Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 19, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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icnds of Machines Filibustered
But all Voted for Prohib
itive Ordinance
19, 100&
mcil Voted to Pay Warren Construo
m Company $2,600 on Account and
Ordered Work on South Commer
cial Street to Proceed
its meeting last night the city
did a good deal to rehabilitate
in tho public esteem. Tho ses-
t'lis n business on, although some
; members, in the language of the
chewed tho rag considerably.
Ion was taken on the matter of
ing the report, Mr, Downing moved
that the report be Adopted. j
"All in favor of the-report," said
the. mayor, "will v6te "
"Hold! on." r-iul Mr. llayne, "I
would like to ask what part of these
assessments havo been paid.'
Tho recorder said that $2700 had
been paid and offered to read tho
Mr. Gcssncr said that tho report
should sny whether the work had been
douo according to contract. "The jo
port is certainly u defective one," ho
Mr. Bayne-" Tho people at this end
of tho street have no assuranco that
tho work will ever be done and they
should not be made to pay for tho work
on the other, end." Mr. Bayne then
moved that the repoit bo referred to
the city attorney, inasmuch as tho
wholo business was In a tangle. The'
mayor heard no second to tho motion.
Afterwards the Bayne motion, adopt
ed at a recent meeting in struct ing the
Warren Construction! Co. to do the
work according to contract, was re
scinded, and tho companv instructed
nono wore tfoavo enough to go on record E ahead on the present grade, wns
favorng tho gambling devices, and the
voto m favor of tho prohibitive ordi
nance was unanimous.
Tho firecracker ordinance wns killed.
Tho committee on ordinances asked
for more time on tho dog ordinance.
oiitli Commercial street paving which was granted.
kill probably dispose of the vexed
bn for all time; that will permit
Bntractors to finish the improve-
find tho pioperty owners to pay
cil, after filibustering and de-
itho proposition sinco last Fcbru-
rased all slot machines off the
Salem. Some of tho councilmcn
ard, but when it camo to a vote,
When the mayo? asked for a report
from tho committee on streets, Chair
man Downing reported that tho com
mittee had given careful consideration
to tho paving of South Commercial
street and found that 1(53 lineal feet
had been improved, representing over
$3000 in assessments, and asked that
tho Warren Construction company be
granted 2600 on the work. After read-1
adopted. A lengthy discussion nccom
panied this bit of legislation.
The street committee wns Instructed,
to advertiso for bids for tho construc
tion of two bridges across Mill creek,
one on Twenty-fifth and tho other on
State street.
Tho committee on parks reported the
ordinanco prohibiting nickel in tho slot
machines. Tho committco returned the
ordinanco amended in1 such a manner
as to prohibit all machines of ovciy
kind and' repealing tho ordinanco li
censing machines. The new ordinance
instructs tho recorder to draw warrants
paying mnchine owners all uneflrncu !
license monoy. Tho report was adopted '
unanimously. Later on when the ordi
nance came up or '. s third reading, Mr.
Bayne introduced it and said it would be
n big mistake to ttofer longer; that tho
people wanted the ordiuancu passed;
tlTat ,twu or three people, were- gettiug
rich am) it was taking money out of
legitimate ci iiulntion and that lii-ycar
old boys wt-n learning to gamble on
these machines.
'Mr. Steusloff "T want to go on
record. I move that tho blll be plac '
on Its third reading."
Mr. Downing "I suppose if the
Fourth of July was not at hand MJr.
Bayno would never have thought of
this ordinance". I want the bill carried
over. Mr. Bayno seems to havo sud
denly remembered tho bill nnd has dug
It up."
Mr. Jacob' 'I want to go on record
and wan to vote for the ordinance. Tf
any member of tho council believes tho
slot machines are right, let him vote
against the Will"
Mr. Acheson "I don't want council
to think that I am afraid to voto, but
I want to know what I am voting for
and want tho bill to go over."
Mr. Churchill "It seems like wo
have bi?en going mther slow with the
Tho Mayor "'Yes, wo have been
building a street in South Salem."
Mr. Gessler "I think this bill has
been in cold storage long enough. Lot's
pac jt or vote It down. I know that
Mr. Downing and Mr. Acheeon know
tho provisions of this bill perfectly
well and it is useless for them to say
thoy do not."
On a motion to read the bill a third
timo everybody voted yea except
Downing and Goodale, who votod no.
The ordinance was then plncod on
(Continued on Pace Six.)
3 .
20a end 2oc lawns and dimities assortment of colors, upccinl, 15tf a yd
35c fancy colored walstlng?; special price 25d yd
20c white wnistings, sale prfco 12H& R yd
Heavy twilled shirting .... .10c a T1
Challio's pretty patterns ,','' ,;A a yd
5 inches wido, Pillow Lace, special -, , '.".'.'. . '. '. Jjij a yd
25c sunnbonnets ealo, price , ,,,, ...,,, ;,i5i$
$3.00 and $3.50 silk umbrellas, all color, sale rrfco. III','. .Ill ,..$$00
$10.00 swell wool corset cloth pony jackets ' '
Sale Price $7.50
iOo corset cover emby, spoeinl 25b a yd
25o wide embroideries, special ....,,, 15&yd
ISo and 20c wide ombroldorlcs, special ,,,, . ...10 . H
Largollnc ntSV.S 7e,10S 12 15 18 20 d 25fJ
Old Nos. 298 and 300 Commercial St. Salem
Back to Jail This Morning.
Hnnvey Moreland, ono of tho deputies
of Sheriff Tom Word, of Multnomah
county, returned to Portland this
morning with Ed. Traey, who escaped
from tho Multnomah county jail July
7, 1004, while on duty as a trusty, and
who was enpturod horo ycatonlay by
Deputy Sheriff Minto. Ho was con
victed of larceny, nndi sentenced to
suven month' Imprisonment. Ho had
served tho term with tho exception of
two months.
Pcoplo who wto clean insldd will look
llko it and net it. Thoy will work
with energy, think clearly, act clearly
and havo healthy thoughts. Holllster'e
Rocky Mountain Tea. It makes clean
people. 35 centi, Tw or TnbloU. Dr
Stono's drug store.
iti Trip
i a supply of good baking powder
suro your cooking will bo as
at homo If you haven't tried
iley's Perfection
taking Powdet
you will uso it this summer,
our grocer for it. It is the
eed baking powder in tho self-
glass jar. Tho jar is useful af-
M. EPPLEY, Manufacturer.
Salem, Oregon.
Willamette University-
June 27 Aug. 7
MATTHEWS, Secretary
i lha Kind You Hara Always ucugni
i j
sal and only genuine. Put up in
Impper with Crown trade mark.
i by leading druggiets. Prleo $?
ime? School
at term of tho Capital Bummer
opens on May 1st, to continue
weeks. Tutition $10. Summer
Of Primary Metbodi. Openl
fctl, to continue three weeks. Ad-
J. KrariB. or County Snperin-
It E. T. Uooree, Salem Or. tf
treat von with Oriental herb
Me- my disease without operation ,
. i
Kum la known everywhere in
md has cured many prominent j
here. He haa lived in Salem (
' jerta. and can le trusted. He .
ftany medicine unknown to white
and with them can cure
asthma. Inns troubles, rheu-
i atomaeh, liver, and kidney dU-
Stra makee a specialty of dropsy .
al trouble. Hli remedies,
rrtvatft if i,. si,.. vrrtbiBK
1&K He ha hundred of teetl-
d give consultation free.
1 'r medicines yery moderate.
" the country ean write lor
& etamp.
1 .
., s
",hi N
1 1.. '
July 4th t Salem
The most elaborate celebration of our National Day
ever undertaken in Salem.
Dazzling and gorgeous fireworks display on the river
will excel anything heretofore attempted.
River sports, land sports and contests in which every
body can participate.
Grand civic, military and industrial parade with beau
tiful floats, four bands.
Consolidated concert of 100 pieces, oratorical and
literary exercises.
TMr CIIRf-A The great indoor carnival now
I IlL. 3iIL'vv in preparation.
Further announcements later
Something Doing Every
r I
1 &i eome extra line tea, get
v ' -
High trt, Salem, 0ege
1 i 8elt. P. 0. !
I &