Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 15, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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r , ... n
Stockton & Co
The wWte: Corner n
Dainties of -
Tfr J If 1 &ip3
&i I II '
jZ?f.l I I'J i
A copious supply of pretty lin
gerie is not amiss now, for the
warm clays of summer arc closo at
hand, and you will havo amplo usa
for light undergarments for weeks
and weeks to come.
Eloquent Tribute to the Man Who Planted
the Banner of Methodism in the
WestRemains of the Pioneer
Lovingly Laid to Rest
White Sale P ices Prevail
Pretty whlto Petticoats mado 'of- flno cambric and Nainsook, trimmed
in laces and embroideries, with insortion to match 81c to $0.30
DRAWiKRS mndo of Nainsook and soft finished' cambric laco and cmbroid-
I cry trimmed 25c to $2.70
CORSET COVERS of flno Nainsook andi cambrick, laco and orabroidcry
trimmed insertion to match 25c to $2.2C
r GOWNS smado of excellent Nainsook and cambric, laco and embroidery
yokes j. 45c to $4.50
All day services arc being held to
tho metmory of Rev. Jason Leo. In the
forenoon speeches were made by Hon.
W. D. Fenton, of Portland, and Rev. J.
R. Wilson, of the Portland Academy,
directly after 1 o'clock Hon. H.W.
Scott, of Portland, and Judgd Reuben
P. Boiso mado memorial addresses, and
at 4 o'clock, as this paper goes to
McCatU Patterns and Publications for July Nov In
onfc pcoplo who "savod Oregon," say
ing this was done by a train of events
in which numerous persons were im
portant -actors, but bo said: "Never
theless I must give chief credit to our
begining as an American state to the
missionary effort, of which Jason Leo
wa tho protagonist."
After following tho history of the
press, tho remains of the great pion6ut J missionary effort of Jason Leo until
missionary nro being reinterrud in the his trip to Washinon, where he pret
Methodist mission cemetery. i sontedl the memorial to congress, Mr.
I Tho memorial exercises were held at Scott again referred to the services of
tho First Methodist church. Thi,Leo in saving Oregon to tho Union,
morning Rev. P. S. Knight, of Sa ' Ho saidf:
lem, gave 'tie invocation, and after "It is not my intention to claim
appropriate music Hon. "W. D. Fonton, I merit for one at tho expense of nnoth-
of Portlands, delivered' a memorial nd I or. All of our pioneers did' well.. All
dress on tho lifo and character of .Ta-! performed their part. But it is due
son Lee,.in which ho ably set forth the to tho truth of history to show that,
hardships and1 privations undorgone by j Jason Lee was the leader in colonial as
tho intrepid missionary. While- tho ad-1 well as in missionary work in Oregon,
dress was mainly historical in its and that his journey to tho East in the
treatment it was decidedly interesting. I interests- of Oregon, and his appeal to
Judge Fenton is an able speaker, and! Washington, antedated the journey and
Do you believe in easy riding and good
Do you want exclusive features and th 1
quality? a
Do you want a wheel that will give you ' 1
f arrinn in f VrV Wa V ? 7 5U$ :
Then you want a
Let me show you why.
Norwich Union Fire Insur
ance Society. ,
Prank Meredith, Resident Agent.
, Office with Win. Brown & Co., No,
120 Commercial Street.
Hotel Arrivals
Jor Sale. Bay mare. Inquiro at Gil
hami & 'Johnson stable. G-lG-lw
Tor Bent. Furnished and unfurnished
rooms. Apply at 222 Commercial
etreor, over Journal office.
The Salem Steam Dyeing and Clean
ls Works Is tho placo to got your
clothes renovated. From a pair of
gloves to tho most clabqrato silk
gown. AH goods paid foo if im
jurod. Phono 2245. 221 Commercial
street. Mts. C.'H. Walker, prop.
"Make Salem a Good Home Market"
Poultry At Stelnera Market
Egg Per dozen, 17.
Chickens 10llc.
Pry a 13c.
Ducks Wo.
Class of Embryonic Lawyers
the Court Today.
A clas of 81 students is being ex
amined) today by tho supremo court for
admission to tho bar. Tho examina
tions are being held In tho supreme
eourt room, and) will bo concluded this
afternoon. Thj names of the. candi
dates follew:
Bon. C. Dey, A. A. Hampson, Herbert
K Hanna, V W, Tomllnson, C. N. Mc
Arthur, Harold W. Strong, Ctfnton II.
Metea,lf, Ronald O. Glover, Geo. N.
Farrln, Prod R. Waters, John W. Gal
'bralth, R-. a True, E. E. Farrlngton,
Bd. a VanDyke, Abner H. Jones,
David) II, Stevenson, Andre D. Andcr
on, Thomas II. West, O. O. 8tout, Har
ry, Yomcivioh, Adolphcus W. Pnrsbloy,
Edwin L, Minor, Herman A. Sebmeer,
G. T. Treadfeoldi, George II. Heed,
Ohaa. B. Sternberg, A. T, Leonard,
Sdvrard O. Stadter, Richard M. Mc
Cans, Clinton A. Ambrose, C, Ben ltd.
At tho Salem.
Wm. ShrocdT, Dallas; Henryi D,
Kimball, Spokane; A. J. Joslyn, Ga
briel Sykca, Walla Walla; Edw. H.
Todd, Tacoma; W. J. White, Walla
Walla; H. D. Cashatt, Weston; H. II.
Palmer, Aurora; O. A. Wilson and
wife, Idaho Falls; C. It. Peake, De
troit; J. L. Klelnsorgo, Los Angeles;
C. D. Steen, Lebanon.
At tH Willamette,
II. Hnmborger, San Francisco; O. II.
Baker, O. V. Porter, Lowiston; II. K.
Hanna, II. K. Hanna, Jr., Jacksonville;
.Taa. N. Block, ,Tn, San Francisco; "W.
B. Raleigh, Geo. 1L Fitzgibboni A. R.
Butler, F. J. Darham, R. S. True, Wm.
Anderson, J. W. Richards, Portland; E.
S; VanDyko, Grants Pass; J. G. Van
Orsdcl, Dallas; Rov. Win. McGeo, San
Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. A. M. SraUh,
B. C. Doy, 0. N. McArthur, V. W.
Tomllnson, 0. B. Rusland, Edwin L.
Minar, G. T. Obcadgold, C. A. Am
brose, R. T. McCann, A. D. Anderson,
C. C. Starr, 0. B. Stornborg, C. II. Far
rington, F. a Myers, Tom H. West, D.
H. Stephenson, A A. Hampson, S. S.
Blotz, B, Reespand, A. F. Leonard), E.
0. Stadter, Honry A. Townsond,, II. A.
Scomber, G. H. Reed, George Hanck,
0. A. Chrisroan, Portland; W. J. Ly
man, Scnttlo; W. B. Blossar, Chicago;
r. L. Campbell, Engono; F. G. Young,
Eugene-; H. W. Lindhard, Now York;
ChaTlea Marcus, Boston; Charles Lan
gart, Chicago; II. W. Scott, Portland.
his address was well received.
After a vocal solo by Mrs. A. M.
Smith, of Portland, Rev. J. R. Wilson,
D. D principal of tho Portland Acad
emy, madio an address and spoko of
Jason Leo as an oducaor and teacher.
This address, too, was a splondid eulogy
of the founder of Willamette Universi
Hon, Harvoy W. Scott Makes
Principal Address of tho Day.
Tho exercises this afternoon began
shortly nftar.' 1 o'clock in, tho First;
Methodist church. Tho first and prin
cipal address whs made by Hon. Har
vey W. Scott, of Portland. Mr. Scott's
address was an ablo and learned effort,
and) demonstrated' .tho speaker's great
familiarity with tio pioneer history of
Oregon. In his address ho avoided
referring much to tho claima of dliffer-
tho appeal of Whitman by five years."
Judge Reuben Boise followed Mr
Scott, and made an interesting address
on tho life, public services and person
al charactor of the great missionary,
Judge Boise's speech was full of rem
iniscences of tho early days of the Ore
gou pioneers, and was listened to with
tho closost attention by the largo au-
States Eulogize- Leo Tonight.
Tho exercises tonight will also be
held in the Methodi&t church, and will
bo under the auspices of tho states
thab were formed from tho original
Oregon country, Oregon, Washington
and Idaho. Tho meeting -will bo pre
sid'edi ovi by Hon. A. Bush, and
spooches will bo made by Governor
Chamberlain, speaking for Oregon;
Hon. Allen Weier, on behalf of Wash
ington, and Lieutenant Governor
Stoeves, for Idaho.
Lower priced high quality
wheels are the
Yale, Cornell or Princeton
If your bike needs fixing I can,
tix it ngnc ana tix it promptly.
Best Work at Honest Priced
State News
Judge Thomas G. Halley, of tho su
premo court, is at Portland.
C. N. McArthur and Chas. B. Stern
berg, of Portland, both well-known in
this clty aro Inking the bar examina
tion today.
J,, D. Loe, of Portland, superintend
ent at the stato penitentiary undor
Governor Geer, in in tho city for the
Jatoa Lea memorial.
New Salem Corporation.
Tho Rod)gero Faper Company filed
articles of incorporation today. The
organizers are: Jos. Baumgartnr,
Geo. P. Bodgers and Joseph H. Albert,
and tho purpose is to cngago in buei
nesa as wholesale papor dealers and
book manufacturers. Tho capital stock
is $20,000, divided into 200 shares of
$100 each.
A $2.50 Berry Spoon For Only $1
Saturday aadRtowfay W $6 and it we will sII
Jhte spoon at tali price only. Noe can fee fcad fee-
itQUKtUmUgu, Wedotkto to Introduce In
Salem the
Tnk Im fclf It Made goods aad 1m oaanteed to con.
tain 50 per cast more tilrts taa other standard date.
See c wfaufow display
Lebanon's Trater and light plant is
to bo greatly enlarged soon.
Tho Douglas county teachers aro in
session at Roseburg. Tho attendance
numbers over 80.
Bert Van Clove, a -well known actor,
formerly of Albany, died' at North
Yakima -this week.
The Chcinawar baseball team, will go
up against tho U. of O. team on the
Bugcno grounds Saturday.
Ono of the features of tho Fourth
of July parado at Pendleton will be
a largo number of ladies on horseback.
Albany Odd Fellows will celebrate
tho Foivth of July by taking an ex
cursion to Detroit, whero llicy will
hold a grand1 picnic in tho mountains.
What the President Said.
Washington, Juno 15. It is said that
tho President's Mter to Wadsworth,
disapproving tho inspoction bill, con
tained eevexal tart expressions. It is
saltll ho virtually accuses tho commit
teo of bolng subject to the influence of
tho packers. Ho decries the court re
vlow, tho manner of providing for the
cost of inspection, and the lack of pro
vision for inspection. Wadsworth's
reply is said) to be equally peppery.
' o
To Preside Over Biitors.
Indianapolis, Juno 15. John E. Jun
kin, of Sterling, Kansas, was elected
presidtnt of tho National Editorial Association,
Standard aad Railway Of
ficials Must Answer for
Violation of Laws
State and
Llfeeety St.,
Saleea, Ore
Oregjpn Personals.
Henry E. Ankeny is seriously ill at
hs home in Eugene.
Tho Episcopal convention at Port
land eloctod lUv, Chas, Scadding, of
La Grange, HI., bishop of Oregon.
Attornoy-Goneiral Crawford hag be
gun a movement for tho revision of the
criminal laws of Oregon.
A. L. Craig, general paesonger an3
freight agent df the 8. P. Co., at Port
land, -will accept a similar position
wWi tho Groat Northern.
Mrs. W. J, Mink, a pioneer woman of
Ontario, is drad.
Lyman Bristol, of Fairwount, Lane
county, is dead.
Mrs. J. K. P. Brown, who livcsl
eouthweet of Hillsboro, is dead.
David T. Phillips, an Oregon pion
eer of 1857, died at Corvallia.
Berkley Sondors Persecuto TJndergrad
With Hy.' Whiskey and Aro '
' ' Berkeley, Cal. .Juno 15. Tw'elvo of
of tho most prominent members of the!
University of California senior class
including William Gilmore, captain of
cadets and captain of tho university
track team; Alfred! Ghirardelli, son of
fho Oakland capitalist; and A. J. Wnr
renr and' Henry Ward Beccher, associate
editors of tho "California Journal of
Technology," were denied) diplomas
on ncount of tho persistent hazing of
Felix Fibush, a fellow classman.
Tho Composer is at Totnkers and His
Condition Is Serious.
Nw York, June 15. Reginald d
Koven, tho well-known composer of
light operas, including "Robin Hood,"
"The Fencinlg Master," "Roy Rob"
aad "Happy Land," who has been
miasing from Lia favorite haunts in this
city for several days, is ill at a sanl-
torium at Yonkcila. Tho nnturo of his
illness is not known, but hia condition
is said to bo serious.
Cleveland, 0., Juno 15. Instructions
havo been given at Washington to be
gin criminal proceedings against the
Lake Shoro railroad, George J. Gam
mer, vicerpcrosidont of tho New York
Central west of Buffalo; tho Standard
Oil Company, and whatever other ofll
ccts may be shown to havo bben impli
cated in tho payment and receipt of
rebates, which wero disclosed in the
intersta,to commerce commission hear
ing here. Tho contemplated' proceed
ings may include Edgar Bbgardus, traf
fic manager of the Standard Oil Com
pany at Chicago, and other officers of
tho Lake Shoro at Chicago andl Clove
land This, together -with, tho com
plotd backdown of tho Standard Oil
Company, -when ft was given tno eagerly-sought
opportunity ,to make a- do
fenso beforo tho commission, was the
denoument of tho commission's session.
Fifljjs May Reach Millions.
Under tho law, both tho railroad com.
party and tho official can bdl fined not
less than $100 no? moro than $20,000
for each offenso, and similar treatment
can bo given tho Standard Oil Com
pany and tho officials of that corpora
wti.ua ui luut uorporu-1 -., . i
tion who may bo shown to havo been 8traw wm Do Prov,aw T ."j
m,m i-rs i. ,. - strowm two to tnreo incuts w
,, . " """b "" lJMJl. VI
Meeting of the Boys Will
Held Tonight Cay
Will Be Held
Todhy'e rain has put sonwtlaji
a damper, on the enthusiasm dwa
amongst tho members of the
club over their proposed c
Tomorow is tho day set forti
and most of tho boys desire tqfiii
eomo of .tho parents think it m
postpono tho start until Moafcjm
t- ah a conierenco tms morning iwi
agreed that It would! not d m
tho boya to postpono the date rf l
ginning andl shorten the dime to"
outing. It was sugg(8lcd and i
that n start would bo ma t
with, those boys who wished to M
that dny, and' that tho oih '
conldi join the party on SuniH
Tho groundb securedl for tie i
aro a short distance beyond Ten!
Mill Creek, and aro xeiy dry, t
gravelly formation under a thin
of soil. Three or four hours of
shino will dry them thorougUy,'
it is probable wo will have i '
row mornine, if not before nigM.
Aa a protection a supply ei 1
President Clowry Replies.
Now York, Juno 15. II. C. Clowry,
president of tho Western Union Tele
graph Company, seya: "The action of
thci San Francisco special committee Is
an outaagc. Our company did more to
assist San Francisco than any other
company or organization in tho United
States. At the start wo threw open
our wires for tho uso of tho relief
committee free of charge. Wo han
dJedl and still handle free all messages
sent to San Francisco in .reforenco to
relief work."
tho rebates Tho Standard) Oil Com
pany andl tie railroadi company and
their officials may bo assessed several
millions of dollars for their infractions
of the law.
In addition to this, if tho commis
sion's attorney finds that ho can pro
ceed under the injunctions of the
courts, and he Is now certain that this
is possible, a charge of contempt of
court may bo pressed and involve a
punishment of both fine and imprison
ment. Evidence Too Clear to Ignore.
Tho testimony in the caso -waa ao
positive and clear that tho commission
era felt "that they could not icnoro.it,.
After communication with Washing
ton, it was decided -to insU'tuto eft the
each tent, nrovidine a iraiiM
eloeping place for tho boya. AD I
tents will bo water proof.
A spocial meeting of the boji'
bo held) -tonight, when deflnui
nouncomenta will be mace.
f .T. A. Norwood, on) Oak tr
Wednesday, Juno 14th, 1M6 f
W, H. Selleck, Mr. KODen
andl Miaa Fay Todd, both W
Tho wedding was a quiet
immediate relatives being in
The groom) is the youngert '
i tw ThA bride, unta
has resided with hop pwenW
Minnville. Mr. Norwood is v
criminal proceedings possible against employedl'at Norwood, OaL Iff
ihn nuU nAi - ...- il. ...t. r - - i Bill
tho nccusoid and) to prosecute them vig- j oouplo took tho afternoon tr j
orouslv. Thtt inBrtiH.a or . i..' .. , , ii,ar. will nree
v. rv..uu . iv iwivo VM-tj(ma. wncnev ij -
np tono unturned In tho attempt to I learner to San Francisco
TT j , i ,t . . . brin8 tha upect6 to tho fulleet jus-
He declared that at tho time of the Hon J
. . -
disaster it was announced that no mes'
sages would! be accepted, except sub
ject to delay. He said all tho wires
wore; down for CO miles around San
Francisco. A small proportion of the
messages received at points near San
Francisco were mailed.
Mooey to Loan
Oyer ZmM k Bwk' Bak, Waitm, Oc.
Picnic Postponeii
Tho Waldo Hills Pioneer Aseocia
kion, which was to have held a picnic
and meeting at Hunt's grove toaor
row, has posponed the outing owing to
tho inclemency of the weather until
Saturday, Juno 80th.
Twefcty-Tiva Qirla Wasted.
' By the Sle Mutaal Caaning Com
pany Saturday ssoraiBg. '
Suit to Recover Money Due,
The H. Markd Company, a corpora
tion, is plaintiff in an action filed) to
day in dopartment No. 1 of the cir
cuit court of Marion county against
Archlo' Mosier. The plaintfi? alleges
that at Roseburg, Douglas county, in
tho month of October, 1005, he eold
the defendfant goods and merchandise
valued at $108.30, which amount has
not been paid. Judgment is demanded
for $108.30, and coats of action.
Two Mj9 to Wed.
A license to marry was grafted this
morning to Edwin 24. Ball, aged! 40
years, of Aarera, and Eetells. B.
BeweBs, agedSO .years of EubUrd. '
Tho best wishes of many
Can best be. safe B?
catnonai cose v ---
-. , ..-.?iip eft
t 1H WIW -rf , ,
. . v. atX '
for auch ailments a VlfB)
ject to an is ic ',-ri
record of cures of saa- '
At soma tiae or Uf'JL)
make ier -weU, and if .
4...J.i.. TKmmH-, VH