.- DAILY 0AP1TAI. JOTJBlTAIs 8AUBM, OREGON, SATURDAY, J0XY"7f 1900. " t VtrtM at OT EVEN A GOLD BRICK IN IT t -"a" IMP guy THETIC HUMOROUS MADDENING Smooth Exploiters Blindfold Portland's Council, Its Redoubtable Mayor, and Its Big Newspapers 3 5 a ii a. IIS IT Pciint.no Longer the Finger of Scorn at Us Hayseeds nor Give Voice to the Call &8f Rube Valley TownsWill not Bite at That Bait Now 9 i 'Tbid PeVjSaind Talopram, lifts up ita vodcie?8flIsvrcip3 ob Rachaol for her chUdlpo'''ite uMaltionn aHe as mtoutrni ful aa the callof a turtle dovo, ami its feomplKJa intaisivo as .tlio wail of a uaawD oinuHgny- coyotes. Tiio Telegram takes Hfepaodiima without having its pasd hold, 'but ib Is plain to bo seen ibhut-itis-aibcut as palatable amd oppo- iizitfgicaBtior oil. Tha Los Angeles $gamof,pnwnti0TS got away watih! the pliumtdW aadl all that Portland now realizes from) tiho dbal is an iiumonc-e .supply of bakD-ennollirvg hot air, and the 'tight to boldl tho salek and bo snipo at 1 tlhesBmaviini, Listonl to tho talo of jwioo, as told- by out big evening con- torafpteftfgr,, domTn titoo. creek: i m 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 m 1 1 i i n 1 1 m 1 1 few It Was All Done. J !BaMiaf Chamber of ' jK OorataetTCd building... $100,000 ,, run 'few; uregon xnao- ioa Company 100,000 I Paiiid.'dior lteol an'di ma- 'torlalT. 80,000 Paid for banquets gon-roa&- 20000 CtoaW total paidl $300,000 spent im ascertaining tho standing of the "capJto&ist&" prcviouisi to the iflnalal lobiso being given, it would sooml tho municipal iM were in full possession of tli dr faculties whom they closed their oyes and bet on 'tho throe card monto layout. i While it may appaar ungrateful in return for such a wealth of oxperiencb to diacloso tHia fine arts of tho manipu lation, itho Above figures givon by tho "grabbers" will afford! a comyfiohen' sivo insight us to 'h'owi tih game cam bo ployed! to win. Tluo fir. splnliga made by ithe coin panj was to taiko over the chamber of ooniimereo for $800,000. To drop" .such a bunolif of nicklcs in ono lump set oven B. Hi Ilarriman thinking. IIo won dorad if it could bo truo. BnA Portland knew better. Hadn't it been promised bhe men we d, but they couldr havo car ried it through." "Have you any Idea what will mow bo dlonoT" "I havo not," ho said. "I have not seen it ho contract drawn, botweon tho stockholders ami the Los Angeles com pany, but in my judgment all they, can sell is tho wtook." "Will not they depose you as a' mi mi iby atockluokJer wihien tboy reorgan ize tho company 1" ,"Thay may," he admitted, "Do you intend' i'o opposo tbcmf " "I had not) tliought of it. I am not familiar with tho legal aspects of that part of tho matter anil do not know whalt can bo done," ho stated. "But I'll bo perfectly satisfied now if tho new poopla will toko 'hold of thb iiop orty ank.1 carry it out as wo intandied. I've maido a fight to keep it togothor, and I hope Portland will havo 'tho sys tem as ww would havo built it." What tho Transfer Included. Mi". Emnvons said tixo ttansfor in eluded the cltamber of commorco builiV ing, the franohies of tha oampamij'' on IVonb street and varioua other tlior- oughfairos add tlio lino and franoliios of tho Oregon Traction company to gdthiii with matoriol worth in tho neighborhood of '$80,000. The land bought) near Linnton, which amounts to 223 anul) a fraction aoros, wsia taken up by iudiviiDiial mombers, and waa not included in thb (Teal. Tho proptj ty lies mostly on tho water firont, and o always think of them with ttfunosfc adi mlration whan wo romombor how thet duped tho peoplo and nrado monkeya of the nniyor and tho oitv oounciL PRODUCT OP 3AWMIIiLS. Those of Washington Stato Turn Out an Enormous Amount of Lumber. The 450 sawmils in tho stato of Washington .turn out moro than1 two thousand million feclb yearly, saya Gas sier 'a aiagazino, whllo tho output of tho 500 Oregon mills is fiftoen hundred million feet. Individual mills on Pugob sound, on tho Columbia river and otMier inlets connecting with' tho Pacific ocean are iroinai lbablo for thcdjti dzo, A't Port Bkvkely, on ono of tho islands of Pugot soumi, is tho largest sawmill in capa city under ono (roof in 'the world. Tho largest group of sawing plants owned by ono compainly is situated in Tjcomai harbor, whilo tho largest shin such that if the impact of Its foil is not gmidunlly chockod tho forco with which it shrikes rt'bo (found may split tha trunk and possibly mnko it usoless except for small sizes of lumber, the swampers prttynra tlia bed undor tho Biipe-'i&ion' of tho foreman. If tlio itreo to bo felled standi upon a hiUsldo or whdio tho surfaco of tho ground has an inellno upward, adn- tago is token of this to throw it toward tho upward inollno. Tho dis tance of 'the fall ia.ithus los9onedi, and tho logs can, of course, bo pulled moro readily down hill than upward Patches of soft ground' or a thick growth of umkuiU-usb also aid tho log gers, ns tho forco of tho fall can bo broken if thb trunk descends upon the swampy, ground or ho undergrowth, but usually piles of bouglis aro placed along tho falling lino, so that tho trunk will ftrst shrike "theso, tho pile? acting ns buffers. Whoa blue foreman or undorcuttor has deeidod tho direction in which tho tho lowit part of ono of tho larger firs portion on tho hillsido was to bo opened w' weigh firomi thiflfy to forty tons as a rock quarry Notl quito 30,000 nvxro than a ton to overy linear foot shoio' of stock wero issued, nnidl tho sue tho density of the wood ami glo mill in tho world is in tho town of Ballard, a ubi-b of Seattle, producing J'00 to bo cut v ,,nl' tho bed is propau-CK tlia urab rnolsion is usuallv niada with tho ax, two men cutting In fropj opposito sides, t 'Wilionl tha incision lia's ireaohed1 a point about onothted of the distnnco tlinough tlio trunk anoiMior is made fromf tho opposito sldb wiiWi a cross-cut paw drivon bj" liandl or other power This incision oxtonAs about half way through tho trunk or until tho umlor cutUvj who is in1 cbamgo of tho foiling solely cedlan shingles. On tho shores of Pugot sound tho bulk of the forest of trees stand 250 feot high, while firs have boon cut measuring almost 350 feot in hoight. Tho problems involved in felling these tree- are not so aimplo as the greon horn might think. A twenty-four foot log sawed, from trunks of tirocij imaging from a' foot to two foot in diameter. They uto st'nipped of their klrla ami laid trans voraoly upon tho surfaco, being hold in pkico by wooden pins or spikcj driven initb tho ground at tho onds and atirips spiked uporJ the top$ of tha logj. If posslblo. tho skidwoy is laid iln ni swampy flection of tho forest to keep tho surface wot amdi slippery. In liauling ..tluo loga to tho skidwaj1 tho old-rtdmo motlilod of using strings of oxen and 'horeco aomothmos a com blnaition string of both animals in rapidly bolng fniporaodbd by tho steam ongino in some fonm. holdings of Messrs. Evans and Yeou amount to leas tlrani 8 per cent, "Mir. Loss will bo in Portland next wocik, anul them micno. detalla will! bo outlined," paid Mr. Emmons. "At any irate, onough of tho sysfein will bo built to insurd ita complotion before anly bond? aro issuodl Mr. Loss has lfitostly eaatenn capitalrats interested) with him, soma of whom aro Now York men. Tho work on Macadam street has been 0. 'B.Loffl paid for stock 500,000 DisbuasQinonts of United Railways 300,000 it Voivgt-" ,.... 200,000 iiiiiiiiinimiiiiimigfr .For. now; dodgco in franchiao manip ufetlon, anjjbjoet lesson in "Geti Rioh Qai'ck" odd tho kdy to tho game of hW to get something for nothing, l lad, today is obligated to those Uw Uiouhib thb Unltotl Railway com panies Into existence. The deal for Be tranefer of 02 per cent of the stock J tbp corporation, amounting to a trdaoplj thara 30.00Q shares, was Wjouglittl to a closo last night. This inal tim liowoveT, and thena various lUcuwwfpPPrtj onies who sd generously siunisl'aro gtrora by tho membilu of tho mlv-UHmg thw Rose City to tho company thdmsolvttis and mint bo no- ffUSlJ? loiu6 throw jonquets copted accordingly , , , , , th oouBcll ami tho 'commercial en- In" addition Mr. Evans said today ita trough lauding tho tempting that tho comp.uy 1ml paid $100,000 jte, offered) 'here, closeil' their fw UlQ property 61 tho Orogon Trac- TITj tTOD f "llW tt" fion company, coiiSUtlng of franchise. Mjjkf their credit Is $200,000 easyon Sta.b Tifi an4 Pettygrovo l3!n9 . istreotn and about a milo of double luvr,u uvut """ lu,iaoi,i " was-track, which, was eold at public nuc rovolutionizo the) city? It was no uso gotting n)Qr-oua, becauso tho strtt ms mado so well. But' Boon it became knowii an oversight was responsible, and instead of $800,000 tho figures should Jmvo reall $100,000. Tho rest was paper. A, C Emmbna, acting as attorney for C. E. Loss & Co., said, today that tho building is no4 in tho name of J. Whyto Evans, president of tho United Railways company. "It wfl) in his namo as trustoe fot a time after bho tale, but a few months ago was transforred to W. D. Lairra- btfo," ho sahli A rough estimate places .tho cost of .steel and other material ordered at, $80,000. Thia is admit tied by both sidles. But it wnb not told tlua in addi tion to aboutj $1800 paid yesterday by thlet C. E. loss in)tie!pa-it8 as saJurieN to tho crew in tho field for June, thero' were obllgairrbnls assumed for material unpaid for that amount to soveral Miouwinda of (Man. This is a non' Los Angeles 'capitalists" wofio tokia0'1 charge of by the now owner 1 Mfcfco and tho Juno wages wore paidl yester- daj-, amounting to nbout $1800. Thero a! io some outstanding bills for material amd 'the liko which havo also boon as sumed. ' ' The 0. D, Loss company was to liavo conViructcul that roaul far tlio United Railways in tho first placo, butt on) tho failure of 'tho promoters to securo fi nances negotiations wore opened with Mt- Loss Tho option held on tho Evans andl Yeon stock expires Tuos-d-vy, having been) takero July 3 for ten diyfl. Tho 'company filed oi bond for $100,000 shortly beforo 5 o'clock yes t(idaj;, This was provided by local business men, tho signatures t)o which included) tihoso of II. A. Moore, W. C Morris, II. Wittonborg, II. C. Wort man, J. W. Ilealey, II. W. Godnlnrd and 0. Ax Mttilarkoy. The signers ata in turn uairantood against loss by tho Metropolitan Surety company in tho sum of $100,000, and tho C. E. Loss company a!ao guarantees them immun- ny i"om paiyment in a liko amount. At a session of tho council last night (ho foriiu'il acceptance of the franchise was presentttll anil approved. J, Wliy'e E-an signed tho aecoptanco as presi dent of tho company and WHmot Grif flss as soorotary. Ib is agreed undier the in ibnunont tiliat tho company will abide by all terms, conditions amd 'Jo s'' VJons of tho franchise, and if the provisions aro not carried out, tho city will bo indemnified) in tho sum of bho gnif d'ualmater, Thorefore tho part or a singlo tieo available for logs may exceed 150 tons in weight. A logging camp in tho Pacific Ne thwest i divided into tho foiling gang, tho sawyers, tho skidklors, tho swaiinpans, tha yartlors, ,tho loaders, and, If tho logs aire transported by wafer, tho boomers or raftmakcrs. Tho it'ellminainy oporabions in get ting tho timber out of tho tract of woodland are 'the construction- of the skidway or skid road and tho prepara tion of tho beds on wliioli! tho trocs aro to fall. Sinco tho weight of a 250-foot fir la gang thinks it is doop enough Tlia nobcb stop is to guldo tho trunk in tho right dawctlon, which is done Uy driving wedges Inta tbo incisions. Whon thfa work is .performed it may bo necessary for t'ho tuxmen to cut a few, moro chlpA. Thorn thb cracking of tlia wxod ihih remains uncut in the hinge, as iti is termed, gives notico that tlio tree is beginning to fall. If tbo wddgos have boon driven In right tho 'free gonorailly falls safely to tluo bed. Th'o chief olomont of dan ger is in thU wind, wihioh may causo it to veer in itls descent. Most logging camp accldwnts oomo from theso side winders, ns tAioy nro called!. Tho skidway is usually composed of Alabama Educational Oonf erenco. Tusoailooia. Ala, JuBji 7.Ono of thd largest oducatiomaili conferoncos over held in this staito opened hero teday: Tho abtondamoo is very largo and in ohidbs etllucatoiTs and poraonfl inborcst od in tho matter of oducationi in thfil a'ata Tlw convention) was caHoll hv tha wracubivM oomtoittoa of tlio Ala bama Educaitionol Association for tho purpose of conswlling add discuss.ing varioua oduoaitionkul mabterfl nndl tit. formti Am inbOTosbing prograim) 'haa boon prepared for tlib confonee. Among those Inl afctondamica are: Supb, L W. HIM, of bho stnito dopaTtmont of odttoation; W. R. Halwiaon!, Union Springs; N. R. Batoor, Mbbiio; 0. W. Daugobto, Jaoksonviaiio; Wk 0. Griggs, Brawtoa; Jaimios IL. Foster, presidont of tlia Alabama) Educational Assodia-tiom. AH Woman should assist Nature at those times when the system is upset, the nerv ous tone low and a feeling of de pression or languor exists. An ex perience of over so years warrants the statement that no medicine gives such prompt relief as Beecham's Pills Sold Evorywhoro. In boxes 10c. and 25c Champion Draw Cut MOWER playod that the nugir-rt ion, tf0 jufo.Hted bli'cro was a small r$100)0' tha council ww occupy a pay,nont onvt(Hl cJhambeir of of com iou to uio beguiled! rural- maroo bub aaid the, other monoy btu lias paid) his shcckles to. been paid bi mrmibers 'of tho ennmnnv. htowAka ltttlo rubber, ball gets from Lo thoro is nothing apparent in tho f "ta til r. Tho little farce jTOy of ,- being token over bv tho i bees successfully enacted. Por.t-'nmv d 'a oostly and' bountiful strootyrail- pt eoaooesions are In tho handta of W4' Portland lias a bond in h'er img box amounting to $100,000. But iggga; feUows, in tho persons of fa& invited C. E. Loss and com il(ptho quiet little gamo, aro & satisfied. Their pockets ,HJf' their eas, and) who shall Ww.not worth tho effort CirJees tho Flash of Coin. LW, clJld watching thecamora M .e liWo birdie mako his ap- l'ortland gazed) longingly sulfas south, watching for the com- lijo noo uk3u and money, in- the bl"d, eho saw golden coin JBTlho sun and heard the -Jinpla ffl into .tho bandfcj bf & " fo wbcan she gave) ho" to make tbeir start in lif o. Bose Cityl Lea wi vow Ager ia tha mikda of these bbera of municipal tifnTntal dollan bey dropped into tho woto plucked) in tha "divvy," awoke today in tho coM', vv imi jwwroiwc now m Aa niiy ix months ma "DUt you' ever tell membors'of tlio council TVbeNot tho proposed! jroilto of tho company would lie, 90 -they could tako options on tha land and. got a good flgulto when 'it was'txirnext over" was asbod Mr. Eas. -, "I did not) andi do not know of any ono who did," the replied. "As a mat ter of fact, I do not know tho exact location of the survey wiveelf. 'When wo "took over tho Oregon Traction- com iwry their survey Bbowod a grade of Vi pn cent, and wo made a now loca tion to lower it bat. BuH such matters wntyj looked after by the engineering doriaTtmbab, and I did not pay any at tention to thonji' ' "Isn't it a fact tihai there was not Wgb wodoy, in possession ef tho members, of the' company to build tho road when: they, oame, here!" came "Ytt" -ha affirmed,' "but the finam cbl part" of it woa orianged) in San FxancijWjo, aad would havo been carried out were it not fop the chamber of ewtifqualoa. I do sot ar to my who Tho curtain can now bo drawn on tho original personnel of tho United Railwwya company, Wiilo tho ofllcer-J will romiain fxA a short time until tho corpoation iabarfs llfo anew on what promises to bo a moro substantial baisis,, they ro but figureheads, acting at tho command ef tho present direct orate. Throughout lio proceedings which havo rml fcod tho debut of the company J. Whyto Bvun lias stood out aa tho loading nwm For months ho smoothly lobbied) with the council to securo the onictment of the OTdinanco trranting a franchiso for a bolt Uno on Front a'xeot, and other concessions. Untir ingly ho executed tlw trmt delogatcd by his comrades. Midnight euppow and conferottcos wore frequent, and after that fateful dato whem Xbiyor La no permitted the wishes of tlio coun cil to be car led out by not hindering the legal passage of tbo measure by Ixia aeaant or veto, tho cify fathers were guests of the "magnates" at a brilliant banquet in tho Oregon hotol grill, which in appointmon3 and gear ttal lavishness excelled anything of the kind jfitfyiously give a Hats off to ihe bunch of franchise grabbers It may be that thoro will hover ttgain be occasion for their in vadjing PortUnd. Ail our valuable coaaoflotoai are about gone, but we will T. SW Jr ' P'i iwSMSP SCI iJTnv Jitf V? -1 V IV1" Utr-t flV BW Hfe AAA t WPH H M, , 1 1 UKAWb I nt BAR-NO PUSH EL Hs t0 Irnrtlnn AA t tU t U,CIUU,IU IIILnMSta TIIE OILAMPION haa the quaUty that irjans satisfactory work overy day.you use It-few repalra and long ' " L ui01p0S8lbl0 only W? employing only tho best material and workmanship, a quality you cannot obtain elsowhero; a qua you cannot afford'to overlook. wwawmp, r quaany Champion ' Rakes Self Dump-Hand Dump' Arc as perfect In construc tion and operation as it is possible for hay rakes to be WMHAMPION LOOC-ZEVJZJR SELF DUMi Get A Factory Catalogue and a Testimonial Circular,, MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO SALEM BRANCH, F. F. CARY, MGR. " 219-229-237 State Street Sakra, Oregon