i' . n DAILY CAPaTAL JOURNAL, SAIJBM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 28, 190S. MT tjgPJBgjgBjjiii-i4mmtminrrowiwflim HSE jfi ' i y Hml i Hf Sh IsT (rTiTm rTvfBJj I nBs ItVsHssHKBEaPSaw. HmmeBs nm 4 oBHHK7 if-1 ---JSSflmSI "M AVfefftablcPrcparationrorAs- H StMtotiflhcToodflndRcguIa- UBlARStaaachsandBo-wclscf KkVTIkH fmH IMMes'DIgcstloaCiieetrul- I MtftiiidHbstXontainsndlhcr v GMsfrKerpliine nor Ffmerah WOT NARCOTIC. . - : Aperfcct ltemcdy forConstipa- H tion,SowStomach.DiarThoca, VorBW,C6rivuIsions,Fevcnsh- MssandLpss of Sleep. TacStmle Signature or IH t aiMfmwmHiH 1 ' axAcrcoprorwBAEFCB. H 1,'. Jm T" STRAWBERRY SITUATION. Ight Crop Is Reported on Account of March Freeze TJie Hoodl Jtiivor Glnaler says that Bewiea aref ooming in slowly, owing to "ibe cool Tvea&ior, and the domand far excoods tho supply. This has kept tho rmwket firm, aad prices aro expected lo hokl up weH. Berne aro stjll billed out at $3.25, arid only about COO crates por day are, sowing in. Bepevts areftgwicral of a light crop. T'MmsaJreese hurt all berries tbat Vmi, aiasa sis fee grow prior to tho freeze, repertkg only lialf a crop. Tho Salmon crop is hurt probably H. Si Gilc & Co. Wholesale Merchants and Dealers in FRUIT AND PRODUCE. We iWavgkrge supplies of berry top and folding, also fyour supplies here. We buy batter; eggSi poultry, produce, etc. Pay eeeh. .it Pomona and Altona leave Ue FerUaad Monday. Wednesday and 'M ,10 a. m. xueaaay, mura- 84'.-. . Hmm awaroBy at v a. m. ueave rilik Tuesday, Thursday and about 0:30 p. m. For Albany Sunday about 6:30 p. m. F, Baldwin, Agt School of tho Capital Summer on May 1st, to continue Tutitioa $10. Summer Primary Methods. Opens continue three weeks. Ad- xaos. or County Bsperin- Ifiu.u RalaiK ftf 4t nvrv.irv. wmv- tie Woodsaw sad k prepared te take M4Meta. Tlephoa Maia 943 tffqiitt. Fair Oround Bead, North r S-M-tf .... ujpiiii ixEtfcmi eratea. !:" mmBmmfki MmVS (Njiipei "BF' TMWI9g1 - STALLION TiJal Wave iala twa or tkrea minm at i Mares. Szasalaa eareallr t; enuaiM kk rasiag qaalities kssra eUiax a stallls tw year . Tkes UyMit4 fa4t witk kiat the rpas jm kava k to to will U akaerfaHy pU ky the akai f4 paatM fr of ckarga. Dv w end aavttam wHU M HHMt asslltaU, UtiUt li rsspsaalkU akaM aay mw, aaTMikaM U mm U ivm TIDAL WATS I ka a Iads- . Thursday af task iratk. n prlTtUfse. Owaar 8. S Talr GraaaJa, OragM. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VMCOtWTAUBOOMPAHr. MCW VOKK OITTt ovor 30 por cent, whllo many within flvo miles of Hood River nre hurt 0 per cent. Tho foot-hill berries suffered very little, as they wero covored mote or loss with snow. Thoo best posted estimato this year's crop at about CO per cent of last car. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney mnkes oath that he is senior partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and Stato aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sura of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of ca tarrh that cannot bo cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presenco this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D., 18S0. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucuous tiurfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio, Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. SPECIAL RATES TO THE "MADE IN OREGON" EX POSITION. Portland, Or., May 19 to 20, 1008. For the above occasion the Southern Pacific Company will cell round-trip tickets from Salem for $2.20. Sale dates May 22, all regular passenger trains. May 25 trains Nos. 10 and 14 Friday morning. Limit of tickets May 27, 1000. For particulars call on agents A. L. CRATO, tf Oeneral Passenger Agent, Mm Wasted. Sawmill and lumber yard laborers. $2.25 per day. Woodsmen, 2.25 to $3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Or. 5-22-tf at the Fair Grenada, Oregon, fer ths kl breeding; axaailaa fclsa as am la- ewaar. Mart frsss a dlstaaes wIU 8wm sarrk taa Uw ytU t , ailsy. Addrsat i. . Ua4y r Aka -M Bears the , v Signature AA vJp For cZ&mz&t THEY HAD EGGS And They Did not Care Where They Distributed Them Row Homer M. Street furnishes the Ocegonaan with aa account of sumhy personal osperiences of his at andt near Olcoc, Ore., as follews: , "Oa tho might of May 22, tho Rev. Homer M. Sttreot, who bos been charged with championing tho caujo of tho saloonmea, met with somo strong prohibition logic at Olex. It was tho firab prohibition logic ho had run across that ho was unable to handle. It was tho logic of tho DaTk Ages; ho logic of a peoplo who do not believe in free speech! or froo pros; tlw logic of a peoplo who do not believe in tho per donal freedom of Uie c-itizons of a free republic to do ns they please in regard to tilioir own appetite and their oyn money; it was tho logic of brute forco tho only logic of prohibition. Tho Prohibitionists of Oleuc showed their narrow-mikxhvss by refusing to hear both sides of a question of national In taroit. They awaited in ambush on the outside and treated the speaker to n fusillade of eggs. They pelted him on tho way to tlJu hotel, and tho next morning tiro front of tho Hotel Olex was yollow and benneared with eggs. As Mr. Street labored with sponge nnd wntfer a good portion of the nlghtt bo Lend a smile of victory on his faco. Ho U'ro has positive proof of the truthful noss of his oft-repeated1 asortiom that 'Prohibition lo a revival of tho spirit of intolerance of tho church' of tho Dark Agfa.' Tho women1 of Olex showed thoir unfitness for tho right of suffrngo by refuting to hoar both sides of a ques tion which confronts tho voters of Or egon. There wun not n woman at tlw locturo, "Supposing that ho was in no danger in daylight, Mr. Street made known his Intention of walking across country to tho railroad tho next morning, When within about n milo and a half of Mile kalo, in n lonely spot, whero thero is not a houso in sight for many miles around, ho saw throo men on horse-, back nlwxul of him, standing ami watching hint as though awaiting his arrival. SometMng in their appear an causcul him to suspect that thev meant ovil and ho looked for a rock. Presently ho saw ono about tho sizo of a gooso egg. Not wishing for them ro seo him pick it up, ho dropped u jwrcol ho wftK carrying and picked up Iwtli' pnnvl nnd rock at tho tnmo tiiiu. Tho men haT tied their horses al approached him. Onp of them carrle I a rope, ami lira ienier, wuo iinu n knifo in Us lwnd, said: 'Tie him, bojs, and I'll mutilate Mm. It will bo a Ions timo before lo speaks against prolr bitlon ngain.' "As tho man with tho knifo turned to see if tho others were going to obev him, Mr. Street struck him a blow with tho rook ovor Lit er and"in quick sue cesiton dk-alth blio second man a si mil ir blow. Tlwy both fell on though 1it ami tho third man ran away. As they made no attempt to follow him. Mr. Street thinks they certainly must laP onjl intemlel to frighton him? ' ut they mistook tho man. He knows tMt ho it on tho eido of right, and "n not bo frightened nor driven from ln purioe." Fortunate MlssourUns. "When I was a druggist at LlvonU, Mo.," writes T. J. Dwyor, now of Graysyille, Mo., "three of my custom ers were permanently cured of con sumption by Dr. King's New Disiovery and urn well and stroncr todar. Ose was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using Dr King's New Discovery a short timo he found it unnecessary to do to. I re gard Dr Klng'a New DIko very s the most wonderful medicine la existence." Surest cough and cold curs and throat and lung healer. Guaranteed by J. 0. Perry, drugght. COc and $1. Trial bot tle free. SPECIAL RATES i ANNUAL CONVENTION XATIONAL COUNCIL, KKI0KT8 OF COLUMBUS. New Haven, OeaJL, Jkm 3 aad 9, 1904. For this occasion the Southern Pxelie Company w.Ul sell round-trip tickets to Netr Haven, Oobo., for $92,75. Bale dates May 24, 25 and Z9, limit going, June 9; seal retura limit, Angus 31, 190. For particulars eall ea agents. A, U CRAIO, tf Geasral PasMSgtr Agett. ! miMMiiMmi iiBtMMeiHimiiiiiiaaieiMtifitt I OLASSrBIBD i iiiiniiiiMiiinnnmiMii FOR SALE. For Salo. 3 ravel nnd cement business at Na 500 North Capital street, Bai lorn. 6-15-Sw ror Sale. DeLavnl separator, nearly now. Bought for $90, will eU for $50 cash. Inqulro of A. W. Nusoaa, GorvaU, Route 2, or phone Farm 59. For Salo. A two-story, six-room housa new, in Englewood, with two lots, barn, well and fenced. A bargain to a quick buvor. W. II, Dalrymple, P. O. box 242, Salem. 5.14-lm For Salo. A good residence; locatod at 5$p Liberty street; price reasonable. For particulars address Chns. Burg graf, Albany, Or. 5-25-tf For Salo Partial set of Orogon Su premo Court Reports, 1 to 31 vol umes inclusive. Inqulro of Grant Corboy, attorney at law, Salem, Oro gon, 5-22-lwk For Salo. New light and Heavy spring wagons, carriages, carta, new and old buggies, buckboards and one deliv ery wagon, at tho Salem Carriage and wagon- factory. W. i'ennol, prop.. 801 to 805, North Liberty stroot. 4-9-lm Proporty for TrrJ.'e. Houso nnd two lots in Englewood; small fruit and bearing trees, one-half block from car lino. Will trndo for outsldo prop erty, or will sell. II. A. Rawson, box 33S. 3-26-lm FOB RENT. For Rent. Furnished and unfurnished rooms at 7 DO North Commercial street. M. A. Dice, prop. 5-1-tf WANTED. Wanted. Branch manngors wanted, $20 cash weekly. Llro at homo. Experi ence unnecessary. Aluminum Hang er Company, Chntfiold, Minn. 5-14-lm Wanted Enorgetlc trustworthy man to werk In Oregon, representing large manufacturing company. Salary $10 to $90 per month, paid wookly; et- ponces advanced. Address, with stamp. J, II. Mooro, Salem, Oregon 5-20-3t LOST. Lost. Between reform school and Geo 0. Will's store, 8alem, the arm from n Columbia grapbonbono. Findor please leavo at storo or Journnl of fice. 5-25-3t Hale Wing Sang Co. Chinese and Jnpaneso Fancy and Dry Goods Special now lino of summer jjopds. Made by us. Wrappers, Under wear, Waists, Dres Goods, Silks, Very low prices. 340 Court street, Salem, Or BRICK Ilrick furnished In largo or tmail quantities. Pressed brick made to order. Yard on Stato street, south 02 Penitentiary. SALEM BBICK YARD. A. A. BURTON, Tr.jp. , 1 .... , 1 HOW ABOUT SHINOLS87 You'll need them on tbo new house or for repairs. We can supply you with tLe best quality of lumber of all kinds. Don't forget io get our figures, OOODALS LUMBER OO. Phone 52. 1 HOLLISTm'SJ Itcky Mtunfaln Tez Nugtfets 1 kiiT H-lltli, Ut Eur pMftl. Brisc OtUis Httita sti HneJ 7ifr. m4 KUitmf TroubW riuirile. Kcjrmt, tinimr fKexjrf V4 BrMih, NjrtUU HonU, McadacUs awi tUckirlxi. lf Hockr HouaUiu T la UU Ut form 3 cent a Vox OrnuiM vntd by MMXurrta Dsco CowrAr, fllx, VU. M.IEM NUMETS FOfl BAUfrW W.- SJt JsmBrnWHaSf'''- i:" '" Z I r-f mmmmmmmmr ' mJ? V m mm sssat MieHcavca's cNsuaH tmTmaj mm m . m Msa, 4m ta m KL. SB tmsk fik M Bi .srCIIMYiaDYAL' FlbLl smka 3fta? sraTam ? HMarSw M asjMt1 jM JvewAss Vs. w m'v' "rJjwi' .. l H nf'". HbI.IM A. . W M 1 V.VWV 711 mil WtWft: MBSCXLLANBOUS. Sftleat Iroa Worts Founders, naekia lata and blacksmith. Ma&Hfaetnrers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, eta. Manufacturers of tke Salem Iroa Works Hep Press. 11-SS-lm Wasted, Turkeys, geese, aueka, chick ens and all farm produce, Highatt cask prleo prJd for same. Capital Ooramiesioa Ooatpaay, 887 Cesser oial street Telephone 179. Hotel Scett Newly tur&Iffe!, Trj tklsff eleaa and first etas. Bootm at reasoaaAto prioe. la Cattle block, gatom, A. Scott, prop, T--t At Your Stepmother's Bfee can steam oleaa or dye them, and Mve yoa a now suit, press and repair, rellae, furnish buttsns. The taost delicate fabric can be cleaned by her dry cleaning method wltkout Injury, U does not shrink or change lta color. It Is next to The Journal emce, 221 Commercial street TONSORIAX, Rvaaa' Barber Skop. Everything new and up to date. Finest poreclala baths. Shaving, 15a, halreutting S5o baths 25a, First elasa bootblacks. O. W. Evans, Proprietor, MUSIC STUDIOS. Music Studio. Frank X. Churchill, Musical Studio. Associate teae&er Westers Conservatory, Chicago, Dl, represeatla Inter-State System at Salem, Oregoa, la the Gray block, room 3. Studio hours 9 to IS and 9 to 5. 8-19-W UVRRY AND SALE 8TABLB8. ITTlbTplSoDNUKSBToF & TID3 RBD FRONT STABLRg. M. L. HARROD, PROPRIETOR, SS71 0ID3MEKETA STREET. Feed Rara. Mpeelal a(teatlea to. tra-v ieat teams. Farmers' patronage ao lielted. Watting rooms for ladlea We also sarry a full lias ef feed. Located at Club Stables, earner Lib erty and Ferry streets. Phone Mala 7. Prnnk A Darby. U-la-Sm 0R. & N TIME SAVER. Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via This Pop ular Columbia River Route. Franklin was right whon he said: "Lost time Is never found again." Tho O. R. k N., In addition to gHng yon 200 miles along tho matchless Co lumbia river, saves you 17 hours to Chicago. It Is the Short lino to Lowiiton, ' Short lino to tho Palouse country, Short line to Spokano, Short lino to the Coeur d'AIeno coun try. Short lino to Salt Lake City, Short lino to Denver, ' Short line to Kansas City, " " Short line to Omaha, Short line to Chicago Short line to all points East. Three trains daily, 9:15 a. ra., 8:15 p. m. and 0:16 p, m. Tho "Chicago Portland Special" is ss fins as the finest, Every comfort ef home. For particulars "ask any agent of the Southern Pacific company, or write 0. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Fortlasd, Or, TlieFastiioa Stables Formerly Simpson's BtabU. Up-to-date livery sad eab Use, Fu neral turnouts a specialty, Tslly-Jc for picnics aad escsursleas. Pkeae 44. OLas, W. Yanake,,PxeB. 247 aad 249 High Street. wmmw I HAVE just 1 received a fine assortment of Commcuct; meut Aunouuce nieuts. You arc invited to call and look them over. ,.,.,, ELLIOTT IMtlNTKK. FcSalfi Kf-An, ."-. mnwm OSTROPATSf. Dr. W. Ik Merser. -Graduate of Xitk1 vile, Mo., under feaadsr ef eetee pathy. XeeiM S8-M Breymaa bW- Coeaaerelal Bt, pkena 1. JeS( donee 419 N, Busuaer st.- pkese 434, j Treats acute and ekroale dbmsw. ' Kxamlaatloaa free. Dr. B. S. Wklte. Oradate f Klk- vilel, Mo., nader fesader artM 1 patby. Reea 21 Breymaa kttM Coinmerolal tt phone 87. RttUtiwe 590 State, cor. Church, aketa 11ML Treat aeuta and ehroawt a.RBBjaaiiBa xree. SASH AND DOOR FA0TXORZM. fussnsrtts ewB Au.aafstarar- aaa, doors, mouldings. All klaea M i house finish and hardwood weft'! Front street between State and Oetjrl . ! ! 1 t Foresters of Aawtiea Court Baerwe4t Foresters, No. 19. Meet Tuesday m Hurst kali, State strset. U. 8. Biies I C. B.j A. L. Brewa, F. S. s nBtrol VjuSoi Va tB V of W r-. .il Hail la Hokaaa block, eoraer StaW'J and Liberty struts. Tuesday ef eaak I week at 7:90 p. m. J. G. Grakam, C,j O.; W. L Staley, K, of R, and 8. U Madera Woodmen ef Amerleav Ore gon Cedar Camp, No. 6249. Kestl ' every Thursday evealag at 8 e'slo4 HelBB Hall, W. W. HU1, V. 0.f, F. A. Turner, Clerk. Weedaaa of World. Meet every Fri day night at 7:30, ia Helmaa BalL A. J. Baaoy, a O. P. L. Frnater, elerk. 1-10-tf VETERINARY SUROKO Dr. S. 3. Young Veterinary wrga and dentist, 33 years' experieaee. All work guaranteed. Difficult swrgisaj operations a ecfalty. Pkeae" Ml, Office at Club Stables. Pkeae 7, '. lem, .Oregon. ,9-9-U 3naanHMamrMkArt OONORBTB AND CEMENT WORST J. P. Voatoh, coatraeter and buUdw of cement walks. Septic sewer teaks, foundatlone ead floors, 828 Mark street. 3-5-tC REAL ESTATE. Irrigated' Tarwlnjf " Laaes 25,000 area of choice farming land, vfkhk MM bo tinder the United States govern inont ditches on Lost River Valley, in Klamath County, Oregon, to be sold on easy terms; $10 to '$25' per ncro. Write ui for a printed deesHp' (ivo prlco list. .Butler & Co., laad agents, Bonanza, Klamath Co.,'Or gon. C-iat,tf,dir l Some of Our Bargains. One new 8 room cottogo, modern, only $1250,1' Good; now 5-room house nnd two lak, only $830. Furniture and fixtures ia largo rooming house very cheap. This property must bo sold. If you want to buy, seo us. We have the good. If you want to soli, list your 'prop erty with us. We sell It, Swegle Smith, phono 450, No, 492 State street. n WATER COMPANY. M SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFIOB OITY KALL. For water service apply at olncV Bills payable monthly la asvane..! Make nil complaints at (he office, ' ! Gold Dasfc Flour Made by THE SIDNEY POVY 1 CR COMPANY, Sidney, Ore- A MS. 1mrljk t mtMe ulA AW yoar greeer fr it Bran and feerta always m kaa, 6 T as , , I P. B. Wallace AGENT tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinil Wy XUW MAX WUEAX7 if 7laMtU4 fty you to shop at ttJ; U 7 - ; best market ia Salem, Evtrytkiag yea i want at tke rlgat prle, and year erder -. ; r, . ' dellrefed la time far laaer. , , i K -ijrti 1---" a. a OPO0S -s 1 'V 1 n