v - vtT y& sworn w!? it ,. -irl Dander ine i H' . , jH 1K?, . ..HUEb.l i zKKSmtiftjt' 'flHIHIu f , ' ' f BR: 1 'ill I 1 i 1 Af' r 'twBUmffa 'Ik! 'fllHH 111 I H ; fir ' SHIKf n il ' I Hi fefiBBBnSHBHH FREE .ir "tv r. jt.?! KitA jxi -- ---" Ar,wJvrei.U5''e sfcKS?:S who semis this ailv ESbS8Ss3St r nhlcano. with Latest Photo of HRANOEO MARIE KNOWLTON, CO., lniCagO,JWUl ACe Fou?YaS 000 Om ..- Boulevard. Ohlc.go. Stamps to pay postage. DAILY "OAK jrALJOTOTAI, gAlSMTOMHrOXr ntlPAY.-JUNE 20, 1000. Grew TlWs ifer f w ,,l; AND WE CAN PROVE IT Llttlo Trances Mario Knowlton Is tho,dauRh tcr of Dr. K. W. Knowlton, tho discoverer of this proat Imlr-growlDB remedy, and lierboautl ful linlr was grown wholly by tbo uso of this great tonic. This llttlo girl had no moro hair than tho ToraRO child beforo using DaDdorlnc, while now sha has tho longest and most beautiful head of golden hair ocr possossod by a child of her ngo In tho world. Dandcrlno makes tho scalp healthy and fertile and lteops It to. It Is tho greatest scalp fertili zer and thcroforo tho greatost hair-producing remedy over Ulscovorod. It Is a natural food and a wholosomo medlcluo for both tho hair and scalp. Even a 25o. bottlo of It will put moro genulno llfo In jour hair than a gallon of any other hair tonlo over mado. NOW at nil druggists, in three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents and 551.00 per bottle. To show how quickly Dandorino acts, wc will n send a large sample iree uy return muu io uuy um: SKIDOO SKID WHO SKID YOU IfYouArenoton theGrounds Early Remember It Will Be "23 for You" ertisement to the Krxowlton Danderino name and address and io cents m silver or XRAYS Tho discovery of coal oil killed the whaling industry, ho it enn bo soou that 'John D. is "n mighty good frlond to tho whnlaa," and ho gots no. rebate. Tho Woodburn- Iudopondout says: i j'Soino men booui to think, qulotly, that it is a burning shamo to jail ' such a boauty as Emma Watson." Doosn't 0111 know his wifo roads tho" pnporT According to tho Woodburn Inde pendent Hon. P. A. Cochran "lot his mngnlflcont voico Toll ovor 15,000 poo plo" during n recent' trip through the valley. That should lot tho Hon. P. A. bo clussod us a "Holy Kollor." a a WJbs Ollvo King, a Now York school ma'am, hns filed typewritten charges nguinst Prlucljial Lasallo, in which aho doclarod that tho gentlomau hugged hon twlco in throo mlnutc3, Tho liorso editor is not on oxport in that lino, but It does strike him that any man who got n strauglo hold on tho willowy wnist of a school ma'am nnd let go for OHOIOB MEATS Wo kill nnd euro our own nuvato, hang thorn iu our ico house, vrhorv thoy aro cared for nt tho ppopor timoj thoroforo wo can nssuro you that you got good, fresh moat, Try n log of spring lamb for diuuor. You will bo pleased. STEAKS, VEAL CUTLETS ROAST BEEf Wo have a man who will dolight you with Ida nolcctlous, ami fiuo outs. Wo handlo nothing but tho boat and ubo ovwry oft'ort to pleaso our trade Dee & Kurtz 1 77 Commercial St., Salem, Or a second grip inside of half an hour, ought to loso -his job. Twice in thrco minutes is simply preposterous. An exchnngo says Ambassador Itoid's daughter "Wins British Poor." The chances aro sho didn't shako tho dico for him on win him nny other way. Thono was . probably no gamble about it, m7t imitona a bargain counter deal, and straight purchase. Daddy Ecid has tho dough. Tho Itabbitvillo letters now given publicity in Tho Dalles Optimist, and formerly oxploitod in tho Inrigon Irri gator, aro simply a combination of bad spoiling, trito jokes nnd exceed ingly coarso and original vulgarity, tho only original thing about them. The horso oditor is not squeamish, but vul garity, without a redeeming Hash of Wit, is tho limit. State News WE WANT YOU To call this "your bank," to havo you fool interested ia its growth and worth 1b tho community. An account with your homo bank will givo you greater business standing in tho community and a prcstigo that you may aover have onjoyod beforo. If your aamo is not on our books, wo will ba pleated to e it thero beforo tho close of 1906. 8ALBM 8TATH SANK. Salem State Bank L. K. PAGE, PtmUvtt H.W. HAZARD, Cli That Tirod Tooling. If you nro languid, doprcssod, in capablo for work, it indicates that your liver is out of order. Horbine will assist naturo to throw off bond achos, rhoumatism and nllmonts akin to norvousness and rcstoro tho oner gics and vitality of sound and per fect hoalth. J. J. Hubbard, Tomple, Toxns, writes: "I havo used Horbine for tho past y oars. It has dono mo moro good than all tho doctors. It is tho best medicine ovor mado for chills and fovor." 50c. For sale by P. J. Fry. o Penotcostal Mission. Tho mombors of tho congregation of tho Peutccostnl Mission havo built a neat church on Flftoonth nnd Mill streets. Itov. W. N. McCandllsh is the pastor, nnd hns bogun his work under most favornblo circumstances. Tho in terior of tho church is not entirely finished, but tho mombors hopo to be nblo soon to improvo it. "Thero has been many reports circulated about our church that aro ontlroly untruo," said a prominent moiubor to a Journal re porter this morning. "Wo aro not Holy Rollers. Our aim is to mnko our church a homo for tho poorer people of our city, who do not fool llko attend ing tho downtown Methodist, Baptist or Prosbytc"lan churches of tho city. You know, many children do not like to go to Suudny school dressed in cali co, when othor chlldron nro dressod with good clothos, and wo aim to havo such chlldron como to our churcb and h'ttond our Sunday school," "Woll, but what is tho namo of this chunck," asked tho poncil pusher. "It Is undenominational. Somo are Bap tists, somo nro Methodises, in fact, ev ery denomination is represented in our nioinborskip, but, as wo must have a namo, wo call our church tho 'Pente costal Mission " It soems that thoro has boon a mis understanding among the members of tho mission who havo been holding sr vices at tho hall on Twelfth street, and that & part of tho congregation have uultod and erected this new church, The other faction, which i said to ba wore radical, Voida its mcyIcm m the aforemeBtioaed hall. , Astoria will havo a now hotel soon, Jcosting $100,000. -Benjamin F. Matthows, a votoran of tho Indjan war, and a rcsldont of Roao-' bg, dlo'd at thatplaco Wednesday. Dan Kelly, tho stan athloto of tho U.l of 0., will compcto in tho meet of tho American Amateur Athletic Union, at Chicago this summor, under (ho U. of 0. colors. Tho atblotic association of tho Uni versity of Oregon has signed a "contract with Billy'Haywnrd, tho athletic train or, to keep him at tho university during tho ontiro school term, for tho next two yoara. Y. D. Honslll, vof Eugene, has been appointod architoct for tho now library building and1 girls' dormitory at tho U. of O. and suporintondont of con struction of theso buildings, as woll as all Jopalr work. A generally circulatod roport comes from Cottago Grove to tho effect that tho saloon mon and their frlonds aro contemplating moving in a colony to Dlvidto, somo fow milos south of Cottago Grove, and starting a now town. Tho town will bo run on a strictly "wido opon" principle!, and nnyono in fnvor of prohibition will bo discouraged from Bottling thoro. "nmnf 1 tlin Elks' Skidoo," will lie tho cry tomorrow, when tho unique khow of tho local nntlers is open to the public gajfe. During tho ontiro day tho local committees havo been putting on tho finishing touches on tho various ex hibits, and getting all tho foaturcs in readiness fon tho big oponing tomorrow. For four days will tho carnival spirit i. reign ouproino; it will bo contagious, tOO, anu e-vurjr muauuuin ui v" r- tal City will unconsciously bo moved by it. Tho Skidoo will bo tho finost thing of tho kind ovor attempted hero, and ovory. ono is beginning to reallzo tha fact that tho ontertninment given by tho Elks is to bo unequnled by any formor attempts at street shows, in Ha lom town. With a inonstor stroot pa rado in tho morning, tho big festivities will bo ushered .in. Tho Salem Mili tary band has beon secured to discourse sweet music. Among tho top-notchers will bo tho country store, whoro "unbelicvablo bargains" will bo offered to tho public at remarkablo prices. Don't miss tho bargain countor of tho country storo; rich things and' wholosomo amusoment aro in storo for you. You not only got your money's wo;th, but you grin all over whilo you nro buying, and! when tho clork makes out tho bill you will shout in ecstacy at tho great bargain you hnvo made. Great is tho Skidoo; seoing is believing; join tho happy throng, and bo on tho ground floor with your ticket punched for tho first exhi bition. Then tho spiclors will add much mec Tiinent to tho gaiety of tho affair. In stontorian, vibrating tones thoy -will toll you of tho great attractions, what to take "in, -and what to koop out of,. Tho Roso City quartot will also bo there and sing illustrated' ballads that will dTivo away, tho blues. But tho fun will bo when tho Elkai' patrol wagon goes swooping through tho streots to gathor up guilty mombors of tho Elk hord, and bring them to tho kangaroo court for trial. Horo it is that tho solemn judge will sit and pass on tho deeds of tho offenders. Words cannot adequately express or ravoal tho insido workings of tho Ski doo It is ono of thoso things that you must soo yourself. At 8 o'clock to morrow morning tho tom-tom of tho Arabian hostB will welcome tho passer by, and tho big show will bo inaugurat ed for a four-day run. All questions portalning to health nnd beauty aro answered horo. Makes peoplo feol aa thoy felt in fullbloodod youth. Does business whilo you elcop. That 'a what Hollistor'e Rocky Mount ain Ton will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Dr. Stono'a drug atoro. o. A. B,, Attention; v -v Tho general commltlfco wifo. art '.6 ably handllng.iho general-plans for tho coming Fourth of 'July celpwation nro very anxious t5 hnvo 'the old soldiers of tho' G. A. R. in lino fo? the parado, arid to this cndZspnt an invitation to tho post, which was acted upon at our last mooting, Juno'lOth, tho invitation boing accepted. Indefinite, action, how over, 'wns taken, thtf'rtmttof bcihjfleft to tho' commander' who was.thou nt Grants Pass attondlng tho encampment. Sinco my return t havo consulted nil tho comrades I could 'meet, nnd a gen oral desire seoma to prevail to turn out nnd show our good will, and respond to tho best of our ability to all tho ef forts put forth to make this tho great cat day for Salem in its history. So comrados, wo will bo in lino on tho Fourth, and I hopo ovory old soldier will bo with us who can stnnd to march for about fivo blocks. This menus ev ery old sold'lcr, whether ho bolongs to tho post or not. Como out comrades and let us show our good will. Wo will moot at tho post hall at 9:30 a. m. on July 4th. Don't forgot our regular mooting on July 3d, at 8 p. m when arrangements will bo completed nnd roports heard from representatives to tho department onenmpment. By re quest of Gideon Stolz, eommandor Sodgwick Post, G. A. R. 6-30-7-2 , .. a Cures Old Sores. Westmoreland, Kan.. May 5, 1902: Ballard Snow Liniment Co., Your Snow Liniment cured an old soro on tho side of my chin that was supposed to bo a cancer. The" soro wns stubborn and would not yield to treatmont, un til I tried 'Snow Liniment, which did tho work in short orilor, My sister, Mrs. Sophia J. Carson, Allonsvillc, Miffin County, Pa., has a soro and mis trusts that it is a cancer. Pleaso eorid hor a 50c bottlo. For salo by D. J. Fry, ' m k. Salem aottijng Out Her m., ,. - tho Bijr Cc-Ur,!: Wes ' w2"'iit!r( !!... .".. I. J: . "..' " tti I,' UUIULUI WlLVin n In.v . 5 Ws 'such a's has ni r boforo. A1rpn.1w !.- . ... " of tho Mu-.n, ':. ruw wt;::T " ,.,. "7M'u".i), iiu i Rnmn H ii .i -.. ".. . " Ui !. """' UI parucuiarjy protty . ' Ai&&uL::rnmis; : ;" oe put up niiurii, -, ... v..,uniiDn on account rnrnntnninrf nl, n ... . 'h tho sehemn of rlMr,n.. . . " i... i,. ,,. .: " RMtt py wio committoes, will bo eW..i . n t..i ... , . . "" w: .. .lo cum, nnu oaiom w 1 bW. nim iu uur guia-uay attire. Acnto EaonmatlBm. Deep tcarlne or wrnm-Mn.. ... loccaeionod by eottintr wnt ii,.... .worso when at rest, or on first J,' mg mo nmi3 and in cold or fa, woathor, is cured quickly bT M lard 'a Snow Linlmont. OBcar'oW Gibson City, Hl.,Tvrlteo, Feb. 16, lj, a yoar ago i was troubled wjtl.j pain fn my back. It soon got s tfji V couia nor uena ovor. One bottle 4fl Ballard ' Snow Liniment cured atH O.. . I T T ?. x-or tm,iu ay u. j. xTy. William. L. Marks will nfflM. doputy county clerk under J, W, Mlgo xio is a urigat anu nccommodatijj young man who may bo depended spot to fill tho position well. Albany Dew crnt. i CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bl & Boors the Slgnaturo of OLcM - Ms w Bang! :-: Bang! Hurrah for the Fourth! Hurrah for our Cool Oxfords, Ties, Slippers, Tans and Canvas Footwear for Everybody. i Hurrah for our modest prices! If you'll place your Feet inside a pair of our Comfortable, Low Cut, Summer Shoes, you'll Hurrah from the bottom of your heart. j SALEM'S BIG SHOE STORE OREGON SHOE COMPANY THE SHOERS This Famoas Book ; PREE Pay $2.00 in advance aa a subscrip tion to tho Dally or Woekly Capital Journal, and 20 centafor postage, and you will get this book deliverod by mail. The Dally Capital Journal costs $2.00 for six months by mail, or four months by carrlor. The Weekly Journal costs $1.00 per year. r , .. This offer Is for a limited imo, so act quickly:' ' ' -V HOFER BROS., PUBLISHERS, The Capital Journal Sulem, Oregon. M Bill ir-w i 1. Nye's Comic History t United States With 1 40 Illustrations by Fred Opper flD:n M... tt. rm.( AeKnctf: humorist, has written the W t . l:. Aum waV. oj our country iu "' ; l He treats fully and accural, on the progress of cwibaW INorm Mmenca, .-. -r y covery by oiumuw - n decade. All the main Mft respecled, but BiU treats th a humorous manner, wmjj n..nl, .ahVfl to make it W""? ably funny, yet aU m good tJ Every reader, old or you J get a deal of fun out of Ujsbt while addinc tolus bowhcVH "n.' 1 There is a snlirl iwartnn in irua book, and it has the advantage of be ing sugar-coated with fun. IF. Opper, the celebrated humoroq artlSt. nn Srl4v1 tlntnlrl iratlia n Vl IWOrk bv 140 illustrarinna Tone of r..,l,;-l, l ... t . .-.! wnitjii mucn reoucefi in srze. is re- i: produced here) that will cause many ?&, nfartv icitnh -v; V 'r? hovc "- . pai of RolUcHIng Mirth, Rowrto : and Inviratitf Amura" "T gar HOV pmm6i BoKiir tm JwAaatMaco mjr r