Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 02, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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I? 5
PaMisfeers and Proprietors.
iPi'B rniJtfW jhic ij ji ww.
By MaiL
Daily Journal, one month.;....: 33c
Dally Journal, three month ....$1.00
Dairy Journal, one year 4.00
Weekly Journal, one year 1.00
By Carrier.
Da.Hr Journal, nor month 50c
Because of politics, does a farmer
ever discharge a tried and true farm
band and hitre a green onef Gov.
If you had an boneit, faithful book
keeper, "would you, for political reasons,
discharge him and hire an ' unknown
stranger! Gov. Chamberlain.
"What was the matter with J. D. Lee,
superintendent of the penitentiary,
-who was removed by Governor Cham
ibcrlain for political reasons, to make a
jplaie for a Democrat of no experience!
What was the matter with the Be--.publican
bookkeeper at that institu
tion! He waq fimply removed to make
a place for a good Democrat.
Why did Governor Chamberlain re
move tho Kepublican wardens to put
in Democrats! Why did he move Be
rtublican guards to put in Democrats!
Nearly every Bcpublican out there was
xemoved io raako room for Democrat,
nnd yet Chamberlain has the audacity
to make his non-partisan appeal, when
ie i the prince of partisan. He be
lieves in a government of tho Demo
crats, by tho Democrat and for the
-Lcneflt of the Dcrnoorats.
Sore Lt
Wc want everybody who has a hard
. . . .t !. t tef &trnr'c
x-m9 m i a- srr coia in inc cut.i .. .-.
XJI & JillllJ Cherry Pectoral. Our long expen-
y ence witn it, over suiy yia, ici
us there is nothing its equal for coughs, colds in the chest, bronchitis, hoarse-
nB. rr Itinc. w-.t thrnits. and weak IUDES. Doctors tells US tfiC Same
thine. Ask your doctor about it. JR ftSSiWSi -rUSn
J. CATerCo.,
ixtii. ui.
latter day senators this seems 4o
mean that it was created to prevent
the accomplishment of what the people
desire, whatever it is. It does not,
however, seem possible that the people
are always wrong and the trusts always
right. And yet that Is the way it
teems to work out in the senatorial
mind. It 'is not a good condition of
things. It is not a safe condition. In
the case of the Philippine tariff bill
thero has been no "sudden" uprisingi
of popular opinion. There has been
no national outbreak of any kind. The
subject is not new. It has been under
discussion for years. The equities are
plain. The economic results of the
proposed measure are not in doubt.
The danger to our entire protective
system by making it responsible for
the grossly oppressive misgovcrnment
of a helpless people is self evident.
And in the face of it all, the enate
stands b the sugar trust and the to
bacco truft. San "Francisco Chronicle
ton entitled "Like the Paper on the
Wall." . ,
The number is well illustrated, e?
pecialh the department of Stageland,
which has many fullpage portraits of
talented actresses. Sugar and Spice in
the Bric-a-Brac department is unsoal
lv rich in humor.
Acute Rheumatism.
Deep tearing or wrenching pains,
occasioned) by getting wet through;
worse wnen at rest, or on nrst mov
ing the limbs and in cold or damp
weather, is cured quickly by
lard's Snow Liniment. Oscar Oleson
Gibon City, HI., writes, Feb. 16, 1902:
"A year ago I was troubled with a
pain la my back. It soon got so bad T
could not bend over. One bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me."
For sale- by D. J. Fry.
... ,. . !lt. .o
he did not care 4o "Domer . -rhinerv
so long as he could get boys.
He sp'cak of protected Pennsylvania
as the ttato that enslaves more child
renthan any other. Ho speaks of pro
tected manufacturers who in Now York
demanded the right to employ children
four years old, and-in the south have
had laws repealed that forbado night
employment of six year old children
Tho cure of these horrors docs not ne
cessitate Socialism, but we need not
smile nor even wonder when men who
have personal and painful knowledge
of great wrongs done to helpless human
creatures bv the existing machinery
of civilization go readily to meet with
other men who feel moro or less as
they do, to talk things over and dis
cuss remedies.
At the Old
Tho Trusts
Win In
the Senate as
Slowly but surely the United States
senate is utterly destroying tho re
spect which the people once had for
their most dignified legislative body,
and which, fh tho interest of tho 're
public, ought forever to remain unim
paired, lt is fttutcd that the decision
lias been reached to "abandon" the
Philippine tariff bill for tho session,
-which is a magnificent triumph for
tho tobacco and sugar trusts. It is
hardly too much to say that tho result
is precisely what wan expected. In
no important matter in which great
corpornto luterj6ts ore concerned is
lho sonnto now expected to act con
trary to their will.
Such senator) as nro at all sensi
tive to public opinion which, as a
Tnle, moans nonntors whoso terms
liavo nearly expired attempt to do
fend thoiiitolvos by declaring that the
nonnto U ooiihtitntod as it is for the
oxprods purpose of preventing unwise
action as tho remit of sudden popu
lar impulse. As interpreted bv t'10
ii i i ii
Loss of Appetite
J common when tho blood needs puri
fying and enriching, for then tho blood
fnlld to glvu tho digestive organs tho
stimulus necessary for tho proper per
formance of their functions.
Hood's Snriiapurilln is pre-eminently
tho inediclno to take. It makes tho
blood puru and rich, and strengthens
nil tho digestive organs.
I was all run down and had no
nppctito. After taking onu bottlo.ot
Hood's Sarwparilla I could oat any
thing I wished." Mrs. Amanda Fen
xicr, Ouoco, Conn.
Accept uo substitute for
Hood's Sarsaparilla
If You Havo Dyspepsia Bead This.
Tho old way of taking pepsin, bis
muth, etc, to cure dyspepsia is all
wrong. They may "be put in tablets
or in liquid, the result is just the same.
Tho object is to create artificial diges
tion, but this does not make a cure.
Stop taking the pepsin, etc., and you
have your dyspepsia or indigestion
back again. People use cocaine or
opium for nervous troubles and sick
headache. It does not cure. Stop
taking the drugs and the pain and
distress return. The only Common
Sense Method is to drive out of the
system the cause of dyspepsia and
sick headache by cleansing the stom
ach and bowels, at tho same time
using a medicine that will act on the
iiver. This forces through tho glands
of tho stomach the digestive fluid that
nature intended. In this way you cure
dyspepsia. The medicine that cures
dyspepsia by this method is called Dr
Gunn's Improved Liver Pills. Drug
gists sell these pills at 25c per box. It
only takes oao pill for a dose.
Many Ideals for Sacred Pictures,
On first thought ono is inclined to
accept tho canvases of the mighty pio
neers of painting as supreme and final,
and therefore to dismiss any nnd every
radical departure from tho popular
conception as presumptions, not to say
profane. But, when it is emphasized
that there is nothing authentic, no
guiding star to actuality in tho pre
mises, we may, without transgressing,
....!.... 11.. !r-llll tl!i. iL .,!.
.jut-mum mv iiiiuutuiiiiv 01 mo oiuer
and mightier masters. For nearly all .
tho Scriptural characters aro purely
mental picture-, abstract, without fea-'
hire and void of form if not environ
ment. They uro absolutely without dl
monsion and without physical nttrib- cars- Tn0 Bamo wcellont service
uto only spirit. Was Judas or Thomas operated from .Kansas City and
What Makes Socialists?
(Harper's Weekly.)
What makes Socialists! Some are
made by reading tho ten-cent maga
zines. Others by personal contact
with facts so intolerable and so pa
thetic that no remedy seems too dras
tic for them, provided it seems to be
a remedy. One of the seekers who
went to tho meeting at Mr. Stoke 'e
house was Mr. John Spargo. Whether
ho is a Socialist or not we don't know,
but ho is tho author of a new book
called) "The Bitter Cry of tho Child
ren." One section of the books deals
with tho working child. The policy of
"laissez-faire" had. its turn in the
last century in England, and is advo
cated hero now, but as far as working
children aro concerned, Mt. Spargo
protests against it. Ho talks of 'child
ren four years old at work in 'canning
factories in New York state, and of
little girls fivo years old working in
southern cotton mills at night, 'and he
makes a pathetic picture of little An
netta Fachini, four years old, working
with her mother making artificial flow
ers in heriencment homo at 11 o'clock
at night. He measured the distance
run every night by a "carrying-in
boy" in a glass factory. It was 22
miles. Ho tells of a glass factory
owner who said that, wnilo it was true
that machinery was as good as boys,
111 If
aLaaaWaaV?iP I a2aaBBBV
A Pleasant Way to Trawl.
The above is the usual verdict of
the traveler using the Missouri Pacific
railway between tho Pacific coast and
tho east, and wo believe that the serv
ice, and accommodations given merit
this statement. From Denver, Colora
do Springs and Denvor there are two
through trains daily to Kansas City
end St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat
est standard electric-lighted sleeping
cars, chair curs and up-to-datu dining
tho tailor! Hnd Mary any linos of j lB to Memphis, Little Bock and Hot
euro In her face, or woro tho Macl of (Springs. If you are going east or
patriarchhil aspect. Had Peter an ng
gressivo chinf, Was the Saviour dark
or light of oyo and hair! No answer
appears. Nearly ovorything is nssump
tion, nnd honco modern artists are
privileged to modify or ropudlato the
earlier Jdoals of the Christ without ex
posing themselves to criticism, at
load on such a score. From "Christ
art American Artists See Him," by
William Griffith in tho Craftsman for
Juno. ,
south, write for particulars and full in
formation. W. C. M'BBIDE, Gen. Agt,
124 Third BU Portland, Or.
Some ar born great; some bars
greatness thrust upon them others ad
vertise. The merchant who slta down
and waits for business to come to him
will And himself among the left over
baggage when tha Empire Stato ex
press of business success pulls out
Bnilntii lacccia need three Ual&aTS
.-Icnovrledjre, pnab and arood adrar
(Ulnar. Advertising Isn't an art; It's Just ap
plied common sense. Advertising la
naturally n creative force. Slnco it
has boon applied to modern commerce
thero have been created dozens of com
modities and branches of trado that
did not exist before its advent The
$000,000,000 spent annually In this
country for publicity has set many
hundreds of millions of dollars running
into wholly new channels.
BnaiaenB Is warfare 1b a eiae, a
bard, conataut flKbt to the flnlah.
Advertising; Im the bnalaeaa maa'i
moat modern, moat effective, weapon.
Once In awhilo we hear some old fel
low saying, "I havo never advertised
and am still doing business at tho old
stand." Ho means that ho Is doing
business at the old standstill, M. I
Corey In Retailer .and Advertiser.
The moat aacceaafnl merchant la
thta town advertlae resmlarlr la thLi
Cnper. Tb wwol la Mri-.
One Consolation.
Flattc "Thero's ono thing I like
about living in tho city in cummer." j
Spatto "What's that!"
aiaaaaHHI SSShr
I-1 IF
raan vt k.-3bb ' -:
For the
rrnDvoic J-trnr iov
SCH&05S BROS. & C? ffFa
Fine Clothes Makers Jg
The outward appearance of a garment is oft-times d C
ly shaped shoulders, sleoves, lapels, etc, do not eCEstitortrj
quisitcs of good clothes. jjjjfj
When we say "clothes for the well-groomed) maa" e 4
Johnson's clothes made by tho best tailors ia the riW?
Bros. & Co, of Baltimore and New York.
When you buy them you know that the mat.rials, tit i
every detail is as strictly correct as your own eyes-tiuf
looks to be. Let us show you some of these "hrcjjt ijj
Suits $10.00 Up
Flatte "I don't have to keep scrap
ping all the time with the janitor for
moro steam in the pipe3." The Bo
hemian for June.
'Bell Drinking Water.
Whilo the work of enlarging the filt
ering system is in progress it would
bo bettor for all to boll their drinking
water The progress of tho work will
bo noted in this paper. 5-19-tf.
Vacation Time.
Now doth the summer hotel man
Bansack for shore and hills
To find a fit foundation for
A place to build big bills.
Tho Bohemian for June.
fe. 11 L.lUt
SV OHfliilalli
91IL. tmp n
t trrn Mtuid1
tuaf ta NfahV
Druttm. 0fa
Kreti.u IMi ptr. Mtf-.n
An Alarming Situation.
Frequently results from the npglect of
clogged buwels and torpid liver until
constipation" becomes chronic. This
condition is unknown to thoo who use
Dr. 'King's New- Life-Pills; the best
and gentliest re'gulntors of stomach
and bowels. Guaranteed by J. O.
Perry, druggist. Price, '2ue.
rt .i ir.Ja I
1a nor TT hH tiflS
w rv. --.,
per 100 lbs.; $S.00jul
Price DtfnR
lc per lb. leM'tlaSC
100 lbs, to fit reWpw-
Ask driver or Minis'-
Ice house will k ,,
Opta Ssif
From 8 a. xa ostS X2K
Special rates saw "
particular call (,i
of car bam.
Salem M
This FamOttS Book Webster's School and
Insist on Imvhig Hood's.
In liquid or tablet form.
Get It today.
100 Doses $L
.WAY. '
Cpkbt NftUona! Bfc
Tho Bohemian for Juno.
Ralph 1). Paine, author of "The
Praying Skipper," opons tho Juno Bo
hemian with another talo of tho sea,
"Voyngo 113." Tho story tells of a
woman who had two dogs which sho In
sisted should bo treated bettor than
tho rulos of tho ship would permit,
Tho trouble that sho has with tho cap.:
tain and tho trouble tho latter has in
turn with all tho ludy passongcrs who
rlan utt 110.1 1 nit lilm. urn wnll lrmiflit
-. -r -o ,-.- - . - .r..,jj
out lu this humorous tale. Of the mann
nlnvnr attnrf atin w)ia)i An.lAli Vi !"
nuiulicrjit of tho Bohemian, 'AVoyage
113" is perhaps, tho "best. ,8 & 1
William' MaoL'cod Ralno contributes
nn intonsolv dramatic narrative 'entll
tied "Au Advertised Adventure
Klivinor M. Ingrnm has written "Tw
Vtdows." This is a pretty llttlo tale?
of 'life iu old Paris. "The Love ofi
Naomlf" by Mnudo-R. Colo is a storw
that will appeal to nil women and mos
men, It ia full of lovo and romance
with a touoh of pathos nt the end. An$
othor etory of qulto a different typo is
"Smashing tho Doadlock," by W"
Hanson Durham. This tells of tho strife
between two rival department stores.
It is "a clever bit of notion for cjov.
or people." Ono cannot help being in
terested In "A Singular Courtship,"
by Charles ,Myroa Clark, "O'Brien
and Kent, Contractors," by W. D
Wattles, is a very humorous story, Es
pecially appropriate at this Iras of
tho year whea house cleaning Is just
over Is tho contribution by Lulu Lia-
'- V.
Pay $2.00 in advanco as a subscrip
tion to tho Daily or Weekly Capital
Journal, and 20 cents for postago, and
you will get this book dolivered by
Tho Dally Capital Journal costs $2.00
for six months by mail, or four months
by carrier. The Weekly Journal costs
$1.00 per year; ,' . ,
This offer is'for a limited time, so'act
quickly. - ' v ,
aa ..rsU' ad I
urttum. i -
In.mulMlffe. IB "
ular use.
PC"00?8 tJU
i l.-,rt
lamuyi-- .
" T-l . ftTr'nuaKir
I iiNrVTL,
fflf thi$ dmr:
The Capital Journal
Salem, Otegou.
every-day reading and busmess use.
qSpcoal attention has been given to recent wwi
vrotlu &Bd Uwoughout Ihe'entee constructton QJjpR
mmi tKat iVia mubIuIi rS a oooA dknonary arc va
;qin iatroduckg this up-to-date vokune ot WIj-iMJ
represeatadve writers awl speaker ol the ,1
rnkcaiaasou rafereace dpartmcBte covcrfflg
Lel asd Social forms adapted to everyday u-wc rf g
aa accaptabJe aad hdpW addkioa to tlie hwy
'Nw and Complete 1905 7fa
70,000,words. Sixe o.
and mert pdicblc Dfcbooary Vfz
. durably UhkI m ydtnai de luxedgAfff-