Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 18, 1906, Image 1

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    Wigm5?mrry'Tr- --
P. M. AND 4:00 P. M.
IBH HIUM ' Bim BUM BUM VHH SUM M JH1HI. iH HHIl kiH HV BUM ' IBB jOBB mm S -ii i - .
r"' ' ' '!?g- HAT.TTHf OEEOON. MONTI A V Trrwn 10 inns "" .. "
id the Effort was Made to
Have Him 'Expelled
From Russia
St. Petersburg, June 18. "While Bry
iwas here ho was shadowed by the
See and his conversations with pol-
Bians reported. lUe reactionaries
fcised the Czn,r to expel him from
aa, ueciaring no was stirring up
.revolutionists against the govern-
it. The ministers counseled the-
eror not to molest Bryan, because
Fouldi arouse unfavorable feeling in
crienn, and turn "the opinion of the
bio civilized wonld aeninst Russia.
an was not molested and went to
fckholm, probnbly unaware that he
the center of tho court intrigue.
' o
Setting Grado Stakes,
gone, Juno 18. (Special). A
so or soutnern racific surveyors.
bargo of E. E. Bush, assistant chief
Ineer of tho company, is working
srd Eugene from tho south sotting
Jo stakes for raising and widening
J roadbed of tho main Kne. Tho
leyois aro nearmg Eugene, and
mado this city their hcadquitr-
, for several days past. Tho crew
er Engineer Bush consists of the
ftwmg: V. V. Uarron, J. C. Han-
W. Gordon and Shuloy B. Wnite.
previously stated tho roadbetf
, bo raised! six inches and reballast-
It will also bo widened several
When this work is finished the
panj" will bo able to shorten the
king tlmo of its trains by probab-
hour botwecin Eugene and Port-
and probably 12 "hours between
and and San Francisco. Tho work
bo done this Bummer.
iOOO yards of
10c Persian
Lawns Special Price, yd.
5 cents.
over carefully this Price Liat of
Offarcd & Salem.
il ,'tt
yards shrunk Indian Ilead
Dress Goods, yard 14c
yarda No. 2 Taffeta Silk
Ribbon in all colors, yard... 3c
yarda 10c and 12 & Dress
Ginghams, yard 8 l-3c
yards Bleached and un
bleached Muslins, yard
,.5c, OWc, 7'jC, 81-36
1 yards Dark and Light Call-
I wes, spefcial, yard)
nonsands of yards of Imported
jawns and Dimities in fan
ii. plain Bbadea and block;
Mo price .8 1-3 and 10c
eH Black- and Wbito Check
I Dress Gingham, yard 9
f-50 White Linen Parasols, just
irived; sale prica . 03c
M Colored Silk Umbrellas
pith fancy borders salo prlce$1.93
Dorset Cover Embroidery, a
ifoe quality;, pcice yard 25o
uirdle Corsets in .all colors;
' great seller; sale price 35c
White Poarl Buttons, doz. . 6c
' White Canvass Belts,
'wbroldered add plain
.,...!, 18o and ,25c.
Jury Summoned and Trial to
Begin One Week From
Seattle, Wash., Juno 10. A special
veniro of 60 talismen, 12 of whom "will
servo as tho supeior court jury, which
will try George Mitchell, chnrged with
murder in tho llrst degree for killing
Joshua Creffield, was drawn by the
King county jury commission this
mn'lnlnif rpl, !. ,. ,
... iu.B. me wujoriiy oi tneni are
residents of Seattle.
Tho caso of Mitchell has been set for
trial for Juno 25, and it is conceded
by both Prosecuting Attorney MncKin
tosh and Will II. Morris, who is coun
sel for tho defense, that tho trial will
tako at least three weeks, and both
sides are preparing to exhaust every
possible) legal effort to support their
contentions. Tho trial is expected to
bo one of tho most sensational ever
held in tho state of Washington.
Thcro villi be a largo number of wit
nesses brought from Oregon towns
where Crcflield and his peculiar re
ligion flourished, and it is probable
that the doings of thoso who wero his
dupes will be gono into to tho fullest
King Edward Gives Cup.
London, June 18. King Edward has
infoincd tho organization committee
of tho grand rogatta week in tho Bay
of St. Malo of his intention to give
a valuable cup as a prizo for the win
ning yacht in a raco between St. Malo
to tho Islo of Wight. This gift will
undoubtedly add considerably to the
interest caused by thn great racing
woek. Tho list of prizes is unusually
largo this year, and) tho number of en
tries correspondingly numerous.
8 1-3c and
Challies and
the Best Bargains that were ever
$1.49 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk
for dresses and petticoats;
salo prico per yard Sc
1.85 36-inch Colored Taffeta
Silk for dTesses and petti
Silk fine for drosses and pet
ticoats; a grtat seller; sale
prico, yard .,$1.25
39c Wash India Silk in all col-
ors flno quality; sale price,
Colored and Fancy Panama
Dress Goods, yd, 35e, 49c, 69c, 75c
$1.85 Black and Colored Crepe
do Paris; beautiful goodiyd,$1.25
85c Changeable Taffeta Silk; all
shaded, special price yd 49c
New Ladles' Sailor and Cowboy
Whito Due Hats... 69c, 75c, '
98c Whito Lawn Waists
trimmed with embroidery;
sale price 0
Ladies' $1.49 White Waists... OSc
Ladies' $250 White Waists... $1.49
$6.50 Wash Suits, sale price... $3.05
$5.90 Coveet Jackets; price... $3.45
$3.50 Batin S'raw White Sailors,
trimmed; sale pnco...i.-', ..-
i " - ii
Colony Will Locate on Lands
Between Philomath and
Albany, Juno IS. (Special.) The
Iowa-Pacific Coast Land company, re'
cently organized by Iowa and Oregon
capitalists, has secured tho lands in
tho coast range owned by the Coast
Range Land and Livestock company
and will settle tho lnndte with farmers
from tho middle west. Tho lands aro
in Benton and Lincoln counties, lying
between Philomath and Toledo, and tho
Corvallls & Eastern railroad runs,
through tho center of tho tract. This
is tno most extensive colonization
scheme over undertaken in Oregon. J.
M. Tnllman, secretary of tho company,
and L. II. Pish, western agent, arrived
in Albany last evening from tho head-
quarters of the company in Cediir Hap
ids, In., mid took up quarters nt the
St. Charles hoel, whero they will re
main for a tlmo while looking after
tho sdttling of tho lands. The first
party of homeseekers coming to reside
on that land will bo hero today or to
morrow, consisMng of several families
and they are bringing out two carlonds
of household' goods and agricultural
implements. Theso people will arrive
here and from Albany will go out to
tho land in question to select their new
locations. A number of others will
follow enrly next week, and a large
crowd of settlors will come in during
the next few weeks.
Ofllcial returns of the election of
June 4th givo the following pluralities:
Governor, George K. Chamberlain, Dem
ocrat, 2494. U. S. senator, Jountliuu
Bourne, Iicpublicnn, 3109. Congress,
first district, Willis Hawley, Republi
can, 3780; scvond district, W. R. Kills,
Kfimblicun, 16,16-1. Airaiust woman
suffrnce 10,123. This includes all but
Malhoun county, and ono precinct in
Curry. Tho final result will not vary
materially from this,
Now York, Juno 18. The federal
grand jury today indicted the McAn
drews & Forbes Co., ex-President Kart
Juengbleutha, John A. Young k Co.,
Baltimore; and Howard Young.charged
with violation of the anti-trust law
for selling licorice paste to the tobac
co trust and discriminating against and
to tho exclusion of other tobacco manu
Presidential Nominations.
Washington, Juno 18. The Presi
dent has raised Lelsbraan from the
grade of minister, and nominated him
to bo ambassador to Turkey. Jie aiso
nominated Ira L. Kirk to be postmaster
at niiran. Mont, nnd Captain T.
Burwell to. be rearr admiral.
Troops Shoot Rioters.
(Four O'Cloek Edition.)
Blalyetok, Buesia, June 18. Rioters
attacked tbo railway station twice to
day and) the troops epulsed them with
heavy losa to the attackers.
Did Not Celebrate.
Charleston, Mase. The anniversary
of the battle of Bunker Hill was not
celebrated today, because the annlver
eary fell on Sunday
FifUea IlKSfcd Killed.
St, Petersburg, June 18. A corre
spondent wire that 290 are dead at
Bialystok, and estimates that 1500
were killed.
Washington, June 38th The execu
tive counsel of the Americas Federa
tion of Labor i in e8lo io this city,
Government Will Proceed
With the East Umatilla
Irrigation Product
Washington, June IS. Tho sccrotaiy
ot tho interior hns 'uutho.izcd tho re.
Clailiatlnu St'rvii-n in ti.J !..,.,w.,i:.
'Iltelv wih tho East Umatilla irrlirntlnn
rojoct of eastern Oregon, for which
1,000,000 wns set n&lde from tho re
clamation fund last fall. Tho secretary
also executed a contract for 10,000 bar
rels of Portland! cement, to bo used on
the Klamath project, in southern Ore
gon, rnllko the East Umutilla pro-
31V1, which is to be tho irrigation of
an arid was'o of saml. tho Klnmntli
project, for which $1,500,000 was sot
aside, is to couslst of tho draining of
two largo swamps.
Tho east Umatilla project embrace)
20,000 acres of land. This is not tho
original projtct, embracing morcv than
five times Mint nraa, but a reduced plan
which was within the means nt hand
for tho work.
Under the Instructions of tho socre
tarior of the intelor no further dolny
will bo inn dm in starting tho work on
he project. As tho enirlnecrihir work
of tho project is so simple thnt It will
require but a short tlmo to complete
it, tho trouble of the east Umatilla land
owners are nearlng their end.
The residents of Echo nnd tho sur
rounding country in tho heurt of tho
area havo had a great deal of trouble
in getting the project completed. Most
of the difficulty nrosn from tho fact
that private companies havo been
formed to reclaim tho land. These
companies offered) the water uts a
lower rate than .would bo possible If
the jgovernment took hold of tho pro
ject and many mlsunderstnnding4 en
mud. When. Mj. Newell, head of tho re
clamation service, was in Oregon last
summer he placed the mutter befo'o
tho people plainly. Ho showed them
that tho government would put in per
manent cement reservoirs, hendgates
and! a first-claw system throughout,
while tho privato companies for th
money they asked could not do so. Ho
explained why the government perma
nent p" eject would cost more, and
finally won tho people over to tho point
Wucro they worked in harmony.
Later tho appropriation of $1,000,000
was made and now instruction havo
bean iwuied for tho' starting of te
Simplo in tbo extrome is tho project
which is now to ba completed. It con
sists of a feed canol from the Uma
tilla river to a big res-TVoir to bo
placed at Cold Springs, This reservoir
will feed a rich distributing sstcm
which will put 20,000 acres of level
sagebrush land nude water. This land,
while absolutely worthies without
quantities of water, has proven inval
uable when properly irrigated.
Cut Glass May do Up.
New York, June 18. The National
Association of Cut Glass Manufacture
erB will hold) its annual convention at
tho Astor Houso this afternoon. One
of the most important matters to be
consldtrred by the convention will be
tho adoption of tie new schedule of
prices for cut glass, which hns been
approved by a commltteo on price
appointed at the last convention. There
has been considerable dissatisfaction
among the cut gJas manufacturer n
recent years owing to the net tuat
tho prices of Cut glass havo steadily
declined, until eut glass articles sold
for less than one-ball" their values ten
years ngo. It w expected that the
now scale of priece will bo adopted,
which would mean a considerable in
crrtise in prices. J. D. Bergen, of J.
D. Bengen i Co., of this city, i pres
ident of tbo association, and W, K.
Luro is treasurer.
o- -
Free4rxit Signed Statehood
This Afternoon.
Washington, Jnno JP.-Tbo IW
dent ha signed tie statehood, bill.
Mutwlixe Xer York life.
New York, Jcxe 18. Stockholders of
the New York Life today adopted aa
amended charter providing for It mu
tualiratlon. Cleveland was present xor
bo trnsttcf, tad voUd a majority of
th tV. which Btd owm, ' fvor
of BrutualizaUcs. '
Arraigned the Comptroller of
tne currency for Letting
Walsh Steal Fifteen
(rour O'Cloek Edition.)
Washington, Juno IS. Tillman at-
hacked tho comptroller of tho currency
in a speech in the senaio today, dcclno
ing him negligent for not nctlng in the
Chicago National Bank caso with more
celerity and severity. Ho declared tho
Walsh bank hopelessly insolvent; that
tho men's clearing houso company kmw
it, and assumed Its liabilities; thnt tho
comptroller permitted Walsh, after
taking $3,000,000 to tnko $10,000,000
more and wreck tho bnnk.
Berlin, Juno 18.- Nathan, chnirmnn
of tho Association of (Icrjuan .Jews,
wijs he has ubsoluto proof thnt Blayl-
tok riots aro tho beginning of nu
clnborato schemo for nnti-semitlc out
frieuks, to occur in nil parts of Kussln.
Klots have havo started in several
towns near Biaylstok. It is reported
that St Petersburg has taken steps to
privent further disorders.
Kidnaped Boy la Found.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Philadelphia, Junn 18,Frcddle
Muth, ugcdl seven, who wns kidnaped,
wns discovered this afternoon by the
police, in company with Juhu J. Koun.
formerly a ospcrous broker, who nl
legml that ho took tho child so us to
riiisii about $2000, so ho could repay
it client and bmuifiirtor nanud Cooke,
from uliom it is alleged ho stolo the
amount nought. A woman other than
his wife Is said to bo tho cause of
Keau's downfall.
Preparing for Mobilization.
Washington, I). ('., Jiuu 18. Ar
rangements have been made by which
tho ofllc? of tho general tnff will at
tend the mobilization manoeuvres ut
Mount Gretna, Pa., whero tho New
York mllitiu will bo encamped, nnd at
tho other six places of concentration
of tho regulars arid tho organized mil
itia, It is intcmkil that tho staff offi
cers ihall carefully observe tho Ojicru
tlonM of tho troops, and It is under
contemplation to arrange during the
luicampimmt of tho inllltlu for a series
of lectures based on tho evolutions of
the troops. Tho details of mllltinry ac
tion will bo Jm to tbo camp com
mnndew, who will have mod general
instructions regarding what Is expect
od of them as commanding generals of
tho combined manoeuvres. Thero will
probably bo somo shnm bnttl, al
though this is an element which is not
fnvortid, except iu so far as It enables
the officers to get tho men in thn field
under conditions rambling actus)
warfare. It is consido'ed that it adds
to the interest of the participants to
havo thtn imagine themselves in bat
tle, since any form of rivalry In
creases the personal 'nterest In any sort
of manoeuvres.
Death of a Brave Man.
London, June 18.The death U re
ported at the age of 79 of Bear-Admiral
John Illytiiesea, V. !., C. B, O.,
I. K. In sonneotlow with the inv
admiral's dith Jt Is recalled how he
won his Victo-Jtt Crow by sn act of
magnificent daring. While serving In
thn Baltic during tho Buwlnn war, on
board the Arrogant, with the alt'
ance of one of tbo crew, he cut the
Busslan malls from the care of
strong curort, and nrfurned to M ""Id
making his prisoner row him aboard.
Shortly afterward h ws promoteJ
to post captain, being then the young
est of that rank in tho British navy.
A Dtmected Wsderr,
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Oiffcn, Utah, Juno 38.-Gorge Y.
Croffutt, a prominent Union Pacific i
civil engineer, was found this morning
nearly naked and in a demented con
dition, walking near Devli'a Gate, in
Wtber canyon. He was unable to tell
how ho got tbere. Ho must lay btn
f lost many &7'J.
Witness Allows Himself to Eft
Locked In the Trunk in
Which Body Was Found.
(Four O'Cloek Edition.)
Stockton, Oal., Juno 1B.-.T1.6 prose
cution hns closed in tho LoDoux muri"
der ease, nnd tho defense begins thW
afternoon. Chemist Ilogers this mora
ing allowed himself to bo locked for -i
minutes in the trunk in which McVlc
nr's body was found, nd toatlucd that:
ho suffered no inconvenience. The pro
ccutlon wuh trying to overcomo the
verdict of tho coronor's jury, that Mo
Vicar died of sulTocntlon, us well as
morphlno poisoning.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Hclenu, Mont., Juno 18. Chrl
Koehler, n, wealthy banker of Hastings,
Nebraska, who pleaded guilty in the.
fodernl court to nn Indictment charg
ing him with illegally fencing tho pub
lic domnin, waa sentenced today 12"
yen.. In jail, nnd to pay a fluo of 2B0i.
Thero wero extenuating circumstances.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Bedding, (il., Juno 18. Smoko, ap
parently rising from tho couo of Mt.
Hlinstn, ymtoriDay afternoon nml even
ing, gave it every nppcurnuco of a vol
cano. People nro exelttl) and alarmed.
A lingo columu, apparently 200 foot
high, went, straight up from tho top.
of tho piiik, branching out on all sides
like n hugo umbrella. Tho cntiio in
probably forest fires beyond. Tho
mutter Is now b-Jng Investigated,
' o
Hues Wireless Company,
(Four O'Cloek Edition.)
HI. Ixnils, Juno 18. 11, (I. Snyder
filed suit In tho federal court this
morning against Abraham White, pres
ident of tho American Beforntit Wire
less Telegraph tympany, charging that
Wlilto'n mil name Is Hchwavtx; that
ho changed it to ovade his creditors,
ami that liu looted the company and
converted to his own uso over 11,000,
000 worth of thn stockholdmrs' proper
ty. White's wlfo and the company nro
also made defendants.
Mo(j About the Fatkers.
(Four O'Cloek Edition.)
Iondon, June 18. Chicago meat was
tho subject of svvoral (junctions in tho
Houso of Ominous today, Hicks Boa oh
wanted to know how much of it was
sent to the troop u South Africa, dur
ing the late war, and how many eases
of enteric fever were due to ptomslno
polsonlng. Secretary of War Halklne
responded that half the meat camir
front tho United Htalei, but he eoull
not trace the fevn to ptomaine poison-
i.i U i
Norwegian VUdt Old Hem.
(Four 0'doek Edition.)
Christiana, Norway, June 1111)0
Norwegian delegate from America ar
rlvrd here today. A crowd, displaying
American ilags, welcomed them, ant
Professor Hand Stub, of Hatollae
Minn., waponded on bhu)f of th ii
itors to the welcomeri. The American
party start for Trondbjeo tsmorrow,
Tho American party, upon landing,
proeoded to tho monamnt of Werge
land, the Norwegian poet, and placed
a wreath upon it.
Dr. J, F. CooktT
to 356 Ubfty street, wlwr
he wtt met M W md mw
palknU. fr any lf mu
caHonDr. 0k. CwU
tkxi free