n if i vf r K i i ! -'TifW J DAILY 0AJ.1TAS JOPSMAIt SAIM, OKgQON, WBDIOWDAY, MAY 30, 1906. IT toNUINE ARTICLE Pure laple , 'anoche 3E & DODTILAS, Ming Grocers, Confectioners ra, 456-400 Stato etrcet. Pheasant and, 187. OUR IOB OEEAM Oreaca direct from tho dairy to our yasakee tho perfect ice croara m bow eo popular. "AljfAYS THE BEST." acr tibtme Bike And eajoyjtho good riding. J!fribiHMrkeels arc built with tho twM'dhgrogt perfection that has al ways characterized this colobrated wheel.- tfjjjr ertaetk(Jrearingg that mako tho -stjtieei laiaajgood when It is old as " ' . i ... ergea xeric crowns tnat never were r's iobf aak. ring tetiperod oval cranks that aro ae-ejdU can produce. tjdtee-tenings that nover bother srjfey- loosening. aai inspoct thoso and our cheap- ,$25 and up. great snaps in secondhand ;A. Wiggins XKKUBMENT HOUSE. ( Sf-867 liberty Street. iMBlfts&eats. Wheels. Automo- Hes Sewing Machines and -- Supplies. 1 1 sisw, . P3E yH j -pp Wj .. ABOUT THE FRISCO DISASTER The Journal GiYtS'Away a , Splend' Illustrated . , 'yoluine People ore'eager for information, and gladly welcome any book that contains authentic accounts of any groat ovent or disaster. This has been amply proven in tho way in which tho orders are coming in for tho book advertised in today's Journal on' tho San Fran cisco earthquake. Wo expected that our friends pad thoso to whom sample copios of tho paper havo been sent would ordor froely, but did not antici pate tho generous responses to our offer. Wo know that those who havo re coivod tho book havo been pleased, be cause so many havo written and told us tho book was much better than thev expected it to be. Tho samplo copy that can bo soon at tho Journal oflleo will oasily prove to any one who in spects it that to miss getting it as a premium for a paid-in-advanco sub scription to tho Journal 1st missing a golden opportunity. Enjoy Life Good health makes good na ture. If everyone had a sound stomach there would be no pes simists in the world. Do not allow a weak stomach or a bad liver- to rob you of "the joy of living. Take BEEGNAM'S PILLS and the world laughs with you. No need then for rosc-colorcd glasses. Beccham's Pills start health vibrations to all parts of the body, while putting a ruddy tint on lips and checks. There's health in every box. Health for ever)' man, woman and child. Beecham's Pills Show How Sold Everywhere In boxes 10c and tfa. - f 'S Fortunate Missourtans. "When I was a druggist at Livonia, Mo.," writes T. J. Dwyor, now of Groysvillo, Mo., "threo of my custom ers were permanently cured of eon sumption by Dr. King's New Discovery and aro well and strong today. One was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using Dr. King's New Discovery a short timo he found it unnecessary to do so. I ro gard Dr. King's Now Discovery as the most wonderful modicino In existence." Surest cough and cold euro and throat and lung healer. Guaranteed by J. 0. Perry, druggist. 50c and $1. Trial bot tle free. Woodbura Booming. Father Lovosquo of Woodbura, who was in tho city yesterday in attond anco at an ecclesiastical conference, conference states that Woodburn is undergoing a great natural boom. "Probably 50 buildings are now under construction," said ho, "and if wo had 100 dwelling houses ready for oc cupancy thoy would bo filled tomorrow. Most of tho people coming in aro from tho oast, and are a very desirable class of immigrants. Woodburn is alive, let mo tell you," and ho spoke as if ho meant every word of it. Boil Drinking Water. Whllo tho work of enlarging tho filt ering system is in progress It would bo bettor for all to boil their drinking water Tho progress of tha work will bo noted in this paper. 5-10-tf. HUGE TRADE IN NOVELTIES BUILT UP BY ADVERTISERS U.J,TW tiVSHL m B.I.'ifeekIn in Tacoma Ledger.) WhB yH$get your calendars for tho C';18o,ib ia ten to ono that you Hr-owM. jflvo a thought to tho quos- oi waere ana now mey aro maao. youwgrocor, butcher, or habere X fc&ade you a mirror, pockctbook, easb.,or other small novelty bearing sa advertisement of his business you will aecepfc as a matter of course, and wdfider et at all as to tho sourco of these tklags. iFhe wiwoai of giving away advertis ing aeveyjejr at each holiday eeaaon 1mm gromfte bo so universal that it wevHjbjffgsVjbv & cessntion of tho cus tom tiMLtJjWeitld attract notice. The number aad variety of novelties given away aseVyear run into astonishing surabera, their value into millions of the manufacturing and. has developed into a try. has this industry grown has tho custom of giving king been adoptod by mer- business men in all lines fe to ffay that every per son tho United States each ras an average of two pre- King advertisements. Some re so nranty that tbey will custom a nuisance, but thero SMner of ocape from them. ry largo city in tho country fcavo radiated out into the into small towns and cities, tho new settlements of the Lcvyest, and evea If o&a goes that is but a year old, It is at to find tha advertising iting there. of Business AftectcU. My there is ho lino of bus! does without the adver Jfcy. From the largest rail' sk dew to the smallest geceeal store, every bail bays a4 distributee this rertWag.' It does t mat- seuea newspaper advertising It alee has Its give-away as a, sideline. ay cases the novelties inus sy are expensive, A liquor tiy gave away 1000 cloefca, $4 eaek. Thla ms aiga tr a 4th wUck goM'ia iva adeerueisr. . Jtes it w amo tr a im to tf that' cost a dollar or more OeeW&Md elUeKeIiliem e'Vipy "7mH i-ir k9 calender, which once constituted tho great bulk of tho novelty house's lino, tho varloty of articles usodi for this purposo has spread until a complete lino now ombraco approximately 200 numbers. Prom being an industry usually subordinated to tho printing or publishing business, it has spread un til nqw there aro hunuVods of firms engaged in it, thousands of salesmen on tho roadi, and milllomi of dollars of capital invested. Hugo Growth of Novelty Trado. Tho growth of tho advertising novel Every youngster had a rulers, or had been to tho storo and been disappoint ed. The merchant distributed tho last of thein within a week aftor their ar' rival and promptly wired a rush order for 500 more. Although competition had not then reached' tho ncuto stage in which it is today, no merchnnt could allow hU neighbor to get far ahead of him in striving for trado. When ono merchant in a town began to givo away rulers the rest must seok for somo way to keep even in thp raco for public favor. Tho result was that the it as i-imt Tying-Oi! Tim Tiik.l t&e Yy iHNit ilmt to dtof in AMi.Uy on tlie most suitable of out new ssiis-Me jf rnka yo like fcest. ;. . ZOft ty ' YOUNG CHAP MODKk BeUer choose before the assortment Is picked oyer , Pke $12.50 ti $25 Peg Top VIt is hard to beat out Itae of Peg Top Trotisers $4.00 to $6.00 Cord&roy for College Chape, $5.00 Salem Woolen Mill Store .itf ,5k ty business is typified in tho growth of ( young man who liad mado n merchant ono Chicago houno, tho pioneers ini this a gift of a small order of rulers was line. Twenty years ago tho founder soon overwhelmed with orders from of this firm began to h11 advertising 'other merchants In tho same town. Tho novelties in a small way. Ho owned a jonng man put two salesmon on tho small job printing press and he be- road arid began to print his orders. gan to print his lino on this, I Prom this small beginlnng sprung Tho line was not extensivo It in- a business which is now capitalized eluded a dozen different half tono cal-iat closo to a million dollars a year, endars of Miinll size, two sizes of nil-1 which occupies threo floors in a largo era, ono kind of lead pencil and' two .factory building, has a force of sixty every corner of salesmen scattered In tho country, and which gives employ ment to 1200 girls and 100 men. Prom or threo styles of memorandum books. Such a lino compared to the modem novelty man's lino would seem child ish, but this was at the beginning of tho half dozen small items that com- tho custom of giving away novelties, 'prised tho original line has developed a and tho small lino " took hold " at once, lino including 200 varieties, which Tbo founder of tho business printed range front less thai 1 cent each to a up his samples, shut up shop, and went ( dollar, and to compMo which tbo nor out on a short trip into a neighboring elty markets of this country, Europo, stato, tho first trip made in this tec-1 Japan and China havo beon scoured, tion on this mission. ' Contributing to this line aro half a Ho mot with poor encouragement at dozen skilled inventors whoso business first. Advertising was not then ac- it is to Invent new novelties, and a cepted as a necessity, and 'merchants ( like number of artUts, whose best work who 'did bellove in advertising coa-! goes to mako tho calendars, hangers fined their expenditures to thef local and pictures whleh the firm roanu weekly paper or to signs on tho coun- futures. For variety and ingenuity. try fences. The young salesman .could detail and change, and gonerul conul not convince them that it would be plexity, it is doubtful Is any line of good business to pay 6 or 7 cenfa for manufacturing can compete with that something to give away, even if an ad- of advertising novelty making. , vortisemont were printed on It. For, Great Diversity of Gifts, a week he traveled and had nothiug An Insight into the diversity which to ehow xor his labors. Then finally obtains in such a place mj bs hsd he persuaded one merchant to accept from the following list, which eonv 200mali rulers as a gift to use aa aa ' prises only a few of tho articles setuel experiment. The merchant was sleep ly manufactured iu tho houses Faw, ticai, but accepted the deal in a spirit calendars, picture cards, memorandum of ecoag. l's!book, eoIn taR pur, raateh bo, Kates Mie Great Hit. I puzzles, tin whistles, wagon cover. The young man then hurried back to paraffin Igns, laundry bags, apnvas, the city, printed tha 200 ruler,' and Upe measure, knife covers, pipe rfcck, iWlvered them. It ws tauaeilaleiy caps, mis. wxk maraa, ana io. after the epeaiag of the eehool hmusoo. To make these articles requires men it. nerckaat who reeeivei the wlers from half a dozea trade and girls began to feaad the out to the ekUdrea alcilled ia maajr kinds of work. Prlat- as they easse Into his atera. Frosstbat ers, binders, gold leaf stampers, tin iaataat the saaU aerebaat ia ewall workers, leather workers, all coatrib- towaa aad the large merchant ia 'large ute their work to the total, often two iowa. was doomed to advertise" with trades or more working oa one plwe. arrtblsg aoTelttV GI employed Xor towing, pining, The rulers 4e ft pro&ouaeeeS hit aad ft hundred of other thing. Tha wit the vousger elawert U tt town wages paid compare with those of a Fret a eM aWea ia which they were irsc distributed, first el tindery. the average paid Is mueh , this. The wage e varitty Vm ia equaled by the rasge of AdvectieUf mUIaft asays e f4iperM0. nifaiyWW fT? vwm n-- - wri nod. Tho imported articles usually exceed the homo mado in valuo and artistic quality. Germany holds tho palnv for tho best printed color pictures and pa pior macho ortlclos. Swedon Bonds matches to bo pasted with advortiso moats, as docs Italy. Franco is foro most in tho toy line, and China and Japan aro drawn upon for fan, mats, and umbrellas. Business Iaa Special Seasons, Tho business runs largely to seasons. Tho principal seaon of tho year begins lato in Octobor and runs until tho first of tho year. Tho chlof product during this term is calendars and other holi day good. For two months, or until tho first of March, there is a slack sea son, after which tho spring and sum mer business, during which fans are inado, begins. A million fans is not an unusual number for n singlo fac tory to turn out in a season. Aftor tho fans aro out of tho way tho leather goods scaron starts in, but between the two thero is generally a period of sov eral weeks when thero is Httlo buol nee to bo done, w '- gWlhilo now firm aro entering this field ovory year l must bo said that thero is little ohnnco for tho young man with small capital to enter It with reasonable prospect of achieving sue- cos. Many printers carry a siuo lino outadvertising novelties and do a email business in this mannor, but the bulk of tho trado is garnered' by tho salesmen of,, tho largo companies, and to com peto with them Tcqulros a lino which oa-ly a large capital can bringtogothcr. ltls a constantly growiug lino, wit u iai,vone iu which tho houses doing bus iness in it aro growing in n manner tokcep paco with tho donmnd. ' 0 v Deaths from Appendicitis Decrease in the aamoTatlo that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from con stipation and the ills growing out of it. ' Strength and vigor always follow their uo. Guaranteed by J. C, Perry, druggist. 25 cents. Try thorn. ' 0 Not a Nice Case, iustiee.of tho Peace II. It. Turner ihoard tho caio of the State vs. Harm-st Kappahahn, who Is accused on tho chargo of having committed adultery with Lllllo Anderson. The defendant waived preliminary hearing, and is liuTcl to tho circuit court under I'JfiO boads. Lilllo Anderson was also charged with ths tamo crimo preferred against Kapjiahahn, bjf the latter' wife. t M HoV a Big Rally. Tho big rally of tho season will bo held) by tho equal suffragists at thai Grand Opera Ilousa tomorrow ovoning, May 81st. The suffragists of this city have boen dblufl their work somewhat quiolly, and now they will culmlnato it with a groat mass mooting, in which thoy will answer all tho objections that havo been ofTerod, and discuss tho morlts of tho opposition. Kov. Anna Shaw, who eo charmed her great audionco ia Sa lon a few weeks ago, with her keen wit and mnstorful eloquence, will bo tho principal spcakor. Mra. Mnry Simpson Spcrry, president o$ tho Gall-forala- Equal Suffrage Aesoefetioir,' who hoa como to help tho Oregon women in theftcloftlng days of heir campaign, will bo hero. Miss Laura, Clay, who Ihw endeared horself to the Salon 'suffragists In her helpful work with thorn tho, pant few weeksj Mr. Ida Boyer, with -whose ef ficient work all tho newspapers of tlw stato aro familiar, and Mrs, Clara Wl do, the popular etate lecturer of the fiMato Orange, will bo among tho speak? era. Fino orchestra music will bo fur- nlnbod, and tho sulTrago rally will bo ono of tho great events of tho cam palgn of 1000. Don't miss it. A cob. loctlon will be takea to defray ex ponso. , l GREAT ANIMAL SHOW fiurch and Relss to Have Their Great Acereeitioii Here Friday in which 'Jrceung o The girl is under t-50 boads. AaseesuTs to Meet The counuy nssoscore of western Or egoiifwlll holdlR- mooting In this elty as tho guests of Asor V. B. McKuight on Monday, June 11, for the purposo of preparing echodulcs on tho assess ment of property ia tho western half of tho stato nud reach an agreement on rates of assessment, Tho assessors of western Orogog are bow practically agrced.au listing' property at Its true call valuo aiu) tho gathering will bo in tho nature of a ratification meeting of the work done by most of tho as sesitor and to sottlo a fow minor de tails. When tho assessors front west ern Oregon gather here Albany should how tho visiting gentlemen thut hos pitality Is tho wutchnord in this city, The meeting was called) for Albany on account of Its central location and Its unrlvnlivl railroad facilities. Albany I torn Id; o ' ' ' Anotfear Sank. Articles of incorporation wero filed yesterday with the sccrotary of atnte by tho Central Point Stato Hank. Tho organizers are I. O. ftotmett, T. M. Wltten, Win. O. Biover, Tlyi principal oflleo will bo Central Point and tha capital stock Is 25,000 Boys1 Camping Trip. The regular meeting of tho Y. M. P. AJHoysl-Club will be held tonight at 7;40. Kvery member should be present Among other business to be diifcsssed will be two proposed entertainments, ami farther details of the camping trif. Hoys not , members of the club, buC who are goings to fake" part In the eanping trip, are invited to attsnd this meeting. f '. rractktag Osteopathy. There are many physicians in Salem, bu? among thoso practicing Osteopathy prelably ths beet known Is J)r. 9, U, White. He ) beea very Mccesfful slate coming to Salem some 12 ysars t n U09 Oeistractsv JtV Patterson, of Gervaii. Las eon traeted to tell 8000 pounds of hope. 1W crop, for 9 cents a pound, and JC MQKhentMteber and A, I. MUls, of St. PaS. arrsed to U 90,000 pouads at 10 eeslts per pouidr These, contracts wcrej ffJT WVf s mas wk Folk, Worwaer Co. A DIMPLE MAKER. JPind a child with dimples aricl chubby arms and legs and you find a healthy child. Find one with drawn face aftd poor, tKin bodv and you see one that needs Scott's Emulsion. Your doctor will no doubt tell you the child is fatstarvcd its food is not nourishing it. Nothing helps these thin, pale children like Scott's Emulsion. It contains tht vary element of fat they need. It supplies them with a per feet and quickly digested nourishment. Scott's Emul sion brings dimples and rnnrulfvl limlta . . W....V.WW ...., . 4 "a 4 .' F ssssmj ssT J SjWwa f tlfi Horr Klrchom, of the DHread ItcLw World 'sGrsatetr Dog ajtdfeay Shows la oho of tho mosti highly devel oped tteeultteta-Ia Anwtiea, HV rav colvod his training from a, famous Hindoo seer, nncSheo VeaeWr soihlgli n karma that he Ias had a'vlsioa oa' tha astral piano in which he dlsU&etrr remombored n former Incarnation where j be bad been a gladiator of the arena ' b( ,wbdued wild aalmels,'' fd powers stirring withla him, ho gavo up hist career as a pro- l fotwr of astrology and higher mathe matles and nppllod to Oarl Hageittwik' tha famous animal trainer of Hatabttrgt ' Gelmany.'s a trniaer ot wild aaAaais. Hjs suecees was instantaaeeus: lie prc't dscod results 'in tho training e tfHi ( animals now beforo necompllthod, Its was apeclajyr . engaged by Messrs. Burclt and llelsf'jis nnlmtd traiaeV aad superintendoo-t fu general of all thir l animals. Jlorr Klrchem hr.s .had aa Idon that hitherto Beamingly lenselets, brainless, animals, could be made to ( oxprvss u higher stato of evlioa than they hod yet been kaowa to pes-, ( eee. The profeswr uses his pyehl' powers entirely in 'tho training ef ths beautiful animals with tbeto shows,' mid has proven beyond the quostloa of doubht that tho whip la an unneooM- , ary and brutal method lr animal train-' ing. The animals undor his earo have',; lx como so sensitive ami rosponslre that thoy obey Ills slightest wlh. area when suggested through uieatai tele-' pathy. Ho has found the camel, whlefc' wus supposed to 1m seneleos and ex ( cesslvely dull, to Ih possessed of a ' brain, and furthor, more of a reasisg ! power, whleh If properly dovotofl leads tlto animal to bo aw great a ntea-' ', tnl power on that of tlto horse or do.M This man is no vrdlnnry trickster aatfcjp Upaotlst, but is conscious of all WM higher phyolcal and psychical lewe,l, ovor which ho has tho utmost sifcfl eonsequeatly-kls powerMs wsHssiseiikv A la coajuaetloo with Hie WO eaeW, taping rtfiiM, iob(n, 4ejss, Meakeys, goats, puma, saered ea-ttle, timers, , j dromedarii, aad other rare aad ceetly ' trained ,nlsal-s, with thee, skews, will bo sseii trettpea ef acrobats, clewas, gyiaoats, aerlaHst, equllrWIsts, wire ' ami rop waJlter, Isaperlal Joaaafse , troupes, Geefy' Koyal Italian Jsaada Kosh, will V scob. Tliese shows ,will exhibit la this cltfy on Friday, Jtma, 1, ' giving tiro performaacM. X gtaad ' eer4 parade will bo fire si- 11 'sleek the jaornlag of the swhlfclt ' at wWck tiase th eat Ire sptreiii wHi be 4a ... , mill in in iiil ia ...jr. T.l..jrf?y SHOK SALE My stoeV ot tkm fr kh dttcee ia dt, Hm U sieelc. Ot iag wt la4ie sAee. Mew's tr TW1I.i fl h -4 a --