rOPH,tgiffi'tim "T 5., LH01T MINERAL WATER Tho Genuino Article. ' , fow of our most popular enes: 3RADORA NUT SUNDAE MOUNTAIN SUNDAE S. CLANON IVEB'S DELIGHT v SUMMER QIBL Still tho jno9t popular drink ever ired in Salera: IB MUD PUNCH ur Ico Cream leads all tho rest. Jream direct from tho -dairy to our Iczer makes pprfect lco cream. FULLER & DOUGLAS 1.460 Stato Street Phono, 187, 182 "I SPRING LAMB. always good. Wo sell meats of the highest quality. Whether you at lamb, boef, mutton or pork, get from us. E. O. GROSS :DISON THEATRE lOHAM-OAULKINS STOCK CO. Chas. Caulkins supported by an excellent company, rinning" Monday, Juno 18th all fek. Tho successful society drama. . Wifo's Peril." Matineo Saturday. dark nights. Specialties between Illustrated songs. Curtain, twee, L':bi) p. m.; nights, 8:io. JN'ext pk, tho comedy drama, "Tho Bo- ilans." H. S. Gilc & Co. Wholesale Merchants and Dealers in FRUIT AND PRODUCE. 7a have largu supplies of berry tea, both tin top and folding, also ites. Got your supplies here. We butter, eggs, poultry, produce, etel y cash. THE VERY BEST LUMBER will quoto you a price you will biak is reasonable. If you aro plan- Fag to build a houses, consult us about entlro job. Wo build houses. WGET FUEL & LUMBER CO. DISPARENE arsenate f Lead Tho great spray for codlln moth an J Jl leaf-eating insects. Now is the Jmo to spray -winter apples and peari. e prepared to fill all orders, having JMt received another large shipment. D.A.WHITE&SON FEEDMEN and SEEDMEN Poultry and Be BoppHea. 255 Com'! Phone 160 o VORIA wuil. llktMYHHMl mgwfi TIME TO TAKE A BATH Salem Water Will Now Soon Flow Pure as Crystal Superintendent Park, of tho Salem Nater Company, announces that the work of filling in the new and enlarged crib over on the gravel bar has been complotod, and everybodv can get readiy to tako a bath. Mt n-u will bo glad It Is all over, and that tho Willamette nectar will flow pure as of yore. For about a month the Rninm Water Company has boen making ex tosivo Tepairs to its crib, or baso of supply, and many people havo been distressed because tho fluid was niooe or less muddy. It is already flowing purer in tho lower parts of the city. But now tho mains aro to bo flushed out and tho reservoir thoroughly cloaned) for summer. Thctfo is going to bo a littld more disturbance, but it win soon bo over, and everybody will enjoy tho better water supply as much as tho company will in furnishing it. Nurs Should Bo Pretty. Trained nurses in this city aro 'deep in discussion of a speech recently made by Dr. George Preston, head of one of tho big hospitals in Baltimore, before a graduating elatss He said that every girl ho intended to be a nurse should bo pretty The opinion of the doctor has not boon received by tho heads of hospitals in this city with unanimous approval, though they all say a nurse should) mako herself as attractivo as possible. But many doctors agreo with Dr. Preston, and say tho presenco of a really pretty woman is oftcner far more beneficial than medicine to a patient. Thcno have beon cases where an ill person; has asked to havo his nursj changed because what sho lacked in looks sho miado up in strictness re garding dSdfc and medicine. A matron in ono of tho largest hospitals says that a pretty girl, if sho does not become conceited, makes a batter nurso than a plain-looking girl, for sho has more influenco over her charge. Portland Journal. Tho honso editor has horso sense, evpn though as Dr. Anna Shaw gavo It to him in tho solar plexus, "ho had novor boen a horso." All trained nurses aro pretty, some moro so. If thoy were all too handsome what would bo tho use of curing a fellow! Ho wouldn't leave the hospital, o Nowhere in tho world can you seo such handsomo men and women as are to bo met In tho United1 States. They all uso Hollistcr's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr. Sono's drug store. 9 Back Prom Pendleton. .Judgo Thomas 0. Hailey, of the supremsj court, Toturned homo last nigh from Umatilla county, whoro he has been on personal business. Judgo Hailey says that tho wheat crop in that part of Oregon looks better than it has for years, and if nothing'unfor soju occurs, tho wheat output in Uma tilla will bo biggeT this season than it has been for a long time. Judgo Hailoy says that Pendleton is recovering from tho effects of tho re cent flood, and tho town Is preparing to build a loveo that will prevent any recurrenco of tha flood. Tho railroad company is .repairing its tracks that wero washed out. o Havo You a Cough? A 'doso of Ballard's HorehounJ Syrup will relieve it. Have you a coldf Try it for whooping cough, for asth ma, consumption, for bronchitis. Mrs. Joe McGratb, 327 E. 1st street, Hut rhlnson. Kan., writes: "I have used Ballord'a Horehound Byrup in my family for five years, and find it the most palatablo medicine I ever used. For sale by D. J. Fry. And "Dcr Schumacher." l W. Buottner writes to Tho Capi tal Journal from San, Jose that every thing is booming iar that city.and that i. rm,nds at Stanford bavo teen cleaned up, and all is now Teady for the erection of n,w buildings. Not a alnglo brick buUding waa destroyed In Sxn Joso. Mr. Bucttner sends his re cards to all Salem people and der Schumacher." , o Xhfl Texaa Wcm4er, Cures all kidney, bladder and ihen matic trouble; dd by all druggW., or two months' treatment by mail for $1. Dr. E. W. Dan, 2926 OUre .rest 8 1 Louis. Ho. Send for testimonial SolJ by Stone's drug stores. aw-syr a a. m t c3 at s Jf -. JU DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, OPEN PUBUeiTT THE BEST m ,. GiraiKMrrr of merit. fhrE .. m.ah'er, ot.a medlclno, sold u ,"?m df u5B,,1ts ,for famr o. takes Vanv "" ln,t0 hl? .confidence by cast il wn n. " ? IJuW'sl'Ins broad a f,iir iute!!f ?i,!P l18 J.1'0 wrappers, Pni.i .iif Rl1 AU InjtredlonU in plain i3'.1'10 ov,wnce that ho Is not iirL t0 ',avo the search light of Inves "Ration turned fu upon 1i!s formula h l Vat H w,. b,car thorullest S Dr dPiiW "V'Sh Investigation. .TC Javortto Prescription Yor tho an?fm,iX,n?anMiM Periodical pains ana functional derangements of tho or Rans distinctly feminine. Is ho only medt elno put up for salo through dnigRlsts for woman's special use, tho maker ofwhlch his nfhiiafJ2dn,t0 tak2 hls PUonta lnt hoU't'Uiiciir0 y suc open and nA-.Blillli,C0.4nt t"' PuWIliwl Ingredients on each bottle wrapper, nlll show that It Jiad0 iw,lol,y natlvo- American, mwllcliml note, that It contains no poi sonous or hah f forming drugs, no nar cotics and no alcoliol-pnro. trlpleroflnod fA1! mK'r,lr?tl1 WnR "sod ustead of the commonly employed nlco hoi, both for extracting and proservlns rit,?n,?,,,nv,U ProP"-tlos found In tlio roots of tho American forest planta omploywl. It Is t hn only mrdlclno for women's pecular dlsoasoj. sold hv drug gists, that , dos not contain a largo per centage of alcohol, which Is In tho lomr run so harmful to woman1 dollcate. ncr" ous sxstom. Now, glycerine Is perfectly harmloss. and serves n valuable purposo by posting ntrlnslc value all Its own, a,nd IxHides It anhanecs tho curatlvo effect i of tho other Ingnsllents entoring Into tho Tavorlto Prusirlptlon." borne of tho ablest medical writers and teachers ondorso theso views and praise all tho several Ingredients of which "Fa vorite Prescription" Is composed rec ommending them for tho euro of tho yory samo diseases for which this world famed modlclno Is advised. No other nicdlclnn for women has any such ir fwloiwl endorsement worth moro than nny tutmbor of ordinary testimonials. If Interested, send name anil address to Dr. It. V. PJorco, Buffalo, N. Y., for his llttlo book of wtracts from tho works of cmltioiit medical writers and toachorp. endorsing tho soveral Ingredients and tolling lust what Dr. I'lerco's medicine aro mado of. It's Jrce for tho asking. X-RAYS John Bar-ett Is eomlnp to Portland this fall to visit. No wonder the weath er got warm In tho collar. Tho city council last night quit vio lating its own ordinances, and closod tho slot machines and sworo off. - Tacoma makes somo nieo distinctions about gambling. Tor instance, it per- j mits tho festive gamo of poker, but for bids "twenty-one " Nothing liko being dainty in one's instinct and habits. An ancient horso nar. Portland dropped dad at sight of aiautomobllo yesterday. Well, ho isn't tho only antiquo in Oregon that Is scarod to death nt tho first sight of new moth-if ods and improvements., Tho dispatches to Tho Journal yes terday said a wealthy Nebraska banker had pleaded guilty to fonelug tho gov ernment domain, ,nnd had been sen tenced to 12 years in juil. Tho horso oditon cocked up Iils ears at it and nearly ran, away, but it was "copy," and so it went. Tho item was all right, only it was "hours," instead o? "years," which makes n difference. a Yest'ivlay in mentioning tho gamo of basoball between tha ynrn-twlstcrs and weavers and tho boys who work where tho gentle-voicod and patient mulo runs tho merry-go-roundi in the brick yard, tha horso editor stated that tho woolen mill won. Tho plaint- ivo remonstrance from tho mulo afore said and tho touch of naturo that makes mules and horso editors akin comjMsls tho latter to state tin tho a,dobe bak ers wero tho winnoro. o Sure Curo for Piles. Itching piles produce moisture and causo itching, this form, as well as blind, bleeding or protruding piles, are cured by Dr. Bosan-ko's Pile Ilemedr.' Stops itching and bleeding, absorbs tumors. 50c a jar at druggists, or sent bv mail. Treatise free. Write me about your case. Dr. Bosanko, Phlia., Pa. o Want Chamberlain In JJiaho. Tho citizens of Nampa, Idaho, have Invited Governor Chamberlain to make itho Fourth of July address at the celebration they will hold in that city. Nam pa is preparing for a big time and tho commlUe tolographod the governor that all Idaho will be prei out. Governor Chamberlain will be out of tno'eky until next Friday, but be fore ho left ho stated! ho would a cept no invitations to speak at iha ap proaching holiday. i i u '- - A Fleuasc War to xrarL The above la the usual verdict or the traveler BIng the Missouri PaelAe railway between the Paelfle eoatt and tha east, and wa believa tkat tea fee and aeeomaedatioaa given sent this atatesaaat. Prow Dearer, Colora do Bpringi aad Dearer tnera are two through tralaa dally to Kansas City and St. Loals, earryisg Pullman' Iat Mt staadard Uetrie-ligated tleeplai ear, ehalr tut and ap-te-datw dlaiag ears. The aasaa axeeUwt rriee U enarated rasa Kasaaa City and &t. Louis to Measphia, Little Rock and Hot Bwbsn. If you ara eolaz acvtk, wrfta Ut prtlela ad ftdl la .W. a IC'SSIDl, Qm. Aft 114 Jkfel it- Ted, 0 &ALEM, 0&BaQN, TUESDAY, JUNS ' ' - li copyright 19CS 0. Kupptnholmsr L Co., Chi. 111 --M WEATID3R BUREAU REPORT. General Summary. An excels of cloudiness provnlle.I during tho week, nnd, whllo showers occurred! nearly every dny in tho north wesb counties, nnd on two or throe duys in tho southern and tustorn sec tions' of tho wtiite, the total amount of rainfall was not excessive, nnd all riv ers and streams havo slowly fallen Tho mornings nvowged from ono to two degrees bolow normal, but the af ternoon, on account of cloudy weath er, wero much cooler than usual, es pecially in tho Willamette volley nnd tho coast cuuntii". Tno soil Is wo!! moistened, and a spell of bright, warm weather is now dosircd. No frostn oc curred and tho winds, whllo high in a few localities, wo'o not damaging; Jthcir pravalluil direction was from 'tho southwest. Willamette Valley. Portland, Multnomah county, local ofllco, weather bureau. Tho week was showery anl cool. Ituln foil on overy 'duy but one. Tho cloudiness was ex ceuve. and, in consequence, tho after nooiw wero unusually cool. Tho heav iest rains occurred on Plday and Sat urday, ond amounted to 1.00 inches. Tho winds wero light and most from tho southwest. Forest Orovo, Washington county, D, J, Taylor. Continued cloudy weathw prevailed, with considerable rain; on Tuesday a high wind blew. Corvallls, Benton eounty, E. P. .win. Warm, showery weather pro yailed oil week, with a heavy rain on Friday. No frost or high wind oc curred. SOUTIffiRN PAOiriO VIQILANT. View With Alarm the Possibility of Road to Fails City. If. E. Lounsbirry and II. A. Her- hall, of tha traffic department of the Southern Pacific, with headquarter at Portland, and A. P. Stover, of the samo srstera, with headquarter at Washington, D. C, eawo to Salem last sight, and this morning drovo out throuch Polk eouuy to loo at ani u up the potiWlMe for flight In that favored etttio. It Jj aalii that tho Southern Paeiae views with oe alarm the prwpeetive $K 19, 1903, A Plain Talk f By Plain People ANY MAN WHO WORKS FOB A SALARY CAN AITORD TO WKAR "Salem Woolen Mill Store" Ready Tailored Clothing Tim MAN Wno DOESN'T HAVE TO WORK FOR A SALARY DON'T NEED ANY BETTER. $1 2.00 to $25.00 BUYS AS GOOD AS Salem Woolen Mill Store W Upss Bl. CHAPTER IV. This is tho housevlfo of Classified Town, t Whoso faco scorned) to wear a continual frown. Domestic t-ioubles bothorcd her so, That her Hfn was filled with worry anil) wop. Domestics came, and domestics went. -It soomod by tho evil ono they wero sent. Maids broko dishes and cooks burmxl stews, Housemon wero laiy, And somo drank booieM Hor hoalth wn falling, her husbandwas sad, Till ono dtty sho trlcl a Journal want nd, , All day the applicants came to hor dooq Cooks, maids and butlers, moro than a score, Sho got what ho wanted, no wait, no delaj. ; That 'a why sho'a smiling serenely today. (To bo continued tomorrow,) completion of ho Balem, Dallas ami Fulls City rallroud nnd the prespect that Its operation- will hnvo in bring ing all tlin heavy freight in that Ht-ctton to Salem mid on -to Portland and tho sea by way of Willamette river boato It is bclloved that tho visit of the Southorn Pacific ofllclulo nt this time Is to try in noino way to circumvent the plans of tho Fulls City people At tho Edlsoh. Lust night tho emotional society drama, "A Wifo's IV-rll," wna pre sontiMl to a goodHtl7el amb apprecia tive Mullmice. Tho play tells tho Ktory of a young wlfcr who i enticed from hor homo during her husband' absence, by nn Italian artist. A soon at mIih Imivcm her homo sho renllzes that lie him takTii tv fnls steji. HtT huslanrd, George Funo, return uneit- peqtotlly tton after lr departure. Ho Inn Uiitrty hurrfMi after Iter, onu r quen's her to rot urn homo, noti for br ak but for tho aako of their rlilld, who has liocn Injured by w fall dur ing thn iiiotlr'a nlenee, and who eaniu recover without i nutural comforter, Its mother. Hho return home, the child recovers. They move to another- country, and Alio husband Is ubou to foru-ivo her for her long re pent! pant, when tin Italian wppear on tho areao. Tno liusbanit uover him. atMl kill him in a duel. The comedy Intcrtwi ro trong, and there Is not a dull moment during the entire nlav. Ml Iva Shenard. an the youog wife, make tl moot of tho extremely difficult pxirt. Mf. Chan. Caulkln, as tba husband, played bis part wll, ana held tho aympathy of tho audience Mr. Purer Hrlghnm. a bo Italian ar list, apj-oareil to good a-h-nntage, and playM hi part well, Va tno waoie, im. imI('i nlar Tiromtsc to be oaa of tho mot Jnlerestinsf yet presented by fiilen' popular little ai'ock eompany. .. i u . Off for the Sound. lrofior W. If. MahaOle, of Willaw- etta university. left yesterday for the Sound country, where he will spend his vacation doing work In biological lines. Together with nrofewor irom the Puget Sound university and tba Uni- verity of Wahinglon, be will atuar and do reareh work among mwlne nlants. Their experiment will consist (n microscopic Investigation ana inisc wr "m. . YOU WANT. proparjitg of apoclmens for study in tho class room, During July and the first part of August tho biologist will do their wo-k In tho Puget Sound uat verslty laboratory. Tho remainder of their work until the reopening of th school year will bo carried on In 8' nttle. Professor Mahafllo was Accompanied by hls family and; expect to .return to Salem early in Hcptomber. r - 0 Tollowln the rag. When our soldier went to Cuba aai tho Philippines, health wa tha uunt iinportdnt consideration. Willis T, Morgan, retired commissary sergeaat, U. H, A., of Itural Koute 1, Concord, N. H ssyai "I Wa two year In Cuba and two years In tho Philippine, and being subject to colds, I took Dr, King's New DIscovedy for Coasomp' tlon, which kopt ma In perfect health And now, In New Hampshire, we Mad it the bt medielno in th world far cough, cold, bronchial trouble tad all lung disease. Guaranteed at J C. Perry's drug store. Price, BOe and 1.00. Trial bottle free. Three U. of 0. boya havo starM out to spend heir vacation on foot. They Intend to ttrike the oat from Ku gwe and up pt th virlou resorts SUNDAY EXCUjRSION on the Corvallte Sc Eta Rati TO NEWPORT Sunduv excursion to Newport anj return on the Corvalli and EatUra railroad will leayo AIbay KVKRY'SUNDAY AT 730 A. M. Arrlvlno In VeWOOrt at B00U. return- lug leave Newpo at 5.30 p. in., glrUiC Wi hour at the Unett- rewrt u tn Weit. Health, et and pleasure for , the weary worker. Thredday and season tickets frow all fl. I. points, good going and return ing oa Sunday excursion train. Faro front Albany, GoivallU or PaR omath 1.00 for the roun trl. Coa nectlon at Albany rltlk Ke twtf going touthlouni ovl4 ratwi. f li '41 i i