1 i JOUBNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, JTTLY 7, 1006. DAILY CAW1TAL Mi" . ! mi i hi i n 111 - Maaw - . lifl . aa i iaaWiaaWaaaa ' 1 . mi! Jmn ortal Off Fo The COAST la Bta'pIeUi and oHvt !" r our rkoUc &'" GREGG COFFEE Togetbw with the beV, graikw of cwnl fvxj an National Bwmt Oorcrr' M&sndts. tUs Lemon Snaps, Clmcv San)iri.4.i Fmtma and Bny- otbora. Our pric are special for coast pttttca. See us before you BRANSON & FISHER AT RINEMAN'S OLD STAND CITY JNEWS A CaSwUaa of Ispartast Firv graplu fat Tor OoaddcraUoo. Hotel Arrivals If you wto a camping outfit orfl al Jowwffitfyihiiia rtm 270 Ojmuxrcial 6wt, Jo win jit you the. bet pid. la b circuit court this moraine, tbo vvAwwWr, tf an fttannr In the suit of 7!. T. Rociexl agoliact .1. B-f kua ia tfcr. ult if tVan MeGacn apaiait Oaipftr Zora, tli os.-fVr!ot fikvi a mo iaa to compel a tefctfifitd complaint and to canae. a .t of Um complaint to b truck out. .jfaa. J. lIAektrtcaa, icperiaUBkVvat rf poUic inSmK3txa, Wt Vwt rtbt for SrWij, Carifurufa, to hehwe Wore unumr cunmt 4m4 of tins I'ai XmSty of Odiforaa, Mr Aekanma J eW ot tti cbirf imtruotum of tie MaWk, al bo will dHttvrr n leetunj oa ekwl vck !wry dttr during the Vna. Nftrwkh Untoa Fke Inser aaoe Sewtety. pmk StJs fetid Afwt 0e wHfc Wax Braira & C&, No. US OeaaamaU fktH. NEW TODAY WaJaW. Viui trt WilkuiKtfo Ho W"" Hoikepiag rcctsa, up. iini at J2 8omA IWatttW atrect. VrJ to fct-. pwi ,jy atck ftana. Add J. M. J." OT Journal - . Wk. Uo eity m4 nWUB pToprtT j S kui fo rt K CWplul NatiOMl yr HrfT-A offwiJ, Leah, at 1.b iw f Ju . a white GmaantaiU Aiamtw ! saw t Iaijv' Katvl for iplt,t Jiormunv Jay TuH Wj W"wt. rikm, ,, T3t y ' T 7 St The Very fewest And nobbfest Imiks Cmbs M received, Wc HMt Uwm in sold sold w oW WW sWe hhI lmk HfromStOto $7.50. Bator's Jewelry Store j Vrillamette. Jhn A. Kewtarv, Portbii?. ML 0. OmW, Lw Anks. MIm M. MiUr, Oikkad. W. L. tHirtbill. Kugixo. H. T. Jnn Itnlepcmkaco. A. 0. Jcanfl. T. H. OrawftnJ, La Grand. (X R. CVxiinvn, Ia OmK a A. MUrt. ITrfJrkl. la. T. v, iLubtd, la. U K. Sbpard nl family. P. 0. MlUtts iVcitenil. W. L-WIjim al wifa, Portland. 1L O. XTam. lVvJand. W. Ilcntw, KrtteoL Aislrew Pii-Kor. 3. IL iTjr, rkMoburp. X. l CSi-istin, Newbrg. K. a Wlicox. Heppeer. It. Daektaiil. SmteUx. 0. IV1 Ifcmd. J O. Wripat, Klaawth Fails. II. 1L Uwli Iw. V. U CW IvAL C. I Our, lVrtaal Cottage. JI. WUUawDB, IVnketL A. J. lnck, (Wkuq CSty. J. B,' IVnhraH, IVrdanJ. tl iiaM P. fp. Fwwt GTdto. K. GoW ltiual. Mm A. T. WNk lVia.l Mwt iVim WU 1 iiRl. IX .t IXK. So lvaaisco. A Jpwv IThMti). Silea. ,f Maras TWofAa. JiA IivispMn. 0. .V, fNttw-EH, Kiuawtli Pal. It W. Jab.. J. J. OfcV,, OakvA P. II Ow. Bfcg IVnl Dkcalm aj wtf. A a Wttcox, Hwtt. O. a JmXmmv lU-bnrj:. P W. ItaaOin, KaAry. A, Q. JaAouuu, !UUrv, IWm Sat. BpWv. P. 0, Svmirt, K..wrt. ' Vv6.s ITntatm, XiHobar;. 1L Hun'rr, Kwwtt. Wat. a VNaW rij. Personals v-k Tl. ijJnwn r. ,r Mm Ji. i "" dauCkter lef 5 toAiy for a visit at NV- P03t Jfia, A2ta EaWtom rs rcJrtwJ to kr bouw at Bisoxa, W" a VKa? w" '" jn. Gcorgo P. Lkchiirfd 9 rod to Taquwa to visit ker sons, Cbarle? L. lStcifirfJ. to w. 0. ElMolt, of WJW win syk at tiw Unitarian ekureh tonw- m. Kwnaf at S o'ekwk. w tmc m Eacoaa, aftr vAinr bwo oOT tbo Fortk. Pbc( :o Sly loft tWi BFwrnfng for Partkml, aal wiH 4 eonUDtic hi jouruA' o Dasvvn 0 j?ob. jyw Mmm Orawford k TorurxfO t bar kJ ConiiJ, aft visitis g hw brotiher. RJivae here. Jfcs. ,V- W. PrweoU awl Ue son left to-any for SoHk w Uwy will Ind tb avxt.tw . Gwil Damoa. on' of tk popokr moi tornwn. Vafs Miiy for wTwt w,i he w spwl kw -acstion. Honrj' McCoaI. socretwy to Oiief Jutice Bn. wfla to Portatl thi niomins;. K mak n owr-Suny visit .T-fi. J. D. In- ai Ls'. S. A. Tuck- er an.1 iittk- eta. AMa of Portfamh ar? in nite ehj, gsesw of Mrs. L. R. Stiavn. Koa. B. P. Joa. of Iirfepcnnce, who ha b on traawMSae bwairwss in tko city for sev.fJ days, svint to Al banv tiaa morniav- Mim. L. a Rowland an w Eilgar ami ReV go to Eupvne this evening on the local to xl fovera weeks visit- inc relatit ia Lams county. Mrs. George B. Cimmberlaln, who has been in tho t'y fweml day? visiting her huabftwi Governor (Jawnboriain, rctural to rtl-tJaol this morning. MV-. arilMrL W. Berry, wko have ka.1 chftro of the Satan Hotel for ome yvKTi Krft m nuinins for Jack sonHHr', whure tfcey wiH reskle. K. Xewf!, of Gaston, pnosident of afeo state board of a-icukuTe, ar rivoJ in tfeu caw taw morning to attend she meeting of tt bortlcuktKxil so ciety. Hon. T. 0. HaB.v, M. Hailey ami abilcben were among tho woirger3 bourl for Xewjywt on the morning train. Juikja Hailev wiH roturn Mon day, but tfco family will make an ex tendied etay at 'ix s'aj4or. Hon. John B. Ryan, attorney for the PtTrttettl and SouU n raikoaS, re tarn 1 to Por2l tkis aftwnoon. He will b in Salem again next week to cojniJeto tiu xnt'Tt of leciwing a right of way tl rough" Marion county for his road. M4s Bertha Skiter, who has been vtsttiug a tho hooie ai her brother, Avtyrnv W T. Skfer, fo- jeveral doiys, lift yxoteriay for La Grande to aki an RxtenKxl visit. Mis Slatct h as iivtruetor at the I'mvenity of Oregon. A TRUE TALE OF JOHNNY ;w Go to Journal Horse Editor Does Not Agree With the Brother at Bandon About Johnnies Wfccn Yoa Want Harnesa. Call on P. E. Shafe., at hia new axorc, iai v.emmreiaj street, near Perry. The finest stock of harness in Sal en. U Wttoj raladvM PortUihL k w Mrt5' laAaw . Mr J W. Ra UTe va4t Arcroti friad J II. Sautb Ua, . C H n tfes tVikm,. t lha.l tov wZ!' ' i-.V- .:. --""' -r Uf an ooiSa r 1Lu tf of RZ tt rur - r. . "X. ."" """" ". n ."r.vw Vft.v,. . "" Wt ' 2avt s. . it?--; R TX. itmwN... v. . .'. " "" " ui; Changes Nama Twice. Carf S!e; 1 will hve has mate ekaiayrt by taV eo rf Ma. Ion eounir tu Vww l-'VkJI Ia-oa. AprdieiKioa w hwva thao .kmo ww nauV uxkv bv 0. . 9gU of the Lrtvfeurg dwtriet. Pwarawai yaN a, whO Mr Slegel 1"ns g ia Iowa, he ikX.jk d a J-.Ywc-atl U,- iua, taw otihos- bh The k. toy's fsuw hfx jum rK ai ia vs i-i.x-a traac has .vler aS- SHJ W ahe o 'a naaie haaM (.ii -SJjel, : thm jv nr.l a 0 rwt 1B th awAAtmK, tk ",k Al aot M. Vatt rawr?-,. ama, "d a 1nku afSutwi -St mi. avd a lrx tee hx oy, Uif mv Tf&mty sMhOttd hi Kvtetra inn. , .v ! m e mokwo Uvaae kaoa, Mr. SSi pmtKl ti loy wiu fuaiii i) Hwc ham bck to Io-a. Oari. or "HkTi Vtoi; iv vMMed t k rl ww Mr. Sky 1 WmH- kb fcnavgvd, attau Nc Collets BaiWlxifi, Rv. 14 ciqfo rf Wt Gro.e. f tko trurttt of Pao uaiTer:- ty, wt sjokw M a aiMuary aeuag bw br ymifty, ruuwtxO hoe lit were not so led a dep.nd by U "!'" HK SKA .1 f ak .w by &, t t exx of trvi te- Qa Mora Rfio-, Wod tka n W(ffi7!r'J V BUBl bi.1 T ii " '' XnryJ. when Johnnie is bad at ebooi the taeher takes out her book aad piT? Maak mark. Xext day J.iiimU m wor than ever. Fifty years a wars Johnnie was bad at jbol the teacher took down a dog wxod sprout, node abost a dozen black narks about bis bare legs, and Johnnie vie repeated rfce offense. Fifty yea.s go .Tohnaie cot up at daylight, started e fir, fvd the korses. milked a dozen loaehorned cows tkat gave barely eaoasb nlk to -pnt into the coffee, chopped nd broucht in wood enough to last Mother all day, ate a hearty breakfa$ and walked five miles to school. Today Johnnie doesn't get up at aH unless he is forced to do so, eats little or no breakfast, goes out behind the Kvn io jmobe a cigarette und if the school house is ovtf three blocks away ihe grunts about tbe long distance be has to walk. The Johnnie of fifty years Rgo is now a bale, hearty man. Fifsj years from now the Johnnie of today will bo dead and buried. Isn't that a true tale of Johnnie? Bandon Recorder. There are Johnnies and Johnnies. Fifty years ago little Johnnie, in addi tion to tho duties enumerated, strad dled the old gny Pennsylvania mare, with fe-t just like sN)ve lids, and a poop-deck like the great Christopher Columfeui' good ship, tho Santa Marie, awl he had a lorg three-bushel sack with two bushels of corn in it, and he "toted" it to the mill, where theTe was also a distillery, and got half a bushel of corn meal and two gallons of whiskey; and when he got home he took the old stone jug with its corncob stopper out to the harvest field and got a snort rt two for his trouble, and hi" dniWy draak with him. He didn't know how to roll a cigarette, but he chewed his niggerhead tobacco ns a cow does her eud, or n Oregon girl he gum. His average of lifo was not so long a the Johnnie of today, though of course somo of us old Johnnies of the fifty years ago hang on like ticks, nnd when the Angel OaUiel blows his lust trumpet, he will have to appoint a committee to go 'round and knock u; in the head, -o be can finish his job and clean p the grounds. There are some weakly Johnnies now, jut as thoro were then, and they will fall by the wayside, just as the other weakly Johnnies did 50, and 500 an' 5000 years ago. Yet here me some Johnnies in these so called degenerate days, lots of them big, husliy, s'rong-limbed Johnnies.) with the Tod blood of health coursing! through vein and artery. Johnnies who can swot a lebaH over tf fenco for a homo run or knock the cover off it, and then srek it around to the home plate like a telegraph message with a sweater on it. They can kiek the pig skin huder aad stand more rough usage without a waimjT than the Johnnies whn us relies of the good old fcys were boys. And besides that, they are not afraid to tpnd their vacation in tho fc-vst fields, the bop yards, the irry pateh or factories, where they can earn awre aaoaey in three months than u Joafee of fifty ywira ago ever dreamed of. The borse,Etu' insists that tfca boys of tody ne aa good anO atronp and healthy as any crop of that kinu ever raised. Tho hwr- editor has only oae John ni and he is 33 years old and he sometiavM saolea eignrettes. He waa at it roetaawliy from about 10 vea-a of age avil is, and fortunately it atuirted Ms growjh eo be is enh- six feec ttieo iaebea tail and weighs a rrirle ever 20 pounds. Thaak God for the cigarette, that prevented hits be ing a mastodon or a giraCe or son thing even-sit. Tk Johnnies af todav are a elea- llmbed, brighveyed. good lot of John BJe. asd if we hod our wish we. wxwld be one ei .w, saae Joawrfes and next to ttat we wH l a aira- to him a bright .yvd. lauie webfeot Jennie. o oorc Before baying ypar whcel;'- Of coarse yofJ want the best, then yoa want a Racycle. Come in and let as show yoa why, Oar Cornell and Yale wheels are better than many so called best makes. - , If yoa have a bike, bring it in and let as paMt in order, if yoa have'nt a wheel, why not save, time, strength and money by parcnasing a . good reliable wheel p x Best Work at Honest Pried : : 1 FRANK J. MOORE Bargains In Pedestal Tables. Josso luia just received! 30 beautiful oak extension tabktt. Oali and see therm 270 Commercial street. All tho worldl's a stage, and pws aigeats earn ithoir money. the MARKET QUOTi TIONS T0DAYi th "Make Salem a Good Home Mt One Bar White Soap Free "With ton bars Savon or Pride of Or egon, for 25 conts. W. A. Irvin & Co. Money to Loan THOMAS K. FOBD, Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or. Poultry At Stelnera Martu Egge Pot dozon, 19c. ' Chickens 10llc. f H.-ye 12i4 c. 1k Ducks 10 c. " Baui th ) Tha Kind Yoa Win dirt di Blfnatws cf C&&& m&&? Dutmg This ( Hot Weathefi Yoar Picnic Lancheon will be incomplete withoat some of oar delicacies. Cookies of all kinds, Olives, Pickles, Canned and Bottled Goods ast the articles yoa need for yoar camping trip. LI F TO 3 S Roth & Graber Up-to-date Gtocets MS Commercials, m m i 4t0 State St, I .j aim. mhtv MeChjv of Swvvt Home, wril imw today by lWtv SSwr iff Su.Jfa.aak- .viteay. j wit oiieac 5fce outv ft ,-. Prfn6co ftf tfa.v tre an dVw. a &xist1 S1 fc Vh bk to Sweet Home, wxJ tkn-opj, t. woax-s rTnr. B aaaa ik ,XVJ " road bmlt, ami k9 K tte ee, off W4 h to 5 u Aihaav c iO Going 0 Mountains i t 1 THEN LET US OUTflT YOU. Wc carry the brated Marble Huntine Knives. Aml Rifle Sisi and Cleaners. Step in and let us show them you. Don't Forget That our bicycle repair shop is the largest, 4 best equipped shop in the Willamette Valley, UW tore able to give the best service. . S Best Workmanship, I ! Prompt Delivery. g lftt& P1V1 LJMU - A BV t ecraw Tt P"tb church h-,. .. PHONE MAIN 363 fa' K.thanUXk Iff y 'AiMflHIUK m cvxDer wiaAiw