ff y - t DAILY CAWxAI. JOOTQCAXs SAXXH, 0M0OK, MONDAY. MAY 2S, 1906. SALEM'S POWER PLANT Ittoortsaest in tbe plant of tbe Balsa Electric light & Traction eost ya' win soon give Salem as good a eerriee. as aay oa the Paelfe coast. For the past two months tbe company bail been working on tbe ehang, and as result they bare already, arranged their isaehJnery so that tbe SOrcrtoa power is nsifla to run all the street ears. Two boilers that have been is us ia the SHvertos! plan: are now oa their way to Salem and will increase the re eerve cdicseney of the local station by! 50 horse power. A new 60S boese power engine will provide for instant parting again" ia case of a breakdown. Tbe. cosepxnr will lave a new electric locotaotive ia S&leia ia aboct tea days, ing The hauling capacity will be 75 horse powisT, eaosgh to harBe a fair sized train of ear. The engine will be used aS frst ia baalicsr rock free tbe crash er ia South Salem to the new 1000 yard rock "bat being erected by the county aii tbo fair grounds. Improve ments now being made at the quarry will cost $5000, and. will put tbe eoo pany in a position to furnish embed Tcek f os all purpose. At tte Saleta power boose the fael will coon be changed from wood to oQ. The aasa storage tank, for this pur pose is now being bails abd will be shipped Ifcre and pat ia position as sooa as possible. Excavations bare already been made to accommodate it. During tba past" two mouths tbe power ho&s& baa beea completely re wired, and where before it was uasnf e for anyone to go bebiad tfco big switch board, it Ss now easy to inspect the ea ii? Triricf without daarer. New aato- t-i- esrreas breakers bare been in- stalled, and tb-se redaee toe load ea tfce motors when tbe, power is not being cw! be tbe ears or factories. By - . - - changing afee system of wiring, it s cow possible to switch a motor oa or o tfce light eirewt wkfcost flcsaarb- tbe brafcaarr of tk licit, cc STANDARD SCAHERS BRIBES ilUILTUP HER HEALTH SPEEDY CUBE OF MISS SOODE GraterauT w.ri ifeLaabtK aaa5ija9afe. Preper feed win iAp yoa. Tierefort ia bariag ya bad better lay fross tie tore tbat bis tie repstadoa of bayirj tbe best qsaHtj, azd 5e!lisg it at re- oaable priees. , Baker, Lawrence & BaJcer Saccessers to Hanttt Zawresee. oiasHiifb tie roltase tbrown oa tie power motors la nse. Yesterday tfce seet ears be-as ras sing oa a new sefeedale. Tais new tiase card has been worked oat whb tbe idea ef giving tbe patraes of tie esapay better serriee wfefle at tfce sase time auikiBg awce eeooxaieal e of tfee power. Uaiaer-tfce old Jaa of bavi aM tin ears Karl freai tbe see & tbe suae tzaM-. sW craia oa tbe motors was very beavy ior tea sir:3- wifle sfae baaee jif ebs asne tfcere was Tery bade tm3& oa tiers. Uaier tie new sebeia2e, tbe psll is erealy Svied orer tie estire ber, ae3 tbas tfcere is lees &Buy to ee3at or teesp- rary t oi tie eerrest taroogi barsed oat f eses or etfcer eaefes. E. K. Pa. 4 awaager of tbe eoen wrv. is TnrfT-g for several eitea- si-fss to tbe pcesesit street car lines, givirs: better serriee ia certain se tics of tbe eity. Tbe-e extensions carrot be made, aowever. before next fa!L ilr. Page states tboc tbe eo pary wiH do all in its power to make cbe Salem sjscei an rp-to-date cee in erery respect. aereland, Ou Slay 27. Evidence tbat tbe Standard Oil eoapacy made extensive advertising eortraets wjtb Obio newspai-ers. tbat it raaintatns a literary bereaa, tboagb one of Ha of ficials "denied tbe charge, tbat tbe Lake Shore railroad discriminates in favor vt ia tank ears; that it bribes ill rivals' employes to give It their eas teasers' raoes; that it bribes railroad employes to favor it, and tbat it ehsrres bJcher uriees where it has killed eeaspettticn than where eotape titioa ssrrives was. prclseed at the rl day's ieariac by the interstate eeaaeree eeaasi54os. today. Cocirais- sktners Proaty and Cleatents adjoarse-3 the beariag dis afterncon acd left for TOHattsgtos. where they are to prepare a rejrt for eccgresa. Tie report, bow- ever. wU nos ce eKsi awu ice scac ferd Oil coapany's attomeys have beea given opportaaity to reply to tbe aaav stanmeats aa3 ebargex Sabsfrtirir.g Ohio Newspapers. Special Coaasel iloaaett endeavored to show bv several witnesses tit tLe Standard eoapaay Eeaiataiaed a ba reas ftT tie parpo?e of ssbsidLdag Ohio newspapers, 125 of which, be said, wis- oa tie Stasdani's list. "PT. J. BriekeM, for ay years tie eiittor of tfce Cotaaebes. O Evetisg Dispatch, said tbat be had so positive ksowiedge oa tie sabjeei. Malcolm Jeascacs. wfeo edact an advertising bwreaa at Lancaster. 0 adsitted that be bad asde advenistnc coatract? with Ohio newspapers for the Stase-iard Oil cosapany, bet said tiy were no- differ ent free: those aade i7 any other concern. Has literary Saxeas. Another witness alosg this line was Charles J. Castle, who was for 15 years a special agent of the Staniard in CUeveJaad aerritccy. Ee said that tbe "Writes ' - Tor the woaderfal help that she baa folfd Miss Cor Goode, 555 E, Chicago Areaae, Chicago, I1L, believes it her dJtv to write the followiag letter for onb'icatioa, in order that other women imkted in the same rray may be I H Aji? mm 2kFj? 1 I I S"UJJ U 3 Wilt? J ORDER THE EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL AND SECURE THE NEW 450 PAGE BOOK The Destruction of San Francisco BY EARTHQUAKE AND FIRE By Charles Eugene Banks and Opie Read Special :-: Memorial :-: Volume beceSted as she was. Miss Goode is prrt-ient of the Bryn Mawr Lawn Tennis dab of Chicago. She writes; Dearllrs. Knkbasi: "I tried many different remedies to bc&i ap my system, whkh had become raa dc-ti froa"lo of proper rest and nnreason ei beers, bat ncching seemed to bdpzse. ilocber ts a great advocate of Lydia E. Pini hi"s Vegeiie CoEspoand for female troa tfef, kavmg used it berself some years aro with great rseoess. So 1 beaa to take it, and ia less than a mcath I wss able to be oat c td and oat of doers, and ia three months I wsj entirely wdL Really I hsTe never felt so strong and well as I have since. a i Xo other medicine has sech a record cf cares of f emale troables as has Lydia E. PinVham's Vegetable Coapoand. Women who are troabled with pain ful or irregalar periods, backache, bloating (or flatulence), displacement of organs, inflammation or ulceration, can be restored to perfect health and strength bv taking Lvdia E. Pinkhaxas Vege table Compound. ilrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Her experience is very great, and she gives the benefit of it to all who stand in need of wise coanseL She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia R. Pinkham and for twenty -Sve years has been advising' sick women frte of charge. Address, Lynn, 2&U&. SPANKED THE PSZXCBSS. Titled Opera Stager Xeserts to Heroic Measures to Prevent Lovteg. Tear ful Wife Preaa Gx&Aiag. peace ?- ' !il aa pjasnt. For resv "Weak, siT t31! "U I ecald CT: ,, . : . f nvoia roariii . 'i s itxearti," tier tie food tieT -. er gu. to -. - i. . . "i - itt n ti. . , a:tfi mi ttrorger. The Priccoss' Marie of British Guiana and the Barco Victor de Galowitz of Hungary tlf -their Hfe history to Magistrate "Watd in Harieax court to day, says a New York dispatch of the 24th. The princess is now the baron ess, for tbe coapla are- married. She bad tbe baroa arrested for abusing her, alleging that he tied- knots in ker shoe strings and corset strings so she eoaW not dress to go out. Whenever she un tied the knots, she said he sparked her in American style. After much talking and tears by both she relented, withdrew the complaint and went out with him. leading her 12 year old &. "When tbe baron was ar rested it was plain- Victor de Gal, and t rt was not until later teat his wife told of his being a baron. He is oce of Conried's singers. "I marrieU the baron oa April- 17 last, for I loved him and love him row." said the princess. 'Bat: I am a princess of the tree Sooth American blood and I will sot be ill txvated. He j cm not wane me to go oat. ai A.axu,' :. ui j y w - be woald spank me. an if I sat by tbe ) '" 'M TM Rftt jB wTiwow im vk vm ou see stws cej would spank ae." j Magistrate "Wahl said be would hold tooweaktop-rfj. UtUe appeti,, tiey. .-J . . """1 1 . i.itjj, crirjiat et-eus wiis, iS ef rn - I at . " "' f i rTn.r;.6n?Si . - e tKOCC asi e J "" "J Hi. Hmm per tcx, or 3boxfJV. tin irA ., ... , . ." M makig i u8 fc.S"? aa appetite lur Jaands easten-t CASTOR! xuf i rain i Bears tha Sigaitsreof c&m I B Bf Mil I SOCIALIST'S COLUiffl) s (This space Is hired by the S&dalirt r i winnj imiHiiMiniiiiiiiHiiiiimum A. G. STiSOLA Candidate for Unit ed States seaator for long term. literary bureau was conducted by Ciarles A. Eieks. who en the witne's etan yesterday denied that anything he tfeis existed. Castle said that he ma e several advertising contracts for Bxls himself. Standard Tank Cars Favored. "7i. E. McEwaE. s: feraer chief derk of fce Lake Shore k Michigan- Southern J Tiis is a bs;i7,:;il recii when afi eye were txrzei to one city, xs raw tey are that mikes it a se wJ3 eage'Ty secgi: after by miHwns of American who have demonstrated their svmpathv ataiser by ierfa3r answerirr tie caH f tie triiei -iTi att. ?&3 -i !--? with a gxreaty traly AscvtJrery city, tw- and vilSage tirosgiot tie laxd is stretching forth its hard t ip tbe ia distress. Hnmia ieart are ieatirr today Ir every hamle: ia tie werld for frleads or rtitttTts ad er dyitp ia tie rsir. There itrttt was a time iz tie i4ory af tie toward tie osee great city of Son Prxzivto. Iawrest U at fever ieat xzA tier is a demisd iz this beck, by S pp5e, icMT to t tie seas of bringing k to tiem. This Kok tOl, by pea aid picture, tie detaBed Ky za 'gatiered by writers oa tie grcards, of tie awful calamity ti befel! Sic rrazbco aad tie emiSer citits of tie Pde coast, leavitg iarcreds cf rfxesaacs hooeless ard at ti merty ci tieir feaVw cea; cf tie 1 f Kfe and tie destrtia c property; tie stry ef tU diiaster aa toW by tie revivers; fgitirg r with dyaamite; murder aid pfflage by giocls; feed aid water famia; army ruardia; sarvivors aadr martial Uw; tie riie and s&o tie fate cf gioala; bcria aKve ia toab ci re; a eity tarted isto an iaferao f razaace; iudreds isssAt; rrmpatix ef aaticast reHef a ratioa'a sympathy rsilrvxui, ik tbe rrt witness today He had charge of tbe bks. reeerdte tie frtsghc charges of the Unioa Tank Lc&e, bekttgiag to tie Standard Oi! j eompasy. He testined that the railroad da.rjawaated in favor of tbe Unioa Line- Sevens! vear aco he left the Lake Sfeoa? ad took a position with the Peerless Tank line, an indeperj-letrr concern. He anally fcrced the Lake Shore, after weh faitor. to grant the Peeriess tiij same rates ecjeyed by tbe crest Kne, bat he said tbe ratlrced company founJ ways of discrimisarinc againec the Peerl. "Witness said that the SanOard bribed railway employes by paying them sala ries, in return for which the employes favored tie Tsioa Tank Line. Snows Nothing of Sabstiy. "W. J. BricielL for & years, editor oi tie Cohscbe O.. Evening Dispatch denied knowledge of i report that tie I Standard had sabsldExed' newspapers ihroogbout Idaho to misrepresent mat ters detrimencal to the oil company. If I his own paper bad any coatr&et with the Standard for publishing scatter he knew nothing of it. The business, man ager, be nH, was the man to qnes- J. D. STEVENS Candidate for United States senator for the short terra. He is aa old solcitr, serving three years. Was taken prisoner and held in Libhy prison till March, '65. No vot er should fall to give Mr. Stevens his rapport. C. W. BAEZEE Candidate for gov ernor. He is a farmer, ownicg and rannirg a large farm in Sierman eoarty, and is today tie only candi date before the people representing tie common people. Vote for men wto represent your interests. E C BEOWN Candidate for sec retary of state, rtsliis a Bosebarg, Oregon. He is now tie secretary of tie Socialist party cf Oregon. arccNi The Whole Story of the Disaster AS A STWTMtt STOXT WAS XXVZR TOLD S3TOKX-TO AXL Or WKICK XS ADMED THE APPALLING STORY OF VESUVIUS X mMCPrg U?T10KS AND TSOB mttTSTT. DaftTSOCTIOX Or UTX AXD PSOKBKrr, TO XTXJK ViAat XiWrkTTJm ACCOUNTS Or I3CS XBTTOKICAL YOLCAXIC aKXnPTXOaS, ifumin Watsk amp rxx jm.nu THSAvrn or rxx past. rtMaaaw ax -mxcrcuarwDSJi or A-mwfr jy. TtMKATJOiC. TUM Mt TSX JOS BOOX POTL1SKC) OX TXX TSMTXLX COASTSS OC APXXL l-30. WX KATX aw mw txxx oro MADaats g rxx to? Mnoar. suxicmm,Y w?xd rx raorxwrrx totoxa?xk xm j ucuux or Tn gsAT roa oy oat raosT oovb. tto poaa paid IX ADVAJfOK IO. TXM BAXLY OR WSX3CZ.Y CArTTAL JOVS3CAI. AXD 23 CSXTS FO POTASX aaxxm yow rxn tuAi xook by xaixv txx mr menox a lxxixxd, so sxd ix QftMUtXAXLY. Z. D. TyriA, an independent oil deal er of Crncitrrtm, testined that tte Saa dard had obtained rarrea of his ess tomtrs by bribttg his employes. No Ceeepetrtiee. Sjfcer ttxte. Char3e J. CastJe, a oil dealer cf CJere&srsd, end for 15 years previous to 19-W a. sjrcial agent in the Geve- kusd oiSco of the Standard OH com psay, Ktbmstned a table of 2 prices fee diisreat f.!,ii:ueJ in. Ohio, show isg thac they were high where there h-m no cospeticioa and low where there swre rival dealers. YErg2 P. Kzts, attorney for tie SaacaiBrd OQ company, tali, be wished c3erstoci that he wanted to take cp weral matters referred to, ma& -rik reply at som time and place eocres&ct Co the cocsmtssCosers. Tie eeenis0Ber5 said they would aUow V-, Ktise tie pcsriJege) and wodd aa- eon-sab- W. W. MYEES Candicate fcr gress in tie First district, is a stantial farmer of Clackamas county. Was a soldier and son cf a Mexican sol dier, and a representative of tie people. A. 34. PAUIi Candiaxte fcr coagress from Second district, is a self made man. He is also an old soldier and is a believer in freedom from the opprns-. ioa cf the great eckrporatiois. GEO. 2. COOK Candidate for state irta,T2iez. A resident of Astcria, is an old soldier one of tie boys who gave tie best days oi his life for tie preser vation of oar country, and now seeks tie emancipation of tie wage' slrt system, and laboring men siouJd east tieir Tote for him. J. C. OOOPKR Candidate for state t printer. Served three years in tie ar sty. J. E. MUEPET-Csaeaj reseatative. m bsmabas was raised oa HcrtZrsaii now proprietor tt ta afei Works. Suaisftreralrpl classes asd speehd rsrtpii A. 34 . BLTNSISS-Jsi tive, is a sturdy fsrxsgmx er of Eosedale. W. H. fer represetative,axfe elL He is a reisa3ria3 lelievitg i tie tedwaJpl tion to all classMaeal eges to te: H. B. MUNSON-IcBto is a wea rnowa eL-wwn representing tie IbtaT0'?i pie. cf which ie clueaBt J. H. MACS-FcriSS abravs l-eea ilizziii va&C ? -ji Tr'-3r tbUsl lems of tie isy. 2dXLVTN SU2HKS-02if county clerk, a a fisfcssv; and is at preit is enp?' We2er Brw. Stce. T. J. CXABX-CmSZ er, is weE and ftwaSbs le. and Maries erttf?. a' fruit grower it jii- , O. C. BXTCETSSOw- W ?. H. BLACS3BS-4"r iianer. J ruTJf1! er and :.-. Um ii and is a interests of -n'ikaxval it tax J." nocaee th trave am; pktce later. The heaxisg ties adjourned. YOUX PaJa. Mr. Josi Saatxer, Bremoad, Tex, writ April 15, 1&2: "I ixre ed BalUrdi Sow Uziatext ha my faati It fcr tire years. I would rat be witioct it ix tie house. I have uaed it oa xt HttJe gtrl for jrowixj paias axd tritit ia bar kes. It cared: Vcr riit jawwr. I iv 3 "i it for tttfK. IhAU feet, "wil aceM. It it W. S, ZICSASDS Candidate, fcr dairy, food and labcr eoatmissicaer. Wax bom in Illir.ois. He is a int. class ateciaxie x&d superintendent the. chair axd farxiture .factory at Albany. He is just tie- zu to d tie place. Be care and vcte for iix. G. r. aiA&cus w. MO-xsnrETcT ra- prtate judge, is now a reaccent cf Grasta Pzs, ad fer ve years las beea a practicirg attorney. a O. JOOX-Candidaia fcr attcmey geseraL He etaae to Oregox ia 1SC3. Ke is also' an expert etescgrapier and attorney at law. J. X. SOeaCEX Caxdidaie fer state sehod sspzistesdsx, He is a grac sate cf tie kv schools, axd was a f cr- xmc editor of tie SaTtrtcx Appeal, and k sow praeticixg law at Tortland. S. T. X4JCP Caacidcte fcr scxie aeaat&c stands iox tie wvrT pecple axd tieir ixterescs. SEZSX0C-O --a-r?. II Tr0 L.6- J tis most cf thet?3,, eccatv sad nei ' xr xr WliiSS Iw m:.. :. i t&til star rfaja si miktr. B cellext iit.:ii-3 miiity. . .? r TThW z. s. ----.. i Siw - oi tie t c2 - ' Itrj. has lived it a strcrz ! a if elected rjf era be ?JZ . . sr? J 11 v- V CKXU --tratsrS mm t"" . . " n tet UHsforccet. Tie Sxi eatir pal vf cwaerstrp . tf . r. mi er-. wj Z. T. SOBAXD Caxdiiato far state .tar. He U a. aca ci twasi jsdr- Xu.Veesi a farasar tibt part f iis life. Orpam jraft. Ptbc elec tica. ef all oeea by ti fof5- 7. 7. TOX MFM4'-i fcr refrwiirtatire aaw that tfc SociaSiC a-d txxirg -j gross eirsitE- ut seats oa . U1 v? tta ..M " .1...h7AI',,'J wararrjin1 S-ssl ririts i"aaj-ri'" ..-. fSl i. sutters -y y.f ef ti fcVj-.frJ .j we " ?! 'tf &&- rs .- ! -urftJST ", J 41 r bi e THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, tW Wc liairat I ne ntj" Stc, c fy tbo party U tes ijfcrr i tU. fUU. r p. J. IFry'a drwcjp,., i OON, S. " ffm tMt Chains j.i.:i'i.-aa BROS PWmktrs. I Pi tfcofjiiif 1