X Ice Cream Season' ; Th. Good IPB f&EJAM SODAS aaido at our sfcoro 'aro'just tho right thing 'for fcaia season. i .',). - THE STJMMEB GIEL. Tho Summer Girl, till tho moat pop ular drink Jit our fountain. Pineapple and Orango Bherbert. rUIdCEBij& DOUGLAS, Salom'a Iioadlng Grocers. ' .1' Confectioners and Bakorn. 450-460 Stato St. Phonos 1B2-187 Ch- Ico Croam leads nil tho rest. Cream direct from tho dairy to our freezer, nvnkos perfect Ico Cream. HcCor mlck Mowers McCormick Rakes ITk b S. -. rersonais Miss iW Bishop has returned from a visit ,a Scio. on legal business. ' Ed C. Horron- and wife, of Aurora, arc la tho city today. PauI H.' Hiwif ,. ...i.a . ,. w xvruana on r t m w a A. t f MU-UUVT3 mis morning. Ohesfer Kinoninn has gono to Port land for a brief visit; Attorney Grant Corby was bound foe Portland on tho morning train. Charles Grav rnhmu .! from a business trip to Portland. au js. liauey, of McCoy, was trans acting business matters hero today. Mr. and) MVb. J. L. Linn and chll diron havo roturncd from Portland). Ir. William O. .Tudil. nf HiwoU . xived in tha city thia morning for a visit. V DAILY OAPITXL JOURNAL, RAfi. 6800 "TUlVSara Theso ano fcho. (haymakers' friends. Thoy aro, tha dependable machines that run kry after dlay -with tho maxi mum of sorvico and tho minimum of wear, and1 whora 510 -udo need an extra part, nino tirece ouit of ton wo havo it in stock ready for you, without having tp koop you -waiting 24 hours while tho hay spoils. Evor think of that! If not, just think it over a minute, and yoiV'll conclude llko many a farm er has thiat it Is poor economy to buy anything bub a standard! make of ma chine, andl ono than is well represented locally with, a good afdck of extras al ways on haad. Kay tools of all aorta, such as car- friers, slings, pulley, forks, etc Call and) inspect. F. A. Wiggins IMPLEMENT HOUSE. 255-257 Liberty Street. IFirm Implements, wheols, Automo biles, Bowing Machines and Supplier Skldoo Juno SO, L. H. Whltoman arrived from Sonsidn today, whore ho has been visiting friends. Miss Graco Rineman has returned from a month's" visit with Portland friends. Iteprosentatlvo-olect B. F. Jones, of Independence, is in tho city shaking hands with friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Keister, of Se attle), aro visiting at tho C. S. Brock homo1, Nineteenth and) Kansas avonuo. Profossor William Wallace Graham, tho violinist, returned) to Portland this morning, after sovoral daya' visit with friends hone. Mrs. Alma Collard. well-known as a Marlon county school teacher, has been chosen a member of tho teaching forco at Ione, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. T. R .Wilson returned this morning from Portland. Mrs. Wil son has been enjoying a week's outing at Collins Hot Springs. Itorvdy M. Slater has gonotoCoburg to work in tho sawmills thoro, many other high school students being cm j ployed in tho samo mills, Remember tho Elks' Ijuly 2-3-4. EDISON THEATRE TONIGHT AND ALL "WEEK. Portland for a fow days. Mr. Fisher is ono of the wards at tha state piison, and hag gono to consult an oyo special ist Harris Ootjj Promoted. A fftW flnva n."r.l.- tt 1 --J" bu "UUWllUiUl I1TWT15, tH tho Asylum street ear line, got a now uniform. That afternoon when h.b wring down from, hli car in fronf, of Tho Capital Jonrmil fr ,. ,.... a. eo-Jted by an old gentleman from the country, wiio extended his handi friendly greeting. " "I am afraid I do not remomber you," said Harri", ns ho clasped the stl-anger's-fin, "Oh, yte' you do," responded tho stranger, still shakinc the street car man's mi "I mot ou at tho bar racks; you aro tho captain of tho Sal vation Army." in . Back from Camp. Brown and sunburned, the members of tho Y. M, 0. A. Boys' Club havo re turned from a most pleasant outing ab Turner. Tho boys who wero at th& camp are: Cliff Farmer, Lcland Hon dricks, Roderick Miles, Frank Farrlng ton, Logan Stinson, Altio Beck, Dad Fry, Waldo Mills, Paul Hendricks, Co ell Abbott, Ebor Utter, Clarcnco Coop er, Lewis McLarcn; Phil Perkins, Bush Thompson. Chalmcr GcorM. Darxel Wi- vicv, Rolla Cnry, Ernest Watt, Donzo Gilliam, Harry Winter, Karl Hinges. 1 1 1 ll ! . II I IBM Commercial Club Meeting. President Frank N. Dcrbv has called a meeting of the Commercial Club for Wedncsdtvv ovralnjr of this week to make arrangements for tho moeting of tho Stato Board of Horticulture, to bo held in Salenn July GUt and 7th. There is to bo a cherry sliow at that time, of tremendous interest to our fruit grow ers nmll canneries, and tho Commercial Club should appoint some good working committees to help rnnko it a success. There nro also somo communications of interest to tho city fronn Senator Ful ton. . o- North Salem Improvements. Tha residents of North Salem aro re oiclng at tho improvement of tho road leadirar to Silvcrton. Tho city has np- Mr. and Mri Fisher havo gono to propriatcd a goodly sum, which, togeth er with tho contributions from property owners alone tho highway, ought to makd that road! ono of tho best In tho ftltk- at all times' of tho vear. It is the bbigham-coopeb company Presonts tho largest production of the season, tho great comody drama en tilled.. "The BOHEMIANS" New Faces New Scenes New Situations New Jokes New Songs New Specialties PRICES 10 and 20 Cents Matinees Every Saturday 2:30 Evenings 8.1 5 P. M. NEXT WEEK "FOR THE BED, I WHITE AND BLUE." I, . -n 1.. -v- -kt n a ..i..w nlnnned to crado many of tho streets, W. A. xwra, . w -w.TO .., . - wont to Portland) this morning to in- anu tuns Biv uiuu - -v vnntitntn further rdnns for tho fnvim- appcarawu oi u. , i"b'- mlng pool to bo Installed! by tho local munity. association. Murray D. Shanks, a former Salem resident, was horo yesterday, bub has gono over to Mt. Angel ice a visu. ne has boom a studont at Stanford. Unlvcr sitly for tho pab year. Mr. and Mrs. D. Parker, of Condon, woro in tho city today, seeing tho sights. Mj. Parker 13 a promising young attorney of that locality, and is well known horo, whero ho obtained his education at tho Richardson law school, E A. McDaniel, tho man who has been jotting down tho Salem Itoms for inn F.vonint? Tolotrram, cxpecw to iivu July 1st for California, having accept ed' a position on) tho San irancisco win. It is bolieved that tho bureau hero will bo discontinued, andi tho correspond enco and subscription dopartmenfa will bo handled by different persons. o When You Want Harness. Call on F. E. Shafoj, at his new store, 187 Commorclal streot, near Ferry. Tho finest stock of harness in Salem. 111 WW fill ly 4 tk4 PVtU.- (HftKyiW1 Jlilllfc limfc, ILMllBiin - -- - - - - - - - -- - --w - -'asr-iv-TBnsr'r-j; -3.'- -tr-Ts1 "mm"m 'S Hj"1'! .1.1 II III I WIIIIMW ! . S U I T H ITS Copyrlght190S D. Kuppanhalmtr & Co. Chlcigo Suits that wHI impress you at once as the most Stylish Up - to-Date you ever tried on. v The more you look the better you Hke them. Salem Woolen MiH Store Ready TaHored Suits " have made a hit with Smart Dressers in, this, vianity - You will know why when you see yourself in one. - "'" l l L. Prices 12.50 to $25.00 A large essortment of the famous Cluctt Shirts , $1.50 Salem Woolen Mill Store 4 1 i , Eoad Work Progressing. Tho good! weather has given am op portunity fot active work on tho road butldinu oxporlment conducted! near tho fair ground's by tho government oxports. Tho grading is progressing nicely, nnd headway is being maUo van that part of tho work. O ' An Outing on the Coast. A iollv narty. consisting of Harry nn,l Goorirt Blcin. Paul Hauscr, ClwlO Laughcad and Maudo Laughcad, have gono to tho coast for an outing, inotr destination is Salmon river, and thej (Ccpcct to bo gono a wcok or ten days. iftv- U V. t .Air mm ClLVPTEIt X. This la tho Juuiro who eoldom smilcB, Af i4 WT tJf it) i ii,t ' 1 x 1 'Uu-'. .h tm -. " - ' !--' ' " 'jS! Tt- v i -mmm- Ills lifo ia a round of tedSow-mda.,M,w,-TwlJww-''- k "", . uofi 6 .i iHT , 9sasw Thht plainly shows bin wl&dom grave. ' t ' SuiiKhfl, 'Uu cyldencoj Jmvo heard,p h t : ' , Makes argunient apcar absurd " i ' ..W s,i "Tlwlipublio verdict makes tho ewaiT t g 9 ,Aw4lo,triyPlacaf 'jff f ' .To put n wnat ad, largo ocnalfj; v jl U ' 3 Is-lh tho Journal; it Ifcum at" V-T "I (To bo continued .tomorrow,) r .STATE NEWS Of everything that you could wish 'Jr. in tho wayt A lumber, or So larcra is mir flasortmont that is la H7 for tho builder io find just what wants. Tho low prices we ask make tno oajing as easy as tha cnoosmg. "hy not got our quotations on j"" sppM lYOGET FUEL & LUMBER CO. rt A T -RATES. Tho G, A. K. encampment will bo idii .1 n -,- .. on 21 and -- uk urantB x-ass uu "'i Tno Southern Pacific has made a " nd one-third fara from all points, rw frow Bl8 -jriU be, In full, S Dd eOBilncr M.RO. ."fiAets wiU be good till Juno 27. ton.airr Tllpoa at Botoburg tnra trlp Everybody can Avail TWes of thla prlvUege. The Port- iegtioa wUl paa tnrougu th iMk f litis a. B., ana Gamma Sigma Convocation. Brockport. N. Y., Juno 2G.-Tho thir-ty-sHvonth annual convocationi of tho Gamma Sigma fraternity began hero today and will extend over three day Sowtral Iniudredi delegates from oU parts of tho country bto hero to at tend tha eoovwatlon, which promises to bo ono of tho most iatcrwtliig and .....ciifnl m-er hold. Tho Gamma Sigma fraternity was or . .j, . tt,. nil of 1809. in tho b... ,nvnl Arthool of this village. e: ,nh tAmn It has grown, until it aaschaptersfrBostonaswosas Chicago, and an actnu motiiuo-"- t . ...i a 1.rvn(- n.ooo. TS I convocation was held at Rochostcr witu wxa "?' a. ,.. i Teknort. Tho non. ZIZ " president of tho organs- 1 . - ilevoted1 to tho re- JZu of tho arriving delegates and ZSrJll meetings of officer 1 Tnrfttoemcn. Tho opening ses u v. ... ... .i.mutn ntvil in tM " b ... ha .notbor busi- rin1 to banouet will tako , in the weiring. Postmaster w. PlaCi. !- v. York will act as rjr v-wj. r- -r - no. jo Meat -- - ffal0( T IL narko K. - ,,-, v Armstrong of J-, " TgetwllUlng a Bumber of Section 0E2vtftlt VMTIW ilMUl dMm& Silvarton Hlffli SchooL J. B. Hammond, clerk of tho school board at Silvcrton, was In 'tho city Monday- leaving plana and specifica na Tclfh Rnlem contractors for the now $12,000 high school to bo built at that place this summer. " ii WJerodith Resigns. Ah mpeUnp of tho school board held) last evening, tho resignation of B. TVank Meredith, a clerk of sohool dis trlct Xo. 24 was accepted, am u. Johnson, Jr wns olectcdi to tho omce. Four Tons of Tiling. Tho Marlon couuty tllo factory malo a consignment of four tou of con creto tllo 'to UutteVlUe jestonkyv, whero thoy will bo used In mamng drain under a large filh Vary Annoying to Somo Pooplo. Peoplo that aro known to no wm and .sickly, by their neighbors, are asked tho question every day whethe--thoy aro feeling better. Do you feel stronger! Are you gaining flesh! Their friends know If they wo gaining fla It Is ono of tho suro signs of return- ,n..uh it thov can only get a remedy that will make solid, healthy flesh, recovery Is assureu. reopju ..- .... ,,iM. loss of flesh arM strongth, no ambition, languid, and al ways tired, havo turn, water . Tho food thoy eat does not nourish them, it does not mako bloou. If tec each meal thoy would take Dr. Blood and Nerve Tonic tfteir 'W' would be turned Into run, xeo iw. making solid flesh and strength. The tablets are sold In boxes by all drug Blits for 75 cents, or three boxes for o Pnl who use thU tonie gala In'solid fleh from one to threo ponaii per woek; they foel txwr nnu -t they are on the road1 to health. " n6u.iatcn- . Rocky Mountain Tea NUfffletf . f . n..i.i. ..I timJ Vint. dJ blood .odBctaa. 'VrEJ nw Skit k lt form. tH cet .JJr,,?!Jfwir ' WIDEN KWWETS FOR 8ALL0W PEOf-t w cars for the electric lino In GroYOrhavo niriveVvaad will ) In operation. icro wero moro Juno inarfjasIn pVitHaJjVir ,'lhaij nnyprovious in 'the siatos hHtory. Mlsa Kstho-' Miles, of Independence, dlotS of paralyslt at her, homo thore yoitoruay. Tho now Fortst soon bo in operation, Thcro Oregon Jurw in'th-e stato's hhtorv Tho ofliow of tho daily nowa at 'Ab ordeen. Wash., wa- trtatcd to -a coat of red paint Saturday night. Mr lVnnk Ilolsnor was elected grand iresiiknt of tho ladles of tho Q.. It. at tho Gronti Pass encami nvont. W. G. Gllfirap has again assumed odftorlHl ohargo of tho Kugeuo rogis-'cr, whfclr httrenftur will bo an oighUpago nancr. ... j.... It. A. Hnrjris, soqrtary oi uio mu i brilliant play unatte on Uio coafr this year. Vnitt SnUth, a pioneer timber eruls or of Tillamook, dlod at that placo S.it urajyj of tuborculosl. Ho woe under Ittllctmont, with ovorarothor Tllia mook um, iu tho land frauds. For jxaTS Ivo ha conducled tlw'UIalfj Way nousi" ueiwoou' voiva uiuio and Tillamook. ThojBtlir eustorly wlmV fityfff ,causod r conslderablo'' approkwisloni amoiiitho'ftTranora around TiioDalle. jt Ijping ftarcd)thnt tho wind would parch tho grain and ruin tlie trim crops. It is now thought that not much domago was done. An advance of $2 por thousand in rough lumber, with an ndvnnco on hot ter grade to match, Is announced by tho lumber on'ocintloni of tho North west. Tho extromo demand for lumler all ovor the coast and in tho Bast occa iiln tho advance. At the conclusion of Iat night ' count Tom. Word, who is contesting roaU commiiion, lias calle.1 a meeting Btarne' clertiow to thp sheriff . oflico . . . ii. i--i a.i.l. r..n I. .,ilv wnm anv three of tiho cominlwdonew for tho last Sat nTJhy In July at Portland. There Is a great usarciuy oi taugia 4.111-u i h ""--'-- -- - ...-.- la Untilla county, and tho farmer are counted, ami had afraid their harvest will suffer, wag- Word' mipiric In Multnomah county, was only, three .mi.. iA)iiitii lils omtonunf. n. t moro thaa onchalf tho voto has been It not been- for writing on their nnPf rora $1.C0 to 4.00 i' day, accordv tlekota ho would easily wltt out Racing for tho Orand Pjir, t,. f.. Kranee. Juno S.fl.-r'rho f-muairlowbUor rucfl uwjtr) au in tn plnsr of work, with board Ubor in in gnt demand In an-1 around Cottago" Grove. Sawmills And an unprecedented pmtkl for thlr pro- duet, ami to Bohoirfaa vtiv P"" Iflrt 0'tu Automobllo Club of IVauc aro becoming great P"r. ,. . eoatest for Ono of tM mo. ;Xeeiy took the 0ran,UVlx-oore4 annually b th. ia.le.y attend OO 1IoIittan .y JfiSS! rLlTT 2S y2JtSW tow? of Lebanon, died at Albany Sat- " W fw , .KKC e Thfour machine, "tiiu5tgUff" 1- the rangomoiltM for tha race, baa dflvotcd IU tdmo wl olrorta to tho oaueawnff oi ii.. ..,!.. itnJ; vlltnimra aloiW the ' routrt $ brt Uiten by tho raolng auto- j uwbllw. Tlo comtnltteo ha nwdej il.iuMW p?oj to overcoiHBjlfo hos .tlltty of the euwalry people " i tonwibllj mdng ort their road. The inorolxmi of tJti committee SyJAa ' vuM of t'yiwf o?';' HII.-1H HIW ... ".B-. -H othewlso, wMeb iho ua. p their ro r ll irniml m0 WOTO UUU4 fa , tnugbt tl'!rt tlm wlsdorri of koei)ln to ono sldo of tW roail! -ivlth Uiolr wogon, lnMtwd of Inking to the mliWfo or t ,.i i,rt iniir.. nutomobile wer ruS- Ing-on tho samn roods ot ft pco(V of 1 .. ...!.. .. niiiin. auI nvon rrv-u IO .i .... j i... i..t., nf Om Imnlti folK iu rtuto nvolng, by slewing tln ciac motgrnj)h we of mo of tn ram- , A,ii nie. Tho nult or au rcei MtftorU wn tUi Uw farmv becaino, to wimo crtnlv wondwd to the raon ani pnmJwB U keep out of thewaro fho flying uwfinUJni ru muca j ... o-i n.1ji lAtmtr Which the eoirwoe of tlirt raco hwl Ua fli(I were llnI with curious country people, rrora -!.. Hl.l. mr.rnllllf. ftmi 110 tMIMf VUtV-1 "T.i-r.1 witdi tllr wlvw awl chlMron, awn0 L.ntlv lufcirwtM in th'j great wee. - iS ..,.fc ono-hutf of the wacUiwje itarM -" .Of the thirty-rV.h,-V Won for tho' roc, M . ,.. ... vrfii-k finn. Tl n- wpo -vjrv"- - dl,ia. tt tnoir respecuro ur,T- "' 5Vlf 'ab-1 HenrKrtJ wroa cwn, . Hou'b, TaUi uxul Turvj w - , tr- T-, Uma .wl lUrlllkUri three Vu DWriehH UWoa, Urrf ei J lloyi I M.lrd thw jhum, l i Oroixlanl on.i Ym i IW- J' iTaCTmn;nt, ii. A. wewwP, i- wall, am! Teuloubrej wreo 'i rfBJMy, . . . ntv.iit '!'' .,-.-. . niiira. uvwi"i " " Se-pmJr, the night clerk at 1!. "teener w. , ----. .. t-ii.- l.ua urtrirTt.riui .aiuuf - - . . , r. ,VulJeis, arr. kaPoY Jr.. the -W , TVr T' neither American W Kd rsr & .! sris an -- i witl hhn. Ho left a es.ru yfc- ;-" . mutoinoUl0 cnthuala.U . I il . mnnCir. BHiI VOUIU ID- 1 I""" " ' . tarf it at ne future dae f rom f J I and wl wl Bwna Voeller. ft jo-yr,. --- - -- . . 0 how li) Unri 0Ua HtHJ 4 'w. . .t -1v.vo.-j5r cJlf Jinks, at rcrwaau, km . .. xfleforOoftstlpatloa I4lgUo. ,IJj at VVOT I fl ftB aJUj people ltJJ TW cv"-v.- --- Bemovos black bd, Ml W f tntrUI. BtlmuUtus tU wkoj r. A ' " . . . HI.. U--. OA iil Nothing to MiW f S1E&I '& r MoAls tee. i V Rocky 3ci Dtore. there. 1 O going from 8lt pla W 3n t that tlaw. rf