W? ' " .-Vjt$MffiSpjl ff i; 1''H & DATLT OAPIffAl. JOURNAL, UI2U, OREOON. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13, 1006. I MARKET QUOTA-' TiofistbBAY "Make Salem a Good Hem Market." Poultry At Stelnem Market Eggs Per dozen, 17c. OhlckcnB 10llc Frye 13c. , Ducks 10c, Poultry, 'B gge, Etc v -' y Eggtf Pr dozen, llHtc. Butter! Betail Country, COe, cream ery 25c.' ' "? -" i :i Hens 30c. Fry a 14c. Ocose 78e. , , Ducks 9c, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc Potatoes 2530e. A Onions-2 to 8c. ; Tropical Fratta. Bananas 6c per pound; Oranges $3.00$4.00. Loniona $5. Live fitock'Maiket, Stccrs-33c.j, C , Cowa-2ic. Sheep 3c. Dressed Veal 5c. ,. f Stock Hog'sTCc. U Pat Hogj-Cc. ' Grain and Feed. Baled Clover $7.' Cheat $7.00. fj- -Tlmotby-r-b$10. Oats 15c. Bran $20. Bhorts $21.50. Salem Flourlagt2llL Tm, nft-1 . ' Flour $3.00. ' HAIR PINS RUSTED And Her Head Like in Ant , JHill TJiat Had Been Stir ;, red With a Stick KENTUCKIANS' HOME COM ING WEEK u Portland Market. Wheats-Club 72c. Valloy-72o. Bluostem 7475c. OatB Choice whito, $31.50. Mlllstuff Bran $17. Bay Timothy, $12$13; Alfalfa, $13. Potatoes 5060c Poultry Av era go old hens 1212c; mixed chickens, ll1; young xoostors, lOcj chickens,. 1314c; tur keys, live, 1518c; turkeys, dTcsooJ. choice, 2223c; geoeo, live pound, 010o; geeso, dressed, per pound, 10c; ducks 14c; pigeons, $1$2; squabs, $2$3. Tork Drcsesd, 78c. Boef Drcssod, 4Vi5. Mutton Dressed, 50o. Bops-Orogon 1905, 10&12,$. Wool 3005 clip, valley, coarse to medium, 23236o; Eastern Oregon. 1821VjC. Butter Fancy Creamery 17& 20c; store, 1212c. Mohair 2830c. 'With hairpins rusted fast in her hair, iloth'ed in filthy rags And in a general aia-to of unspeakable uncloanlinoss, Cleo Culman of Seattle, 22 years old, was visited by Dr. Spencer, deputy health officer, at the Salvation Army homo on tho east sido today. i Tho attention of Health Officer Wheeler was called to tho caso this V" i morning by the matron of the home at East Fifteenth and Hancock streets. I had her in the bath tub for thneo hours so -as to get her -a Uttlo bit clean before you caw her," sho ex plained. Dr. Wheeler passed tho job along .to Dr. Spencer. . Yesterday itjho proprietor of a lodg ing houso at First and Columbia streets aallod tho attention of tho policeman on that beat to a woman In Iris houso who was sick. When an investigation was mado-by tho two men it waa found sho was simply alive with varmin. Tho woman was in poor health, but there was eimply one thing tho matter with her Dirt I Tho patrol wagon was called and Miss Culman taken to the police sta tion. Mrs. Simmons, the polico mat ron, thought tho caso wns too much for hoc. Tho hospitals woro appealod' to in vain. Tho Y. W. C. A. thought it out of its jurisdiction. The county' hos pital had troubles of its own. Nobody wanted tho dirty woman. "Why, her head is just like an ant hill when you'vo stirred it with a stick," said Cnpjiain Moore. Finally tho woman from Seattle, which sho left a week ago, was re ceived by tho Salvation Army, which bolieves no human being is too far gone to deservo assistance. Curos Old Sores. Westmoreland, Kan., May 5, 1902: Ballard Snow Liniment Co., Your Snow Liniment cured an old soro on tho tldo of my chin that was supposed Ho bo n cancer.' The sore 'was stubborn and would not yield to treatment, un til I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in short order. My sister, Mrs. Sophia J, Carson, Allcnsvillo, Mlflin County, Pa,, has a sore and mis trusts that it is a cancer. Plcaso send her a 50o bottlo. For sale by D. J. Fry. When You Greet Your Best Girl You should always be well groomed and well dreaaed and 'have your line Immaculate in its enowy whiteness and exquisite finish. You can keep it that vray constantly, and at small cost whei you have it laundried at the SALRM 8TRAM LAUNDRY. Coleael, J, Qlmrtead, Prop. Dent D, Olnwtead, Mgr. Phone 85, 336-166 Liberty St That Tired Foaling. If you nro languid, depressed, in- capablo for work, it indicates that your liver is out of order. Hcrbirie will assist nnturo to throw off hoad- aches, rheumatism and ailmonte akin to nervousness and restore the ener gies and vitality of sound and per fect health. J. J. Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writes: "I havo usod Horbine for tho past y cars. It has done mo moro good than all tho doctors. It is tho best m6dicino over made for chills and fever." 50c. For sale by D. J. Fry. Louisville Ky., Juno 33. Home coming week, tho greatest stato event ever known in Kentucky, began today and tho city eccms to have doubled its population. A generous sha.ro of the 600,000 natiVo Kentuckians scattered all over the United Stfatcs and tho rest of tho world have come hero to ac cept tho famous hospitality of Louis villd anl to help in making homo com ing "week a grand success. Former Ken tuckians, who left their homo state many years ago and never camo back on a visit, could not resist the cordial appeal of tho Commercial club, under whoso auspices tho great reunion "js held and it is safe to say that Ken tucky never held as many Kentuck ians than at present. ' It was a pieco of good fortune for Louisville tjhat tho now Armory build ing, which is tho second in size in tho United States, was completed" in time for tho homo coming, as no other build ing in tho city would have been ade quate for the purposo of offering suf ficient room fon headquarters for ,tlho various counties of tho state. It was to tho Armory building that every arriving Kcntuckian was escort od by speteial committees, which awni,t ed tho arrival of every train entering tho city.' The arrangements were per fect and everything worked' liko clock work. Thousands of tho visitors had arrived in tho city during tho last) two or three days, bub every Incoming train brought an additional contingent of sons and daughters of tho Blue Ghass state. Tho fornoon was mainly devoted bo tho reception and registration of tho incoming Kentuckians By noon, when tho opening meeting at tho arm ory was called to ordor by the presi dot of thd Commercial club, tho enor mous drill hall, occupying the center of the magnificent structure, was filled to suffocation. Henry Wattorson, tho veteran edito'r of tho Courier-Journal, was greoted with deafening cheers when ho arose .to deliver tho principal address of welcome. His speech sound ed) tho patriotic keynote of the senti- mentg which proirptcd tho Commercial club to arrango for the homo 'coming of all former Kentuckians. It was a romarkably eloquent address, stirring and grateful to the eans and tho heart of every true son of tho Blue Grass state. Former Governor David B. Francis of Missouri delivered tho principal ircs ponse. Other addresses wexo delivered by former Senators William Lindsay and John G. Carlisle o iew lorn, w soclate justice John M. Harlan of tho United States Supreme Court, former Govornoq-Thomas T. Crittenden of Mis- a TTI- T)Ani,1nMf Afllni soun ana iormer viw f'" E. Stevenson of Illinois. In tho afternoon thero will be a big civio parnde, composed of nearly ov en organized society and club in this . n. it : city, in line, evening mu vumv tij will bo brilliantly illuminated! and there will bo scores of reunions and other social functions. Tomorrow will be. "Foster Day," in honor of Stephen Collins Foster, the author of tho immortal song, "My Old Kentucky Home." In honor of the day a chorus of several thousand voices, accompanied fly eoveral brats bands, will sing "My Old Kentucky Home." In tho afternoon tho statue of Foster, modelled by Miss Enid Yan dell, will be unveilctfv" The statue will later be placed in tho new capitol at Frankfort. It will cost about $6000, and will bo paid for out of tho contri butions by tho school children of the state. Friday will bo "Daniel Boono Day," and tho mrtraory of tho great pioneer will bo duly honored. For that day ai'lhletic and popular games havo been aTrangedi in all tho parks of the city. Thero will bo old fashioned husking, sewing, applet paring and other "bees," rustic balls at which the Virginia Teel wil Icome to honor again. Special honors will bo bestowed up on all persons who aro in any way re lated do Daniel Boono, A handsome med al will be presented to tho person who can provo tho nearest relationship to tho famous pioneer. An excellent sta tuo of Boone, which has been erected in a picturesque spot of Cherokee park, will bo unveiled in tho afternoon and an elaborato program for the exer cises has been arranged. Satunday will be "Greater Kentucky Day," wih barbecues, camp fires and scores of reunions in tho various parks and halls of tho city. Many old time residents and pioneors of 'tho etato CONSUMPTION'S WARNING f It ) I l iffi rSrj I Jwvif PT" -"- rY'1 t yr WFSa ?"" 'I i f)fY (Hi Inilde fact noon txcome crldeot In ouUJdt cymptora. DR. G. C. Gahew. qihe aid of scientific inventions is not needed to determine whether your lungt are affected. The first symptoms can be readily noted by anyone of average in telligence. CJThere i3 no disease known that gives so matly plain warnings of its approach at consumption, and no serious disease that can be so quickly reached and checked, if the medicine used is Dr. Boschee'f German Syrup, which ia made to cure consumption. JIt is in the early otages that German Syrup should be taken, when warning are given in the cough that won't quit, the congestion of the bronchial tubes and the gradual weakening of the lungs, ac companied by frequent expectoration. JBut no matter how deep-seated youi cough, even if dread consumption hoi already attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure as it hai done before in thousands of apparently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial bottles, 25c. Regular size, 75c. At all druggists. a Sold in Salem by S. O. Stone. will doljver reminiscent addressee. Sunday will bo devoted to rest and religious devotion. Tho pulpits in all tho churches of tjho city will b filled by ministers who were born in this state. Although Sunday will practically end features nt ..i , , Kicitfc in'nu . tuckians. A J sS 15 is a pieco of the fl cabl8T ever laid under waW I'H from tho cable which J,.!?S Tennessee river, twelve miuT ducah, in 1854, bv T P S.TT, uupwun j. jj. Sieeth . - 1 building f toleVi ville, Tenn., ,to radtaeaV """" "J"u ox a rather . constrnntinn- l, . . PaiL tho invention of Captain fflcttt' : "u; T ;:. Juto Dag8,n& Ono of tho most n-;irt- ... 4 Tin trt1itVin4inH . lit .. " al parade tomorrow afternoon. first) section will consist n! ... biles, doexnated with flowers u, ond division fill consist of'tU. 1Y11 tVtn iSnm Mn! vvl Tvu wirxiages and ij bo inciuun a inrcrn nnH ,,..n. ,. and her escort of beautiful Tho third division will consist of horso vehicles and) tandems, the f J or coacnes, Drakes, and other f horso vehicles, and the fifth, ditli of .tho Veteran Volunteer Hrta, Louisville, with hand engines aj er apparatus. Handsoino prim bo awarded' to tho most hatdw decorated vehicles in each diriwi Acute B&ennutlsm, Doep tearing or wrenching occasioned by getting wet tbtl worse wnen at resr, or on finti intr tho limbs find in rnA m Ll liomn nomine ivopV fin -fnr nn TjmiIr.I n i i .,.. . l B iwoamer, is curea quiCKiy DjJI vino is toucerut-u, . is vipt-ciea. tnui lard's Snow Liniment. Oscar SI tho visiting former KcntuckianB will Gibs0u cjtv m., writes, Feb. It, not lmmeuoaqeiyi reiurn xo incar pres ent homes. All tho railroads in the tato havo granted! special rates for tho. occasion, and. it is expected that thousands of tho visitors will avail themselves of tho opportunity to visit .tho numerous beautiful and interesting places of which Kentucky possesses such marvelous abundance Tho week will offer many special "A year ngo I was troubled pain in my back. It soon got M Ul could not bend over. One belli Ballard 'f Snow Liniment cured i For sale by D. J. Fry. O.STOniA, fiMuith '8 Mia TOO Han Jl Bignataro of jgSfe'1 f Big Ship for Coos. Tho 'Coos Bay Harbor of June- 0th says: A letler was received Thursday from L. J. Simpson, stating that his father, Cnptnln A. M. Simpson, was on hi? way to Now York to purchaso nn iron steamship, capable of carrying 1,500, 000 of lumber. Captain Simpson took with him one of his men to cnptnln tho ship, and to gether they will bring it around the horn. Captain Simpson expressed his intention to make that trip around the horn once moro beforo ho diod. This vessel will bo put on botweon Coos Bay, 8an. Francisco and) San Pe dro to carry lumbar. Her load will be nearly 300 tons, and sho will bo tho largest ship to enter this harbor. Take These Bargains Odd lots of second hand furniture and stoves received in track. Ateo a large stock f up-to-date house fumkh- ,"H J. A. PATTERSON, Conmisfciai St Salem Death from Lockjaw Never follows an injury dressed with Bucklen's Arnica Salve, Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent blood polonlng. Chas. Oawold, merchant, of JleBBaelaersvllle, N, Y writes: "It eured Beth Burch. of tfcU place, of the ugliest core on hit neck I ever saw." Curea cuts, wounds, burns, and sores. 23c at J. O. Perry 'a drug store. .. ..1 o A FlMt War w xravC The above k the oaaal rerdlet el tha traveler wing Us Missouri PaeUc railway betweea the Paeiia coast and the art, and we believe that the Brt tea and aeeeaaedatiena glvw merit this atataaaest: Ttam Denver, Colora do Bprlaga and Denver there are two through trains daily to Kansas City and St, Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard aleetrie-lighted aleepiag ears, chair eara and up-tc-datu dining ear. The aa exeellent ervie la operated fro KaaMi City and St LobIi to MeapkU, Littla Seek ana Hot Seringa, u yea. are going east 0 tenth, writ far particulars and fall In formation. ,W. a It'BXroi, Qam, Aft, 1M TWrd St Ptt4, Or. ' - s MawwUl and Inwbac jxt4 Ubdrert, RSC pr tay. Woe, SM U (.f. U4y work. Anfly U JCtUy ZawW q , Or, S tMf BATES. Newport, Yaqulna Bay, Breitenbush Hot Springs rrom All S. P. and O. & E. Points. On and after Juno 1, 1006, the South ern Pacific, in connection with tho Cor vallis & Eaitcrn railroad from points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina ond Detroit at vory low rates, good for re turn until Octobor 10, 1006. Threo-day tickets to Newport and Yaquina, good going Saturdays and re turning Mondays are also on sale from all East Sido points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West Sido points, enabling peoplo to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside Season tickets from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, nnd from all West Side points, aro also on sale to Detroit at very low rates, with etop-over privileges at Mill City or any point oast, enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Breitenbush Hot Springs in the Cascade mountains, which can bo reached in one -day. Season tickets will be good for re turn from all pointe until October 10th. Three-day tickets will be good going Saturday and returning Moneys only. Tickets from Portland and vicin ity will be good for rotum via the East or West Side at option of pas senger. Tickets from Eugene and vi cinity will be good going via the Lebanon-Springfield branch if desired. Baggage on Newport ticketa checked through to Newport; on Yaquina tick eta to Yaquina only. Sunday excur sions to Newport on the C. & E. will begin Juno 10th or 17th, and run ev ery Sunday thereafter, leaving Al bany at 7:30 a, m., leave Corvallia at 8 n, m. S, P. trains connect with the 0. & E. at Albany and Corvallia for Ya quina and Newport Trains on the O. & E. for Detroit will leave Albany at 7:30 a. m., enabling touriata to tha Hot Springs to reach thera tha earns day. Trains frea and to Corvallia connect with all East Sid trains on the 8. P. Full information aa to rates, time tables, etc; eaa be obtained on appli cation to J. G. May, Gen. Paaa. Agt. 0 & E. X. R, Albany; A, L. Craig, G. F. A., 8. P, Co., Portland, er to any S.P. er C, K, agent JUU frea (Salem te Newport $$; to Yaqulw, $4.50; thro-day "rate ztm Salem te Newport, SM, ORDER THE EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL AND SECURE THE NEW 450 PAGE BOOK i The Destruction of San Francisco BY EARTHQUAKE AND TIRE By Charles Eugene Banks and Opie Read Special :-; Memorial x Volume This edition will be eagerly sought after by millions of Americans who havo demonstrated their sropJ in a substantial manner by cheerfully answering the call of the stricken, and giving money, food and elothiM with a generosity truly American.Every city, town and village throughout tho land is ktretcbing ,fortK hands to help those in distress. Human hearts are beating today in overy hamlet in tho world for friends relatives dead or dying in tho ruins. There never was a timo in the history of the world when all eyes were turned to one city, ns now they f toward tho onco great city of San Francisco. Interest is nt fever heat nnd thero is a demnnd for this book, by all people, that makes it a duty ata" honor to be tho means of bringing it to them. , This book tells, by pen and picture, tho detailed story as gathered by writers on the grounds, of tbe sM calamity that befell San Francisco and the emaller cities of the Pacidc coast, leaving hundreds of thonetf homoless and at thu mercy of their fellow men; of th Josa of life and the destruction of property; the of tho disaster aa told by the aur.vlvors; fighting fire with dynamite; murder and pillage by ghouls; food water famine; army guarding survivors under martial law; the 'rifle and, noose the fate of ghouls; buriel Ht in tombs of fire; & city turned into an inferno of furnaces; hundreds Insane; sympathy of nations; ( work of our people; contributions for the suffering from individuals, cities and congress; a nation's eyfW arouaedv The Whole Story of the Disaster AS A SDJOLAB 8TOBY WAS NEVER TOLD BEFORE TO AJi OF WHICH 18 ADDED THE APPALLING STORY OF VESUVIUS TJ Tim DVfflnm mtmnA... . . - AweSP?. & -v.. aaufijiuaB au TttB TEK8XBLE DESTRUCTION OF MFE AND f ' QETHEB WITH DETAILED ACCOUNTS OP THE HMTOMOA! VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS, SBUOnOtrA -. ..,... , jjuaixoi.itua w x.ttJB iAT, rOKHXNG. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA Or AM"" FORMATION. THIS IS THK BEST BOOK PUBLISHED ON THK TKRRIBLB DiSAS OF XPSJX. 18-30. Ji, ARRANORD THAT, OUR RRADRRS GBT THR FIRST RDrCION) HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOT PHOTOaRAPinO RRPRODUOTION OP THK ORRAT WRR OK THR PROMT COVRR. TWO P01 tf Bf, ADTAMOl MR IHB DA1W Ol WBWTV ntwmi . .- M tr TOR PO"" BRINGS YOU THIS ORRAT BOOK RY MAIL. TOT PIRST XDITION IS UMITBD, SO B& VMMMB. JUUUiY, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, hor pros, p- I m t 11 m j lf fl , ,