inzj" J 1SDAY SHOWERS, COOLER. I TWO EDITIONS DAILY A3!, 2.30 BBS AND WARMER TONIO-HT, XVL ICK CANAL WINS ite Shows Majority for it id House Has Already Passed the Bill bington, June 20. Advocates of canal have won in the senate. A laws that 40 and possibly more ote against the sea-level canal comes up tomorrow. The lock already passed the house. To-' Morgan, on his 82d birthday, i leak several hours in favor of lovel-cannl. 3ED WIFE'S SISTER. sro witn Such Now Is Local in England. sn, Juno 20. Tho colonial mar- lill passed' its third reading yes- without comment in the House 3s. Tho colonial marriago bill 19 lor tho legalization in tho ! Kingdom of marriago with a Id wife's sister legally contracted bro in tho British posessions. o . Banka Must Show Up. kington, June 20. Tho comp- lof tho currency has called' for nts from tho national banks at go of business June 8th. Voliva on this Stand. ;o, June 20. Voliva was on ad in tho Zion case in the feder- todlay. Tho Dowlo side has Tho Drydock Dewey. Bg, Straits Settlement, June 20. Irydock Dowdy has boen sighted IStrnjts of Mallacca, anU- sig- Mall well." IIICAGO PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE 00 yards of 1 0c Persian Lawns Special 5 cents. RAIN OR SHINE, WE I over carefully this Price List of Offered in Salem. IV yards shrunk Indian Head re&a Goods, yard 14c yards No. 2- Taffeta Silk Ibboa in all colors, yard... 3c yards 10c and 12 Dress Saghams, yard. 81-3c yards Bleached and Un- Peached Muslins, yard ...5c, 6e, 7c, 81-3C yards Dark and Light Call f, spetoial, yard) 4c inds of yards of Imported na and Dimities in fan- plain shacks and black; ' price 81-3 and 10c Black and White : Check reis Gingham, yard ....... 9 v hit o Linen Parasols, just ived; sale price ,., 5c Colored Silk Umbrellas ith fancy berders: sale vrlet$1.05 ' Corset Cover -Embroidery, a ee quality: Trie vard. 25e Wtdle Corsets; in all colors; 1 t sellers sal wriee 35c 'llto Paarl Buttons, dor.. Gc White Canvass Belts, foidered and plai .10e,18o ana 25e. SAL' OKATEM EV0Y BROS. KEAN GETS THE LIMIT Philadelphia, 'Juno 20. "Had I the disposition of this: case I would sum mon a large number of mothers here and turfi you over to their tender mer cies, but, as tho law fixes .the penalty for c imes like yours, I can do noth ing but commit you without bail for tho action of the grand jury on the charge of kidnaping." These -words were addressed' by Mag istrate Eisenbrown to John Joseph Kca"' tho nWcttr Frederick Muth, tho 7-year-old son of Charles Muth, the Columbia avenue jeweler, who, with his Captive, was discovered' Monday in a vacant housci in "West Philadelphia after a six-days' search. Tho magistrate's offlco was crowded, and muttered -threats could bo heard when tho prisoner was placed in the dock. Many of the spectators were women. Keano, after a sleepless' night in tho cell, appeared haggardl and wan. Ho still seemed to fear bodily injury, and eyed' the spectators suspiciously. Immediately after the hearing Cap tain of Detectives Donaghy went be foro the grand jury with his witnesses and asked for an indictment. The. grand jury found a tfuo bill against Kean, ho was given an immediate trial, convicted in less than an hour, and Judgo Sulzberger sentenced the pris oner to 20 years. From tho timo of Kean's arrest until he was on his wav to begin sentence less than 24 hours had elapsed. Lifo Savers to Dine. Patchogue, L. I., Juno 20. The an nual dinner oi tno lifo savers of Long Island will bo held at Roo's hotel in this town this evening and most elab orate preparations for tho annual event havo been made. The Life Save:a' Association was organized hero four years ago nnd now has a largo membership. STORE 8 1-3c and Challies and Price, yd. DO THE BUSINESS. tha Best Bargains that wens ever $1.49 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk for dresses and pettlcoate; salo price peT yard PSc J1.85 36-inch Colored Taffeta Silk for dresses and petti Silk fine for drosses and pet ticoats; a great soller; sale prlco, yard !-25 39c Wash India Silk in all colors-fine quality; sale price, yard v Colored and Paucy Panama Dress Goods, yd, 35c, 49c, C9c, 75c i$1.85 Black and Colored Crepo do Paris; beautiful goods yd,$1.25 S5o Changeable- Taffeta Silk; all shades, special price yd 49c New Ladies' Sailor and Cowboy White Duck Hats... 69c, 75c, 98c White Lawn Waists trimmed with embroidery; sale price ' "c Ladies' $1.49 White Waists... Se Ladies' $250 White- Waists... $1.49 5.50 Wash Suits, sale price... t3.95 $5.90 Covert Jackets; prlee... 13.43 $3.50 Satin Straw White BUior., ,.1.49, $1.75 trimmed; sale pnco GROWING STOKE- w.r nf foamer- dd and Court Streets BALEM, OREGON, BANDITS ATTACK YARAUEN Constabutory Caught Napping and Five Were Killed and Five Wounded Manila, June 20.-The Pulajanes, un der th bandit Pascor, attacked the twvn of V.v.iuen early this morning, Killed live of the constabulary and wounded five, and captured all of the remainder, except tho lioutenant in command. They burned tho municipal record nnd lied, earryinir off their dead and wounded. Tho constabulary wero taken wholly unawares. Surrounded by tho enemy they fought violently until overwhelmed by numbers. Tho loss by the Pulajanes is said to havo been heavy, Pascor being among tho dead. As the outlawsjeft tho village Lieu tenant Johnson, with a forco from a neighboring post appeared and started in pursuit. GETTING READY TO ADJOURN Washington, Juno 20. The determi nation of tho senators to adjourn by tho last of next week was manifested today when Halo requested a night session to consider tbo sundry civil nprpopriation bill, which, as amomled, after passing tho houses, provides for nearly $8,000,000 more than tho house, and includes nearly $1,500,000 for the tho government's participation in the Jamestown exposition. Farewell Reception Is Olvctn Woodburn Pastor. Woodburn, Or., Juno 20. A farewell reception was tendered- Rev. Louis M. Anderson nnd family last Monday- ev ening in Odd Fellows' hall, which, was packed with, friends of all denomina tions represented here. Rev. Mr. An derson, who has resigned' as pastor of tho First Presbyterian church of this city departs with his family for the vicinity of Portland. A largo purse was presented to him as a testimonial from tho host of friends ho leaves bo hind In Woodburn. Mrs. Anderson was also substantially rememoereu with a silver servlco by tho missionary society of tho Presbyterian church, of which she was president. In addition to presentation and other addresses aud responses by Rev. and Mrs, Anderson, there wero readings, vocal music, se lections by tbo Queen City band and a banquet. Master Stoarn Titters Mfljt. Atlantic City, N. J., Juno 20. Tho itnniml convention of tho National Master Steam Fit'ers' Association openod hero today nt the St, Cbarka hote3, with a largo attendance, repre senting every state in the union. The-'o nro about 250 delogatt-s, rep resentlog tho various stato branches of tho organiwition. Tho convention will 'last four days, but not nil the time will bo taken up with business matters. Extensive preparatione have been made for tho entertainment of tho delegates. Will Increase tlie Guard. (Four O'clock Edition.) Washington, Juno 20. Tbo United States govermment is likely to increase tbo legation guards at Pekln by 200 marina Disquieting information has been received regarding tho activity of tho Boxers and the anti-foreign ele ment has caused conferences between Root, Taft and Bonaparte tbo last few da vs. ! The house passed! the bill appropriat ing 125,000 for the Resident's travel ing expenses. i m ' Schooner Portland Safe. (Four O'Clock Edition.) Loa Angeles, Juno 20. The schooner Fortland is resting easily on a sand bar near Ventura. Thero is plenty of Mtr. a4 yrin ba Btl u pulled off, unless a west wind comes up. i i o Kartfejaake te tX YUUfttaM. (Four O'clock Edition.) ilanila, June 20.-Earthquakes were felt today in Northern Luton and throughout the Orient. No Ion of life la reptrteJ, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 190G. WILL NOT FIGHT THEIR OWN Soli Sofunds Like Old Indian Times "Czar-Afrald-of-His- Soldiers" St. Petersburg, Jan. 20. It is un derstood) the iroverninent ilousta frnm it's determination to dissolvo the Douma on nccouut of tho ntMtudo of tho sol diers of the guard regiments, partic ularly at the Czar's -place. t is id tho "soldiers declare their unwillingness to light against their own pcoplo In tho 'even of disorders arising from the ddssjdution of par'inment. TRAMPS KILLED IN WRECK Rene Nov., Juno 20. In tho wreck of an extra castbound freight car near Fleish, last night, three tramps wero killed! and two seriously injured. Tho tracks were not cleaned until Into to day. Tho injured tramps wero John Martin, of Los Angeles, nnd Ed. Lyons, of "Virginia City. The identity of tho others has not been determined. Housewives for tho Soldiers. W iisbington, Juno 20. A contract fbemj let to a New York Arm for liatf furnishing eventually something like 50,000 articles known as tho "housu- wifo," to bo car-led bv every oldiur in tho army when in tho field. For soneo tinvi Col D. L. Rrnimird. tho commissary- officer on duty at tho ar my WftlnjTiri Whitehall street, Neu York, has been- ob'alning dimples of this article, with tho idea of having selected an article which mvswroi nil tho purpose. The one which has been chew -n is made of khaki cloth, weigh ing a flo more thnn four ounces. It will contain neissors, buttons, needles, thread's ami an useor'uient of pins. Tho government will y a little more than thh-tjvfive cents for each of those nrtlclet. Th-j idea comes from the Japanese. Evory soldier of tho Jap- aneso army in Manchuria carried ono of thetw useful " housewives." High Water In California. '(Four-O'clock Edition.) Slockton, Cnl., Juno 20. The 8nn Joaquin, both tho old and mlddlo riv ers, are running bank full, owing to the warm weather and heavy melting snows in the mountains. Victoria, Union and Roberts' islands, containing thousands of acres of valuable crops, are In immediate danger. The levee at Coney Island! broko this morning, flooding a tract of 1000 acres. If the hot weather continues, disastrous floods are certain. Large forces are patroll ing tbo levees. To Restrain Mayor Schmltr. (Four O'Clock Edition.) Sun Francisco, Juno 20. Attorney Alva Udell, claiming to represent 10,- 000 refugs, this morning filed a com plaint, asking a restraining order pre venting Mayor Scbroitr. and tbo finance committee from disposing of bo sur plus stock of 60,000 ba.TeU of flour, and from making any disposition of the several million dollars in tho relief fund, until a newer nod better system of accounting can bo instituted. HVl on Chargo of Murder. (Four O'CJoek Edition.) Sioux Falls, 8. D., Juno 20. The magistrate this morning held Mrs. Era ma Kauffman, wife of the mlllioniire brewer, without bail, to answer the charge of murdering her ervant Agnei Polreis. When Le left tho court room the crowds cried "lynch her." Agon Polreis -was aged 16 years, and it is alleged -was treated cruelly, and finally beaten to death by her rnistrett. Tby OwneL Ooal Stock. (Four O'eJoek Edition.) Washington. Jnco 20. The Inter state commerce- commission U investi gating today tk connection of railroad companies as a prt ot the country coal companies. A number of railroad- offi cials testified to ownicg coal stock. Calcago Market. Chicago, Jur.e 20--Wbeat, 62 83, eorn 61H; 3W- . NO. Ib8. CAUGHT LIVE WIRE Stockton, Calif., Juno 20 Dr. Or villo T. Phillip, brother of Leo A, Phillips, a prominent Stockton cnnl- talist, was elect'ocuted in tho mlddlo of the river last night, wlvllo superb tending tho starting of a centrifugal pump. Reaching for a bucket of water ho lost his balance, nnd grabbed a wlro carrying 100O volts. Tho body dropped into tho river, but was recovered. TO PLACE HIS CROWN ON STRAIGHT Trondhjem, Norway, Juno 20. Tho Freuch cruifor, carrying a special em bassy to tho coronation, arrived this morning. Tho guo snluto was an swered by tho Norwegian men-of-war. Tho British royal yacht, bearing the Princo nnd Princess of Wales, convoyed by two cruisers, is outsido tho harbor, nnd Is expected to enter later, if the fog disperses. Tho French embassy landed, and' was received by Hanker, at his palace. Major Gibson, the Ameri can attachn at St. Petersburg, detailed to attend tho coronation, arrived to dayi Tho Norwegian cabinet leaves for this city today. ' o Inauguration of Oollogo President. Albany. N. Y., Juno 20.-Tho Rev. William! II. S. Denwrost, 1). D., was in augurated as president of Rutgers College- this morning. Tho exercises wtixi Impressive, and lcsldcs tho mfrn terfl of tho faculty and) all tho stud ents of tho college, many dititlfigul sh od nlumnl of tho college wero present. Governor Edward C. Stokes, of New Jersey, oni of tho alumni, presided at tho ftincMou and spoke o behalf of the trustees in delivering tho keys to tho new pn-siileiit. Other addrowes wire delivo ed by Lieut. Gov, M, Linn Bruce, of New York, President Wood- row Wilson, or i'rincelon Wnlversitj', and others. Then President Deinarcs delivered his inaugural nddrens. Af ter the inauguration tho alumni din nir followed. At four o'clock the nmv president will hold his flrttt receif tloii. Tho commencement will b held this evening. exercises Ready for Polar Trip. TromHK'. Norway, June 20-The steamer Frlthjof, which haw been used by tho Zlegler polar expedition, Is In thin harbor, Trndy to start for the iwnthern irb of Spitsbergen, whence Walter Wcllman nnd his jwirty will start their balloon voyngo to the north' pole. All preparations havo been completed. Provisions and all tho supplies necessary for filling the balloon nnd equljqdng tho exjmditlon nro on board. Tho balloon well ai vcry single Instrument nnd appliance havo been tested to maku ailiiTo on ticcount of defects in tho machinery, etc., practically Impossible. Mr. Well- man and his associates in the perllou vojagfi arc hero awf express them selves hoffut ut sucoesi. Tho exuet timo for tho Hilltop; of tho Frlthjof Ims not yet been sot. . . o ' Would Not Stand the Amendment. (Four O'clock Edition.) Washington. Juno 20. Wo Loutfl this afternoon defeated a resolution or conttltu'Ional amendment that toe terms of reprewntatlves be four years, nd that tho wnator m elected ly a dluct vote. Jumped from th Window. (Four O'clock IVMtloo.) Washington, June 20. Clareuce M York, secrtitary to Chief Justice Fuller, was killed today by Jumping iroin a wludow of tho Garfield hospital, where he was undergoing treatment. Oonventlcn of Millers, (Four O'clock Edition.) Milwaukee.' Wis, Juno 20. A eon- vention of mlllerii, with thodsands at. tendtoj:. oreac-d here tcnlay to fight sgtlnst market manipulation. W No Ub, Alle, Yra'r Oat of It. fFoar O'clock Edition.) London, Juno 20.-Mesda Keld and Iongwortb, irera guests of the PtKies Albany this aftcrxwa. t ' ' i" tSSSSB IVINS MUST HANG Brutal Murderer of Beautiful Mrs. Bessie Holllster Must Pay the Penalty Springfield, 111., June 20. The su premo court lms refused to Interfere with' tho execution of Richard Ivlns, convicted nnd sentenced! to hang for the muMto of Mrs. Bessie Jlolltstor iu Chicago. Saloons Ordered to Oloso iu Coot County, Coqulllc, Or., Juno 20. Although Coon county n a whole went "wot" at the recent election, 15 precincts out of tho total of 23 In tho county voted "jlt-t! till. MAtlMl.k ...-! t.-1 1 -- . "j f ummt uvuuij' lull I. Ill'UI U flj(w OllU CNHtO nntl oriUxriO Mi. an cIomvI in these 15 precincts, Including Coqutlle, Bandoiv nnd. Myrtle Point. An injunction has been asked by tho me loon men, but tho county court probably had an Intimation that It would bo de nied, for, nftor waiting several hours to lenra tho decision, tho ortlor was tiitulo to close tho saloonw on July L o . Think Japan and America Agree. Herlln, Juno 20, Court circles ox press tho belief that American and Ja pan havo perfected a wVjrct agreement respecting joint interests In tbo Pacific that ha removed all cauies of fric tion, nnd it is not likely there will be any futuio disputes. Militia Fund Is Doublnl. (Four O 'Clock Edition,) Washington, Juno 20. The mllltln bill, which finally passed congress to day, will double tho animal allotment to various states fori their national guard. Undar the new apportionment, Oregon will receive 4111,058 Washing ton $111,047, and Idaho 11,D84. This iiniuuil apportionment will begin 1, 1000. July FIGHTING GOING ON IN FINLAND . .London, .liino 20. It is reported that heavy tiring is iu progrcs at Cronstadt, Finland. Sailors are assembling. o i LIST Or JURORS. Personnel of tho Venire That Was Drawn for tha July Terra. Tho following list of jurors was drawn thin morning for the July tenm WitxeJ, John, Turner, furmwr. Smith, Hurvey, Ml. Angel, farmer. Trice, Thomas, Macleay, farmer. Reeves, Ray, Jefferson, farmer. Arthur, T, J., Halcm No. 5, black smith. Re4mn, J. W., Salem No. 2, motor man. Rye, B. J., ttidney, farmer. (Iriui, B, J., Auroru, farmer, Illthop, J, A., Liberty, blacksmith. Bravo. O, W Bllrerton, carpenter. Vols, Oubriel, Silver Falls, farmer, Way, William, Liberty, frnltgrowor. Ruchhellv Jos. J Mt. Angel, laborer. McKay, W. 11, Chnmeg, hop grow er, Dragir, 1). C, Sal'to No. 0, laborer Tage, U K., Kilem No, 2, banker. Wolfer, William, Hubbard, Utmer, Pomeroy. O. T., Balein No. 2, jeweler, lUgtt, Ailolph, J., Halem, eait, farm er. Pugh. (i. W., Brooks, farmer. Cooley, R. P., Woodburn, farmer. MoKct, Rodney, Woodburn. fsimer. Jans, Allxrt, Bowel), farmer. Smith, B. W., Liberty, merchant. Robertson I. I, Turoer, merchant, Houser, W. J., Msrlan, farmer. Darby, John, Aumsvllle, former. Jordtan, Albert, UubUd, trmtrt Albert, T. C, ftlm No. 4. eltrk, Litchfield, Geo. P., Salem Nov 0, collector, llmitmn, Tetw, 8le No. 7, la borf Dr. J. F. CooW j to 356 liberty street. whre lie w mt aM oW mmI new paWMW. W eg Ofl Df lm. j Uon frC. pattats. rr my mm, ms "ia A ti A x i f i.