Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 21, 1906, Image 1

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ting as Much Notoriety
ver His Crown as Our
Alice Over Her "Nick"
jrondbjems, Norway. June 21. Tie
8sh royal yacht, bearing Prince
Istian of Dcnmnrk, Haakon's broth-
ind the steanler Tromp, with a spe
ech embassy, entered the harbor
norning. lnero was a great enn-
ic. J. no I'rencn, American, Ital-
r Austrian ami Dutch embassies
r received at the palace this morn-
it mo American ambassador is
lies Graves, minister to Sweden.
ted by Major Gibson, of (he armv.
ILieutenant-Commnnder Gibson, of
navy. A special guard of honor
Iprovided for tho Americans. The
received them cordially. The
and queen took luncheon aboard
British royal yacht.
Lotting His Boom Eipen.
odnhjem, Norway, Juno 21. A
Dor of NorweginnrAmericans callcl
Bryan this afternoon. Bryan
is Sunday for Northern Norway,
Iwill return and go to London to
: Rhino trip and inspect Gibraltar,
tea ho will sail for home.
loduco Numbfcr of Directors.
ttt Lake City, Juno 21. The share
rs of tho Alice Silver Mining Co.,
hold a special meeting here this
noon for the purpose of adopting
londment, Wucing tho number of
tors from nine to five.
New Zealand's Premier.
llington, N. Z., June 21.-Tho
al of tho premier, John Seddon,
beld here today.
iOOO yards of
1 0c Persian
Lawns Special Price, yd.
5 cents.
error cawfully this Price List of
- Ufc
. .Offered So Salem.
yards shrunk Indian Head
Dress Goods, yard Wc
yards No. B Taffeta Silk
IKibbon in all colors, yard... 3c
yards 10c and 12 Dress
Qinghams, yard ....' 813c
yarda Bleached and Un-
cleachod Muslins, yard
5c, 6tfc, 7tf!, Hl-JC
yards Dark and Light Cali-
r wes, special, 'yard) 4e
"ousands of yards of Imported
i Lawns and Dimities in fan
e, plain shades ana black;
1 price 81-3 and 10c
Black and White Check
Dress Gingham, yard 9c
ww White Linen Parasols, just
lrived; sale price 95c
-w Colored Silfc Umbrellas
1 ith fancy borders; sale prlee$1.95
"a corset Cover Embroidery, a
'&e quality; price yard 25e
uirdle CorsetB in all colors;
'' peat seller; sale price 35c
Whit Pearl Buttons, dor.. 5C
dies' White Canvass Belts,
abroideredi and plain
,IOc, 18o and S5c I
Killed Two Officers With
Clubs and Burned the
Regiment's Armory
St. Petersburg, Juno 21. It is re
ported that in tho mutiny at Sevalim
pas the mutineers captured, two guns.
It is said tho mutiny was quelled by
tho loyal regiments. Tho regiment nt
Kyazab drove out tho oftlcers and
birned tho armory. Soldiers attacked
the officers with clubs, killed one and
wounded two of them.
Cash for Columbia River.
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Washington, Juno 21. Tho sundry
civil bill as agreed to last night, in ad
dition to $130,000 for tho Columbia
river lightship, carries $300,000 for
the mouth of tho Columbia, $250,000
for tho Cclilo canal, $125,000 for the
river below Portland and $13,000 fcr
the Columbia below Vancouver, the
last four items to pay for work now
under contract.
First Degreo or Nothing.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Stockton, Cal., Juno 21. The defense
in tho LeDoux case is arguing today.
Tho prosecution will probably close by
Saturday noon. The state law declares
murder by poison is in tho first de
greo. Consequently tho vordict will
havo to be hanging, life imprisonment
or an acquittal.
Bryan Is on Deck.
Trondhjem, Norway, Juno 21. Bryan
arrived) hcoo this morning. Ho said
ho could not discus9 politics, as he had
boen away so long, but was certain the
Democrats would adopt a progressive
8 1-3c and
Challies and
the Beet Bargain that wene ever
$1.49 36-inch Black Taffeta- Silk
for dresses and petticoats;
salo price per yard
1.85 3G-inch Colored Taffeta
Silk for dresses and petti
Silk fine for dresses and pet
ticoats; a great seller; sale
price, yard $1.25
39c Wash India Silk in all col
orsfine quality; sale price,
yard 25e
Colored and Fancy Panama
Dress Goods, yd, 35c, 49c, 69c, 75c
$1.85 Black and Colored Crepe
de Paris; beautiful goods yd,$1.25
85o Changeable Taffeta Silk; all
shades, special price yd 49e
New Ladles' Sailor and Cowboy
White Duck Hots... 69c, 75e, '
fiSc White Lawn "Waists
trimmed with embroidery;
sale price 49e
Ladies' $1.49 White Waists... 6Sc
Ladies' $250 White Waists... $1.49
$6.50 Wash Suits, wile price... 3.05
$5.90 Covert Jackets; price.'.. $3.45
$3.50 Satin Straw White Sailors,
trimmed; sale price... ., '"
Berlin, Juno 21. Tho annual expo-i
sition of tho Deutsche Landwirts Gesel-j
schaft, tho principal agricultural soci-
ety of Gtxmany, was ojeued' here today;
with appropriate ceremonies. It is by
far tho largest agricultural exposition,
ever held in this city anil it is attract
ing thousands of visitors from all parts'
of tuo country Besides the ordina
agricultural exhibits to bo found nt all
similar expositions, theret is a special
division for preserved food articles,
such as products of tho dairy, dough,
potatoes, fruits, wines, extracts, meats
beer, etc. Money prizes, diplomas and
medals will bo awarded. Tho exposi
tion will last but one week.
Official Statement of Briton's Views
Again Refused Eussta.
London, Juno 21. In tho homo of
commons Wednesday Walter Hunciinnn,
parliamentary secretary to tho local
government board, in behnlf of For
eign Secretary Gray, again declined to
inform tho government of Bussia of
the views of tho British people con
corning the nnti-Jowish outbreaks. He
said tho impression made and tho sym
pathy aroused not only in this country,
but everywhere by tho disturbances
and) loss of life in Bussia wero known
to tho Bussiivn government, and they
wero not matters in which officinl dip
lQmatio intervention was usual or de
sirable. Murder and Suicide.
(Four 'O'clock Edition.)
Los Angeles, Cal., June 21. After
trying to kill bis wlfo and sister-in-law,
'Mrs. Besise O'Day, Wm. F. Ket
ring, a miner, endod his life early this
morning. Mrs. Ketrlng is suing for a
divo'ce. Ketring tried t effect a re
conciliation, but failed. Last, nlghtrhe
went to her Hat and hid in tho bed
room. When tho women came homo
early this morning ho appeared and be
gan shooting. Both women nro seri
ously injured. Mrs. O'Day will die
He also shot his son as ho went for
help, lie 'hen went down Rtnirs nnd
cut bis throat.
Cassatt Plays Pair.
Washington, June 21. Today was
tho day appointed for the presidonts
of thi railroads to appear before the
interstate commerce commission nnd
say whnt thoy wished In regard to
their relations to tho coal companies.
Tho Pennsylvania was tho only road
responding. Fourth Vice-President
Thayer appearod, and said that before
Cassatt sailed for Kuropo he gave an
order to abolish within a year all pri
vate car lines along tho system.
i o
No Settlement in Sight.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
San Francisco, Juno 21. The efforts
of Mnvor Scbmitz to arbitrate tho
water front strike will probably fall.
Vessel owners are not disposed to yield
certain essential points, but tho sill
ors favor arbitration. Tbo Umatilla
'flails this afternoon for northern ports
with a non-union crew, and otheri are
expected to follow.
rive Cars Derailed.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Sacramento, Cal., June 21. No. 3,
tho overland passengw train from Og-
den to San Francisco, ran into an open
switch, while running 10 miles an
hour at Front and N streets, at 11:30
this morning. Five ca-s were deralleJ,
but no ono was injured.
Bunted to a Crisp.
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Portland, Jane 21, Suffering f'om
religious dementia Mrs. Margaret Em-
t ntreA 71. at her homo n ii
cityv lat night poured oil on her cloth-
lag, applied a maicn ana was uuju--to
a crisp She died in fearful agony
this SBoriitg.
For choice candles and ice eream.
We havo onr new summer drinks ont
now. Try our Fruit Salad Sundae and
Opera Sundae.
The cream we nae I direct from H.
D. Looney's dairy, tho best that can
be found. Egg drinks pceujiy.
W. T. Stofr, F. G. Myre.
TIjUKSDAY, TONE 21, 1906,
The great
jNew York, Juno 21. Tho great su
burban handicap, one of the greatest
cjonta of the New York racing season,
and worth $20,000 to tho winner, will
bo run this afternoon on tho Shcops
hiid bay race course. Although many
of the sixty horses originally enterccs
for the event havo been withdrawn,
among them somo famous horses liku
HermU, Artful, Von Tromp, First Wat
ot Xathnn Hale, and Proposer, there is
still a largo field for that famous ruco.
Irjdian Murderess Is Canturcd bv
lamath Falls, Or., Juno 21. Dora
Chipp. tho young Indian girl who shot
Mirs. Heal and killed her baby near
Plcard, Cal., Sunday, was nrrested Mon
day evening near Klamath reservation,
brought hero Tuesday and tnkon to
Yreka by Sheriff Howard of Siskiyou.
While repo-ts from the scene of tho
crime stnto Mint tho murder was of tho
most oolii-bloode'd nature, tho captlvo
maintains a stoical demeanor, and says
that sho did not know she killed' tho
baby, as she hud no intention of doing
so, and alleges that the crime was com
mitted while sho was under great ex
citement. Ho Had His Bun.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
New York. June 21. R-ederiek P.
Wilson, wanted In Los Angeles for em
bezzlement of $20,000, was turned over
to tho chief of police of Los Angclea
today. Wallace says h planned tho
theft1 deliberately, because ho wantod
tojseo New York, and lead tho gay lifo
ef: which hei had always heard. Ho
no declares Now York is too expen
sive, because tho only job ho coul.l
get paid but $-1 per day, and his ex
penscs wero never less thnn $10 dally.
Ho had only a few cents when nrrest
ed here Juno 0th.
Labor's Attitudo .in, Next National
Washington, Juno 21. Labor and its
n'titudo in the next political campaign
was tho principal topic of discussion
today at tho meeting of tho exfcutlvo
council of the American Federation of
Labor. By special invitation, Itcpro-
sontatlvo William U. Hcnr, of New
York, was jvesent and addressed the
delegates regarding tho present stand
ing of labor in politics.
A Greaser Election.
Sin Frnncisco, Juno 21. Tho Pacific
Mail liner City of Pekln arrived thU
morning from thft southern const, Tho
Pekin took 20 political exiles from
Guatemala to Sallna Cruz. SInco the
opening of tho revolution about Ocos
the situation became too warm for sev
eral prominent politicians of (luntema
la. There is still talk on the part f
tho revolutionists of Invading the
southern part of Mexico, and at Cham
perico attacks are expected nightly,
i o
Ohio Stationary Engineers.
Daton, Juno 21. Delegates repre
senting every ono of tho eighty asso
ciations of statlona-y engineers in this
state are amembled here to attend the
staio convention of the Ohio branch
of tho National Association of Station
ary Engineers, which opened here to
day. Nearly five hundred delegates and
members are here and there ln-adquart-eit
are at the Hotel Algonquin. In con
nection with this nHX-ting a highly In
teresting exhibition of tho Jatwrt. appli
anw and supplies for stationary en
glnes is being held at the hotel.
Lofcg Live the Kin;. ' .
Trondhjem, Norway, June 21. The
king received the American einbsway
this morning.
, n ! "
Oo-Brtwfren Won.
Sbeepshead Bay, June 21. Go-B-tween
won the Suburban handicap.
Nt Hop ooapasy.
The Kola Ntls Hop Company filed
articles of incorporation today with
the secretary of state. The organiz
ers arc: Kola Kit, Harry Schlosser
and O. O. McCleUan. The capital
stock- Is $10,000, and the principal of
fice will be in AJbauy, Or
After luuite Patient.
K B. Sntden and S. A. Parks left
this morning for Klamath for the pur
pose of bringing patient to the aiy
He Murdered His Father and
Mother and Tried to Burn
the Home to Conceal
the Crime
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
San F:aueisco, Juno 21. Tho tu-
premo court today confirmed the order
of tho lower court sentencing Adolph
Weber, tho Auburn youth who .killed
his fnthor and mother, to bo hanged,
i i 1 1 I, ..I
Confessbd to Killing Pholps.
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
St. Louis, Juno 21. Mrs. Bettv Ar-
nold, nged 28, confessed to tho police
today that sho killed F. L. Phelps, n
boarder at her house, who was "found
dead Wednesday night. A letter was
found, supposed to bo left by Phelps,
saying ho eommittod suicide on nc
count of hopeless lovo for a woman.
Tho woman Kiys Phelps tried for over
n year to get her to lenvo her husband
and elope. Wednesday ho forced her
into a room nt tho point of a rovolvcr,
nnd drtnnndcd that she go with him.
In tho strugglo the rovolvcr dropped,
and sho picked it up and shot Phelps.
o '
Bankers Meet at Tacoma,
Tncomn, Juno 21. Th eleventh an
nual convention of tho Washington
stnto bankers' association opened htv
todiiy for a tliTCo days' session. Tho
attendance Is largo nnd Includes a num
ber of visiting bankers from tho ens.
An interesting program has been ar
ranged) for tho convention, which Is ex
poctcd to bo tho most successful meet
ing of tho organization over beld, E.
T. Conmn of Colfax Is president of the
association, M. F. Backus of Seattle,
vico president, Kobort Moody of Ever
ett, treasurer, and P. C. Kaufman of
Tacoma, socrotaTy.
ii o
To Elect New Prosldont.
Atlanta, Oh., June 21. -The board; of
trustees of the Georgia sehool of Tech
nology will hold n meeting hero this
afternoon to take up the matter of
electing a new president for tho In-
a'itutinii, tho vacancy left" by tho death
of Dr. Lyman Hall novcr having been
filled. Professor Kenneth CI. Mntheson
has been noting prcsldont of tho in
stitution and it Is coiuldn ed veryprob.
nblu that ho will be elected by the
board to fill tho vacancy permanently.
.. . u
Baseball This Afternoon.
Tonight tho Capitols and Grocei e
cross bats, nnd ono of the best guines
of tho season ! expected, Saturday
tho Bankers and Statesmen meet, The
crowds that nro attending the games
plnyvd under tho Capital City Amateur
I,aguo are largo, ami the league I
proving u marked success
rormer Balem Girt Oraduates.
Miss Florence Liu f man, formerly of
this city, Is a membor of the graduat
ing class of MoMinnvillo College. MIm
Laufman lived in this city for several
yiarv, where she graduated from the
East Salem, school In the 1001 class, af
ter which sho attended bo Willamette
University, She U talented reader
Went Down With Her Crew.
Dover, England. Juno 21. The Dan
ish schoowl Berths unk Ut night
noar tho South Goodwin light. The
ship was in eolllslou with a Dutch tank
steamer. Eight of the sshooner's crew
wero drowrwd. The wiptnlB' son is
the only survivor.
A Pleasant Reception,
The Annual Brotherhood lodge gave
a pleasant rjeeption at their ball last
evenlnir. st the close of the rsgalar ses
sion. Music and donclng furnlsiud the
amusements, and u splendid luncheon
was served.
A Generous Raise.
Fall Bivwr, Mac, June 21. The eoU
ton manufacturers have granted their
operative a raite of 14 per cent in
waces. Abont 25,000 sre benefitted
The scale will take effect July 2d.
Xsarlnff the Journey's Had.
Singapore Straits Settkmsnt, June
21. The dock Dewey arrived here thh
Chicago Marks.
NO. 140.
Senate Agrees to it Today
It Is Thought It Will Be
Completed in Eight
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Washington, Juno 21. On tho flrt
voto or. tho canal question this after
noon in tho senate, tho lock tyjm won.
Tho voto came on a motion by Kill
ridgo to tablo Hopkins' amendment
providing for n lock' cnnnl, in noeivd
nnco with tho recommendation of a
minority of the consulting engineers,
Tho snnnto refused by a vote of 30 to
31 to table. It wub immediately agreed
to change tho title of tho original bill,
which provides for n sen-lovel, and
passed tho bill as amends in favor of
a lock canal, without division. As the
lock canal had already been ndopted
by tho houso nnd approved by tho Pres
ident, the sanction of tho scnalo set
tles tho question. It will probably bo
completed In eight years.
- 0 " - .
Pennsylvania Road Is Fair,
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Washington, Juno 01. The homo
sent the Immunity bill to confercncS
today. Thayer, in tho Interstate hear
ing, tried to jrovo tho Pennsylvania
made no attempt to provont independ
ents from opening- their coal mines.
Ho cited statistics showing that many
Independents were apparently prosper
ing. Arrested Anarchists,
'(Four O'clock Edition.)
Trondhjem, Norway, Juno 21. Sev
eral anarchists known to tho Europonnr
police wero arrested quietly, to pre
vent the possibility of nn nttack on
Haakon. A number of bombs were
St, Louis Alderman Olear'.'d.
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Macon, Mo., Juno Silt Edward Albright,-
a former St. Louis alderman,
was acquitted of the cha'go if perjury
today. Tim ell cult attorney dismissed
tho charge of bribery, and so ho ROM
Georgia Teachers in Convention,
Hrunmvlck, (In., Juno 21. The for
th th annual convention of tho GcoTglit
state teachers' natorlntlon opened tu
day at Cumberland Island with n
lnrge attemlum-o from till Mirte of that
state. During tho forenoon tho mom.
bors of the association ros'ed from their
Journeys, and devoted themselves to be
coming bettor acquainted with escli
other. Tho convention prppr will be
gin nt the largo umUturlunt this after
noon with a meeting of tho directors r
which will be foUowinl by tho annual
meeting of tho truster. At 5 o'clock
tlm membors,and dvlegn-tes will be the
guests of h, A. Miller, proprietor of
tho Cumberland island hotel, at a big
oyster roast.
The first general session will be hM
this evening ivt tho auditorium, Tho
outkldo nutnbers will bo welcomed, by
Mr. Jere Pound, of the Georgia Normal
and Imai.trla! College, T. J. Woofter
of the University of Gwrgla will re
spond on behalf of tho association. Sup
erintended lwton II. Brntv of Augus
ta will deliver uu aiidrn on "Itou
seau and KducNtlou Arftcrdiug to Na
ture." Tomorrow morning another general
sepdon will bv held anil n number of
(nterMtlntf pupers on efafstlonnl sub
jects are or U program. In the uft
noon the high school ami college depart
ment will have a round table talk, with
J, (L HtewuTt, ehuinniin of the depart
ment, in charge. In tie evening an
othor gonerul Hsxion will be held, when
other prominent educators will (Mirer
addro on various hirtant educa
tional subjects, The convention will
loe on Saturday,
Awxrtntfcd IDs Rretfctr.
Berlin, June 21.-Tho KaJwr has ap-
pointed bis brother, ( of Prussia,
commander in-chief of the German
Dr. J. F. CooW
to 356 Liberty street where
he wM me N UI sml new
satknts. for my iMt,
c(oiDf. Cook, CfmM
Uon fr.
EV0Y BROS. struts
Corner or Lommei-
Chicago, June 21. Wheat 8854
83ft, ewn 55iVi52, oat 303.
$2 BUt Stmt.