Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 12, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    "" kTl
t ,
)at Orange Sherbertr
tar LtocawBerry-oner bet t,
lOor IceCream,'
te one .that leads them all
Ice Cream Soda,
The Summer Girl,
ire more popular than ever
these and more like them
re ost the things to satisfy
Salem's Loading Grocers.
Confectioners and Bakers.
150-460 Stato St, Phonos 182-187
earn direct from the dairv
o our freezer makes perfect-
Ice cream.
Wo do not dictato whero you shall
iy, your lumber, but If you want tho
fat quality, placo your ard!er hero.
It mighth please you and pay in a
pod' many wutya to get our quotations
your needs before placing your
?resent the sensational Comedy
ima entitled
Pour nights only, Thursday, .Friday,
turdiay and Sunday nights. Special
Itinoo Saturday aftornoon at 2:30.
ission prices, 15 and 25 cents.
Edison Theatre Tonight.
Dho BrigUam-Oooper Company re-
icd this mooning fnom. Eugene, and
Ight and the remainder of this
this popular stock company will
ir at thts Edison theatre in a .new
fcjl entitled "Tho World Against
i." This play is a standard' one
always ploascs as it la ovorflow-
with dramatic sltfuot'ions and come-
tho last named feature being one
jtbo strongest,. Mia Chas, Caulk,ins
II bo soon1 in am ontimely different
than any he has heretofore np-
wed in. Mr. Percy Brigham will
ear as tho cotd-lVcartcd) man of tho
rid, whoso .villainous schemes are in
end -thwarted. Miss Iva Shepard
a beautiful pert, that of "Franco
," and thero is no doubt but ehe
II givo an excollent performance.
entiro strength of the company is
fa to advantage! in 'this piece, and
s, together with tho many other in-
ating details of tho production,
niako it ono of tho most popular
rys over ,seon aA t ho Edison, and well
th the prices, which from now on
bo 15 andi 25 cents.
Hia First Appointment.
Napoleon) Baivie is ono of the first
oiwteca of Governor Chamberlain,
Wo sinco he was re-elected.
Ids. Bavia rostidoa ait' Cleone, Multuo-
county, and) ho has boon made a
ry public by the governor.
is ncoipienifc of the gubernatorial
rw is a quodam Republican poll-
and years aero was chairman of
Beniocratia stato central commit
Ifo fo -Into disfavor with! his
workctrs on -tho morning after the
btion by his failure to disburse tho
oats of the alleged sack, and he
dealy, dropped out of' polities. But
th? last campaign ho bobbed) up
in just aa suddenly by writing a
hmunication to a Portland.' news
bltterly deneaaclng Governor
A Tragic FisiA.
watenmaa'a neglect permitted ft
in the gfeat North So -dyke, which
id 'a finger could have stopped, to
prae a ruinous bJreak, devastation an
Ire province of Holland. la -like
&aer Kenneth Mclver, of Vance-
', Ale , permitted a little cold to go
otleed until a traeie finish waa only
rted by Br. Ximz'a New Biacovery
writes: "Tfctee doetora gave we
fo ate of lung iaaBnIeB, aaused
1 aegleetad &&; but Br. Xiagja
Dweovery saved my llfe."'G'aar-
beet aouah and sold aura, at J.
tTy' drfig etore. S0 axd 1.60.
ouia frae.
Personals .
C. K. SpaiiMing is a motronolia via,
jtor todayT" j
Dr. Clo tas a Portland-bound pas
senger yesterday afternoon.
Miss Mattio P. Boattio left this
morning for a visit in Portland., -
Vermor Major wont' to Portland' yes
terday aftornoon for a brief visit.
Rov. Barr G. Leo wont , to Turner
this morning to ofucinto" at' a funonaL
Miss Lucy Plantz left this morninc
for a visit with relatives in Spokane,'
Horm'an Butler,' of the Pratum nerigh
borhood, is in the city today visiting
friends. -
Govornor Chamberlain was among
tho "Portlandl-bound passengers on tho"
morning train.
Mr. and Mre. E. B. Stover returned
today from a four-weeks' visit in and
about Spokane.
Wi. F. Brager, of Scotts Mills, was
tho guest of his brother, County Re
corder Brager, yesterday.
T. B. Kay, of tho Saiem woolen
mills, rotu"n"d this morning from a
business' trip' to Eugene.
Julius Pincus, the hop man, was
bound for tho hop fields in) tho northern
part of tho county this morning.
S. A. Parks, one of tho attendants
at 'tho Insane asylum left yestorday af
t6rnoon fon Malheur, whoro ho goes af
ter a pa.tent.
TMrs. H. T. Majors and daughter,
Katheriino, left for Portland yester
day afternoon, and nftcr a visit Micro
will go to Illinois for an extended' visit.
O L, Ragan, who has been ono of tho
clerks in Bishop's clothing storo in
this citV loft today for Portland, whero
ho lias obtained employment in nwhole
salo houe.
Bavo Yantis, tho manager of Tho
Toggery, is expected! tq return today1
faqm several days outing at Mehanva..
Mrs. Yantis, who accompanied him, will
remain foi sevoral weeks more.
Br. W. S. Mott has gone to Portland
to attend a meeting of tho stnto-med-
ical board or eoramin-, at wnicu time
applicants for licenses will bo oxamr
ineA Br. Mott was accompanied by
his son, James.
George Smith, who has been ranch
ing in tluo John Bay country, near
Early, returned yestonday from a four
years' sojoutnt in) that part of the state.
Ho is a. brother of Bort Smith, of
"Bail's" shinrn'g panlor.
W. E. Wnnn and family loft today
for Newport, whero they will camp for
sir or oight weeks. After tho family
gots woll osbablishedi in th'e methods
of camp life, Mr. Wana will return to
abbondp to business interests.
G. G. Eadea, tho Jofforaon black
smith, returned homo this morning. lie
reported an abundance of hay in -that
locality. Cow hay is selling for about
$5 a ton in the field. TIioto Is a scarci
ty of mom for work in tho bay fiolds,
although, 'fho fanmers nre off Ting $2
per day and board.
Attorney Wood, of Canyon City,
waa in Salem) today arguing a, caso be
fore tho supremo court. Ho is an old
timo Iowa, friend of L. S. Lyon, and
they had a goodl visit fci the first time
sinco leaving tho Ilawkoyo stato. Mr.
Woods thinks Salon tho handsomest
residence city lw has seen, but of
course h loyal to Eastern Oregon.
Garrett McEnerny and wife, of San
Francisco, stopped over between trains
Wednesday ovonlng to visit his aunt,
Mhi. Man- Marjtin, night matron at tho
state insane asylum. They wore shown
about -the city by friends. Mr. McEn
erny is at tho head of tho legal profes
sion of tho city of Saur Francisco, hav
ing tho largest practice in will cases
and miits involving millions. He wa
counsel in tho mission' claims suit of
the Catholic church against tho 'Repub
lic of Mexico that was arbitrated be-
lono Tho Hague tribunal. Ho was on
his way home from Olympia, where he
had a caso In the supremo court.
T Swfrft ItfM.
Circuit Court Proceedings l"",1
Tho jury in tho caso of .Catlin &
Linn against Sr W. Jones, after delib
erating; the entixo dny, a't 9 o'clock (
last night was 'discharged. This is a
suHL to.nfbficci a Jiop conf-act.
In thocaso of John Schindler, et al.,
against C. W. Corby, an action for
money, Judge Burnett granted a non
suit on motion of the plaintiff, after
lie had given his testimony. ,
Ih the school cases in district No.
80, near Shaw, namely that of G. A.
Setterlum against II, A. Keeno, ot al.,
which wa9 taken on appeal from the
justico's coiofe, was also non-suited at
tho close of the appellant's testimony.
In tho justico's count tho plaintiff was
given $245 damages. Tho plaintiff al
logea ho was rofused a voto at a school
cloction at which came up the ques
Uon of issuing bonds for tho raising of
funds to build a now school house.
Isadoro Lorentz against H. A. Keeno,
et nl., was tho titlo of another case
arising in tho sanvo school district. The
defendant and appellant mado nJ
motion for non-suit, which will be
passed upon by Judgo Burnatt this
A Fine Concert.
The Salem Military Band delighted
a largo and appoeciaUvo audienco last
evening in Wilson avenue. Tho oven
ing waa ideal, and tho hatless, white
slippered summor girls wero every
whero in evidence.
Tho band gave ono of the best pro
grams of tho season, and' in tho roudor
ing of tho classics, as well as tho light
er selections, the boys proved them
selves masters of VMcdr instruments.
The trombono solo "Romance" by Mr
O. Steelhammer was one of tho favorite
numbers, and "Violets" was his en
core. Mr. Stomlcimoyer nr.d the members
are working hard) to perfect a band un
excelled by any in tho state, and that
Salem appreciates their efforts is evi
dent from tho demonstration last oven
n. Affaire at Willamette.
How to clem off 'tho debts of Wil-
lamotto university of'Saiem was tfib
subjflc discussed by tho trustees of
'tibat institution at a mooting held) yes
terday afternoon in -tho ofllco of tho
Pacific Christian Advocate.
An offer of $7000 has been mado
with tho provision tat tho trustees
raiso an equal sum. This will put tho
college on a better financinl basis, Tho
tirnsteos hava half tho amount fn sight.
A dean of music is soon to bo elect
ed. It is understood that tho faculty
conunltto J. II. Coleman, presldont
of tho unlvonsity; R. A. Booth of Eu
gene, and Philip Buehner, of Portland
ilmro selected tho man to fill this
position, and) will soon mnko'nni an
nou n cement. Por tland Tel o gra m
We have loads of summer Comfort
in store for the man who comes to us
for relief.
Our lightweights -in two and three
piece styles, costing $1 0.0ft to $25.00,
are great coolers on a hot day.
Summer Furnishings
Of Every Description
i ... i
Xi? I"
'W 111
aaHHalr . fJvIv'
Copyfl0ht19OA K
). Kuppnhlmr & Co,
Tho Caso DismlsBod.
Tlio action of tho Stato of Oregon
against Gottliob Hazelbucher, who was
cbarced' with tho crlmo of assault with
a dangenous weapon with1 intoril to kill,
upon Mio person of Peter Rasmusion
ono of liis ueigliboro was dismissed by
Justico Wobstor yestonkiy aftornoon.
It W'as shown that evidently an alter
ation had taken ilace between tho
two men, bub there had beon no at
tempt to maim' or kill. Tho affair took
placo near Howell Prairie.
When You Want Huaasa.
Call oa F. E. 8hafe, at hla new
store, 187 Commercial street, near
Ferry. The finest stock of harness in
Ladies of tho Christian church take
notice, Tho C. W. B. M, that waa to
meet at the residence of Mrs. O. E.
Sherwood Friday, July 13tb, k moved
to the W. O. T. U. hall, cornor of Fer
ry awl Commercial streets. Timo 2:30
o'clock. AU friends ara cordially in
vited. Twty "yaar Battle.
it'lma loa is a twenty-year bat
tle with chronic piles and malignant
nr. until I tried Bucklin's Arnica
Salve; which turned the tide, by cur
ing both, till not a trace remains,
.u.. a xr Rruea. of FarmviHe, Va.
Beat for old Ulcers, Cuts, Burns and
Wwuid. 25o at J. u rerry a 6
at or.
i aavaaW ' a' " . m
Soma Vetch.
Tho yield of the vetch crop in tno
Willamette valley is something won-
tlerful. A passenger on tho boat from
Tndopondenco this morning saw a man
cutting vetch with a mower drawn by
two horses, and tho folia go was so rank
that 11 men w'e required to winnow
and shock tho stuff as fast as tho ma
china could cut it. Three men wore
kept 'busy taking tho mowed stuff out
of the way of tho machine to give
room for another swath.
County Pays Damagjsa,
Tho county court has ordored a war
rant for $1700 drawn in favor of John
Kroll, in settlement of claims far
damages rocontly awarded him by tho
circuit court of Multnomub county. It
will bo reSnembored ' that KreJl sus
tained injuries while hauling wood on
tho noad between St! Louis and Cham
poeg. This is probably thor largest
warrant drawn In this county for a
good many years.
aaaaaaRj"-" """laaaaaaaJar
wKlVJ-i fi"-lKl
This is tho agent; a lui4tlor from WHl. .
no'U sell you a cottago and glvo jxni tho oartb.
His'goodi djodS have brought 'hlnrfdAuno aiwlfamo!
In Classified Town ovoryoua knows his nam.
Ho will rent you a warehouto, homo or a storo;
Hq's postetl on values and1 bargaina gtioro.
How ito folks know himl and hon kiooV lio W'
Wheni seeking a bargain jut whoro to go!
Irj dosii'b requi)io the mind ofc a igo ,
To answer at once. ""It's tho Olowlflod1 iago.
Wjiftl .Tiairnl mini: luth anil Irrlnn tin to'diifn.
. , , -, 4- L. - ,,
You'll luiro much of Intordsfc about real cat at o.
If you wioh to buy, wish to sell or to xont;
A Journal want ad will bo money 'well 'sponfc.
"' (Tq be contlnuodf tomorrow.)
swaying in tho windy and' bending with
tho weight of tho well filled hoads.
Horo.la a aquaro of bnrloy, whito and
rlpo, rendy for'tWlwrvostar, and1 la
floino jdacos already bound and
ahoaked1 In tlio fleldw,' offering its
yloM as a rowanl to the lwisbandnwin.
whoio lalor has brought it fonfh.
'' ( The Farmu Aro.Blgj K
TIico nro no, enuall' fields In fUma-
Jllla county. Section of whoat, twxi
and three wctloiis-ln a body, nvakpi up
tho holdings of tho wheat king of
tho greatest whoat country iir tlio state,
Half section are found1, it is true, but
tlioy nro below tho general nverngo
of tho farm.
All tho vwwt fields aro ready for tho
combined harvirfora. Around anoji
flolif 'tho binders Iiuvo cut a wld-o
ewith ,olosiK to. tlwj ffmcegt making
room for tho Jordly foot of tho king
of harvesting machines, tho combined
harwtor, which will soon ontor tho
beckoninir fields whoro these nathwava
' have bom ready to receive, him'.
From the farm houses nettMed in the
hollows behind tho wheat-covered
hllH It is lmpoalblo for tho farmer
to sua tho limits of bis littlo domain,
Tho immense farnm on ono, two, threo
aeotions appear moro vant with t'bo!r
cloak of rliwnlntf wheat, upon- them.
Tho fonco rowa whloh dimly stretch
into tho HUnca and become loat in
tho' shoulder-high wlwt aro remind
ore of tho artlflclai line whleh mwrk
t ivi mm ". Sf .tW') "
' " J a'' ? "
mMWMJfWl&&9 .
w. "
. -i wf. XaB 4
Vt i
JrS W ft
a & & tm 4 , A
i i -. .t
I M iSf
A Caaoo Voyage.
' George IL Houghton, Bernard II.
Winnerman, Harry G. Smith and Geo'go
M. AllenA members of tho Portlan
Rowing Club, were in tho city yestor
day afternoon, on their return from
!gugino and other) valley towns. They
bave been out on a canoo trip up tho
vjalley. They carry their own camping
outfit, and havo bad a splendid time
aineo leaving the metropolis.
Gaudy Sasaball.
J The Bookeepers put the Capitols to
tho bad last evening in an amusing
fcrial at tho national game. Oaly five
innings were played, and the final
score was 9 to 5. 'The victory waa da
ettlve, aad tha fans aeesed to be da
Hghted with the exWMtk.
East Oregonian Says Every
i Acre Is Yielding to the
t Utmost Limit
Never boforo lias Umatilla county
promised such a wheat harvest as this
year, accoiJing to tho judgment) of
pionoer fanners who aro familiar with
past ytolds anld conditions.
Beginning t tho top of tho hill
nonth of tho Lee street bridgo in Pen
dloton and extending to tho farthest
Hindi of tho cultivated land in tho
NorMi Cold Springs district, tho crop
aroi 'uniformly good. Tho Btand is ex
cellent tlio straw medium, the head's
woH filled, tho crop oven and mil
fvttu in height andl tho quality of tho
grain flrat-ckisa, and it will yield
f-ow twonty-oight to thlrty-fivo bush
eW'per'dcro. Standing alwut waist high to an
ordinary man, tho ploadld' whea't. belt
of Mia north part of Umatilla county
is sow of tho zonith of ita glory. Tt
is 7jut turning from the rich deep
green of virile' lifo aad growth into
the first gold tints of maturity. Mile
after milo of 'this unbroken 00a la now
waving la tho ripening winds and win
shine, patloaWy yet steadily taking on
thotow kuo &l liarvest.
I tha rich low lands where Micro Is
mor mobfturo than on the higher
grOBncTs, tho crop Is yet rich and
greet i old silk, fading into a paler
yeltew tint, aa it reaches the hJgber
grotkd, and on the topmoai) heights
of tVa roiling 'hills It is almost ready
for the harvwtor.
Tie wheat bt la a vast cbocken
boad aewL witb its woleudid ' square
fams lying akwjder to efcooider, lurstlg with ite , of vlgc and
awaifiag the aUUa.- lere k. k4l'
aquaV ot tke vaat board' yelvyj ,rTh grountl can dojo more. It baa
c wWci..a br" rap'-h' 7 W hwa h yieW. It Us yWd-
tho lxundaries of Mid wheat kings,
At places the wheat I higher 4hi
tlio fenco ami tho thin lino of posts'
flung out ocrow) theao vast xpUing
was of wlxat remind ono of tha sun
ken piles on tho sea coast, where tho
wayes 'havo submerged ,the farther
landrwk leaving only tv few vbdblo.
-SwAMa Bo Hot Kxpres,
Tbay Mk of 4,000,000 and 5,000,000
bua.h'ata. It eeeqw cold andl heartleaa
ead tinttcntlweatal to meaaure each
beauty in fijuroa and lushels, vry
acs- v Is yielding to the very limit.
Qvery httui la filled do overflowing,
evry stalk is bosdia, every' husk
i1 1 ? A a; rw?-
ed i TOponflo to tho intelligence ex
axisodi in preparing it fercroiis.
. , Cultivation Pavs.
' Tho wheat fiMda ore pages of nn"
open book to 'tho observant oyo. Ouo,1
flld stniuta! thick and heavy," and uui-
,-formly excelbsm); The nVowgo yield
will bo 35 bushobi of Al whoab. It,
gives ovldoaco of- ystcm, oidluro,
studiigd lalMtr-jt'carieful jjn4' akdMful
hualaivdry, Tlw Haod.aie'sJra'UfH ai '
a dlu. Tlio thrill nwrks look aa though
they had boon c-aflt 1 a ,uw)ld. The
ranks of grain tandf as )wldto! oa 1
dr(H )arade', slnouldor'''t6"'Vbourdr, t
knoo to knw, "through the entire leagth .
of tho Jlit. Thona is tt ka visible J
break in tho beauty andJ.ayuwM&try pf 1
ihn fnrm
Aoross thu road, op tio amo soil
undor tho e-mw conditions, another
farmor who piuwtied res aUllfUl liu
bandry, haa but StU to 8 ibuhok, his
lines ara o.iookedj Ma etaad uneven,
his dtll) ninrkfl akotv that he wa "j
slovonly, caxle', indifferent), unsya-
tomatia And rtho 'earth glvea to him
according to' his work. Hid fence lino !
is grown up witb weedjahla gated aro J
rHinshackljJ affaw the 'gnfl con
tour is uninviting. You. mo the t ace
of tho nvaa TxfrtecUxl intW-afepi ,au!
BurroundingA, jjfc "
Thore ia but boo acejieTwblcli wjll
excad fa biauty tht oMQie ripening
fiekk of wheat bow wafing ia tho , "
trooze of Umatilla oounly i
That othrr'seene wlldie Vitneid
within tkeiiiW month fakx. S09,' bar- ,
vetcn aru ouitiag the Tipeaiedf and I
tnaturo crop, and hundred of teams ('
ladewlth the baratiBg aaaka are seort L
pouring from al. the vwat rglw ten
ward the railroad, earrylag tho bar- yt
vost to the markets of th world'.
11 1 '.".
Oaly K Tears Old; , t
,"I am oaly 8i years oldaadt doa't ti
expaat eyea rrbes I ml fo be l .'4 ,
te feel that way a loBgi.stI an, get H
Eleetrlo Bittersr" aaya Mf. S. II
BrussoB, of Bublis, Oa, Rarely there's A
aethlsg else keeps the eld as yewag j
and make tba weak aa Waag M Ut
grand tU medleJae.rByepepaiatK- '
pI4 Uvf, iafiawei kldaagwaraaroBU
cattfae a uBkMwaafW taking L
Elactrlo Blttars a raasoaaWa time, ij
OatBied bf ;j."C, Peri?;C3NeJtt.'v
PrUe 50, , .
4,. 1 .