n T"wr y " vr-n W ' jp. ry "V T?H',F i -iiy1 w"'HB!WPJW ' 3flHMMMHic fcf fa h e I it n i:l r J . DAILY CAPITAL JOURSAL, SALEM. ORBOOK. MONDAY. MAY 28, IMS. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY EJOFER BRO&, PaMfefcess aad Prayrietaxs. 4EBi323 AVer's Hair Vigor raales the hair grow kLnt. if Jc a hair-food. Feed the hair- """T". 1 .r ...- fi M 2 air H& "d '" .ISS E'SUi "V " " " 1444' ' J 1 a m k. Sg sad bealtay hair ays in, keeps sit and raw wpn " and bear?. Ties aid nature with Ayer's Hah -Vigor. Abate oluetea great things. There's genuine comfort in a handsome bead of hair! ffgj! uSfew Hi SUBSORIPnON' RAXES. By'&faiL Daily Journal, one month 25c Dailv Journal, three months ....$1.00 Dairy Journal, one rear 4.00 "Weekly Journal, one year ....:.. 1.00 By Carrier. Daily Journal, per month 59e MADE GOOD USE OF PARDONING POWE3 Arkansas Governor Used It to Help Wia the NosBiaaticn for Senator to ha s.-ar-e, and tboe formerly caught Ki not tin the beam at more Sbia 2 pound while 1 poaaders are about the average size of them. n WEAK E2DNEYS MAKE WEAK BODIES l-Kldaey Diseases Cause Half tee Com rnoa Aches and Els of Salen People. As one weak Knk weakeas a ehaia. so wtafc kidneys weaken tie wholf body and hastes the final breaking dTra" . ,. j 4V dationa ia the hotels WJH be a Overwork, strains. eoMs and other "- " eaaves injare the kidneys, and when talo72' itftiritv ilessen"d the wnoie The days of tine etump speaking cam paign spellbinder are not yet over, ac cording to Postal Inspector Bailor, who recently returno! from a trip through Arkansas Tbe state made famous by tho song of the traveler, baa s direct primary law something similar to Ore gon' as far as the people selecting a -candidate for United States senator is oneeroed ' Jefferson D-rvis twice governor of .Arkansas, received the people's en dorsement on ho Democratic ticket, for catorally Jeff Davis was a Dae- ra This story is told on him: Davis was made the- subject of eoa--sMerable erbseisai for having pardoaeJ many criminals while governor, aad he bad to sqaare himseif before tfce people. He was speakin ia a rami district and made answer te hw crit ics sometbiag like this! "They say I osed the pardoning poiv sr too freely Maybe I have been a little too tender hearted, bat when a man's heart is tooetfrd be is not al ways to be heW too closely accountable for hJs deeds. 'The other day 'an old lady came into my ofiice and asked for a par don for aa only soa. She was old and fot:ering aad gray. Her elotbe-. were shabby and she had a- sad look npon ixrr eoun&SEinee. akel her wfeere ihe Mved aol Ae told me. She had walked --arly 75 aaUe$ t ask a par doa for her a. her ealy support. I ted her she sfeewld hare ic. nd a X gave k t ber I oW look p and se i&e asgels ia U-orvea dip sheJr peas in the geWSea ink write drwr van fer Je Davit lie earned e presaet. Portland, nsherman Breaks Bass Eeccrd Lts Aiiea. w4 ft ia att of h tisM foMewia pifeattkl Nusatt aloeg e Wfttawecte river. hrCke reeanls tVi marrams by ertcUag 1 I4ak Uh efh isWg wfcT 'm 4 in SU. ii mmi i 1I .tJiasht bm with hk al Uae at a little pl wttrh he Jwd qcHe by aeeidat lyg betweeu Hllwoal al MirwaVi. TWae r i 1 to be b far the li fish ot te Mrrtv errr wim f roai loeal ws. PI, k I st are'said thriT bodvssffers frea the excess of nrie poison cireelared in the biwd. Aches ami pains and langsor and nriaarv ills come, and there is aa evei- inereasing tendency towards diabetes and fatal Bright 's disseise. There is no real help fer the. severer eicept kidney help. Doan's Kidney Pdls act sarectly on te kidnev3 aa3 care every kidney ilL Salem cares are the proof. WHHaxa Staaseil, of 2a OtUge tt. Salem, Ore says: "For five or sx years kidney eempJaini and backache bothered me. Ic was never bad enoeg to lay me ap bt tie were few tiaees when I did sot feel it still there, aad I imSezed a lot freai the persistent aching over aad through the kidseyu al frost other syaq5iau of kidsey troahle. I was never able to ad any Bfeiac to give ae ay permasea: bene fit antil I proeared Doan's Kidney Pills ac Dr. Stone's drag store. The effects of this remedy were so gratt- fvissr that I am clad to let others know my tatisfaetory- experience with voar medicine." For sale by all dealers. Price 5 eents. Foster-Milbarn Ce.. Bnaaio, . Y.. Ie ageat for the United States Keawmber the name JDoan's and take no other. dispJaved ia profo'ion everywhere. S' a number of triumphal arehes have been erected by the municipality aad patri otic citiiena. Beginning with to-lay ?bere will be military parades aad band eoBcerts everr day. Circus perform ances, bull fight3 and other popular ea rtninmeats wiH attract thousands to the vara3 places of amusement, aad ia the evening then wiH. be special per formances at the theatres. Visiter? fro a parts of Europe are 3rriv.se fcere ffkk every train, and the hote are rapidly being crowded. It is ex rfti3 that in a day or two aecomm X a pre- and tbe prices are already as- amizrcr nnusoal proportion-?. The po lice department is kept busy watching the arrivals and preserving order, ann its task will become more difficult from day to day. Extensive precautions are being taken to surround the king and sH princess at all times. Tne prepara tsons School Ttoahles. Trouble is 31 brewing in school dis trict :o. 20 over the electioa which uras held some ae ago for the buili--Bg of a nrw school house in that neigh borhood. Foar damage suits were filed with Justice H. H. Turner Saturday br Hortease Hoojvr. B. Fuller, Mrs. L. lrectx aa.3 Mary Larson against H. .V- Kceee sad James Towle, two of the directors the above said district. The plainttSs aUege that they were de nied right to row. although they were taxpayers in the district. They ask for $245 damages. A Posittre rrrsceseltj. Having to lay upoa my bed for 14 days from a eeTerely bruised leg, J only found relief when I used a bottle of Ballard 'a Snow Liniment. lean cheerfully recommend it aa the best medicine for bruises ever tent to the afflicted. It has now become a posi tive necessity upon myself." D. B. Byrnes merchant, DoTersville, Texas. 25c, 50e and $L D. J. Fry. a Notice to Bend Holders. Kotiea is hereby given to parties holdinsr boudB 1, 2. 3, and 4, issued by .i. -i .u. rw adiool district Xo. 6, of Clatsop county, coTre-l and the arrangements for Oregon, that the same hare been callea ia, ana wm do psuM ni ..j .- -of this date, at the office of the county treasurer, 559-565 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. Dated Astoria, Oregon, this 1st day of May, 1&06. CHAS. A. HETLBOBX, County Treasurer, Clatsop County. 5-2-S0t t5a Maotfa definitely settled. It is said that the marriage ceremony will be nassaaUy brilliant and gorgeous. The popeHr eeJebratioa will eoatiace until Jens 3. e Possnasser Eohbed. G. W. Fonts, postmast at Biverfon la nearly lost his iifo and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter o-Vt.V n- TV- ?0 tajm T iad ehronle liver complaint, whieh led to such a severe case of jaundice that ev en av fiazer nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed FJeetrie Bitters; whieh cured me and have kept me well for 11 years." Sure cure for bilious ness, neuralgia, weakness and aU stom ach, liver, kidney aad bladder troubles. A wonderful tonic At J. C. Perry's drug store. 50 cents. OJLBiTie Bttati Ti Ed Yea Km Ktsn Bagfl 6&&m&&; EVER GET HUNGRY BETWEEN MEALS Just run in and we irill give you the finest kind of a feed. Begular dinner, 20 cents. White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Phone Main 196 .State Street That Tired Feeling That cornea to yoa every spring is a fign that your blood ia wanting in Tltaaty, just as piwpte aad other erup tions are aigna that your Wood u im pure. One of the great facts of experidDtc and observation is that Hood's Sara parilb always remove That Tired Feel ing, give new life, new courage, strength and animation ; cleanses the blood, clears the complexion, bmkls up the whole s&ten.' This is one of the reaooa why Hood's Sanapanlla is the Beat Spring Medlcint. Accept no substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla Insist on having Hood's. Get it today. In liquid or tablet form. 100 Doses f 1. Philadelphia Horse Shovr. Pbifedeipbia Pa., May 25. The beau tiful shew groaads of the Philadelphia Horse Show As-oeiation. St. Mania's giees, Wisaahiekon Heights, presented a gay ami pitreqe aigac when the nfteeii anaaal exhibetioa of the as- riatioa km opl there la the pres w of aa eaerasOBS gatheriag of socie ty i-?(4e aei fcorse-lovers. Thv show, wkieh will last at! week, provides to be she at brilkwt aad seee?:ul ever hfld in this eity. Last year, whieh was the aaost sae )fal ap to that time, the number of ealrie ia the variovs eiases was 27; tits yar t4e aaaiber of iries coitX cvaobes 704, aad amoag the horses dis phHrl are same of the best stock ever irtwa ia airy part of tUs coaatry. The aojater aad aggregate of the prizes oSer& u al jah larger thas In foray? years. Mece thaa $10.00 in mh aad fiOOO is plate will be iis tntHrtoil a.awag the wiasv?a, sot to men- sti the rtbhoas whieh will be awanie-I by she ja4e. As ia ferser years a great away sfeial prizes have beea of ' foeM by iadivhiwali aa.1 elahs. al the ' AT SALEM One Day Only Ffictay Jane J Performances 2:30 and 8 P. M. broace saeilat will be of- . ""sMBB o)ira.ah B MARK X BeTWEEH '3$ Tar Tjaittd Stts EcaUar Sjk. ? 'J i r f " J I' - I Tor United State) Smtar -n. I nWliuxSiTraJQiriTiSSr "WIL1 I "r1 " f f I fYrn LAJ I o SwrrHTCOKn. jxaa. it M I Tot Scprit inijt "JJ LIhh a I tlEXECf. E0BZ,f C!a&aj E- I far, gecrfrUrj of Eutt .Jldrk 1 grW Bgrso.rtayxw.tt3MfraftwlM l ycr SUt Trorerc hr. , r t Bprox1! Yd SntxrinUndtnt cf PtS& hsm&i flKt, -n vi Be t gor jttsrney Oettnl !ZBf -fS Bi Fi ffV,. ror 8,Uto Printer Rtj.OY h sVf duxiwat. waiai.-iBPjU3t . mm", out cf Factories tad Watty WiCT.- B tsi Horr, o. r. ct xm ' ( V -3 JBBO I ist Congressional Pg; ljfcAwixT. wma c "?-2y8&&y- urfilHATST Cvca.. A . L cAlil Uf mmm mtws m &" hs the breediBccom- Oae f the iaterextiag com- MAKE EVEEY DOLLAR Or YOUR MOKEY CASK SOME- Tinxo. THE3LE IS KO MONEY THAT COMXS SO XASY AS INTEREST MONEY, D? TT IS COMING YOUR WAY. IT WILL COME YOUR WAY IT YOU WILL OPKN AX ACCOUNT IN OUR SAVTX6W DEPART MXNT. YOUR gAVTXU WILL EARN THREE PER CpOCT XXTSRRiT AXD WILL' RX 8UKTB0T TO YOUR CALL WXXX fri by the BngXsk Polo asd Bi-hsg Pomjt r?m.im peritM. fHHitMw wilt be for the 500 chal lenge cap. This eap must be wos trriee ia wn by the same owe er. who 1 aha required to do his own Oriviag. I.st year AV. H. Moore ear ried ff that trophy with "Forest Kiag." Jadge Moore has entered Forest Kiaj"' again this year, and the rtalt of tlie eanteut is awaited wfa oaanderahle iterert. An aited feature of tiiis year's show Is the Sweepstakes Cup. For the best thteo hora the association offer a cap worth IS50. and in aihlition to this the wianer takes the sweepstakes of $109. There is coosfeVcabie speculation roseerning that particuSiir feature of the thowf aa ownexa making entries for that vent were cot compelled to give th name of their bora.ii, and it is beiievtl that ftxne dark honu may eapruro the nrlre. Arsons toos who havo made entries this year are many of tho most prominent, horactnen, of the coaiArr. Jako Eben D. Jordan, the Moarva, the Gerkinai aiaj the Vander- bllts. Sartea DpaxtMftt 350 AWIIAXjS 350 TRAINED PIQS TRAINED OOATS TRAINED TIGERS TRAINED PONIES TRAINED ZEBUS TRAINED BIRDS TfiAlNED PUMAS TRAINED DOGS 2 OR UNNY sippy TRAINED CAMELS TRAINED SACRED CATTLE TRAINED TAPIRS TRAINED DROMEDARIES TRAINED CASSOWARY TRAINED ANT EATERS TRAINED BOS 1NDICUS TRAINED LLAMAS A complexion fair men like to see, So girls take this advice, Don't heairatb to think It o'er Druik Rocky Mountain Tea. Dr Stone's drug store. a ' Brgtenlaf of the Waadlag Ceiehration. Madrid, May 25. Although the -wed ding of King Alfonso aad Princess Edna, of BaJJeaberg will at take place netil Ius lt, A aywkir eeiebraticn of the vat Iwgaa ham today. This ty it rapidly iiwhif tU holiday CLOWN S-2 O Lilliputian Performers. Troupes of -Acrobats. Scores of Gymnasts, Bycyclists, Jugglers, Wire and Rope Walkers, Necromancers, Atheletes, . and Japanese Perfermers: EVERY ACT BRAND NEW TALKING PONY EXCITING RACES A B1Q MORAL SHOW WATERPROOF TENTS HIGH SCHOOL RIDING BRING THE CHILDREN LEAPING OREYHOUNDS EVERY ACT A FEATURE ANIMAL POLICE PATROL A PLAY 1NACTED BY DOGS ISIS, tk TALKING MONKEY Gregory- Roy al Italian Banda Rowa nnpC Every Child Attending the Matinee Will MiGG Be Given a Pony Ride, Absolutely Free. Grand Free Street Parade 11 a. m. Daily ONB TICKET ADMITS TO ALL DEPARTMENTS TENTS NEAR S. P. DEPOT Odfy Bit Shaw Coaaia;--Papdaj Prices A IV.. VKrliWl 5105.00 to be Given Away. Who Wasta the Money? Who will write us the best story of personal experience ia using ALLEN'S SELF-BISLNG B. B. B. FLOUBf VTe wast 100 testimonials, not to exceed 200 words each, and we will pay for them. Write and tell us why and where you first bought 3 B. FLOTJB aad how long you have used it. Tell us how you like it aai whether you have found It an agreeable aad wholesome addition to the family menu. Tell us about the PAN CAKES, tho BOSTON MUF FINS, the FECIT PUDDING and the FAMOUS BOSTON BKOWN BBEAD. Now, to the persoa eending us the best recommendation and the most ar tistic letter, we will pay $5.00 ia gold; and we will pay $L00 each for 100 oth er letters that ft use. 7e wish to use thase letters ia our advertising, but no name will be published without the written consent of the writer. Ii you have not used self-rising B B. B. Flour get a package and begin now; wo will give you sufficient time to take advantage of this offer. Every good grocer aells It and you will find directioas ia eTery package. Use tho four principal recipes and write us about it. We are interested la your experience. ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO. PaeiSe Coast Factory, San Jose, Cal Frait Growers TAKE NOTICE NOW 18 THE TMB TO ORDER BERRY CRATES RERRYXOZSS ORCHARD BOXES rRurr trays And all kinds ef boxes. Sea us. Salem Box Factory MASOK & SMTD2R. Ever Uset Other Kb If tou hsve eei&r mi-m talutF P' been iuappBN- " yo OOTJ 10 CO Tr.i B. B for o v,.ar grxc; for Eppiey's Bakiflj: In a pla-s P1' ma Xtt' SebakirrroT&f5'"! ab-o.tttly p k? Zrcry pi I s prvU-3 r M. EWtff'l S- -.., n llMSI FWFNCH TANSY .,..! vilviS I J2a j: or s" uj per box. c Scfeen IhaTeaEl,, ..- .T Ot CM" T t6- . . 1 gjes, o FRASER -iiaJHfe W1 mSWXmvmn Cornice Worfc, Heating aod Buil Murphy B State St' w