Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 23, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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" """"' EKaouiin, OSEQQN. SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1908
mr. F..SR00KMAH wf:; f v:; 'iSC-
wmmmsBL .mammm- mmmmmmiKm r.yiibwiAj3imiaHiBi
Krak mmmmm?mmmmmm:" - -rHH:;ciPiMiiMfflHiH
hhk BiHnnHHnyMlHIB . (-farmer), i mmmmam
--Ti i BlK. -- imr Hfck,&?
I Hs&::. ,'v. $L iLlitff
1 xs - ;sBPssH
i iff "lilBIB
i ir & ii 'A;H
flu. h W- 'iH
When Sickness Comos to tlia
Littlo Ones
It' Is tho Mother Who Chiefly
SulTurs. t
Sho suffer oven more than the ohll
who 'isppons to bo nick. A
nnlZ?inmthy ia ,,ceJcr that of
any other member of tho family.
to tho torrid heat of summer, thinking '
?L . ,fhl,a nn ny liable
ties to (Itscano that aro boforo them.
Spring and summer nro nuro to brlnic ,
mT! ' wi,wlftl,y mong tho llltlai
i-na blionld Bo Kent
Eveiy Ilonseliold
fc'Iiere There Are little
tna should bo kept in tho houso all
10. Don'twalt until, tho child is
thon Bend to a drucr etoro. But.
Poruna on hand accept no sub-
iron aro espocinlly liablo to acnte
Indeed, most of tho affections
idhood aro catarrh.
I forms of soro throat, quinsy,
'hoarseness, laryngitis, etc., aro
loront phases of catarrh.
na Contains No Narcotics.
reason why Poruna has found per-
It nso in so many homes is that it
na no narcotio of any kind.
if taken according to printed
Ions, is porfectly harmless. It can
ed any length of time without
ring a drug habit. It does not
luce temporary results, but it is per-
tat in Its effect.
is no bad effect upon tho system,
radually eliminates catarrh by ro-
Ig tho causo of catarrh.
Mrs. P. Brockman, 813 Meado strcot. Apnloton. Wis., writes !
" have never had a return of the catarrh, which had made me so mis
erable and unhappy before I began taking Pcruna.
"I would not be without It In the house, now.
"I have a baby boy, two years old, to whom I give Pcruna tor a cold,
and my husband also takes Pcruna.
"i tnank you and wish you well." Mrs. F. Brockman.
No Doctor Eeajiired.
Mr. Edward Otto, 027 De Soto street,
St. Paul, Minn., writes:
"I cannot say enough for Pcruna. It
has done groat work in my family, es
pecially for my oldest boy. AVe had
doctored with threo or four different
doctors and they did not seem to do him
any good.
"Wo gave up hopes of euro, and so
did they, but wo pulled him through on
"We. had several doctors and they
said they could do no more tor htm, so
we tried Peruua as a last resort, and
that did the work. Since then wc
keep It In the house all the time, and
no doctor Is required." "Edward Otto.
Thero aro a multitude of homes whero
Pcruna has been vwed oft and on for
twonty years.
Such a tiling could not be posslblo if
Per una contained any narcotics.
The Bonofit Which the Children of
tho United States Have Received
From Fe-rn-na Can Never Bo
Put Into Words.
Tho chronic ailmonts it has prevented,
the suffering it has mitigated, will nover
bo fully recorded.
But at least this much can bo said that
tho coming generation owes a groat
dobt to Poruna, for it is in the tendor
years of youth that Blight ailmonts aro
liablo to develop into lasting disease,
thus blasting tho wholo career of tho
Tho mothors who aro bringing up
tholr children to-day to bollovo in Poru
na aro speaking from their exporionco.
Thcso children brought up to bellovo
in Poruna from tho start, will, when
tney become heads of families them
selves, uso Poruna with unquestioning
A Child's Lifo Saved.
Mr.G, II. Farmer, Now Martlnsvlllo,
W.Va., writes:
"Our littlo son, Harry, Is woll and
healthy now and wo think if wo do as
youdireoted us, ho will koop his health
and grow strong.
''We know that our little son's life
was saved by your wonderful medicine,
Pcruna, and we shall always praise
Pcruna and use It In our family when
"Should wo havo nny moro catarrhal
trouble In our family, we shall always
wrlto to you for treatment."
P. II. Parmor.
Medical Advice.
For trco medical advice, luldrosa Dr.
. I). Ilartman, President of tho Hart
man Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
All correspondence held strlotly confidential.
Mrs. J. O. Slorllng, 1M Brown
Avenue, Norfolk, Vn., writes:
"My littlo boy, Meredith, snf
fcrcd with lndlgostlon so badly ho
could not oat anything without it
making him very sick, so I
thought (as many others havo)
that I would try Poruna, nnd it
worked llko a charm.
"Now he eats anything he
wishes, and I would not be with
out It for anything.
"My othor littlo boy, Alfred,
two and a half years old, has
taken it and received as much
benefit from Poruna as his
"I hope my testimonial may
be of some benefit to others, as I feel
as though I cannot praise It enough."
'Mrs. J. C. Sterling.
Mr. Howard A ml row Stornor, Muddy
Creek, Pa., writes!
"I havo Poruna in my houso nil tho
tlmo and won't bo without it. It is good
for children when thoy tako a cold or
croup. It cured my baby boy of croup.
"I havo introduced Pcruna into six
families slnco I recolved your last lottor,
and four havoVeen rollof already."
Howard Andrew Sterner.
P e-ru-na ProtecU the Entire
As soon as tho vnluo of Poruna Is
approclatod by ovory household, both as
a proventlvo and euro, tens of thousands
of Uvea will be saved, and hundrods of
thousands of chronic, lingering cases of
catarrh will bo provontod, ,
It dO0B not tftko n mnlU. o... i - JS
dtscoTor that rerun Is tho best f rlonil.
"ho has In tlmo of Illness among th-!
A Multitude of Mothers
Havo discovered that Pertinn i.m
standby, and that in many of tho all.
menu of spring and summer to which ',
tho children nro subjected, Poruna is ,
tho remedy that will cenernllvmiinViu.
relievo. ,
Whothor it Is snrlntr tovor m iinm.nk '
derangement, whether it Is Indigestion
or bowel dloM, a catarrhal congestion.
" " mucous Hurraces is tho cause.
Poruna quickly rolloves this condition.
of tho mucous mombrnnes. Its opera
tion is prompt, tho children donvtdli
llko to tako tho medictno, It has no dole- -torlous
effects In nny part of tho body.
It simply removes tho causo of tho
dlsagreeablo symptoms and restores tha
health. Every mother who has not tried
roruua In her family should familiarise
horiolf with Dr, Hartmnn's booklet
Tho Ills of Life. This booklet should,
bo In ovory family. It give most vol
uablo advlco as, to tho uso of Pcruna fop '
tho various catarrhal dlsoascs so general '
Poruna is a honsohold remedy for all
catarrhal ailmonts of winter and sum
mer, acute or ohronlc.
Tho mothers all over tho United State
aro tho best frlonds that Peruna has.
The Mothers Hold Pe-ru-na in Higk
Not only becauto It has cured them of
tholr Various ailments, but because it
promptly roscues tho children from tho
throes and grasp of catarrhal dis
eases. Wo have In our flics many testimo
nials from mothers whoso ohlldron havex
boon ourcd by Peruna. However, th
largo majority of mothers who ue
Pcruna, wo never hoar from.
But wo do hear from a great number
of mothers who aro so overjoyed at some
special good thoy havo received froia
Poruna that they cannot restrain their
enthusiasm. They ara anxious to sham
Uieso benefits with otnec iuoUims,
St Paul's Episcopal.
iickcta nnd Church streets. Rev.
3. Lee, rector. Usual services a.
m., 11 n, m. and 7:30 p. m.
school at 10 a. m. All wel
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ, Scientists.
440 ClicmeJwta street. Services: Sun-
day nt 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject
of lesson sermen: "God." Sunday
I school at 11:45 a. m. Tho testimonial
meeting is held nt 8' o'clock p. ra.
Wednesday t-veoiing. Heading zoom In
tho church open each afternoon except
Sunday. A cordial invitation extended
ed to all.
Christ Jjutheran.
Stato street. Rev. Adolph Eb-
lastor. Second Sunday after Holy
Sunday school at 9:30 a. ra
Iservice at 10:30 a. m. Sermon at
m. Strangers welcome I
Control Congregational.
Ror'a day at Willard. No preach-
vices. Endeavor mooting at 7
Special review exercises by the
ly school at 10 a, rn. quarterly
few meeting Thursday evening.
First Methodist.
Rev. W. H. Scllcck will preach at
10:30 a. m. on "Not Far From-Yei
Not Within." At 8 p. m. on "Religion
and Business." Merchants and busi
ness men especially invited. A quartet
of young ladies, Misses Winans, Ketch
urn, Fields and Hales, will furnish tpe
cial music. Epworth loaguo at 7 p. ra.
To HavtJ a Great Talr.
Secretary F. W. Durbln, of the State
Board of Agriculturo, is much pleased
St Joseph's Catholic. I11 tno P'ospec" Ior w coun '
A. Moore, rector. Third Sun- hibits at the fair. Ho states Wat tne
Her Pentecost. First mass at following counties havo made arrange-
m. High mass at 10:30 a. m. menia for gpace: Jackson, Douglas,
--.1 1 JJ.iJ.. n T.Qfl TTl '
.Lane, Linn, Benton, Marlon and Co-
Letters have been sent to tbe
s and bcoaed.ction at 7:du p,
various counties calling their attention
to the) exhibit features, and! among
thoso frem: which answers are expected
In a fow davu aro Waoco. Washington,
Union and Polk, Altogether it is ap
parent that thoro will be much more
interest taken in this year's state fair
than- in former years. Thoro is a ten
dency to have the things of the pres-
iw,m nn larcer than thoso of the
t 1...1. u. n-nnnn'Aiaeiit bv the ofll-
next Sunday morning at 11 a. m. " ' fcoaTd taat ihit year's tste
nih B M T 1 i J' .!. .. 1 1.
" Hroxauon is exionoiou io wyj yQ parallel in tne annais
of tho state is a true statement, oi jci,
judging iron the present unusual in
terest taken.
W. O. T. XT.
living and Praiso" will be
opie at tie cospel temperance
Ing Sunday, June 24, at 4 p. m. A
I invitation to all who aro itbaak-
or rocont temperance victories.
W. H. Bellecfc wiH bo present.
United Brethren.
era will be quarterly meeting at
UrJted Brethren church In Yew
desire to attend. A. R. Lucky, P.
Triatrial CHinm-h.
Baland! Avenue. Sunday school at
m. PreaehlBg at. 11 a, m. and o
Junior 'RmlAT-rtT nt 3 n. m. x
pgaUng tine Street
mu. ,rAvnient of Booth Commer
1UO .-J"--- ,v..-l Tn,
wuuiuc xaiaeavor ai a p. w. ,'cIb1 street for wlucn mo vj" "
0. E. at 7 p. xn. Everybody cor-, )gjk ad FJ4 ,or tho
P iavited. Praves- meeting Thurs- . . ,, iooi,; . juddea jump to-
l.f e . . paai ion j -, - ,
i o d. m. (iiiv- isr HPivworiuv. - i v m Kami inereasvu tn
hundred per cent, three mea beinff put
" kB the street this morning.
Pin "Prilv Ian . . Jn In the dty
- . There Isnt pwn"4 o -
Btreet aear Cheaeketa. Bev.( u tkey that beantifnl streot,
J&bcoek, pastor. Monibg w; it Js fidsW, but will be atta-
10:30 a. m. Thme: "Love en Jfc j, tla only way to buHd
wales''' FUSobatv kool at 1? CT . a . -at no rcoro dirt
fr 0. E. at 8:90 . m. Senior . a f1!! d MrirW, b caD
m. Evening services t v.v. roak.
gut broken root.
Clniul Settlcmler left yesterday for
a visit in Portlnnd.
.Miss Barbara Durbin went to Port
land yesterday afternoon.
Attorney S. T, Richardson left for
Portland on tho morning trnln.
Professor E. T. Marlntto left this
morning for a visit in Portland.
Mrs. E. A. Pierce, of Portland, is
visiting her taster, Mrs. F. E. Slater.
Ex-Governor Moody was among tho
Portland-bound pasesngers this morn
L. M!. Baker left yesterday for a so
journ in tho Baker City mining dis
trict. Dr. Calbreath, superintendent of the
asylum for the insane, la in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoghes left yes
terday for a visit with Portland
Mrs. W. N. Gatens and littlo daugh
ter are in Portland visiting relatives
and frlonds.
Antonio Noltner, tho Nestor of Ore
gon journalism, came up from Portland
this morning.
E. S. McDaniel, the nwspapor covo-
irpondent, went to Portland on business
matters today.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Tulclien re
turned last evening from their honey
moon trip to California.
Senator Fulton writes that he will be
in Oregon about July 1st, and will g
directly to his home at Astoria.
Miss Edna McFarland retursvl
home last evening from, Woodburn,
whore sho has been visiting friends.
Mrs. J. P. Eocers and daughter,
EldhOTO, roturnedl yesterday afternoon
from a visit with relatives in Eugene.
F. M. Naught, who has been here on
business interests for severol days, re
turned to Oregoa City this morning.
Walter Lvon. the pubHsber and edi
tor of tho West 8ido Enterprise, eame
down from Independence yesterday.
Hon. David MeCully enjoyed a visit
yesterday from Hon. S. R. Scott, a xe-
epeetod pioneer, wfco uvea at uarrw
Mr. and Mrs. C, O. Coney returned
last evening from Grants Paw, where
they attended the O. A, K. ooeainp-
M. ami Mrs. R. P. JfortensoB and.
Jlttle daughter, Aliee, left last aigM
for their homo nt Yoncalln, nftir n
visit here.
Guy L. Weaver, of this city, wns
among tho successful uppllcantB beforo
the stato board of pharmacy for a li
cense to practice. t
Mrs. Mark II. Savngo left this morn
ing for Bangor, Me-.i to make nn ex
tended visit at tho homo of nor pa
rents. She was accompanied nt far us
Portland by Mr. Savage.
George L. Graves was in -tho city
yesterday -with a now touring car. Ho
has eHtalitiftboM an automobilo lino
between Eugene and Springfield.
W. L. Pwnbcrton uiid J. Ray Pern
berton. of this city, wcro among tho
candidates for the degree of bachelor
of science from Pacific college nt Nw
ber. "Vcrdn. Crorer, of this city, wnB
ulso a graduate.
J. Willson returned this morning
il-om- BrowcKville. and) reports a great
tlmo at tho reunion. Ho took tho op
portunity to boom tho 8a!w Fourth
of July ceMiTatlou and. tho Mks' Ski
doo, by distributing literature
Earlo S. Riddel, of this city, wns
recently craduated f'Oin tbe North
western University, at Evanston, 111.,
with the degree of bachelor of sci
mice. Mr. Riddell prepareti for college
at Willamette University, and aften
watd attcndtvl tho University of California.
Wfcen Ton Want narneea.
Call on F. E. Shafci. at his new
store, 187 Commercial street, near
Ferry. The finest stock of harness la
Woolen MUla Win from Orocw.
Seven to five; that's the score.
Am1i ti Woolm Mill baseball play
ers won a pretty game. This time their
victims were the Grocers, and yet tbe
latter put up an( excellent article of
balL The Grocers swred twice in
the first and teeond innings, and once
in the third, and after that tbe scorer
placed zeros to their credit. The Wool-
Mills broutrht two tallies in tbe flrtt
and second icinngs, one ia the fourth.
and two in the final eanto.
Thr were many spectacular plsys,
and tbe crowd that gathered to wltnesj
the contest was satisfied to tho limit.
Struck out by Dane 11, by Bowen
12. Umpire Holman. txorer, Auison.
O JsV m T O 3R.-S --EmmU
Wcire I a man and T hiwl mo n wlfo
A denr little woman, so terdir and
true j
I'd say to her cvvry day of my J.'fe
Thei'o iKi'er was n woman so sweet
us you.
Perhaps you'vo forgotten nmld your
car en,
Somo tftimll nUfntJon--timo hurries
us so
You've not even noticed tluit
slio wears-
Why, I'm a woman nnd so I know.
If I were a tnnn nml I had mo a
I'd lock up my frowns when I lock
ed up my books.
Worries nnd flurries nro bound to
But nrvx were bettered by lower
ing looks,
I'd borrow a smile, wero there no
other way,
And I'd conjure a mtmo from the
long ago;
DM whiKper Jt jut as I did That Day.
O, I'm a woman and so I know.
Were I a man, and my lij tad1 told
The old wweet story, in spring's
glad time
I'd tell it again 'arid the tmtmwr'S
And o'er ami o'tsr through the win
ter's rime
Wearv hert Ah. ee tbe oh! time
Foolish jrhaps, lut we'e mado just
Ixve can lighten tbe dreariest mile
Why, I'm a woman, anI so I know.
Iinnle JIawley Drake Jn Kansas
City Star.
rouewkig tfce Tug.
When our soldiers went t4 Cuba and
the Philippines, health was thesaot
important eonsldemtioo. Willis T.
Morgan, retired eomraUry sergeant,
V. B, A., of Buxsl Route 1, Coseord,
r n fLTi "I was two years la
Cuba and two years la tbe PhllippUe.
and being subject to colds, I toek Tf.
King's New DlKOvedy for OoisswBp-
tion, whieb kej't a perfeel Vtaltfc
And ton, Jn New Hampshire, we Aad
it the best tsedfeloe ia tbe world fer
eoogbs. eolds, btonebkil troublsn ad
all lung diseasM. 0utrate4 at J.
0. Perry's drug store. Price, 60 and
1.W. Trial UtUe fee.
Will Have Septic Tank and
Other Improvements!
Mown. Byrd, Lee, Ejiley and Bmltb,
of tho Salem school board) of education,
visited tha Lincoln school Friday ovca
Iiil' nrwl lnsiectyl the nrrmlies for the
purpose of ascertaining what Improve
ments nro needed in this negltctod pari
of the ocliool dls'rlrt. They went over
the building und decided that tho walls
should be tinted, that tho upper story
ought tt be fluishnl oft, that somo now
sldovrnlkH w-ro neole1, and that the
sunlrary Interests of all that part of
thti city rcfjufod' a septic tank and
protter drainage rf the grounds. Tho
bulldit'g of sldewnlkii may be pot
pencl until tho district Is alio to put
down cement walks.
B. M. Cfoliuin, of tbe board, could
rwt bo present, as ho was detained) out
of the city on other bnslnrss, but It
was tha unanimous sentiment oi the
boud, after they vrre shown by Di
rector Smith, of South Salem, what is
needed, U'nt the time has cow for
ome subvtantiul mjrovfinents In that
jmrt of the oily, And It Is ntedless o
say, that tbe jde ovir there yery
much appro-Jute M. Smith's aetlvlty
in getting the whole board interested
In that part of the city.
Mse Yrvi.
Bamolll aid lumber yard laborsfs,
$2.S5 per day. Weedsstes, W.26 t
W.00, Steady work. Apply to Booth-
Kelly Lumber Co., Eugsse, Or. U-24-tf
All questions Nrtalnlsg to nealta
and beauty ere answered here. Makes
people fee) as tbiy felt ia fullblooded
yoBtb. Does tatrisM While you sleep.
That's what KeUWsr'e Koeky Mouat
ala Tea will do. 85 eeais, Tea or Tab
lets. Dr. Stone's drag sff.
Rwky MMwUtn 1h NumU
(M4m Mia sal m4 Tlsw.
A. ir-rtao for OoMtlDattoa. laMessUe. IM
mitir TreuUm. nmntttk. HiIiiih. Iwsatw
Ut form. ei a VA.dtwutejMM W
MouirM mv CifHT.MMsMv "-
I. Th.