,' w'wwpiiwwipw r DAIXT QAJHTA1, JOURNAI,, SJJJl,0RE3ON, MONDAY, MAY 3S, MH. IT GENUINE ARTICLE ,; Pure " - Maple Panoche BASE BALL t GAMES f BALL LEAGUE '- FORMED TWKLES. & DOUGLAS, i' lading Grocers, Confectioners Md suitors, 456400 State street. and 187. VOX ICE CREAM t from the dairy to our the perfect ico cream so popular. WAYS THE BEST." fraaa9HBa . jlnaJBIgSay' 3" . .afla?9aW aES aaaVaT 4 BgtJSMBBJ iTaSaivV ThefiRii Sharal ous I 4 t " :s luouiarj Cream Separator Cut $20.00 In PJro B ... . ..x ur trade on Sharpies separators this ixg is already more than three times t of 1905. REASON ENOUGH, a efttteBoy of tho machino has siaee jbeeoAproven. . The convenience of the low supply reservoir and the enclosed gears run sing in oil is .acknowledged by all. The long, smooth bowl with but ono Inside part to clean is a labor-saver for the, wetBea.j I Awtltlte Ugftt-Tunnlng features pleaso ttW wMitari-wko havo strained their ever ether types of separators. ivfjHU'n&i Mspect tuo machines, we jey installments, payable ly wa you get your cream We guaraaUe tho Sharpies to run rtr H rated capacity every timo, to skis m c4easa as any machine ever made a4 bmuJl leflr than some) and to tara ligaWt' than any machine of its apaalty. v v F. A Wiggins HCPMCENT HOUSE. 9S-tf? liberty Street. Farm ,IssplBts, Wheels, Automo- bilec, Sewing Machines and Supplies. CO-EDS HAVE A DEBATE MM m T- EWU KaW 1 SBBniIr tile Girls OuMalked Pretty Salem Sisters cceVl intercollegiate de ls tho state took place Saturday evening bo na! Daughters of Me- anV tbe reprosenta- ian society of Wfl- y, The lou co-ecs by tbo flow of logic l but returned borne aavlllo slaters "jolly eatcrtaiBed them ror- tite YaunbiU county seat, debated waa: "Resolved, everameBt eJwuld own the IV the United tSates." The was onampjonoa by tlw team, consisting of Star ley, '09, leader: Grace '09, and" Annie Andrews, v waa represented by '09, lender; Aaaa Pigler. le Pawon, 07, of WillaM- Vary FatrskAsa, deaB of Faoifio UaaXartfty, Forest at tJae debate. of the etebcta real cordial retfUom was Ua- la tie Y. M. O. A Um VeMJaavIX. girl tba oWtatted teasa s, beaa- w s V X "WWa'rlsaWI WwbV pow k, m s svsafcal of ami evteeat of eW WH- Wiodburn Defeats Silvefton, apd Yew Park Gets tfie Best of Riverside The baseball game played at Wood burn yesterday botwoAn tho Woovlburn and tho Silvcrtoa aggregations, which resulted in a scoro of 3 to 2 in favor of the French Prairio team, waa one of the beat gamea over played there. Tho gamo waa jplayed on tho new base ball grounJds, taxdl tho occasion was en livened1 by tho presence of the Aurora an3) Woodiburn badds. Thlo air waa per moatoVi with, sweet music, and the whole town appeared to bo carried away with baseball cn.thusian. Woodbum's team wag picked! up frem: various points. Tho battery was Jerman, pitcher amd Rhodes catcier, whilo IIuJdlci90nipn Goncannon did tho work for Silverton. It was a great gaano, am! vorjji few ewers were mad by tbo players. "Dutch" Mangold umpired, and gave satisfaction. '-More tham 300 peoplo witnessed tho strug gle. Yew Park Wias. On tho North. Salem baseball grounds tho Riverside aggregation was dofeat- cu by 'the Yew Park nino by tho scoro of 13 to 11. It was an exciting contest ajar a largo orowl of rooters wero on hantl to cheer tho irespectivo teams. Eor Yew Park IIol man did tho twirling ami Bashor manipulated tho big niit. Riv ersido was jepreseniedi behind tho bat by Graham, ami Smith pro vol himself a gootl pitcher. Up to the fifth, innin'g tke Riverside boys played a. stixjng game, ami hadi Yew PaTk shut out. To ward tho findsh of tho gamo somo feel ing of animo'itaV was manifested against somo of the -dooisions of the umpire, but, fortunately, the gamo was terminated! without any serious trouble. Many who saw tho gamo bolievo thai Rpvorsido put up a better articLo of ball than their opponents. Nurseymen Made Bats of "Them. Onco again did the nurserymen do feat tho Brickyard boys in a close cramo oi baseball on liurton s bricK Local Teams Get Together and-Perfect an Organ- ization Tho organization of the uCap!tJ City Amateur Leaguo" has beet the subject of nruch, favorable commeat from tho baseball ontfnuiast aI from j thosa who dksiro relaxation from busi nesa and profesion.il cares. The league was fathom! by W. T. Perking who was "materially assisted in his work by Messrs. Charles Iving, Wm. Short dnn J. A. Koffman, D. W. Eyre, F. D. TWolsen, U. V, Moir, Harrj; Hill, Cal vin Mc Combs, R. C. Bihop an t S. A. Kozer. Tho idloa in forming this leaguo is to create an interest! in tho national gamo and to establish friondl- ly relations amomr the various alubs of tho city. Tho organization will con sist of tho following clubs: Bankers, Bookkeepers, Capitols, Grocers, Mer chants, Statesman and tho Woolen Mills, and a sehodulo of gomes will bo prepared. Tho soaon will begin Juno 10 ami win continue until Labor day, No clwrges will bo maido for admission tk) tho games, whioh will be playod1 on tho University diamond. Tho following by-laws have been adopted by tho league: 1. The membership feo for each" club shall bo $10, payable upon aidinis fdon, 2. Assessments against) Uio clubs comprising tho league may bo mado by a two-third voto of tho memboM of Mio exocutivo committee. 3. Aitional funds may bo provided iri any manner by a. ua-vnunous voto of tho executive committee 4. Tho president shall purctm-to nil baseballs uavtf in playing regular bcImnJ ulenl games ,two balls only to bo fur nisliod for eacli gamo, and1 to bo re tained by tho club playing, to bo used, if no(Mkl, in playing succeeding games; lw shall als aoo that tho grounda aro kept in ordw, andl he shall arrange for NO MAN 15 STRONGER THAN HIS STOMACH. m Let the greatest athlete have dyspepsia, and his rauclo would soon fall. Phwl cal strength ia derived from food. If a man uai Insuftlclont food he iosesstrenRth. If ho has no food bo dies Food la con verted Into nutrition through the stom ach ami bowels. It depends on the strength of tho stomach to what nxtont lood eaten Is tllgojiuxl and a-wlmllated. People can dlo of starvation w ho have abundant ftxxl to eat. when tho stomach ana Its asoclato organs of digestion and nutrition do not perform their duty. Thus the stomach Is really thavltal or gan of tho body. If thestomacli Is "weak" the body will bo umIc bIaii lavium it i utHin the stomach tho ody relies for Its strength. And as the body, considered as a whole, Is made up of Its several imra bers and organs; so tho woaknev) of tho body as a coneqtienco of "weak" stom ach will bo dlstrlbiiUM among the or pans htch compose tho Ivxly, If the body Is woak because It Is Ill-nourished that physical weakness will bo found In all tho organs heart. ller, kldtu), etc. Tim liver will be torpid and Inactive, giving rise to biliousness, loss of appetite, weak nerves, feeble or Irregular action of heart, palpitation, dlxilnoss, headache, backache aud klixlrtHl disturbances and weaknesses. Mr L)ul I'aro. of Quolxv, writes: "For roars nttnr my health benan to fall, my head prow Ultiy, pjm pslninl nu and my slomich ")"' all the time, whllo uvorylliluir I would oat would mxnu to llo heavy IlU load on mj Mouiarh llm ilootors claimed Uiat It was y miiathotte troubludue to dynpepsla. and inisicrilnHl for mo. and althouali 1 took their nowUurs rvNrularly yt I folt no bettor. f:r.1l'S V'T10' n, to try Dr. Pierre's Golden llwllcal nijoorcn and atop takln tho doc tor's miMllcltuv She bouelit mo a Iwttlo and wo !H)n tound that 1 bmran to Improvo, so I Kept uo the treatment. I took ou tleslu my stomach Nvamo normal, tho dlireatlTo organs workoi iH-rfiH'tlv anil 1 aoun vn to I.kiV like a illtfutiMit iHirvn. 1 can norerceao to lis materia! ror what your medlclno lias done for me aiad I wrtalnly ple It blithest praise." Ihm't lw wheedled by it iwiiny-gnilHilng dealer Into taking Inferior substitutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to bo "Just a good." To gain knowledge of your own body In sickness aud health send for the Poo- nio s common bensu Mixllcnl Adviser. A book of 1(XH panes. Send 31 one -cent 1 RESOLVED! I T. . ! M " -v STYLS AKDjQITALirriOAN BX KS- 1 jJBBj-VL 7jXXD Ur(W W11 WS AJtX TBS M gKt$&' KBOPiat. isinsRYTmNO yotj nxxd. 2' I BUSTER Brown. " stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stain lurcioin-Douna copy. Address ur. H. Plerco, 653 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Mfg. Agrl. Population Interests Interests PerCVnt. Per Cent. PorCent. Colorado . Wyoming Uuh . . Idalio . . Oregon ,. BusinwM . .30 ...40 .32 ..30 men, yowl grounds lesterday. Tho final I tho recovery or all bails tnat iwiy iw scoro stood! 0 to" 7. Tor tho Nursery- J thrown or batted outsido of the flcM men Northcutt pitched, and Hogdenj anil Ho shall also appoint an ofllcial scorer, Potter alternated bclaind tlae bat. Tho Brickyard battery consisted of Oamblo pitcher, and Hickson catcher. Fairmount Beats Liberty, An interesting gamo of baseball was tho ono played Lotweon tho Fairmount club, of South Salem, nnd Liberty yes terday, A laTgo aril cnthusiajtic crowd witnesMxl tile bnttlo for suprem ac Tho scoro was tied until tho wjventhr inning, when tho Fairmount boys took a.braco and maintained it to the finish. The final scoro was 11 to S. Some of tbo main features of tho gawii wero tfco catching of Buddl for the Liberty team, the excellent batting of Keetoni and Hatch, and a spectacu lar slide at the homo plate by Hoyt for tho Fairmourtt aggregation. Beat Brooks. The Woolen Mill baseball team played the Brooks aggregation on the latter 's diamond yesterday, and won by a scoro of 7 to 1. ' "IN .isat. .. 1 , . "JTaVaBi'' i 9affi9Hari0 WN MafaTaWred f mmA mfyMum tm taW To Oloso Campaign. Tho Republicans aro preparing for a inontrter rally to bo hcW here at the Oram Opera House Saturday evening. Somo special music will bo furnished, but so far it Is not known what speak ers, IxtyotHTtbe county awl legislative candidates will bo prcseut. Local Re publicans Me planning to make this rally tho event of tho campaign. TELLS BY THEIR SLEEP "I can tell by my little ones' sleep when a cold is coming on" said rf mother when speaking of the advance symptoms of colds in children. " They toss about, are rest less, their breathing is heavy and there are symptoms of night sweats. The next morn ing I start with Scott's Emul sion. The chances are that in a day or two they are all over it Their rest is again peaceful and the breathing norma1." Here's a suggestion for 'all mothers. Scott's. Emuls sion always has been almost magical in its action when used as the ounce of preven tion. Nothing seems to over come child weakness quite so ffectivdkr and quickly as Scott's Emulsion. i r & nanlV u fit Vat HUctr ! ..... , n who shall bo present at all regular scheduled games. 5. Any gamo may bo postponed' to a dato to bo agreed upon by tbo con testing clubs, provided it does not con flict with any other scheduled gamo, notification of such postponement! to bo given tlla president. 0. Any club failing to pmy a schtsl uod gamo slwll forfeit tho game t tho contesting club and a failure to play two successlvo scheduled games sliall cause the club to forfeit its franchise in tfho leaguo 7. It skill bo tbo duty of the execu tive committee to prepare a achodulo of games to bo played by tho clubs com nrMni? the lcacuo and deliver It to tho president. 8. All games shall be conducted ac cording to tho playing rules as pro vided by tflw notional agreement except that the rules govorning "coaching" shall not apply v) long as tho persons coaching confino themselves to the pres crllMxl limit. 0. The president shall select the urn pirea for all games. 10, Tho hour of any game slall lw agreed upon by tho contesting club. 11. Xo adraiiwlon fca ehail be charged to any game utdew authoriwd by tho unanimous voto of the executive committee. 142 1C1 81 43V 137 237 187 309 11 100 working men and farmorsi can stud) (hese conditions to advantage. In tho four equal suffmgo states tha vaiuo of manufactures) una rlren per capita while in Oregon, duT Ing .tho samo poridd it baa fallen from $132 ito $112, an avorogo loss of $20 to each pomon In tbo stnto. Manufacturing Value Increased Each Person. ColornUo $37.00 Wyoming 8.00 Utah .1 34.00 for Ideli. s 8.00. Equal Bights and Prosperity. Tho Oregon Equal Suffrago As! tlon intend! to appeal for your vote ainmlv lecaui it Is Mght anil ju that women slaOuM vote. However, In a recerab pnKtt th corporata lner est, acting with a few muitl mllH-a-airo women, have arraywd themsolves against tbo equal urrrog anvimlmec This is a direct blow to the wage earner of Oregon, ,The mot pow-rf J iJeienso of tbo people is the initiative am referendum, and in the letter ak ing for aignerai to tbl protest, U w ill advised women attacked the inlatiTtf anU referewhim, for it la the increase! votj of lw laboring dtiieua that tie miMooeit claasea fear. This pTott Trn designed to frig en the average voter npoa tbo grouixl ttett quaJ ruffrage would pars too bosinon intetwUi of Oregon, limit rail roid building, and an timid in vectors. Io denial, wa submit to tbe common senti of Oregon ea tbo following facts, takoa tram tla last Talted State ceu, a&owiag that in all tbo atte where wosa vot. wis hare adraaeed, popuWiwi icriM, afrri ealtural al aaBfaBra iatsrtrrti piawtaidiy. Ttt fxr ot 1 rMM 1m Urn y it M Mlanrw: Oregon K T..&.. 20.00 Ioim Tlw average oornings aro greater lit equal gufTni5 states. Averago Annual Earnings. Colorado $012.01 Idaho , 593.03 Wyoming ....." 018.54 Utah 512.23 Oregon 48340 Wo do not claim that tho prosperity of- theso wtiutcM i duo to woman suf frage what wo do ay is that tho chargo mado in tlw protest of tho oor pornto inVrosts N fnbi, atvl founded upon pfejiullco of selMntcrcsted capi taliwt. By referring to Htatistlca of wtlfco earning wtimeu and children, wo find, that, while Colorado bnt a population of. 100,000 moro tlian Oregon, yot in Colorado there aro only 73 moro wo mon working for a living than in Ore gon w-itfh 4tt smaller population. A larger numbor of children work In tlrJ faotorie of Oregon and at a lower ago tlJan in Colorado. No etaUi can af ford child labor. Thin is race rulclAlo W it wmrt form. Tho alxive sUawing should bo a ro buko to tli capltalUttf vAto aro trjlng tf control for their nelftob etwiV, llae In toresU which lioiM bo of mutual beu e8t to all Oregonians. Po jour wlniro in protecting tho rlghta of Uo people through tlao inia tivo owl referendum- by putting "X" between 302 awl "Yen" on your bul Vat. Ymira for jintlee, ORIXION lUJl'AL HUhTRAOB ABS'.V, STYLE, QUALITY, PBIOB.) TIZXSB AKO TKB TURKS ORAOXS THAT SIIOXTLD ATTACH TO GARMENTS. XOOK AT TBS SBBT DUUMOD ISBN, AUD ASK THEM WIEERX THKY OOX TBXOt, OLOTKXS Wl VILL TASK CKAXOIS ON THKIH SAYZKO: " AT THK RAXIJat WOOL EN MILL STORE." ASK A MAN WHOM YOU HAYB RUSK TORAX Dra (A LONO TIME), THAT ALWAYS L00K8D WELL, A SUIT WKX9M HE OOT IT. WE WILL TAKB OHANOSS OK HIS SAYINOt "ATTHa SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE, "WHO CARRY OLOTXBS SSP1CTAI.; LY MADE FOR ALL MEN. TAKB A HARD-UF FRIBND ASIDB AND ASK HTM W1D3RE ID3 OOT THE CLOTHJiS YOU KNOW HB HAD TO RUY OHXAP. WE'LL TAKE CHANCES ON HIS TKLLINO YOU "AT THJ! A LEM WOOLEN MILL STORE." $ J 2.50 to $25.00 Yq aro not always "cutting pricot" wo make thorn right ia tbo beglaniag, but jut now our pntTOiw may bavo it prico plonlo on eomo things. A few top conta good for evening wear and tell right for early fall. Wo woul rather havo. your money than our 0vaU, tlterefore, 10 PBR OBNT DISCOUNT ON ALL QUR TOP OOATS, Salem Woolen Mill Stoe REDUCED BUMMER RATBfl. EXCURSION K05SM VrfERS TUe BIHers has bnrri thorough. ly tstoJ for 53 years with great satisfac tion in cases of FlatnlMcy, few AppHlto, Saw Rtetags, ZjuUgsatloa, OoMivaa, Jj9ppU or Malarial Farer. Liberty Store 70K TOUR XKHS Oyster bell, Oil Msal, Bd steal, tWi9tU, Br so, atd jAlwsytj oa band. saWt ,MC 9m fe. L W. SMITH, ft Newport, Yaqulna Bay, Breltenbush Hot Springs rrom All S. P. and O. tt E. Points. On nnd after Juno 1, 1000, tho South it ern Pacific, in connection with the Cor vallls' & Knutcru railroad from points on thoir lines to Newport, Yaqulna and Detroit nt vory low rates, good for re .turn until October 10, 1900. Thrco-day tickets to Newport and Yaqulna, good going Hit turd ays and re turning Mondays aro also on sale from all Kaat Slde points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West Bldo points, enabling people to visit thoir families and spood Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets from all Kuit Side points, Portland to Jfugono, inclusive, and from all West Side points, are also on aIe to Detroit nt very low rates, with atop-over privileges at Mill City or any point east, enabling tourhta to visit the Bantlam and Ilreltonbush Hot Springs In tho Cascade mountains, which can bo reached In one duy, Benson tickets will be good for re turn from all points until October 10th, Three-day tickets will bo good going Saturday find returning Monjlays only. Tickets from Portland and vlcln Ity will bo good for return via the East or West Bide at option of pas senger. Tickets from Etigens and vi cinity will be good going via tho Leb anoaSpringfield branch If desired Itaggage ou Newport ticket cheeked through to Newport; on Yaqulna tick ets to Yaqulna only, Sunday exeor slons io Newport on tbo O, tt E. will begltt Juna lOta or 17th, aaid ran ev ery' Sunday thereafter, leaving A Utny at 7:30 a. hi,, leave CorvalHa at 8 a. m, , 8. P. trains eonoect with tho 0. fe E, at Albany and Corvallis for Ya qulna and Newport. Trains oa the 0, & Y.. for Detroit will leave Albany at 730 a, m., enabling lourWa to tk Hat Springs to reach there tk saw day. Tralas from and to Corvallis soaasct with all Eat Md tralaj tka g. p. ull informatloa as f rat, tlMf tables, etc, can be obtalatd oa eppll cation to J. O. Mayo, Oh. Paw. Agt. O tt B. R. X., Albany j A, L, Craig, 0, P. A, 8. P. Co., PwlUad, or t aay fr P. or O, tt V. agat, Rat,fl from S1m U N.wprt $J to Yaqulna, M-fiOj thr-dy rata frwa Rilera to Newjaft, M.H, -i-4. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Mak. Salam a Qsod H(im Mart." .1, ii l Pot Onion a Poultry-At SUIntr Mrkt. KKfl-I'or darcn, 170 Chlflkaan ll18e. Frye lfl18c. Ducks It) e. PtHiltry, Efls, Etc. T.gfiVor dbxen, 10 li, Butter, retail 30c, Heaa-lOtflle. ' ' Pryfl-12c. Oeew 8c. Duck So. .. atoes 2330o. 2'j to 3a. Trepie! rrHiw. Banaass flVc par pSBsd. Oraogei $3.0O$4 00., Irfmonn $1.80 $5.00. Live 8tk Market. Steer 33 He Cowa 3o; Sheep 3c. Drensed Veal-Cc. J'ut Hog-3flV4o. OraJa aa4 XW. Baled otorvr IV, Okaat 7.00, Tlmothr $$9.50, OftU-45t0(j. Braa 80. Shorts 482. Salwa rUturlag KiiL Whet-0c. Hour-13.60, 9 J i, ' ; a- t At , rartlaftd Mark. Waeat-CIub, 7172cv. . Valley 7to, Bluesteat 72o. U OataOhai. wklte, 2fc5 Milkatttff-Bmi-17. Hay Tiiaetby, 1Z$13. Petaf ' MgW. Pattltry Avamki. eld if, U0 IHi RtUti aklakM, 19)49144; Vwtt rs, S022i yowg reUrs. 18V4 t Wk, Itlf; twrkfi, Hv, 17Jt' liki twaWrs, dr9d, ta. UM Mc) gV, live, pud, 104) & (kH4, per juad, lw; , HjflUl fhto, HJ iH ). Pdfk-Prtieil, 1($TAt. Bef-Drl, &. Muttoa Drtm4, f14. Hop-Orf 1M5, llK12tf j U YiW. mtvikaa, Mgaii; aWfa ' 0f 1IU BMje yaw ftnaary 1 2k Man, lllJkt, -. Ul.jl sa i .1 1 7 m