Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 19, 1906, Image 4

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South Salem Candidate for
School Director Elected
By Light Vote
Of Christian Church to be
Held in Big Tabernacle
ESI : mm : -"Pai
BBiilHBtWH ills
Hamlin F. Smith, the South Salem
-candidate, was elected school director
yesterday afternoon at tho special olec
Hon. Ho won out ovivr J. L. Stockton,
tho only other enndidnto, ly a vote of
307 to 201. Mr. Smith carried tho see
ond, third, fourth and seventh wards
while Mr. Stockton carried tho first,
fifth and aixth wards.
Very little internet was manlfescd
in tho school election yesterday, and
tho voto I'ast was tlio lightest in many
yoarw. Mr. Stockton rmnaliied in ills
store all day, and his friends wero not
tivc, or tlio result wight hnve been
different. Tlio peoplo soeniod to foel
sutlnflod that lioth wero good men, and
no inibtnko wouldi bt made In either
event. Tim peoplo of South Salem
wc'rt tho only ones who had an inter
osb in tho matter, or tho vote might
havo bevn still smaller. ThKjy had
beoai planning for about nix months to
lmvo a. candidate, and to make a de
niaiiil for certain improvements that
nro very much needed. Their school U
the only one without sworago, and
without sidewalk andi with unfinished
rooms, lienuo they wero Inclined to
wo da for tho ruccc- of Mr. Smith,
who lives over there
The voto on tho proposition of having
a high nohool was oven lighter than that
for twhool dlrocto", and was only con
sidered as a matter of form in making
tho plan legal.
Tlio vote for director fellows
"Wurdn ' Smith. Stockton.
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 1
No. 0
N. 7
22 1
02 2D
35 10
75 r.7
IS 30
33 31
02 11
Total 307 204
Tho perMunel of tlio school lumrd
will now be: Dr, W. H. Byrd, dial--
To call tills "your bank," to Lava
you fool interested ia its growth
umr worth lu tho community.
Au account with your homo bank
yt glvo you greater business
standing; in tho community and a
prestige that you may novor havo
enjoyod boforo.
It your aatuo is not on our books,
wo Mill bo pleased to ee it thoro
bofo'o tho cImo of 1900.
man; K. M. Croisan, A. A Lee, Dr. II.
0. Kphiy, Hamlin P. SmlMi.
Annual School Meeting.
Tho annual meeting of the tnxpayers
was hold last night in tho assembly
room at tho high school. Tho report of
tho board of directors made the fol
lowing annual report, which was ap-
I S.ilcm, O wgon, Juno 18, 1900.
To tho Taxpayers audi Patrons of
School District No. 24, Salem, Oro
gon: yfo, tho directors, beg leavo to sub
mit to you our report for tho year ond
Ing Juno 18, 1000:
On hand Juno It), 1005 $ 3,725.00
100t taxes 2,503.27
1905 taxes 13,170.31
County school fund 12,70-1.00
Stato school fund 4.7S0.40
S.ilo ok) buildings 40 50
Sale popular loau notes 19,030.33
Borrowed on note 20,500,00
Nest Thursday will see tho opening
of tho sixteenth annual session of the
Oregon Christian Missionary conven
tion at Tumor, Ore., whore a spacious
tabernacle has boen erected by the
Turner heirs in memory of tholr par
ents and especially adapted to the
work of tho convention.
This gathering will represent tho
100 congregations of tho Christian
church in Oregon, mnnbonng in all
about 10,000 membora Tho' ton days'
convention will include ecsslons of the
Christian Ministerial association, the
Oregon Christian Missionary associa
tion, tho Christian Woman's board of
missions, Christian Sunday School as
sociation, Y. P. S. C. E. and Educa
tional Union of tho Christian chuTCh.
Each department of tho work is to bo
represented by its own special pro
gram and delegation.
In connection with these sessions of
tho convention a daily Biblo institute
will be conducted by President E. 0.
Sanderson of tho Eugene Divinity
School and a summer normal for Sun
day school workens will bo directed
by Evangelist J. P. Condor of Portland.
Preparations aro being inado for the
camping of 500 delegates, and it is
oxpectcdthat on each of tho two Sun
days of tho convontion tljcro will bo
between 4000 and 5000 pooplo in at
tendance. Many Salem peoplo will at
toud, and on, tho last Sunday, July 1
tho Sunday school of tho Salem church
will go tlrero in a body.
Committee Met Last Night
and Arranged Many of the
Details for Celebration
Summor Session.
Tho Capital Business College re
mains open during tho summor months.
A number of now pupils havo ontored
recently somo for full coursos, and
otho's for special studies. Anyone in
terested in such studies as shorthand,
bookkooping, penmanship, typewriting
and business arithmetic, will find the
summer months an excellent timo to
pursuo theso branches at this school.
Call or sond for Information. tf
Salem will celebrate tho Fourth of
July as it has never before been com
memorated in this city. Tho various
committees mot in tho city hall last
ovening andl talked over tho plans upon
which they havo been working for sev
eral weeks past. Naturally in tho ar
rangements of such a celebration tho
thing to bo ascertained primarily is
tho amount of monoy available to car
ry out tho affair to successful comple
tion. That somo hard' but effective
work has been done by tho vairious
committees was demonstrated by tho
announcement that nearly $1150 had
been raised among tho business firms of
tho city. Tho business of tho evening
was tho apportionment of money to the
committees who havo charge of tho ar
rangements for tho celebration. Man
ager Kollin K. Page stated ho had
taken steps rolativo to tho illuminations
nnd that 000 incandescent lights would
bo employed for that purpose. Tho
Citizons' Light & Traction Co. will
mako a liberal donation for that part
of tho celebration, and about $100 was
apportioned to the illumination fund.
Tho scheme if carried out as suggostod
by Mr. Page will provo unusually at
tractive, especially at tho intersection
of State and Commercial streets. That
party of tlio city will bo a blaze of
glory never beforo seen here.
Sinco tho San Francisco disaster it
has been difficult to obtain electrical
appliances, but Salem will not suffer
Bifocal lonsos near-sighted and far
sighted lonses raado to order.
Gold and Gold
Filled Frames
Also mado to order,
will find reasonable.
Our pricoa yon
Chas. li. Hinges
Jewelers and Optician
1 23 Commercial St.
comical section of tho parade. Hal
Patton has chargo of it and that of It
solf assunes onvo now and original
feature. Ho mndlo a report Tclntivo
to tho "comicalities" which, if car
ried out, will bo worth seeing.
Somo attontion was also given to tho
sports and all tho amusements inci
dental with tho old-fashioned Fourth"
of July celebration will not bo over
looked. Salem, as wo havo said beforo,
will outdo itself. Great will bo the
celebration of tho nation's natal day.
That Tired Feeling.
If you aro languid, depressed, in
capable for work, it indicates that
your liver is out of order. Hcrbino
will as-ist nnture to throw off head
aches, rheumatism and nilments akin
to norvousness nnd restore the ener
gies an. I vitality of sound and per
fect health. J. J. Hubbard, Temple,
Texas, writes: "7 have mod Horbine
for tho past y ears It has done
mo moro good thnn all tho doctors. It
is tho best medicine ever mado for
chills and fever." 50c. For sale by D.
J. Fry.
Catttng Machinery
Stands for all thsf. -...
75 Jars of the combined ,1,
of tho brightest mechanic ?
has over known, are rtpre J u
perfect product we ,J17
McCormick mowers are h(i;'
to drive tho knlfo throngUt,!
est grass produced) in this or
county. '
A 1!nl.l -. i
" "s"k "ver otten pnlljSlJ
.... ,- :: v, rii
b...oo wiuu it, j,uu iti Trvitnl
Tho wide frame give, 1
""S"" tu llsi tuo cutter bm
uusoiuieiy no sido draft.
iiucu vnutiii THE TONGnl
on tho MAIN SHOE rnak tJ
perfect draft known, with e:J
ouiitu ui Ill-UK weignt. 4
Long hickory pitman nais1.
stroKo ami long life.
Call and inspect.
McCormlcfe Raktte
Will Play With tho Boavcrs.
Curtis Coleman, son of J. R. Cole-
Oath ...;.,
ISiUMSOO-lDOl taxes ....
10OO-1POMDO2 taxes ...
El T. Mqoos, Co. Supt.
For bovo '. .:...
Total $90,071.59
Election $ 41.00
Vator ..,'.;. ;.. ' 3I2.15
Supplies 093 01
Superintendent, principal ami
"'teachers' salaries 21,849.15
Interest .. y. ...V. v,.ft . . 2,237.83
Advertising 80.15
Janitors 1,970.03
Insurance 251.72
Pid off noUs. . . .vi 12,000.00
Enumerating '.. ..."'!..;... .'- 80.00
Wood 804.93
qierk 1S7.50
Expert "0.25
New high school 41,550.74
HepaiTM '. .'. . . Xl'.'.'. . ' 139.72
Salem State Bunk
L. X, PAGE, President
, Total $32,411.38
Leaving balance on baud ....$ 8,500.21
(Respectfully submitted, '"i '
A, A. LEE,
Directors District No. 24.
' ' ' o
Viola Lodge Sntertalua.
YJola lodge, No. 83, Degree of Hon
(, I10M a social function last evoning,
which was a greaj? success. Tho music
waa furnisliod1 by Barlow's orchestra,
afetf dancing was indulged) in by the
merrymakers until n Into hour, The
affair was thoroughly enjoyed by all
Arrived in Special Oar.
Tho prosUUMift of tho Pacific, Coast
Stotnuahip Company and family arrived
in their medal oar from Seattle lat
J lgkt an'd Vill upoud the day vlowlag
tuu tgura in saiem ana vtclatty.
Ramblers -to
Again Moot tho Dallas
in tho lighting effects to bo given tho man, who lives near this city, -and who
evoning of tho Fourth. is a student of tho Willamette Univer-
Tho parade, too, promises to bo tho sity, and a member of tho baseball
finest over soon hero. Tho business team, has been signed by Walter Mc
firmq of tho city aro going to bo repro-. Oredio, manager of tho Portland Beav-
i.i 1 a 1 A II .1 !i.!.. ' nra
scniooi Dy noais 01 un ucacripiiuaa, , "
sizes nnd shapos. When in Portland a This will bo quite a surprise to his
few days ago, Major Loomis contract- many friends. Coloman was rccom-
odl for four of tho floats that woro in mctnuecv to JMCurodio ay Virgil-Uarvin,
tho great parado a tho Mado-in-0"K3gon a momuer of tho Portland team,' wlio
fair. Theso will bo decorated anew
Tho Rnmbkn baseball team will
cross bats with tho Dallas Tribunes to
morrow afternoon on tho university
athletic field. Tho game promises to
bo closely contes'tod. Tho Tribunes'
ttoam consist's of tho best college and
town baseball tessers of tho Polk
county seat. Tho Rambler lino-up will
be: Holmnn, pitcher; Bashor, catcher';
Oabrlelson or Dyer, 1st base; Farmer.
2d baso; Roberts, 3ttdi base; Cary, short
stop; Perkins, loft fiold; Kny, center
field; Dyer and Holmes, right field.
Tho Ramblers, smarting under tho
dofenlt sustainiW two weeks ago, ex
pect to redoom themselves and play
tho gamo of their lives. With this
ideal baseball weather it is believed
a largo number of tho locnl fans will
bo out to givo vent to their pent-up
and especially fitted up for tho celebra
tion. In tho parade will also bo seen
tho various trado unions of tho city,
tho lodges, tho militia, tho firemen, tho
high, school, tho rural mail carriers, etc.
Tho committco is also considering to
offer prizes for tho best display in tho
procession. Chairman West was en
thusiastic over that part of tho celcf
bration and indications aro that tho
panada will approach to gorgeousness.
It is also probable that tho Uniform
Rank of the Knights of Pythias from
Woodiburn will tako part in this great
civic parudo. As for tho music, four
bands will peal forth patriotic airs and
stir tho blood of tho assombled patri
ots. Llcutonant Holman was appoint
ed chairman on tho military committee
A voto of thanks was extended to
nnnlliA 41ii Cnlnm litvli arilst1 tnnm
the past season.
Coleman is 19 years old, nnd has
played on tho Willamette team for
tho past three years, at second baso,
where his Adding and batting avorage
is high. Ho is considered to bo a
good) man, nn'd his friends aro confident
that ho will mako good with tho Beav
ors. Ho will bo tried! out this week.
Have tho samo elements ott
that make the mowers famoni '
wluire it is needed: and so
handlo that a 12-year-oW bo 1
tho work as well as a man.
Cures Old Sores.
Westmoreland, Kan., May 5, 1902;
Ballard Snow Linimont Co., Your
Snow Liniment cured nn old soro on
tho sido of my chin that was supposed
to bo a cancer. The soro was stubborn
nnd would not yield to troatmont, un
til I tried Snow Liniment, which did
tho work, in short order. My sister,
Mrs. Sophia J. Carson, Allonsville,
I fffnn Pftlltlfw 15 n linn n aja ) mli
tho membors of tho Woman's Chb for7 . . ,?' , ' "'" u , uuu u".
" "' fcuav ib ao u uuuwt. ficuau cuuu
Try thoso sugar cured skinned hams
at Farrington's market, 444 Sate St.
Phono 217. C-19-Ct
their interest in tho affair and they
wore requested to assist in tho decorat
ing of tho floats and of tho speakers'
stano) in Mnrion square, whore tho lit
erary oxosciscs will bo hold. Tho fin
nnuco commlttoo will continue to so
licit funds nnd will mnko a epocinl ef
fort to cronto flddcdl interest in tho
choico of tho Goddtoss of Liberty. Tho
voto, while showing a markod improve
ment, is not what it should be.
Tho groat hit, howovor, is to bo tho
hor a 50c bottlo.
For sale by D. J.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
lUrPnMnln1r To A A
tuvwviuiiwi AVWMMS .j
Will help you save the ttifij
hay that this season has pro
you'ro not familiar with tlw'
and we'll show and explain.
A car of McCormick miMM
unloading. Get in vour order wl
New machines for rent.
F. A. Wigjp'i
255-257 Liberty fitted
Farm Imnlomonts. Wheel
biles, Sewing Machine Ml
Eomomber tho Elks'
July 2-3-4.
Bears the
Signature of
Preparing for the Coroa
Christiania, Norway, June-
arrancoments for the coroaK
raony have nil been arranged (
ovoninc" Klne Haak-on H-
Maurt will sart fo Trundij-
to avait tho arrival !of tWfl
princes and ambassadors of tM
powers, who will attend im
ceremonies. Tho coronatJo J
nlnco on Friday forenoon
tivities will last a week.
is is Everybody's Shoe Ston
Because we've shoes for all mankind. Everybody's dollar looks the same to us. We sell the best shoes we tf
purchase at as low a price as possible. We fit feet, purse and mind.
$1.50, $2, $2.50 to $6
Boys', Misses', Children's Shoes
50c, 65c, $1, $1.25 to $2
$1.50, $2, $2.50 to $5
Wc want to interview everybody who has a spring shoe want of any sort whatever. No fancy prices here-
' but good, solid shoe satisfaction. We guarantee our shoes.
Salem's Big Shoe Store
The Shoers
Have you seen the new Skidoo postals
! .-