.
rwnfl xuutbubj- eca whjc,
irith retura pflvilege. Owaer K 8
I r
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the J
Signature JA
Thirty Years
A -Now Arrangoment to Follow Words
and Music at Opera,
A decidedly novel scheme for plac
ing boforo tho spectator tho text of an
opora libretto as it is being sung has
lately been: Lliought forward in Europe.
In tho upper part of the rfosconium
arch is arranged! a screen upon which
a magio lantern projects tho lino that
is boing sung. The text of the opera
is arrangod upon a transparent ribbon
which is foil through tho stereopticon
by an electrically operated apparatus
under tho control of the prompter,
who changes tho lines by pressing a
button nt tho pjioper momont. ThU ar
rangement allows tho spectator to tell
at any moment just what is being sung
by merely glancing upward at tbo il
luminated screen.
How's This7 .
Wo offer One Hundrod Dollars Re
ward for any-easo -of-Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undersigned, have known F.
J, Cheney for the last fifteen years, and
bolievo him perfectly honorablo in all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligations mado
by his firm.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,.
Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intorn
ally ,acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfacos of tho system. Testi
monials 'sent free. Ftico, 75o per bot
tie. Sold by all druggists.
Tako Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation. Men Wanted.
Sawmill and lumber yard laborers,
$2.25 per day. Woodsmen, $2.25 to
$3.00. Steady work. Apply, to Booth
Kelly Lumbet Co., Eugene, Or. 5-22-tf
Building Work of all Kinds;
Work Guaranteed
State St.
Phone 15111
oe iik ."w - r- -
BaHer. Adireee S. B. Undeay or AlpHi
LAND . ,
Conditions in Wisconsin That
Caused the Re-Arrestof
Timber Land Sharks
(Evoning Telegram.)
That there aro intimato business and
political relations betwoen tho United
states commissioners, lawyers and de
fendants involved in tho celebrated
"Wisconsin indictment" rcturne'il by
tho federal grand jury April 3 last,
has come to bo generally believed by
thosa who have watched land-fraud de
velopments. Tho act of bho department
of justico at tho instanoo of United
States District Attorney W. C. Bristol,
in ordering tho ro-anrest of tho eight
Wisconsin defondants .recently roleased
from custody, aftor hearings had bo
foro Commissioners McDonald anid Dll
lett, and tho investigation that led up
to it, have laid baro ai stato of affairs
leaving littlo wondor that tho commis
slonons usurped- tho powers of tho high
When Joseph and John Black and
August Anderson wefo released by
Commissioner 0. F. Dillott, of Sha
wano, 24 hours in advance of tho nr
rivel of witnesses and evidenco dia
patehed by District Attorney Bristol,
investigation rovoaled tho fact tint
Commissioner Dillott is a member of
tho law firm of Wallrlch, Dillott & Lar
son, who aro tho regularly retained
counsel of tho Blacks and Anderson,
who To interested in tho banking and
lumber businoss at Shawano, Wis. Tt
was also noted that Larson acted as
counsel foci tho dofondants, appearing
bofono a commissioner's court presided
ovor by Dillott, a member of tho firm.
Moreover, ono of tho lawyers was J. C.
Thompson, of Oshkosh, who co-operated
with Larson in tho defense. On
tho faco of it, thoro was nothing
woong about Thompson's appearauco,
but it looks somewhat difforont when
Thompson b examined in his home
town Oshkosh.
Horo Thompson, it has been ascer
tained, is a law partner of Commis
sioner McDonald, beforo whom Lean
dor ' Choate, James and Bonjaraln
Doughty, Thomas Daly and James
Bray wore given a preliminary hearing
and released. Thompson appeared as
counsel fos theso defendants and) ar
guod for their roleaso boforo a c6mL
missioner's court prctddod over by Mc
Donald, Ids own law partner.
Thus tho samo condition of commun
ity of interest is presented in this caso
as in tho Shawano case, where Larson
uppairUi beforo his own law partner
on behalf of clients'of tho firm. It is
nlso said that Commissioner McDonald
is a young miau and a closo personal
friend of Leandor Ohoato, who is
among tho defenders i"oleascd. Tho re
pent also oomes from Wisconsin that
practically all tho parties invplved in
thesa cases, including tho lawyers nnd
commissioners, aro idtmtifield with tho
samo political faction tho Spoonor
Whon this stato of facts was
brought to the attention of tho govern
ment, District Attorney Bristol imme
diately suspected collucion and lost no
timo in urging tho department of jus
tico to causo the .rearrest of tho de
fendants. This has boon dono, and it
is practically certain that tho next
hoaring will bo conducted boforo a
United States com.misioner sclectod
by Attorney General Moody.
i .. o
The Texas Wonder.
Curek all kidney, bladder and rheu
matic trouble; sold by all druggists, or
two months' treatment by mail for $1.
Dr. E. W. nail, 2926 Olivo street, St.
Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Bold
by 8tonoi rug rtores, dw-lyr
on the
Corvaflls & Eastern Rail-
Sunday excursion to Newport snd
return nn tho Corvallls and Eastern
railroad will leave Albany
Airivine in Newport at noon, return
ing leave Newport at'SjSO p. m., giving
BYj hours at the finest resort in the
West. Health, rest and pleasure for
the weary worker.
Threa-day and season tickets from
all 8. P. points, good going and return
ing on Sunday excursion trains.
! Fare from Albany, Corvallls or Phil
omath $1.50 for the round trip. Con-
sections at Albany with Esgeae loeal
going southbound overkad oa retwo.
Another Rich Discovery Made
Thirty Miles South of
Oregon Line,
Tho Baiter City Herald of July 10
Two prospecting patties loft Baker
Inst evening by different routes for a
point in Novaldu, just below Denlio,
and about thirty milos south of tho
Oregon ll'je, whero according to ro
ports Sumpter parties havo mado a
strike, which in 'richness rivals tho
pp eat Tonapah district in Novada. Two
parties were startod last evening by
Judgo Thomas C. Burke, into tho now
field, and yestorday at Sumpter James
Howard, president of tho Sumpter
bank, started a dowd of prospectors
to tho now field. Manager Boggs of
tho Mayflowcn is said to bo starting
prospectors in tho no wregioii(, and
Manager Bain from tho Cabla Cove
mining district is already on his way.
Tho strike was mado in. tho now Hold
by James Ellis of Sumpter, who was
sent Into tho Nevada oountmy just bo
low Denlno, Oro., by James Howard,
president of tho Fitst National bank of
that city. In going info Novada Mr.
Ellis had no idoa of any particular
point in which to prospect nnd while
the Nevada country south of Donino
is and has been more or less known for
its mineral ditposits, it was n mono
chanco thnt ho started his Investiga
tions in thnt locality.
Lottors f-om Mr. Ellis to Howard
and other friend's wero exceedingly
conservative in rdgnrd to prospects
until trocervtly, whon ho became onthu
fllastlc, ending with a final letter re
colveil 'by Mr. Howard on Saturday
last urghifl him to come at once. This
letter, which was accompanied by
samples of ore, stated that hii discov
ery rovcaloil a ledgo 18 feet wldo
which seemingly extonded through tho
country whole it was traceablo for a
distance of six milos and tho o from
which carried values In gold nnd) cop
per, upwards of $300 per ton
I Mr, Howard was In Baker on Satur
day but great secrecy attended his
visit hero and nothing was gtvon out
by hlin at that timo oxcopt to personal
f'iends. Later tho facts wore ascer
tained nnd it is rollably stated' that
tho samples of oro which Mr. Howard
had with him rovailod native gold In
a quartz formation chnrged heavily
wit hchalcoprlto.
Outfits aro going out from Sumpter
daily nnd many havo already gone
rnd others aro preparing to go from
Baker. Tho infection has also ronched
Pendleton and tho intdnuediato towns
rrad it boginm to look as if tho ontlro
country had suddenly awakened to
tho possibilities in this now camp. Tn
tho lotter which Mr. Ellis rocontly
sont out ho statod that inside of thirty
days there would bo GOOO pooplo stak
ing ground in tho vicinity of hit find,
and it begins to look as if tho proph
ecy would bo moro than fulfilled.
Ihe oxnet location of this now Ne
vada atnlko Is not known by anyono
in Bakrtr City, but it can bo approxi
mated by tho fact that It Is about
thirty-two miles south nnd perhaps a
llttla west of "tho town of Denlo. It is
said to bo nbout ton miles from Qhinn
rivor crossing located on tho main
Wngom road botwoen Donlo and Wlnne-
muka. It Is absolutely virgin country
vnd It Is said to bo entirely unpros
peoWd. Thcro is said to bo much iron
In ovidenco on tho surface, arid a per
fect notwork of ledges Indlcato in
nearly every instanco tho pretenco of
No Doubt of His Honesty.
(Boston Herald.)
It is only a few years since Woon
sockot mlHsod for good tho familiar
faco of Alf Church, for a long timo
deputy sheriff aud chiof of police, a
man who was strnlghtfovward and
blunt in all his doallngs.
Ono day a grocer wont to Alf for
infoimatlon about a certain Joo
Whito, who hod applied for credit nud
a book at bis store, and the following
dlaloguo ensued:
"Good mornin', Mr. Church."
"Do you know Joo White!"
"What kind of a fellcl is he!"
"Putty fair."
"Is ho bonit!"
"nonest! I should say so., Been
arrested twice for stealing and ac
quitted both times."
' o
For Sale or Exchange.
For Inside property, six acres of land
with new fdx-room house and new
barn. Inquire of J. F. Oood. Phone
134, or W. A. Llston, phone 1321, Sa
le, O-. 7-10-3t
I m mm I i ii I m
:-: CLASSIFIED ;-: (
For Balo, A good) work horse, neaiiy
now SuVlttbaker wagon. Inquino of
O. J- Euncann, 21st, and Trade street,
Salem. 7-ll-3t
For Sajfc. A good, stock ranch, good
Ua-vtto, bainl nV.lr ontbuildiugs, plenty
of good well and' spring water, good
orchnird; sitiialJed; at tho north end
of Howell Prairie, Addhoss O. L.
Binon, Gor-ais, Itouto 1. 7-lHm
For Sale. Four lots plan tod with a
varloty of fruit troos and borrlee. A
good houso, barn and small hot house
also good family driving horse, bug
gy nnd light hack, all on easy terms.
Call at No. 2000 Stato street, caraor
tlst street. 0-11-lm
Foe Sale 115 aor.03, 7 ratios oast of
Salem; 40 aorea In eulUvnuon; run
ning water; good house, barn, out
buildings and orchard. Farming im
plements and stook go with premises.
A bargain. CaU on or addrose M.
P. Mortenson, B. F. D. No. 0.
Tot Sale. Ono big full lot, good 11-
room hotisa, td big two-etory bajfn,
young orchAird good garden spot,
chicken pank. Titlo clear. No
agente. Terms of paymienits easy,
pamtl on timo if desired. For par
tieulana poo ownor, M. A. Died, 790
Nrtrth Commercial airoot, 7-ft-lwk
Bam to Bont. Inquiro ab 300 North
Oomimiorolail fltaoot. 7-ll-0t
For Boot. Furnished nnd unfurnished
rooms at 790 North Commercial
stroot. M. A. Dlco, prop. 5-1-tf
Wanted to Bont. A good dairy stock
farm. Address "J. M. F.," care
Journal 7-7-lwk
Mon Wanted Spaulding Logging Com
pany. 7-ll-tf
Wanted. 150 hop pickers to roglstor;
picking begins nbout tho 25th of
August; good yard; good camping
ground; mail ovory day; situated ad
joining Eola. Call at Hop .Loe
laundry, Commercial street. 0-201m
Wonted. Tho porson who took the
lunch basket from Epploy's store,
July 4th, to rotunr it with dishes,
napkins, etc. Tho lunch not dosircd;
no questions asked. 7-10-3t
Wanted. Lady or gontlomnn of fair
oducatlon to travel for firm of $250,
000 capital. Salary $1072 por year
and oxponses. Salary paid wookly,
and oxpensos ndvanced; roforonces
rrtqulred. Address, with stamp, J. A.
Alexander, Salem, Oregon. 7-10-3t
Wanted, Waitress and pantry girl nt
Willamette notol. 0-11-tf
Wantad. A girl to do genornl house
work .and hotol work. Good wnges.
Address Cottngo Hotel, Jefferson
Or. 7-10-3f
Found at Loot An J-onlng board that
gives perfect entisfactton, and will
last a Hfot'imo. Mado by Ell Vaughn
on State etrxxM1-, opposite C. M. Ep
pley's storo. 7-0-lwk"
Salem Iron Works Foundors, machin
ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers
of nil kinds of sawmill machinery.
Hop nnd fruit drying stoves,
etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem
Iron Works Hop Pross. 11-20-lm
Wanted Turkeys, goose, ducks, chick
ens and all farm produce, Highest
cavh prico paid for name. Capital
Commission Cpmpany, 207 Comraer
cinl streot. Telophono 179,
Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every
thing clean and first class. Booms
at reosonablo prices. In Cottle
bleck, Salem. A. Scott, prup. 7-0-tf
Property for Trade. House nnd two
lots in Eaglowood; small fruit and
bearing trees, one-half block from
car line. Will trade for outside prop
erty, or will sell. H. A. Bawson,
box 838. 0-20-lm
The Salem 8tun Dyeing and Clean
ing Works Is tho placo to get your
clothes renovated. From a pair of
gloves to the most elaborate silk
gown. All goods paid foe if in
jured. Phone 1245. 221 Commercial
street. Mrs. C. H. Walker, prop.
Wanted Ilopplckere Rdg-brter now for
tho Hokocri yard, 220 aero, Miree
weeka' picking fine camping ground,
good accotuffiooWioas, abundance of
flan water, wookl, etc. Will pick by
meawune aap pay ruling price. Ad
tkem T. A, I4vt:5y k Co., Salens,
O'ffoo. 7-5-tf
Dr. B. H. WMW. Graduate ef Kirks-
vlllo, Mo., under founder of. Qeteo
pathy. Boom 21 Breyman bldg.j
Commercial street, Phono' WttftomA
donco 590 Stato, cor. Church. Phone
1110. Treats aculo and chronic dis
eases. Examinations freo. -
Dr. W. L, Mercer. Graduate of Ifirka-
villo, Mo., under founder of osteo
pathy. Booms 25-20 Breyman bldg.,
Commercial St. Phono 019. Resi
dence 419 Jorth Summer obreet.
Phono 014, Treats acute and chronic'
diseases. Examination free, '
Dr. E. J. Young. Veterinary Surgdon
..and dentist, 33 yeawr experience.
All work guaranteed. Difficult sur
gical operations a specialty. Phone
581. Office at Club Stables. Phone
7, Salem, Oregon. 3-9-tf
Musical Studio. Frank E. Churchill,
Musical Studio, Associatd teacher
Westorn Conservatory, Chicago, 111.,
roprosontlng Intor-Stato Systom at
Salem, Oregon. In tho Gray block,
room 3. Studio hours, 9 to 12 and 2
to 5. 8-10-tf
Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer of
sash, doors, mouldings, All kinds of
houso finish and -hard wood work.
Front streot, hot. State and Court.
Foresters of America Count Sherwood
Foresters, No. 19, Moots Tuesday1 in
Hurst hall, State street. U. S. Elder,1
O. B.; A. L. Brown, F. S.
Central Lodge No. 16, K. of P. Castle
Hall in Holman block, corner State
nnd Liberty stroots. Tuesday of each
wook at 7:30 p. m. J. G. Graham, C.
G.j W. I. Stnloy, K. of B. and 8,
Modem Woodmen of AHWrica. Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Meets
ovory Thursday evening at X o 'clock
in noltnnn hall. W. W. Hill, V.'O)
F. A. Turner, Clork. x T
Woodmea of World, Mee every Fri
day night at 7)30 in IIolmattf lmtl.
A. J. BaBoy, C, C. P, L, Frazler,
Food Bam Spoclal attention to tranjj
iont teams. Farmers' patronage so
licited. Waiting rooms for ladies,;
Wo also carry a full, JUno of tcqi.
Located at Club Stables, cornerLlh'X
orty and Ferry streets., Phone Mala
7. Prunk & Darby. 12-liOm ,
A Snap. For Balo, 400 aorea of good'
land, two miles from railroad sta-
tlon; 275 In cultivation, 175 acres la
crop; good houso and barn; orchard)
otc. Only $8000, if sold at once.
Swegle &Stn!tb, 402 Stato street.
Phone 459.
For water service apply at office,
Bills payable monthly la advance
Make all complaints at the office.
For InfantB and Children.
Tin Kind YN Havt Always Btvfht
Bears the
Signature of
la tho lumber line, add ean kvyi)
you monoy on your WH. Why sot get
our eaUsMto befo plaelsg yow ojri
1 "HUT. FXir - - - w-w-w
, -
mm.m -