DAP OAPltAL JQUBKAIs 8AL3M, QMooy, Jt CLASSIFIED : HEAT nttm Mia.iM v - - . .i-. w ., a. tt.T roa saxe. For Salo. Four lota plantod with varloty of fruit troos and borrlos. A good lioueo, barn and small hot house alao good family driving horse, bug. gy and light hack, oil on easy terms. Call at No. 2000 Stato street, camor lst fltroot. 0-lMm for Salo. -For tho noxt ton' days I will offer all our household gooda at prlvato Bale. Everything complote, or by tho piece. .Mrs. D. D. Olm sted, 375 North Commercial street. G-22-tf Tor Salo 115 acres, 7 miles east of Salem; 40 acres in cultivation; run ning water; good' house, barn, out' buildings and orohard. Farming im plements and stock go with promises. A bargain. Call on or address M. P. Mortonson, R. F. D. No. 6. C-21-dw-tf FOB BENT. Tor Ront. Furnished and unfurnished rooms at 700 North Commercial street. M. A. Dico, prop. 5-1-tf For Rent. Furnished rooms for light houso kooplng. Inquire at I U. Josao'e aboro necefc door to Fry's drug store, Commercial street. G-25-lwk WANTED. WamVMl To buy or rent a hoVso to use on delivery wagon. Call oa or adV drcsa W .A Irvin, tho grocor, Com mcircial stroet. C-23-3t Wantod. A einglo driving horse, suit able for a delivery wagon. Must be gentlo. Addros3 P. 0. box 403. 6-23-3t Wanted. A young man to mako him self genera Hyi useful about a Btore, nnd an opportunity to learn a tnado. Address "Useful," Journal office. 0-20-lwk Wanted. A man to drive team. Steady omploymont and1 good wages. Mar ried man preferred. Call om or ad dress Mrs. M. P. Dennis, 1790 Stato stroet. Phono 1480. 6-25-lwk Wantjad. Enorgotic, trustworthy man to work in Orogon, representing latgo manufacturing company. Salary $40 to $90 per month, paid woekly; ex penses advanced. Address, with stamp, J. H. Mooro, Salem, Oregon. 6-25-?t" WANTED FEMALE HELP. Wantod. Waitress and pantry girl at Willamette Hotel. 6-11-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Silem Iron Works Founders, machin ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinory. Hop nnd frutt drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Press. 11-29-lm Wanted Turkeys, geese, ducks, chick ens and all farm produce. Highest sh prico paid for aame. Capital Commission Company, 207 commer cial streot. Telephone 179. I Hotol Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In ixiue block, Salem. A. Scott, pfop. 7-C-tf Property for Trade. Houso and two lots in Englewood; small fruit ana bearing trees, one-half block from car line. Will trado for outsido prop erty, or will sell. H. Aw Rawson, box 338. 0-20-lm The Salem Staam Dyeing and Clean ing Works Is the place to get your clothes renovated. From a pair of glovea to tho most elaborate silk gown. All goods paid for if in jured. Phono 1245. 221 Commercial street. fcrs. G: H.1 Walker, prop. jjinaiittwii j Gold Past Flout 1 1 Made by THE SYDNEY POW I EE COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Mado for family use. Ask your grocor for it. Bran and shorts always on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT HNt iiaw HOTEL OREGON l0 of Seventh and Stark Streets, Portlaad, Oregon. Tfc new and modern- hotel of the city parUdarfy to reeldnts of 8f ad other Orge ltl Europoan V Fwwi L... Bit $L0O per day . Pwra. HaadBOHMtt P& r ad prUa m Jew M F"" ' tractlva. DUy Capital Jowl OSTEOPATHS. Tr TtT T lr . ... iuwocr.-uraduato of Kirks villa, Mo., under fpundor of osteo pathy. Rooms 25-26 Broyman bWE., Commercial St. Phono 919. Eesi donee 419 North Summer street. Phone 614. Treats ocuto and chronic diseases. Examination free. Or. B. H. Wbitoaraduato of Kirks- villo, Mo., undo? founder of osteo pathy. Boom 21 Broyman bldg., Commorcial street. Phone 87. RmI. donco 590 Stato, cor. Church. Phone 1110. Tfccats acute nnd ohronic dis eases. Examinationa free. "VETEBENAEY STJBOEON. Dr. E. J. Young. Voterlnary Surgeon ..and dentist, 33 years' experience. All work guaranteed. Difficult sur gical operations a specialty. Phone 581. Ofllcet at Club Btables, Phone i, Baiem, Oregon. 3-9-tf MUSIC STUDIOS. Musical Studio. Frank E. Churchill. Musical Studio, Asooclato teacher Western Conservatory, Chicago, HI., representing lntor-atato System at Salem, Oregon. In tho Gray block, room 3. Studio houos, 9 to 12 and 2 to 6. 8-19-tf SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. f Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer of sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houso finish and hard wood work. Front streot, bet. Stato and Court. LODGES. Forcstors of America Court Sborwood Foresters, No. 19. Meets Tuesday in Hurst hall, Stato street. U. S. Eider, 0. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall in Holman block, cornor State and Liberty stroots. Tuesday of each weok at 7:30 p. m. J. Or. Graham, C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America. Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Moots evory Thursday ovening at 8 o'clock in Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. 0 ; F. A. Turner, CloTk. Woodmen of World. Meet evory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. A. J. Basoy, C. C. P. L. Frailer, Clerk. LTVEBY AND SALE STABLES. f IS THE PHONE NUMBER OF 3 THE BED FBONT STABLES M. L. HARBOD, PBOPEIETOB, 271 CHEMEEETA STREET. Feed Barn Spoclal attontion to trans ient teams. Farmers' patronage so licited. Waiting rooms for ladies. Wo also carry a full line" of feed. Located at Club Stables, cornor Lib erty and Forqy streets. Phone Main 7. Prunk & Darby. 12-14-6m REAL ESTATE. For Sale. A good residence; located at 580 Liberty street; price reasonable. For particulars address Chas. Burg graf, Albany, Or. 5-25-tf A Snap. For sale, 406 acres of good land, two mllos from railroad sta tion; 275 in cultivation, 175 acres in crop; good houso and barn; orchard, etc. Only $8000, If sold at once. Swsglo iSmlth, 492 Stato street. . Phone 459. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPAQ OFFICE CITY HALL. For water eervlco apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance Mako all complaints at the office. When Vou Greet Your Best Girl You should always be well groomel and well dres.ed and have yonr. to Maculate in its snowy whiteness an BgiBMMW2 , J ,- exoulslte flnlili. in csn "" " ' waycontlj.andatamalleortwhM L have it laundried at the BALEM STEAM LAUNDKY. Colonel. J. 0tast4J'!P Phone 5. RIPENS SKID00 And it Will Be Ready for Pick ing Saturday Next and It's Fine Fruit "Tho Skidvwl What kind of a do is that!" asked! tho man from tho coun try, of a friend, "You know na much about it na I do," replied tho other. Bitf tho fa'cb of tho matter is than tho Elks' big show, known as tho Skidoo. stands in a class of amusements by it self, lb Will bo UnlouOL mml nn.1 a. tttrtoindng. Naturally scores of start ling surpriseis aro in storo for thb vis itors. Tho Elks havo a kmck of dkjlng things woll and) this ontirpriso will be one of thorn. Tho local herd is "after tho douirh" and it, will ba forthcoming, too, be cause! tlia people will want to seo what a "Skidoo" is. Tito slang phras had beconiio so popular that tho word ia on 'tho tip of tho tonguo of every Salem urcnin. lostorday tho wares woro plaood on tUa counters of tho country storo and from appearances thoro will bo bargains galore. Tho woods of all will bo prtovidtod for and no ono need go dvomo witliiout a dainty souvenir from thlj Skidoo. Provisions haw bcon mado to enlargo tho original slzo of tho big show and Largo canvas onclosuro will bo orect- Qd on Sfcato stn?t, for tho storing of additional foai'iures and showa Tho Murphy building is ono solid mass of booths, ptcttlly docoratedl and mado quaintly attractive. In tho decoration schomo red, Whlto and blue predomin ate, bub the gorgeous colors of the OrlonJt hava boon adopted and blended with beautiful offekjts. Sontd ono salt last night that bo hear tho. ston'oiiian tones of tho spielers would of itsolf bo worth tho prico of admission. Among tho auuisements proviuTod for will bo tho "Whools of Foatun,?," "lafllee," shooting galleries, foribuno tolling parlors, flsh ponds, etc. "Tho smile that doesn't como off" will bo seen on tho facos of all visitors of tho Skidoo. Tho atmosphero will bo a romlady for tho blues. Tho affair bids to be tho moit sue ecHssful of tho kind attempted horo. Peoplo should not confound tJw Skridoo witfh what is known in common par lance as carnival. Tho Skidoo is fot you, tno niggesc "uo" you can -ever got to. o Curoa Old Sores. Westmoreland, Kan., May 6, 1902: Ballard Snow Liniment Co., lour Snow Linimont cured an old tore on tho side of my chin that was supposed to bo a cancer. Tho sore was stubborn and would not ylold to treatment, un til I tried Snow Liniment, which did tho work in short order. My sister, Mrs. Sophia J. Carson, Allensvllle, Miffin County, Pa., has a sore and mls trusts that it is a cancer. Plcaso send her a 50c bottle. For salo by D. J. Fry. A Pleasant Wy to iraTsL The above is the usual verdict of the traveler using tho Missouri Pacific railway between tho Pacific coast and the east, and we believe that the serv ice and accommodations given merit this statement. From Denver, Colora do Springs and Denver there are two through trains daily to Kansas uij ind St. Louis, carrying Pullman's 1st- est standard electric-lighted sleeplni ears, chair ears and up-to-datu dining cars. Tho same excellent service operated from Kansas City and St. Louis to Memphis, Little Bock and Hot Springs. If you are going east or south, writs for particulars and full In formation. W. a WBBEDE, Gen. Agt, 124 Third St, Portland, Ore, Irrigation in the West. Now York Sun. Tho mort who arp pushing irrigation Into tho tuM regions of the great writ a All - a ! TllTflOft At aro uononiiBg uwo " Fr- -- this country dliootlyi and indirectry than any other body of men who arc lntorktod in publio work. Mom irricatlort moans many more productlvd homca tor individual farm ers, and homos that, onco occupied, will not be desortedy as exopa and prosperity are insuwxi 10 hmj wuir - - watcn supply under his control Irrigation moans moxo traffic for the railroads, moro and better food for tho people who live whoxo food is seal ce and high. It develops those ro ot tho country that most neol developing; It relievos congestion in the hter agri cultural regions by affording new an J attractive fields for the rfogrvo young men. It Is a work that shooll ba more appreciated and encouraged. WANT JUTE Farmers in Eastern Oregon JVill jAdvocate the State Making Grain Sacks Umatilla county farmers who have jirgantzod tho Inland Bmpiro Wheat Growers' association will tako up tho martter of abarting a juto mill in tho Oregon ponitenbiaw for the purnoso jOf furnishing Orogoa farmora and Oregon atocknwn with grain and wool saoks ab reasonablo prices. With 'thla in view a persistent cajn paign for a juto mill vill bo started. Oregon legislators will bo enlists awl pnblio seri!invonb will bo npousedl to the practicability of tho scheme. Tho exorbitant prictis of sacks ,thls season hku causexl farmoxa to think about ealf prottoctlon, and th stato judo mill is tho only practical solution of tho question. Tho stabo of Washington has a juto mill at tho Walhi Walla iwnltontiar'. costwift $75,000, with a capacity of 8500 eavks per (hiy of ton hours. Tho raw juto comes from Calcutta., India, and bofwa .tlubj yjenr tho sacks fnom tho stato mill hava boon sold to Wash ington farmers at $65 per 1000, or 0 cents oacli. but this jwar, on account of a slight Increase in tho coat of tho raw jutq, .Mia prico was advanced! to $S5 per 1000, or $20 less than tlw regular markelb price of sacks in Pendleton, aml Walla Walla. Tho Walla Walla plant furnishes em ployment for ono hundred convicts at a fair profit to the tato awl af ler pay ing all expenses tho mill pays good in terest! on tho inrreltmout besides furn ishing Washington fanners with grain sacks at t(wo cents below market pride. Tho farmers and taxpayers of Wash ington aro woll ploasod with tho juto mill of ithat abato nnd Orogon farm ers will tako thd Washington plnnt as a moJl'i "for somo radical loglsla,'ion next; session of tho Oregon legislature. That Tired reeling. If you are languid, depressed, in capablo for work, It indicates that your liver is out of order, Ilorblne will assist naturo to throw off head rtahes, rhoumatlsm and allmonU akin to nervousnoss and restoro tho ener gies and vitality of sound and per fect health. J. J. Hubbard, Temple, Toxas, writes: "I havo used Ilorblne for tho past y ears. It has done mo more qood than all tho doctors. It is tho best mcdlcins ever mado for chills and fever." 50c. For salo by D. J. Fry. Sllverton Items. Ohns. W. Turner visited with his morthor in tho city last week. Albyn Esson was In Woodburn last woek. Charley Bontson returned to tho city last woek. Mr. and Mrs. Hdgnr Stahl and 1). Hill returned to their homo In Salem last Monday. Will Concaunon went to Sprlngfli'ld last Saturday. Harvey Craig is visiting in tho city. Clyde Mount visited in tho city last week. Dick Bontts camo up from Portland last Monday. Mr. Win, Town visited In Portland last week. Itoy lluwell visited with bis paronti in tho city la week. Ber Barkliuwt, who has ben la 8a low for a few weeks, returned to his , homo last Monday. Miw Mvrtlo Dunnols made a trip to Woodburn last Monday. Mra Eva Maschor awl daughter. Paulino nnl) Virglo went to Turner, Or., last Monday, whero they will re main tor a. few weeks. Mrs. Win. Meohan mado a business (trip to Portland last Monday. DonMi mbw tho gruna urn a mo fllhvrton oiera houw July 4th. Buzz Hudlleson, of Woodbuin, was In tbo pity last week. Tho Sllwrton banoball team went to SpringfleW Saturday, They played against tho Bifingfleld baeoball toam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. ILoroenway went to 3alem last SaVurday. THE IEST REMEDY Tcr tou, bajDi, IrelMi, ori, (tin, Urbc4 wtr eoU tod tt baru ut ictn or UulU Dssn's King Cactus Oil the 9 sir llsbxitt tUI hetl without a scar, He c, II. ! Um. AttfPI lat.UUM. sou ir O.W.PntawoCo awiMwi X3SK.Cew.8t SalMO, Or win ! 1.1. (, ,J .4,, , ' ' - " MILL mm JuAolUKIA UllllllHilHISHiAyaaMimBH H w ct awiiwiiin ..miumj I ANVficUWcPrcparalioulbrAs H I simuiliUiriroodanducuVi- M nwsaadHest.CofiLalnsndaKr OputnMorp0 sorUltieEaL KOT NAltC OTIC. afafOda-svsszmxstai lyvsv A perfect Rcnvcdy for Com Hon. Sour S tomach.Dlarri NVormsjConvuLsions.Feveh'sK- ocss tmd LOSS OF SLEEP. H ! ! I HI fc TAcStmk Sijtoatttft et EXACT COPT OT VRAWEB. Mr. nnd Mrs. Word Hicks went to' Turner last 8uadny, A party consisting of Mrs. 0. M. Wiray, Mr E. E. Washburn, Mr. D, Down, Miss Nellie Cavcader, Dick Bwvn ami Mildred1 Wray sbartodl for Turner, Or,, last Sunday morning. Tho demand for malt broad still con tinues to increase Try our pie and cakes. Spoclal orders always solltlcted, Capital Bakory, 430 Court street. G-23-3t Eppleys Perfection Baking Powdte Is pure and wholesome, awl with it the best rosults can bo obtalnodin bak ing. It Is made ia Salem. It is put up in glass jars and jolly glasses, which aro In ithomsolvos valuable. Ask your grocer for lb. O. M. EPPLEY. Manufacturer, paletn, Oregon. The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's fltablea, Up-todate Hvcry and cab line. Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally- ho for picnics and excursions. Phono 41. CHAS. W YANNKB, rrop. S47 and 240 High Street. A. L f RASER Cornke Work, Heating nd BuJkKng Work of , KUnk EsUmates Made .and Work Guaranteed Murphy BHc Salem, Oregon v., STALLION Tidal Wvc, Will remain two or three uom it th. IWi OiMt Of,-, for tk. JZtlt mares. Examine fdly U. UZt aU. W m a. U SSdll mmlM hU nelif ulllUi before ebo.g 7 ma e. Then If yon find finlt wlthhl- the upH y Uw bm U te STJtai wIU be eheerfuUy fM by the o..r. Jtee. fr 4UiH'tt bTfnruUhal gced fuii f- ' D ' !tU'1 wlU U Maseey, Fair Qroside, Orgo. .. . The Kind You Have Always Bought Over Thirty Years ' "VM'tttTUM aVMMHT, M TCM'erfYV Summer School of AajT f iA I" W & USB f For I H &BH HHB ' IM I mB I HlflH Tne first term of. toa CtMtal mmmit fl Normal opens oa Hay 1st, te xmtiati eight weeks. Tutltlo $19. cksMte?'' Sehcol of Primary XstheJt, OpJ Jons lltb, to continue three weeks, Ad dress J. J, Kraps, or County 0pwla tendsot K, T. Moeres, etlwa Or. U 'it ANY LUMBBX KXSDID7 Kvory beam, shinglo and shako la our yards is mado from tho best timber, and our method of dealing aal our prices aro such that it will pay you to s" us before buy I eg. ' QOODALS LXTMDSR CO. Phono 62. Fruit Growers! Sec us for DRYER TRAYS ORCHARD BOXES BERRY CRATES BOXES, Any ml ami kinds of boxes Salem Box Factory MAROW SXYDXX. ' PHONH 308- PLUMBING TINNING AND ROOTJNG, State St. Phone 1511 --j , t; t 4 ft 1 11 s R cm m ;lWT-DicaaKox bowl oa