DAILY OAgllTAl. JOUKNAL, 8ALBM, PEEPON, THURSDAY, JULTgJIIM. AT WORK ON THE FATHER SHAW. STILL SHOOT AT MARK rf U'REN IN TOWN SCHOOL ROAI I -- " w -, 1 M liaflJOT TT - T HOUSE i a r HHt . yTfc"" nP 1 MAKE YOUR HOME A SUMMER HOME By the use of some of our Porch furniture, Ham mocks, and Vudor Porch Shades. We have a new thing: in Porch Swings which is more comfortable than a hammock and requires less space on your porch. Prospective hammock customers will do weH to investigate. BUREN & HAMILTON OHAS. K. SPAULDINO, B. 0. MIES, v. iTcsiarai. - "" . Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. Manufacturers of Oregon Pine, Ash and Maple Lumber SALEM, OREGON. ,wTD5k BUSY AT FAIR GROUNDS ITHEY TONE DOWN OUR VOICES Mom activity I" la evidence on tho ittntd fair gimmla ttmn hn over been H'ert' Wtno Mnco ho organisation of tSo Oregon. Htftto Agricultural Comml km. TImvo m mora rnco bor on tin ground Iwlnjf trained and cxo ciinxl than wor (afore, and tho nice mtirt promi o lo tlio blggftit J hi rr ludd on tho Pa.uflo coat. A larga gang of prUonors from tho tate penltifntLar)- aro ut work ou tho (rounds, and will bo kept thwe until tho tntlru ptvmboa aru in perfect eon Utlin, Xew fnc nrn botiijf bulU from thu Bouthern Pacific rtillrou.l al nwwfc to tlio ojijmmKo Uto of tho on-eloinr-i, and tln tut vU a alt tin building, pivillou, etc., will bo palut oit. All Um aUblei and, oattlo aliod nro wolviug a coa ofwbl'tyrasl and the twvri In tWpark arvlHMng" treated lnMhe icuim nmnner. Tim eommbwlmmra luvo nvioii to bfll.ne tha. tup different counties lu th alb art golm to l mow' and lnrgon nlb.'N of IhoU pro.hiflti tliuti Italy uv '"V $a'K P forwur Woa aloiw, aihl U)ti afesrutlon'of Ivo tock rl fwniu ptv.liiv'N will b,i,th lrgot und lnt en v ho Kntfl, Kahlbltlor la tho dluWeat cwuntp )ty. Wn tmtlniM iW tt will 1 al ltibla to mf lu all txhihlU that nw no perWiahle, with Uio wid lu view that thoj may bo wnt to tho Jan torn MjKXtilWa. mifcL will boUe ru.i f B-t m. taken ia arranging Imiuo of tho inhibit. i-f Publld Salo Wo havo laitallej a fivotoa, llgh Kra4, taklakn rtoK anJ aw iw ivirtyl to oV all kind of w.JoMn,-. ... tejvt lc V. 0rretvroisht gr WM, OIUW.N' btoij:, Oorr Wltr u.V rtutumor atiwta T J lwk-wlt WE WANT YOU you tl UtretJI l it grontk J rrth U Ik comaalty. A awvaat uk yur kotui baak WUl ( JVU rtMtr bttitM atasaii; U tk anmity ta4 4 rlj? tkf jrou fct M,w fcm JJ bafor. W jr mm I ast on cor Wki, terf U tl4 nf lvj, " TAT SAXX SXtm Stutc Bant Ii dlfi 'lejilwrw obiuigiiig tlij char- nnfur of tlw Amoriomi voice. A omlnen'ti toiiclior of elocution in tho Kiwi ik'ckiv- tliat such1 ii tho tvwe. lLo giutt 4ni to wltttw Hint tho different pitch of itwmi roquiroil, tho ubility to Kirap) thH voloo o tlmt tho uttmrn.'il wriL4 rthall ouxry illttliicly, tiho clour oiiiinaiatlon no) thu '. of tho cliwt ti)iuvi till tia) to )fttou anil broaHen tlw mw;tlitiy of txtiw liilioritcil fnm 4ur l'uritmi rtnoitio.K MtHt jKMiplu lu Ukplinltii speak nl tp'tlier t4o Unnl. It Li n common; vv ro rto upHtn hal bocauo you win inti mio tlmi oinlitiiir yoou must wvvam t Im lwvinl. 'Phh U a mlitHiko. Wcli a skillful oponitr at hor oml of tho Hmv 8tniU)f but a few fvwt away front Vfl vou oittmtot lUtiuUh a Mrl of Ikv low-tow ill eouvortiatioii. 8Ui fjHukH iNiwUy into riio mouth p!kv, Iw-r $mm u t pltuh svrooly alnivo a whlvt", arl lwr oonverxitioii U Ut;uii, onrrKl om ainl iukKhI without tUt )l);htCMt iliin"lroKo iw Uirtieulty, Tha toperator luu learne-li lw- bnitluo. 8Hj know-H hutw to tli. tho nwxtmum ixttilb Wt a minimum f eflor. A ooh'bmMt skwin Uitehor Una nultl tluvt ittniiv of 1n ww mi,! broathlnir oxo"oUn jiwn by 4ir aro Mmitiwil in fom w4tk ! wiipkyW by gvxJ toVplMui oixirtitor, u.t am tho wnirlne lo elMtittt anil brtWirt ami liovnlr opi uiww ttmtitt! Kuttktnoe, rko wiw of tM tHopWuxr U rahkilly cUani.) ami wudWhj ntt U a the eiMtioiiM f.Msl upn tt by the uootU of uorwt tMiboiiHH;, I h Uvouiliii a (trtK'tleo to tln tlKt tornlrk .J,'inH lu a cMrtaet Ulft at &. In aay laruo station y uavy m forty or flft' K4rii all talking at ov ajwl , lw ft U nuiMtilo hi fc rHt. Tkev ktw bocn tauj,4ti to HtM trtir vol. nto tbo owuw0 WC tk4 t4pkoax lnato.1 vf lMN-it flu ,m k.f Kverj, pKJWrr tttrfoAj wJoo b luw, TOWWl ami full. 1) wnw jwfvMy to Ao 0kr cixl f tiM rmv Nt'a ala,! Wit ,v utcWiot, arlWOiio wiM ou lu.. vlij you Uvu, for h U tn.vif ehlef uuin to fcit4 hw to mdukit tiVnr wiiHv ak1 itrofiriMk; Uli w- V i.R hw i. it .y for low. uufci, tut9ii nl tKitutt tjHk to Kvonw a Ulnt. A tho Ukjikiaw la M kt4thkx wktoh la mim to atay, 1 w it tkMVB 1o lveoonw, imi lt-r vlov; tbtiwlrra tk aiMt4l hw v. uowwm-My wt. j, .auHun ki h oUani?lni . . ... rvaivatutd of tbo.Uuatloa, lUucotu w aro iii. ftifxoeJ, sknll ox 'i f AwJ roMuK aiHf .t .. uKtawuv). i) , u, ,;,,. tvt livnvtii4 la tfet A vkV to !a U, to co. tlwtsh tu BsUcm of USt tvSkoav it b, . to a Ba aM Still Stands on the Old Site Though Subject of Dis pute for Twelve Years Tho hUtory of tho controversy ovi moving tho school housoin Dist. 80, known as tho KeoneorShaw schoW house, extends over ' a period of 13 yearn. Tho building was orocted In 1873, and is located 120 rods from Shaw station Tho effort bas booa (o movo it 140 rods west t.hci-efronu Thda effort, to move tho school houso was rt istod by tho farming portion of too community- ! At a fchool meeting 12 years ago th'o first effort at removal was made. This was dcfeaiJod at tha school meeting by a two-thirds vote. January 27, 1906, a mooting was called for the purposo of procuring a to and erecting a houso thereon at Shaw. "This effort was votdd lown. Tho Shaw peoplo wanted a larger e-chool house, to employ two b-iacheru and to pnomo'tt tho dovolop ment of their towresite. Tho advocates for tho old sito were willing to buiM a rtow school house and support a school with two toachora, exactly tho pamo in er5"'rlwpeel,: as tho Shaw people wanted, but claimod it was mono con vonioat for tho district at large on tho old she. Tlio special meeting of February 10 wns called for tho purposo of making provision to erect a school houso on the now sito. Tho progrossivo clement ciirriid the mooting Febnuary 10. Tho advocates of tho old f-ito were not sat isfied, and called' another mooting Mlinch 10th, when tho voto was re vorsod, and it was decided to build on Alio old site. This was a knockout for tho Shaw people, Tlio Shaw pooplo woro not slitlsued, awl sucdi tho echool loard on Uie ground that they had shut out legal vottire. Tho school board claimed thoy whto excludod because their names did-not appear on tho last ufipHsirjonfl roll. Tho contention of tho Shawieoplo wa set asldo in tho ju tleo court 'at Salem, and oa appeal to tho circuit count it has been docldod against tlwun by Judgo Burnett. An othiT suit was brougV by tho Shaw jM'opIo on ai writ of review, which was sustained by Judgo Galloway, and tho lonrd of directf'M have appealed to tlio uupremo coinrt. With tho writ of rovlow, tho Sluvw jwoplo ocunod an in junction and restraining order, to pro veuf. tho oroction of a now school houso on tlio old site. Periling tho decision of this irnitto? by tho supremo court, the litigation will rtr, and thoro is jmvu-o In tho troubled waters of school dWriet No SO. Tho wholo controversy has boon conducted in a good-natureil nutnner, neighbors taking different views of their rights umkv the school law of Uut Ht4ita It is expected when It in tried out ovory one will acqui 4-co in tlio decision, and peace ami ha.'mony will prevail, Soldier Boys Are Leading a, Warm and Strenuous Life, Making iGood Scores "Camp "Willamette' is still a scone of animation. From early morning till 7:15 tho contest for tho highest inr dividual scoro was held, on tho 800 and 1000 yard ranges. Tho men making some of the high est scores are: A. J. Itaylo - 141 A. A. Sclrwarz 140 0. C. Spnncor ,..... 133 G. E. Upton 133 W. McCormick 133 II. 0. Maxwell I33 R. L. "White (Salem) 132 G. B. ILanck ; 132 B. Board 129 At supper time tho camp was hon ored by bo presenco of .Governor Chamberlain, Captain Frank Settle moier of "Woodiburn, and Lieutenant II. L. Knapp of Portland. Tho gover nor mado a speech congratulating the officers and members of tho Oregon NViomil Guard on the groat interest which is being taken by tho stato mil itia in markniammip, and especially in this annual event for tho stato trophy cup. Ho expressed the hope that the O-Higon team thai would go to Sea Girt, Xcw Jersey, would bo even strongor than that of last year and would do credit to the great stato they represent. In a few well chosen wonds ho presented tho stato cup to tho member of Company "D," of Ro-eburg, who wro successful in wrestinir it from Company "M," of this city. Captain Hamblin rosponeded briofly but feolingly. Tho officers also had a shoot, how ever, was not In tho schedule of tho official program of tho tournamenlt. Captain R. O. Scot., of Portland, proved high mam, scoring 25 poimttf. Today's exhibition will consisb of ukiinish firo at tho 000 andt 200 yard ningos. In this contest each is al lowed 20 ToundU of ammunition. The medals will ho awarded to thoso mak ing tho highest score. Last evening a goodly number from Salem wero visitors ad tho camp and all seemed to eujoy their stay among tho soldier loys. Promoter of the Initiative and Referendum and Direct Primary W. 9 U'Ren, inventor and discoverer of tho initiative and referendum, is in tho city today trying a case in tho cir cult) court. Ho is very well satisfied with tho outcomo of his labors in pro moting tho direct nomination, direct election of senators andi direct law making amendments to the constitution of Oregon. Ho said -to a reporter that ho was much batter satisfied with work along the lino of establishing organic priitiples than, in tho ofliceiseekAng end of practical politics. Mr, U'Ren says tho commonwealth is getting along very well, and! if wo only make a lib tie 'progress cveny year a groat deal has been gained. Ho tkinks tho. leg islaturo. that has been chosen will be entirely devoid of tho grafting dispo sition so manifest in the past, and if it is not the referendum will be invoked against it, and will not bo let go by default, as it was this time. 41 WHY MAKE SUNDAY A DAY OF C1LOOM7 Sana Dure for Piles. Itching Pilot produce moisture and causo Itching; this form, as well as Blind, Bleodlng or Protruding Piles, aro cured by Du. flo-ean-ko'a Pile Rem edy. Stop Itching and blooding. Ab sorbs tumor. BOc a jar at druggists, or sent by mall. Treatise froo. "Wrlto mo about your oac Dr. Bosanko, Philadelphia, Pa. Straight Dinner Comoa in Again, I New York Prt-.) lutbin toeloty has taken to dining without tho aU) of, an orohostra, and tlwMi glfus) with garrulity will now bai a clmnco to ' hold fifth undla turlH) iu tho "musical rosturant." Mwnio nndi dining an Incompatible, say tlw onthiwiaiits of thu latest fal. r a iour timo society ha hu! to bo bgio4 with .vuothtng bvidivs ftvd, no matter low olalonitol)- or floruUy wyo.1, to got it to attvn.) a ihrmer, aa.k mualo was consk)ortd an ocn Ual ahilbujv to tfeivo ontunalnmoata, Now howovor, tk atraight dinner has eonio in gviu. Douhtloaa it is a ruUcf to haw u ckasoc to oouno in a nor mal tonn. but It J., doubtful If London do without tuicaaeoB.prouL0 of mmim iwrt for long. Ohoorfully Keconunondcd for Ehouma. tlsm, O. G. Higbec, Danville, 111., writes Doc. 2, 1D01: "About two years ago I was laid up for four months, with rheumatism. I tried Ballard's Snow Liniment: ono bottlo curod me. I can cheerfully recommend it to all suffor ing from llko affection. 25c, 50c and $1. For salo by D. J. Frv. forest Qrovb Mail Owns Famous Cow. , It is reported that a cow, owned by Rilrtv Boyd, nt F6ro.t Grove, during tho month of May gave 999 pounds of milk, worth at the market price $19 50. Tho cow, it appears, is of humble bi'tli and breeding ami no pedigrco is sub knitted with tho account of hor won ll'orful performnmeo recorded in May, Sho will bo mado nationally famous by the tmfllce dtopartmont of tho Harriman lines, which will punt in its literature on account of her wonderful perform ance, and semi It broadcast over tho country to siww tho possibilities In tho dairying business in Oregon, Baaobaa PUyera and Foot Raccrsl Loula J. Krugcr, tw-eharapton Jons ilUtaac foot rar of Germany ,nJ Holland, write, Octobor 27, 1901 "Dutlng my training 0f t,lgbt wk, foot taecs at 8t l.v. rs... . .. , . - ' wij, ia April t, I u.4 B.llaii' Snow Linlmt -- -. fc. wunae'ioa, Ther4. fora, I hisrhlr rccomrir. a- ,. apratna, brulavi u rki.am..i. i . "J II. 8ol4 Ly D. J IVy ST TZZrZESi Indigestion. With its companions, heart burn, flat ulence, torpidity of the liver, const!-' patlon, palpitation of tho heart, poor blood, hcadncho and other nervous ymptoins, sallow akin, foul tongue, of fonalva broath and & loglon of other ailments, is at onco tho moat wide spread and deatructlvo malady among ho American people. The Herbine Veatmont will euro all theeft troublea. JO botUe. For tale by D. J. Fry. A Stl Fil 1H3 Bend. Ih-ciry man on tho $50,000 official bond of Suto Trvwikror-okvt George A. SVfcol, is a Multnomah county poll, tictau of tho Simonr puro bracch "of tlie fultlj. Mr. Siim1 filci hia bond la the governor -s omco this morning. Tho autotuxj are: J. Thornbura Rcw, Louis v. . fMj, j, . ivterson, J. W. Cook, U Ik Rankin, Wallace McOamant. Tho Dominion of Canada is governed on the B utish plan, with a dummy governor-general, corresponding to tho crown, nyd tho real authority lodged in parliament, with a cabinet or min- loim- nf ifo lirtn.t Tina tnim.itrv IS I known as "tho government," and it soems to have been liinking copiously from t'ho fountainhead of the old Bluo Laws of Connecticut. It has fathered ono of tho most severe of Sabbatarian bills, and ministerial responsibility for the measuro makes it almost certain to becomo a law. This bill prohibits on Sunday all games or sports to which admission is charged, and all business, ovon the salo of foreign newspapers, is forbidden. All pleasuro excursions aro barred. Freight trains must not move, unless under way whoa tho Sab bath begins But through passenger trains aro excepted, and also certain work clas-ed. as nocessary. It is probable that this measuro suits w lango majority of tho' Canadians. There is littla that may bo called cos mopolitan in tho dominion, its peoplo being generally provincial in their ideas. Withl t-lio exception of tho French population of tho Province of Quebec, the views of tho Canadians re garding tho Sabbath are commonly narrow and puritanical. Henco tho dis position of tho majority, as evidenced by this bill, to forco their ideas of Sunday observances upon tho minority. , Should tho measuro pass in its r'os ent stringent form, it would in all probability do moro harm than good. But to n largo extent it would bo dis regarded! in many communities, where public sentiment would not support its enforcement. This would be espe cially the case in the P'oyinee of Que bec, whero what is known as the "con tinental" view of Sunday proynils. Tho French Canadians are Catholics, ami their church 'docs not Interdict harmless sports op recreation on tho Sabbath, provided religious duties bo first observed!. This is tho view gen erally prevalent in tho United States, among nil classes whether Protestant or Catholic, save in New England and some other pa:its of tho nation. Tho notion that piety may bo pro moted! by making Sunday a day of solemnity ami gloom, repressing all pleasuio and annisomiont, and even in terdicting secular muic and the publi cation and roading of newspapers, is Irrational as well as narrow. Par from disposing tho minds of the young to religion, it makes-them dread tho cont ing of Sunday and wjoice when it is Keno, a9 they would iu the passing of an ecupso. People cannot be better or more pious by Sunday laws, and the result of attempted Sabbath, repression Of things in themselves innoccmt is in- variably bad.-Sacramonto Bee. Meand' Teams Put at WorJ as Fast as They Can Jbe Procured 4' Work'obi.thcf n'aw ltno of the Villan ctto Valley Traction Company, botwdel this city and; Portlamd, Has actually bJ gun, and jthoro scorns to bo little doub that cars will bo minning between Sd lem and th'o Indian? Training- school Chomawu by tho opening of tho staj fain, Sopbembor 10th. A considorahJ i i u t I iiuiiiuuo uj. jiicu iuuiu vomits were put 4 work yesbcadayor1 Broadway, in Nor J Salem, anil this morning the number both mVn ami toamsf wus augmentJ by several additional gangs. Contractor Tiffatmy ia giving enroll mont to all tho laborers ho can pJ euro, and is luring nil tho teams can. Owing to the scarcity of tear, ho put a ten-horso poweut traction! gina into commission yesterday to a icraper. If a sufficient numberj men cannot bo secured inTthis vichjU to completo tho work in timo, help bo brought; from Porblanld, Seattle tj San Francisco. Just as fafc as tho grading is tios nne laiill andf the rails put in pUl There has already been several fai dred feet" of track laid, and byl timo the men quit work tonight a i sidorablc section of road will bo plowed. The .Traction Companj peoplo thai th'ey have no intention of quM tho work when tho lino io Ckemawil complete bub tho worla will bo rapii pushed until .cars, ana running dllS way from Salem t o ' P6r&anT. ' Real Estate; Changes. Tho following land transfeaa t been filed with tho countv recoi. for yesterday): "Wni. Murjhy to W. H. Murphy et al., 175 a, t. 7 s, r 2 w ..$ 10CJ John Vaughan to John Butach, 5S-100 of an acfo in Silver- ton,, w. d. IK J. F. Steiver et ux. to A. and MvPoe, -37.12 'acres-t flf-'"-' 3 w, w. d 1,336: II. S. and A. E. Poisal to Jen nio L. Bivtris o Y lot 18, lot 17, Sunnyside Fruit farm, No. 8 1,5 Hamilton Beatty to Sarah Beatty, 1.49 J. L. arrish 1. 1. c. In 2 7 s, r 3 w. ,t, . . ' CI . . r Croup ' la a violent inflammation of tho mn cou. membrane of the wind pipe, which ometlmea extend to the larnyx and bronchial tube.; and is on, of the most dangerous diseases of children. It t r.ou ,jTray, eoaM 0a a Oire frequent .mall dose of Ballard',' Snow Lament terB4lly to the NMar Wore the Same Suit Twice, (New York Times.) On $15 a week Hairw H Tinrnv assistant treasurer of Proctcc'a 125th rtreet theater, was tho Beau Brumniel of HnrltMu for a time, Hd never wore .o xuno auit or clothea twice ia sue ffedon, it Is sail w i1A i. lu . tombs. boM in $2000 ball , .v nt l.. .. .. - r.. " VUJ b" v-,K ,w anu withholding 550 . ,.vw. venuraj offlce detect Ives appeared as complainants against him in the police court, where ho plead gu-- Ho was held" for further exam 1 nation. '?tSA. La Folletto on the War Path. Senator Robert M. La FoHetiei begun in earnest 'his oponi fight forsj pretuiiencfy. Ho haa opened! a pnngni against evittry senator who posel liia araemdkncmit! to tho rote I includinj among tho leadlels Sen FuVon of OlKgon, Tho senato stood out against W lolioti,i anuewdinent ns beln toe: eal arJli so raggoli iui a technical tOiht tiheij- wouJili vi'tiato tho me if attacked! to it. Senator La Fo luowover, liny dottorminon upon h' ngo ami) wiil fcako iho risk of in iag thb uud'ying omndty of practi ovcir RepuWiican' sennlt'on to' a of op mi attacks, .naming tho li Im Nil? sfnato in his ukw- compact In taking tills atep ho is tabifl Uxif out..of tho book of Wisconsin pi itics, which contains tlho story 0.' fight for 41io govxM-moirsbip of Wi siin. It was Ma custom' to assd' nomo In h& homto districts thoi sombyjinlon anVl statii wnotors faHenJ to voto aa ho diwtetod. This is his method) to l against) Sonaton Fulton, ami Kaox, of PemnryJvania. In hk tlauqua wMlieek Sonato- 'La FoJ cloiroa that) tho corporation's' ai ' roada corruphodl congreen. an cludeis by; daantcaUvi rcadaf' namiea of fchbso wiho voed ag1 meisureK Hb h&& -alreftdfy 4kBn owi or campalgniM? four op fivo W ... i i . . . ... i.'i ib noiaiwyi at BvaWrvuie, ib$" vM repeat ther-8te .when ho 1 in thb Weal.. vi ; 1 A Hard Ldt of trouble to contend with.t from a torpid liver and blockadaa I els, unless you awaken them to proper action with Dr. King' Life Pills; tho pleasantest aa oaocttve euro fob Constipation prevent Appendicitis and ton H system. 25c at J". O. Perry's, CASTOR I Par Ixftats aai CiildrK ni KM Ymi Unttttp O feanth Kcutm f wwia of ia si )Aa "Slf ' '" wiwuwiLVt Sweat Baars tin 'WWPHI Kg&atwt'ofl Am. UbJbMw Dkl? WWUZ m&t